Searching for Light

By Charlie Johnston

I will be going into radio silence through this weekend. The CORAC Handbook and Manual on Building Functional Communities will go to Dr. Joe Brickner this weekend for formatting and then be released next week in digital form. Hard copies will be available later in the month, which you will be able to order from the CORAC site. This will be the first edition. As it is a new, and somewhat comprehensive, approach to taking back the culture there will be updated editions added as needed.

Diary of an American Exorcist is a magnificent book by Monsignor Stephen J. Rossetti of Washington D.C. It is simple, straightforward, candid and restrained. It is a very easy read but is chock full of clear insights and information. I often get annoyed at exorcist Priests who succumb to the temptation to condemn as satanic things that they simply don’t like. I also am put off when an exorcist gives an overly legalistic, formulaic method of discerning and avoiding demonic activity. These things, I think, do more damage than good as they can give a false sense of security and enflame the vulnerable into thinking they can become great demon-slayers. Once someone gets that idea they are already captive to the satan. The only way to combat a demon is to hold fast to Christ and call on His aid and the aid of the saints. Demons are brilliant but have real weaknesses. In the end, Christ is the only Exorcist. Priests who understand that and keep it at the forefront of their work do a great service. My favorite comment on the subject came from Fr. Daniel Reehil of Nashville. Asked at a Marian Conference how to become an exorcist, Reehil replied that, “the first rule is that if you want to be an exorcist, you shouldn’t be one.”

While in eastern Michigan, near the end of my last tour, I attended an all-day retreat with Fr. Mathias Thelen, founder of Encounter Ministries. One of our board members, Sue Domen, was also there. It was kind of fun running into various CORAC members from that part of the world before the opening Mass began. I had met Fr. Mathias before but this was the first time I had seen him give a full public presentation. He was magnificent! His subject was the Eucharist. He gave a clear, straightforward, deep talk on the physical, communal and spiritual aspects of the Eucharist and how to practically integrate it fully into our lives. The Q and A portion of the presentation at the end of the day was lively. The audience was fully engaged with this marvelous Priest who was as comfortable and cozy as flannel on a cold night, but on fire with joy at preaching the good news of the Gospel. It was one of the two or three best presentations I have ever attended. Fr. Mathias does accept speaking engagements around the country as he can – and you can make a request on the website. If you manage to secure him for a Parish Mission, you won’t be disappointed.

Our own Sheryl Collmer has written an open letter to Dallas Jenkins, the main creative force behind the popular streaming series on the life of Christ, The Chosen. The series has done a great job of respecting both Protestant and Catholic sensibilities. But now it comes to a critical moment. Most Protestants believe that Communion is only symbolic, that the bread only represents Christ’s body. Catholics, of course, believe the Eucharist IS the true body and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine. During the Bread of Life Discourse in the Gospel of John, Jesus tells people they must eat His body and drink His blood if they are to have life within them. All are shocked – and many tell Him that they will leave if He means this. That was the opportunity for Christ to explain that He was just speaking metaphorically. He did not. He doubled down that He was speaking literally – and let them leave rather than soften this hard saying. For the life of me, even when I was a Protestant, I could not understand how anyone could consider himself a literalist while denying this saying that Christ most forcefully insisted was literal – even if it was literal in a way we could not yet imagine. At the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, Jesus broke the bread and said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” He did not say this represents His body, but that it IS His body. Again, I do not understand how anyone who prides himself on his literalism can so glibly mangle the clear words of Christ to pretend they are metaphorical. Sadly, people routinely believe things that contradict their stated principles. This is important, though. I’ll reprint Sheryl’s entire letter (with permission, of course) explaining why:

Open Letter to Dallas Jenkins

If this whole series rolls out and misses the Eucharist, all your beautiful work will have been in vain.


APR 03, 2024

Dear Chosen creative team, for whom I have been praying since I first fell in love with Jesus softly calling, “Mary” in the first episode:

The Lord has granted you a rare opportunity, a massive one. Views of The Chosen, on the app alone, have exceeded half a billion. How terribly important it is that you not blow it!

I’m standing on the edge of Blowing It Cliff, yelling and waving my arms: danger, my friends! Proceed no further until you check your resources.

