Hitting the Wall

By Charlie Johnston

I hit the wall on Wednesday this last week. Utterly exhausted after getting into St. Louis, I realized I hadn’t taken a full day off for over a month and a half. Back when I was running big campaigns, I was pretty insistent that the candidate should take at least one day off in each nine, figuring that when you run at 40%, you are about 90% more likely to make a catastrophic error. Physician, heal thyself.

Over the course of the week our CORAC site was besieged by a bunch of Chinese bots – and a malicious one kept trying to occupy the payment portal to keep everyone else out. Our management and IT team worked to bolster everything and lock out the bots, but it slowed things down rather dramatically onsite. It is kind of nice to know we have twisted the tail of the dragon. He can annoy us and slow us down, but the bad news for him is that Our Boss is stronger than he is. With every attack, we get a little stronger and more experienced. We are just over 30% of our fundraising goal, so I hope you will help us out if you have not already done so. If you prefer to mail a check (as many do), make it out to: The Corps of Renewal and Charity and send it to CORAC, 13940 W. 26th Ave., Golden, Colorado 80401.

Traveling around as I have been, I have learned it is best to get gas in a red or moderate state rather than in an incompetently run blue state. It seems the philosophy of the elite grandees of the pagan left is to charge everyone more for everything and give them less. Their poor victims among small businesses have to add the charge on to their customers in their ever more desperate effort to survive – as the grandees live high on the hog and refuse to work at all. So I shrewdly made sure the gas tank was full before crossing from Missouri into Illinois. That was good thinking – for the moment you cross the border gas prices go up at least thirty cents per gallon. The tax for corruption and incompetence grows ever higher. The great Russian dissident, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn loved Mother Russia while hating what the communists had done to it. I can relate. I feel pretty much the same way about my once-home state of Illinois.

The media was salivating over the mass shooting in Boulder, sure it would be the near mythical white supremacist wearing a red MAGA hat. Alas for them, it turned out to be another case of Jihadi Joe – and all of his victims were white folks. Ah, privilege! Turns out the FBI knew all about the shooter before the attack took place but did nothing. Our politicized Justice Department and FBI are far too busy trying to manufacture cases against political dissidents to waste any time going after actual criminals who hurt, kill and maim the innocent. I wish the FBI would quit hunting snipe and start hunting violent criminals. The autocratic Tsars of Russia before the communist take-over were more responsible in fighting actual crime – and more tolerant of dissent than those who now control the levers of government in America. Go figure.

I was writing a meaty piece when I hit the wall. I will finish it this weekend and put it up Monday. For all those whose emails and calls I have not gotten back to, I think the batteries have recharged. I expect to have a holy – and vigorous – Holy Week as I get back in the saddle. I’ll be speaking in Quincy, Illinois tomorrow and in the Chicago area on Wednesday. If you want to go to one of these events and join us in our work to defend faith, family and freedom in collaboration with others, sign up at CORAC and then you can get the information on upcoming meetings.

I have been working so frantically because, for the first time in my life, events are moving much more quickly than I expected. The official government effort to outlaw and punish traditional Judeo-Christian faith and any dissent from the insanity Biden and company call policy is not going to have the effect they hoped for. It’s all grins and giggles until you are punched in the face. It has taken a few months for people to wrap their minds around what the people who now occupy the halls of formal power are about, but with almost daily new waves of madness and offenses coming from Washington, the picture is becoming clearer to almost all. Our new overlords are determined to make America into a dystopian nightmare that will make Venezuela look tame. I am afraid we are in for a very long, hot summer as ordinary people increasingly fight back. These first three months of the year have been the time of people getting their bearings – shocked that the pagan left really wants to criminalize faith, family and freedom while enabling and supporting actual violent criminals. The next two months are the calm before the storm. Then comes the fullness of the storm. I fear that many ordinary people are going to strike back with wild, undisciplined fury. The left, believing as it always does, that just a little more force, coercion and oppression will force everyone to bend the knee to their dark fantasies, will ratchet things up only to see the dissidents ratchet things up. It could become a very ugly accelerating cycle. I am so frantic because I want a core of people who are committed to the idea that neither official left-wing violence and oppression nor angry right-wing vengeance are the way. I want people committed to a third way – a Triune way, if you will – who will stand together against offenses, resisting force and coercion forcefully while steadfastly building up communities that will preserve the things that once bound us into a prosperous nation – God, family and freedom – without giving into the despair of unfocused rage.

