Pockets of Resistance

St George and the Dragon – Peter Paul Rubens

By Charlie Johnston

An acquaintance of mine recently suggested to me, rather plaintively, that if we vote for Joe Biden, maybe the left will stop the violence. “Oh, like Democrat Mayors and Governors have protected their Democrat voters in the cities and states they control?” I tartly responded.

The Democrats have unleashed the ravenous beast that is rampaging across the country, rioting, looting, assaulting and murdering all that stand in its path, but they do not control it. If Donald Trump wins, the left will try to destroy the country. If Biden wins, the left will try to destroy the country. These are the people who have no goal except to watch the world burn. I will vote for the guy who will fight back. It’s our best chance. Just ask the McCloskeys – the formerly liberal Democrat couple who were charged for defending their home in St. Louis from violent rioters, while the rioters were left unmolested by the District Attorney charged with protecting ordinary people.


David Daleiden released a new video Monday morning, showing Planned Parenthood (PP) officials admitting under oath what they furiously deny when they are not under oath. It is a powerful video, using these abortionists’ own testimony to expose who they are and what they have done. Of course, the leftstream media does not cover it at all, collaborating with Planned Parenthood to just parrot the lies told when abortion officials are not under oath.

Several people here asked about the $600,000 performance bond San Francisco Judge William Orrick ordered Daleiden to pony up a week ago. Yes, it’s real, and the money must be raised for it. Over a decade ago, California ruled that monetary damages cannot be awarded for allegations that prove to be accurate. They didn’t tell us about the exception when the true allegations are against Planned Parenthood. California also ruled long ago that journalists, including citizen journalists, have immunity for undercover work when they have the reasonable belief that a crime is being committed (that is a bit of an oversimplification, but not much). Again, they did not tell us about the exception when the journalist is investigating Planned Parenthood’s crimes. (Note that I say crimes, not “alleged” crimes – for PP officials have admitted to multiple crimes under oath). So who is being prosecuted and harassed by the state? The fellow who exposed the crimes. Shoot, when she was the California Attorney General, Kamala Harris (who is now the Democrats’ VP nominee) collaborated with PP officials to persecute, prosecute and harass Daleiden for having the temerity to investigate the crimes of abortionists, even staging a Roger Stone-style raid on Daleiden’s home in the early morning hours.

Fortunately, Daleiden and his team have been prepared for all of this. They never expected officials in California to follow the law or give him a fair shake, only to try to destroy him and bankrupt him, no matter how many laws and rights they have to trample on to do it. Frankly, when this is done, there cannot be a no harm, no foul resolution letting his persecutors off the hook. Judge Orrick, Kamala Harris, and all who participated in the conspiracy to deprive Daleiden of his civil rights and railroad him need to be tried and sent to prison. Kamala Harris would not look great in orange, but she wouldn’t look any worse than she already does.


“Safety” is the new lever with which the left seeks to overturn the Constitutional order and put an end to human liberty. That is at the heart of why I have been so adamantly opposed to the Covid restrictions. Oh, I took the virus seriously. In mid-March, there were enough unknowns about it that I was willing to accept the two-week drastic restrictions, though I was very dubious about the idea of quarantining the healthy. Basically, viruses that are easily transmittable are rarely deadly and viruses that are deadly are rarely easily transmittable. The big concern, at the start, was that this might be a bio-engineered virus that was both easily transmittable and deadly.

By the end of March, we knew what segments of the population were most vulnerable. There were still a lot of unknowns, but the data was obscured by the panic porn the media so loves to foster. Amazingly, we forced many of the most vulnerable into deadly environments, while locking down the healthy. By mid-April, the data, even in bowdlerized form, showed who was seriously vulnerable and who was not – and what treatment regimens were effective. For anyone who is not obese, diabetic, or over 78, this virus is more innocuous than the common flu. For those who are vulnerable, a regimen of chloroquine, zinc and zithromycin at the onset of symptoms contains it almost every time. Yes, the media love to give the anecdotal cases of people in the non-vulnerable segments of the population getting a bad case and dying from it, but for every such anecdotal case they give on Covid you could give 70 for the flu. Meantime, instead of just spreading the panic porn, the left has actively tried to suppress the treatment that is effective almost all the time.

