The Coming War on Reality ((Corrected))

Christ of St. John of the Cross – Salvador Dali

By Charlie Johnston

(The original post had a significant error concerning the two separate entities, Sanctus Ranch and Mission of Divine Mercy – both near San Antonio. So I am reposting the entire thing so that folks who only get this by email also have the corrected version. – CJ)

St. Louis, Missouri – I spent a couple of days passing through my old home county – Lake County, Illinois. It was kind of bizarre seeing five roads and such named in memorium for people I once worked and was friends with. I’m sure there were more. I guess that is what comes of getting into serious politics at a local level when you are in your teens. When you are in your 60’s, if you go back home, it relentlessly reminds you of how old you are.

In St. Louis, though, the Arch is now well lit up at night. That was not the case during the six years I lived in the area. I like it.


By now almost everyone has heard of the disastrous launch of Google’s Gemini Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. A month or two ago I read about an AI system that not only answered a question wildly incorrectly, but generated a phony “source document” to back its nonsense up. Then, of course, Microsoft’s AI sometimes pretends to be our robot overlord.

One can dismiss all these as either disturbing or amusing anomalies. But it does underscore what I have been saying about AI from the start: it is not intelligence at all. It is just a foundational algorithm that can incorporate things it finds in searches into its responses. The foundational algorithm is always a section of the consciousness of its programmer. The program acts with lightning-fast speed so, basically, this is just your crackpot neighbor writ large with footnotes. It is why, when my long-term search engine Bing went to all AI in order to give me context and tailor my searches, I immediately dropped it and went to DuckDuckGo. I don’t need any woke programmer telling me what I should think – with or without footnotes.

An unintended danger of rising technology has been its crippling effect on people’s capacity for critical thinking. It turns out that learning foundational skills is critical to developing how things work. If you just get an ‘answer’ without being forced to learn how to figure out answers, you are vulnerable to any poppycock anyone else is peddling – particularly if they package it well. Thirty years ago, if I knew your name I also most likely knew your phone number by heart. The rise of speed dial has been a great convenience – but sometimes I struggle to remember my own phone number. I absolutely rely on my GPS (a basic form of AI) to get around the country. I work to maintain my facility with maps, though. But an entire generation has lost the capacity to read a map effectively. Keyboards have become ubiquitous, both on our desks and on the phones in our hands. They are a great convenience. But if you want to write in a secret code young folks can’t read, just write in cursive. I love automatic transmissions on cars, but who thought that manual transmissions would become a very effective theft prevention device against young people we have incapacitated?

As a researcher it has annoyed me to no end that moderns call watching their preferred TV news shows ‘research.’ It is no such thing. Bad or good, it is just a framing of the conclusions of research someone else did. It is entirely subjective, like choosing which sports team you will root for. Even when I was very young I made assessments of which news sources I could trust by keeping track of how frequently events proved them wrong – and how they reacted when it happened. What passes for news these days rarely is. It is all narrative, all the time – and its followers are as fanatical and blinded to rational thought as the most blinkered hometown football fan.

With every new technological convenience, life gets a little easier and we get a little dumber – crippled by walking around with a crutch all the time. Our legs were perfectly fine before we atrophied their muscles by constantly leaning on that crutch. Now with AI, we think we can let machines do all our advanced thinking for us. Sheesh! I have often been critical of what I sometimes call “Google intellectuals.” They are folks who thought, with the rise of search engines, they did not need to do any hard study or contemplation – and just parrot basic information they glean from their search engine. It comes without context, depth, or nuance and is as unintentionally comical as a fellow who has never spoke a word of German thinking he is fluent because he carries an English-German dictionary. If he is very good, he may fool those around him who are equally ignorant of the language, but when confronted with a native speaker the jig is up and his pretensions are an object of derision.

With its lightning-fast search and generation capabilities AI can mimic intelligence better than anything before it – and create documentary ‘source’ material to back up whatever it says. Like I said, that seems moderately disturbing or even amusing right now. After all, the AI that created a ‘source’ document to bolster its errant claim was quickly outed. The Google Gemini AI was a disaster because people already knew that the American founders were not Indians, Asians, Blacks and Women. Comical stuff. But what happens when the entire online archive is populated with these phony ‘documents’? At first it will be hard to tell what is real and what is not. Shortly thereafter it won’t matter. Just pick your favorite football team – then call everyone who supports another team a stupid rube.