The bywords that I have given since I first started writing of these things are still the lodestar that will renew the faith and face of the world: Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you.

St. Gabriel, enlighten us.

St. Michael, defend us.

St. Raphael, protect us.

St. Joseph, send all demons back to hell.

Ave Maria, Stella Maris!

102 thoughts on “Hitting the Wall

  1. “Back when I was running big campaigns…” And here you are, Charlie… What? 30-40 years later, living with a major leash which demands conservation of energy. Praying your restorative, refreshing break becomes a habit as you carry on.

    You’ve consistently written well, addressing the many dimensions of living the Trinitarian Way, since the inception of the TNRS blog. Thank you. I love the lodestar prayer as well. Amazingly, I had just brought some statues from my bedroom to our main living area. Guess who? Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael! In sync, Head Sherpa.

    Finally, a lovely story: On one pilgrimage to Betania, Maria had actually extended a personal invitation to each of us in the group as we would make a three day retreat together. After it ended, we visited Bishop Pio Bella Ricardo at his residence which was attached to a convent filled with nuns. Kept in the chapel of the convent was a tabernacle which held the host from the Eucharistic Miracle that the Bishop had approved. We were given the unusual blessing of the tabernacle remaining open so that our group could see more clearly this wonderful sight, given in this age of disbelief, to strengthen the faith of the weak. I intoned a Taizé rendition of Adoramus Te Domine. Suddenly, it was not only our group with voices raised in song, but a swelling of voices joined in with exquisite harmonies. At first, we thought the sisters must have joined in our songs of praise. But no, it was one of the five priests from our group who said at dinner that evening, “My people, you audibly sang with the angels today!” You might say, how blessed was this group, but nah! Not just us. These things happen to remind us all of how blessed each one of us is, for we are surrounded by angels who join in singing praises to God, whether we’re at Mass or simply singing and humming to Him throughout our days.

    Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! Thank You for the gift of the Angels and Archangels and all the Angelic Choirs!

    And while we’re surrounded by angelic presence, it is we who must invite them to activate their precious God-given power.

    Liked by 18 people

      1. It was so beautiful, Jack. I forgot to note in the story that when we originally thought the sisters had joined in, we were told they had left for the day. That brought one of the priests to put 2 and 2 together. The harmonies were ethereal. And, really, the best part is they DO sing with us on earth below. That veil is uber thin. I imagine we’d all die of joy if we could actually see through it.

        Liked by 13 people

    1. Thank you for the beautiful video/song Beckita. I got goose bumps when I read your story about singing Adoramus Te Domine with the angels.

      Liked by 9 people

    2. Omgosh, Beckita; how blessed you were to partake in the magnificent heaven n earth choir combo! Furthermore, to have the composure to stay in the moment, continue signing and not, as I would have been, frozen dumb founded with a bobble head-what’s happening etc. (psst, next time keep one hand in your pocket ready to push the record button.)🎼😇🎶

