The Whirlwind Picks Up Speed

Frodo Squirrel


By Charlie Johnston

(Last week was a bit of a whirlwind. I spent most of the week wrestling with a flu bug. Sunday, it occurred to me that I have heard more pro-life homilies this year than I had for the entire 29 years combined since I was received into the Church. It made me think that, despite the rising level of chaos, the tide is shifting – and in some ways, dramatically. Perhaps that is part of the reason the left has become so unhinged: some of them can feel it, too. David Daleiden and Lila Rose penned an editorial for National Review last week describing how Planned Parenthood can be administratively deprived of all federal funds. I like that we are talking about that. Pope Francis issued a new encyclical this week, Fratelli Tutti. After a cursory scanning, I think it is invalid on its face. You can’t contradict established Church doctrine, ignore the goal of salvation and the reality of Christ, and go all politics and have it taken seriously. It is truly awful and in places, both incoherent and errant. I will write more in detail about it later in the week. I will also put up a piece on how the tide is turning. Meantime, as these dangerous times churn up, Kurt Schlichter’s column in today’s Townhall is a must-see.  I put up the image of the squirrel taking the ring of power to be destroyed in Mt. Doom because it just seems so appropriate to our time. Thanks to our own MP for creating the image. Over the last week, I got several requests for a copy of my old meditation on the Book of Job. I reprint it here today.-CJ)

Since God’s interaction with each person is so intimately personal, how do we encounter Him properly and help others to do so? However interesting it might be for a finger to explain its function to a foot, it won’t be terribly helpful in teaching the foot to walk. One of the best answers to this question is to be found in the most misunderstood and misinterpreted book of the Bible; the Old Testament Book of Job.

There is good reason why many skim over – or skip entirely – the Book of Job. It turns the nostrums of traditional piety upside down. As it opens we are introduced to Job, a just and pious man who is blessed in all his affairs. He is prosperous, healthy and has a big, joyful family. In fact, Job is so notable for his good-natured righteousness that God boasts of him before the heavenly host. Hearing this, the satan appears before the throne and tells God that the only reason Job is so faithful is because God has given him such abundant blessings. Satan proposes a wager: if God will let him afflict Job, the man will curse God to His face. Though the Anti-Gambling Coalition would surely disapprove, God takes the bet anyway.

Disaster after disaster befalls Job. His crops are ruined, his livestock perish, his children are killed, his health is afflicted and his life becomes an almost unbearable misery. It is idiomatic to speak of the patience of Job; even Jesus comments on it. But if patience is understood to mean meek acceptance of whatever comes, that most assuredly does not describe our Job. There are 42 chapters in the book. By Chapter Three Job is in full dudgeon. He complains of God, complains to God, insists he has done nothing to deserve this, and demands that God appear before him to explain.

In the course of his bitter complaints Job is visited by three traditionally pious friends (a fourth pops up briefly near the end) who come to defend God, urge Job to repent of his complaints and to confess to the sins that have caused these disasters to befall him. But Job is adamant. He insists that if God would agree to stand with him before an independent tribunal where both presented their case without intimidation, his own righteousness would be confirmed.

The two most commonly quoted verses of Job are at 13:15 and 19:25. The former is quoted as, “Slay me though he might, I will wait for him; I will defend my conduct before him,” (NAM) and, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him,” (KJV). The latter reads, “…I know that my Vindicator lives…” (NAM) or, “…I know that my redeemer liveth…” (KJV). Though both are beautiful expressions of faith, what is notable about them is the contrast they present to Job’s usual litany of complaints and demands. For those who would make Job into a meekly pious, long-suffering man, they are about the only useful quotes in the whole book.

Rarely is any of Chapter III quoted. In his opening complaint, Job goes into a lengthy curse of the day he was born. He comes perilously close to cursing creation, itself, in the process – which would be blasphemy. Even so, the two quotes cited earlier are consistent with Job’s main argument, even if not in the way that many would like them to be. Job does not argue that God is unjust, though he skirts close to that argument frequently; his argument is that his own treatment is unjust. Job demands, often quite stridently, that God appear to him and explain; yet he remains faithful that if he could obtain this he would ultimately receive justice from the Almighty.

His friends, on the other hand, insist that God’s justice is always immediate. So if Job suffers, he must have sinned grievously.

Astonishingly, God does exactly what Job demands. At the beginning of Chapter 38 God comes roaring out of the whirlwind to answer Job. For the next four chapters God takes Job through all of creation; the heavens, the earth, the seas, the sky, the animals, the darkness and the light. At each step, God asks Job what he knows of such things, what he can command. The Almighty is not gentle about his questioning of Job. Dripping with sarcasm, He taunts and mocks the man, showing him how small he is and how little he knows.

After four chapters of God roaring at and apparently browbeating him, Job submits. “I put my hand over my mouth…I have dealt with great things that I do not understand; things too wonderful for me, which I cannot know,” (Job 40:4, 42:3 NAM). It is at this point that many commentators who are candid about Job’s impassioned dissent lose their way. Though God appears, He does not seem to answer Job’s questions, only to roar at and intimidate him. Observers who admire Job’s courage and passion in challenging God lament that, in the end, he buckles before God’s power rather than persisting in his demand for answers. Though trying to approach the book honestly these commentators are as limited as Job’s ‘pious’ friends.

God certainly roars at Job, but He does much more than that. He spends fully four chapters showing Job every aspect of creation. Think about that. God did not just come out of the whirlwind to Job; He took Job back into the whirlwind with Him.

I love contemplating what it was Job saw that caused him to put his hand over his mouth and dispute with God no more. Imagine that God showed Job our world, sparkling blue and green like some impossibly rare and precious gem, glittering with life and light. Then God shows Job the entire universe. Think of Job’s wonder at the billions of stars, comets, quarks and planets all pulsing and whirring, a symphony of light and rhythm. Then the stunning realization that our world amounts to less than a grain of sand in the ocean of this staggering abundance. Most stunning of all, God shows Job that this vast universe is merely the support system for our little speck. Every passing comet, every collapsing black hole, every bursting supernova, every moon, every planet in the most distant galaxy is designed to maintain the dynamic tension which keeps our world ticking. Utterly amazing that in the grand physical scheme of things we are less than a speck – and yet are the very reason for that grand scheme. We are God’s beloved.

Zooming back to Earth, Job is shown how all the animals and plants, the land and sea, winds and waters, fire and ice in striving with each other maintain the vitality of life. He sees more than this, though.

Standing with God outside of time, that remorseless captor from whom no man has robbed even a minute, every moment of Job’s life is present to him; his birth, his death, his sufferings and his restoration. Watch with Job as he considers this divine terrarium contained in time and space.

Though He constrains Himself against compelling our will, God manages the divine economy so that every event, every chance encounter calls us to Him. Here is a child of great purity born to parents given to licentiousness. There a child of great courage is given to parents who are rootless. An arrogant rake named Augustine is born to Monica, a woman of astonishing purity, persistence and fortitude. Bathed in the grace of decades of her prayers, Augustine ends by becoming one of God’s most fruitful servants. How often are parents sanctified through their children and children through their parents! There are saints with great sins on their consciences. In them, it merely opens up new channels of grace as their remorse gives them a larger spirit and a tender empathy for other sinners. There are great sinners who only have a small virtue, but grab hold of that lifeline and follow it back to God. Many people are inspired to find their path to salvation through an encounter with one who suffers with dignity. Ah, but many others are seduced by the transient glitter of vanity and power, fooled by the false luster of what is only paper and paste compared to what God intends for us.

