Prayer Requests

Praying Hands with Beads
Praying Hands with Rosary Beads and Dove

On this page, readers are invited to send in their prayer requests. I will leave requests up for nine days. All readers are invited to pray for those who ask for it and any who want to offer a word of comfort are invited to do so, as well. May we work together to mutually build each other up and support each other in times of trial.

4,616 thoughts on “Prayer Requests

  1. For my grandson Brian. He just turned 25 years old, and is involved in drugs. yes, he still lives with me. When we moved to Las Vegas, 10 months ago, I told him either you will become someone, or this town will eat you up. He choose the wrong path. Its not too late for him to make a u-turn on his life’s path. When my husband passed 2 1/2 years ago, I moved here to be close to my 3 adult children, and they have left, because they thought of the money, that my husband left me and I would give to them. That will work it self out. Brian, from an altar boy who so wanted to serve the Bishop at Mass, which he did, then quit. From that cute 8 year old boy on the day of his First Communion was so happy, because, his soul was happy. Prayers for Brian. Thank you all.


    1. I pray for all poor sinners like myself, that we would all be converted to God’s Love, and for those in the Laity and Clergy who are tepid, addicted to any vice, despairing, or waning in their faith and love for Jesus Christ. May our Lord Jesus, through His most Precious Blood and Water pour out His Divine Mercy on all these, Healing them all and restoring, and renewing them all to Himself. May Jesus always be your purpose. Many Blessings to all who read this humble prayer. Prayer for me and my family too. In all things may the Holy Trinity Be Praised, Blessed, Glorified. May our Most Holy and Immaculate Mother Mary always be Blessed, and Honored, and remembered in all we do. Amen

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  2. Asking for prayers for calm weather across the nation; so no damaging winds, hail, lightning, excess rains; etc, and safety for all who have to travel in adverse weather conditions. thank you in advance.

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  3. Hello, please send fervent prayers our way. My 12 year old son has been having trouble at school, and has just developed motor and vocal tics (like Tourette syndrome) just over the last 5 days. I am feeling so overwhelmed as I deal with his sadness and anger, and also the needs of his older sisters (one with borderline personality disorder and the other with addiction/aspergers. God help us. I welcome all words of advice, consolation and hope. I feel like I am sinking into despair at times.


    1. Praying for your dear son, CDN. Praying for you, too, and your whole family. Praying, especially, that you have a good personal network of support where you are, CDN… people you can call or visit with face to face when the going gets tough. Praying a PMT and sending St. Dymphna to stay with you and each family member.

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    2. CDN, asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten you on how to care for each and everyone; will be inc. you in my rosaries and chaplets. The 700 club,(Pat Robertson), has a toll free # to call and ask for prayer and a volunteer will pray with you over the phone and read applicable bible passages. Some deliverance warriors suggest sprinkling blessed salt/holy water around the house/rooms.

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    3. I hold you and yours close to my heart in prayer for strength, endurance and fellowship with family, friends, your church/community for love and support. ❤


    4. CDN, I’m praying for you, your son, and family. My oldest son, who is in his late 30s was diagnosed with Tourette’s when he was around your son’s age. If you ever want to talk about it, please feel free to message the TNRS team for my email address. God bless you and give you strength and peace.


    5. Oh my Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything.
      Oh my Jesus, I surrender my children to You, take care of them!
      Oh my Jesus, I surrender my elf to You, take care of everything!

      Open your heart and mind to love and close your eyes in trust and ask Jesus to take care of it. He will.

      see Surrender Novena

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  4. Asking for prayers for my brother, Bro. Gideon. Just got word from my youngest brother and Ma that he fell out of a tree and was airlifted to a hospital in Santa Rosa.

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      1. Oh, MP, I’m so sorry. Through the intercession of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, I have just offered up a PMT for Br. Gideon and for you entire family; and I will keep all of you in my prayers.

