Feed My Lambs

The most consequential moment of Trump’s presidency so far

By Charlie Johnston

During the Q & A session of a presentation I was giving in the spring of 2016, someone in the southwestern crowd rose to say that she thought Donald Trump was God’s plan for America. I was not a Never Trumper, but at the time I was decidedly skeptical about the Donald. I listened the woman out, then said, “Well, God can do anything, so that may be true. But I have to tell you, if that is God’s plan I think it is the dumbest plan God ever had.”

I have since apologized to God for my short-sightedness. I have also apologized to several people who are close to Trump. God willing, at some point, I hope to apologize to Trump, himself.

It is flabbergasting to see this combative billionaire, who spent much of his life as a playboy, become the most active pro-life president of my lifetime. He is the most consistent and passionate defender of religious liberty in the world right now. Lefties used to say illegal aliens are critical because they do the jobs Americans won’t do. Trump has become something like that. In his consistent, full-throated defense of religious liberty, he is doing the job that most of our Bishops refuse to do. God bless and keep him.


A host of people sent me links to the news of Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory’s reprehensible attack on Trump’s spirited public defense of religious liberty. Some were rueful, others gleeful, undoubtedly because of my publicly professed affection for Abp. Gregory some months back. He was my Bishop when we were both in Belleville, Illinois.

Of course, a notably and volubly orthodox Bishop could not be appointed to an important see under the administration of Pope Francis. I noted in my piece on Gregory that he looks, for all the world, to be a heterodox Bishop, just another scheming lefty. I’ll go further: he craves the approval of the cool kids. There are few things he aspires to more than to be chaplain to the reigning insider’s club. The 2002 American Bishop’s Conference in Dallas, when Gregory was President of the USCCB to address the sexual scandals in the Church was a disgrace. Christ was scarcely mentioned. It was all “zero tolerance” and administrative formulas – and one of the loudest voices promoting zero tolerance was then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Yes, even as McCarrick was preying on seminarians, he was playing at being a reformer. This is not the first time Gregory’s need for approval from the cool kids has led him to be played for a chump.

But Abp. Gregory has a problem. He can’t help but recall, at times, that he is an Apostle of the Living Christ. He did a solid job cleaning up the sexual mess in the Diocese of Belleville when he was appointed there. He has the most natural, engaging way with children (without condescension) of any Priest I have ever seen. He is one of only two Bishops I have ever known who candidly and humbly told me (in private) that he thought he had been badly wrong on something. There will be more episodes, I am sure, where Abp. Gregory’s instincts will lead him to join the trendy mob protesting western civilization and adding his voice to those shouting, “Crucify Him!”

But in the silence of the night, he sometimes recalls his duty to act as an Apostle of Christ. That is why he will, ultimately, be an unreliable ally to the leftist mob. I remain convinced that, at a critical moment, he will remember who he is called to be and, instead of tearing the faith down, will courageously build it up – whatever the mob demands. But don’t be surprised if we have more offenses ahead before reaching that moment.


I decided at the beginning of all this that, for the spring, I was going to give all religious leaders a mulligan on how they handled all of this. That said, if their approach to the concerted assaults to come are the same as they have been during this trial run, they will find themselves irrelevant at best or completely run over by the cultural Marxists, at worst.

The first and foremost command of Our Lord to the shepherds He appointed was, “Feed my sheep.” (John 21:15-19) How in heaven’s name so many of our shepherds decided that locking the sheep out of the sheepfold, starving them, and giving them video of the shepherds feeding themselves fulfilled that command is beyond me.

When secular officials imposed much stricter rules on Churches than on liquor stores, big box stores, pot shops and abortion clinics our religious leaders should have been in the vanguard defending our rights and demanding, at least, equal treatment under law. But most religious leaders have actually imposed even more stringent restrictions on their flocks than the government. We have to look to William Barr and Donald Trump to defend our rights.

Now that it has been determined that Covid is NOT the black plague, is NOT the Spanish Flu, but is within the normal range of bad viral seasons, most Churches are still demanding face masks for all, social distancing, and forcing you to sign up in a first-come, first-served system that still excludes many of the faithful. The danger in this is that if you concede that government has the right to demand this for what is within the normal range of viruses (though at the outer edge), you concede that government has the right to do it at any time. No bona fide emergency is needed. If your definition of “feed my sheep” means managing who you are going to exclude from the Table of the Lord each week, you really just are not clear on the concept of “Feed My sheep.”

I do not demand that Churches do everything to suit the preferences of people like me at all times. The Church is there for all. Some people have co-morbidities which justify extra precautions. One of the great things about Catholic Churches is that they do not just have a service each week: most have three to five or more. It would not bother me a bit if in every flu season the Church had one or two Masses set aside for people who have such concerns and required masking and other talismanic precautions. Have the other Masses for whoever wants to come, without restrictions. For those who are seriously at risk, have a corps of ministers who will take the Eucharist to them each week. In my first Parish, I was head of the Ministers of Care – who did precisely that. In a Parish of 2,000 families, we had seven people, plus Deacons, who visited with the sick by appointment and made the rounds of all the local hospitals. The point is that the focus is to feed all who seek the Eucharist, rather than managing who to exclude – either directly or by imposing rules that are not related in any serious way to the problem at hand.

Religious authorities SHOULD be prickly in asserting their rights and prerogatives. To do otherwise too often leads them to become toadies of the state, betraying both their adherents and Christ. In China, if you want to go openly to a Catholic Church, you have to go to one governed by a Bishop who is first a communist and second (if at all) a Catholic. That this betrayal was facilitated by the Vatican I consider one of the greatest scandals in the history of the Church. After the Russian Revolution, the Russian Orthodox Church became a hotbed for collaboration with the Soviet intelligence, with many Priests becoming willing agents of the KGB and its forerunner. It infiltrated the World Council of Churches (WCC) in the 60’s and 70’s with KGB agents holding top positions in the organization. They successfully pushed the council to focus on racism and ignore human rights violations. In the 70’s, they pushed the council to agitate for unilateral western disarmament in Europe to facilitate Soviet aims at infiltrating, subverting, and ultimately subjugating these countries (read ‘The Sword and the Shield’ for a terrifying look at what the release of the Mitrokhin Archives after the fall of the Soviet Union revealed) .You do not have to always battle Mammon (which is not just money, but are the things of this world), but you cannot serve both God and Mammon.

Spiritually, you are not obligated to feed yourself. In fact, unless you are a Priest, you cannot do so, for you lack the faculties to consecrate the Host. If the clerics who are charged with this task refuse to do it or demand a “poll tax” of restrictions not related to any rational risk, Christ is still with you. It is the clerics He will hold to account. I do not begrudge anyone going to a masked Mass; each person has the right to determine their own level of vulnerability – and even if they exaggerate it, I respect their right to determine it for themselves. If a Parish only offers masked Masses or other significant restrictions, I will not go to that Parish. To do so is tacit assent to government and cultural control of the terms on which the faithful may worship – and the current cultural zeitgeist is to ultimately crush Christian worship altogether. Right now we are in the probing stage of finding out how vigorously faith leaders will defend the faithful. The great assault is on the way. I have not, for the last four weeks, missed Sunday Mass. I even received on the tongue last Sunday.

Many people fear we are losing the country. I have news for you: we have already lost the country. Almost all of our major institutions have succumbed to the Marxist madness. Revolutionaries who cannot prevail with the force of their arguments instead demand that all dissenting voices be silenced – and claim this as their natural right. For almost a decade, our cultural assumptions have been fundamentally pagan rather than Christian – something that had not happened in Western Civilization (except briefly in Germany) for over 1,600 years prior. Fortunately, we have a few institutions of real heft that are pressing for the restoration of the American system under God. First and foremost in America is the president. I am not a Trump supporter out of partisan preference, but because (contrary to my original expectations) he has been full-throated in his support for the traditional values of America, Christianity and of Western Civilization. So long as he continues on that course, he has my enthusiastic support. We also see a smattering of high clerics who seem to understand the stakes before us. I deeply admire the Rev. Franklin Graham and his consistent, unapologetic voice for Christian liberty and pre-eminence. Though he gets a little edgy at times, I deeply admire Abp. Carlo Maria Vigano, whose open letter to Pres. Trump last week is, I think, divinely inspired.

I have said several times before that I think the willing and knowing acceptance of the traditional offering to the pagan goddess, Pachamama, on the altar of Christ at the Amazon Synod was the foreshadowing of the “abomination which makes desolate” and has caused a fundamental breach in the hierarchy unlike anytime in Church history. You would do well to read Jesus’ words on that abomination (Matthew 24:15-28), for He says it would lead quickly to the greatest tribulation in world history up to that point. This does not mean we are excused from our duty of obedience to lawful orders from lawful authority. I do not obey the lawful authority of the hierarchy because I admire the men who currently hold the offices Christ established. I obey their lawful orders because Christ, Himself, established the hierarchy and told me to. Even though the gears are stripped, even though those lawful orders come surrounded by frivolous fluff, raw ambition for social standing, and unlawful pretenses, I obey the lawful orders – those things that are legitimately within their purview and do not contradict the plain words of Christ. I would obey a lawful order even from Pierre Couchon, the corrupt, evil Bishop who engineered the judicial murder of St. Joan of Arc.

It looks like we have entered a great battle. In reality, we have all entered Christ’s winnowing fan and are giving direct witness to Him of who we are and where we stand. It is a knife’s edge we walk, with God commanding that we form and exercise our moral agency in the midst of terrible chaos. We will not be excused for doing what is wrong by citing what some faithless cleric said. We will not be excused for a failure of obedience to a lawful order because we disagreed with our Bishop. It is why I have put so much emphasis on acting with great deliberation every step of the way. There is no place of neutrality. We must make our stand and accept the consequences. I do not seek to tell you exactly what will happen or what you must do. Since I started this, my consistent message is that Christ is close at hand to you. You will be held to account for each decision you make and each action you take. This is why I so emphasize the message, “Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you.” When you do that, you focus on your relationship with Christ. If we live that with fidelity God, Himself, will repair the hierarchy and renew the faith of the world. But we must do the little right before us with great fidelity.

I do not seek so much anymore to persuade the mob that the only peace to be found is through Christ (though I would be gratified if some in the mob took that message to heart). We are in thrall to identity politics. Identity politics IS racism. The only way for a Christian to properly view his neighbor is as created uniquely in God’s own Image. Racism is not possible if you live that command. Tyrannical revolutions are almost never achieved with majority support. Often, they succeed with as little as three percent of the population determinedly imposing their will on others. They succeed because those who know better are too timid or cowed to defend their culture. I do not look to persuade the revolutionaries among us. I seek to call those who are willing to make their stand and refuse to bend the knee to anyone but Christ.

The hierarchy is called to accommodate the world to Christ. Many, perhaps the majority, instead seek to accommodate the Church to the world, regardless of how they must pervert even Christ’s clearest commands. We must now choose who we will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. And I pray the hierarchy decides its top priority is to feed the Lord’s sheep.

497 thoughts on “Feed My Lambs

  1. Right there with you, Charlie.

    I’ll be spending all my days and into eternity giving thanks to God that, “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” (Matthew 24:22)

    Liked by 19 people

    1. When my dad poured a cement sidewalk in front of our house, he inscribed the above verse. I gave my son and his wife a plaque with the same inscription.💒 Joshua 24:15

      Liked by 8 people

      1. I have it in a picture frame just beside my front door. However, I am very much afraid it is just wishful thinking. Not all in my household place God first. Certainly not the Church.

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  2. I haven’t read this one yet but was in the process of linking to a Ralph Martin video as a follow up to Archbishop Viganó’s letter to Trump. A little scary but we have to stand up for Jesus and each other.

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Amen, LukeMichael. This one has gone viral and, I believe, it goes hand in hand with something I heard Servant of God Maria Esperanza say on several occasions. She said she could see a time coming when Christians are formed in small communities centered on Eucharistic Jesus. Granted, these words deserve contemplation for true understanding.

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      1. If one had thorned roses emit (translocate?) from your chest one might find it easier to believe but this happens to someone who is so holy already that there is not a second thought about it. I think she will be a great saint.