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    3. Thank you Beckita for sharing this heavenly song on this Holy Palm Sunday ..
      we are indeed living in these times that try our souls. Dearest Lord, please strengthen our inner man and give us much wisdom and courage as we navigate these treacherous waters.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Amen!
        I’ve been attending our Diocese Cathedral Sunday Masses from my car in the parking lot and sneak in a side door for Communion, unregistered. (Reportedly Eucharistic Ministers for the car congregation were to be stationed there. That has not been my experience.) I offer up some of the extreme measures, yet stand firm based on principle for others. Registering for Mass is one I have worked around.
        Today I had floods of emotion with the Homily about ‘hands’. The first reference made was to hands that are cracked and sore from being over sanitized due to the more than one year “Pandemic” in relation to Jesus’ Passion – Frustration at the narrative. The Homilist continues using the descriptions of hands waiving joyous palms in welcome of Jesus, fists raised while shouting crucify Him, and then Our Lords own hands being nailed to the cross – a tangible Resolve stirred my heart to love and forgive at that moment. Lastly the presider took us through a guided meditation, with our eyes closed and hands clasped, we imagined Jesus holding our hands as a baby being welcomed into the world, a toddler crossing the street, a time of great joy and a time of great suffering – I felt Merciful at the thought of God’s deep Love and Compassion. A steady stream of tears fell from my eyes – I was at Peace.
        Church was more crowded (at its still limited capacity) – Stupefied that we are still restricted. I arrived in time for the sanitize spray crew for the first time since assisting here. I waived and declined – Horrified as to what constitutes this requirement!
        I return to the car for the close of the Mass. It is here I learned that the masked and shielded presider is none other than our new bishop – Heart racing and thoughts of what I’d like to inquire of him about… are quickly quieted as he chats on about this that and another thing that incite rounds of applause – Steaming at this point; I do not think we should use God’s house theatrically in this manner. We were given to go in peace, without the closing blessing, because of these antics, perhaps? Just shaking my head as I head back home.
        At a nearby intersection, while I rehash my awareness during this last hour, I notice the IL license plate on the car directly in front of me reads CYNICK 1. It was then that I returned to that stirring in my heart of Resolve and am brought to Surrender. I am filled with desire to be with Jesus, not the distractions.
        The vehicle brandishing those plates, by the way was a Ford – F.O.C.U.S.. I kid you not. God is so good to me, despite myself! Thank you, Lord. ❤

        Liked by 8 people

        1. Amazing, Jen. What a roller coaster of beauty and nonsense. I forget that parts of IL have been crazily burdened with the kind of restrictions you describe. But good grief! Skip the final blessing? For what? I admire your return to forgiveness and resolve, Jen. God bless you and your beautiful heart. ♥️

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        2. Jlynnbyrd- I believe from conversing with you briefly on this blog last year you are in the Joliet Diocese. I would like to encourage you to take a little drive and attend Holy Cross church in Batavia. It is a faith filled place that will not check to see if you have registered on line and our pastor, Father Parker, is a reverent, holy and cheerful man who is filled with the holy spiritual and love for our Blessed Mother. Holy Cross is an oasis in a desert of ridiculousness.

          A number of us from Holy Cross will be attending the CORAC meeting on Wednesday. I believe you emailed in our weekly newsletter that you will be there. I hope we can meet!


          1. I hope to meet you and others too Beth. Holy Cross and Father Parker sound sublime. I would love to find out more. We can exchange cell #’s if you’d like at JByrd@corac.co and be sure not miss each other amid the very nice crowd planned for the evening! ❤


    4. Beckita I have this strong inkling that you & Charlie think, act and respond with the same breath of the Holy Spirit! Let your feet journey together 🥰🐿🐶🐰😇😇🙏

      “Amazingly, I had just brought some statues from my bedroom to our main living area. Guess who? Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael! In sync, Head Sherpa.”

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Well, Dear Linda, I love the research which has shown that people who sing in choir have hearts that beat in unison. So cool it is that we who have been anchored in this community, for these recent years, live and move and have our being in each little corner of the world united in the Breath of God! ♥️🔥💨

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  2. HA! Charlie, I feel like I live on [or in] the wall. Have turned to playing Sacred Chant in the background throughout the day. Heavenly thoughts.
    God Bless. Stay strong.
    Ave Maria Stella Maris!