Job sees great natural catastrophes – and a flood of divine grace pouring forth just before the catastrophe hits. For a time even enemies recollect their common humanity and pull together in solidarity with each other. Many are saved through this. But there are those who loot and exploit their fellows, unaware that they tear a piece of their humanity away from their soul in the process. God weeps over it. There are untimely deaths which seem tragic. But most are souls in their final state of grace. It is God’s mercy which plucks them before they can fall into perdition. In God’s economy every event is a potential new channel of grace opening up.

Job does not see God punishing anyone; He is far too busy trying to save them. A little temporal or physical suffering is often applied to help heal a soul. But souls can only be damaged by their owners’ free choice. Certainly, the satan busies himself trying to undo God’s grace, encouraging souls to maim themselves by chasing after sex, money and power at the expense of those around them. With every step away from God it becomes harder for a soul to hear and respond to His call. God not only calls each of us to salvation; He calls us a thousand times a day in little whispers. The Lord of Hosts suffers intensely over each of His children who so maim their souls that they begin to lose the capacity to respond to Him. Everything leads to eternity. In eternity, outside of God, there is only agony and isolation.

Job sees that, in temporal time and space, the greatest conquests and the greatest accomplishments are less than a puff of smoke on a windy day. The only thing that matters – the only thing – is the witness we live with those we encounter and, especially, with those given into our care. Everything in this bubble is always passing away. Those who anchor themselves in temporal things will perish with those temporal things. All that counts is to help others to choose life, the life that is when all this passes away.

Job sees great souls whose purity and love unite them with God. Even greater souls manifest their love of God through their love of and tender care for their neighbors. But the greatest souls are those who embrace what little sorrows and sufferings come their way in penance for themselves and as an offering for those who do no penance. Everyone wants the consolation of God, but these are the souls who console God. Their willing participation in His sorrows opens up profound channels of grace through which many otherwise unreachable souls are recalled to God, to life.

This is some of what I see when I enter into the whirlwind with Job. He does not put his hand over his mouth in servile fear, but in awe and with gratitude. Though he can’t understand all he sees, he discovers a bit of the magnitude of God’s love for us. And he takes new joy in knowing that his sufferings, too, make him a participant in God’s redeeming grace for us.

As Job’s tale comes to a close God does what may be the most astonishing thing of all. In what should (but somehow does not) send a chill of terror up the spine of every religious scold in history, God turns furiously on Job’s ‘pious’ friends. “You have not spoken rightly of me as has my servant Job,” He tells them. The Almighty is so angry He refuses to hear their prayers for forgiveness. Instead, He directs them to go to Job and ask him to pray for them, for He will hear and accept Job’s prayer on their behalf. These are the very people who have spent the entire book defending God while Job has been busy raging at and challenging Him. What are we to make of this?

Perhaps the friends were not defending God at all. Perhaps all they were defending was their preconceived notion of God or what they thought He should be. Even worse, if what they said had been true, it would have meant that God truly is unjust. They said God only afflicts those who have sinned grievously. But Job spoke truly in defending his righteousness. For all his histrionics, Job never accused God of being unjust. In fact, Job seemed quite confident that if God would only appear to him justice would follow. God did come to him and gave him even more than what he expected. Job had, indeed, been the one who spoke rightly of God. God always responds to the honest heart. Job was certainly noisy in complaining of his pain and discontent. His questions were less requests than demands. But he was candid and entirely sincere. And God came.

Whatever your beliefs, you would certainly like to know if God is. Go ahead. Acknowledge where the shoe of faith pinches – or even if it does not fit at all. Then ask whatever you can with sincerity. You shall receive


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255 thoughts on “The Whirlwind Picks Up Speed

  1. Love this even more, Charlie, with each reading.

    Robert Royal has a good take on the new encyclical:

    Excerpt: “If I were a Catholic progressive, and someone asked me what to read to understand where the Church stands today, however, this wouldn’t be the text I would press into his hands. And it has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. With all due respect to the Holy Father, it’s all but unreadable. Only those of us who love the Church and are loyal to the pope will get through it, from duty, not intellectual or spiritual interest. And that’s a serious shortcoming for a text addressed not only to Catholics but all people of good will.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. When I first read the title of the new encyclical in MP’s post in the last thread, I read: “Tutti Fruiti” LOL
      I thought MP was trying to inject some humor. It wasn’t until I read the name of the encyclical again that I realized my error. My english-reading (?dyslexic?) eyes honestly saw: “Tutti Fruiti” This made me think of Wrigleys gum my Mom always had when I was a kid. I love that gum!

      Aaargh, I hope this give all my fellow squirrels a much needed humor reprieve.

      Liked by 10 people

        1. It is both and I think a dessert, too. I got a bunch of typos, among them: it is “Tutti Frutti” (double t’s in the Frutti and no “I”). The Wrigley’s gum it reminded me of is called “Juicy Fruit” Yum! Maybe I buy some, chew it and laugh. Can’t hurt!

          Liked by 4 people

          1. Oh the Latin title can be a playful thing but the content of the encyclical is such a sadness. And I sense this is but a warm-up to an even more awful sequel of troubling moves. We’ll see, watch, wait and pray.

            Liked by 5 people

          2. One day at the grocery store I was in line and couldn’t remember if the word “dessert” had two “s” ‘s or one?!?! This nice lady behind me said if you want “two” desserts then you go with “two” “s”’s!!! Ha!!! Tutti Frutti!!!😂😂😂

            Liked by 4 people

      1. Kindred spirits, LL; except I thought of Little Richard’s song, Tutti Frutti 🙂

        On a more serious note, the tide is turning in the least expected places: Planned Parenthood tweeted sympathy re a celebrity couple who recently had a miscarriage:
        “We’re so sorry to hear that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend lost their son, and we admire them for sharing their story.” (perhaps a freudian slip, either way, thumbs up for acknowledging)

        Liked by 8 people

      2. LL, you’re not alone; that’s exactly the phrase that comes to mind when I see the title!

        I’m not surprised Charlie has a negative opinion of it. I am leery about anything coming out of the Vatican these days. 😦

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Wow, I can’t believe how fast time is moving (TY, Jesus!). It seems like yesterday. Six years?! Can I have been here that long?

          Liked by 5 people

            1. Every time I think about how fast the time is flying, I remember the Scripture “The time will be shortened for the sake of the elect”. I wonder if that’s the reason?

              Liked by 2 people

    1. I also remember reading it, and being very impressed by the concise, and beautifully expressed, explanation of Job. The one thing that has stuck in my memory is this sentence: “Most stunning of all, God shows Job that this vast universe is merely the support system for our little speck”. The following ones elaborate on that – but just that one alone has stuck with me, these 6(?) years.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Charlie…

    Job does not see God punishing anyone; He is far too busy trying to save them. A little temporal or physical suffering is often applied to help heal a soul. But souls can only be damaged by their owners’ free choice. Certainly, the satan busies himself trying to undo God’s grace, encouraging souls to maim themselves by chasing after sex, money and power at the expense of those around them. With every step away from God it becomes harder for a soul to hear and respond to His call. God not only calls each of us to salvation; He calls us a thousand times a day in little whispers. The Lord of Hosts suffers intensely over each of His children who so maim their souls that they begin to lose the capacity to respond to Him. Everything leads to eternity. In eternity, outside of God, there is only agony and isolation.

    I hope and pray I, like Job am far too busy trying to help God save souls rather than getting glee that they are being punished!!! That would be a great Grace from God! I pray for it for all of us for these are very serious times and these times are a great battle for souls…including our own!

    Ave Maria Stella Maris!!!