Now we have mandatory masking. I will confess to a personal issue on this matter. My lungs process oxygen very efficiently. Ironically, this creates a problem for me with masks. My expirations are unusually carbon dioxide-rich. Masks reduce oxygen intake by 15-20 percent from the start. When I wear one, I get progressively dizzier and dizzier because of the carbon dioxide buildup. I fainted once and have since worn the mask, when I have to, below my nose, so I can get the oxygen I need. I have read many of the objective studies on masks. There is evidence that they do slow the rate of infection. But they only slow it, not stop it. The reality is that Covid will grow in a population until it reaches a rate between 15 and 20 percent infected – and then it begins to recede. These numbers are constant whatever restrictions you take, whether next to nothing like Sweden or full lockdown. That does not mean that masks are never justified. When in a mixed group that includes some of the most vulnerable, slowing the rate of infection can be a big boon to them. Yet unless they are so compromised that a common cold would do them in, the chloroquine regimen will almost certainly stabilize them. Some of the researchers are worried about the long-term effects of masking, for sustained oxygen deprivation kills some cells permanently. I don’t know quite how to take that, as many medical personnel use masks almost all day and there has not been a report of some spike in long-term damage related to it, so I note these minority concerns but don’t entirely believe them. For me, if I wear a mask over my nose, the light-headedness begins within minutes. So if it is enforced in a place, I just can’t stay there.

I hear all sorts of nonsense. Some say we can’t go back to normal until the virus is eradicated. To my knowledge (and someone else may know of another), the only virus we have ever eradicated is smallpox. We don’t eradicate viruses, we learn to manage them. The media loves to cite infection rates as if they are death rates. Infection rates are largely irrelevant – only significant if a virus is unusually deadly and there is no palliative. Again, the most communicable viruses are rarely deadly – and so the infection rate for a normal virus should be high. We get new flu-like viruses every few years and they are generally lumped into the seasonal flu statistics. Vaccinations are adapted every year to what is expected to be prevalent that season. The flu shot you got last year is not the same as the one you got five years ago.

The bottom line is that this is within the range of what we would expect from a normal heavy flu season. Covid adds a few significant twists – more serious for an identifiable subset of the population and practically innocuous for most – with an effective palliative for all.

That is why I have been so adamant about the draconian restrictions. In this nation, serious long-term policy is to be decided by the people, not the bureaucrats. Elected officials have genuine authority for short-term emergency measures, but long-term significant policy changes must pass muster with the sovereign, the electorate. If we cede our sovereignty to bureaucrats, submitting to their suspension of basic civil liberties such as movement, assembly, speech, and religious worship because of the dangers of a virus that is substantially within the normal range of toxicity, then we have permanently ceded those liberties anytime a bureaucrat justifies his diktat in the name of safety. We will see new diktats against driving, gun ownership, hiking – or just about any human endeavor, because almost everything involves some level of risk. It’s about power, not safety.

I have been utterly flummoxed at how many health professionals clearly do not know how to read data sets, for even by the CDC’s own bowdlerized data, this virus does not justify extreme measures. I have heard many health professionals mouth government pieties and then get completely lost when I start discussing actual data with them. One nurse told me a few weeks ago that this is deadly to people under 30, as well, for she had personally treated five who had died. I told her she needed to call the CDC right away, for she had treated all the people in that demographic who had died in Colorado at that time plus a few that they must have shipped in from other states to die at her hands – at least according to the CDC website, which I had perused two days previously. She glared at me and stormed away. (A young woman behind the desk, with twinkling eyes, gave me a thumbs-up after Nurse Ratched left.)

The determining factor in what is allowed and what is restricted is almost always political and ideological. Small business owners are shut down; big businesses are largely unmolested. Rioting and looting are accepted and encouraged; religious worship is heavily restricted. Last weekend in Limon, Colorado, which had just effectively shut down our conference of religious and conservative activists, there was a big community festival. As long as your gathering is not a serious threat to leftist ideologues, you can have at it. If it conceivably can be, then you have to be shut down for reasons of “health.”