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  5. Please pray a Chaplet for Divine Mercy for Alberta. She is in her 60s and is presently dying of cancer. She is on hospice at home. She is receiving communion and had an anointing. Thank you very much.

    Spiritual Hospice.

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    1. Praying for you and your family, Jen, invoking the intercession of Our Lady of this Feast of the Visitation. May she visit you and your family with every grace needed to get you through whatever is transpiring.

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    2. Done. And please remember Bro. Gideon today on this last day of Mary’s month. He’s undergoing round two of major surgeries starting around 8:00am PT, about 11.5 hours worth. Also, please remember our Ma. She’s a faith-filled woman, but a mother too. Mom’s always seem to feel the brunt of it.

      I spoked with Bro. Gideon yesterday and he says he feels the love and joy from the prayers on his behalf. Thx.

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      1. Thank you MP. It is heartening to hear that Bro. Gideon is benefiting from the love and support that surrounds him. I surely hold you and your intentions close to my heart in prayer too. ❤


  6. Ok, I am in need of prayers. I came down with a nasty bug that has completely wiped me out. It started with a little tickle in my throat and went straight to my lungs, deep, deep coughing fits. I missed the last three days of school. This morning I woke and now it includes my sinuses. I am down for the count.
    Boy, talk about pride. I didn’t think this was a big enough problem to bother this dear TNRS & ASOP family. (As I hack up half a lung to type this.)


    1. Praying for you, HTTP. If you haven’t kicked it by the 10th day, please consider seeking a script for an antibiotic. Last fall, I had what you describe and by the 16th day, I had my first ever doozie of a case of walking pneumonia. The ash from the Canadian fires is likely exacerbating your symptoms. Take care with plenty of rest and liquids. God bless.

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      1. Thank you for the prayers, Beckita. Will do about the 10 day suggestions. I have had influenza a few times that have behaved like this too. It is a wait and see thing.

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  7. I have just reviewed and prayed for recent prayer intentions here as I yet again ask for prayers for my son-in-law Jerry. As I’ve said before, he has a rare cancer that has metastasized. Radiation and chemo have caused much damage. He continues to fight pneumonia and/or bronchitis. The relentless coughing has caused his lung to partially collapse. It’s been like that for months as they deem surgery too risky. Now a condition that my daughter lives with is causing her problems that can no longer be put on the back burner. They have two preschoolers who need them. Have mercy, Lord!

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    1. My heart goes out to you and your dear ones, Kris. Holding you and your family in prayer. May you all be strengthened and given consolation. At times like you’re now living, I continue to go back to Chapter 4 in Fr. Spitzer’s book, The Light Shines on in the Darkness. It’s dedicated to spontaneous prayers which bring peace and strength amidst the suffering. The additional chapters are rich in remembrance of the heartening truth that we can recognize God’s Presence in suffering. Chapter 5 is dedicated to mitigating fear and choosing consolation as Fr. S offers strategies for guiding our thoughts. It has been such a very long slog for your precious family. If you have no access to the book, Fr. Spitzer has episodes of his EWTN program uploaded to You Tube. I just noticed his presentation on Chapter 4. If you wish to check it out, search with: Take This Cup Away From Me: Spontaneous Prayers In Times Of Suffering. +Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary

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    2. Kris, I have been keeping Jerry in my prayers; I will add prayers for your daughter’s health, also. May God give all of you strength in these trials.

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  8. Thank you Beckita, Mick, Jen, Joyfulhope and all in this ASOH/TNRS family. Truly, We are blessed to have Jerry still with us. They continue to try to just live life (as their new normal allows).
    We have much to be grateful for but we are wearing out. To end on a happy note, we have a new baby in the family and dear friends of ours became grandparents for the first time…on the same day.

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  9. Thank you Beckita. I often watch Fr. Spitzer on EWTN. I will look for his book as I love reading and have built quite a library. Collecting books is a weakness of mine.
    ( I may have possibly placed this response in the wrong spot… sorry if I did).

