Intellectual and Moral Eclipse

Statue of Our Lady at the foot of Mt. Meeker – at the height of the eclipse

By Charlie Johnston

Thoughts from my sojourn at Mt. Meeker during the eclipse…

When I was doing radio back in the late 80’s through the mid-90’s it drove me bananas that all the media would judge a legislative session by how many new laws it passed. I was insistent that a legislature should rather be judged by how many laws it trimmed from the books. A legal system is not supposed to be an overgrown jungle: it should more closely resemble a neatly trimmed lawn. Every new law passed requires an enforcement mechanism – and everyone assigned to enforcement seeks novel things to enforce. I was convinced that if this continued we would eventually be both overwhelmed and paralyzed by a malevolently capricious bureaucratic command system. I was right – and we are there.

People often miss the point about original sin. I hear folks ask how a baby can sin – and how that can affect all of us down the line. Adam and Eve were the King and Queen of God’s creation. We were created a royal people. The satan seduced and tossed us off the throne. If a king is overthrown in a coup his descendants, fine as they might be, are deprived of their station – through no actual fault of their own. But God had a plan. Through baptism, He restores us to the royal dignity which we were deprived of by the original sin of Adam and Eve. From there, it is our responsibility to correspond to His graceful mercy – or not. Baptism restores what Adam and Eve forfeited for all of us.

John Stuart Mill is one of my favorite philosophers. His range is narrow, but within the narrow range he chose, he is brilliant. I am currently re-reading his seminal treatise, On Liberty. It is a brilliant exposition of my oft-repeated exhortation the truth will stand the test of examination – and MUST be examined if it is truth. Chapter two, Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion, is particularly apropos to the pseudo-intellectuals who now dominate the culture of the western world. There is a quote by Mill beloved by leftists which, ironically, reveals how ignorant they are. “Not all conservatives are stupid,” Mill once said, “but all stupid people are conservative.” What the stupid leftists who smugly quote that do not know is that, in Mill’s time, a liberal was one who supported individual liberty and limited, decentralized government, while a conservative was one who supported absolute monarchy and other coercive, centralized governmental schemes – exactly the opposite of what the terms mean today.

The political left is incapable of crafting good policy but is brilliant in hijacking the names of the philosophies that generate good policy. The American Revolution was a liberal revolution and its foundational philosophy was liberal – in the sense that Mill used the term. It became very popular and started building inroads throughout the world because of the success and benefits it wrought. Shaken by this, leftists throughout the world did NOT rethink their beliefs. Instead, they just started calling their coercive policies “liberal” in order to hijack some of the good will actual liberal policies had generated. In time, the terms ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ completely flipped meanings. Now, liberal policies are in growing disrepute. Ironically, because of the illiberalism of those policies.

The pettiness of denominational squabbling has always caused me great dismay. I speak not of foundational articles of faith here. Rather, I speak of the triumphalism inherent in so many theological and apologetic disputes. If someone is of good heart and seeks truth with vigor, I figure God will take care of their – and my own – errors in His good time. In the mean time, we should be allies. The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is vital to me. None of my Protestant brothers believe in it. Yet if all believe Christ is Lord, why not work together with good will, trusting God to bridge the gap? Especially when, like now, we have a lot of temporally powerful people who want to destroy us. Here I am not speaking of respectful discussion – as I have with many of my Protestant brethren. Rather, the mocking, the contempt, the dismissal of the “other” offends me. I believe that God manifests to all of good heart, inviting them to go further. I think He manifests both naturally and supernaturally to all who will hear Him. Yet I hear Protestants treat as superstition many Catholic items of faith they do not understand or are not willing to understand. And I hear Catholics treat as superstition many Protestant items of faith they do not and are not willing to understand. That is rank triumphalism. I have never cared to dismiss anyone’s item of faith until I understand why they hold it – on their terms. Then I may dismiss or adopt it as seems wise to me, but I don’t routinely mock their beliefs. This is a key point for me, for if I had not had that seeker’s attitude, I never could have become a Catholic, being too busy mocking what I did not understand. If you want respect for your faith, quit mocking or trivializing the sincere faith of others. If you find something genuinely dangerous then speak on it, but do it from a position of informed knowledge rather than lazy scoffing. Scoffing is just the purview of ignorant arrogance. We have reached the point where, as Ben Franklin once said, we must all hang together or we will all hang separately.