I think an initiative I am going to emphasize next year, if we are in any simulacrum of normalcy, is to file lawsuits against governors, mayors and public health departments that have enacted these draconian regulations – for they have not followed the science (instead trying to obscure actual data) and have usurped authority over us at a level they don’t have even in a legitimate emergency.

I long for the days of a normal, decent society. We can all choose to be considerate of each other. It does not offend me in the least to wear a mask or physically distance from someone who is scared, whether legitimately or not. But when a transient government takes it upon itself to tell me what I must do in all circumstances, Constitutional liberty be damned, I won’t buy into it.

Scott Morefield of Townhall said that he thinks Covid fascism could be the existential fight of our generation. I think he is right – and that it may well become the trigger that sets off ultimate revolt. A weird political realignment is in its nascent stage right now. Many Democrats who take individual liberty seriously, who believe that rioting is not honest protest, and genuinely believe in God, are moving to the Republican Party. Meanwhile, many like me are disgusted with the Republican Party for its routine fecklessness and refusal to stand for liberty. When the dust settles, I think Americans need a party that is honestly conservative and willing to fight for it AND a party that is honestly liberal without being insane and violent.

I saw one fellow on Facebook suggest that all Trump supporters should get the chloroquine regimen if they get sick and all Democrats should get the Bill Gates vaccination. I laughed out loud. That would be one way to thin the ranks of the opposition.


Robert Royal, who is editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing, is a gifted and insightful writer on religious matters – and the juxtaposition of the spiritual in public affairs. He is one of my favorites – and he published a magnificent piece on “How it All Ends,” a few days ago. It gets to the heart of what we deal with in these tumultuous times. I thought it apropos to end today with this meditation on how it all ends.

402 thoughts on “Pockets of Resistance

  1. A group of people (one is my friend, Stephanie) who put on a Health Freedom Summit recently, came up with the idea of producing “exemption cards” for wearing masks. They can be downloaded with a guide, for a small contribution toward the work these people are doing to educate the public.

    As stated on the introductory page: “Get your exemption card so you can easily and authoritatively express your exemption from public ordinances and recommended health guidelines. Your religious and civil liberties are protected by U.S. Federal Law, Title II & VII of the Civil Rights Act, US Code 42 sec 2000 (a) which prohibits discrimination in denial of entry, facility use, and reasonable public accommodation on the bases of religious belief.” Those who insist that one wear a mask cannot demand to know what your health exemption might be due to HIPAA regulations. The link to the site for the cards: https://healthfreedomsummit.mykajabi.com/exemption-cards

    Liked by 9 people

          1. Hey Linda. Thanks for that tip. We were actually talking about the mask-free cards produced by the Health Freedom Summit. The offering for their cards is actually a donation to support their ongoing work.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Jlynn attended the first summit and shared her detailed notes with us. (Thanks, Jen.) Not sure when they’re planning another one, Linda. But you can get on their mailing list. My reference to them is in the first comment under this piece.

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                1. It was so informative and each speaker brought a wealth of knowledge and grace to their perspective subjects. An amazing group of advocates for health freedom and liberty. ❤

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    1. B, I was denied service this morning at a coffee shop in Miles city, Montana! (BTW everybody, this conservative state is led by a dim-witted liberal).

      I asked the barista if this shop was affiliated with Starbucks and she said no. Then she asked if I had a mask and I said no. She said “I cannot serve you without a mask” (despite the fact she was wearing her mask improperly, plus several seated customers were not wearing masks in order to more easily consume their coffees and pastries). I smiled genuinely and said “That’s too bad! Goodbye.”

      I had more to say, but it felt good that I didn’t say what I wanted to. Epidemiology and immunology can get kinda boring.