At the end of Season Four, which will go to streaming after its theatrical run, Jesus and his band of beloved are about to enter Jerusalem. We, the audience have an anxious uneasiness since we know what’s coming, though the disciples, as yet, do not. Then Jesus and Peter have an exchange as Jesus mounts the colt, an exchange that does not belong there. Jesus asks his followers if they will desert him; Peter answers with the question, “Where else would we go?”

This conversation has been surgically removed from John 6 and transplanted onto John 12, from the Bread of Life discourse to the triumphal procession into the Holy City.

If you built a fireplace in your living room and put the chimney in your bedroom, what sense would that make? Or if your car blew out a tire, and the mechanic replaced the steering fluid? How much more serious it is to take Scripture out of context.

The hardest teaching of the New Testament is Jesus’s command to eat His flesh and drink His blood. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t have a shiver at those words. How much more the apostles, hearing them for the first time: horror, disgust, fear that Jesus, in whom they’d placed all their hope, might be barking mad.

I am the bread of life, He says. I am the living bread, I am the bread of God which comes down from heaven. That was the introduction Jesus gave, before becoming more forceful and specific: “This bread which I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh, and unless you eat it, you have no life in you. Those who eat of My flesh and drink of My blood will have eternal life, and will abide in me, as I abide in them.”

To these disciples, who lived under the dietary law forbidding the blood of animals, “for the life of the creature is in the blood,” it seemed to be the final evidence that Jesus was either a heretic from the Mosaic law, or had lost his senses altogether. How could anyone listen to such a person?

A large part of his following peeled off, no doubt relieved that they had finally seen the utter wrongness of Jesus before it was too late. No more indecision, no more wondering if the miracles were worth the danger of walking with someone under interdict. At last Jesus had exposed himself unequivocally, and it was time to go.

“Many of his disciples drew back and no longer walked with him.”

It is at that critical point, when Jesus was heartbroken for those who’d left, that He asks the apostles, “Will you also leave?” Simon Peter famously answers, “Lord, where else would we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

What a massive leap of trust the apostles had to make. It looked like Jesus had cracked, but they have watched him for years, seen the miracles and the courage. They have lived within the glorious circle of His friendship.

In John’s gospel, this decision point is preceded by the miraculous feeding of the five thousand. Of course the Bread of Life teaching comes directly afterward. It was the best hope for the apostles to understand that what He was about to tell them would mean eternal life or eternal loss for them; He wanted to give them every chance to get it. They had just seen the absolutely impossible take place, and were still in a state of wonder.

In The Chosen, the feeding of the five thousand is the glorious climax of Season 3. In accord with Scripture, it should have been directly followed by Jesus’s famous words about himself as the Bread of Heaven which brings life to the world. That’s not an addendum to the story; it is its conclusion. Would you tell the story of the Civil War and leave off the part about slavery being abolished? There is no story if the finale, the whole point of the thing, is omitted.

Jesus didn’t just feed the five thousand because their bellies were grumbling. It is not the satisfaction of the body that is important, but of the true bread which gives eternal life. The miracle of the five loaves and two fish is precisely the herald of that true bread, the Eucharist.

How do we know what the miracle was intended to teach? Jesus says it over and over in John 6, and then to put the stamp of authenticity on it, Jesus sorrowfully allows the crowd of the unbelieving to walk away. Away from the living manna, away from salvation and eternal life.

It is at this point, and no other, that Jesus asks, “Will you also leave me?” And at this point, and no other, Simon Peter answers, “Where else would we go? You have the words of eternal life.” It is an answer to a specific question put to him at a particular time, after a particular event. It can’t be cut out and patched on somewhere else, without ruining the whole garment.

Dearest Chosen team, you have put Simon Peter’s words in a place where they are robbed of their context. This is no small thing, like wondering if Joseph was young or old, or if Jesus showed mirth. This is foundational.

The Eucharist cannot be severed from the Crucifixion, the saving event of our faith. On the last evening of His life, surrounded by the people He entrusted with the mission of His whole life, with one last chance to make sure they understand what He is about and what they must do, Jesus gives His body and blood. He has already told them that eternal life hangs in the balance. And now He shows them what they must do, how they will eat His flesh and drink His blood. It will be in a liturgy, the liturgy of the new covenant He is sealing with His coming death and resurrection. 

Towards the end of the meal, Jesus says, “I will not drink again the fruit of the vine until I drink it anew with you in the My Father’s kingdom.” And then He skips the final cup of the Passover, and goes out into the garden. So the meal is not concluded, not yet.