    Liked by 9 people

  3. Charlie, Thank you for your analysis of what The Book of Job, properly understood, reveals.

    From my science background, I also delighted in reading this passage,
    ” God shows Job the entire universe. Think of Job’s wonder at the billions of stars, comets, quarks and planets all pulsing and whirring, a symphony of light and rhythm. Then the stunning realization that our world amounts to less than a grain of sand in the ocean of this staggering abundance. Most stunning of all, God shows Job that this vast universe is merely the support system for our little speck. Every passing comet, every collapsing black hole, every bursting supernova, every moon, every planet in the most distant galaxy is designed to maintain the dynamic tension which keeps our world ticking. Utterly amazing that in the grand physical scheme of things we are less than a speck – and yet are the very reason for that grand scheme. We are God’s beloved. “

    Liked by 7 people

  4. Trump catching Covid before the election may be the biggest blessing to boost his odds of getting getting reelected. Who are the people more like to trust more: someone who talks ideology or someone who’s had first hand experience? Covid will no doubt a big issue on people’s minds, Trump would do well to use his experience to his benefit.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. When DJT and other from his administration were diagnosed with Covid, multiple news sources claimed it was at the presentation of Amy C Barrett. Interesting, I thought. Spiritually I wondered if this was some sort of demonic attack. I know. I know, I’m going off the deep end. But then I put it in Jesus’s hands and asked Him to take care of it. So many people are living in fear. They are literally locked up in their home and furious when people let their masks drop. They will scold you in the aisles if you counter the directional arrows. However the death rates have plummeted and there are several effective treatments available. You can look up the statistics. I kinda expected DJT would get better. So between Jesus taking care of it and the available treatments, I think this happened spiritually in order to alleviate the fear.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I don’t know…

        There’s definitely a worldwide leftist political angle to create a climate of fear so the people can be easily controlled & robbed of their rights & freedoms.

        As for the virus’ threat and what it will do in the coming months, all I can say is I don’t know. I find wearing a mask preferable to indefinately waiting outside in the heat, cold, or rain for hours while the people shopping inside the stores take their time having little to no regard for those made to stand in line outside.

        I make no assumptions about the virus’ infectiousness nor deadliness. Is it a communist/globalist bio-weapon? “Lord have mercy & save us” is all I can say for sure…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes I use a mask and sanitizer all the time. When there were lines there was also the wearing of masks. How come the lines went away? Stores relaxed their restrictions. Home Depot and Acme, case in point. All doors are open (no longer in one door and out another). I haven’t seen a line in months. Back in March, I had to push down the fear, prepare what I needed (masks, gel, etc.)to go out. I would not let the fear overcome me. Logic also set in. Why the Acme and not the local produce store? Why one pool company allowed to open but not another allowed to open (actual case in PA)? Do you know why the JoAnn fabric stores were opened from the beginning-because they gave out free mask kits. Clever of that corporation. Why are road crews not wearing masks and not social distancing? Everything here is opened with restaurants with added tents plus 50% inside occupancy. I’ve physically been to Mass for months. The greatest incentive was to be denied the Eucharist. They do spray or fog the pews after every Mass. Our church does seat @500, but between 200 and 300 show up at the main time Masses.
          But the bottom line is that there are multiple therapeutics eradicating the virus and hospitals hopefully have the protocols in place.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Up here in Ontario, there’s still a number limit in the stores, when the magic number is reached, people must line up outside, obviously the number of max people allowed was higher for the summer, but the Premier is warning the province could go back into lockdown anytime, as the case numbers rise in the coming months.

            We’re told extended family thanksgiving & other family gatherings are cancelled at the threat of huge fines, but it’s ok to send our kids 3 year’s old and up back to school…


            1. Al, what’s the update on covid. There are no lines for stores (PA). There is no policing at the doors. Most stores have wipes or gels stationed at the doors. At least 2 therapies to treat covid. President Trump proved one of them. Cases are not necessarily deaths anymore. Plus statistics skewed by NY, NJ, PA and other governors keeping covid + elderly in nursing homes rather than treating them as patients. Basically in their pro death minds it was justified euthanasia especially in NY where Trump provided additional beds at the Javits center and a hospital ship that Cuomo literally never sent any patients.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. No strict enforcement yet, but we’ve been warned it could happen anytime when the case numbers increase and Ontario goes back into lockdown.


      2. I actually thought that it was too much of a coincidence that so many people became infected within such a short time. Spread and infection usually happen over many more days. I usually don’t support conspiracy theories but given the fact that contact tracing did not point to “patient zero” , I wonder……

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  5. Job’s story & experience seems be the reality “The Church” has been living for the past 100+ years over the past few generations of the faithful.

    Would The Church have fallen so fast in as great of numbers of it’s children if the devil wasn’t given the freedom to do what he pleases in ignorance of his & God’s existence?

    Liked by 7 people

    1. In some ways “The Church’s” tests are far more devestating than the tests the devil put poor Job through. Job’s ordeals was much shorter and began & ended with Job, our poor Church had to endure generations of plagues of pedophiles, faithlessness, & God rebelling leftist ideologies until The Church has only become a shadow of her former self.

      Blest are those who somehow managed keep the faith of The Church, many children of The Church weren’t so fortunate choosing to repeat Adam & Eve’s mistake.

      Liked by 7 people

  6. Gratitude and gratefulness. That is all I feel towards God.
    I was asked by my brother-in-law if I thought like my mother-in-law that what we are living is God’s punishment. I laughed and said that God doesn’t need to punish us, we punish ourselves quiet readily.

    Liked by 9 people

  7. Corriere della Sera, an Italian newspaper, is alleging that money (over 1 million US dolllars) was sent from Vatican accounts to Australia in the run up to the Pell trial. That payment is being linked to the recently disciplined Cardinal Becciu. Becciu was coming under scrutiny by Pell who had charge of investigating Vatican finances. The Borgias had nothing on this lot.

    Liked by 8 people

  8. Everyone, please pray for Henrietta. I have very sad and disturbing update.
    Many of you will recall my plea for help when I asked for prayers and assistance for her as she fought breast cancer after giving birth to a baby that she almost aborted. Since that time, she had returned to her husband and their firstborn. Her husband accepted her baby that was not his and then they conceived twins and gave birth to two beautiful girls. They converted fully to the Catholic church and seemed to be doing very well these past 3 yrs. It’s come to my attention that Henrietta has been caught up and influenced by black magic and dark prophets that her mother in Nigeria introduced her to. Henrietta had a breakdown last week and was put into a 72hr hold. Her husband is beside himself with grief and needs our prayers for her deliverance. We need to storm heaven for this family that Satan is trying to devour. I know I can count on all who read this post. Thank you and God bless all here.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. I know a little something about this devouring. How relevant is your plea for this beautiful family under Charlie’s meditation on Job. Specifically this:

      “For all his histrionics, Job never accused God of being unjust. In fact, Job seemed quite confident that if God would only appear to him justice would follow. God did come to him and gave him even more than what he expected. Job had, indeed, been the one who spoke rightly of God. God always responds to the honest heart. Job was certainly noisy in complaining of his pain and discontent. His questions were less requests than demands. But he was candid and entirely sincere. And God came.”

      Adding my prayers here.

      Liked by 7 people

    2. Joining you in prayer for Henrietta!

      King of heaven and earth, Lord God,
      rule over our hearts and bodies this day.
      Sanctify us,
      and guide our every thought, word and deed
      according to the commandments of your law,
      so that now and for ever
      your grace may free and save us.
      Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
      who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
      one God, for ever and ever.

      The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

      Liked by 8 people

    3. “God, come to my assistance. Lord, make haste to help me”
      ” St. Athanasius relates that the devils, on being asked what verse in the whole Scripture they feared most, they replied, ‘That Psalm which begins: “Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered. Let those that hate Him flee before His Face!’ Then they are compelled to take flight.”
      Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end Amen

      Liked by 4 people

  9. When you read the Book of Job, it raises more questions than any answers, in fact, even the answers lead to more questions. People don’t like the answer of: life is a test full of painful choices, struggles, & events where we have to aknowledge & obey God and deny ourselves (the opposite of the devil’s temptation in Eden). We may experience breif periods of peace & rest in life, but it never lasts, as we eventually forget only God is good and nothing good can exist without God.