      P.S. I’m moving back to South Dakota because that beautiful state is managed correctly by conservatives, especially the classy and very presidential Kristi Noem.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Good on you, Patrick. And I’m jazzed to hear that you’ll be “Patrick of SD” again; “Patrick of MT” just never had much of a ring to it. 🙂

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  2. I hope that I live to see the day that Kamala Harris other malefactors (including the governors of CA, NY, and MI) end up in prison for what they have done and are doing. In the meantime, praying for their conversion.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. They’re even their own worst enemies when it comes to eliciting prayer from those who can muster some pity. Scant pity the more they resemble the demons they serve, only 24 hours in a day and only so much time for prayer. I’ll continue to pray for my most intimate inner circle – outward. Bless you for trying to do more.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Consecrate yourself to Mary, and you’ll never have to remember who to pray for again. You pray, give all prayers to Mary, SHE will assign as only she knows. So freeing!

        Liked by 9 people

    2. Right there with you, Mick. Some of the most glorious conversions have been those who formerly were involved in abortions and who have gone on to dedicate their lives to telling the truth about its horrors.

      Liked by 10 people

  3. “An acquaintance of mine recently suggested to me, rather plaintively, that if we vote for Joe Biden, maybe the left will stop the violence.”
    I would be the same as giving in to a two year old having a tantrum in the middle of a grocery store.

    Liked by 11 people

  4. Beckita– I don’t wear a mask. Our county does have an exemption for people who have a medical issue with masking, and we don’t have to prove what it is. Charlie– I must be like you– if my pillow or blanket gets too close to my face when I’m sleeping, I wake up gasping. I can only last a few seconds under the covers and have often wondered why. It feels like the oxygen disappears immediately. I’ve always been claustrophobic. So many people have told me they hate wearing masks but they are afraid not to. I’m the only one without one in stores and I just don’t care.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Kim, that exemption you describe is exactly what the people involved in the Health Summit refer to. HIPAA laws provide the protection from the necessity to name and prove the medical condition.

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    1. Praying for all of you, Randal. God bless and keep you, and may Mary guard you all under her mantle.

      When it’s all over, please check in when you can and let us know you’re alright, OK?

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Thanks for the reminder about this prayer, Maggie. In 2004, my kids and I prayed this prayer and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy during a bad storm; and these prayers preserved our house and farm from a direct hit by a tornado. Eyewitnesses 3/4 of a mile to the east of us saw the funnel cloud, on the ground, heading straight for our property. About a half mile north of us, it split into two funnel clouds, lifted up off the ground maybe a couple hundred feet, and went around our farm (one funnel cloud passed our farm to the east, and the other to the west). The two funnel clouds traveled another half mile or so south of us, rejoined into one funnel cloud, returned to the ground, and then peeled the roof off of a barn down the road from us.

        We didn’t know about the tornado until a few days later when we went to our neighbor’s house to tell him that his kids’ trampoline was in our vineyard. That neighbor lived a quarter mile north of us, and he was one of the eyewitnesses of the miracle (he was at a friend’s house at the time; and he and his friends were watching in horror as the tornado barreled down on his home).

        Liked by 13 people

        1. Hi Mick,

          Love your amazing witness, and 100% believe what you say! Very happy to hear that your family, home, farm, and property were miraculously spared!

          Something similar has held true in my suburban area and surrounding towns, where we have a large concentration of Eucharistic Perpetual Adoration chapels … You can go to the wunderground weather website and track storms on the radar, and see the storms split in half over the towns, cities, and/or neighborhoods right where the churches holding Adoration are located, then merge back together. This doesn’t happen with every storm of course, but it’s been a noticeable pattern over the years.

          What with the virus restrictions in place on the chapels, I’ve been wondering about upcoming storms and how much protection we will or will not have under the circumstances … I personally have not visited my parish chapel since the lockdowns began because it’s a small, confined space without much ventilation, though I have gone to Mass since the churches are larger. I try to pray and discern about where to go.

          Liked by 9 people

          1. How incredible, Phoenix! I love hearing stories like that.

            Oh… and thanks for the tip that elderberry syrup contains quercetin; I didn’t know that before. 🙂

            Liked by 6 people

          2. The Phoenix that is very interesting!!! Actually our perpetual adoration chapel has been closed since last March/April and I must say we’ve gotten some zinger ⛈ storms this summer!!!😩

            Personally with what’s unfolding around us it seems like everyone and everything is in a real bad mood…nature too! Yikes!!!