Faith cannot be a demand that God must do for us the work He has given to us to do. Attempting such is to reduce God to a genie, with us restlessly seeking the magic formula to bind Him to our will. God promises He will be with us if we strive to do His will – which is not the same thing as promising to do it our way if we just praise Him enough. God’s ways are not our ways. His ways are often (usually) inscrutable to us. In order to guarantee our free will while teaching us and accomplishing the good, He usually works through indirection that we cannot quite fathom. Yet, He demands that we be participants in His work rather than mere spectators. Many who decide to participate try to take the helm and kick God to the curb. Do not be bullied. Do not be passive. Put your shoulder to the plow with humility and resolve and just take the next right step as you can see to do so, trusting God to correct you as needed – and taking correction when it comes.

The current chaos in America and in the world is – to use a hackneyed political phrase – unsustainable. Reason, charity, justice, faith in God have all been eclipsed by mammon. (Mammon is NOT, as commonly thought, just money. It is the things of this world.) The situation is as described in Isaiah 21-23: “How the faithful city has become a harlot, she that was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. Your silver has become dross, your wine mixed with water. Your princes are rebels and companions of thieves. Everyone loves a bribe and runs after gifts. They do not defend the fatherless, and the widow’s cause does not come to them.” All but the most intense ideologues can feel the electricity in the air, the many foreshadowings of the great thunderbolt to come – and that right soon.  The noonday darkness has unhinged some, while driving others to extremes of fear, anger, and despair. As at Golgotha, that darkness is being accompanied with great shakings. These things must come. Since God refuses to coerce our will, the way He has to reveal the death the road we are on leads to is to allow us to reap some consequences for the bitter fruit we have sown. The shakings have already begun. They will grow in intensity, though many will not be as we expected. Yet the great prophet Isaiah, while condemning the faithlessness and dysfunction of his generation, prophesied both of the terrible shakings that must come AND the restoration that would be gifted to those who set their jaws like flint and committed to the service of the Lord and each other. I strongly encourage you to read Isaiah anew, with eyes on our own times. How are we to respond to both weather the great storm and rebuild the culture that is being toppled before our very eyes? Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you. I am working intently on a practical program to help us all do that together without coercing anyone’s will.


If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

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The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

40 thoughts on “Intellectual and Moral Eclipse

  1. Thank you, Charlie, for your faithfulness. It’s a sweet balm to be able to count on your knowledge, research, insights and wisdom as we make our way through the insanity of these times.

    Your writing is an ever present reminder to hang in there, to count on the Lord and His Goodness as we take care to remain little – like the most endearing humble saints – and to plug along in steady (sometimes stumbling) next right steps, knowing that God DOES have a Plan and our every prayer has POWER through, with and in Him to repair, to convert, to heal and to save, and to bring us to that great day when the process of the Triumph of our Mother’s Immaculate Heart is complete.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Wow Beckita, that is an awesome image of Our Blessed Mother. Is there any background on her, or is she just one of those gems you stumble across?

      Liked by 3 people

      1. This was surely a gem which I stumbled across, William. Because you asked, I did a rather brief search and could not find this one anywhere but when I saw it first on Signal.


  2. Charley, I was preparing to comment on the topic of rituals when I read your most important point:

    The pettiness of denominational squabbling has always caused me great dismay. I speak not of foundational articles of faith here. Rather, I speak of the triumphalism inherent in so many theological and apologetic disputes. If someone is of good heart {my bolding] and seeks truth with vigor, I figure God will take care of their – and my own – errors in His good time. ”

    Non rituals are necessary for connection with God. We are always with Him, and He with us, even though we may not as mortal sense our unbreakable connection with Him (and too with the souls of each other.

    Often in the past, I used to tell God that I understood and appreciated that bad things were in the stew of life, as they were a source of opportunities for spiritual growth–but questioned why there had to be so much misfortune and horrors, such as famines, floods, and the Holocaust. Regardless, while the material world that our mortal body inhabits is “too often” too treacherous, our return to Heaven will restore our perceptible connection with our Creator and the joy of His love. It is for us here to soldier on in good faith with good will for all– even the dumb, and mean spirited Godless Leftists who most surely suffer self-disgust.

    By the way, my paper explaining how the instantaneous “spooky action at a distance” of quantum entanglement works — that defies common sense–has been published, and is conveniently available to read here ( )


    Liked by 1 person

      1. The raveges of aging. I preferred my earlier pic with Shaky bird.

        I expect this will be my last paper, and although short, likely the best.


