Whatsoever is True

Quaecumque Sunt Vera

By Charlie Johnston

In mythology, when sunlight bursts into a dark lair of vampires, a great shrieking and furious snarling fills the air as the vampires perish. I can’t help but notice that there is a lot of shrieking and snarling coming from the left lately. The American Spectator’s Scott McKay thinks leftist scolds are in their death throes after having revealed how toxic, dumb, and self-absorbed their policy demands are.

I think he is right. Leftists have typically always given soothing labels to their ugly policy plans. If they mounted legislation to kill all the Jews, they would label it, “A Bill to Save Fuzzy Bunnies and All Things Bright and Beautiful.” Their problem is that almost everyone has seen behind the curtains now, so when they talk about all things bright and beautiful, folks are thinking, “Sheesh, they’re trying to kill Jews again.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is daily trying to blame Republicans for killing “the most secure” border bill in generations. But almost everyone knows that bill has no security at all, but just locks in massive illegal immigration. Repeating a lie that almost everyone now knows is a lie does not sell well. But it is all they have left. All the bogus cases against Donald Trump are now fully visible dumpster fires of Democrats’ depravity. And establishment media jesters desperately – and unintentionally comically – still try to pretend they are on the square. Whoever runs Joe Biden’s Twitter (X) account laughably tried the other day to express concerns for Donald Trump’s obviously advancing senility. Say what?! All it accomplished was to bring mockery and a brighter spotlight on Biden’s actual obvious advanced senility. The left is floundering in raw panic as, every day, more folksies see clearly the game that is afoot. They seem not to realize that asserting already exposed lies ad nauseum does not make the lies more plausible, but immolates the last tatters of the liars’ remaining credibility. Of course, with hefty prison sentences a real possibility for their actual crimes, Democrats can only come clean or double down. They have chosen to publicly set themselves on fire for all to see.

With all the shrieking, snarling, and self-immolation, many ordinary folks reasonably fear this may be the end of all things. It is not. It is just the violent death throes of a movement that more thoroughly discredits itself each day. It does, however, leave a great vacuum in the body politic. How we fill that vacuum will determine whether we are going to get more, but different, depravity or whether we will chart a return to the safe harbor of ordered liberty that was once America’s hallmark.


While it does offer some interesting and potentially good refinements to official discernment on apparitions, I do not like the Vatican’s new rules on discerning apparitions at all. The good refinements in it, I suspect, are more like bait in a trap than food for the soul.

While preserving the form of respecting the original jurisdiction over such matters to the local Bishop, it guts the substance of it, reserving all decisions on such matters to the Vatican. You might wonder why that matters, since the Vatican can intervene on a local decision when certain criteria arise. It matters a lot. Bishops are not branch managers for the Vatican. They are independently authoritative in their respective Dioceses. The Church was NOT set up as an autocracy with the autocrat having assistants to carry out his sovereign will. Rather, it is set up as a sort of confederation of Dioceses throughout the world with the Pope being the first among equals with his fellow Bishops. A Pope is not to interfere with a local Bishop except for specific canonical reasons or to settle jurisdictional disputes. When Pope Francis dismissed Bishop Joseph Strickland from the Tyler Diocese, he did so without citing any canonical cause. According to Canon Law, the Pope cannot do that: he MUST give canonical justification. At first, I thought this was just a fit of pique by the Pope. I have come to think it was considered and intentional as a message to all the Bishops throughout the world. It was that, regardless of what the law and foundational constitution of the Church is, Francis is a law unto himself who will do whatever he wants. He thinks he IS the faith every bit as much as Anthony Fauci thought he WAS the science.

I am hardcore about the duty we owe to Bishops and Priests and about the duty they owe to us. I am contemptuous of made-up duties that are not owed. I am equally contemptuous of the Pope trampling on Canon Law and the Magisterium just because it is inconvenient to his ideological sensibilities. This is foundational for me. By the time I came into the Church I had already been deeply involved in politics for nearly 20 years (only local and regional at that time, though.) When I first started RCIA (six months of classes and study for people considering entering the Catholic Church) I studied relentlessly, poring over encyclicals, writings of the Church Fathers, getting to know the Magisterium.  I was deeply moved that, in nearly 2,000 years, this institution had never contradicted itself in its formal doctrinal teachings. The more I got to know about how it is formally set up, the more I came to believe it was divinely set up.

