Big Lies

By Charlie Johnston

Yet another mass shooting, this time at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Yet another opportunity for the left to call for more gun control (while they simultaneously call to defund the police) and denounce “white supremacy,” even though the alleged killer this time is an Hispanic.

 We have entered an era of a mass shooting a week – and sometimes several. In all but the most rigidly regimented totalitarian countries, criminals always get guns. The left is so desperate to find a “white supremacist” mass shooter that they tried to fit the moniker to a self-described socialist (Buffalo) who hates conservatives and Jews. Hey, the Buffalo shooter was white, so that checked off one of the boxes, anyway. The roll call of mass shooters is an omelet of crazed lefties and Jihadis with a few whites sprinkled on like salt. The frantic effort by the left to divide this country along racial and sexual lines certainly contributes to the rise in this hideous deviancy. Tell a bunch of throbbing lunatics that ordinary people are out to get them, then whip them up into a frothing rage, and a few are going to take you seriously. Meantime, we find that most law enforcement (usually the FBI) knew months and sometimes years in advance about the dangerously disturbed killer but did nothing – for fear of being labeled racist or whatever other -ist might apply. One of the safest countries in the world is Switzerland, which also has the most liberal gun laws in the world and among the highest gun ownership rates. Turns out a universally armed society is a very polite society.

Tightening the screws on gun ownership and artificially whipping up hatred against political opponents will not do a thing to make society safer – but will make it easier to oppress and ultimately enslave everyone. Firm and consistent enforcement of laws against violent behavior will dramatically reduce crime. Toning down vicious, hateful, politicized rhetoric against ordinary people will dramatically cut back on the divisions in our society. But that would take away the props the left desperately needs to keep people at each other’s throats. And that is all the victims of the huge spike of violence these last two years are to the left: useful props for their ideological agenda.

We do not need more gun control. We need more crime control. And disarming potential victims in the face of the frothing rage the left has sewn is a dumb way to fight crime.


The left is frantically accusing San Francisco’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of “weaponizing the Eucharist” for banning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from communion because of her public advocacy of abortion on demand. Well…no.

Every organization has some rules for membership. It is the duty of the officers of any organization to enforce those rules. Human nature being what it is, people are wont to color outside the lines from time to time. It is a wise leader who recognizes that and does not wield a heavy hand in enforcing all the rules all the time. But when a voluntary member flagrantly, consistently and defiantly flouts a foundational tenet of the organization, even after sustained and serious efforts by the leader to correct that scandal, the person trashing the rules has effectively left the organization already. To try to preserve the benefits of belonging to the organization while trashing the foundational ethics and values of it is both a provocation against it and an effort to destroy it. Archbishop Cordileone is defending the Catholic faith against efforts by its internal enemies to subvert and destroy it – and is being joined by a growing number of Bishops who are determined that the faith which many of us cherish will stand strong for the tenets enunciated by its Founder since antiquity.  Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and all other “Catholic” politicians who openly and defiantly flout the foundational tenets of Catholicism are perfectly free to go join another church which is more in line with their preferences (and heaven knows, there are plenty of “Christian” churches that long ago broke with Christ). But it is they who have been successfully weaponizing the Eucharist for decades. Archbishop Cordileone is just putting a stop to it.


Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary, “2000 Mules,” is being celebrated by many for its painstakingly detailed evidence of massive vote fraud in the 2020 election. It contains compelling evidence that this was likely the most fraud-riddled presidential election in American history. Naturally the left and the establishment media are screaming that you should believe them and not your own eyes. They refuse to examine any evidence and then say there is no evidence. They’re like a little kid who puts his hands over his eyes and thinks you can’t see him. As the evidence has become so overwhelming as to be dispositive, they stick their fingers in their ears and say, “Lalalalala…” They insult any who question the validity of that election. They call the claim, now almost certain, that Joe Biden was fraudulently awarded the Oval Office as, “The Big Lie.”