        1. Jack,

          My good friend and mentor Dr Robin Lawson was a molecular biologist at CAS. He was an atheist but very interested in truth and was a stalwart student and honest defendant of it — such as it is in the scientific discipline. Of course, me being a devoted catholic, we had some very long interesting discussions about God which I believe planted seeds of spiritual truth in a man dedicated the the same.

          I suspect that once he died and was confronted by Truth he relented of his ignorance and ceded to He who is Truth Itself.

          Reading your paper gives me a glimmer of joy to see one so highly educated as yourself ascending to the higher Truth which is God. Even though I worked with Dr Lawson in some fashion my relationship with Robin was more as friends and not as intellectual equals. Reading your take on heaven on this high intellectual level warms me that peers of your caliber reading it may too find that hope in their search for knowledge which is essentially a quest for God through His observable creation which in effect channels us towards it’s Creator. And I am excited for you to soon see this fulfilment when your taken home!

          God bless you.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Phillip, Thank you. In my junior year as a physics major at Carnegie Tech (it was closer to home than Cal Tech, so I made the mistake of attending Carnegie), one day a psychology prof teaching Intro Psych, it being a required course I did not wish to attend, a negative feeling shared with my classmates, scoffed that physics majors were adolescents still seeking God. He was most likely right.

            Personal tragedies surely motivate us to seek an understanding of the world and our role in it. My own research, motivated by the loss of parents in a house fire, has convinced me that there is the uncreated Creator. The design of the world we observe, to include the enormously complex chemical, molecular, and physical structure of living beings, could not possibly be the result of mindless random evolution. There IS a master designer.

            My research based on Near Death Experience reports (and, by the way, the degree of death, if any, is an irrelevant issue for what is experienced when consciousness separates from the body, the Out of Body Experience), found strong anecdotal evidence that Jesus and the Father are real. I had at first felt that the NDE reports were so strange that they must reflect hallucination induced by trauma. But it turns out that there is substantial evidence that the OBE not a mere hallucination. The updated 2023 text by Titus, et., al. ( The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences: 9798986105024: Rivas, Titus, Dirven, Anny, Smit, Rudolf H., Mays, Robert G., Holden, Janice Miner: Books ) documents 128 cases in which researchers were able to verify the accuracy of reports of observations made from the OBE of activities too far distant from the physical body to be explained by ordinary sense-perception. Discarnate consciousness is demonstrated by this research. That consciousness may be termed “soul” when attached to the body, and “spirit” when detached. We are eternal spirit having a life, just as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin had told us:

            “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

            However, we may yet have spiritual experiences while mortal. Charlie testifies well to this fact.

            Liked by 4 people

              1. Yes. In fact, it was St Padre Pio that first came to mind as I started to refer to evidence for discarnate consciousness, but settled for the Titus research reference to make the point.

                Liked by 1 person

    1. Holy Moly Jack! Appreciate the reveal of your intellect and reason. Now would love to hear your take on AI because it’s apparent from what I’ve read that some (or all) believe they have created an actual being.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Dear Joanne, Simply put, the coding for an AI computer program, and the results generated by it lack soul. For the fun of it, I posed the question to Copilot (Microsoft’s chat AI) yesterday, and it gave a good answer:

        As an AI language model, I don’t possess beliefs, consciousness, or personal opinions. However, I can provide insights based on patterns in the data I’ve been trained on. Here’s how it works:

        1. Data and Knowledge:
          • My responses are generated by analyzing vast amounts of text data from various sources, including the internet.
          • I don’t inherently “know” things; instead, I retrieve information from the data I’ve been exposed to during training.
          • This process allows me to provide factual information, summaries, and answers to user queries.
        2. Interconnections and Patterns:
          • My responses are based on patterns and correlations within the data.
          • I don’t have true understanding or consciousness; I operate by recognizing patterns and associations.
          • When faced with a question, I retrieve relevant information and present it in a coherent manner.
        3. Insight and Creativity:
          • While I lack true insight or creativity, I can generate imaginative content by combining existing knowledge in novel ways.
          • My “insights” are essentially creative rearrangements of existing information.
          • However, true insight often involves deeper understanding, context, and personal experience, which I don’t possess.
        4. Limitations:
          • I don’t have personal experiences, emotions, or intuition.
          • My responses are based on statistical probabilities and learned patterns, not on genuine understanding.
          • I can’t independently verify information or critically evaluate its accuracy.