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    1. I share your weakness, Kris. : -) What I love most about Father’s book is the thorough heartening it provides amidst trials AND that he gives practical strategies so that we don’t just grin and bear it all. Congratulations on the New Life you are celebrating.

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  10. Kris, a prAyer of’miraculous trust for your daughter and son-in-law, requesting the intercession of St Raphael for heLping cor them both

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  11. Please pray for my daughter Sarah, age 35, who is going through a divorce and is also deeply in debt and falls deeper every day because of credit card interest. Her husband, who has moved into another property they own, is playing hardball. He won’t let her refinance the house she is living in. He also won’t let her cash out her retirement fund. These steps would allow her to get out of debt and permit her to upgrade her home to make it marketable (they paid $336K for a fixer-upper and have sunk at least 37K into it; it needs another $80 – $100K to make it livable).

    I gave my daughter $5K in March to help with mortgage payments with the understanding she budgets her money. When she asked for more money this week, we learned that she had a sizeable credit card bill. We asked for her statements and saw that she is $20K in debt with a high-interest rate. Moreover, we saw that she was engaged in wanton spending, racking up huge beauty salon bills. We gave her another $3K (my wife and I are both retired) and read her the riot act. I told her that she has no sense of reality and that she needs to see things as they really are. I told her that she has to give her life over to Jesus Christ and I’m going to continue boldly proclaiming that she needs HIm as her Lord & Savior. Otherwise, she going to fall deeper into sin and misery.

    So, please pray for that my daughter’s divorce is resolved soon and that she turns her life over to Jesus. Her financial and marital woes are a symptom of her rejection of God and of her refusal to take advice from those her care for her.

    Thank you.


    1. Joining in to pray for your daughter as well as you and your wife, Frank. My heart goes out to you all. Emotion packed are these kinds of scenarios. Speaking from experience, no mess is too big for the Lord. He has been answering our prayers concerning the details of my own daughter’s marital and familial challenges… and answering in ways which never crossed my mind. Is everything ALL smoothed out for her? No. But there is a trend of growing, healing, and recovering in ways that have me equally on my knees in gratitude as surely as I have been asking for help.

      While a relationship with the Lord is key to unlocking blessings, I have noticed that He often works through the prayers of believers in tending to another person’s temporal needs even though that dear one is not yet walking fully with Him. The decision to seek Him, then, springs from the blessings He gave through the intercessor.

      Another dimension of challenge when walking alongside our adult children to assist in times of trials for them is getting clear in our own heads the boundaries concerning what is mine to tend to as the parent and what belongs, by right and responsibility, to the child as an adult to tend to. Here’s a gem of a read, if you’d care to check it out, about maintaining healthy boundaries. God bless you and your family.

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      1. Appreciate your insightful responses, Beckita, here and on the main page that are so often applicable to other situations as well.


        1. Thanks for your kindness, Maggie. It is a great gift to traverse life’s journey with the kindred souls in this community, sustaining , accompanying and building each other up along the way. 💞


      2. Thank you for your prayers, Beckita. I have given my daughter a wide berth for a long time never criticizing her and never proselytizing. But now I have crossed some boundaries — no money until she removes a drawing hanging in her bathroom of a hermaphrodite with exposed genitals and devil horns and destroys it. (My wife recently pointed this out to me.) I have a four-year-old granddaughter who is exposed to this every day. Thanks also for the tip on the book — I’ll order a copy from the library. But to be honest, I have seven books on the chair next to my bed that I’m working on.

        I deeply appreciate the great gift of the ASOH intercessory community. God bless you on this great feast day of Pentecost!

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        1. No doubt it’s hard work, Frank. May your prayers and the prayers of all who are sending them up be a source of strengthening, conversion and consolation for your daughter and your family.

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    2. Frank, one of my favorite go-to prayers is “Mother Mary, take over”. I have prayed this for your Sarah. May the Blessed Mother wrap Sarah in her mantel to keep her safe from all evil and may She gently lead her to Jesus.