The Church does not depend on the worthiness of its members or officials to accomplish its aim – which is to lead souls to Christ and, thus, salvation. In fact, it often uses disorder to bring about greater order. It depends on candor, faith, and trust to bring greater order from lesser. The Christological disputes from the first millennium undoubtedly seemed to be a great trial at the time, but from them we achieved a deep and deeply refined understanding of Christ and His nature. The tribulations of our own time seem terrible. They are terrible. But I have no doubt this is the raw material from which a greater, holier, deeper understanding of the faith will be confected. God help me, I will always obey the legitimate authority of my Bishop, regardless of how I feel about him personally (and I feel quite good about my current Bishop) – because to do so is to obey Christ. God help me, I will always candidly acknowledge  – and usually call out – abuses because that is my right and my duty in helping to refine our understanding of the faith. How I wish I could adequately convey my interior understanding of how the system Christ set up works to draw us ever nearer to Him – through advance, through retreat, through revealing our wounds. As when He walked the earth, Christ still often applies mud and spittle to make us see. Often, we are so busy complaining of the mud and spittle we still refuse to see long after the power to do so has been given us anew. What I see is largely what I imagined Job to see in my piece, Into the Whirlwind:

I love contemplating what it was Job saw that caused him to put his hand over his mouth and dispute with God no more. Imagine that God showed Job our world, sparkling blue and green like some impossibly rare and precious gem, glittering with life and light. Then God shows Job the entire universe. Think of Job’s wonder at the billions of stars, comets, quarks and planets all pulsing and whirring, a symphony of light and rhythm. Then the stunning realization that our world amounts to less than a grain of sand in the ocean of this staggering abundance. Most stunning of all, God shows Job that this vast universe is merely the support system for our little speck. Every passing comet, every collapsing black hole, every bursting supernova, every moon, every planet in the most distant galaxy is designed to maintain the dynamic tension which keeps our world ticking. Utterly amazing that in the grand physical scheme of things we are less than a speck – and yet are the very reason for that grand scheme. We are God’s beloved.

Zooming back to Earth, Job is shown how all the animals and plants, the land and sea, winds and waters, fire and ice in striving with each other maintain the vitality of life. He sees more than this, though.

Standing with God outside of time, that remorseless captor from whom no man has robbed even a minute, every moment of Job’s life is present to him; his birth, his death, his sufferings and his restoration. Watch with Job as he considers this divine terrarium contained in time and space.

Though He constrains Himself against compelling our will, God manages the divine economy so that every event, every chance encounter calls us to Him. Here is a child of great purity born to parents given to licentiousness. There a child of great courage is given to parents who are rootless. An arrogant rake named Augustine is born to Monica, a woman of astonishing purity, persistence and fortitude. Bathed in the grace of decades of her prayers, Augustine ends by becoming one of God’s most fruitful servants. How often are parents sanctified through their children and children through their parents! There are saints with great sins on their consciences. In them, it merely opens up new channels of grace as their remorse gives them a larger spirit and a tender empathy for other sinners. There are great sinners who only have a small virtue, but grab hold of that lifeline and follow it back to God. Many people are inspired to find their path to salvation through an encounter with one who suffers with dignity. Ah, but many others are seduced by the transient glitter of vanity and power, fooled by the false luster of what is only paper and paste compared to what God intends for us.

Job sees great natural catastrophes – and a flood of divine grace pouring forth just before the catastrophe hits. For a time even enemies recollect their common humanity and pull together in solidarity with each other. Many are saved through this. But there are those who loot and exploit their fellows, unaware that they tear a piece of their humanity away from their soul in the process. God weeps over it. There are untimely deaths which seem tragic. But most are souls in their final state of grace. It is God’s mercy which plucks them before they can fall into perdition. In God’s economy every event is a potential new channel of grace opening up.

Job does not see God punishing anyone; He is far too busy trying to save them. A little temporal or physical suffering is often applied to help heal a soul. But souls can only be damaged by their owners’ free choice. Certainly, the satan busies himself trying to undo God’s grace, encouraging souls to maim themselves by chasing after sex, money and power at the expense of those around them. With every step away from God it becomes harder for a soul to hear and respond to His call. God not only calls each of us to salvation; He calls us a thousand times a day in little whispers. The Lord of Hosts suffers intensely over each of His children who so maim their souls that they begin to lose the capacity to respond to Him. Everything leads to eternity. In eternity, outside of God, there is only agony and isolation.