The following day, as His final human act, Jesus accepts sour wine from a sponge. “When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished” and bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” Now the meal is concluded, and the sacrifice laid down for the covenant. The other party to the covenant, those He loves, must now complete the sacred act.

The Crucifixion and Resurrection without the Eucharist is an incomplete story. Dear friends, as you approach the writing of the Last Supper, please plumb the Scriptures and the writings of the early Church.  If this whole series rolls out and misses the Eucharist, all your beautiful work will have been in vain.

Don’t miss Jesus in the Eucharist. He has given us Himself for just such a time as this.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Twitter at @JohnstonPilgrim

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The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

33 thoughts on “Searching for Light

  1. Yet another of your pieces that I love, Charlie. And no, I’m not prejudiced. :-)

    I highly value the work of Msgr. Rossetti. No bones of celebrity exorcist in him. He operates in a firm – confident in his identity – and gentle, humble demeanor.  I appreciate his online deliverance sessions which I have found to be conducted in a potent, gentle and effective way. AND they’re uploaded to the internet so that people can pray again the prayers if they wish. The testimonies reveal that people are experiencing new levels of freedom in particular areas of their lives AND some report receiving graces of healing. I also appreciate the ways he integrates lay leaders with their gifts into his work.  Anyone can sign up to be on the distribution list as they alert folks when a new monthly session is about to occur.

    Another book of his which I have and am looking forward to reading is WHEN THE LION ROARS. Does anyone here wish to better listen to God so as not to miss His ways of whispering to you? Look at this synopsis about the book which is filled with teaching and wisdom:  

    Awaken to the sound of God’s voice and take up the journey to a rich and full life. How can I open myself to awareness? What if I have encountered God in some profound way? Which experiences are from God and which are of my own making? Are there right and wrong ways to pray? What about my ordinary life in the everyday world?

    “Mystics are not part of a small elite society…. Rather, they are people who have come to experience the intense, personal desire God has to share himself with us.” In this powerful guide, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti reminds us that becoming a mystic is not a matter of learning some “mystical secret,” but of entering into the divine simplicity of God’s unbounded and unrestrained love. This invitation is for all of us. In a series of practical, readable chapters, Rossetti addresses the many questions and concerns that arise on the path to deeper prayer. He draws carefully from the wisdom of scripture and uses his broad knowledge of mystical writers, from the Desert Fathers to Therese of Lisieux, to guide us on a road we may never have expected to take. Writing from his own experience of prayer and from his expertise as a spiritual director and therapist, he helps us arrive at a deeper understanding of ourselves as wounded and sinful people who are nevertheless caught up in the transforming love of God.”

    Last, but not at all least, thank you, Sheryl, for your faithfulness to writing!! Such a gift! And thank you for your irresistible defense of Jesus’ true Presence in the Eucharist. Amen!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Great piece & thank you Sheryl for your thoughtful essay.

    I am in the final weeks of Encounter Ministries’ 2 year ministry school. I echo everything that Charlie said about Fr Theilan! If anyone wants to experience the fire of Holy Spirit like in the early Church, I highly recommend checking out Encounter Ministries. They offer summer intensives throughout the country as well as an annual conference as well. Just like the early church, Encounter has spread across the globe in rapid pace. It is an incredible program, and Fr Theilan is an amazing priest.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Charlie, Thanks for posting the wonderful letter by Sheryl Collmer.

    In part it states: ” 

    The Eucharist cannot be severed from the Crucifixion, the saving event of our faith. On the last evening of His life, surrounded by the people He entrusted with the mission of His whole life, with one last chance to make sure they understand what He is about and what they must do, Jesus gives His body and blood. He has already told them that eternal life hangs in the balance. And now He shows them what they must do, how they will eat His flesh and drink His blood. It will be in a liturgy, the liturgy of the new covenant He is sealing with His coming death and resurrection. 

    Towards the end of the meal, Jesus says, “I will not drink again the fruit of the vine until I drink it anew with you in the My Father’s kingdom.” And then He skips the final cup of the Passover, and goes out into the garden. So the meal is not concluded, not yet.

    The following day, as His final human act, Jesus accepts sour wine from a sponge. “When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished” and bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” Now the meal is concluded, and the sacrifice laid down for the covenant. The other party to the covenant, those He loves, must now complete the sacred act.

    The Crucifixion and Resurrection without the Eucharist is an incomplete story.”