        In summary, I function as a tool that processes and regenerates information. While I can provide useful responses, true knowledge and insight require more than just data correlations.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Jack, so in essence, AI is man playing God by creating something after his own image and likeness based on the same ways humans extrapolate information but without the extra sences of sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch..and a soul which here is termed as intuition. This moral limitation stops it from recognising truth from lies, fantasy from reality, right from wrong and evil from good.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Phillip, curiously a problem with the chat AI programs has been a tendency for them to literally invent reference citations to bolster their report–out of thin air. This troublesome behavior has been termed “hallucination.” So, it appears they are coded to fabricate references to bolster the authenticity of their reports.

            Now, this is not “motivated” behavior, but a quirk of the programming.

            The new chat AI programs provide another tool, especially useful for preliminary topic search, but cannot be relied on without human checking. Potentially a useful tool–but hyped way beyond capabilities to gain customers, and also to motivate stock trading.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. Thank you Jack and all for taking the time to reply to my question. The problem I see is relinquishing the chore of determining facts and truth to an AI especially as it is programmed with fallacy to begin with. I’m reminded of an old computer term, garbage in, garbage out. Worse will be a population ASSUMING because it is AI it must be correct. There have been a number of pre warnings to demonstrate that assuming supposed smarter is equal to truth. Covid protocols and gene therapy vacs efficacy for one.


    2. Yours was a striking piece of work, Jack, with a lot of insight. I don’t quite agree with you on the matter of ritual. I’m thinking of the difference between ‘to say’ and ‘to do.’ Ritual is a stylized form of doing. I have contemplated at times whether it might be the language of heaven, largely incomprehensible to us but pregnant with meaning. Some of it we can sense without really understanding – like a dog can sense our moods without understanding the words which express those moods. I would be interested in your thoughts in light of this contemplation.

      The difference between eternity and time is enormous, with consequences so staggering we can barely begin to see the implications (which is why it is such a mystery). Heaven is the eternal now, yet things do happen in eternity. Our minds only know linear thinking, so it is nigh impossible for us to see things happening outside of sequential guard rails. If I live long enough after the Triumph, a book I really want to write is on the relation of time to eternity. So bringing to bear your unique insights on the possibility of ritual as possibly the language (or at least the poetry) of heaven would be quite useful to me.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Charlie, alas, I have not engaged in ritual, so I am personally ignorant.

        My Dad used to do kaddish for his parents. I would say now that it became a form of meditation for him, and in meditation our soul disconnects from the body’s mortal influence enough directly to commune with God; our individual consciousness may then exist and participate in God’s consciousness, in God’s own “mind.” So, by this analysis, the specific contents of performing ritual are incidental to its primary effectiveness in creating the opportunity for our soul to commune with God.

        Ordinary day to day living is dominated by the mortal body’s needs and desires with the soul held off to the side. During exercise of ritual, as a form of meditation, the body’s role in governing motivation and behavior is suppressed, freeing the soul to engage the spirtual dimension. So, by this analysis, the specific contents of a ritual are not important for contemplating God.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I believe Fr John Hardin said something to the same effect we wouldn’t have so many laws if we hadn’t lost our sense of sin.

    ps Nance, I agree the picture of the eclipse watching squirrel is priceless.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great piece Charlie!!! I was getting worried about you and so I lit a candle for you!!! This piece was very telling about what is to come!!! I’m going to read Isaiah asap!!! God bless you and protect you Charlie!


  5. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉


    Liked by 1 person

  6. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉

    I hope Good Guys have a plan to Remove the Fire that is producing The Smoke of Satan @ Vatican!!



  7. Interesting that you mention re-reading Isaiah right now. A couple of weeks ago, I was prompted to do just that. When you read it with today’s lens, my goodness….it fits like a glove, doesn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉…-are-gulags-next-w-rudy-giuliani.html

    JoBama’s’ Transformation of USA = Tyranny, Destruction & Death! Those survivors will Own Nothing & Be Happy …. or “Assisted” Euthanasia!



  9. Charlie I share your posts with many people but the one guy I just recently sent your piece too (and others) says that you remind him of Rush Limbaugh!!! Ha!!! It was meant as a compliment and I told Al I would tell you so!!! I loved Rush too!!! My dad listened to him everyday! (He was a traveling 🧳 salesman so he was able to listen to talk radio ask the time)


  10. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉

    Yep! Naughty Word Guy … Rescue … with God’s Help!



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