Conservatives rejoice because this movie, working only one aspect of the fraud, offers overwhelming and compelling evidence that the election was stolen, notwithstanding the histrionics of the left and its media sentinels. Something less noted about this documentary is that identical methods were used across a multitude of states. This is compelling evidence of pre-meditation, coordination, and conspiracy. Where there is a cohesive plot, there is an organization and a mastermind. That reality makes the left and the media’s squeals look less like partisan rhetoric and more like obstruction of justice and collaboration in a genuinely treasonous perversion of democracy.

There is, indeed, a Big Lie here, but it is not the one the media is peddling. The Big Lie is that Joe Biden is a legitimately elected president.


Years ago, in the early days of David Daleiden’s battle with the abortion powers, we were talking about what the likely course and turns of this battle would be. I noted that it was going to be tough and prolonged, because Planned Parenthood (PP) had been the 10-ton gorilla of American politics for decades. They usually got their way by strong-arming whoever opposed them. But that was also their weakness. Any entity or person which gets their way through bullying for a sustained period of time gradually loses the capacity to do anything else in a public battle. What this meant was that PP would try to bully him into quitting the field. Failing that, they would try to bankrupt him. It would be a pitched battle. But once both tactics failed, they would have nothing to throw at him that would be effective. That would be the moment when the tide would begin to turn. That tide has turned. There is still a battle going on, but it is like the course of World War II after el-Alamein…still a lot of fighting, but the tyrants are bleeding ground every step of the way. Texas passed the heartbeat law, Oklahoma has effectively banned abortion, The Supreme Court is likely poised to overturn Roe v Wade, and a growing cadre of American Bishops will no longer let politicians use the dodge of claiming to be Catholic while publicly opposing its founding tenets. If they can’t bully people, states, and the Church into submission, they have nothing – except the occasional corrupt trick.

While the abortion power’s high tide is already past and is now receding on every front, the rest of the cultural battle is just in its early stages. The howls of the left are primarily in rage that they cannot reliably bully people into submission anymore. There is a lot of battle left ahead – and it may well transform the world given the left’s “rule or ruin” mentality. I personally think they will topple the United States and a few other countries in their fiery rage. But we will rebuild. The point is, as you see all of these controversies reach insane intensity, it is because the left is losing. They try all their old bully tricks and the gears just aren’t engaging. That’s because they have been bullies for over a half a century. As their bullying tactics are no longer working they have nothing – except to try to ruin the society they are in, to sit in their bunker like Hitler at the end of World War II and bitterly proclaim that the “people” are not worthy of them.

The left has long lived by a series of Big Lies. Now they are dying by them. Let us stay focused on rebuilding the faith and face of the world despite the howls of dying rage that surround us. The Orcs have had their day.


If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Gab at Charliej373 or at the CORAC group.

Find me on Twitter at @Charlie62394802

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The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

76 thoughts on “Big Lies

  1. Amen. Amen. Amen. And Amen, Charlie. Praying each day for new measures of fortitude as we press on knowing that life cannot be sustained by lies (yet, still amazed by the many who believe them)… and, as you say, there are some big fat ones being perpetuated in this screechy howling.

    Liked by 8 people

      1. It shows just how far off the rails Beto is Beckita. To think that was an appropriate place to complain is beyond belief. And people will think what he did was great.

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      2. I refuse to call him Beto. He’s Robert Francis O’Rourke, and he’s as Irish as McGinty’s goat. He’s a poser, an opportunist, and a truly sick son-of-a-gun. I hope his stunt yesterday brings an end to his political career.

        Liked by 8 people

        1. “He’s a poser, an opportunist, and a truly sick son-of-a-gun. I hope his stunt yesterday brings an end to his political career.” Hear Hear, Mick!

          Liked by 3 people

    1. Amen, Beckita.

      And speaking of lies, yesterday, 25 May, marked the 4th anniversary of the day when this benighted dump of a country of mine freely voted to introduce infanticide – the biggest Lie of all. And of course, per the script written for him by his true Masters, our then “Leader” – a medical doctor, no less – parroted the rubbish about it being rare. Oh yeah – so “rare” that in the past 3 years (it came into force in 2019) “only” 21,000 baby-murders have been committed. Out of a population of about 5m.