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  12. Please keep our dear neighbor Luanne’s first grandbaby, Vera Jane and parents Tyler and Allie in your prayers. They’ve miscarried previously and Allie had preeclampsia. Both Mom and baby are weak, and dad is back at work so he may take time off to welcome their daughter home, soon, God-willing. ❤ Thank you!

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  13. Hey Mick,

    Margarite and I have been in touch and we were both wondering who in the group has the group pic??? We both thought we had it but do not.

    I wish Sue would write more on here. She has so much wisdom and heartening capabilities. I would like to read her inspirations more.

    Also, Charlie sort of cool…. I went to Mass this am before cleaning my next door neighbor’s house where Kreg the drug addict lives. Unfortunately, he od’d last week died for a time and police thankfully revived him with like 30 grams of narcan where normally only 4 will revive. We had a nice long talk. I asked him if he saw Jesus and he said no nothing but had been gone for many minuets. they kept him breathing artificially for a time.

    I said, Kreg…please please stop doing that!!! He said he’s just in so much pain all the time and is trying to get relief. Also, he can’t sleep.

    But anyhow… I told him about you and about all of us here praying for him that he can beat this and then told him that in particular, you Charlie are invoking St. Barnabas.

    When I got to Mass this am…I found out TODAY is the feast of ST Barnabas. I told Kreg and we both got goosies!!!

    Anyhow, Kreg too now is invoking ST. Barnabas. Let us all continue to pray for Kreg. He seemed hopeful this morning. ohhhhhh big sigh…. Thank you everyone! love you all soooo much! TNRS ASOH xoxoxoxo

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    1. Linda, I’ll keep praying for Kreg. May St. Barnabas intercede for him.

      Regarding the group picture, Mary has it. She sent it to me, but I don’t know how to send it to you. With your permission, I could sent her your e-mail address and ask her to send it to you.

      Like you, I miss the days when Sue used to comment often. She really does say a lot of wise and profound things. It’s cool getting to have lunch with her every month. 🙂

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          1. Got it Mick from Mary Kelly…thank you soooooo much.. Mick are you on fb??? Hope CHarlies travels to NH Went Smooth.. prayed often over here for him…my son Tommy was there for a month two years in a row as a kid with Legionaries ..discernment. ..wonderful formation minor seminary there despite what happened to fr Marcel… Tommy became er nurse instead married icu nurse now they travel nurse together

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            1. Ah, right… Tommy the Globetrotting Nurse and His Lovely Wife… I remember now! 🙂

              Nope, Linda, I’m not on Facebook. I can barely figure out how to send e-mails and make my way around this website. Facebook is much too complicated for me.

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              1. Hehe..yep globetrotting Tommy & Liz…I’ll be asking big guns soon for prayers for them…they are going to Iceland in august I think it is. are 21 Mick..u Def got this tecky stuff😆

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                1. Au contraire, Linda (you’re French, right?)…. Ask SteveBC or my software engineer son how many times one of them has had to bail me out with my computer problems or with difficulties navigating this site. They both might have brain damage from all the headaches I’ve given them from my lack of tech savvy. If either of them ever stops speaking to me, I’m toast. 🙂

                  Got my prayer guns at the ready for whenever Tommy and Liz head to… ICELAND?!

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                  1. Wee wee mick… haha… Puis-je tailler mon crayon? Is about all I know…😅😅😅 maybe a bit more ma mere` taught me…not enough though. .lol..awwww.. I think ur torally cool n totally tecky…u r the best mick🤗😇😘

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  14. I would greatly appreciate any prayers from this wonderful family as I begin my Chemo-therapy this coming Wednesday, June 19th. It looks like a five hour treatment once a week for awhile so I am a bit freaked out about that. Please pray that I can withstand the treatments and that I will find peace and comfort in our Lord and Mother during these tough weeks. Thanks so much. Love you all!