    “Reality Check” the devil will always be around to bring death & suffering until his defeat at Amegeddon & the judgement to follow in the end. History & the Bible teaches there’s never been a period of peace & paradise after the fall at Eden, even after Noah’s flood, Noah’s descendants began to rebel against God all over again.

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    1. Thanks for sharing San San!


      God please help me to be courageous!

      I work in a public school in a blue state and it’s mandatory…. and my husband is on board with the masks and reprimands me if I go maskless. He is oblivious to what is really happening. He has TDS. Solution?

      I’d love recommendations. Thank you!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Have your husband or others read the new CDC report. Masks will not protect from the “small/micro” particles of covid. Masks are useless protection, but handy for govt control.

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Sansan, where can I get this new CDC report about masks? And thank you for the video. I am quite brave when I am by myself but put me into a situation and I really don’t know how to “stand and deliver”. How do I pray for a deluge of courage?

          Liked by 1 person

  10. JESUS = GOOD NEWS!;-)

    Yep!! “Good Catholics” Creepy Joe & his sidekick SanFran Nanny ;-(

    It appears that there are a bunch of Folks singing off the same sheet of music NOW! …. Is God calling ALL People of Faith to be On-Deck & In-Action! …. It’s always been God’s wish I’m thinking but … we are so easily “called away” ….

    President Trump Addresses Catholics Directly – YouTube

    The Full Crowley: Whether these journalists know it or not, in the American mind they are already retired before they have even retired–Victor Davis Hanson

    Of course, like a lot of mysterious “Things” …. we will never know.


    Liked by 5 people

  11. I am sure that many here are already familiar with Fr. Chad Ripperger. This conference on “Fear & Confusion” was just post a few days ago. He not only addresses present issues but gives plenty of basic principles and definitions that help to analyze many different situations.


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  12. I think a few of us here follow Dutchsince’s novel earthquake reporting and predicting protocols. During several of his latest live reports he captures beams of energy visible on an infrared satellite setting that appear to coincide with the exact locations of the wild fires (also coincidentally along fault lines). Two nights ago he captured images that appear to strike locations along the New Madrid fault line. Then last evening, hundreds of hot spots show up in the same location. Do any of you think it’s possible that directed energy weapons could be being used against us?

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Irish, I saw Dutch’s reports from when he discovered these Direct Energy Beams igniting fires in CA and OR. As soon as he posted about it, boom, all gone. Nothing to see here folks.

      Liked by 3 people

  13. So here is an interesting prediction from Steve Bannon who was President Trump’s campaign manager in 2016.

    Turns out that the vote in the House of Representatives for a Presidential election is not like a normal vote in the House. Each state gets one vote. That vote is determined by the State’s House delegation.
    Presently, so it is said, 27 States have a Republican majority delegation to the House and 23 have a Democrat majority. Thus Bannon predicts that Trump will win in the House on January 20, 2021.

    Bannon predicates all this on a fraud filled contested re-election that drags into the New Year with court cases challenging everything. Not an unlikely situation.

    This is what the 12th Amendment says about how the President is to be elected.

    Note the focus on the Electors. The Electors in each State are required to certify their votes by signature. Expect a real legal storm centering around each Elector in all States. Each “certification” and each “certificator” may expect a legal challenge. It is quite conceivable that many States will not be able to submit the certificated Elector vote signatures to the President of the Senate by Inauguration Day.

    This puts me in mind of a suggestion a few years ago that “The next stable leader will not come from the election process”,

    The new Supreme Court will be critical to the interpretation of the wording of the 12th Amendment. Look for a 5-4 ruling or a 4-4 ruling. Can we say Constitutional Crisis? Like, for real?

    The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the cause of Judge Amy Cone Barrett looms large for the fate of the Nation.

    Popcorn. Going to need loads and loads of popcorn.

    Liked by 7 people

  14. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! – `Noon – 😉

    The Arrogant MI Democrat Left will NOT allow even their own Supreme Court to stand in their way … DeepState Rules … The Peasants MUST Obey!
    The LockDown to cover for Bunker Creepy Joe must continue!!

    The big difference in our USA-2020 vs. Nazi Germany-1938 is, unlike the Jews, Christians are armed to the teeth & local police have been demonized but not replaced by National Police….. as for the Military … I’m a bit uncertain but believe that the Combat Arms types are mostly Good-Guys?
    Like The Church, it’s the pencil necked HQ paper shuffling butt kissers that worry me.

    Something tells me. I Pray I’m right, that there is a massive underground movement in our USA that maaay …………………………….. 30 days? …

    DeepState Watch!


    Liked by 6 people

  15. Both these videos give me more insight into my own uniqueness. Having recognized my own uniqueness many years ago and simply accepting my limited understanding, I adopted an openness to learn without focusing on that as a separate effort. I have never tried to tell others how to live their life. I have enough to figure it out for my own self. I can only suggest generalities to others who must figure out for themselves how to apply those general principles to themselves that govern us all. There is only one truth and that is Jesus Christ and we must be open to the will of God for us as unique individuals. Despite being the ninth of fourteen children, I have been alone all my life. I am not attached to people as most seem to be and this fact has a different effect on me toward the enforced isolation we are living through which does not have meaning for others. I may not be attached to people but thank God, He attached me to Him at an early age, an attachment I am sad to say I did not always hold firmly enough as I grew through my many mistakes and sins growing up. Why am I telling you this? In order for you to broaden your minds to the complications that exist in this life. When I was in college, I often had to translate what I was being taught into my own frame of references in order to understand and absorb it. When I read Marjorie Collins book “The Sojourner” as a senior in high school, I recognized myself in her main character and it gave insight into who I basically was, no better or worse than others in itself but who and what I was.
    I fully support CORAC in the ways that I can starting with prayer and await God’s guidance and will as we go forward lest we be left behind to our own destruction. I encourage all who have the special skills needed to contribute in any way they can as encouraged by Charlie and the other contributors and leaders who are clearly part of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Mother for it is through His people living and acting in this world that God works His miracles. According to the Baltimore Catechism I learned in Catholic grade school “God made us to know love and serve Him in this life and to be happy with Him in Heaven.” These and its many words were beyond my understanding at the time but were implanted in my mind so that I would grow to understand them more deeply later in my life. I love the sharing of all your lives I find in the lives all those blessed to be called to this community.
    May the Holy Spirit continue to protect, bless and guide all here. In the Love of Christ, jas

    Liked by 13 people

      1. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the story by Marjorie Rawlins or Rawlings (not Collins as my faulty memory told me this morning. A nice down to earth story simply told. I got an A+ for the book report I wrote on it. jas

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  16. Elihu son of Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite does pop up briefly at the end. For those who don’t skip the Book of Job altogether or skim it, what do you make of that mysterious youngin’? Mysteries upon mysteries.

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    1. Wise beyond his years is Elihu as he conveys that God does, indeed, speak to us through our pain and misery, that He IS just in all things and is SO great beyond our understanding that we’re simply in no condition to criticize Him. Amazing Elihu.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. It’s no mystery, rather no surprise, that you have contemplated the figure of Elihu. It is a mystery how I managed to add another generational layer… “Elihu son of Elihu son of…” Ha!

        I’ve sometimes wondered if an Angel is concealed in the figure of Elihu, such as we see in the Book of Tobit, but without explicitly saying as much.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oooo… nice insight about the Angel. Contemplation worthy. I love the Hebrews line: Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

          Liked by 6 people

      1. Thank you Beckita!!! Was cleaning Mrs Tappan’s house n thought I heard it! Plz pray for Mrs Tappan! She had cement put in her spine for neuropathy and she’s not feeling well. Thank you!!! She’s just the nicest lady I know❤️

        Liked by 5 people

      1. Boy!!! Just watching that video it really makes your hair stand up on end!!! Good for DD!!!

        Charlie where can we donate to David???