As has ever been the case, when garbage goes in, garbage comes out – and things fall apart. AI will just do it faster, while making it harder to find what, actually, is not garbage. This is a tool designed to usher us back into the dark ages while pulling up the ladder that would allow us to climb our way out. It is an effort to put our current dystopian nightmare on steroids and growth hormones, a great way to form massive, malignant tumors on the body politic. If it were to continue, the time is close at hand when the most valuable expertise will come from people who learned from hard copy books and developed serious experience, as well. Those will be the people who can build things instead of just rooting on their toxic teams. Academic credentials are already in deep eclipse. Soon enough they will be in full blackout. Results will become the only thing a desperate and crippled people will be able to rely on for expertise.

Fortunately, things will not long continue on the trajectory they have been for decades. We are about at the penultimate point of the modern Tower of Babel we have been erecting. Ordinary people are already, like woodland creatures before a big storm, sniffing the air in preparation for hard times. I believe that God, Himself, will intervene directly right soon – and not in a way we will like. We have already entered into the Divine chemotherapy that will ultimately deliver us from the malignantly hubristic cancer that has captured our culture. What the godless, leftist, expert class has mounted is a war on reality itself. They want their garbage to supplant the accumulated wisdom of the ages. All they are capable of producing from all this is garbage. The end of all that is nigh.

In the meantime, hold onto your old hard copy books and manuals. They won’t give you the volume of information you currently have access to, but there is a lot less garbage in the mix. If you have lost touch with basic skills, recapture them. They protect your ability to think critically and act prudently. Don’t become a casualty in the ruling class war on reality.


((Corrected)) Some controversy has arisen over the Sanctus Ranch near San Antonio, Texas. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller has ordered Catholic entities and Parishes not to use the retreat facilities and has urged Catholics not to, either.  (The Sanctus Ranch is northwest of San Antonio – The Mission of Divine Mercy Retreat Center is northeast of the city)

I toured the beautiful and expansive grounds of the Mission of Divine Mercy last fall while I was in the San Antonio area. The people were nice and engaging, seemed deeply faithful to me, and very open about what they were doing.  I thought it was a beautiful spot and the facilities quite worshipful.

(The proximity of the two properties to each other – and similarity of some of the buildings has led some – including me – to mistakenly conflate the two).   The Archbishop has legitimate authority to forbid formally Catholic organizations from using Sanctus Ranch, though it is unusual to ban a retreat facility that is not overtly anti-Christian. Dan Sevigny, founder of the property, has indicated that he will make a response, presumably based in canon law. While I am unaware of a formal, juridical response, Sanctus Ranch has alleged that the basis of Abp. Garcia-Siller’s accusations are incorrect. There seems to be more to than meets the eye here, so I will wait to see how it plays out.)

Meantime, the Mission of Divine Mercy has begun promulgating messages it claims are from heaven. Many are confusing the Archbishop’s restriction on Sanctus Ranch for a suppression of these messages – but they are not connected. I can find no official comment on those from the Archbishop.  I have read through the messages. It is the Church’s place to rule on such things, not mine, but on first read, I found the messages plausible and nothing jumped out at me as contrary to faith and morals. In fact, I found them credible. Frankly, that is rather rare for me.

At this point, specifically what the Archbishop has done is within his legitimate authority, if unusual. But it is important not to confuse the two separate issues or conflate them – as I did in the original version of this section.


I have to give a huge hat tip to Mary Kathryn King who sent me this information about the St. Joan of Arc Chapel at Marquette University in Milwaukee. It is an actual chapel St. Joan prayed at in France. It was taken down, brick by brick, shipped to New York, then faithfully reconstructed at Marquette nearly 60 years ago. I am astonished. It is barely more than 50 miles from where I lived most of my life and I was not aware of it until last week. You better believe the next time I am near the old home turf, I will be there to pray.


From now until Easter I will remain rather subdued here, posting short pieces and repeats. I’m sure you have noticed I have been a bit subdued, of late, already.

Except for scheduled events and short things, I am entirely focused on finishing the CORAC Handbook and Primer on Building Functional Communities in Difficult Times. I have struggled with this in fits and starts for over a year, getting pieces done, then realizing it was not enough, and going back to the drawing board. Finally, at the beginning of Lent, I realized it really was not enough. I speak of building community at the local levels and collaborating with each other under Judeo-Christian faith-based principles. I have never been talking about founding a retreat center or a religious community: for me the focus has always been building normal working communities where the existence and presence of God is assumed. That is how America largely worked for its first 180 years. Then things started fraying slowly, then unraveling, and now we are functionally and governmentally a post-Christian society. We are not better off.