        I have begun to think about friends and neighbors who might like forming a small group. I’m not sure how that happens but I am foolish enough to risk it. I don’t mind laying it all out there.

        Liked by 9 people

        1. Maria was amazing because she was selfless. She used every gift she had been given to simply and completely love. When Our Lady first appeared on the Ranch in Betania, Maria was gathered there with a group of families and friends. Our Mother came carrying Baby Jesus in her arms. When Maria saw them, Blessed Mother extended the Child to Maria that Maria could hold Him. When Maria gave Him back to His Mama, Maria thanked our Mother and then pointed to the gathered group saying: Now what will you do for the rest of your children here? Selfless. Always thinking of the other.

          Liked by 10 people

          1. Beckita you are soooo blessed to be so close to two amazing servants of God…and they too are soooo blessed to be close to you!!! (Let’s call that three…I suspect Fr Wang is pretty awesome too!!!😇)

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Dear Beckita, Please let Father Wang know that I continue to pray for the concerns of his heart. (You matched us up several years ago). Please pass on the following prophecy from the Hopi Tribe, whose children I assisted for five years as a school social worker. The whole population of planet earth are feeling the shift about to happen. I think he will find it very moving.
              Thank you for all that you do! ❤️

              Hopi Elders Prophecy

              “We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For”

               One day the Hopi elders came out of the Kiva after having been given a prophecy. This is the gist of what they said to the people in the village:

              “You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…
              Where are you living?
              What are you doing?
              What are your relationships?
              Are you in right relation?
              Where is your water?
              Know your garden.
              It is time to speak your truth.
              Create your community.
              Be good to each other.
              And do not look outside yourself for your leader.
              Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
              And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
              The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
              We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
              –Hopi Elders’ Prophecy, June 8, 2000

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Great to hear from you, Julie. Thanks for your prayers for Father. I’ll be sure he reads your comment with these words from the Hopi people. God’s Blessings!

                Liked by 2 people

                1. Beckita, is WordPress doing something new? I noticed yesterday, and see it again next to Julie’s comment, where they put a little box with “obj” in the box. It’s in the section with the prophecy. If the blog is not doing it, then it must be WordPress, and seems like some kind of censorshop. (I have Windows 10, Microsoft; them maybe?)

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. No, WordPress isn’t doing anything new, Annie. It looks like there were images embedded in Julie’s text and we know WordPress only adds images in comments when the images comes in proper-to-WordPress form. The info about this is in the Techie Questions section in our MENU bar.

                    Liked by 1 person

          2. The priest I mentioned above who formed the Divine Mercy Oblates was a friend of Maria Esparanza. She singled him out at an event he had attended. What a blessing she was to him. He was present once when she bilocated. He has been interviewed about her for the cause of her path to sainthood.

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          3. The Esperanza family visited my parish a while back. It was a few months before Geo, her husband, passed to his reward. I was blessed to attend one night when he gave a talk about his life with her. He spoke through an interpreter, but he was quite the character. Great sense of humor. The family sung for us that night after his talk. We also had a healing Mass before the talk began. It was a very moving night.

            One of Maria’s son in laws was sick and my daughter in law was the nurse that took care of him in the ER. She was able to meet her daughter and some other family members.

            Our Pastor is one of her spiritual children and he is a pretty amazing priest. You can tell that she had an impact on his faith and it shows in the way he serves Christ and His people.

            I’ve read the book A Bridge to Heaven and it always struck me that she had said things would begin in Venezuela. That was back when the country was quite prosperous.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. Beautiful story, William. I always enjoyed Geo’s humor and, when Maria was alive, the ways he served and protected her. I first spent time with them in Betania on their farm in 1994. Father and I were invited back for a wonderful, very memorable retreat in 1997 at the old sugar mill. On our last journey to the farm, Maria was visibly weak and waning because, as the assistants conveyed, Maria had taken on some of what Pope John Paul II was suffering from the Parkinson’s. I know she’s with us as we make this contemporary Exodus and I appreciate the patrons of this site who, along with all of our favorite saints when we reach out seeking their intercession, are with us.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. That must have been an amazing experience for you! There is a Betania Prayer Group at my Parish and they sponsored the visit. Through the years our Pastor has taken groups on pilgrimages to Betania. We are located in South Jersey and as you know, she died on Long Beach Island. Her visits to LBI is how some of our priests in the area came to know her. I’m comforted by how she always accentuated the better times to come after the difficulties of the present crisis. How people will develop a closer relationship with Jesus and that He would appear to people in order to assist them. I believe we witness that today with reports coming from people who have converted from Islam and stated that they either met Christ in person, or dreamed of the Lord.

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                1. A Betania Prayer Group sounds awesome, William. Yes, I know how Maria loved your area. In fact, I sometimes ponder that sign that Maria died on Long Becch Island. I remember well how Fr. Mitch Pacwa spoke at Charlie’s visit back in 2015. Fr. Mitch noted that Africa had gone predominantly Muslim to predominantly Christian and he told of the visions of Jesus Christ as the source of conversion. Too, Fr. Mitch said the women were seeing Our Lady of Guadalupe. That gave me goosebumps because Charlie has mentioned she is Our Lady of Tepeyac – Mother of Conversion in our times I, also, draw consolation from Maria’s focus on birthing a civilization of love and it is happening… each soul at a time.

                  Liked by 2 people

              2. Beckita, some time ago, I read that Maria Esperanza took to wearing hats later in life — in public — because some people would try to pull a strand of her hair, thinking that someday, they’d have a first class relic of a saint. (Although that hardly seems like the way to win friends and influence people. ‘Dear St. Maria, remember me? I yanked out a strand of your hair in a visit to Caracas. Anyway, could you ask the Lord to. . .’) Have you heard about her wearing hats for this reason? Just wondering. . .

                God bless all the wonderful people here.

                Liked by 3 people

        2. HI LM – I don’t know if you have Cursillo in your community but it’s all about forming small groups for faith sharing. It has been transformative in my life. In some diocese it is just a spanish charism which is unfortunate. It is for practicing catholics who want get more support or energy into their faith. I urge you to look into making a weekend retreat – you are only allowed to make one cursillo weekend in your life, but stay engaged through participation in a small prayer group and helping with weekend retreats. If its not offered in your diocese, look around to neighboring diocese.

          Liked by 4 people

            1. Great reminder to read this piece, Linda!! There’s other good info also. One item is that a possible schism will call the bishops to reveal where they (and we) stand. What food for thought, and how much has happened since then!

              Liked by 2 people

  3. Ha!!! Haven’t read this yet but sort of funny!!! Just walked in the house from delivering Chicken Divan to two sick neighbors!!! Hahahahaha!!! U ARE A PROPHET!!!😂😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It was soooo funny!!! Btw if anyone wants my DIVINE chicken 🐔 divan recipe let me know!!! Now I’m gonna read Charlie’s new piece!!! Finally!!!😂🤗❤️🙏🌹😘🕊🐔💦🧵🍉👀

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Kimsevier

            We MUST be Armageddon if we are now posting recipes on this very important post!!! hahahaha ANYTHING FOR A DIVERTION!!!! 😉

            OK! DIVINE Chicken Divan! Here it is!

            This recipe is for a small family or for two adults. I usually double it for Michael! lol

            First spray the bottom of a casserole dish with pam. Then you put ONE frozen 10 oz bag of broccoli on the bottom of a casserole dish spread out evenly.

            Then I usually use like two whole boneless skinless chicken breasts cup up into cubes and layer it evenly over the broccoli.

            Next, you mix in a bowl, I can of cream of mushroom, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup mayo, 1 1/2 tbs lemon juice and mix well. Then glob this mixture on top of the broccoli and chicken in the casserole dish. Sort of spread it on top even like.

            Lastly, put 1/2 stick of butter in microwave to melt. When it is melted (doesn’t take too long, 20 seconds maybe?) add about a cup of bread crumbs to the butter, mix well, if too dry add a little more melted butter, then layer the top of the casserole dish of this mixture of butter and bread crumbs. It will make it very tasty!!!

            Cook uncovered at 350 degrees for 35 to 45 minuets! Once it starts bubbling it should be done. let stand for a good 20 minuets or you’ll burn your tongue off!!!

            Bon apetite Kimsevier!!!!

            Liked by 4 people

            1. PS. Don’t just put the butter 🧈 in the microwave without it being in a bowl 🍲 or you’ll have a hot 🥵 mess!!! 😂😂😂


  4. “Many people fear we are losing the country. I have news for you: we have already lost the country.”
    I know in my head this to be true but I don’t want to admit it in my heart. I need to stick my head in the sand for a bit and digest this article.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Take a little sip at a time, HttP. We knew these days were coming. And we know God’s grace is with us, day by day. Sufficient to tomorrow is tomorrow’s concerns and the grace we need for tomorrow is not yet here… but we can be sure it WILL be there tomorrow. Truth is, each one of us was born for such a time as this… one blessed step after the other, a day at a time.

      Liked by 12 people

    2. HTTP, I don’t know, but it was far worse when the rot was more hidden. I find these days of reveal refreshing in a strange way, because all the deceptions are being blasted away. I’m hopeful the criminals will be held to account. It’s already starting. As MP said so well below, it’ll soon be barn rebuilding time.

      Liked by 9 people

  5. Thank you Charlie! The complexities of life right now are so numerous, it’s easy to get lost. I am so grateful for you sharing your wisdom and care with us all.

    Liked by 7 people

  6. I wonder if ABGregory gave a moment contemplation to the Trump family history he might have mitigated his words. Melania is from Slovenia and the Trump oldest children’s mother and grandmother are from Czechoslovakia. Both countries suffered the heavy hand of Soviet Communism. The Trumps are more than likely well aware of
    JPII’s action in the fall of the Iron Curtain. What the Trumps didn’t know was the divide in the church. There is a report that Gregory was informed of the proposed visit months ago. Plus the parish where he says Mass and lives is in DC. From what I have read he has let Nancy Pelosi address the parishioners there. I wonder if this is her parish church when in DC. Church Militant is particularly blasting Gregory as a homosexual. Is this true?

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Joanne, Abp. Gregory is certainly sympathetic to the homosexual agenda – but I think that is a misguided effort at tolerance. When I was in Belleville (and my Parish there was the Cathedral), the rumor mill certainly was lively about which Priests were part of the “Lavender Mafia.” I never heard anyone make such an assertion about Gregory. Beyond that, I frequently saw him in formal settings – and more than a few times in social settings. I never picked up a hint of such a thing. I think it is way too easy to accuse thoose we profoundly disagree with of such things. Obviously, I do hold Gregory in some affection despite has flaws. But there was a Priest I was also quite fond of who I am pretty certain is homosexual. My judgment on these things is not based on whether I agree with someone or not, but whether there is real evidence – and I don’t consider it to be evidence just that somebody said so.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Question here….. obviously a person could be a homosexual, yet not practice that particular lifestyle. Is it still sin? (I’m sure, if they spend their day lusting, yes, but in merely acknowledging themselves as such?)

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        1. Yes, Laura. It is not a sin when someone expresses that s/he is homosexual. No matter the orientation, homosexual or heterosexual, each one is called to chastity. In God’s Plan, sexual activity is reserved for marriage between a man and woman.

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          1. Thanks Beckita. So succinctly explained. It is exactly what I believe too. I am just sick and tired of lies, accusations and agenda driven discourse crucifying each other.

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        2. Sorry, but I disagree that a person is “homosexual”.  This makes it sound that this is an innate or in born trait which it is not.  We all struggle with temptation and sin of some sort, as we, as humans, are weak.  Some of us struggle with what I would rather term, “same sex attraction.  Our identity is based on that we are created in the image of God.  It is true that we are sexual beings, but our identity is not exclusively based on this.  Our identity is much more when described as created in the image of God.  We are created out of love and meant to love and be loved and to love God.  This encompasses much, much more.—- Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

          Liked by 7 people

          1. I appreciate and respect your precise language, Doug, as well as the wealth of solid knowledge you have in this area. I use the word “homosexual,” along with the term “same sex attraction” as the Church does in the CCC. This brings to mind the Church’s official position as expressed in the CCC, Laura, which you can read here.