        His hair reminds me of Sampson btw!!! Don’t cut it! ✂️ 🤗

        Liked by 2 people

  17. Great homily today on Martha and Mary. I always saw myself as Martha and felt bad that I wasn’t Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet–choosing the better part. I just didn’t “get it”. Then today the priest said, are you a Martha just doing things out of “duty” or are you Martha, doing things out of love? Bingo! I am Martha! 😉

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I imagine it was Martha’s consistent duty out of love that kept her on the straight path. She didn’t stray, whereas her sister strayed so far at one point that Jesus had to cast out seven demons from her. Then there’s the brother with the disease and death, the tomb for four days and so forth. Shoot, give me the mundane dutiful life anytime. At any rate… all Saints!

      Liked by 6 people

    2. What a wonderful way of looking at the Martha / Mary dynamic, Sansan!

      In my case, I see myself as Mary … because I don’t have the talents and skills of Martha, so it’s a relief to know that I can sit at the feet of Jesus and still be loved and valued for it. And yes, I do love the contemplative Carthusian charism of silence and solitude … Today is St. Bruno’s feast day! 🙂

      Liked by 6 people

  18. Two things then I’ll shut up.

    1) Netflix indicted in Tyler County Texas for ‘Lewd Visual Material Depicting Child’ (Cuties).
    -Search out your favorite news source for details. (Hint: Don’t use Goolag)

    2) Now that Trump has apparently beat CoronaCold, henceforth all virus particles will be wearing little microscopic muzzles for fear of contracting a bad case of Trump-’20.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Just in case folks think that Netlix is beyond redemption, check out this documentary on Netflix: “My Octopus Teacher.” Pay attention and stick with it to the end, and you just might agree with me that it is the most magnificent story seen on the tube in decades. Really, it’s been a long time that a story has impacted me so deeply. And in case anyone raises a fuss that the fella had the kind of easy life on a secluded cove where he could afford to spend every day for a year out there and be so chill… just consider that only a fella like that could find, tell and share such a story with a cynical world in need of such beauty and powerful witness to God’s handiwork. I don’t think any other fella and octopus could have pulled it off.

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  19. Hi Beckita…..I’m wondering if you’ve heard anything from Patrick Daniel and the amazing pilgrimage he was on? I’m wondering how far he got…is he still on it? Praying that all is OK with him. Also, I haven’t seen Doug pop up here for awhile….I’m praying everything is OK with him. And going way back….praying for Snowy Owl, who used to grace these blog pages. I also want to pray for Mick who will become a part of the Dominican Order tomorrow….October 7th. Congratulations Mick! Way to go!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Last Friday, Patrick texted to me a few pics of Notre Dame. I’ll check in with him to see how the pilgrimage is going, Diane. He’s really driving long distances so I imagine he’s resting a lot wherever he stops. Doug has been working on a few projects that have kept both him and Lambzie uber busy recently… and they’re doing very well. Yup on Snowy. There are many folks, who used to be regular commenters, that I think of at times. To many things, there really is a season. Hear Hear on congratulating Mick as she enters the Third Order Dominicans! Congratulations to you as well, Diane, for tomorrow when you’ll profess with the Third Order Franciscans! We need all the Pillars of the Church we can muster as we make our way in renewing the Church, for she WILL rise again… in greater than ever splendor! Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for this and for us.

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      1. Thank you for your updates Beckita. I figured you would know what was going on with those special people. And thank you for your notice of my profession to the Secular Franciscans tomorrow. I am excited and humbled at the same time. My big congratulations to Mick once again, too.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Thank you very much, Diane; and congratulations to you, also!

          Patrick stopped at our farm on Monday and hung out with my husband and kids and me for several hours. That was a lot of fun. He is a real hoot!

          Talked to Doug yesterday about ham radio. He knows a lot more than I do (about ham radio and other things). 🙂

          Liked by 3 people

            1. Anne-Marie was so disappointed the next day when she discovered that Patrick wasn’t coming back over to visit. He really made an impression on her. 🙂

              Liked by 2 people

              1. How sweet, Mick. You all certainly made an impression on Patrick. He was so excited yesterday as it was the anniversary of Our Lady in Wisconsin. He previously had no idea he would be there for the celebration.

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          1. I met Patrick for lunch yesterday in Milwaukee and sent him on his way to Holy Hill and Our Lady of Good Help Shrine. I was wonderful meeting him.

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      2. Thank you, Beckita. I was actually received into the Dominican Order last year on October 19. Today I made my three-year Temporary Profession. Today is one of the happiest days of my life. 🙂

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  20. “My Octopus Teacher” is a wonderful, stupendous documentary, isn’t it, MP? God uses an octopus to speak His message to a man who has lost his way in life. It reminds me of Jesus and His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem in Luke 19;

    “Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying:

    “ ‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!’
    Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

    And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.”

    𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑯𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎, “𝑰 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒖𝒕”

    I think of Jesus’ comment about the stones crying out as being literally true. Just as the octopus gives up its life for a greater purpose, so too did Our Lord Jesus give up His life for each of us individually. Even though God’s Name isn’t mentioned once in the film, yet through it His Voice calls out to the lost;

    “My Son, Jesus, has already done it all (for you).”

    MP, those were the exact words that God spoke to me 38 years ago as I sat in a Zen Buddhist temple in NYC. His clear male voice, spoke that into my mind, and although I didn’t realize it until 3 days later, He had changed my life forever. A two minute trailer about this magnificent film;

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Whether out of the blocks or as a last ditch effort with wounded souls, there are few things I find as effective as getting someone out in the wilderness to help them incline their sight towards God.

      “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” — Romans 1:20

      I’ve seen the most hardened folks weep and sigh with joy at just the right time and place.

      Shoot, we use all manner of words and arguments and often forget some of the more obvious and simple tools right at our fingertips. If God armed us in a particular moment with nothing more than a wee dandelion growing through a crack in the concrete, that would suffice!

      Liked by 6 people

  21. Lovely news about Mick & the Third Order Dominicans, and how appropriate that she’s entering on Oct. 7th, feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary a.k.a. Our Lady of Victories – today being the 449th anniversary of the battle of Lepanto (although we’re probably not supposed to say that anymore because islamophobia and SHUT UP, HATER!!!😎)

    *cough* Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, the Dominicans. Our Local Dominicans are on fire these days, and the Order is undergoing a renaissance in Ireland, with a good number of vocations. Thank God! For almost 25 years now they’ve published an excellent free newspaper called “Alive”, available in all their Churches and very faithful and solid. I personally think it has very likely influenced many of those young men to discern a vocation. The picture on the front of this month’s edition says it all:

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Jaykay, I really like that “Alive” Thank you for posting this information! Ok, and I have long loved reading about the Battle of Lepanto, Our Lady’s gift to the world. Where would we all be in history if she had not intervened? I hate to think about it. In fact, I won’t. I thank God. 🙂

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      1. Joyful: we had extracts from the famous Chesterton poem in our school English reader, oohh, nearly 50 years ago now! How things have changed. Well, maybe “formerly famous” is a better description, because it’s totally vanished from any curriculum these days 😦

        Doctor D: yes, it’s a really good publication, and getting better. It’s admirable how they manage to do it every month (2 months this year excepted) as a freesheet, just on the basis of donations. The Irish Dominican Province is not rich! God obviously provides.

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        1. Jaykay, well not “totally vanished”. 🙂 I gave my copy of Chesterton’s Lepanto to my grandchildren because they homeschool and it is part of their curriculum. That was a couple of years ago or so.
          There is hope!