Job sees that, in temporal time and space, the greatest conquests and the greatest accomplishments are less than a puff of smoke on a windy day. The only thing that matters – the only thing – is the witness we live with those we encounter and, especially, with those given into our care. Everything in this bubble is always passing away. Those who anchor themselves in temporal things will perish with those temporal things. All that counts is to help others to choose life, the life that is when all this passes away.

Job sees great souls whose purity and love unite them with God. Even greater souls manifest their love of God through their love of and tender care for their neighbors. But the greatest souls are those who embrace what little sorrows and sufferings come their way in penance for themselves and as an offering for those who do no penance. Everyone wants the consolation of God, but these are the souls who console God. Their willing participation in His sorrows opens up profound channels of grace through which many otherwise unreachable souls are recalled to God, to life.”

When I contemplate this great symphony I wonder how any could be so convinced of their own rectitude that they could intentionally violate the rules of lawful obedience. I wonder how any could try to gild the lily of obedience, adding things there that God never did. Don’t you know that God set things up this way so He could reach us despite our infirmity, failings, and rebellion? To intentionally mar His system is NOT to make it holier or more true, but to make it all fall into anarchy and chaos. I obey, within the system He set up for us. When I object, it is within the bounds of the system He set up for us. I am absolute in my obedience to lawful authority, lawfully given. I am candid, blunt, and even often caustic in my objections to abuses – by either the hierarchy or the laity. But I endeavor to do it all within the boundaries of what Christ set up for us. I am terrified of falling outside of those boundaries, for there is only darkness, cold, and death outside of Him. When I see people narrowly demanding that everyone see just as they do to be found acceptable, I am astonished. Do you not know that Christ set us up as one body with many parts, united in our fidelity to His word? Some are teachers, some prophets, some doctors, some architects. Some manifest their faith through devotionals, some through learning and study, some by being courtiers in their Diocese – their social life grounded in and entirely revolving around it. Why do so many people judge others by how closely those others resemble them? The eye should be grateful that some are called to be a foot…for the eye is completely dependent on the feet to travel to see anew. And yet I hear eyes grumbling that the foot can’t see and feet grumbling that the eyes can’t travel. What anti-Christian madness is this? And while we devote ourselves to being scolds because the ear is not like the hand, et al, we wonder why we do such a poor job of evangelizing those who have not found the good news of the Gospels! As Christ commanded in Matthew 7, we must take the beam out of our own eye before attending to the splinter in our neighbor’s. Beyond this, we must be grateful for what our neighbor does for us all that we can’t instead of begrudging him his difference from us.

I have written often lately of our duty of obedience to legitimate authority, lawfully exercised, whatever the motives of he who exercises it. But I am equally insistent that clerics live their roles properly and within the confines Christ set for them. Many decades ago I laughed at a Saturday Night Live skit about, “The Pope who wanted to be King…and the King who wanted to be Pope.” Much of the ills that assail us in modern times come from clerics who seek to exercise temporal power they do not have and laymen asserting spiritual authority they do not have. A cleric is entitled to opinions on temporal things. If they are well thought out – as with St. John Paul and the late Pope Benedict XVI for modern examples – they can be useful and helpful. But when I hear clerics opine authoritatively on the climate, crime control, immigration requirements and other things that are not under their authority I am disgusted. Similarly, a layman is entitled to opinions on spiritual things. When well thought out they can be useful and helpful. My life is enriched by the spiritual commentary of many modern and older lay Christian commentators. But when I hear Joe Biden, Stephen King, or Nancy Pelosi (among a host of other laymen) tell us what we must do spiritually to be “good Christians” I am disgusted. People who want to exercise their freedom to have a loud opinion without exercising their duty to have some clue of what they are talking about disgust me. Yet, at the same time, I know that God uses even these discordant notes in His Divine Symphony to accomplish His will – sometimes as guides, other times as object lessons.

Many faithful people are deeply concerned lately about clerics offering illicit orders. Why wouldn’t they be when Pope Francis had his “bitter clingers” and “basket of deplorables” moment during a CBS interview in which he claimed orthodox Bishops have a “suicidal attitude” because, ostensibly, of their refusal to deny the words of Christ and the Apostles. My last article for the CORAC newsletter was focused on when legitimate authority is exercised – and what to do when it ventures into illegitimacy.