To accomplish my aim effectively, though, people have to have a comprehensive overview of the simple steps they can take right where they are to rebuild such Godly communities. Currency, commerce, defense, education, justice…all of these things must be addressed in practical terms that people can use to organize and build, right where they are, simply stated and clearly described. It is a massive project – and an intimidating one. But it started to flow far more smoothly once I received this insight. From the beginning, CORAC has been focused on things that are often unglamorous but are simply practical and require practical work. That is why we have over 500 instructional videos and pdf’s for practical skills on the website. Each one of those took real time, effort, and commitment by real people, driven by their love of God and neighbor.

Now is the time. I will finish the book on Easter and I expect it to be ready for distribution by Divine Mercy Sunday. We will make it available as a free pdf on the website and, a little later, have it printed up as hard copy booklets you can purchase (but it will always remain available free on the website). It will give you what you need to get started in earnest.

I ask again for you to be generous in your financial donations to CORAC. We do not require much to operate, but we do require some to keep the lights on. I think much of that will resolve itself once we issue this Handbook.

In 2013, I was trying to figure out what to do to get the word out and get people going. I initially formed the idea of a ministry. At the time, the Archdiocese was ignoring me, my conception was too broad, and did not really fix a way for people to come back to God through the prayer of doing, effectively. I was enormously frustrated, complaining to my Priest directors and whining that I was trying, just not getting any traction. Then one day, standing on the back patio, I believe I heard my angel tell me, “You will have no ministry. Rather, you are to be the spark that ignites a thousand ministries.” From that point on things started flowing. Each of you who starts the hard work of building your community where you are, that is your ministry. And CORAC is a key to how all of our ministries live solidarity with each other. And yes, I believe with all my heart that is a primary tool God will use to renew the faith and the face of the earth.

I leave it to others to complain of the outrage of the day. However well said any commentary is, our portion is to cultivate our garden and build the boats to carry us – and our fellows – safely through this great storm. Let us participate together with God in the Second Greatest Story ever told – unfolding before us now.

St. Joan of Arc Chapel, Marquette University, Milwaukee

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Twitter at @JohnstonPilgrim

Donate to CORAC!

Join the Conversation!

The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

35 thoughts on “The Coming War on Reality ((Corrected))

  1. Charlie, what you wrote here is surely true:

    “It turns out that learning foundational skills is critical to developing how things work. If you just get an ‘answer’ without being forced to learn how to figure out answers, you are vulnerable to any poppycock anyone else is peddling – particularly if they package it well. ”

    Unfortunately, the motivation to study “hard” has now been destroyed in our schools, to include at college level education. DEI (and CRT) is now applied in schools, so competition for high grades has been replaced with “equity,” and studying hard is effectively scorned. Students get promoted just for being there (reminds me of a Woody Allen joke: “90% of life is just getting there.”).

    Likewise, hiring and promotion are being driven by DEI and CRT. So, the elevated, important position of Supreme Court Justice is awarded by race and sex to a lawyer who cannot start to explain what it means to be a woman. Our Sec Defense does not even know enough to ensure that he can be contacted if the ballon goes off, and he goes along with the stupid, dangerous action of withdrawing our military from Afghanistan before our civilians and $85 Mil worth of new equipment was rescued. I suspect that many of the problems with Boeing may be traced to the incompetence and laxity fostered by DEI and CRT.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Jack, I noticed the same thing when Obama was in office. The lack of accountability as a whole fell dramatically. It seemed no one was at the helm in calling out any wrongdoing and law and order on the street even subsided noticeably.

      I read somewhere that when a leader’s designs are accepted a type of slavery to that mindset is formed. It’s a punishment from God, starting with the angels that fell being subject to Lucifer. I can attest to this as it has become more and more noticeable in the population since then, particularly when a crum is in charge.

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  2. Beckita, I am confused. I thought that Sanctus Ranch and the Mission of Divine Mercy were two separate retreat centers in the San Antonio area. The Mission of Divine Mercy is the one that is announcing the messages from heaven: Fr John Mary. Are they connected in some way?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are absolutely correct, joyful. Some of the buildings look so similar, they are almost identical – but they are NOT the same thing. I conflated them originally – because a few were telling me that the Archbishop had condemned the messages. I find that is not the case – and I did not tour Sanctus Ranch. I do not know if they are connected in any way. I have corrected the article

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  3. I have prayed in the St Joan Chapel. There is a remarkable stone there, on which Joan prayed that is 10 degrees cooler than any of the stones around it.