    Liked by 7 people

  3. Charlie, your remark about being punched in the face reminds me of my favorite Mike Tyson quote;
    “Yeah, everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face”


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  4. Beckita! How lovely! Thank-you so much.

    Charlie, we loved your special litany at the end – thanks for that! St. Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us.

    Praying daily for our country and for our state and very much for our senators, representatives and our Governor Kate Brown. Thanks be to God for our wonderful Archbishop Sample. We are truly blessed.

    God bless us all as we weather this storm, katey in Oregon 🙏🏽✝️💜

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  5. I am sitting here with numbness in my legs and exhaustion. I do not know how you do it, Charlie. I am just hanging in. I will send a check, however.

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      1. Beckita, my body is telling me I have to rest this weekend. Thank you for you prayers. Usually it passes with rest, but spring uptick in temperatures affect me, for sure. However, Charlie is very impressive. I think that the Holy Spirit must be giving him strength for the travels and talks.

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          1. I really am concerned about the fact that they want to give these vaccinations to children. The risks do not outweigh the rewards. I read that during clinical trials, if they gave too little of the injection then it produced no positive result. If they gave too much, then the subjects developed MS. They could not shut off the immune response and it attacked the body….I can tell you that autoimmune disease is very difficult and changes one’s whole life. Once a person gets one, he/she is likely to get another. Young children are starting to get MS and no one knows why. This is always a progressive disease. And the medications are ridiculously expensive…from $50,000 per year to $126,000. Usually insurances will not cover this amount and Medicare certainly does not even have them listed on their drug list. This is true not only in the US, but also in other countries. The drug companies say they will help you, and maybe some will. But, if you are Medicare (not sure about Medicaid), then you are out of luck…..This would be a full blown disaster for children and babies….and for parent as they watch their child deteriorate and suffer. After 13 years all the symptoms increase!… I certainly would not want my child or grandchild to take the risk…….I have come to believe that they want to cull the population. The claims for safety are laughable, and tragically so.

            Liked by 9 people

              1. This guy was previously an epidemiology instructor at WA State.
                He studied this because he is passionate about it.
                He gives some background on how people learned about vaccinations.
                it is really amazing and scary all together. I wish you could look up to verify his sources, but I would guess you would have to go through paper/books to get that kind of info/charts.
                he points out some amazing parallels with those diseases back then and covid today, especially how “rules changed” regarding how numbers of cases were counted, and especially how “cause of deaths” were counted/recorded , etc, etc…
                ( edited out link)

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                1. Kevin, two things to think about. One is that we’ve limited the posting of videos to no longer than 30 minutes, so I edited out the link. Another is that we’re centered on posting material with links that we can and have vetted for veracity. We’re in a zone where we can no longer trust that someone is speaking truth just because they have credentials in a certain field. Not sure who has had the opportunity to listen in or watch Charlie’s visit videos. I highly recommend them. He has constantly reiterated what he wrote about vetting information in his piece, The Lion in the Streets. https://asignofhope379.com/2021/02/16/the-lion-in-the-streets/ I appreciate what he offers to guide us in sorting out truth from fake stuff.

                  Liked by 2 people

              2. Comtemplativejoy, someone here posted a link to this article. It clearly explains the problems with the MRNA vaccines. I used to think J & J vaccine was different, but a very intelligent friend of my explained that they are very similar.


                Liked by 5 people

    1. That’s why one needs to get a hybrid or electric or Flintstone-type vehicle if Democrats are in charge! One month of Biden in office translated to $1 more per gallon… Beside all evil attached to the Democrats’ agenda, I don’t get it why my struggling financially Democrat colleagues keep voting for Democrats… Anyway Charlie, welcome back to Illinois!

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Charlie, don’t forget a particular “gas station” in California that is a great bargain!! 😉
        Here’s hoping you will find yourself traveling in our beautiful state soon, accommodations are ready for you.