            Liked by 3 people

          3. Oh, how hard! When my parish had Sunday parking lot adoration I went gratefully, only on Sunday afternoons tho. But the hot summer days ended that. About two months ago my parish started a drive to re-sign up folks for 24 hour adoration again. Took a couple of weeks. Now adoration is in the church during the day when there are more folks, and moves to our smaller adoration chapel at night. Now my life seems a bit more normal. I can stop by the church to say “Hi” to Jesus without any preregistration nonsense. Just drop in.

            Liked by 5 people

            1. Hi Katicos,

              Your parish sounds wonderful! With parking lot adoration, there’s plenty of fresh air for everybody, and no limit on the number of people who can attend … love that idea! And that said, I’m glad things are more normal regarding adoration, there can be so much comfort in that. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

          1. Well, in all honesty, Kim, it was mostly the kids praying; like an idiot, I was outside in the driving rain trying to retrieve our new sheepdog puppy that was in the pasture with the sheep.

            Liked by 6 people

                1. You are extremely intelligent anyways!!! Girl you got a photographic memory! Gods gift 🎁 to Mick!!!🤗❤️🙏🌹🎁🐕🐶


                  1. Giggling, Linda. My brothers have photographic memories. I, on the other hand, inherited the “gift of gab” and the striking inability to “get” most tech-y stuff. But that’s what my husband and kids are for, right? 🙂

                    Liked by 2 people

                    1. You have a photographic memory I’m sure of it!!! Lol I don’t at all actually (pretty sure I’m headed towards Alzheimer’s 😬) but I’ve seen it in people! I remember when I started homeschooling my boys…first day of class (fragrance of roses 🌹 came into the little room so I think Our Mother Mary was happy with us then) but I gave Frankie and globetrotting Tommy their very first paper 📝 of words to memorize for the week (Seton homeschooling) and told them their test would be on Friday… they went away for like 10 minutes and came back, spelling words in hand and said even though it was Monday they were ready for their test!!! I laughed out loud and said, “No, boys, you need to memorize these words and meanings and I’ll quiz you on Friday!” They were quite serious though and said they were ready! Do ya know Mick I tested each one and they got each one correct and verbatim!!! I couldn’t believe it and then it occurred to me they had a photographic memory! So I’ve seen it and do indeed see it in you!!! Gods gift 🎁 to Mick among many others!!! And yes you DO have gift of gab too!!! Hahahahaha You, Charlie and Donald J Trump!!!😂😂😂


        2. Mick, what a beautiful witness and glad the family and farm made it through. With our youth we have had a few times at different camps where storms were seen coming at us and split and went right around the camp, too. We had 24 hour Adoration at those camps from Monday thru Friday. I think I shared a few years ago here that one night we were having Adoration for our leadership at the camp when we had a tornado warning. All 100 or so of us went into the hallway of the building, Father Livingston brought Jesus into that hallway and we spent the next half hour or so singing and adoring Our Lord. And Father Livingston went right on hearing confessions in the next room! I will never forget that night. God is so GOOD!

          Liked by 2 people

        3. Oh my gosh Mick!!! And yes actually when I see a big storm coming, I grab my Jesus of mercy statue and put it in the window where the storm clouds are coming too, sprinkle Holy Water 💦 all around the house and pray the Chaplet of Mercy until it passes. Of course since your kiddos were praying the CHaplet, those are the prayers God hears most…children!🤗❤️🙏 👶

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      2. Maggie, I live my Pieta prayer book and that blessing against storms. The book was given to me by a very dear aunt during a rough time in my life and now the book is so worn I have a hard time turning the pages! I bought another one a couple of years ago but I will never get rid of my original one.