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      1. Joyful: how encouraging to know! “Dim drums throbbing, in the hills half heard… the last knight of Europe takes weapons from the wall”. They’ll never forget it – and hopefully not the underlying message either! Not too many knights around Europe these days. Again.

        Mick: as to the profundity, my family (and many of mine acquaintance) would probably (nah, definitely) beg to differ 🙃 But now that you’re here, so to speak, congratulations on your admittance to the Dominican Third Order. You are the tOPs!

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  22. Jesse Romero’s Blog
    Conversion Without a Word

    I once asked Mother Teresa how she converted 15,000 men out of the gutters of Calcutta. “How, after dragging these poor mortals into your hospice could you ever evangelize them and teach them the gospel?” “Well,” she said, “I didn’t. When I took care of them and showed them love, I would say to them, Would you like to hear about Christ? And they would say, Is Christ like you? Is Christ like you? No, I would say, but I try to be like him. Then I want to be a Christian.” It was that simple. That is the way we should act. So that the world will, without ever hearing a word from us, know about us and what we stand for.

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  23. Ha!!! Contemplativejoy! I copied this a year ago and shared it to my fb page! Today it is my memory! So beautifully written it is!!! Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary!!!

    “Most of His followers probably had grand illusions of Him leading a sweeping victory over the impostor Romans and restoring the glory of their former existence. It didn’t happen that way. Here He was nailed to a cross, bowing His head, saying, “It is finished.” And so it was accomplished. The Romans kept their oppressive reign, the temple even was destroyed. His followers were afraid to go outside even after the Resurrection. And not everyone saw Jesus alive again, not everyone converted and even those closest to Him, St. Thomas, doubted He lived, even after witnessing all Jesus did. And when they did go out, they were beaten, stoned or beheaded. The continuation of Christianity is a proof of its authenticity. There are so many parallels to our current situation. Like the Roman occupation, there is an oppressive secular force, that has its own gods. This brutal reality of the denial of God’s truth and goodness spreads over all of us, seemingly putting our Lord to death, even overtaking His closest followers, testing their faith and fidelity, turning some of them into deniers and traitors. It would seem as heaven has lost its power. And yet Jesus is saving us, like he saved Longinus. If we doubt the power of heaven, we need only to find those conversions. Those who remained with Him, did not fall away but received grace all the more. Just like John, Peter, all of the others and Judas–there are those who will remain with Him, those who will run away, those will come back around, and devastatingly, those who will refuse to recognize their Savior, in place of some other way to a pretended power. Let us pray that we have the fortitude to remain at the foot of the cross, looking up to Him, believing beyond unbelief, hoping against hope, finding love in wretchedness, that we not be confounded in our time of trial.” – Written by Contemplativejoy from Abrahams journey.

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  24. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! – 😉

    This is a good Story … and!!!! … in our preps for bad times … we must Prep for the children & timid folks that are placed in our care!!

    Pardon me!!! …. I know it’s NOT PC … but … have we come to the Point in Our USA … when White Folks defending their lives, wives, children & homes is awful, nasty & racist White Supremacy??
    YES!! … I’m fully aware that there are Radicals on all sides …but … in Civil Wars …. Ya got to pick sides .. ;-(


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  25. That is so beautiful!! Congratulations to Diane and Mick. What you are doing is such an enrichment to the Church. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for all you do. May Jesus breathe His Holy Spirit into you and all you do.

    Liked by 5 people


    Unfortunately, NY in general & NYC in particular the Citizens have allowed themselves to be disarmed and turned into helpless Sheeple.
    In NY, we have witnessed a perfect example of One Party Corruption over the past six months. A Blind-Eye to BLM/ANTIFA Rioters but Full Force of Law applied to Church Goers &/or Trump Supporters.
    Oh! …. and the added bonus of a Guv who orders China Plague Carriers into Nursing Homes where thousands of Gramps & Grannies die …. and the ledge passes a law saying NO One can be held to account & Total Cover from “Media”. ….. Same-Same $%*+ in CA, OR, IL, WA, DC, VA MD & MI …. is The Republic dissolving?? ;-( ….

    Sure beats the Democrats Hate the Cops Rallies! which also, no doubt, trigger the ammo shortage ;-(
    “Thousands support police at ‘Back the Blue’ rally”


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  27. “Making senses of nonsense…”

    Isn’t it just like the devil to take what was reliable and sound advice & wisdom, and distort it so it leads people astray… Anyone else feeling fusterated?

    “Don’t judge” passages of the gospels have been to used to enable sin & immorality.

    “Reguard others as you’re superiors” recently posted on, isn’t bad advice when the majority of society was Christian, but to reguard a person who pronotes abortion or impurity as morality superior is direct opposition to God and his Holy Spirit. One cannot reguard a person rebelling against God as superior any more than reguarding self as superior to others, pride promoted in self or in others is still evil.

    “Obedience” is Pope Francis now telling us to embrace Communism or some form of it as morally superior, when Our Lady of Fatima warned us against it. He promotes globalism & it’s agendas as a good when globalism is the devil’s end-game plan to destroy us. He also seem to have a disdain and grudge against The Church’s right side. How can his actions & additudes be justified?

    What a mess of reasoning to sort through…

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Yes, absolutely, frustrated, mad, sad, etc for years. In my lifetime, the “never criticize a priest”/obedience mentality was craftily used to enable horrific abuse to thrive and become part of the very fabric of our church’s hierarchy.

      It seems the beauty of our faith, the challenges of justice and mercy, enable it to be easily manipulated by very evil people who have sold their souls.

      Both “A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing” and Fr. Ripperger’s “What is Fear and Anxiety” gave good insight into how and why this happens in social engineering and psychological terms.

      My basic understanding is that most people of good will just cannot fathom a revered leader could be so intently evil to purposely and willing live such a diabolical deception. This reality coupled with our own inclination to sin has proven to be a deadly combination for us sinners.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. There have been times when a sermon has been so overwhelmingly bad that in good conscience I felt I had to say something to the priest as I was going out the door after Mass had ended. Two times in particular:

        1) While Terri Schiavo was suffering because her feeding and hydration tubes had been removed and she was left to die a slow, painful death of thirst and starvation, the priest said that this situation was a “quandary” and that it was hard to know what to do.

        So on the way out the door, I greeted the priest and said, “Father, there is no quandary about Terri Schiavo. Pope John Paul II has just said that a patient should not be deprived of food and water.”

        The priest smiled nervously and said “Yes.” An older lady overhearing the exchange made a nasty comment to her husband about me … such is life.

        2) During the Christmas season, a priest compared King Herod … in a favorable light with then-President Clinton … also in a favorable light, claiming that what the two shared in common was that they were “seeking the Christ Child.” !?! (Excuse me?!?)

        So on the way out the door, I greeted the priest and said, “Another thing that King Herod had in common with President Clinton is that Herod was in favor of infanticide and Clinton is in favor of abortion.”

        As you can imagine, I tend not to be popular with cliques or with people who care about what “everybody else” is saying or doing.

        Liked by 11 people

        1. Good for you, and ty, as that took no small courage.

          It’s really difficult for me to wrap my mind around such perversion. I guess I should be thankful for that.

          The second example you gave made me think that the orator was not very clever–the infanticide reference is just glaringly obvious. Blinded by evil is someone who would call Herod good. Time to double-down on prayer: +Ave Maria, Stella Maris, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I trust in You+

          Liked by 7 people

          1. It sounds like you were blessed to grow up in a wonderful parish, LittleLight! 🙂

            As for my family, we went to Mass at one parish in the area until the priest gave a sermon like the ones mentioned above, then we went to another parish, then another, then maybe the priests would switch so we’d go back to the first one in hopes things would improve (there was one elderly pastor you could count on who always gave a good sermon) … Meanwhile, we were official members of the first parish with the good pastor.