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  4. Thank you Charlie, we also have a chapel / church here in France where St Joan of Ark prayed, its in Isle Bouchard, an apparition site approx 80 kms north of us. Keep up the good work. Ps France is now on the precipice since the passing of a bill shrining abortion into its constitution. God help us.

    Christus Vincit.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Maurice, may God bless and protect you, your family, and your country. Roughly a century ago, the alleged visionary Marie-Julie Jahenny requested that people pray the Miserere for France. The Miserere is prayed in the Liturgy of the Hours every Friday morning, and I often think of and pray for France when I am praying it.

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  5. It’s a bit funny to see most of the secular fear of “AI” being related to Terminator: that it will quickly gain consciousness and generate some type of singularity that will rule the world. There was just recently a computer scientist claiming this may happen as soon as 2027. All this from software that thinks George Washington was black and can do very little but plagiarize and lie. 

    Of course this singularity cannot occur and AI can never become conscious because self-awareness is in us as an image of God, and this is not in software. The ability to discern truth is also a gift from God to us, not software. However, AI will look very intelligent to the very dull. If humans lose the ability to think and discern truth, how can we recognize that AI is not thinking and has no truth? I do think AI is dangerous, not because it will become conscious but because it can be used as a tool by the godless to fool and control the masses, or even in cybercrime to attack digital infrastructure or be used as a tool of identity theft and oppression. I also wonder if there is a demonic component? The word salad produced by AI seems similar to the droning nonsense that exorcists claim come from the mouths of demons: lots of words and confusion, no simplicity or truth. I do pray that God intervenes soon.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉



    Liked by 3 people

  7. Good morning Charlie and team,

    Lucy Rivers Patier here writing you from central Texas…

    I want to clarify what seems to be a confusion of identity and property and apostolates :

    The Mission of Divine Mercy is a private, community of consecrated religious (almost all of whom are from the same family whose roots are in West Virginia ) as well as a lay branch membership, founded over 20 years ago and located near Canyon Lake , Tx.. It is Catholic in character but not formally affiliated with the ArchDiocese of San Antonio. The Mission is also prophetic in character, from its very foundation up to now. This prophetic character has been hidden, silent and discrete…just like Our Blessed Lord’s life before the Fullness of Time when He Himself became a “public” figure. It has been discerned that it is NOW “time” for the messages to be known more broadly , for the sake of the faith and of the faithful . The Mission of Divine Mercy is a large , sprawling , rough terrain property, privately-owned and remotely located some 30 minutes from New Braunfels, but it does not have adequate infrastructure to lodge the public. It has very restricted hours of operations.

    The Sanctus Ranch is a privately-owned family apostolate founded roughly 10 years ago, and located near Pipe Creek, Tx., about 20 minutes from Boerne. Sanctus Ranch is a full retreat center with complete facilities to lodge and feed and host events. It is faith-based and Catholic, but not formally affiliated with the ArchDiocese. It is on some 12 acres located in a residential area. The infrastructure of The Ranch is very complete and is open to the public, although it primarily serves as a venue for faith-based , Catholic retreats and hosts frequent faith-building events year-round. Four of the six children, as well as the parents and grandparents (all originally from New Hampshire) , serve full time to operate and build and maintain the property at a superior level of service.

    The Mission and the Ranch are located roughly one hour driving time from each other . They have no association , relationship or connection whatsoever. The two founders only spoke to each other for the first time ever roughly 2 weeks ago, and this even, by phone….

    The only thing The Mission and The Ranch have in common is a great love for the Catholic Church and the desire to offer a place for the faithful to “retreat from the world” in order to encounter Jesus Christ , His Mother Mary and deepen the Faith.

    What else do they have in common ?

    They both find themselves in the presently unhappy situation of not having a formal tie or affiliation with the ArchDiocese of San Antonio, in spite of having existed there for 10 and 20 + years respectively ! They both were known and visited and frequented by clergy, by parishes and by many faithful Catholics over this extended period of time IN SPITE of not having any formal connection to the Archdiocese. Likewise, they both were visited and enjoyed on multiple occasions by the ArchBishop himself over this extended period !!! “Then suddenly last summer”…. emails began to flow and the question of “regularization” or “normalization” of their relationship with the ArchDiocese was set in motion.