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    1. Absolutely keeping you in prayer, Diane… throughout your treatment. Praying for healing and for your intention that Our Lord and Our Lady imbue you with peace and comfort… your husband too.

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  15. I hate to ask for this again, but I just can’t seem to tolerate a lot of antidepressants on the market and am still having a hard time. Would you pray for wisdom for my doctors and courage and strength for me? I sometimes wonder what good I can do in the world this way. I can and do offer it up but I long to have peace in my heart. Thank you. Si merely on Christ. And prayers for you all.


      1. Thank you so much, Beckita. God must have another way in mind. When one door closes a window opens up. Hoping its soon. Blessings and prayers for you and all here.

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    1. Praying for you, Cheri. (And you never need to apologize for feel bad for asking all of us for prayers; I mean hey, we’re family.) 🙂


      1. Thank you, Mick. Didn’t see your post til now. Behind on things. You do all feel like family. Still hoping a certain treatment and medicine works. Blessings to you all here.

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  16. Dearest Charlie, Beckita. Mick, Jlynnbyrd,Kristenreh, all of you, pleas pray for my friend Mary whom I cleaned for her todsy. She is 60 and is having major heart problems…can’t remember what she called it but it keeps firing up her heart too much and they may have to deaden something in it to stop it..also, spot on kidney…she’s really freaking out..I told her all about you Charlie and our tnrs team…she’s like..”I like that!!! Acknowledge God. Take next right step and be sign of hope for those around you. ..” She said. We are definitely in something strange .Also..Charlie. I grabbed 2 of those surrender novenas…I gave one to her todsy..she was most grateful. ..all has been taken away from her latrly…kids..grandkids etc…she is in dire need of our help steppers…thank ypu and I love you ALL SO MUCH🤗😇😘

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    1. Saying a PMT for Mary and sending St. John of God to accompany her through this heart health issue and to intercede for ALL her needs. How blessed is Mary with you as a friend, Linda, looking out for her and bringing her to our prayers.

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  17. Hi, everybody… Could you please pray for my Aunt Marguerite? Today is her 99th birthday (I thought she was “only” 97; she corrected me when I called her!). Also, she’s trying to recover from breaking her pelvis, and she is grieving the recent deaths of her brother (from old age) and her son (from cancer). I would also appreciate prayers for the repose of their souls; their names are Clarence and Duane. Thanks!

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    1. Gosh, Mick! That’s a LOT with which your Aunt Marguerite is contending. Surely will pray for all these intentions you’ve named. God bless your dear aunt in every way, today and always.


  18. Please pray for me today, I have a very important meeting with my boss. It’s one of those meetings where I am going to be the scapegoat for the whole department because she is an incredibly arrogant individual who has walked over a lot of people. It has finally reached a critical point and even though this is supposed to be a conversation it will more likely be a session where she comes up with unsubstantiated things to attribute to me. This is not unique to me and is what has been going on with multiple individuals in my department. I unfortunately felt it was time to at least bring it to the attention of the people above her. This is why I don’t feel it will go very well. Please pray that God’s will be done for both me and her.

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  19. Prayed a PMT for you, drmom4, asking the intercession of St Aloysius Gonzaga whose feast day we celebrate today (June 21).


  20. Big guns…

    Please pray for my little brother Hank. He is really overweight and is having trouble breathing. He’s 54.

    Thank you all🤗😇😘


          1. I dunno Beckita…my sibs pretty much think I’m cray cray…lol..I’m actually the worst as far as records go…but I sure do love them all and want their good🤗🤗🤗

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  21. We feel God is calling us to downsize and lead a simpler life. However, our home and our lot in Michigan have been on the market for several months. We have done novenas to St Joseph but very few have looked at either one.
    Would appreciate your prayers.