        Liked by 3 people

    2. Gas is at least $2.99 in PA. With the Suez Canal, blocked it may go up. I understand that the East Coast gets most of gas and petroleum from the Middle East. I do not know why…..In PA, the state has put a 50 cent tax per gallon of gas to pay for road maintenance….though I think it goes to fund other things.

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      1. Commiserations, Judith. Here’s a true story about a mobster who used to steal that 50 cent tax on every gallon. His name is Michael Franzese. At one point in the 1980’s, he estimated that he was taking in $10 million a week, purely from that scam. In the following video, he tells of how God, step by step, drew Michael in towards Him, until finally, he had nowhere else to turn. Runs for 20 minutes;

        Liked by 6 people

        1. I think that this money probably goes many places. The roads in PA should be absolutely perfect. Most of the time they are not.

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    1. Well, God is God and I am just a servant. But I won’t go that far again. It was entirely my fault, but I was entirely wiped out for a few days. It occurred to me, though, that I did NOT get sick. Usually, some downtime is forced on me from getting sniffles or a neurological episode – but that didn’t happen this time. Pretty cool. Maybe God is taking the training wheels off and forcing me to use my head and put the brakes on, myself, from time to time.

      Liked by 16 people

  6. Charlie- Your blogs especially lately have been soothing for my soul. You are so hopeful and they really help calm me. I just finished reading an article on the Daily Wire about Vax Passports being required in NYC for entertainment venues as of April 1st. I live in Illinois and Pritzker has already made it clear that’s where we are headed. I was getting upset and angry. And then I opened my email, saw your blog and read it and instantly felt better. Now I need to go and be a sign of hope to my family. No grumpiness will be allowed in my demeanor! Thank you!!

    I am excited to meet you next Wednesday at the Hoffman Estates CORAC meeting. See you soon!

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Beth I am in the process of training myself (with continuous prayers to God and the Blessed Mother) to help me & Mike in accepting all the persecution, troubles and situations that may be coming down the pipes real soon! I believe these are the times Charlie has been forewarning us about where at every step and crazy turn, we’re going to have to acknowledge God, take the next right step and try to be a sign of hope to all others God puts in our path! Yikes 😳

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  7. JESUS = GOOD NEWS ..PM .. 😉







    I’m beginning to feel/think like the Jews of Germany c.1937.
    Like Germany then, we have a group of well funded people with Gubermint & Media Power behind them … Satanic power too I’d wager … demonizing a segment of the population for their own evil ends.
    However that demonized segment of society today is not the unarmed small minority of then..but …the USA/It’s People are not the same People of 1941.
    We will find out, very soon, if the demonized USA Large Segment will find the leadership and wherewithal to Rise-Up in Righteous Resistance?
    It may be a close run thing?


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  8. I guess that explains why I haven’t been able to donate for over a week because clicking the button did nothing. I tried again this morning and got further but when I try to complete, I get a “Forbidden” message?

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Charlie I am so happy you’re starting to reboot and so sorry you ran into a wall!!! Ha! I’m not surprised though for mike and I couldn’t believe the pace you were keeping up here just a month ago and you were like that energizer 🐰 bunny and never stopped!!! How we all pray for our Sherpa for God to keep him going going going!!!🥰✝️🙏🐿😇🐰🐶

    You have a wonderful time where you are today !!!

    This part is very interesting to me Charlie! Trying to decipher what it means but I guess God will let us know when it happens, eh?!

    God bless you good man and thank you for this piece!!!