    That is a good question to pose to the ArchBishop because these two retreat entities have existed and operated successfully and very fruitfully for the faithful who went there on retreats for 10 and 20 years + in the ArchDiocese of San Antonio.

    Again the questions are posed : WHY? WHY NOW ? WHY NOT BEFORE ?

    May we all remain UNITED , hearts in Charity and minds in Truth, in order to resolve the present distress . May God grant all concerned the necessary Graces to move forward at this time.

    In His Eucharistic Heart,

    Lucy Rivers Patier

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    1. Thank you so much for this clear, lucid clarification of what currently is going on, Lucy. This whole business has troubled me a lot. Often in politics I easily read through a stated objection from an actor to discern to what the real objection was. Once I discern that I have, in past cases, often dialed down the controversy and settled things. That could not happen here BUT I have had the familiar sense since this erupted that what we are hearing as the stated objection is not the real objection. The Archbishop has not responded to Sevigny’s defense, which includes that some of the Abp’s stated grounds are factually incorrect that I know of. I would love to hear a response there with some documentation from someone rather than just accusations.

      I made my initial error because someone in authority had talked to me privately about the Abp. suppressing the messages. He had gotten confused about it, conflating the two issues and is usually completely on point with that. So I conflated the two – noting that I had toured Divine Mercy last fall, found it very solid, and really enjoyed the people I met there. I added to him that I had read the messages and I found them sound – and this fellow knows how discriminating, even prickly, I can be privately about that.

      Thank you so much for offering some more factual information.

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  8. Charlie, you have talked before about the spiritual significance of certain celestial events. I am wondering if you think there is a significance to the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th. It seems to me that there are many peculiar things. First, that it crosses paths with the 2017 total eclipse. A total solar eclipse is extremely rare for any given point on the earth. The Carbondale IL area where the 2017 & 2024 paths cross will see two eclipses in 7 years. I can’t imagine what the odds of that are. I believe Carbondale is close to the St. Louis area in which you lived for a time that you mentioned in this post. Secondly, the eclipse will happen on the solemnity of the Annunciation and the day after Divine Mercy Sunday and of course it falls in the Easter season. I traveled to see the 2017 eclipse and was found it an amazing experience. Since then I have intended to travel to see the 2024 eclipse. But, I think it may be more wise to just stay home.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I have often said that signs are usually more like mile markers than predictors. We can’t ever really know the mid of God, but these markers encourage us to look more deeply to try to discern the deeper spiritual reality behind certain temporal events. Two total eclipses in seven years that form a giant X across the United States? There is an obvious suggestion there. How it plays out is another situation. But boy, we should really be paying attention.

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  9. Charlie, I’m glad you rewrote this. I had come across the Mission of Divine Mercy because I had itchy ears and listened to Westen’s video interview of the head guy at the Mission. I was a bit concerned when the guy said that they had not received permission from the Bishop to publish their messages but had gone ahead on their own, based on the messages themselves.

    You’ve always cautioned us about those prophets who move ahead on their own. Therefore, I am glad to hear what you said about them not being connected in an official way with the bishop. It seems to me that that gives the Mission more leeway and not end up being disobedient to a lawful authority over them.

    I was thunderstruck by how the Feb 22 message referred to Pope Francis, and I’m hoping you can explore that subject here. Assuming God is the speaker (being discerning and careful), He said, “And you have allowed the usurper to sit on the chair of My Peter – he who is carrying out the Great Treason that will leave My Church desolate.”

    That word “usurper” and the second part of the overall sentence astound me. I doubt it astounds *you* but would appreciate an analysis of the sentence and its words. Does God basically say at this point that Pope Francis was either not elected properly (despite what the canon lawyers have said), or that he was properly elected by misrepresenting for a long time who he really was underneath his public face – in other words, the classic wolf in sheep’s clothing where the cardinals were largely taken in and voted for the falsely-portrayed sheep version, and then the wolf set to work.

    On a peripheral point, I’ve operated on the idea that in this middle coming, much of what is to happen in the End Times will be mirrored here but in a kind of miniature way. What this sentence tells me in that respect is that that perception of the middle coming is tending to be accurate.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hey Steve, I’ve got to check in with you soon on a bunch of things.