    Perhaps I might try to interpret what Jesus was telling us. Obviously, the Eucharist does not engage the eating and drinking of mortal substance–it is a symbolic act. But what exactly does it symbolize, and why did Jesus emphasize such symbolism? From my research, I had concluded that our material world is attached to the Heavenly world as a subset of it. Consider “as above, so below”:

     Matthew 6:9-13 in The Message translation:

    “Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what’s best— as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You’re in charge! You can do anything you want! You’re ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes….”

    In the Heavenly domain, our spirit forms are not separated from each other the way entities in the material world are separate and distinct. For example, a baseball bat and the baseball are separate and distinct entities; they cannot merge together, but act against each other. But in Heaven, spirits may naturally merge with each other; Jesus’ spirit may merge seamlessly with our own spirit. In Heaven, our spirit feels as if it were an integral part of all that exists (the feeling of “oneness”), and we feel the love of God imbued into our being. Thus, the Eucharist symbolizes this real merger of our being with Christ and the Father. So the Eucharist also provides a literal description of how our individual spirit becomes one with Christ and the Father when it exists in Heaven.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No one can impose on another, Jack. We are each free to search and discern in the spiritual realm. As a Catholic, I DO believe the Teaching Magisterium when she defers to the words of Jesus, Himself, that consuming the Eucharist is not a symbolic act. Rather, it a spiritual act of really and truly consuming the Body and Blood of Christ. It IS a great mystery and the Church, throughout the ages, has continued to turn to Holy Spirit while studying and contemplating the meaning of consuming Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine. Here is more of what the Teaching Magisterium expounds concerning the Holy Eucharist:

      Charlie said it so well: “Catholics, of course, believe the Eucharist IS the true body and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine. During the Bread of Life Discourse in the Gospel of John, Jesus tells people they must eat His body and drink His blood if they are to have life within them. All are shocked – and many tell Him that they will leave if He means this. That was the opportunity for Christ to explain that He was just speaking metaphorically. He did not. He doubled down that He was speaking literally – and let them leave rather than soften this hard saying. For the life of me, even when I was a Protestant, I could not understand how anyone could consider himself a literalist while denying this saying that Christ most forcefully insisted was literal – even if it was literal in a way we could not yet imagine. At the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, Jesus broke the bread and said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” He did not say this represents His body, but that it IS His body. Again, I do not understand how anyone who prides himself on his literalism can so glibly mangle the clear words of Christ to pretend they are metaphorical. Sadly, people routinely believe things that contradict their stated principles.”

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Bravo, Sheryl! And Charlie too, as always! I am very happy to have learned, some months ago, of Msgr. Rossetti’s deliverance prayer services each month. They are very powerful, and the feedback he gets proves this fact. Of course they require registration because you can imagine there are those with undesirable intentions.

        I look forward to THE Manual and plan to order a copy.

        Thank you Beckita!!! I’m so glad you respond about the fact that the Eucharist is not a symbol. That would go against all we learn in Catholic theology. I’m sure the Saints such as Thomas Aquinas explain it far better than any of us, “matter, form, appearance”, etc.

        Come Holy Spirit, bring Mama’s Triumph!

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Annie, I think Jesus Himself – in His Own words as recorded in the Scriptures – says it best about His Presence in the Eucharist. At the same time, I love the writings of the spiritual masters as they plumb the depths of the mystery.

          Liked by 4 people

  4. Dear Charlie, thank-you so much for all you have shared here.

    Like others here, I really love and admire Sheryl’s missive.
    Looking forward to the Handbook!

    I have been reluctant to share my current medical condition and ask for prayer…but I really do need it for myself and for my 4 doctors. Please, please pray. I confess that I am frightened and begging for understanding. Thank-you all so very much. Praying for you all. ✝️🙏🏽

    God bless, katey in OR ✝️💕🌦️

    Liked by 10 people

    1. Oh dear Katey, just ask and we’ll pray for our dear sister in need. There are so many trials now and we all need support. God bless and help you and your team!

      Liked by 5 people

    2. A quote from Mother Teresa for you Katey: …”— a sign that you have come so close to Jesus on the cross that he can kiss you.’ And she joined her hands together and said, ‘Mother Teresa, please tell Jesus to stop kissing me.’”“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if the drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of the missing drop.”