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    1. Hi, Jacque,
      We are in the exact same boat you are. Ours went on the market last fall, not even a nibble.
      Sometimes I am at peace about the whole thing-if it is God’s will it will happen, and other times-WHEN is it going to happen. It is difficult to to turn it over to the Lord and leave it there. As if my taking it back and chewing on it will help any-ha! I am one year out from retiring and just want everything done so we can move on….I guess God has other plans for now…me working on patience(as always) and letting God handle this. Like Charlie has stated so many time…God knows where we are at, don’t worry. St. Theresa help me.

      In one of Fr. Chezik’s book, He Leadeth Me, he wrote how he came to accept God’s will in everything, then it took four or five more years in solitary confinement to practice it.(I read the book 40 years ago so might not have all the specifics exact.) I hope it doesn’t take 5 years for both of us to get our properties sold. ;-0

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      1. Yep. You nailed it. It is the waiting..I read the Proverbs verse regularly. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding”. (3:5-6)

        Part of the decision making process is whether the Lord wants us to stay right where we are. We are in our early 70’s and all this upset is really difficult. We are living in our RV so keeping the house clean with 2 dogs is not so difficult. But living in a camper full time is not easy all the time, either. That you for your encouragement and prayers.

        Jesus, I surrender myself to you, Take care of everything. (Fr. Dolindo)

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        1. Holy Smokes, Jacquie, you ARE writing my story except that I am 59 and my husband is 62. We are moving out and downsizing from our main house. We rented it and we are moving into the tiny house in the back while we wait to know if God wants us to sell and move, sell and stay, or just stay.
          Not my will….


  22. Please pray for Lannie. She is the 17 year old daughter of my occupational therapist. She was eating pizza at 8:10pm one evening last week. The last text received on her phone that night was a friend saying they were coming to pick her up to go out. At 9:00pm her mother received a call from the hospital that her daughter (Lannie)was admitted and had life threatening head injuries. My O.T. said her friends have told the police conflicting stories ranging from Lannie jumping out of, falling out of and being pushed out of a moving car. She had no road rash or injuries to core of her body. On Monday, this week, she was still touch and go. It is all just so sad.

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  23. Asking for prayers for a miracle. Can’t seem to find the right meds for depression I’m dealing with. I appreciate any and all prayers. You are all in my prayers. God bless. Thx.


    1. I’m the usual lector at daily Mass and today’s first reading, Acts 12:1-11, is a sweet reminder to us all to persist in prayer, for when Peter was imprisoned, “the church prayed to God for him unremittingly” and WOW! Keeping you in prayer, Cheri.

      Can’t remember if I previously suggested this. Just in case I failed to do so: You might consider asking a priest to give you the Sacrament of the Sick. It would be a heartening, healing and strengthening encounter with Christ. And even if you had this done some time ago, you may ask again since it sounds like the going is tough right now.


      1. Thanks for your prayers. I’m on wellbutrin the past few days and I think it’s making me feel worse. I can’t take most SSRIs (it’s not an SSRI (wellbutrin) ). I’m praying God helps me to find a good combo. Or just old basics I’ve taken for years (amitriptyline and klonazapam).

        Praying for God’s Infinite wisdom with my medicines and guidance. Amen and thank you.

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          1. Thank you so much, Beckita. ” Jesus never fails!” I once gave this plaque to a friend going thru a hard time and now need to use all of my heart and soul in believing this today. Lord, give me the strength to keep hanging on. And the right meds and guidance. I can’t do it alone. Please carry me.

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            1. Love it, Cheri. I DO love the Surrender Novena and, these days, much like your plaque phrase, I most often simply repeat the line: O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!

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              1. My doctor called with good news. She said to get off of the wellbutrin. She seems to think the other 2 meds may just be enough. We will talk on Monday. I am so grateful to you, Beckita, and all here for your care and prayers. You are all in my daily rosary. 😘🤗💕🙏

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        1. Hi Cherie,

          I am on wellbutrin and doesn’t seem to be helping my depression/anxiety. I have used Zoloft (generic type) in the past and seemed to work well. I will likely return to it. I thought it might contribute to my rosacea but I realize I was wrong.