    “The next two months are the calm before the storm. Then comes the fullness of the storm. I fear that many ordinary people are going to strike back with wild, undisciplined fury. The left, believing as it always does, that just a little more force, coercion and oppression will force everyone to bend the knee to their dark fantasies, will ratchet things up only to see the dissidents ratchet things up. It could become a very ugly accelerating cycle. I am so frantic because I want a core of people who are committed to the idea that neither official left-wing violence and oppression nor angry right-wing vengeance are the way. I want people committed to a third way – a Triune way, if you will – who will stand together against offenses, resisting force and coercion forcefully while steadfastly building up communities that will preserve the things that once bound us into a prosperous nation – God, family and freedom – without giving into the despair of unfocused rage.” CJ

    Liked by 6 people

  10. JESUS = GOOD NEWS … 😉





    It’s hard to believe that I’ve been part of this Gang of Deplorables for .. Seven Years?
    Like Charlie and others, I figured “way back then” that something gotta give with serious unpleasantness to follow. … but along came Trump .. and I thank God for those extra four years to Prep …..
    NOW! … THEY have knocked off Trump/Deplorables and are back on-track with their USA/Christendom Destroying Agenda …. with a vengence and frantic urgency.
    I have time to track a bunch of different Catholic/Protestant Sites and News Outlets and it seems to me that those “In de Know” are singing off the same sheet of music!
    Plus many learned folks with little Faith also pointing out ALL the Warning Signs of Plague, Economic Disaster, Rumblings from Mother Earth plus Outer Space Unknowns ….. ;-(
    I have, NO Doubt, that SHTF is coming before years end!

    Am I the only one here that sez … 12 Times a Day! ….. I’m NOT believing this ****!?
    Another reason NOT to buy Nike! Madness … & EVIL …. on Parade.



    Liked by 11 people

    1. Oh Crewdog! My daughter told me about that Nike shoe and I just couldn’t believe it…hoped it was fake news. Yes– I say, I’m not believing this, ALL the time.

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  11. Fr. Dana Ambrose Christensen
    Published March 28, 2021
    Jesus, Donkeys, and you
    Ever since I heard the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen recite this magnificent poem by G. K. Chesterton, it became my favorite. I, like Archbishop Sheen, have a tradition of reciting it each Palm Sunday. Since I can’t recite it this year, this will have to do.
    When fishes flew and forests walked
    And figs grew upon thorn,
    Some moment when the moon was blood
    Then surely I was born.

    With monstrous head and sickening cry
    And ears like errant wings,
    The devil’s walking parody
    On all four-footed things.

    The tattered outlaw of the earth,
    Of ancient crooked will;
    Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
    I keep my secret still.

    Fools! For I also had my hour;
    One far fierce hour and sweet:
    There was a shout about my ears,
    And palms before my feet.

    It seems to me, that all of us can find a little bit of ourselves in the donkey…

    Yes, we all, in some way are the donkey. We labor through life thinking “we’re just an ass.” And maybe we are. I know I am. BUT, here is the good news, with Christ, all the errant wings and monstrous heads become beautiful! The day of our birth is far from odd or evil, but a day of grace and rejoicing! Even that ancient crooked will is transformed by Jesus through wiping away original sin, and giving us supernatural grace in baptism. No longer are we tattered outlaws of the earth, but sons of God, himself! And those terrible secrets so many of us hold. Secrets that sear the memory and wound the heart, even these, we can whisper to Jesus as, on this Blessed Day, he gently rides upon our back. He is on his way to take away our secrets in the blood he sheds in love for us. So, my children, why not whisper our secrets to Jesus in confession and be free?

    Fools! The donkey cries! Fools! For even a stubborn, ugly, self-willed, ass with secrets are royal when Jesus rides into Jerusalem and he chooses us, donkey though we be, to accompany him on his journey of love. Fools would we be if we do not accept the invitation to have shouts about our ears and palms before our feet.

    So this Holy Week, let us accept the invitation, donkeys though we be, to accompany the Messiah on his journey to set us free. Let us stay near him, even as the Cross approaches, and our first instinct is to flee. Let us remain close to our Lady of sorrows, consoling her along the way.