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      2. Charlie, thank you for your kind words. I understand a church of forgiveness and reconciliation. I do not understand the honoring of persons, the cozying up to persons whose entire life is antithesis to church teaching and have blatantly unremorseful positions. It’s like straddling the fence/playing both sides of an issue to whose benefit? Do you represent Christ or not? Do you honor the sacrament or not? So Gregory condemns President Trump but pats Pelosi on the back? Lavender Mafia is one horrible sinful influence in the church but a thoughtful faithful vow following priest is a wholly different creature. I am so grateful to AB Viganò. I thought his first letter was going to be one and done. He is in stark contrast to the silent ones and the go along to get along ones.

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  7. Absolutely agree, Charlie, that we have already lost the country. No doubt! My Cursillo group met last night and we were talking about this. One of my friends kept saying, “What can we do? What can we do?” At this point, nothing but show Love to all we meet and speak the truth with courage. It seems impossible to imagine that this course with be altered in any way other than a Divine Intervention. I am a Divine Mercy Oblate–a group started by a dear and wonderful priest friend from Boston–Fr. Richard Clancy— almost 20 years ago. At that time he said we must pray to save as many souls as we can from the clutches of the demons. No fear—just keep on truckin’ –and praying!

    Liked by 13 people

    1. It is important to remember the concept of preordained grace. God can take our prayers because he is omniscient and apply them to events that have already occurred in time. It’s one reason why prayer for the dead is so efficacious. It is also how the Immaculate Conception occurred. It was given because of the grace Jesus merited for us by his cross, death, and resurrection.

      Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ King of endless glory!

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    2. I believe, KIMSEVIER, that “Divine Intervention” began the alteration of this course in a very visible way when Donald Trump arrived on the scene and began the good fight. And yes . . . we must keep on praying.

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  8. I figure this stuff will continue to scare a bunch of folks, but this moment of clarity doesn’t have to take a turn like that. Sure, the barn is ablaze and is probably done for insofar as we can see it. Take some consolation in standing there all breathless and soot covered, holding that ole’ galvanized metal bucket dripping well water. That’s more than most did, including our secular and Church leaders. I’m already envisioning a barn rebuild. Might also be a great opportunity to move the location from yon field and put it right next to the house. Doesn’t even have to be a big barn. Simple and solid works.

    Liked by 11 people

        1. Ha! Wish you could have been around last night when my bros and I were reminiscing about those kerosene smudge pots. Way back, road crews used to leave them around a work site at night. Bonus points for anyone who remembers those things. Looked like ACME bombs and put on quite a show when rolled down a hill. We were wheezing and gasping with laughter. At any rate, that conversation eventually worked its way to barns… and there you go.

          BTW, the fact that you ALWAYS give me (and others) the benefit of a doubt is deeply edifying and I am grateful for it.

          Simple and solid.

          Liked by 8 people

          1. There ya went and did it again!!! I saw a whole brotherly love bash in my minds 👁 !!! Not sure if it was the old fashioned fireside lounge on a big ole log or the techo zoom room with all your brothers laughing hysterically vying for central picture exposure!!! 😂😂😂

            MP what a beautiful family you have all around you! Your bro’s, your family, your 🐎 horse and your little dog!!!!

            I say let’s build a new barn too!!! Simple & solid enough to last to the next storm!!!

            God bless!🤗❤️🙏🌹✍️👁📖🐔🕊💦🔥 🐎 🐕 🏡

            Liked by 2 people

            1. I knew you would. 50 bonus points! You probably also remember that they were aptly named. If you ever tried to mess with one, your hands and clothes got smudged with black stains. Was it even possible in those days for a young kid to just leave something alone? Probably not if it had a neat little flame coming out of it… and it just happened to be sitting there.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. I thought they were so cool because they looked like the bombs the  coyote tried to use against the road runner.—- Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

                Liked by 2 people

                1. They used them around here for the orange groves in winter to keep the oranges from freezing. There were literally hundreds of them stored on site. They looked so dilapidated I was surprised they even worked but if you drove by in the evening or early morning,you would see them billowing on. Never messed with them. Grove owners are notoriously diligent about trespasses and I know my fair share of friends who spent a night or two in the Pahokee. One even got arrested and put in the pahokee in Pahokee, Florida for snake hunting in an orange grove there!
                  Fact is stranger than fiction my friends.
                  Just look at what is going on these days.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. We used them in the early 80s as runway lights after an unfortunate snowplow operator accidentally removed the electric variety during a Central New Hampshire winter. (8B1)

                    Liked by 1 person

    1. MP the description of your minds imagination puts very vivid scenarios in my mind’s 👁 eye!!! Very very good descriptive writing ✍️!!! If you ever write/publish a 📖 book pleeeeease let me know! Wow!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. It seems to me that DJT is much like St. Paul. At some point the Holy Spirit awakened him and he has become a real warrior. His personality has not changed but his spirit and soul have. I have not a doubt that he is risking his life and maybe even that of his family to support religious freedom, the right of Judeo-Christians everywhere to practice the faith, and he is holding back the full establishment new world order (deep state) with an iron will and steely, tireless determination. I am sure he would have done much more to bolster the USA as a nation where it not for the incessant and false accusations/ attacks against him. I pray for the safety of Trump and his family all the time. There must be tremendous evil all around him. We are reminded time and again that God chooses the most improbable people to do His work and aid His plan.

    Liked by 12 people

      1. I wonder if President Trump and his family have been enrolled as Marian Helpers? Woot, we should enroll them…how is this done?

        Liked by 4 people

          1. Yes, the obvious way! I’m thinking he wouldn’t get it, but that really doesn’t matter, as it is the action that counts, and God knows. V. good, thank you!

            Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely, STJ, he needs our prayers big time. I hope the evangelicals don’t turn against him.
      I’ll never, as long as I live, forget the night he was elected and the shock of the goofballs reporting it. I was shocked too; it was a God moment!

      You must be correct, Charlie, that we’re created for this time, but oh my! I do believe we have been shaped and formed for all this. I well remember as the Holy Spirit made me stronger by revealing more and more about the shape the Church is in now, and all the revelations of the last couple of decades or more. About 30 yrs. ago, I would not have been able to handle what I now know, have learned, and have read!

      I still need more strength and more of lots of qualities! Help, Lord!!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Annie W.. During the campaign for the presidency of 2016, I felt sure that HRC and her husband were crooks. complete liars,and power-hungry traitors, maybe even murderers (too many dead bodies in their history). I actually did not follow Trump much during his playboy years nor did I watch the tv show, The Apprentice. I knew he was not a saint, but my gut was telling me he was much better than HRC. I never thought he would be a traitor to the USA and I was so happy with his pro-life stance. I did not watch the count on election night at all because I felt HRC would win. I felt a great deal of sadness about that and just could not watch. I woke up, put on the news, and felt a great miracle had happened. I will never forget the joy and utter surprise I felt when I saw the headlines on the computer the morning after the election results came in! From what I have read, Trump was also astounded. He had a concession speech written but no victory speech. They had to write one very quickly. And, I think, in that moment he realized that the Lord had moved in mysterious ways, and this informed his staunch support for the pro-life movement and Christian liberty all around the world….. I have read about some very nasty books coming out about Trump and his family relationships. There may be truth in them; I do not know…..However, consider that Schlindler was no saint as well, but he did accomplish incredible things for many Jews in the camps and he saved so many lives. He was simply the right man for the situation…..I think the same of Trump. I cannot think of anyone who could have survived the horrible onslaught of dossiers concocted by opponents, and the attempts to impeach him. Since he has shut down so many abortion clinics by defunding, etc, Trump has saved many innocent lives…and all the while I am certain there have been many death threats (or even attempts) against him….No, he is not our savior. Christ is our Savior, but one must give credit where credit is due. I believe abortion is the greatest sin of the modern age, and the fact that the US has funded it around the world due to the Dim party stance, I think the U.S. will be punished greatly. So it pleases me to see the push back by this administration. It made me feel like we were still wearing some white hats.

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  10. Thank you Charlie for your thoughts and reflections.

    As a priest, I will tell you the last three months have been a roller coaster. There were days/weeks of absolute mayhem of dealing with the details of the new normal; there were other days/weeks of doubt and questioning “what should I be doing?” Some days had great purpose; other days were dark and bleak.

    Back on March 18 when my particular diocese sent out its communication to suspend public offerings of Mass (The same week that other dioceses around the country started doing the same), at first I totally misread our communication thinking we hadn’t suspended masses and was pleased, only to learn that I had misread the communication – due to the font color of the header – and that it was right in front of me all along that public masses had been suspended, as I was focused only on the bullet points underneath the header. I had to do some damage control in my initial public statement to my parish afterwards….Thankfully no real harm was done from my initial message.

    The point of mentioning this errant communication on my part, however, is that later that evening as I was kneeling before the Eucharist, not wanting to follow through with the suspension of Masses, the message rang loud and clear in my heart that I needed to be obedient (in the diocese that currently doesn’t have a bishop- the priestly promise of obedience seemed less relevant at the time).

    Now that we are re-open and can have at least 25% in our pews again with proper social distancing, it has been interesting to see the vibe that there are some people that are still very upset over how these last months have gone. I keep trying to encourage people saying that by our obedience to legitimate authority, (even if they prove wrong, such as through the present and seemingly excessive need for us to sanitize the church after every public event) God will bless us through of our obedience, as it is his Church and even if we are not able of no fault of our own to partake fully of the sacraments he will grant us grace as he sees fit even onto what we would have otherwise received in the sacraments by way of his power and sovereignty that doesn’t need sacraments, though they are necessary for us.

    Your reflections on following legitimate authority confirm me in this principle. At the same time they prompt me to see my need to pray for courage and to be courageous in action. Thank you and God bless you.

    Liked by 13 people

    1. God Bless you Father Joel!

      It is good to hear of your experience so that I am not too critical of my priest and to lift him up in prayer and encouragement.

      Peace be with you!

      Liked by 3 people

  11. Fr. Joseph aka Fr. Chris. Rock on, Fr. Chris!!! These shephards are the real.deal. What a blessing the Marians and the shrine is to our nation and world.

    St. Faustina’s Vision of the Future… included You?

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      1. Wow, it’s a small world! He has also taken on the suicide scourge as one of his charisms. As far as I know, the book he just published is the only book by a priest on the topic ever. It is monumental and ground shattering! God bless him and all our priests and religious.

        Liked by 4 people

  12. There is no reasoning with the left, evolutionits, atheists, and enemies of Christ, God, & Christianity, they think they’re winning and won’t back down & convert on what they believe to be the eve of their victory. All we can really & effectively do is to keep hope alive & going for those who didn’t giveup & sellout to these masonic evils yet.

    Liked by 6 people

  13. I point you folks to a Twitter #soulwar and you can read some of the behind the scenes of May 30/31. It starts with a picture of AG Barr briefing the media. Just below picture is the word “thread’. Click on that and you can read the unfolding of the drama and the countermoves that cooled the fire. Oh, we are definitely at war and there international players. Trump and company won this skirmish but “this ain’t over ’till it’s over”. Hot times ’till November. What will never be reported is the legions of prayer warriors engaged in the battle. Stay the course. The battle is the Lord’s and God wins.

    I am concerned with the number of people who pin all their hopes on Pres.Trump, that he will save us, America and the world. It is God alone who saves humanity. I believe DJT is the Lord’s chosen for this time, and so are we. Trust in God alone. Stay the course in all praise and thanksgiving

    Liked by 13 people

  14. Something just occurred to me…when did our Lady travel across the sky as the Woman clothed with the Sun???? When does she return???

    Lord knows we need the triumph of the Immaculate Heart ❤️ of Mary!!!

    This was a great great piece Charlie per usual!!! How grateful I am to God that he sent you among us to help us in these times!!!

    I promise to the best of my ability and human weaknesses to Acknowledge God, take the next right step and try my hardest to be a sign of hope to all I encounter!!! Just a tiny little grain of sand in God’s amazing universe!!! Just so grateful!!!