My great concern now is that, in this time of crisis, many are abandoning the great system Christ set up for us. Some are retreating into signs and wonders – some of which give hope and some of which give false hope as prelude to despair, some are retreating into theological rabbit holes that don’t hold up to scrutiny, some think their personal insights (which may be true) are so important that it relieves them of the duty of obedience Christ imposed on us, others are violently abusing spiritual or temporal authority – or both. Far too many are becoming a law unto themselves, bound neither by Scripture nor law, nor even prudence and common sense. This IS the devil’s great attack on the faithful. This IS how the devil seeks to deceive even the elect.

I get many people mad at me these days – because I don’t take the side of their idiosyncratic views of what MUST be done. That is fine. It is what I expected from these times. But I will stand where I always said I would: Acknowledge God, Take the Next Right Step, and Be a Sign of Hope to Those Around You. Truth WILL stand the test of examination. For each of us, that test must begin with our own thoughts and actions. If you find yourself excusing an offense because Christ’s immutable rules do not apply to your particular situation, think harder. We all sin, through weakness, fear, passion or other infirmities. But when we intentionally defy Christ, we adopt the sin that got a third of the angels kicked out of heaven. And if we pretend to do so in fidelity to Christ, the devil laughs with malevolent glee at our gullible cupidity.

Do and say what you licitly can and are called to, trusting Christ to fill the gaps that you don’t know how can be resolved. Act like you mean it when you say you trust God. Be steady, be sober, be deliberate, remembering that he who will be saved is he who endures to the end.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Twitter at @JohnstonPilgrim

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The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

34 thoughts on “Whatsoever is True

  1. WOW, Charlie!! What a piece filled with p.r.o.f.o.u.n.d. truth and wisdom.  Elegantly written, it is an invitation to sanity in the midst of craziness in both the temporal and spiritual realms. I’m making a copy for meditation because you express so well many of the things that have been on my heart.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. “Act like you mean it when you say you trust God. Be steady, be sober, be deliberate, remembering that he who will be saved is he who endures to the end.”

    Amen. Good to hear from you, brother. I am prayerfully hopefully that more are awakening to the reality that we have a long row to hoe to endure to the end 👍

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Beautiful piece. The excerpt from ‘into the whirlwind’ has been a source of consolation and encouragement for me during my great trial-thank you for sharing again.
    In my diocese, there are divisions amongst Catholics, not to mention non-Catholics. The Scripture passages from Mass over the last weeks have brought great encouragement for me. Jesus knew we would be divided, so He prayed for unity- so unity must be His will for us too. Thank you for your insight.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Thank You, dear Charlie!! You say “it” all so well – the Holy Spirit is working overtime!!! Please continue to enlighten everyone and anyone you can!!! We are so happy to have found you and your organization!! Blessings!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. …”But the greatest souls are those who embrace what little sorrows and sufferings come their way in penance for themselves and as an offering for those who do no penance. Everyone wants the consolation of God, but these are the souls who console God. Their willing participation in His sorrows opens up profound channels of grace through which many otherwise unreachable souls are recalled to God, to life.”

    That’s one of the most beautiful truths you’ve ever written Charlie; makes me want to put my hand over my mouth.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Brother Charlie,

    The fix is in when it comes to the darkness that now envelopes the Vatican Hierarchy, as this time of tribulation is well foretold. Our duty is to pray for the Pope and those who are lost in darkness.

    Some years ago, a former communist gave an interview on how the communist were going to infiltrate Holy Mother Church. When the interviewer asked incredulously how that would be possibly, the former marxist answered, “It will be simple. Through the vow of obedience to a superior, the Church will succumb to Satan’s lies.” Well, I would say that this very rule has led to the dire situation that Holy Mother Church is now in the midst of.

    Also, I would humbly suggest that you refrain from using the generic term “Leftist” when you describe those on that wing of the political party. A more specific term to describe those in that category are “marxist democrats”, because that is truly what the Democrat party has become. In fact, I would propose that an official apology is long overdue to the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy and the John Birch Society. Why? Because they were RIGHT about the infiltration of the marxist/socialist/communist ideology in all aspects of our American Government and Culture. Even a blind bat can see that in our American Society today.