            And it played a big role in how my Mom taught us kids about our Catholic Faith. Driving home from Mass, Mom would ask, “All right, now what did the priest say in his sermon and what does the Pope say about it?”

            That’s how I learned about Liberation Theology as a teenager. Apparently, Liberation Theology cares more about everyone having a pair of shoes for the soles of their feet in this world than about everyone getting their immortal souls to Heaven and being happy with God in the next world.

            So my Mother deserves much of the credit for training me to discern when it comes to sermons, and she spoke up quite a bit herself … as well as years ago, she used to write articles and book reviews for the Homiletic and Pastoral Review, which priests could use to help prepare sermons.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Wow, your Mom is an amazing woman! That’s a lovely, encouraging testimony. Ty for sharing it.

              My parents sent us all to a parochial K-8 school. The foundation was solid, if a wee bit scarce on the Mercy side. At that time, God’s Mercy was something we just did not hear much about. I am so very grateful for St. Faustina, St. JPII, Mother Angelica, others, to balance this out.

              Liked by 2 people

      2. Christ’s standard of “you will know them by their fruits” should alone prove their loyalty to God. Should a shepherd not tend his flock? What justification is there to justify making deals with the wolves? The flock is supposed led & fed, not mocked, silenced, & led near the cliff. Our top sheperd is more interested in the ideology of the left than God’s words, and will twist the words of the Gospels to promote his leftist ideology & agenda.

        I suspect the prediction of “Communism coming
        again” is what we’re living now.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. That’s not surprising given the role freemasonry has played among liberals. Liberals we’re attacking the Church as far back Our Lady of Lourdes and probably before that too.

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      3. Pope John Paul II warned us about a antichurch, Pope Francis seems to only care & cater to that antichurch. There’s more to that story that story than what we’re being told or are seeing at the moment. We just have to be patient & wait…

        Liked by 2 people

  28. Who agrees with Church Militant that Relevant Radio is pro Biden?

    I have heard things on Drew’s program that disturbed me. I think RR is trying to play the fence and not say. But they have to get off the fence and denounce the Democratic platform–period.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. No, I dont get that impression at all from RR. I just dont think they’ll come out and condemn Biden. I listen to P Madrid show and Fr. Simon, Rosary across American usually, at least catch some of their shows. Drew once in a while.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. The Democratic platform is Godless — ALL faithful Catholics must “walk away”. Why our Catholic leaders hesitate to do this, I do not understand.

      Liked by 1 person

  29. At a conservative estimate, at the very minimum, there are tens of thousands of readers of Beckita and Charlie’s site, along with a much smaller number of people who participate in the comment section. No doubt, there are hundreds of otherwise delightful individuals who’ve been having trouble falling asleep, developing nervous habits or even falling into deep depression over the answer to the following seemingly insoluble question;

    𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏’𝒔 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐞𝟕𝟕𝟕 “𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝” 𝑨𝑵𝒀 𝒐𝒇𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕s?!!!?

    Does he always disagree with me? Is he still holding a grudge for that harmless remark I made in 2017? Doesn’t he know that Christians aren’t supposed to hold grudges? Perhaps he belongs to that weird church in Topeka where they’ve quit on the entire forgiveness business? Did his mother not teach him any manners?

    The possible answers endlessly abound. However, I’m here, at last, to set the record straight and relieve your troubled minds. I have indeed “𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝” many of your comments! The problem all along has been the unusual browser that I switched to some years ago. It’s name is “Brave”, and it does an admiral job of protecting one’s identity, IP number, suppressing tracking cookies, etc. The trouble is that Brave does it’s job too well, at least in regard to WordPress (the host or server organization that publishes this blog).

    Every time that I’ve attempted to click on the “𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞” button, the browser goes haywire, displaying an empty popup window, then returning without having registered my appreciation for your comment. Fortunately, as of today, a small change to the settings has fixed this issue. Happily, you can all go back to your normal sleeping schedules, stop taking your sleeping pills and the anti-depressant drugs prescribed by your psychiatrist. In addition, there’s no longer any need to worry that horrible church in Topeka!

    Currently, I’ve had my ability to successfully click on the Like button restored! Please expect an extra rush of Likes to follow.

    apologetically …. Dave
    ps. there’ll be no refunds paid for medical expenses, or “pain and suffering”. My new church, just outside of Topeka, doesn’t believe in those things.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Love your presence among us, Dave. Thanks for this comment which has me laughing aplenty. Love, Love, Love your humor… a sign of Trust in God amidst the darkness.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Thank you so much, Beckita. You’re always so nice and patient with me. I’m so happy I want to “Like” your comment ten times …. I’ll have to find another browser that’ll let me do that too.

        love from Dave

        Liked by 5 people

      1. Don’t get me started on Wichita, Charlie. I know all about the First Church of Weirdness in Wichita, along with their satellite branch in Waco. They’ve thrown me out several times ….

        Liked by 4 people

    2. That made me laugh. I tend to *like button* most everything, seeing that sometimes even if I disagree, docotordave777, I *like* that the commenter was open and honest. I experience the same problem with Brave and for those pockets of no *likes* from jlynnbyrd, that is due to circumstances beyond my control. It seems like a good time to share that even if/when I do not *like* ~ I do love you all. ❤

      Liked by 8 people

      1. We need to clone you, Lynn. I mentioned a solution to CrewDog a few comments below here. It was relatively simple, although it obviously took me quite some time to figure it out. Also, if you have an adbocker, it’d probably be wise to set it off for this site.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I always thought the “like” feature was inane. Note to WordPress: please scrap it altogether and replace it with a doodle area in the margins.

      Liked by 6 people

    4. You crack me up, LOL. Yes, I use Brave, too, and have also discovered what you say. I use another browser for this forum. Brave also doesn’t always play nice with paypal, fyi. But this is indeed why we like Brave.

      Liked by 2 people

    5. Well, Dave, you’re not alone in not being able to “like”. That’s why I often add a comment instead 🙂 Apparently you have to have a word press account and even though I can choose to “follow” the blog, I can’t have an account that will let me keep my name. Tells me it’s taken! Therefore, I can’t do “likes”. Hope that sets minds at ease 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  30. Does anyone read Rod Dreher on The American Conservative website?

    He is a strong Christian in the Orthodox tradition, having left Catholicism years ago in pain over the poor handling of the priest sexual abuse issues. Two recent books “Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents” and “The Benedict Option”. Focusing on the societal changes that are forcing ideology on everyone, and how Christians must respond.

    Great, thought-provoking stuff. I am employed by a large state college, so have seen all the Diversity Inclusion Equity, LBQT+, and progressive ideologies being adopted and promoted in the academic world. Luckily I work off campus in a rural office, in a small conservative agricultural community.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Yes, Hopenjoy, I do read Rod Dreher and I followed his travel journal pieces when he was doing research for his latest released book. Rod was interviewed by Tucker Carlson last week and promoted the book. Dreher doesn’t get Trump, but he has some well researched stuff and takes on a lot of things. As you say: thought-provoking.

      Liked by 1 person

  31. This is a bit long and most of us are on the loop here but it is good on the consequences we face and it may help some. IF so here it is. Dr.Martin is good on analyzing spiritual aspects of these times not from prophecy but from observation over time:

    Liked by 5 people

    1. If you’re using Brave, CrewDog, the answer for me was to set the “Shields” Down or Off for this site. In Brave, on the right hand end of the Address Box, you should have a triangular shaped icon that’s a lion’s face. Click on the icon, and you’ll have the option to turn the Shields On and Off.

      I’d recommend praying before you start, CrewDog. You know how persnickety browsers can act!

      all the best …. Dave

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Most of the time I can’t “like” either, especially when I read the posts through my mail account. If I go through my wordpress account and read the posts that way I can.