    Liked by 4 people

  15. Here’s what happened when I attended Mass last weekend at a masked parish:

    The main reason I went is because I wanted to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, so even though wearing a mask is not good for me based on my physical condition, I figured I would at least try to go and tough it out, offering any discomfort for the souls in purgatory, and being ready to leave the church building if I started feeling unwell due to the mask.

    I also went because of a coincidence relating to my family which is too personal to post details about on a public website, but it was a happy coincidence.

    So I put the mask on in the parking lot, went in, was greeted warmly by an usher who actually was friendly and made small talk … this was a first for me. But it didn’t last long.

    The first usher asked if I’d like to sit up front. I was happy to reply yes, and was escorted up front and told I’d have to sit in the middle of the pew. At which point, I asked to be seated in an end seat somewhere else for medical reasons in case I needed to get up and leave my pew in a hurry. And so I was allowed to sit in an end seat in another row … for a little while.

    The mask was already becoming uncomfortable and Mass hadn’t even started yet. At which point, a family came in, with two of the family members not wearing a mask. Taking one look at them, I took my mask off. If the ushers let in other people without masks, I would also go without one. Not out of defiance. Out of wanting to have a better chance at remaining conscious and not needing to leave halfway during the Mass due to physical reasons.

    Well, that brought an usher to my side immediately. (Why don’t ushers practice social distancing and stand six feet away from me, I wonder?) The usher gave my unmasked face a sour look and told me I’d have to move to the middle of the pew.

    “You have a choice,” I told him, “I can either keep my mask off and move to the middle of the pew, or I can wear my mask and sit on the end of the pew. But if you make me move to the middle and wear a mask, then if I need to leave in a hurry, social distancing will go right out the window while I climb over whoever is sitting at the end of the pew so I can get out. Because there’s a chance I’ll faint if I leave the mask on.”

    The usher then moved me up to the edge of the front pew and sat me next to one of the people in the family who were not wearing masks. Less than six feet away, I’d estimate. It was fine with me to sit in that pew without a mask, although I would have preferred a spacing of at least six feet between myself and the lady I sat next to.

    I stayed because I wanted to receive Communion.

    I’ve since discovered that a neighboring diocese does not require masks, so I think I’ll try attending Mass in another city next time, while trying to figure out what the best thing is to do about my own diocese.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. It is nice to hear from you Phoenix!

      Yesterday was my first Mass/Communion since Lent. I too wore a mask, only the second time since the lockdown, the first being a trip to an emergency room post-injury.

      A friend told me that our cathedral was allowing two daily morning masses without registration Monday through Friday. I was thrilled. I created a mask by folding my First Communion handkerchief into a triangle leaving the beautiful embroidered white rose to cover my nose and mouth during services.

      Bishop Pates, assigned to the Joliet Diocese temporarily, presided in without a mask and gave some reason why. Later on he was handed one. Every priest and minister that spoke took down their masks while talking. At Communion, we stayed put and were given hand sanitizer first. I wondered why this was necessary just for me to take the Lord in the Eucharist from my own hand to my own covered mouth. Then the interim bishop, and the resigned Bishop Conlon, clergy and Eucharistic Ministers donned some ridiculous helmet-ware face shield to boot. If that wasn’t disturbing enough, Bishop Pates’ homily was all about George Floyd in a racism commentary referencing Cardinal Cupich and Governor Pritzker as the voices of reason versus a love your neighbor sentiment given to us by Jesus. I am searching for other options. I feel sad that I was not elated much by this return to Mass and that I am seeking other options and will not be going back to the cathedral, for the time being.

      My dear friend who invited me is a faith filled woman who created our Thursday Holy Hour of Adoration for Reparations for Priests that we attend together. She is hoodwinked by the media and did not let her children or grandchildren into her home on Mother’s day. They visited from the porch of the house to the grounds outside. She also has a son who works in a hospital who has been fooled to this day. I pray and discern, then act if/when I am prompted/nudged to. I feel that I am at a loss more times than I care to admit. This usually serves to redirect me at a later time. Thanks be to God!

      Pray, pray, pray. Lord have mercy on us. ❤

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Here’s hoping (and praying!) we can all find Good Parishes to attend Mass in, JLYNNBYRD!

        Sorry to hear you were injured, hope you’re fully recovered!

        As for those hoodwinked or overcome by fear, we can lead by the example of living life openly and freely, cheerfully and gratefully, to the best of our ability.

        A prayer that’s helped me discern (when all I really wanted was help getting up on time in the morning!) is to ask the Holy Spirit and my guardian angel to wake me up in the morning when God wants me to wake up, so that I can do His Will.

        Liked by 6 people

        1. Thank you for your kind and wise words, Phoenix.

          I got a wood fragment stuck under a finger nail and could not dig it entirely out. This was at the height of the crisis du jour and I did not want to risk infection. It was cleaned out and I was put on a short term antibiotic. I was feeling 100% in no time. 🙂

          I pray similarly daily for guidance to do Our Father’s Will. ❤

          Liked by 4 people

    2. Phoenix! It’s so great to see you! I kid you not: I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering how you were doing. 🙂

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    3. Hi Phoenix! I was thinking about you, too!

      Phoenix, Jen, All, it is important for us all to understand that the mask thing and the social isolation and the idiotic arbitrary “rules” (i.e. tape on the floor, hand sanitizer stuff) they are pushing in every area via “New Normal” is a smoke screen for a much bigger issue–The New World Order. Covid is being used as The Excuse to rapidly dismantle freedoms and usher in a new slavery.

      That is why we all must rise up from the petty arguments (as to the usefulness/merit of these executife orders) and see the bigger picture and not succumb. But it is so easy and comfortable to get stuck in the details and believe in a benevolent government, and argue on merits—Hah—they are playing us good.

      Charlie has outlined the only rememdy, tnrs, and praying for the courage to not bend our knees to any but Our Dear Lord! We all must “Wakey, Wakey” and realize the dead seriousness of this civil disobenience and act, with +Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have Mercy on Me and All, Sinners and Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I trust in You!+ as our mantras. The fight is His. Only He can win. We need but trust and do with all our hearts, minds, bodies and souls 🙂

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Hi LittleLight!

        (Am not sure where the caps are in your name, have just realized our names are ALL CAPS now …)

        Definitely we’re in a spiritual battle of Biblical proportions!
        God wins …

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Haha, I didn’t realize the all caps until you mentioned it! No worries, I don’t even know. Just don’t call me late to my good dinner 😉

          I hope we all can find less restrictive places to worship, too. It seems to depend a lot on the pastor and whether they see all the mandates as coming from a benevolent, reasonable source or not. Wow, but so many still don’t see that there will be no end to the restrictions without a fight. Most depressing is that many are convinced the mouse-roar absolutely warrants this kind of over the top response.

          Mick reminded me, let’s all keep on keepin’ on 😀

          Liked by 5 people

    4. we sit 6ft apart. I wear my mask in and then pull it down to my chin. Works great. I use a scarf so it’s really easy to pull up and down. just playing the game.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Yep, Sansan. Went to Mass yesterday for 1st time in months. Put the mask on at the door. Pumped the gel onto my hands but then put my hand back onto my cane. I thought, “well that act probably defeated the purpose of the gel.” The ushers were kind. The priests did not wear masks not even at distribution of the Eucharist. Then at the end of Mass Father announced next week returning to a pre covid full Mass schedule. That entails 7 Masses. They did 3 for just 2 weeks. Yea! I am having a hard time with the mask lately because of the warm weather especially when saying the responses. I now pinch the center of the mask and pull it out away from my face. Helps tremendously. But try balancing myself (torn meniscus), the cane, the Eucharist and now pulling the mask up or down to receive and Father looked really, really concerned! But, I did it. Playing the game too

        Liked by 5 people

  16. This is a really cool paragraph!!!

    “It looks like we have entered a great battle. In reality, we have all entered Christ’s winnowing fan and are giving direct witness to Him of who we are and where we stand. It is a knife’s edge we walk, with God commanding that we form and exercise our moral agency in the midst of terrible chaos.” CJ

    Liked by 6 people

  17. Well, I don’t have a strong position on Archbishop Gregory but I was at the Dallas USCCB conference in 2004. I was working in the media part – shepherding my bishop, through a feeding frenzy of more than 700 reporters. There were either 170 or 270 RC Bishops and Eastern Rite Bishops there. From a practical standpoint, when 170 older men come out of a 5 hour meeting, the first thing they want to do is go to the bathroom – not be confronted by a mob of reporters. AP wire kept getting the story wrong, especially their first story on the zero tolerance vote. So, for what it’s worth it was not a well orchestrated “pr show” it was crazy. I don’t think the vast majority of bishops had ever experienced a media circus of this magnitude and believe me it is scary – to say the least. I was not privy to the inner PR works of the USCCB but I know that things were changing by the second. My guess is that AB Gregory and the leadership were trying to message to the general public and the faithful – which is difficult to do in the best of circumstances. I can say unequivocally that God was present at least away from the cameras. the Blessed Sacrament was exposed the entire time, in fact this is where I learned to appreciate adoration, I had, up until then, found it boring. The “bad guy” at the time was Cardinal law who had several body guards. At the time, the consensus of those who were present was that Gregory did a great job. His last speech was rewritten moments before he gave it to address the problems on the AP story – maybe it wasn’t perfect but I think he did the best he could under truly horrendous conditions. In hindsight, especially 16 years later, it’s easy to find flaws.. At the time most people :(including me) thought this was a painful thing that had to be gone through for healing to start. Unfortunately, it was just the initial cut – and a lot of bleeding was yet to happen.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I was furious about the conference even before it finished. I had VERY high hopes for it, and when they scarcely even mentioned Christ, I knew we were in deep trouble. I was gratified after it was done to see that Cardinal Francis George had admonished the Bishops during the same conference for the same thing. They behaved as the board of directors for Catholicism, Inc. Actually, that was the moment when I knew at last that eventually I would have to speak – and that animated my deep anger. One typo in your comment – the conference was in 2002, not 2004.

      Liked by 9 people

        1. No, but one of my spiritual directors and I had spoken in depth about it the week before it began – and then closely monitored it (in astonishment, I might add, at the complete neglect of Christ).

          Liked by 7 people

      1. I always like it when bishop chaput spoke up!!! He to me, seemed like the Donald Trump of USCCB!!! To me it was clear the other Bishops did not like Chaput, just as the Dems (and many pubs) don’t like Trump!!!

        Liked by 4 people

      2. Charlie, I love when you mention Cardinal George. I’m sure he was less than perfect, but he emphasized love of God and neighbor. I think he really loved the Lord and sought to bring his flock to do the same. We in Chicago were blessed to be led by him, although for too short a time. He also had a good sense of humor and, as a Cubs fan, he was a wise man. I say that as a native Chicagoan, which he also was. God bless you and all here.

        Liked by 5 people

  18. Judith, I really do not think any of us feels that Trump is going to save us. He bought us more time That is what the Lord wanted for us. I do not think there is anything that is going to prevent the seals from opening up.

    Liked by 10 people

  19. The Sword and the Shield book is definitely not for the faint of heart. Just perusing some of the reviews, esp. S.C. (naval attache’), was able to get a reader’s digest version of the book and glean slivers of atrocities that shattered my naivete.

    DJT is a man for our times, but instead of a door keeper, he could use a twitter keeper once in a while.

    And even though Pence has been a great VP, just wondering if swapping him for someone like Nikki Haley or Gov. Kristi Noem would help the suburban woman vote…https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/06/coronavirus-pandemic-south-dakota-governor-kristi-noem-stayed-the-course/

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Maggie, yes!! Agreed about The Sword and The Shield”; I looked it up and read the synopsis also!!
      I’d love to read it, as I love to read espionage novels, Ludlum type! It looks quite amazing, but a lot to digest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You probably know, but The Sword and the Shield on the Mitrokhin Archives is not a novel. It is a summary study of what those files from the KGB Archives revealed after the fall of the Soviet Union. It IS unbelievable – and unbelievable how gullible we were. Three quick examples of things we still believe are so, but were actually Soviet disinformation campaigns:

        1) J. Edgar Hoover: he was a power-abusing guy, but the whole business about him being a closet transvestite was a Soviet disinformation operation.