          I know a bit about how you may be feeling. I think anointing of the sick would be wonderful.

          May God grant you peace beyond all understanding as you carry this cross.


          1. Thank you so much, Littleoneinpa. I can’t take zoloft but think we found a good med. The amitriptyline seems to be working pretty well. And Anointing of the Sick is a good idea. I did have that. I will keep you in my prayers. I know how difficult it can be. 🤗🙏


          2. Hi Littleoneinpa, again. Today was a little harder than some. I needed to use the “Next Right Step” and keep moving forward (just leaning on Our Lord with the “Surrender Novena”). And to remember it’s ok to reach out for support. Others want to be there and I have been there for others. As I’m sure you have been and were for me. Blessings. 😊🙏

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  24. Beckita, I feel bad asking for prayers for this again, but I feel very helpless now and am asking for God’s powerful intervention to get me through. (This depression). Blessings, thanks and prayers for you all.


      1. Thank you. Will keep praying. And I like the idea of asking for Anointing of the Sick. I had asked a while back but feel the need has arisen strongly again.

        My husband and I found a cement statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe (or Tepayac) for a good deal today. I plan to paint it and put it in our front yard. You are so kind, Beckita, and encouraging. God bless you.

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        1. God bless you too, Cheri. Not to tell you what to do, but to present an idea that may be worth exploring… I know people who have received a lot of relief from depression and anxiety when tweaking their food intake. When dialing down the carbs that cause insulin spikes and crashes, it’s amazing how mood is affected in a positive way. Maybe it would help and maybe it wouldn’t. If you try it, I surely wouldn’t severely cut the carbs cold turkey… just a gradual tapering might be surprisingly effective… and maybe not. Each body is different but especially when it’s hard to find a good med match, this just might bring some relief. Whatever you do, however you feel led to work it out, you’ve got my prayers and those of all the intercessors here. I LOVE the first reading at Mass today! The Church was interceding for St. Peter when he was imprisoned and wow! Did God ever answer their prayers. I KNOW He will answer the prayers of all who are speaking your name and your needs to Him, Cheri. Happy and blessed painting as you freshen up the statue. May Our Lady of Tepeyac intercede for you.

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          1. I do think the foods we eat affect us. I will keep track of that and keep my carbs low. It is such a blessing for me to hear that the first reading was this reading today (about Peter). Thank you again for your prayers.

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    1. Praying fervently for you, Cheri. Sprinkle holy water and blessed salt around your house. (Just a suggestion, sometimes before sleep I listen to a litany:of the saints, precious blood,or holy name of Jesus, etc.on y.t.)
      Here’s a powerful invocation to the 7 Arch Angels…
      May God bless you and Mother Mary keep you wrapped in her mantle.

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      1. Thank you Maggie. I appreciate that so much. I have listened to the 7 archangels and will keep that as a part of my prayers in these next few weeks. Blessings to you.

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      1. Thank you also, Mick. I am truly grateful and appreciative. Blessings to you and all here. My statue of Mary will be my coming out in celebration of victory over death. She came to crush the head of the devil. Amen!

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    1. Thank you Carmel. That is so very kind of you. You and all here are in my rosary each night. I will let you and Beckita and Maggie know how these next few days and weeks go.

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  25. HI Beckita and all big guns here…if you will, plz say a prater for cousin (Jeff) we always called him Jay. Wife, 2 kids and came down with sepsis out of blue a yr ago. He lost his left leg completely and half of his other foot. He’s only 54. They are still in a battle of some sort to keep what he does have. He and his family are in Washington State. I couldn’t believe it..youngest and cutest of us all as we spent all get to gethers together as kids…thank you so much TNRS ASOH xoxoxoxoxoxo 🤗😇😇


  26. Please pray for my sister in law Dorothea who has the beginnings of Alzheimer’s and has entered a support facility today near her sister. Ask Jesus to calm her spirit and accept her situation. We are spread all over the country and have been flying and driving multiple states to help her for more than a month now.