      Whether or not they tried to notify the Bishop ahead of time is not as relevant as you might think. What is important is what they do if the Bishop formally weighs in on things. The reality is that Bishops seldom weigh in on such things. Some such claims are absurd enough on their face that it would just create a huge waste of time for a Bishop to formally notice. Typically, a Bishop will begin an investigation if an event is drawing a lot of attention and is not apparent on its face to be false. After an investigation, the Bishop may suppress it or allow it to continue with appropriate warnings to the faithful (almost NEVER does he approve something that is ongoing). The key, though, is that anyone who is Catholic who publicly reports supernatural messages or visitations is always subject to his Bishop’s authority on that matter, whether he has any other formal connection or not. So the Mission of Divine Mercy is NOT crosswise with the Bishop – but that is because he has made no formal statement, not because they have no other formal connection.

      You were part of the team that was prepped to modify my website had my Bishop ordered restrictions, so you remember our preparations to live obedience whatever the Bishop ruled. Though I tried to get the Bishop’s attention before I started speaking, the Archdiocese ignored me at that time. I am not saying that in criticism: there are so many claims that a poor Bishop would have time for little else if he started investigating every one. But events led to the need for a public direction. My Bishop has been just to me and also took very seriously his duty to protect the faithful. I could speak initially, but once he decided to weigh in, I was obligated to obedience on this subject.

      As for the specific words that you are curious about, it is always a difficult – and often dangerous – matter to try to assign specific temporal interpretations to them. I have mentioned before that when I get a specific message or set of instructions using language, I almost always consider anywhere from seven to a dozen possible temporal interpretations of it. Even so, the actual fulfillment often comes in a way I still had not considered. St. Pope Paul VI said that the “smoke of satan has entered the Church.” This could mean no more than that it has now infiltrated the inner sanctum of the Vatican.

      I also know that any Bishop, including the Pope, if they make certain decisions for unworthy reasons (not merely if the err on a disciplinary matter, but if they act with intentional malice or for temporal ambition rather than trying to live their duty to God and the faithful) can actually excommunicate themselves from the Church Triumphant. If they do, they still retain administrative authority in the Church Militant until they are temporally removed or die. A tricky business, that – but it started with Judas.

      Personally, I do NOT think this is a reference to the validity of the last Papal Conclave. It certainly is at least a warning to the Pope, Himself, but it is also a judgment on all of us – and particularly the College of Cardinals and the human infrastructure of the Vatican. We have a duty of fidelity – and the consequences of not living that duty rigorously include the smoke spreading rather than being dispersed. Thus, a building may catch on fire due to circumstances beyond the control of those entrusted with it and its occupants’ safety. But if those so entrusted sit around and do not vigorously work to stop it after they know it has begun, they are accountable.

      As for your last paragraph, I always get a little touchy about talk of the End Times. The End Times is a specific, theological concept that includes everything from the moment of Christ’s Resurrection until the actual end of time. Because of the words involved some people invoke that phrase knowing that people will think it means the times just before the end of time while others will erroneously, but innocently, make that assumption. We DO live in the end times, just as all people for the last 2,000 years have and all people yet to come will until the actual end of time. But to your larger point, I DO think that the events in this, the Minor Tribulation, are also a dress rehearsal for the actual end.

      I do not subscribe to the concept of a middle coming. It just has no Scriptural basis or anything significant in Sacred tradition. Christ comes twice to be physically among us: at the time of the Incarnation and at the end of time. That, in fact, is part of why this Minor Tribulation requires resolution through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. On the one hand, it will firmly correct the general indifference and contempt with which so many Christians treat Our Lady (which was the beginning of the smoke of satan infiltrating the faithful) AND, if the Lord, Himself, came it would be the actual end. I know that those who promulgate this middle coming try to dodge the specific implications whenever they are theologically cornered by saying it is a spiritual coming. Fie on that! Christ has been spiritually present to the Church and the faithful in an unbroken line since, at least, the Ascension. So to say it is a spiritual coming is a distinction without a difference with all the time since the Ascension…and to say it is an actual, physical coming, is not supported by Scripture or Sacred Tradition.

      So much of what purports to be interpretation on these things is actually a desperate effort to relieve us of responsibility for the choices we have made. God IS giving us a chance to participate in His renewal of all things for this final chance, but it does not involve Him telling any of us, “It is not your fault.” An invalid papal election at this stage would conveniently mean the reigning chaos is not our fault, just those dastardly Cardinals. Again, fie on that! We all need to cease trying to find reasons why we were just innocent bystanders to the chaos and say, with deep sincerity, “Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.” Then, amend our lives and go and sin no more.