        2) The Soviet Union spread rumors that AIDS was developed by the CIA to infect black people – in hopes of fomenting racial unrest.

        3) The Soviet Union did not spread any specific theories of the Kennedy assassination, but it was terrified that because of Oswald’s communist sympathies and time in Russia, the USSR would be blamed for the assassination. When Mark Lane developed the first conspiracy theory, the Soviet Union became the largest funder of conspiracy theories because it was deeply anxious to direct suspicion away from itself. Those archives also demonstrate that the Soviet did not actually have anything to do with the assassination attempt (though it did run, through Romanian intelligence, the assassination attempt on Pope St. John Paul.)

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Well, you learn something every day. Wasn’t aware that item #1 was a Disinfo Op with no basis in fact. When do you suppose the media will catch on, since I continue to see that lie perpetuated from time to time in movies and whatnot? How gullible we still are.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. I know, MP. Even if they did not routinely and brazenly lie, I would have a hard time trusting a media who thinks they are smart while having swallowed such disinformation whole. It seems that if we know something is bad about someone, we will accept any lie whatever about them.

            Liked by 4 people

            1. Yes, Charlie, the other day I was marveling on how we can’t believe anything these days except what’s in the Bible and CCC. Not even “trusted sources” can be trusted (CDC, FDA, etc).
              Everything is photoshopped. Even videos can tell lies to your own eyes! Satan is the father of Lies and boy is he working overtime.
              There was a saying back in the day, something like, you should only believe half of what you read and half of what you see……not sure exactly, but I do know that the term “seeing is believing” is a ruse in today’s world of social media.
              Everything must be tested with “what would Jesus say, do or think” about this?

              Liked by 3 people

            2. Have you ever bought a bag of pre-prepped assorted salad greens (easier to deal with than un-packaged fresh greens that you need to wash, etc.), let it sit in the refrigerator for too long, decided to make a salad only to discover that the contents are a bit over the hill? I have. Some of the leaves are fine; others, slimy. I’ve been known to sort through a whole bag, because “waste not, want not.”

              We shouldn’t have to do this with the media, but here we are ~ holding the bag.

              Liked by 4 people

        2. Charlie: Recently viewed a history channel show on the Kennedy assassination. It linked it through the mob and named names. The mob was upset with Bobby Kennedy’s investigation of the families. Often wondered about Sirhan Sirhan, Bobby Kennedy’s Muslim assassin. Sirhan at that time said he did it b/c of BK’s support for Israel. At the time Lebanon was starting to fall apart with Muslims attacking the Christian population. (My mother got reports of the violence in Lebanon from a Lebanese Christian immigrant that she worked with.) Anyway, I have always thought that the Bobby Kennedy assassination as the first Islamic terrorist attack here.

          Liked by 2 people

  20. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! ….PM Edition.

    What we see in Radical Left Seattle is nothing new to recent Human History. Since the Paris Commune of 1871 thru Red October, Nazi Socialism and all the Communist, whatever flavor, Take-Overs since 1945 …… the sad story is the same: Chaos, Destruction, Murderous Genocide, Poverty and Human Misery. …. and, I fear, we ain’t seen nothing yet in Our USA this year.
    Those who live in/near Democrat Controlled Urban Paradises have already figured out a Plan …. I hope!!! De Gubermint ain’t gonna be there to save you/yours.








    ….. and attempt to destroy those who Know Too Much: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/06/from_the_first_page_judge_gleesons_brief_against_flynn_is_a_travesty.html



    Liked by 7 people

  21. Not sure if you want to put this up or not. Please feel free to disregard There is one bad word in the conclusion at the end.


    I have found information that proves that Covid was planned, thought out, and implemented as smokescreen for something else. It is not a theory of any kind…..IT IS RIGHT ONLINE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.


    Have you heard of Agenda 21? Research it. I don’t have time to do all the work for you, I can just point you in the right direction and let you see for yourself.

    Key points I will share that I have found on my research:

    Agenda 21 has been carried out by NGOs funded by foreign countries, and groups like the “Open Society Foundation” (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    One major objective of the Agenda 21 initiative is that every local government should draw its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, Sustainable Development Goals are included in the newer Agenda 2030.

    Research this, too. The official name is the UN AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.

    **Also, you can check the Agenda 21 programs implemented in your city or town by searching Agenda 21 and the name of your city in Google.**

    I have provided a link here so you can read it all: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld


    By 2030, there will be no 100% natural babies anymore. All babies will be programmed. ~(this was stated in a video from the WEF)

    And then this bizarre statement which I fact checked 4 times. He wrote this in 1978 in his book:

    “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative United Nations


    In a nutshell:

    The 2030 Agenda to “Transform the World” is to be built on the ruins and desolation of the world economy for control over our lives. They are fast moving toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states; controlling individual actions and wiping private property ownership from the face of the Earth. Their goal is to make us all “equal” in the same chains.


    Side note: I have also found out that in 2018, America has declined being a part of the Agenda 2030 because America would like to keep its sovereignty. “Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty not just from global governance, but also from other, new forms of coercion and domination.”

    Liked by 8 people

    1. So much information. From the link above these two links summarize as succinctly as possible:

      1. Scroll down to the covid action platform. Each circle when clicked on opens up 200 choices.

      2. This woman speaks plainly about the Covid diagram and what information it covers:
      “Covid is being used to inject global governance into the world. It will be titrated out for a little while… We are on the fast track for global governance right now… you will be asked to cooperate, you will be asked to make sacrifices and by your cooperation they will assume you give permission”

      Liked by 4 people

    2. LL, I read the “We are being played” site yesterday. or should say I only skimmed through it. It was another level of understanding what is going on, heavy stuff!! I don’t think I can read more details without getting quite beaten up by the demons. It brings home the immediacy of the plan unfolding around us. I knew there were many red flags with the whole Covid thing, but wowee, pure evil!!
      I have been praying so much for the Illumination and Mama’s Triumph to be very soon, but I’m afraid it won’t be as soon as I would like!
      We must keep praying very, very fervently!!!

      Liked by 4 people

  22. Dr Taylor Marshall has deciphered a previously coded message in Archbishop Vigano’s letter to President Trump. He covers it in some depth on his Youtube channel, within a video entitled;

    “Viganò Warns Trump of Baphomet Inscription: Solve et Coagula and Infiltration of Deep Church”

    The critical portion of his letter reads as follows;

    “𝐼𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑓, 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑓𝑒𝑤 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠, 𝑤𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜 𝑎𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑑 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑜𝑚: 𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒗𝒆 𝒆𝒕 𝑪𝒐𝒂𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂, 𝑎𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠.”

    “Solve et Coagula” in Latin roughly translates into “dissolve and bring back together”. Coaluga referencing coagulation, as in blood. Remarkably, this phrase is found on the infamous drawing of Baphomet (aka Lucifer), and its history goes back at least as far as the trial transcripts of the Knights Templar. They were accused, amongst many other charges, of worshiping Baphomet.⁽¹⁾ Furthermore, the Knights are subsequently linked to the later emergence of the Free Mason’s organization.

    Dr. Marshall astutely observes that the word “Solve” is written on Baphomet’s right forearm, with “Coaluga” on his left. Please see the image linked below;

    Underneath the picture, Wikipedia is kind enough to provide the following comment;

    “The 19th-century depiction of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Éliphas Lévi (Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, 1856).[1][2] The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (dissolve) and COAGULA (clot/precipitate).”

    It’s now easier to understand the warning Archbishop Vigano is passing along to our President. Those who oppose him, the forces of globalism, are seeking to dissolve the existing morals and principles that underlie and support the USA. After they have succeeded in their goal, they will reconstitute them with a country that favours global governance; A New World Order.

    (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet

    Liked by 7 people

    1. DD said: “It’s now easier to understand the warning Archbishop Vigano is passing along to our President. Those who oppose him, the forces of globalism, are seeking to dissolve the existing morals and principles that underlie and support the USA. After they have succeeded in their goal, they will reconstitute them with a country that favours global governance; A New World Order.”

      Yes. True all that. Covid is their opening salvo in their evil world-transformation process. Clever catch-phrases such as: “Sustainable Development,” and “We’re All in This Together,” “Social Distancing” and “The New Normal” are all being used to soothe us into docilely accepting their agenda.

      So we tnrs and use our language, to which none can defeat, The Most Sacred Name of Our Lord and God: +Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I trust in You!+

      Liked by 8 people

    2. LL and DoctorDave, amazing info and overwhelming at the same time. Wow and wow, it gets bigger all the time. All the evidence is falling into place and being revealed. This is surreal!

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Here is some good, positive news about Priests who are Feeding His Lambs! This is a great “interactive” article from a surprising source, The New York Times. It is written about priests who are administering the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to COVID patients in the Boston community. I found it inspiring, moving, and uplifting. Lots of pictures with captions, one page at a time. The person who wrote this seems to have a faith background.

    Liked by 6 people

  24. I want to let everyone know that one cannot judge Trump based on who he was prior to his election in 2016. It’s apparent that he knew, possibly as early as around 1980, there was a good chance he would run for president someday. He knew he needed protective coloration because he would have to associate with the most evil people on the planet who would think nothing of murdering him. He was so effective at this that he actually fooled Hillary and her campaign to want to run against him and thus to back his insurgent primary campaign in 2016. I think a number of leaders have adopted personas that enabled them to avoid being killed before they could establish themselves. As possible leaders, I, Claudius, might be one, also perhaps Elizabeth I of England, but perhaps my history is lacking. I’m sure there are more such figures. So don’t feel bad about being hoodwinked into believing Trump was a playboy ne-er-do-well for decades and that he was a womanizer or whatever. And it might very well be a continuing good idea to keep in mind that we probably *still* do not know the man when he is with family and friends and needs no dissimulation to protect himself. I’m thinking particularly of his presence on Twitter which causes many people to hate, despise, or denigrate him based on tweets he puts out to rile them. He has said repeatedly that he would drop Twitter immediately if he didn’t have to use it, so his use of it is strategic, not a personal ego thing, but letting people believe it is a personal ego thing gives him many advantages in his struggle against these deeply evil people.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. Having been such a highly conspicuous figure for decades, much of the detail of Trump’s professional (and even personal) life is public and well documented. Folks can and will continue to debate the merits of that record.

      We’ve spoken before of the Trump brand. As much as folks may think a brand is something that’s carefully and strategically crafted, brand is really what folks are saying about the product/company/person/thing… absent it/them in the room.

      There is no denying that the battle is raging. Those opposed to his Presidency most often hurl the accusation that he’s divisive. In his defense, I’d say that people are dividing and sorting themselves. Time to stop blaming someone else for our own thoughts and actions. Trump makes you mad? I say no one can make you mad… only you can decide to get mad.

      Rather than look for details of his story that may or may not exist as we imagine them, I find it prudent to use this guide: you can know a person by their fruit.

      Top of the list for me is his opposition to abortion –– the horror of our times. There are many other things, but I think I’m most interested in the battle that plays out for Trump personally. Between “the brand” and that hidden and ongoing process of conversion between God and his soul. Which ultimately gets the upper hand?

      It seems to me that when God chooses someone for His purposes (particularly the least likely person), nobody is more surprised than the chosen. Whether that’s Trump or some youthful shepherd… or anyone else including you and me for that matter. What typically gives me pause, but not always, are the folks who wear that proudly and loudly. Honestly, I prefer the one who wears it awkwardly… reluctantly, I would say.

      As an instrument, I don’t find Trump elegant in the least… more of a simple baseball bat if I had to peg it to an image. Nothing wrong with that, because I happen to like a good bat. As for “genius,” I prefer to ascribe that to God alone.

      Liked by 8 people

    1. I don’t know, LM. Don’t entirely agree or disagree with the sentiment, but I think it’s trending a bit trite. If it’s the time of choosing, what point tarrying to watch any fiddlin’ at the crossroads down in Georgia.

      I thought the whole point of this was that God was stripping us of the things we cling to so we only trust and cling to Him.