    My sincerest hope for you, dear readers, is that more than ever, you will feel the passion of the Lord in your soul during this Holy Week. May you shed tears of sorrow, and tears of joy on Easter. Please pray the same for me.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Beautiful, for the sake of … sorrowful passion. Thank you for your wisdom and prayers. Be assured of mine for you and yours and all of our family here and their beloved this blessed Holy Week! ❤

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Thankyou for posting this. For some reason, it brought to mind a few words of the Rosary Conclusion prayer… …”he purchased for us the rewards of eternal life”…
      shame on us, if we discard or disregard this great gift Jesus has “purchased for us” via his great suffering/passion.

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  12. A nice side-effect of fully seeing the evil for what it is, is that I no longer grow frustrated and angry with politicians and the various governments. They are acting exactly as I expect evil to act and it is comforting that they are so predictable in their behaviors.

    God bless all here.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. What an awesome frame of mind on this, Timothy, and especially so because evil is – right now – exhausting itself. I also appreciate it because it frees us to be creative in pondering how to defend the faith, defend the faithful and hearten the faithful around us.

      Liked by 7 people

    2. Good point!!! reminds me of the saying… If there’s a “snake in the grass”, and you *know* there’s a snake in the grass, and you get bit, it’s “yer own dang fault”

      Liked by 5 people

  13. JESUS = GOOD NEWS … 😉


    Yes, Pope Francis! The Devil is, No-Doubt, involved along with his LeftWing Global Re-Set Useful Idiots with whom YOU appear to be in Lock-Step with more often than not ;-(

    Back to The Bats Did It Scenario! I guess THEY must think we forgot this BS the first, very early on, excuse!?
    ChinaJoe, AKA: Puppet Prez will of course be more than happy to go along with this ChiCom CoverUp Op …. and to further the Great Global-n-godless Re-Set ;-(

    An interesting piece:

    Not to Worry! The White Supremacists will be found!!








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  14. So I’m listening to relevant radio and drew mariani comes on and says , “Did you know Bill Gates is planning on injecting a bunch of chalk into the atmosphere to obscure the sun?” I guess he’s going to talk about it on his 3 pm eastern show? Whaaaa????

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Linda, while you listen in, see if you can apply any of Charlie’s principles for vetting the info presented. Then, please let us know if you think it’s believable or not.

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      1. I dunno, Guys. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. I continue to hearken back to Charlie’s counsel in writing and speaking. Remember his assessment of Hammer and Scorecard? Is this real or is it disinformation to get us running down rabbit holes? Our Lady’s adversary is sly and unrelenting… set on distracting us in any and every way possible.

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        1. True.
          Then there are the thousand small voices from Our Father that aim to attract us.Today I was humored. After daily Mass at a different neighboring parish, the car in front of me on the road read HE LIVES 1. I had to take a picture, cause who’d believe me at this point. I was stunned and so did not check out the model of the vehicle. I do know the make was Chevy because of the cross emblem. 😉

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          1. Three, which is frequently the pattern in my case, of the license plate musings trilogy continues. Today is a little more subtle and indirect. It is akin to an inside joke that speaks to my sensibilities. The car was not in front, but parked in the lot next to me after Mass. It read, AFTER 17 which equates to PEACE. Others here may understand why, and some may not. And that is o.k.; I get it!
            Praise be Jesus Christ! Now and forever, Amen! ❤

            Liked by 3 people

        2. Fortunately, Jesus makes it really simple for us with this: ““If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matt 16:24-25

          And that from the One Who never lost His focus, even with temptations from the devil, folks trying to get Him to be a revolutionary, worldly leader or whatnot… even when His own didn’t understand Him. Never lost His focus.

          Something you said earlier about this being a time of doing, rather than a time of prophecy… had me thinking about something I said to someone earlier who keeps trying to get me to sign up for KofC. Oh, I have no doubt that the gift of authentic prophecy is alive and well, as I’m sure the KofC continues to do good things.

          Even so, I replied that now is not the time for more Church organizations, committees, politics, etc., it’s the time for holiness, saints on fire with the Spirit, and martyrs… Oh, I think that last one is s real doozy, especially if it simply involves a martyrdom of our preferred habits of thought.