      We’re not giving up – our Rally for Life is back on Sat. 2 July as a live march in the Capital, after 2 years of absence due to the panicdemic. May it be huge!

      I love the orc-reference. I’m sure they’ll be out in force along our route, as per usual. Nobody ever reacts to them in all their hate-fuelled frenzy, thank God – and boy, do they hate that! They just can’t cope with tolerance, usually smiling tolerance. It drives them wilder. In future years, may they look back with shame on what they have reduced themselves to – and genuine repentance!

      I honestly think that Roe -v- Wade is like the One Binding Ring of the other side, and if the US Supreme Court throws it out then that will be like casting it into the fires of Mount Doom and the rollback will start in earnest. That’s how important the US is, really. Particularly in a country like mine, small, peripheral and unimportant – despite the delusions of the Potemkin-village “ruling” class (now off in Davos being willingly patronised by the real rulers). Basically, we’re a backwater, but one in which decisions, cultural and political, in your country have great import.

      May it come to pass.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. “May it come to pass.” Amen, J. Many blessings upon your upcoming Rally for Life with ongoing prayers for our beloved Irish brothers and sisters!

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      2. “I honestly think that Roe -v- Wade is like the One Binding Ring of the other side, and if the US Supreme Court throws it out then that will be like casting it into the fires of Mount Doom and the rollback will start in earnest. That’s how important the US is, really. ”

        Jaykay, I’ve had this very same thought, pressed on my heart. When Pope Francis consecrated the world to Our Lady, I felt in my heart this was a fait accompli.

        TY for your hard work and witness. Keep on keepin’ on!

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Ok But what of PF calling Irish immigrants to the US whiskey disseminators and Italian immigrants members of the Mafia? I suppose Mexican immigrants could be called influxes of Aztec human sacrificers. Does the man think before he pronounces? Never forget Pachamama. Does he not get the illegal part of the border crossers?


          1. No doubt distressing (and worse) statements/actions. But I don’t understand what do any of those have to do with the consecration?

            Are you saying that xyz bad actions negate xyz good actions?

            My understanding is it erroneous logic to say any good actions are in competition or negated by bad actions, but I stand to be corrected by those more knowledgeable than I.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. At this point I was referring to Big Lies. I had just read PF’s statement about immigrants in the US as he reacted to some American saying he wasn’t an immigrant because his family history was of many generations in this country. Ironically I’m very aware of the immigrants in my heritage line, my children are less so. It just bugged me that PF made general pronouncements about them. So whiskey came through the Irish, so what? Wine came here through the French and the Italians, etc. Not all Irish are drunks. Not all Italians immigrants were members of the Mafia. But the Aztec culture is very alive in Mexico through the drug cartels and the sex trade. Is whiskey and wine equal to the Mafia? Quite frankly the Mafia was unknown in the 1800’s to government here. But the Mexican cartel business is well known and they are using the open border to fund their operations. Human sacrifice is alive and well in that culture and across our open border. I just wish PF would think more deeply before he speaks. And then there was his attempt to elevate a carved wooden symbol to veneration status. I do not know what you are referring to in your comment to me. As for logic, I was taught by old Jesuits (as opposed to new ones aka Fr. Martin) and had courses in Logic in university. For me your comment here is a non sequitur. Were you referring to a later comment? I’ll read through the comment section.


              1. The big lies are indeed crazy. They are so crazy, I don’t pay them any attention because sifting them is so very exhausting. I have no energy to spare.

                My main point was that I don’t understand what all that has to do with the good that was the consecration? How does it impact the value or validity of the consecration?

                Yeah, my comment was poorly crafted. It would have been better if I left it at the question of how do all those actions/words of Pope Francis that you mentioned change the value of the his act of consecration?