      Now that you’re back, any thoughts on that?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Trump is a New Yorker. That says alot about his personality. My dad was from NY so I understand Trump better than most Americans do. They are course and opinionated but honest and do not have a problem, right or wrong, telling you what they think. Trump has been VERY successful, so he holds his opinion in high esteem.
        He is now over 70 and a lot of what made him a playboy is gone, not that it hasn’t tarnished him, but the temptations of youth have lost their sway by now.
        He is filthy rich. This makes for a whole different mindset from you and me and as a billionaire -even from other very rich people too. I once was in negotiations with the head of a group of rich investors for a movie project. One of the most interesting things he told us was how the richer the investor, the wider his worldview was from the normal American. And he was referring to people with only 10’s of millions, not billionaires.
        Trumps pride is, I suppose, still his biggest vice. Charlie mentions the flip side to this and part of his patriotism is pride so if he now at 70 he believes it is because of the great American system he has been able to not only become a billionaire but also the POTUS, he doesn’t want these great opportunities to be destroyed by communist actors. I also believe that as he campaigned in 2016 he looked upon the faces of normal struggling Americans, a struggle he could only imagine as a billionaire, and heard their stories of pain and loss and then decided to act on their behalf. By this he has now become, as it were, a martyre by the almost universal assault on him for that cause and has literally layed down his former life for his friends- his fellow Americans.
        God cannot be outdone. He is the one who layed down His life for us and by this will bless Trumps efforts towards this goal.
        And THAT is why, I believe, Trump has and will succeed.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Anecdotally too, I awoke at 3:00am one night and went too look out of the hotel window to the streets below, which happened to be in the middle of Times Square. Couldn’t b.e.l.i.e.v.e. the amount of folks out at that hour, scurrying about, reveling and whatnot as if it was early evening on a weekend. Even the hotdog and pizza carts were open ––beckoning –– but my midwestern born (and desert honed) sensibilities must have kicked in, thus the 3:00am hotdog snack temptation was overcome. That was my one and only trip to N.Y. and I was there on business.

          Don’t personally know any billionaires, but more that a few with net worths in the low 9-figures. One thing is for certain –– no two are alike. One in particular might have one of the friendliest and most positive dispositions of the many folks I know. Might be tempting to think that he’s happy-go-lucky because of his bankroll, but I’ve known that fella since college, including his humble roots, and chuckle even now recalling how we used to often have to scrape two nickels together for a slice of pizza or a hotdog. He’s was the same guy then!

          Ah, well, I suppose I’m not much of a Trump apologist. I do pray for strength for him, because there’s obviously a ton on the line, but honestly I’m more interested in holding myself accountable for what I do or don’t do. What one man can do, another can do… without making the conspicuous comparisons.

          I often hear folks speak of Trump’s “genius” here, but rarely hear anything about V.P. Pence. Does a constant string of petulant tweets seem like genius to folks? Keep an eye on the seemingly awkward, possibly reluctant guy in the background. Solid and simple. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a Hoosier to boot. 😉


          1. MP, someone sent me this article, which I have just started to read. I haven’t finished it yet. Political history is by no means my strength. I will leave the veracity of its contents to others. It’s pertinent to this discussion.

            I have come to suspect Trump is crazy like a fox, playing people, to reach a higher goal. This is why I believe he is genius. Not genius like God, but genius in his ability to both hide his strategy and take the unrelenting abuse while taking care of business and protecting freedoms in the alien hostile world we live in. I’m not afraid to call that genius.

            =======quote followed by link===========
            Of course, Donald isn’t doing anything special to change the deeply negative perception that so many journalists and people alike have about him. He’s openly outrageous and provocative on Twitter, he sounds impulsive and dumb most of the time, acts irrationally, lies on a daily basis, and throws out sanctions and threats as if they were candy canes out of an elf’s side bag in a mall in December. Right away, we can destroy one persistent media myth: the image Trump is projecting is self-destructive and it’s the exact opposite of how pathological narcissists act, since they thrive to be loved and admired by everyone. Donald simply doesn’t care if you like him or not, which makes him the ultimate anti-narcissist, by its psychological definition. And that’s not even up for opinion, it’s a quite simple and undeniable fact.

            His general plan exhales from one of his favorite motto: «We will give power back to the people», because the United States and its imperialist web woven over the world have been in the hands of a few globalist bankers, military industrials and multinationals for more than a century. To achieve his plan, he has to end wars abroad, bring back the kids, dismantle the NATO and CIA, get control over the Federal Reserve, cut every link with foreign allies, abolish the Swift financial system, demolish the propaganda power of the medias, drain the swamp of the deep state that’s running the spying agencies and disable the shadow government that’s lurking in the Council on foreign relations and Trilateral Commission’s offices. In short, he has to destroy the New World Order and its globalist ideology. The task is huge and dangerous to say the least. Thankfully, he’s not alone.


            Liked by 1 person

            1. I had replied in short to your 2-liner earlier, LL, but since you went to the trouble of engaging further it deserves a reply.

              Let me just say that if the Trump plan works out to the extent you outlined it (or even half of what you outlined), then I’d be as delighted as the next red-blooded American, marching with the Ensign in the big celebratory parade, praising God, giving thanks and so forth. Whatever happens (and when do truly important things ever happen in the manner we envision?), I’d just as soon we all keep our wits about us at the very least, and ultimately fulfill the purpose God intended for each. Lord, help us to trust in You, be nimble and always keep our wits about us.

              This sort of discussion gets pretty far afield of “The Ballad of the Ordinary Man” to my way of thinking. So if no one objects, I’m not going to talk politics anymore.

              Did you enjoy the panorama from Eagle Mountain? How ’bout the perspective?

              Liked by 2 people

              1. The pictures are spectacular! Thanks for posting those. I really enjoy the photos you post but don’t always comment.

                I don’t know anything of politics, so no worries. What happened was I posted this first but it got cleared last, if that makes sense.

                After reading through the entire article, I saw it contained some borderline theories, maybe true, maybe not. Then I found out it was most likely from a russian site. That generated my second post, Haha.

                Anyways, you are correct, a simplier way is best. 😉

                Liked by 1 person

          2. Alright, About Trump, by Sylvain LaForest, most likely a russian sponsored site, so yeah, take with a grain of salt. I guess time will tell.

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          3. Of course he has a plethora of people praying for him too, MP.
            I suppose Pence is one of the “anointed ones” God uses to pray for him as well. May be that Pence was the secret weapon all along, a true prayer warrior of the first order, set in place from time immemorial with the express purpose to hold his arms up in prayer while Trump “mowes them down”.
            The Holy Spirit is the genius of all who call on the Lord.
            Trump can take THAT to the bank. He will never make a better investment!

            Liked by 1 person

          4. I don’t make it that complicated, LL. I know that it gives many folks comfort to imagine some deeply genius and mysterious human machinations going on behind the scenes, but anything man could conceive of simply pales in comparison to the Mind and Hand of God. I don’t really like this expression, nonetheless, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


      2. I think we’re in agreement MP. I’ve experienced His winnowing fan the last few years and I’m sure He’s not done with me yet. May His will be done.

        I don’t have any illusions about the “Donald” which name means “world leader” but he is a fascinating character and I am grateful for much he has done. I don’t know how he withstands the withering hate directed at him and I pray for him daily.

        As for lingering at the crossroads, which I believe are in Mississippi, you will not find me there.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Yes, the Mississippi crossroads. I opted for the Charlie Daniels reference, but clearly neither of us will dally, as the winnowing keeps a man sober and focused. Continued prayers for you and your loved ones.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Here you go, LM. Riding up and over Eagle Mountain, I was not happy about seeing this wild fire yesterday but the panorama still bespeaks hope. Wouldn’t you agree? Over that ridge where the plume rises is the river and wild horse country. Naturally I’m worried about my buds. If they panic, they could be in for it, but I hope that the lead mares already led them to safer ground, with the herd stallions pushing from the rear. Beyond that is Four Peaks, the only bear country I know of with desert a stone’s throw down the mountain.

              Liked by 4 people

                1. I wrote here about how there is a period called a “feed phase” where animals in different area will move in synch with one another. They are driven by an unknown force and it is what we would call “instinct”. As a Christian I suppose it is more that special genius of God at work in His creatures.
                  My brother briefly joined an order in Europe called The Work of the Holy Angels and one of the founders charisms was a mystical insight into the life of the angels.
                  The order taught that the angels are very active throughout creation and have a special relationship with it- not unlike how each one of us has a guardian angel who guides us.
                  I suspect the horse’s instincts or angels help lead them to safety in crises. It’s not unheard of for animals to flee before a storm, an earthquake or a tsunami. Seems they are notified beforehand by some unknown force or a sixth sense we have lost or just ignore.
                  Whatever the reason is, I like the angel guide idea the best.

                  Liked by 1 person

                2. Update: Snapped that shot when the plume was only about 700 acres, Mick. It’s been growing steadily then surged last night to over 64,000 acres with 0% containment, making it the largest wild fire in the U.S right now and on track to become one of the largest in Arizona history. There’s certainly a price to pay for all that winter rain and lush green desert which is nothing but parched tinder licked up by the flames now. NRS is to head out later with the boys to locate the mustangs scattered about on the East side of the lower Rio Verde and move them West of that natural fire line. After that, there’s little more than parched desert with dry fuel between there and our neighborhood. Let’s hope the wind dies down.

                  Liked by 1 person

  25. In order to attend a Mass where I live we must give our name and information to a volunteer standing at the entrance to the Church. This information will then be given to the contact tracers in NY state. We do not get to write it down ourselves, it is written down for us. I do not believe with what is going on that this kind of oversight will be used in a way that is merely harmless, it just sets of alarm bells in my head. We often chat here about taking the next right step, about bravery and about staying the course . . . but also about how sometimes these choices don’t seem so clear and we must simply make the best choice we can. What is to be done in the case where something is required of us to attend Mass which seems, at the moment, to be harmless and yet this same thing also awakens that instinct for danger a little? Many will choose to give their information and to trust in God that somehow they will be protected or will be given the grace to suffer the consequences if there are any, many will choose to remain home and trust in God that somehow this choice too will be His will for them. Some will find other ways and means according to the opportunities and resources available to them. It’s one of those decisions we must make that does not seem to be black and white, we have no direct experiential evidence telling us that giving our information will lead to unjust imprisonment in our own homes or that it will be a means of collecting information which might be used as leverage in order to control us later on down the road. It just feels dangerous because there is enough information out there, both historically and in real time, which seems to support that it’s not crazy to believe that unjust control is indeed a possibility here. But what to do? When we read about certain events in history, we follow the flow of events but we often don’t pause to think about how it must have been in the moment. Those times were riddled with things like this. This is rough, we all want to do the good thing, we don’t want to do the crazy thing or the dangerous thing, but sometimes we’re not sure which is which. So, you just make a choice based on your best judgement and seek to deepen your trust in God with each step taken. One final thing as we seek to make decisions during this murky time; we must never judge anyone else on their choices in these kinds of things. We must not look at those of good will who choose different actions in this time as people who are lacking in courage, faith, prudence or love. We don’t know their hearts. God wants us united in Him, to focus solely on Him and not to spend useless energy focusing on what seems to divide us.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. Yikes, Katherine. Amen to what you said about not judging. We’ve got some restrictions here in Michigan, but they’re not that huge (plus, our church building is large enough and our parish membership is small enough that the 25%-capacity requirement is a total non-issue). But if I lived where you live, and if I had to give my family’s information to the contact tracers, my family would be forgoing Mass attendance. And I say this as someone who is willing to put up with a lot in order to receive Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Like you, I still have little kids at home. I do not trust the contact tracers (and the powers behind them) any farther than I can throw them, and I would feel the need to protect my kids against possible (probable?) threat caused by the contact tracing. The requirement that you mentioned would be, for my family and me, a bridge too far. Praying for you and your family as you prayerfully discern the right course of action in this situation.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Absolute same for me Mick. No way would I register to attend. I am finding that having littles at home is making discernment of how to stand very complicated. I feel complicit in forfeiting their future and freedom when I follow my instinct to keep our heads down and complicit in exposing them to very real danger when I engage in even the smallest way.