    Finally, in the link below is a very good article about just why the Vatican has come out with these new rules concerning apparitions. It’s penned by a priest and I believe his assessment and insight goes to the heart of the matter of just why Rome wants to disregard such moments of the Divine in Holy Mother Church here on earth.

    Catholic priest: Cardinal Fernández wants to ‘cancel’ Marian apparitions and the supernatural – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

    Your brother In Jesus,

    Charlie of JCALAS

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How many people misunderstand “infallibility” and believe the pope’s views on man-made climate change etc. Sigh.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉


    Well!? … ’cause, like our feeble PuppetStooge Prez, PF is just a PuppetStooge of the godless Global Re-Set Left ;-(







    We be needing a Cohort of Hero Vlad the Impalers!
















  8. I am convinced, after all our admonitions to test the spirits, that this piece was written in the Holy Spirit. I hadn’t read it yet until my time with Jesus in adoration and I had just been thinking and praying about Job after reading this from Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange in his “Providence” regarding Job’s vision: “If there exists such order as this in the things of sense, much more so must there be order in the dispositions of My providence concerning the just, even in their most terrible afflictions. There is in this a secret and a mystery which is not given to men to fathom in this world. …God proves a man as He proved Job, that the man may bring forth the splendid fruits of patience, humility, self-abandonment, love of God and one’s neighbor – the splendid fruits of charity which is the beginning of eternal life. …If in the world of sense such wonderful order exists, much more must it be so in the moral and spiritual world, in spite of trials and trials and tribulations. ”

    God’s peace to all who pauseto reflect on this deep wisdom, the deep things of God. Duc in altum!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. “If in the world of sense such wonderful order exists, much more must it be so in the moral and spiritual world, in spite of trials and tribulations. ”

    In contemplating the Fall and reading the works of Mystics who have been giving insight into it the above line is true in some aspects but different in others. Adam and Eve were created “a little lower than the Angels” so their test was similar to them but of a different form. Both tests revealed a level of pride which seems to be present in all sentient beings. But it was humility that God was testing us for; “for I am meek and humble of heart”. The angels and our first parents where given a prick by being told of something they could not have. For the angels it was a higher state of being if the Second Person of the Trinity incarnated with one of them instead of man thus raising their dignity as adoptive sons of God. The other was the hidden knowledge from the tree of Good and Evil in Eden denied to Adam and Eve. Both tests revealed a weakness and even the “good” angels felt a prick. But only the third remained stiff-necked. St Michael proclaimed that the mystery and humiliation of a lower form than them being chosen by God was His right as Creator and “who else is like Him to decide differently?” That was the “war” that insued in heaven. A war of decision to serve this notion or not.

    We too make distinctions on what we will follow or not follow. Things prick our pride and we have to “swallow” it sometimes so we can go along to get along. This takes humility in not getting “our” way even when we think we are right. God IS Mystery. No creature can plunge the depths of His mind and, like Job, we are remiss to even contemplate it as he so clearly stated that he had seen things to big for him.

    The trials and tribulations that we experience are but avenues to see who we really are. The “illumination of conscious” happens every day if one does an examination of conscious at the end of the day. It is a weaker form of what the Warning will be but still appropriate for our present state. It will also make the Warning more bearable as we will be somewhat used to seeing ourselves as we truly are.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Trinity Day!! 😉




















    Liked by 1 person

    1. from Catholic Vote above:

      The divine indwelling may be described as a special intimacy of God with the soul, producing an extraordinary knowledge and love of God. Only those who possess the divine indwelling are able to know God as God wants to be known; are able to love God as God wants to be loved…. 

      We have the gift of the indwelling Trinity and should be the most happy people on earth. Our happiness consists in living out the indwelling of the Holy Trinity in our lives. Doing what? By loving or giving. If we are not happy it is because we are not generous enough in sharing. There is only one source of real unhappiness in the world and that is not doing or not doing as well as we should the will of God.” – Servant of God Fr. John Hardon

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Another great piece Charlie.

    Wondering if you folks can help me respond to something that happened at Mass today. During the prayers of the Faithful the request was to help those “affected by Climate Change” or something to that effect. I was so angry because I feel the Climate change narrative is a secular God. My husband,a recent convert to the faith, thought I was uncharitable when a I shook my head and didn’t participate in the prayer.