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          1. Agree with you, MP. At the same time, for those called to serve in worthy organizations, that can be fertile ground to evangelize and grow in holiness. The key, I think, is always acknowledging God, checking in to see that His Will is being done in our lives. For each of us, then, some of the focus looks similar and some looks different.

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            1. Oh, I think we understand one another, B. What I gave that person in reply was really no different from what you said about Prophecy earlier, and as I said and you probably well know, the gift of Prophecy is alive and well as aret worthy organizations doing good stuff. There is a time for everything under the sun, and even that has many, many, many layers. Mostly, it’s HOW we think.

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      2. Oh thanks so much crewdog for wouldn’t you know…. I was working all day around the house preparing for my two kids baby shower in April 11th and was anxiously waiting to hear Drew talk about this because it was my homework with a dear teacher friend, Beckita!!!! 🥰 Ha!!! So who calls right at that very second??? Mike!!! My hubby!!! Lol Drats!!! So I tried to be a good wife and listen to him and be a good student and listen to Drew and I just couldn’t do it!!! Lol So thank you thank you thank you Crewdog!!!🐶🥰😇

        This Bill Gates!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️ what nerve!!!

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  15. Ok I’ve been researching today but I can’t find out anything so I’m going to ask Mick and Stevebc for some advice….

    Now BOTH my kids have told Mike n I we need to get the d tap vaccine 💉 to be around newborn babies which is a booster for the whooping cough thing or wait 2 months to see babies! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m suspicious of this vaccine 💉 and we’ll probably be banned anyways because we’re not doing the covid vaccine but do either of you or any of you know anything about this vaccine??? Mike already said no way! I’m following him. But I need to explain it to the kids gently and of course we would never intentionally hurt anyone let alone a newborn. Goodness the world has really changed.
    Thank you in advance

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    1. Linda, recent research has shown that children who go through the current schedule of vaccines are 4 times sicker. The fewer vaccines a child takes, the better. The idea that *you* have to get a DTAP booster made my jaw drop. I’ve never heard of such a thing. Here are two links you can look at.

      The first is the best article I’ve ever read by an MD concerning how he vaccinated everyone and eventually realized it was causing more harm than good, so he started looking into it and what to do instead.


      The other link is to the National Vaccine Information Center, which is a huge database of information about vaccines. NVIC are generally panned by pro-vaccine people, but my understanding is that they are actually pretty even-handed, it’s just that the record for vaccines is so poor that they inevitably lean away from vaccines. I must note that I have not explored the site at any length, but Mercola regularly refers to it as thorough and good at their work.


      In past years Mark Mallett has talked about a demon of fear coming to the world. Well, it sure seems to me that it’s here with all this unnecessary delusion about vaccines and illnesses. It’s much better for kids to get these old illnesses and work their way through them because they teach the children’s young immune systems how to work and strengthen their immune systems against future illnesses in adulthood. Vaccines short-circuit that process, providing short-term gain for long-term pain – oh, and pots of no-liability money to the Pharma companies. You really have to ask why anyone would take a medicine provided by companies that routinely get fined for bad practices (both financial and medical) and that insisted that the government relieve them of liability before they would produce a single dose.

      Note also that the Pharma companies producing and selling the Covid vaccines again insisted on no liability coverage under the vaccine injury protection laws passed earlier. Ever wonder why the companies producing the mRNA “vaccines” are insisting that these jabs are vaccines and not gene therapy medical devices? Because if these gene therapy medical devices are eventually determined to be “not-vaccines”, these companies will be liable for damages, and these companies knew beforehand that there would be lots of damages.

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  16. Sun blocking research /expermiment cancelled for 2021. This was reported by NYT and Reuters. This is called SCOPEX.


    Apparently there is an experimental plan to try to block some of the sun’s rays to influence “climate change”. Experiments were to be conducted in 2021. Thanks be to God that is was cancelled.

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