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      1. Rather than reply to your various answers, I will just say, “AH! I get it.” 🙂

        Thanks, Charlie, for your very helpful answer.

        As for getting in touch with me, late mornings are the best but mid-late afternoons are OK, too, if needed.

        Liked by 4 people

  10. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! ….. PS: 😉

    Got Chow Stocked-Up? …for Pets too!? … & a little extra for Idiot Kin & Neighbors!!??

    THEY! .. Next Nine Months!! …. will “Pull Out the Stops” to stifle, intimidate ….Worse!! Anyone who does NOT support THEIR AGENDAS!

    Will no one rid US of this noisome ass!!??


    Liked by 3 people

  11. thank you Charlie!

    Fr. Ripperger has a video on what to do when you can’t receive the sacraments. Too long to link here.

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  12. “My dear friends – at this moment I can only say: pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me, that I may learn to love his flock more and more – in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”


    St. Peter’s Square

    Sunday, 24 April 2005

    Steve, it seems the wolves have been able to infiltrate this pontificate more pronouncedly than the last two for sure. Whether Pope Francis is complicit with them or “afraid” like Pope Benedict inferred (and as the apostles were when they fled the garden as Jesus was being arrested), I can’t be sure. Some here believe he is the ringleader and some private revelations (like the above) call him this straight out. But other private seers say he must be prayed for as God has chosen him for this role in the Storm.

    To believe that Pope Francis’ role as the Pope of the Storm isn’t such a stretch if one remembers that God has got this. Paul was quite the monster before his conversion but his conversion was breathtaking in its results. And so it can be with this Pope regardless of the “mess” he”s making as this scripture passage reminds us: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:38),

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  13. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉

    JoeBama’s Rant @ The State of The Union Show was nothing less than a Declaration of War on Conservative, Christian Producer Class America and a Rally Cry for the most Radical Cogs of The Democrat Party!

    Fix Bayonets!

    Tinfoil Hat Stuff?


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    1. But, Littleone, then you have Daniel O’Connor in video refuting – what he believes – are the errors which Fr. James Mawdley promotes. The waters remain awfully muddy surrounding how some people, including clergy, interpret the writings of Luisa Picaretta. Because of this, I welcome the new attitude of taking pause and exerting great caution until those with expertise can better discern the authenticity of the dialogues and, if indeed, the volumes are deemed to be authentic, just how best to implement what is being conveyed.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I developed some kind of Gut Inflammation Problem right after Christmas!

      Around 2-3 AM Cramps and Bellyache would keep me up for 90 minutes or so?

      I took Ivermectin, Probiotics, Vits and home remedies. The worst is over but still lingering ……… Beer and Party Junk Food gets my bowels in an uproar ;-(  ….. SIGNS 😉


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    2. JESLYOU8123, I did not see that video. Thank you very much for passing it along. Dr Hazan has been on my radar for a while now, but this is the first time I have heard her directly.. The information on Bifidibacteria is material I had heard peripherally (she also has said that Methylene Blue kills all bifidobacteria in the gut), but this video pulled things a bit better together for me. I will definitely be doing some research on maintaining my own population.

      Another bacterium that appears to matter significantly is Akkermansia. You can take bifidobacteria as a supplement but not Akkermansia, which requires more care for the gut microbiome as a whole.

      The human microbiome (oral, skin, gut, etc.) is an enormously complex subject, but every now and then something clear comes through.

      I find it interesting that I had almost no issues with C19 despite signs that I have gotten it 2-3 times. It was very mild each time. I take Vitamin D to 80 or higher in the blood, as well as Vitamin C and Zinc pretty much daily. I’ve also taken IVM when ill and now take it twice a week. I haven’t had much in the way of a virus recently, though I have had a couple bacterial illnesses.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Interesting that you would post this video. Not 2 minutes ago, I read my email from Dr. Peter Osborne about this very interview. He is one of the good functional medicine/naturopathic doctors I have followed and learned so much from the last few years; one of the good guys telling the truth! The truth is out there if we look in the right places, where there is freedom to speak!


  14. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! .. Happy Day!! 😉

    Yep! St. T. plus a Legion of Warrior Saints & Angels!


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