      1. TY, Beckita. I have been surrendering all involved to Jesus almost every day. Only way I can calm myself. My sons, husband and I along with her sister and her adult children are helping too. All of us are holding each other up. Did 11 hours to North Carolina in one day and the return 2 days later. We are operating from 4 very spread out states. We had to involve the police because she was being taken over by not a family member. I won’t say more. Not complaining just dealing. Surrender Novena and rosary have been a godsend (no pun intended). Thanks for your ear and your prayers.

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        1. Oh Gosh, Joanne. I understand about not complaining but just apprising us of what you’ve been going through. Big stuff. Prayers for you, too, Joanne, and for all the family as you navigate the details and hold each other up.


  27. Please pray for jobs for my husband and myself.

    After 8 months of unemployment my husband got a job for 4 months and lost it this past Friday. There are some prospects, thank God!

    I interviewed for another position in my school district and find out in a week whether I got it. If not, I must look outside the district.

    Thank you!!!

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  28. If you can, please pray for my younger brother Jeff, who just went into the operating room for elective surgery on his colon. He’s had a lot of problems for years and now the hope is that he can say goodbye to many of those problems. The expectation is that this will go well, but there is always risk. Every prayer will help him get through the surgery without issue and go on to make a complete, indeed perhaps a miraculous, recovery. My deep thanks to all who help here. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Praying for Jeff, Steve. Off to Adoration in a couple hours and I’ll present him to Jesus with a PMT seeking the intercession of St. Bonaventure, patron of lower GI issues and his feast day was yesterday.

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    2. Thank you! Jeff is in post-op and doing well, I gather. Not quite out of the woods yet. It will be a few days before he can go home. Trends are good so far, though! I deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness and your prayers. 🙂

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  29. Hi Beckita,
    Thank you and all here for your prayers. I am doing MUCH Better. I apologize for maybe revealing too much. I guess, I was pretty desperate. But so grateful you cared enough to not judge but offer support and prayers.
    Prayers for you and thanks, Cheri

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    1. Awww, Cheri, no need to second guess yourself. I do believe that most of us have had those moments when things are so tough that we’re nearly overwhelmed. Hanging out with all kinds of people, staff, students and families, in my years of employment as an educator and, now, in ministry with Fr. Wang, I’ve got to say: no one is immune from the Cross. I’m just grateful you trust us with your prayer intentions. Grateful, too, we can join our prayers with those here who are dedicated to interceding for each other. I pray things are improving for you. Peace be with you. 🙂

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      1. Beckita, Thanks. I am so grateful for your gentle and caring spirit. And I do think it is important that we know we can reach out to each other in prayer. Prayers, 💕 Cheri

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  30. Please pray for my daughter and son-in law. This past weekend, he suddenly all but ended their marriage and their baby girl is to be born in two to three weeks. My daughter is devastated and this whole thing cannot be good for their unborn baby.
    It is all so strange and truly hurtful.
    Thank you, so much, for your help!


  31. Sometimes when I post a request, it reminds people of someone they know who is dying, so more requests often follow:

    Please pray for Monte. He has heart and kidney failure and is on hospice. He “has not had a deep spiritual life” so please pray for his conversion too.

    Thank you.


  32. Here’s that “happens in three’s” phenomenon:

    Please pray for Gary, who is actively dying. He is the father of a prayer team member’s friend. Thank you.

    Spiritual Hospice


  33. Dearest Charlie, Beckita and all big guns here. ..please pray for Becky in Columbus Ohio. My friend Char told me about her at Mass this am…she is currently dieing of cancer and has 7 children her youngest is 2 months old. Her husband name is Sean. Praying for a miracle please. Xoxo tnrs asoh thank you all sooooo much

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    1. Oh, Linda… I will certainly pray for Becky, Sean, and their children. I will say a PMT through the intercession of St. Peregrine, St. Rita, and St. Jude.

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