      May Our Blessed Mother hold your hand. May God the Father give you His Peace and Strength. May Jesus and the Holy Spirit fill you with overflowing trust and love.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy St Joseph the Worker Day!! 😉

    Hate Trump/Deplorables & Kill Babies is THEIR Election 24 Platform!

    …. Oh! and THEY insuring that YOUR Children/Grandchildren are Doped-Up too! Manifest EVIL … On-Parade!!


    Liked by 2 people

  6. This might be a simplistic way to view the Eucharist and it’s not an original thought. I read it somewhere recently. As the triune Father said “let there be light” aka “Light is”, every miracle of Jesus was an “is”. The healings, the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the wine of Cana all were directions of Him in is. So why at the moment of his sacrifice would His declaration of “is” not be is? S. Collmer’s letter is beautiful. Years ago my neighbor, friend and sincere Christian (a Presbyterian) and I would sit for a weekly hour or two and discuss our faith. I was pretty naive back then on how Protestants viewed RC’s. I didn’t have all info in my head on the Bible quotes out of Jesus’s mouth regarding the sacraments. But I loved her, enjoyed our talks and so went looking for defined answers. But I did know the “is” of the Eucharist. (TY to the Sisters of St. Joseph, IHM’s, Franciscans and Mercy. All high school teachers at a very large Archdiocese of Phila Catholic HS.) Recently there was a reported Eucharist miracle that the amount of hosts available would not cover all in the receiving line. But as panic arose, the hosts were miraculously replenished. Maybe between Collmer’s letter and the Catholics on D Jenkins team, he has a surprise on the way. Hope so.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉


    Liked by 2 people

  8. I really hate to ask prayers of you all but sometimes they just no other place to turn but to you who I tenderly think of you all as, “Big Gun Prayers!” 🙏🙏🙏

    Bottom line, globetrotting Tommy, wife Liz and my 2 1/2 year old Jaxy poo are flying out to Rome, Italy 🇮🇹 tomorrow! First stop is the Vatican which I’m very very happy about but I’m scared to death for my little one’s safety and well being. I pleaded with them to leave him with us but to no avail. So if you so don’t mind, please say a prayer for all of them that it be very fruitful in nature and that God protects them and the Blessed Mother enfolds them all in her mantle! They will be there for two weeks !!!😬 Thank you everyone!!! You are the best and I love you all!!!


    Liked by 3 people

            1. Angels of God, our Guardians dear…please keep this youngster and his parents safe and bring them back home safely. ✝️🙏🏽

              Mother Mary, wrap your veil of protections around them all.✝️🙏🏽

              Amen and amen!
              hugs and God bless from katey.✝️🙏🏽

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Thank you oh sweetest Kathy!!! Praying for you daily as well 🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘👼🇮🇹


  9. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉

    Hessburgh was no Conservative but had a brain.

    Naughty Word Guy … On-It:


    Liked by 2 people

  10. A Squirrelly story.

    After a particularly mild winter the small town of Chestermere became infected with squirrels in the spring.  Because the local churches had the best trees, the squirrels often congregated (pun intended) near them and this is what each church decided to do about the pesky animals.

    The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn’t interfere with God’s divine will.

    At the Baptist church the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim, so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

    The Lutheran church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God’s creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist church. Two weeks later the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water-slide.

    But the Catholic church came up with a very creative strategy! They baptized all the squirrels and made them members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

    Not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue. They took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven’t seen a squirrel since…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉

    John-Paul & Annie sent out their final prayer after The Mary Undoer of Knots Novena they hosted. In my feeble way I try to do the Novenas but ….. as a Type A Hyper Dude, I have an aversion to sappy Holy “word salad” Prayers & Litanies. Anyway on day-one my mind wandered and I decided that Our Lady should borrow St Michael’s sword instead all this undoing business and cut through the evil Gordian Knot that has enveloped Earth …….. The Alex the Great Method 😉

    Sans Divine Intervention which I Hope-n-Pray for, I believe the Global Re-Set THEY will quite simply NOT allow Trump/Deplorables a Win come November. Too many rich-n-fat godless Operators are fearful of a Righteous Reckoning!

    Another SIGN that collapse is imminent in USA Blue Zones but Red Zoners best remember; The Supply Chain depends upon operational Blue Zones ;-(

    Goodness Gracious! I’m sure ABCNNBCBS-NPR/NYT/WashPo will be all over this story! ….? …. Right!??



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