  32. Everyone – I have a confession to make. I ran over a squirrel last Sunday on my way home from mass with my kids in the car. Two squirrels ran across the street and I thought it would be dangerous to swerve or slam the brakes and sadly the poor second fella (or gal) got caught under my wheels. It was a shock to kill an animal. Boy, 2020 is quite a year. I recently commented here about how I was struggling with the madness in the streets and received a number of helpful and inspiring responses, and I think prayers too, because I got a real spiritual boost, so thank you! My husband recently lost his job, so I’d appreciate some prayers that he settles into something soon. God bless you all! These are trying times.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Praying for your husband, Golden, that God grants him an even better job. Praying for you as well.

      Ah the squirrels. They do dart into the streets from seemingly nowhere. We actually claimed them as a mascot when a former TNRSer had an unfortunate incident with one and wrote about it in a comment.

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    2. When more waves of bad stuff happen when we are all trying with all our might to do The Lord’s will, my Sis says: “That makes me MAD, and even MORE determined to pray MORE rosaries! Take that!” I <B <B this spunky—Tude, as it beats cryin' in a ball in the corner 😉

      We have dear friends who hunt squirrels. They love The Lord. I'll admit I haven't quite figured out how to integrate this complexity, LOL.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. That’s a good ‘tude! And yes, hunting squirrels does add some complexity to our group here, haha. Someone commented here sometime back with funny travails with pesky varmints. It’s a mixed bag with those darn’ squirrels. We recently bought a beautiful birdfeeder for outside our kitchen window and of course the squirrels got to it, but one must admire the impressive gymnastics on the part of the squirrels.

        Liked by 1 person

  33. The Phoenix! Are you going to be coming to our Eucharistic rosary crusade this Saturday at noon??? It’s across the street from St Anthony’s in Milan Ohio from 12-1ish. We are encouraged to bring a rosary, flowers for Our Lady of Fatima and a 🪑 chair to sit upon 😂. Afterwards mike n I have a birthday party to go to in Sandusky but it would be just wonderful to get to meet you! Let me know? Love, Linda🤗❤️🙏🌹😇📿🐿🪑⛵️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Linda,

      Yes, I’m planning to come. Am not sure how I’ll be able to manage bringing flowers, will likely end up bringing a blanket instead of a chair, but will definitely have a Rosary. Looking forward to meeting you and Mike! 🙂

      P.S. If I’m not there, it probably means I’m driving around lost … just ask Charlie 🙂 … but by some miracle he and I arrived on time for the Mass that I was driving him to in Windsor, so I think I’ll find it okay and will get an early start which should help as well.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. I’ll bring some flowers 🌺 for you Phoenix! How will we know each other??? Lol. I’ll be wearing pinkish sweater, cropped jeans, Mike looks very Italian. We are about same height! So glad ur coming!!!🤗❤️🙏😘📿🌺

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Hi Linda,

          That’s super thoughtful of you about the flowers! 🙂

          You sound like you’re very fashionable and up on the latest trends.

          As an artist, I sometimes like to dress eccentrically. I tend to wear an Indiana Jones hat and also have an American flag baseball cap. Sometimes I dress with a Native American look (even if only a pendant necklace), other times with a different artistic flair (I have a coat of many colors bought at a craft fair). I’ll bring a red and black wool trade blanket to sit on. I also have a hand-painted shirts. So it depends on mood, weather, and what I can find the quickest.

          See you tomorrow! It’s so cool that there will be Rosary Rallies and Eucharistic Adoration all across America! 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Hi Phoenix!!! Well here we are finally to the day!!! 🤗❤️🙏🌹🐿📿😇How exciting is that!!! Hehehehe I’m not really fashionable and up on the latest trends but I really do love Skechers!!! Lol they are the MOST COMFY SHOE 👟 EVER!!! Lol. I’m all about comfort. I can’t wait to see you and your artistic mood of the day!!! 🤗Phoenix I’m in charge of taking pictures!!! Char, my best church buddy gave me that job yesterday after Mass!!! So I’ll be taking lots of pics! I guess “America needs Fatima,” wants evidence of this beautiful event!!! You will LOVE our Priest, Fr Francis!!! He could be my son (same age as our sons) but seems much older and wiser than he is!!! He’s extremely holy and you will be able to see it! He’s from India!!! God bless you on your travel this am!!! See you soon dearest Phoenix!!! Xoxo Linda

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hi Linda,

              It was so wonderful to meet you, your husband, and your friend Char, and at such a special occasion … the Eucharistic Adoration and Rosary Prayer Event was absolutely inspiring, especially with the Our Lady of Fatima statue, the two Fatima prayers after each decade of the Rosary, all the flowers and decorations brought, made, and set up with love, and the top privilege of being in the presence of the Real Presence of Jesus. 🙂 Fr. Francis was very gracious and welcoming besides being especially reverent. Definitely a foretaste of Heaven! 🙂

              (And outside with the local suburban birds singing or flying in the background … species including Black-Capped Chickadee, Blue Jay, Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Killdeer, Carolina Wren, and Turkey Vulture!)

              Your squirrel emoticon was right on target since as you know, I saw a black squirrel while waiting to meet you!

              Never heard of Skechers before, saw yours and now would love a pair!

              P.S. Yes, I found my sunglasses … Amazingly enough, they were right where they were supposed to be … *lol*

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Oh Phoenix it was GLORIOUS to get to spend time with you during the Rosary/Eucharist Rally and then having tea ☕️ with you at our house! So glad we did that!!! I think we just “clicked” as most squirrels 🐿 do!!! Lol! I still can’t believe you saw the black 🐿 squirrel right b4 we met but I’m not surprised! I see them often especially when I need a sign of hope!!! I sent you a personal email too! God bless and Happy Sunday!🤗❤️🙏🐿📿🌹

                Liked by 2 people

              2. Phoenix!!! Amazing you heard/saw all those birds 🦅! I did notice you turn to see the turkey 🦃 vulture!!! Ha!! But I totally missed all the other ones you mentioned!!! Mick n Billbad are right…you are a very smart girl!!! God bless! 🤗

                Liked by 2 people

      2. The Phoenix!!! I’ll be wearing pink sketchers! Lol! Got them sitting out! Mick told me to tell you, “live long & prosper!!!” Hahahahaha we were practicing the hand thing! Very tricky!!! Mick n Bill gave me a description of you and both said how smart you are!!! 4 languages!!! Holy smokes !!!🤗

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  34. Charlie, you also are preparing us for this, and have been for a long while. It’s something something to hear all forces align with this same message. Different word formulations are often needed, at least by me, to “get it”, aargh. +Ave Maria, Stella Maris+

    “Death is the currency Marxists traffic in — always has been, always will be.”

    Liked by 3 people

        1. HI All – I also had a problem “liking” various posts until I discovered that it only happened when I was using Google Chrome. I switched browsers and I no longer have that problem.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks for the feedback, Mercy. My problem existed with the Firefox browser as well. As I mentioned, though, I kept attempting to click “like” and after the 5th or 6th try, it stuck.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Using Firefox here with Incognito ad blocker. I allowed ads on this site and can now like comments. I agree with MP regarding the usefulness of that feature but I was curious enough to try it.



  35. The past couple days have been a eye opener.

    Consider these things:
    There’s prophecies regarding two popes, and there’s been claims over the past while about who’s the legitimate Pope over Canon Law requirements not being met.
    Only God is good, we should know a tree by it’s fruits.

    Consider the Book of Revelations in light of a recent event. Communism is as beast that was once wounded and now is healed, and certain figure like a false prophet has told the world abandon capitalism because it’s failed and embrace & worship the beast of communism.

    Need anything more be said?

    Liked by 2 people

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