                1. I went to look back at the threads involved here, Little. I think you and Joanne are just talking about different things. I don’t think she was diminishing the value of the consecration at all but questioning the overall good intentions of the Pope. Having done something good does not change the fact that a lot of bad has been done – but that a lot of bad has been done does not diminish the value of the consecration. I think your focus is in two different places – yours on the value of the consecration, which I think is correct, and hers on the larger apparent casual malice of the man, which I think is also correct.

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                  1. Ah, that makes sense. TY, Charlie! TY Joanne!

                    Joanne, even though I do not know all the details you have written of, I accept and understand there is real darkness there. God bless you and yours and us everyone! Keep on keepin’ on.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Little light: in the words of Father Altman, “Clarity is charity.” I always worry about what I might have missed. We all commit good acts and bad ones. I’m exhausted too.

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                  2. TY. Don’t you think the left is just as confused by PF. The most absurd was Whoopi Goldberg screaming to Cordileone that it wasn’t his job to ban NP from communion and then calling on the pope to fix it. Re: Father Altman clarity is charity.


    1. Yepyep!

      (Becky, do I have your permission to reply: “Yepyep!” As I too want to get the email replies and can’t always have a relevant comment ;-D I TY in advance ;-D )

      Liked by 4 people

    1. Have you seen the pictures of him or the notes? In the technical sense that he may not have had an operation, you are right, but he was at least a cross-dresser who wanted to look trans – so from the left’s soup of deviancy. That he wanted so bad to be is why the left’s smear machine is screaming that no, he wasn’t. The fact is there is a LOT more evidence that he was a tranny than there ever was that the Buffalo shooter was a conservative – simply because he was white.

      I am not going to play the left’s game that when a leftist does something terrible (which accounts for the mountain of these types of things) we must put it in context of the bullying, the mental illness, blah, blah, blah but if they can find anything to check off on the box of people they hate, then the heck with context, he’s a white supremacist. Either the same rules apply to all or the left can go pound sand.

      I am willing to deal with people as they are – but if you are from the left or the LBGT community you do NOT get to villainize and smear me and those like me at will and then start whining about context when you have done something actually awful.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Okay, I have dug deeper and found that the tranny pictures may have been of someone else who looks a lot like the shooter. I will correct that part until I get more info. Ha! I, too, get hot and sometimes jump the gun in relying on other information.

        Liked by 7 people

  2. Sheesh man… When can we get off this crazy train? I’m tired of dealing with “invincible ignorance”, people who don’t like the truth, will find any ultra lame excuse to reject the truth, critical thinking is the enemy of that which rejects truth.

    This dilemma is driving me nuts, it’s easier to reason with a rock than these crazy people, as reality isn’t defined by wishful thinking that is against God’s will.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. What I don’t comprehend, is why, why shoot up a school? All those innocents.. 😭 Though I saw a comment that it’s hard for the Dems to condemn this killing of children while they support killing them in the womb (and now in Connecticut (?) up to 28 days after birth!).

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hi JEWELSWORD13, I doubt liberals care about children in the schools either any more than in the womb, just look at how they destroyed education & the the filth they introduced in it’s place. It’s the guns they’re after. Liberals have no respect for life inside the womb nor outside the womb regardless of the age.

      Liked by 6 people

    2. 😢 This is getting harder and harder. This is so very diabolical, it leaves me breathless.
      And next, of course, is this monkey pox pandemic which they will use to lock us all down…again.
      I pray, Charlie, that your assessment is correct and that they are about to destroy themselves.
      How long, O Lord, how long?
      Praying for us all, katey in OR