        Liked by 6 people

        1. That’s exactly where I am, Irish. It’s gut-wrenching and not easy for me, but it is simple: A day or two after the 2012 election, it was as if the Lord told me, “It’s time to keep your head down.” Those are the very words that I seemed to hear inside my head. It was a very strong impression, and it was weird because of how politically active my children and I had been. But ever since, I’ve been doing my best to keep our heads down (especially since the birth of our littlest little).

          Liked by 7 people

          1. Thanks for sharing Mick. It’s a comfort to know others get the moral agony of stepping out of the ring. I’m quite envious of your spiritual clarity on the matter. God did sideline us from the battlefield against our will around the same time you received your instruction. Come to think of it…maybe that was my clarity. We were disappointed at the time, but additional babies later, I have breathed so many sighs of relief. I do remember Charlie saying something along the lines of the sooner we make our stand the better or we will find it at our front door. I have contemplated that. As companies are growing bolder by the moment in their apology requirements, it occurs to me that moments to stand may soon find us regardless of our decided posture.

            Liked by 3 people

      2. Thanks Mick! I think we need to start meeting to decide on how to meet these kinds of obstacles together. Often, we look to each other to decide how to handle things because none of us wants to be the crazy person who stands alone. I can see in the places where oppression starts to show itself people will naturally try to come together and talk these things out . . . but being caught in a cycle of perpetual quarantine and oversight is a sure way to keep people from getting together and finding alternative paths of action in order to preserve what is most precious to us in our lives. A priest I know once remarked that the American Revolution was made possible because of Churches, Taverns and Town Halls . . . because people could come together and talk about their next right steps. Although this time around preservation, not revolution, is our aim. I can clearly see the beginnings of an underground. Oh well. One step at a time. We will probably be very surprised where all these little steps we take will lead us.

        Liked by 5 people

    2. I love this, Katherine. You get it. Having to choose between shades of grey is a hallmark of these times – and the entire storm. You have to make the most right choice you can think of, knowing that you may be wrong or that it may be fraught with peril – and then take responsibility, humbly hoping it was the objectively best step possible and trusting God to correct and guide you if it is not. This is tough stuff. A virtue of it, though, is that it does ween us away from preening hubris.

      As for contact tracing, that is acceptable for genuinely deadly diseases that are rare or for certain blood-borne diseases. It is the most effective way to deal with them. Contact tracing for a typical virus, though, means contact tracing everyone – which is not contact tracing at all, but a sly way of developing a comprehensive DNA database. Public officials who support this are either malicious or very stupid.

      Liked by 11 people

    3. Katherine, I would also say that it does somewhat depend on the State you live in. New York is run by a man who celebrated the passing of a bill to legalize late-term abortions and whose actions during the initial stages of the virus resulted in at least 5,000 unnecessary deaths for which he shows no remorse. This is a man who is either very stupid or governed by malice. The bureaucracy of that State has not proven itself to be anything but callous, and some hospitals were either callous or in it for the money.

      Your decision is yours, but your intuition of possible danger seems absolutely sane to me. Mick’s message looks good to me on this one, but maybe that’s just me. Actually, if it were me, I’d consider moving. For God’s Justice on that State, the phrase that comes to mind is “awesome to behold.” If you stay, you’ll get your chance to protect and save many. Until then, may you and your family stay safe in God’s hands. 🙂

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Great thoughts Steve. Though now you all have me wondering if my Mass “reservation” in my red state could ever be requested by some tracing entity. I trust my parish, but registering my family to worship even without overt tracing plans felt very dystopian.

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    4. Katherine, which NY diocese? We’re in Buffalo & not required to give names to volunteers but do have to call & reserve space in advance. Wonder if our “reservations” will be used for contract tracing. Will have to reread the 3 pages of restrictions, ugh, again. (Ah, if only we were as diligent in putting similar thought, preparations, & precautions in place when getting ourselves ready to receive our Lord in the Eucharist).

      Last night, while having a conversation about priests’ obedience to their Bishops even when in disagreement, I pondered whether parishioners disobedience to parish reopening “guidelines” would be a sin. (E.g., if we sat in back pews, clearly 6 ft from anyone & put mask on only when approaching for communion.) Would any priest who understands the ramifications of such unnecessary restrictions be happy that some of his flock couragely made a statement that he himself could not make. I weigh this against the potential tough position the priest might encounter if questioned by others concerned about uncovered faces as well as a lack of charity for those truly nervous around ones not masked up.

      Then, this morning, I had an interesting experience going to confession & mass at a nearby church. (Actually went to confession afterwards bc of long line. Praise God!) The back pew was free so I slipped in sporting the indecisive look: with mask under the nose & kind of pulling it away from my mouth. Looked up & saw an elderly man walk in maskless. Off came mine. Decision made. 😊 As mass began I did a quick survey of the church – about a third didn’t have masks. We were all in back half of the church, still near people but more than 6ft for sure. Don’t know if everyone else planned to show their face, or like me, needed to see others for support. A mom with 4 kids didn’t don masks during Communion and received on the tongue (a protocol “no no”). Granted this was a daily mass so not sure how weekends will go. I do know they are not requiring any registration and will have an”overflow” section in the parking lot where folks can only hear the mass but still receive the Eucharist outside.

      Quick side note… After mass confession was a face to face experience. I entered & checked to see if the priest prefer I kneel behind the screen. Saying no, he gestured to the chair. Then said, “Ah, I forgot my mask.” No worries from me. I asked if he would mind if I didn’t use mine – “Nah, go ahead.” I’m always elated after this beautiful sacrament. First time I felt that way before!

      Liked by 5 people

    5. Yes Katherine, in my area there are parishes like this, very heavy handed, then others bare minimum. I suggest that everyone find a parish that is distancing, cleaning pews, and asking for face masks. All the other draconian moves, walk away from. I am blessed to travel 40 mins to a wonderful parish that has been feeding the sheep for the past 3 months. We open this sunday “legally” and will do the bare minimum. God bless courageous priests.

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  26. My dear friend Charlie,

    When Donald Trump came down the escalator to announce his decision to run for the presidency of the United States, with real earnestness, I said to my brother, Dave, now on Heaven’s side, that Donald Trump was going to be the next President of America. He laughed at me. Needless to say, I was right.

    Liked by 9 people

  27. I’d be so tempted to say An outrageous pseudonym.


    I need to find a parish with no masks and government rules! How does one do that?

    Liked by 5 people

  28. Just tears :…


    Public Weekday Mass attendance will resumeWednesday, June 17, 6:00 PM; Thursday June 18, 3:00 PM and Friday, June 19, 8:00 AM (No Adoration after Mass at this time). To be prepared for attending Mass, please carefully read Guidelines for the Restoration of Public Worship available in the online bulletin for Sunday May 31, 2020.The above guideline is the official list of requirements. The following is a brief list of the primary expectations for attending Mass. All guidelines are to be strictly adheredto by each personwho attendsany Massuntil the governor has lifted all restrictions. PLEASE READ ALL EXPECTATIONS BELOW. IF YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND MASS YOU MUST AGREE TO PRACTICE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:

    1.If you have any symptoms of a coldorCovid19 or flu-like symptomsor if you are medically compromised please remain home and watch the Sunday Mass on the parish website. Do not attend any public Mass until 14 days after allsymptomsare gone.

    2.With the resumption of weekday Masses,attendance willbe limited to those who have scheduled with secretary. Those who contact Secretary after all seats have been filled will be placed at the top of the list for anyupcoming Mass of his or her choice.

    3.Only those scheduledfor a specific Mass will be allowed to attend since there will be no additional seating for walk-ins.

    4.When scheduled to attend Mass, immediately before leaving home you should check your temperature. If your temperature is above normal, please remain home.

    5.At this time all Masses will be located in the Parish Hall.

    6.When you arrive there will be orange cones(spaced 10 feet apart) in front of the Parish Hall. After exiting your car, waitonecone behind prior arrivals. Move forward one cone at a time to maintain proper social distancing.

    7.Before entering the Parish Hall, masks are to be donned by all parishioners over age five (5). Masks must cover both nose and mouthand be worn at all times. For those who do not possess masks, some will bemade available at the entrance.Gloves may be worn but MUST be removed before receiving communion.

    8.Parish Hall entrancedoors will be propped open to eliminate any need to touch door handles.

    9.You are also encouraged to bring your own hand sanitizerand each person should clean his or her hands before entering the Parish Hall.

    10.Please utilize bathrooms at home because it would be a difficult challenge to clean the Parish Hallbathrooms between services.

    11.Social distancing of 6 or more feet is to be maintained betweendifferent family groups while enteringthe building, also throughout the entire Mass and when leaving the Parish Hall.

    12.Chairs will be set up in clusters to maintain proper distancing between family groups.People from different family groups should NOT sit in the same cluster of chairs.

    13.The offering will be collected in a basket on the table near the entrance door.

    14.During Mass, the Sign of Peace and Congregational singing will be suspended until future notice.

    15.The Liturgy of the Eucharist will be done as follows, Father and Deacon will takecommunionat the usual place in the liturgy, thenthe FinalBlessing and Dismissal will be said, parishioners are to remain at their area of seating, Father and Deacon will process to the exit door andone by one, maintaining proper Social Distancing, each Parishioner and/or Family Group will proceedto Father to receive communion then proceed out the door.

    16.In order to reduce any risk of infection, all parishioners are requested to receive the Body of Christ in the hand.Holy Communion may NOT be received with gloved hands.While
    receiving HolyCommunion make certain top hand (firmly held by thelower hand)is leveland steady.

    17.There will be no distribution of the Precious Blooduntil all threat of Covid-19 is past.

    As yourpastor I am asking for your patience and cooperation. We need practice with this new situation in order to learn how toeffectivelyhandle all the changes. As informed Catholics, all of us should know that many parishes in other regions ofthe world may only have access to Mass witha priest every one to three yearsand in other locationsbelievers are being persecuted andmartyred. We will, by God’s Grace, overcome all the minor difficulties Covid-19 presents

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Jen, in my last attempt at logical convincing, I sent our leadership this link to this one of Charlie’s articles. Charlie speaks the clearest, with earned authority, the most charitable, makes the best balanced, logical arguments of anyone I’ve read on this subject. If they won’t consider his words, mine have no chance.

        We are still not having Sunday masses. We’ve been given dispensations until September. I’m guessing these dispensations will be extended, as flu season picks up then. People are saying if the commandment to keep the sabbath holy means so little to our shephards, then what does that mean?!? When communion is moved to out the door, does this disrespect Our Lord? How do we give Him His due adoration after we receive His Body and Blood as we are walking out the door to our vehicles? Isn’t this disrespectful? But our beloved authorities, whom we respect and love, are telling us to do this, telling us we must—or stay home. It is very confusing and very surreal.

        Now my family will slink-off into the sunrise of less restrictive, more reverent places. I am heartbroken, sad, sad, but we cannot support these onerous restrictions—aside from the disrespect to Our Lord, it feels abusive towards the little ones/youths in my care.

        Also, I too wonder about the registering and track and trace. I don’t want to go down a rabbit hole, but honestly trust has been shattered. The inclination to err on the side of caution won’t be subdued.

        So we are mourning a death. Our pastor and parish wrapped their arms around us when my son died. So many good people there. All I can do is offer this love given to us back to Our Lord and ask Him for His Mercy and help and care in this situation to those who gave so much love. Also Our Lady Untier of Knots. I’m giving this to Her, too. I don’t know what else to do. I truly don’t.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I understand, littlelight. We are like two peas in a pod in our thoughts, actions and desires on this matter. We know these things must come. We can only set the example and leave the rest to God. To sum it up using a girl scout analogy, I have not yet earned my *humility* badge. Oh how I wish there was a manual for this, or app (21 century). ❤

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    1. This is so much more gentle, isn’t it?

      Ushers for Sunday Masses: “Please welcome and gently direct people in the required safety protocols.”
      1. one person at each side door and two at the doors will ask every person entering to wear a mask. Each usher will have 5-10 disposable masks to give to those who don’t have any. A scarf is sufficient as a mask.

      2. Mr. will close the doors if the number inside rises above 100 congregants in the nave (not including the sanctuary and choir loft). Ushers will explain to those arriving after the doors close that they can sit outside and follow the Mass on their phones. After the 100 congregants for Mass leave the church they can enter and receive Holy Communion. We will have large signs outside indicating this as well.

