
Welcome to “A Sign of Hope.”

We talk here about culture, the faith, the Church, politics and global affairs from a fully faithful perspective, confident that God is ever with those who call on Him – and in the sure knowledge that the arc of history bends toward communion with the Master, Jesus Christ.

I am Charlie Johnston, the founder of this site, and Beckita Hesse is the Managing Editor. I am a Catholic convert, so the site starts from a Catholic perspective. But I believe, particularly in these perilous times, all people who cherish their Judeo-Christian faith are fellow workers in the same vineyard. So all sincere Protestants, Jews and Orthodox are invited to participate: there are no junior partners in the work here. My longtime motto for living faith well is to, in all things, Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around us. I trust that God, Himself, will, in the fullness of time. heal all divisions and make us one in love together. While awaiting that glad day, let us be about His work and act as Signs of Hope to all we meet.