      Liked by 7 people

      1. They can’t because transmission is by contact of the secretion from the lesion. Most breakout was in gay sex bars in Europe. Once a long time ago, Phil Donahue on his show sarcastically asked a guest if he though AIDS was God’s punishment for gay sex. His question related to gay sex being considered sinful in the CC. My thought then was no PD the commandment against adultery is the Father’s protecting all from viruses like AIDS plus a whole lot of emotional harm to one another.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Jewels: (What I don’t comprehend, is why, why shoot up a school? All those innocents….).
      I believe after he shot his grandmother he snapped and blacked out and raw confusion took over. I’ve seen this before.
      Years ago my buddy shot his wife’s ex-husand and went crazy afterwards. He didn’t even remember what happened afterwards saying he had shot him in the head and killed him but when told it was a flesh wound to his side by the beltline he denied this and said “I saw the hair on his head fly up where the bullet hit him.” Never happened.
      He didn’t remember that the guy ran out of the house and got into his car and drove to the hospital because his mind snapped at that point and he hallocinated a whole other story about the guy being dead.
      He even argued on the phone when his mother called him and told him the guy was alive.
      I think this shooter was running from the police and after crashing his car by a school just went inside and started shooting as part of his delirium and that is why there is no sense to it. I believe if he had crashed near a liquor store or a buisness or grocery store he would have run in and done the same thing.

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      1. There’s some reports this morning that while gaming, he repeatedly threatened to target a school. Other gamers thought it odd, and one did report it to the f b i. Armchair analyst here, but prob. retaliation for being bullied in school and easy targets. Many teachers look the other way saying the bullies were just teasing and the complainer needs to toughen up.

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  4. For some reason my “like” button doesn’t work on this site anymore.
    What we are seeing every day now is exactly what anyone should expect for a nation that has “pushed away the warm hand of God” as Alexander Solzhenitsyn described us. It’s all wrong to believing Christians, but is to the liking of people who really hate God but can’t get at him, so they attack people not like themselves. Satan is strong right now in this world. The St. Michael prayer is very good to pray to contain him. Evil is truly having it’s day. Jesus will have the last word.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Kate, I haven’t seen many comments from you; but the ones I have seen, I have cleared. Maybe the ether is eating your comments?

      Liked by 3 people

        1. What happens to my comments and likes is wordpress has decided to cancel me. Then I must somehow come back, create a new non-remember-able password, and I’m good to go for a while. Maybe wordpress is “doing you in?”

          Liked by 2 people

  5. Latest Medjugorje Message, May 25, 2022 [O]
    “Dear children! I am looking at you and thanking God for each of you, because He permits me to still be with you, to encourage you to holiness. Little children, peace is disturbed and Satan wants peacelessness. That is why, may your prayer be even stronger so that every unclean spirit of division and war may be stilled. Be builders of peace and carriers of joy of the Risen One in you and around you, for the good to win in every man. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Well our Catholic church defines LGBTQ+ unions as sinful ones and intrinsically disordered. Mass murders happen due to unstable, intrinsically disordered individuals decide to go for a murder spree. You have kids play Call of Duty as a norm, indoctrinated by other person disorder ideas (including LGBTQ+ disorder) and no wonder you reap what you saw. Yes, tighten gun control! – ban it for all transgender and other mentally ill people in the first place and instead sending another $40 billion to war in Ukraine, secure your own citizens first with this money.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So they’ve organized a Union for the LGBTQ’ers? Are they planning to go on strike soon, Pawel? They have my permission to use the following moniker; Association for Regulating Sexual Exceptions and Specialties. It has a catchy abbreviation, don’t you think?

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      1. The art work itself is fine. It’s knowing what it represents is why I don’t like it. It breaks my heart knowing all of the evil started here, including the shooting.

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          1. Yep, quite literally Charlie, most people & policies on the left & globalism act with the intent of that original sin. The new forbidden fruit that humanity tempted on a daily basis is breaking the 10 Commandments which grows off the forbidden tree of pride, by disobeying God’s Commandment people are attempting to raise themselves above God.

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    1. LAV, I clicked on the “nomad soul” and he has very interesting posts. Charlie once said he has no more conspiracy theories b/c they’ve all come true (I feel that way!) Maybe Charlie was joking, but I’m not. “Nomad soul” has pics of contrails in the sky and I recently saw numerous ones overhead, very unusual that there were so many and all parallel. I could see an airliner size plane way up high, and the contrails kept appearing. I even called my pilot husband to come see, but he figures there’s a rational explanation, ha! Who knows?!