      3. Ushers will not take up an offering–people can put their gifts into open baskets that Mr. will provide at the two side altars.

      4. Communion will start from the back of the church and move forward, and communicants will go up the main aisle and return by the side aisles (so as not to cross each other, and keep distance). Ushers will gently guide people during Holy Communion.

      5. After Mass ushers will wipe down surfaces–Tran will show ushers how to do this and it should take 15-20 minutes. We will close all the church doors during cleaning time and open the doors at 9:15am. Please be punctual to be ready to welcome people at the Mass assigned to you.

      Fr. will explain these protocols before and during each Mass. Ushers will simply guide people, who will be confused at first with the new flow patterns.

      Teams: The first name in each team are the captains.
      Please be at the church 20 minutes before your assigned Mass. Use the west side entrance of the church next to the school yard. ( will provide name badges for all our volunteers).

      My husband and I will be “gentle” ushers and clean pews after mass. This parish is farest from our home but well worth the travel time. Peace


      1. Yes, so different. No one is turned away. Cesar still gets his due, but there is no lack of tenderness here, no hostility, no suspicion.

        Liked by 2 people

  29. Several people have said the 2020s will be the “storm before the calm”; George Friedman of Geopolitical is one. Yes, Covid started when the economy was so good and China and the left have always done things to help each other. What has occurred seems to have been planned to bring President Trump to his knees. It is hard to believe Bush and his staff are so eager to speak out against him and such friends of Obama’s.

    Dallas County Democrats love telling people what they can and can’t do; the Republican Governor has had to say he is in charge several times.

    I just took my Trump/Pence bumper sticker off my car. I will still help call people and do what I can to campaign.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. IN CA a Trump/Pence bumper sticker, sign or hat will bring you grief. We are all under the radar here. Why bring more grief upon yourself. We are strong, silent, majority!

        Liked by 2 people

  30. Charlie is much more charitable to Archbishop Gregory than others such as Church Militant. They both have 2 different stories.


    1. Jeanne, it’s really about the truth of the matter. Sometimes CM can get ahead of the facts. Under the last piece Charlie wrote, I posted the following information with a link to verify:

      As a follow-up to the article from Church Militant, Spirit Daily has a link to an article clarifying that Archbishop Gregory did not set up the protest event nor did he insist that all clergy need to be there. Here‘s the link.

      Liked by 2 people

  31. Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late
    Book by Mary Hasson and Theresa Farnan
    Mother Miriam went over this book the other day on the radio. Very important read. We must save our children.

    Liked by 3 people

  32. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! …. Noon Edition ;-)?

    & Insurance Companies will cancel policies … & Tourism, Conventions and Commerce of all kinds will disappear along with Producer Class TaxPayers ….. but look at the “Bright Side”! Those left behind will join the ranks of Welfare Slaves, Criminals, Druggies and Illegals ….. and Vote the Democrat Ticket every two years …… It’ll be Grand …. Trust me? ;-(
    The below video is a Good-One to pass along in support of your LEOs.
    In the Times to come it might very well be that our LOCAL Police & County Sheriff’s Department will become a critical part of the, inevitable now, US vs. Them Unpleasantness!
    I Pray that The Left’s Demonization of Police, White People and/or Faithful Christians/Jews will be their undoing?










    Liked by 5 people

  33. BREAKING NEWS…This just in:

    Christopher J wore a N95 mask today. He was sweeping out his garage and came across some ‘evidence’ of mice. Not wanting to breath in the ‘evidence’ dust he deployed a 3M mask and, with labored breathing, safely completed the garage cleaning albeit with a minor case of hypoxia.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I can’t stop laughing!

      PS: Is there photographic proof of said maskwearing? Medical records confirming the hypoxia? An interview with mice displaced/offended by the dismantling of their GAZ (Garage Autonomous Zone)?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Mick, all I can say is God help anyone who has to wear one of those all day. I’m talking about the dense N95 masks that are really the the only hope of protection (aside from a full organic respirator). Even then, one has to be very picky about the proper fit. Wearing one of those flimsy loose fitting fabric jokes is folly and the joke’s on the people who think they’re somehow safer. Those are the same people who put up a 12ft. chain link fence around their back yard to keep mosquitoes out.

        Fortunately I found a mask-optional mass only 25 minutes from my house. My home parish is less than 5 minutes away. I’ll return home when the pastor there comes to his senses.

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        1. Ain’t that the truth, Christopher… especially when it’s a mask that securely fitted. There actually have been people who’ve turned up in the ER feeling ill as the healthy gas exchange with the o2 and co2 is disrupted by wearing a tightly fitted mask all day long.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Yes, Beckita! I read that someone ended up with pleurisy because of wearing a mandated mask all day at her employment. Don’t know if it’s true, but makes sense to me. They sure make me feel sick, so I don’t wear one. The priest mentioned at church this morning that he doesn’t demand that people wear a mask at his church even though the bishop recommends it, because you just can’t make someone wear a mask to church. Plus, he says that we are adults and can decide for ourselves what is best for us. I just love him!

            Liked by 3 people

            1. Blessedly, I’ve only had to pop a mask on at two stores. I’m not a browsing kind of shopper so it suits me fine to drop in, get what I need, exit after purchase and off with the mask. We’ve had that option to wear or not to wear masks as well, Kim.

              Liked by 1 person

        2. Christopher, I can’t imagine wearing an N95 mask for more than about 5 minutes. I find even the cheap, thin masks to be virtually unbearable.

          And regarding Masses, on Saturday night we went to Mass nearly an hour away from our house (our home parish is 25 minutes). It was glorious! The Mass was outdoors at a small “country parish” in a surrounding community that is overwhelmingly Catholic (BillBad, if you happen to be reading this, I’m talking about your stomping grounds). The Mass was in a small field which adjoins the parish hall, and everybody took their own lawn chairs. There were a ton of senior citizens there, but there were also a ton of families with small kids. I saw one congregant wearing a mask (the priest and the extraordinary ministers wore them during the distribution of Holy Communion). It was all so “normal” that it brought tears of joy to my eyes.

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  34. UPDATE:

    Attended Mass in a neighboring diocese yesterday …
    and it was wonderful !!!!!!!!! 😊
    Prayed for everyone here at ASOP during the Mass.

    The drive is an hour away, but well worth the effort.
    Maybe I’ll move to that diocese when my lease is up.
    Praying for discernment on that.


    Came across by coincidence a livestream of a High Latin Mass today just when the homily started:

    WOW! Charlie, did you talk to this priest? Because he certainly agrees with your post here, “Feed My Lambs”.

    Father James Altman, St. James the Less, La Crosse Wisconsin
    and here’s the link to his Mass. Highly recommend his YouTube channel:

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Phoenix,

      Thank you so much for the link to the mass!!!

      Father James Altman’s words heartened me. I cried at the truth he spoke and was over joyed that his Bishop kept his churches opened!!!

      Praise God!!!!

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Hey Mick …

        What prayer did you say? Because apparently I’ve received a sign already, the same day as your post here (we’re talking within minutes/hours of your post) … and it involves, of all things, a squirrel!

        Would rather not post the whole story here, firstly because the story is apparently nowhere near finished, and also because it might give away too many personally identifying details on a publicly accessible website. But wow!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ha, Phoenix! I didn’t pray that God send you a squirrel sign, but I’m glad to hear that He did. (FYI, I prayed a Hail Mary with the “Flame of Love” addendum.) 🙂

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  35. Thank you Charlie for this important post!

    You have helped me greatly. I often think folks need to be shown courage in order to make that step.

    Today I went to mass for the first time in 13 weeks (since the shutdown). We couldn’t handle the videos anymore. But more importantly we needed the Eucharist!!!

    I cried wearing a mask in the back pew as blue masking tape separated parishioners.

    I told my son this is what a state run church looks like. Glad to be overheard by others. I also said we are going to start going to another parish that does not have sign ups and masks are relatively optional.

    I love my pastor. He is a Dominican from Nigeria. However I think people close to him are influencing him.

    He is fearful, I think. I know he wanted aBIG Corpus Christi Procession but instead, at least, he is going to have outdoor adoration this evening.

    What concerns me is he was at a local Black Lives Matter event last weekend and even spoke gently of his experience with racism, yet here we are with no procession for a church celebration. I hope I’m not too critical.
    Also, there is another BLM protest again this weekend. I hope that didn’t interfere with the plan.

    I sent him this post of yours Charlie in the hopes he will be more informed. Yet still, it seems folks fear the Corona virus and enjoy/ trust/ the government to take care of them?

    I think I am going to invite him to a Planned Parenthood Vigil.

    He spoke today about how only 30% of Catholics truly believe that the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. He spoke exhuberantly! I asked my husband, who is not Catholic and struggles with transubstanciation, if he convinced him. He said, no. If that many Catholics attend and don’t believe It makes it harder for him to believe. God will intervene for him some day to help him believe I always pray.

    Thanks for listening to my experience. I figured all of you could understand my deep sadness.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Little, aaargh!! Yes, such sadness and anger and frustration and guilt for the anger/frustration—- I understand.

      Keep looking, keep asking. We found a place! I can’t even believe it. It is a travel but doable. TLM, first one I’ve ever attended. My girls are ga-ga for it and insisted on veils asap. Nobody there was a-maskin’ or a-separatin’, it was just refeshing and very reverent. No fast-food communion, cones, tape, reservations. Only communion on the tongue at altar rail. So beautiful! Come one, come all. This was answered prayer for me. My husband got back the jump in his step, my family, too. I really hope you find a workable option for your family.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Littlelight, so happy for you and your family! Isn’t the TLM lovely?

        So the parishes in my hometown (well, technically the parishes in the vicariate) held our annual Corpus Christi procession yesterday. I can’t tell you how beautiful it was. And it was quite well attended–maybe 150 people. I cried most of the way through it, especially during the Tantum Ergo near the end of Benediction after the procession. We sang it in Latin, and everybody was belting out the song! Three months of Mass-less lockdown seem to not only have renewed devotion to the Blessed Sacrament in our area, but also to have renewed devotion to singing. You could almost feel the joy in the air. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Yes! It is! Thanks, Mick. 🙂
          What a testimony to deep faith that Corpus Christ procession was! Thank you for sharing that.

          Liked by 1 person

  36. Mike & I cried tonight tears of happiness!!! Kreg hasn’t had a perfect life and soon he’s to do 23 days of jail time but this night he’s off the narcs (been off for a couple months now I hear) but tonight he’s outside playing catch with his two little nephews!!! Kreg loves children… he can’t be all that bad! Haven’t seen him do this in years!!! Family, your prayers are bringing him back!!! God bless you all and God bless kreg!🤗❤️🙏🌹😇💦🕊

    Liked by 6 people

      1. We are blessed to be next door to him! Great guy ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for all your prayers for him and his family!!! It IS TAKING ROOT!!!❤️🤗🙏🌹😇😘😘😘

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    1. Linda, glad to hear about Kreg! Still praying for him. By the way, did you mention some time back that you’d given him a rosary or a brown scapular or something? Or am I confusing Kreg with somebody else?

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      1. Ha!!! Lol yes yes and lots more… besides everyone else’s prayers too, I clean their house, have green scapulars under mattresses🤫mike and I baptized him about two weeks ago about 1030 at night!!! Ha!!! I asked him if he’d like to be baptized b4 jail and he said, “yes ASAP!” So we didn’t want him to change his mind so Mike and I met him outdoors that very minute and I had exorcised 💦 Holy Water so that’s what we used! Last week we had huge storm so I gave his dad a bunch of Divine Mercy pics to put in his windows and I see they are there! Plus last Friday Fr Francis used strong prayers of excorcism to bless and exorcise me n Chars (best church buddy) water jugs and a bunch of salt in containers as they come!!! I gave one of the 🧂 salt containers to kregs dad and he puts it on his grill now to cook 🍔 burgers, etc!!! Lol. God gave us many channels, eh?!?? Love you my Mick!!!! Thanks for not giving up on prayers for kreg! Poor dear has been through hell and back! Addictions just stink!

        Liked by 2 people

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