    This is not the first time climate change snuck into our prayers. I feel that I need to say something to our priest.

    I would love your thoughts and comments on how to proceed with handling this. My priest says he gets it from the USCCB prayers of the faithful so he feels it’s ok. How do explain why it is wrong to have it as part of the Prayers of the Faithful.

    thank you for your responses.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sometimes I, like you, do not respond to a “woke” prayer request. At others I mentally amend it. So I might think, “for all those affected by the climate change hoax” and respond. If a Parish was regularly putting out woke, politicized prayer requests, I would find another Parish. (I actually have done that twice in my life). Something that is slipped in every now and again only phases me for a moment, but if it is a habit, well, I don’t come to Mass to lose my peace so I find a place that respects all rather than virtu-signals.

      Liked by 4 people

  12. “The person who abandons himself totally in God’s hands does not become God’s puppet, a boring ‘yes man’; he does not lose his freedom. Only the person who entrusts himself totally to God finds true freedom, the great, creative immensity of the freedom of good.”–Pope Benedict XVI.

    What a great refreshing wonder to see the good in everything. It is not too difficult because it is there if we but have eyes to see it. (Prov 20:12).

    For– “God is so omnipotent and good that He can bring good even out of evil.”

    The enemy twists the meaning and very goodness of God into a pretzel in order to “trick” us. But a pure heart “sees God” in creation and by desiring Truth we will “see” it even in works outside of His perfect Will for us that He allows to further His Glory by the means of our testing.

    In these days of testing may we find refreshment in the great, creative immensity of the freedom of good.


    Liked by 2 people

  13. Athanasian Creed

    “We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Essence. For there is one Person of the Father; another of the Son; and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one; the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal. Such as the Father is; such is the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost.

    The Father uncreated; the Son uncreated; and the Holy Ghost uncreated. The Father infinite; the Son infinite; and the Holy Ghost infinite. The Father eternal; the Son eternal; and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals; but one eternal. As also there are not three uncreated; nor three infinites, but one uncreated; and one infinite. So likewise the Father is Almighty; the Son Almighty; and the Holy Ghost Almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties; but one Almighty. So the Father is God; the Son is God; and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods; but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord; the Son Lord; and the Holy Ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords; but one Lord. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity; to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord; So are we forbidden by the Catholic religion; to say, There are three Gods, or three Lords. The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone; not made, nor created; but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten; but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity none is before, or after another; none is greater, or less than another. But the whole three Persons are coeternal, and coequal. So that in all things, as aforesaid; the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshipped. He therefore that will be saved, let him thus think of the Trinity.”


    Liked by 3 people

  14. Charlie this was a really good piece!!! I’ve had Jaxy poo the last 4 days so I’ve been unable to read this until now but I tell you it really heartened me a lot!!! I just love everything you conveyed to us especially about Job!!!

    Sometimes I’m so weary being an old lady and having a 3 year under my care for 4 days straight (nights included) I can barely think straight or see the next step in front of me and then I remember yet again…acknowledge God, take the next right step and be a sign of hope to the little person in front of you😂😂😂.

    How many times has your message from God saved me and those around me! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    May God bless and protect you always my dear friend of God!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉





















    Liked by 1 person

  16. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉




    I saddened that any Catholic would be offended by PF’s Blunt & Truthful (accidental) Words.

    Faggoty Marxist Clerics is why we have had never ending SCANDALS, empty pews, Closed Churches & Schools plus starved for $$$ Missions!

    … The Usual Suspects @ “Crux”, “America” “”Catholic” Reporter” & Deep Blue Dioceses are having vapours …. not to mention ABCNNBCBS-NPR/NYT/WashPo …………..







    USA Blue States/Cities sure sound a lot like South Africa These-Days ;-(


    Live in/near Boston or any other Democrat Urban ****Hole? … QUICK!! … Get Out!!!








    Liked by 1 person

  17. Every now and then, it’s good to watch this again (from Oregon):

    Cowboy and horse, taking the next right step, seven years ago.

    Sister Bear


  18. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉



    YEP …. is anyone seeing/hearing any “Get Prepared” Sermons from your Parish Pulpits?










    Ya know … when Net Surfing, one article leads to another and being an old Bomber Pilot the below caught my eye. “Rosie” must have had an Archangel on one shoulder and the Spirit of King David on the other:










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