      Liked by 3 people

  7. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! .. !! 😉


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  8. So concerned about all of these issues that I am going to take steps to harden our Sunday school program. It is always an inconvenience, especially for parents who can’t seem to arrive on time, but I believe most parents will agree that less access is better for their children than open access, especially after the outcry against the Church by Pro-Abortionists; I’d rather err on the side of caution. In this, I pray that all efforts will be unnecessary and in vain but. just last week, there was a shootout on the sidewalk in front of our parish and the instigator tried to open my door to seek shelter. No one was hurt but there were quite a few bullets flying around. Thanks be to God that it was on a weekday and the church was not occupied.

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    1. Good point. Hope other churches do it. Even Cordileone in his Pelosi statement mentioned he expects acts of violence against churches because of it esp in SF. Did anyone read that statement? He also wrote about the 8th Beatitude being one of the primary reasons for the ban. Think about it. Pelosi not only unequivocally supports abortion contrary to Christ and the church but her rhetoric supports attacks on Catholic Churches and other Catholics. Those groups go after the Eucharist. (See St Bartholomew Church, Katy, TX). Her actions for me denies the transubstanciation. Also she wasn’t excommunicated or banned from Mass itself.

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  9. I do hope the Orcs have had their day. They won’t depart without a shrieking fight. If seems to me that a cultural renewal may resemble the behavior of a demon as he is about to be exorcised. So I’m told, they begin by screaming for their “right” to remain in their place of possession. Next, as they realize their downfall is inevitable, they become increasingly aggressive and violent. Lastly, they beg pitifully for “mercy” before finally being cast out. If our societal illness is indeed demonic, we should expect it to get worse before we are finally set free from this malice.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Victura, I think you have grasped it exactly. They are losing, but the most dangerous, violent period of a possession is near the end when they are being banished. I sometimes wonder (quite seriously) if our whole culture has been possessed. It is coming to an end, but woe to anyone who thinks it won’t get (much) worse before it is banished completely.

      Liked by 8 people

    2. Victura98: Referring to your shrieking comment: When the leak was reported, I called my friend who is very involved in Rachel’s Vineyard. At the end of our conversation I said to her, “Well, let the shrieking begin!” Even back in the 1990’s at the March for Life in DC with my children, they would screech from the sidelines, “Don’t listen to your mother.” It make me chuckle even to this day as I type the quote. So much irony in that statement, don’t you think?


  10. Regarding the latest mass shooting, it is mind blowing that the suspect was chased by the police and when the gun loaded perpetrator got into the school building it is reported the police stayed outside for over an hour…

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  11. Did I read this correctly? In the Texas elementary shooting, the cops went in and saved their own kids, but parents who wanted go get their kids were forced to the ground and handcuffed? There was 1 shooter and 150 cops were gathering outside? The shooter killed 21 people and 0 of them were cops? What is wrong with this picture?

    People are going to stop caring about the police if they don’t stop acting like the bad guys…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. As unbelievable as it sounds, that is the information that is coming out now. I want to believe it is not true, but the video of cops milling around outside while the shooter committed his massacre and occupied their time by handcuffing desperate parents who wanted to get inside to save their little ones is pretty hard to refute.

      My brother, when he was a city cop, defused two hostage situations by going in and talking the guy down – putting himself in grave danger. This sort of scenario in Texas is unthinkable for old-school cops who were taught to run towards danger to serve and protect. This is stunning. If it is fully true, then in some places cops only give a false sense of security.

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  12. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! .. !! 😉’t-lie-about-roe-v-wade—and-democrats-know-it-202621

    Re: Uvalde Massacre …. something smells …. Bad!:
    I’m seeing all sorts of “Reports” and Questions Out-There ….. What to believe in this Age of Universal Deceit?
    Was it a False Flag to create Anti-Gun Hysteria leading to Citizen Disarmament?
    We have heard the term Grooming of late when it comes to FringeLeft Teachers/LGBT Radicals, your children/grandchildren and Public Schools/Libraries.
    The Perp was on The Radar as a Troubled Youth for antisocial behavior/Internet posts. Who counseled him? Did someone sinister Groom the Killer?
    After watching the ChinaPlague Op, The Usual Suspects imploding Our USA whilst demanding more POWER and ABORTION “Rights” till post birth, ……. what is beyond the realm of possibility … These-Days!!??

    Right-Wing Conspiracy Nuts, Ya say?
    Ya remember the Obama DOJ Gun Running Op called “Fast & Furious” that was sprung to inflame the Gun Control Agenda? It was real, cost lives, NOT investigated and NOBODY held accountable!

    Here is an example of excellent Gun Control!


    Liked by 4 people

    1. If Uvalde was a false flag, it may prove to have been an act of self-sabatoge by TPTB. Alerting the masses as to who may or may not have their backs, and directing them to appropriate solutions for this reality.


  13. Crewdog, I thought of you recently watching a video on Rumble. Stew Peters is on fire for God and truth, and interviews some amazing people. He often works with Dr. Jane Ruby, who has done tons of research and also has guests on her own show. This interview that amazed me was Dr. Jane Ruby with Dr. Tau Braun, a counter-bio-terrorism expert. (On rumble) The reason I thought of you (and others who are pro-military,as I am) is what Dr. Braun said about DOD being involved in the whole sordid cvd scam. Robert Kennedy Jr. said the same thing about DOD in an interview I saw quite a while ago. It’s heartbreaking to hear, and I think of the military I knew so long ago and for so much of my life! If you’re inclined to look it up, you should find it interesting.

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  14. I have to say I was quite disappointed by the 2000 Mules documentary. I had high hopes because there has now been time to put together good, hard evidence in regards to the election.

    The GPS tracking they used helped to show it was possible that “mules” could be visiting multiple ballot boxes. Then they had many hours of video from the ballot boxes, and so all that was needed was the video evidence of the same people visiting multiple video boxes.

    But then video evidence was never produced of a person visiting multiple ballot boxes. And it is safe to assume that if they had this evidence, it would have been shown.

    In this way, I find the documentary at least somewhat intellectually irresponsible in that a lot of serious suggestive claims are made, but the hard evidence to prove them is not provided.
    At minimum if someone does believe in the claims about widespread election fraud, it would have been smart to wait to release this documentary until one had the hard evidence so that it couldn’t so easily be dismissed.


    1. Are you a Troll, Philip?

      I saw all kinds of evidence in “2000 Mules”. The documentary did a great job of digging it out considering the five areas investigated are infamous for their political, electoral, judicial/LEO and personal corruption.

      Yes! If you are a big fan of ABCNNBCBS-NPR/NYT/Wash-Po/AP/Reuters and the DNC, Ya might be lead to think otherwise!


      Liked by 5 people

      1. “for sure truth” Otherwise it would not have been censored everywhere.
        It was even off limits for Fox News.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Crewdog!

        Ha, well, I won’t be the one to decide whether I am a troll or not. Though if you are ever in the Cleveland, Ohio area, I’d love to meet up for your beverage of choice!

        I did hear an interview with Dinesh D’Souza the other day, and he was very honest about what the evidence showed, and what it didn’t. They are still working hard behind the scenes to provide more hard evidence along the lines that I was hoping for.

        So it may be the case that my biggest criticism is they released the documentary too early.
        I will say, if they would have showed even a single set of video evidence of one of the same persons going to 2-3 dropboxes in a single evening, that would have given some hard evidence to backup the GPS tracking. Then if you have video footage of several other people doing the same, the case starts to be built that there is a real red flag there.

        But with all the video footage they mentioned they had, I don’t know why nothing like that was presented?


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