        On a side note, (I may have asked this once before but don’t remember), has anyone ever heard of burning palm branches during storms? When I was a little girl my grandma would take a blessed palm branch and burn it in the sink during storms. I don’t remember if she said a certain prayer or just burnt it as an offering against the storm, but I clearly remember standing and watching in fascination while that palm branch was burned. Does anyone know anything about this? Is it a tradition? I don’t think she would have done this on her own without some kind of knowledge of a devotion or something. Grandma Anne was such a devout catholic and so devoted to Mary. I really truly miss her.

        Liked by 3 people

            1. Thanks for the reference Beckita, that is interesting, I always wondered about it. I had tried to find out more about this in the past but couldn’t find anything about it. I don’t think Grandma was superstitious though. Maybe it was a tradition passed on from her family or culture from Bavaria/Germany. Her parents came to America in the late 1800’s. 🙂


              1. Thank you, Juls, for bringing the burned palms tradition to our attention. I was going to also mention that an exorcist recommended to me that candle stubs from those which burned at the altar are an effective sacramental when faced with strong spiritual attacks. Simply burn them while praying. A power punch – always in the name of Jesus – to the enemy!

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          1. Thanks Nance. My grandma was from Germany so maybe it was a tradition in that area of the world.

            My husband is part Polish and many many years ago on Christmas Eve his uncle would take out a Christmas wafer before dinner and they would say a prayer and pass it around to each family member to break off a piece to consume. I think it was called oplatek? I was a beautiful wafer with a stamped image of the holy family on it. Do members of your church still do this? I read more about it and thought it was a beautiful tradition.

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            1. Singingjuls,

              I remember coming across a reference to that Polish custom of the wafer in St. Faustina’s diary, and couldn’t understand what it was because there were no explanatory footnotes in the version I was reading. I subsequently found out about it, and like you I thought it was a beautiful tradition.

              Liked by 3 people

      1. If he’s anywhere near Lake Charles, Linda, he may not have any power or be able to communicate. Those poor people have a terrible mess. God help them. And that was where the hurricane initially hit; I don’t know how it’s going now.

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        1. J.M.J.
          Truly, by the grace of God(!) and the prayers of so many, my family and I are all okay. I am most grateful for all of your prayers and generosity of spirit. Please continue to pray for those who have lost loved ones (several deaths including a 14 year old from falling trees) as well as so many suffering from other difficult losses. May our loving God bless all of you.

          Liked by 8 people

          1. Randal, I’m so thankful that you and your family are OK! Praying for the repose of the souls of those who have died, and for all those suffering because of Hurricane Laura.

            Liked by 7 people

  5. Most of us will not have access to the hydroxy and a good antibiotic (which is tricky to take, because if “partially” taken, then bacteria not all killed may acquire resistance against a second administration). However, over the counter supplements are available for quercetin (which offers the two benefits of the hydroxy, avoidance of the cytokine storm when taken early, and increased cell wall permeability for zinc), a zinc supplement not to exceed 40 mg per day, vitamin D3 (5000 to 10,000 units if any doubt about having enough in your system), and any non acidic vitamin C (more than 500 mg per day makes me itchy), and these will help to avoid or slow an infection.

    To sue those nasty Democrat governors for violating our constitutional rights the case must be ripe, i.e., their rules must be in effect and holding when the case goes to court, so the time to sue is now. Unfortunately, Chief Justice Roberts recently created a 5 to 4 majority which agreed on greater restrictions on church gatherings than on going into a casino ( https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/24/us/supreme-court-nevada-church-coronavirus.html ), so prospects for winning with the current SCt makeup are not good.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Hey, Jack, good to hear from you. As you say, Quercetin is a near perfect substitute for HCQ and has its own unique advantages. I actually prefer Quercetin to HCQ but would not be averse to taking 1 or 2 tabs of HCQ a week to gain its unique advantages, too. The level you mention for zinc is definitely the most a person should take when healthy unless they also take copper. Every 15 mg of zinc over 30 mg needs 1 mg copper taken with it or significant imbalances in the body can occur.

      Given your reaction to Vitamin C, have you tried Liposomal C? Also, I once found I was allergic to C not because of C per se but because it was made from corn, to which I am allergic. When I switched to non-corn versions of C, I had no issues. Nutribiotics makes a non-corn version that is relatively inexpensive, which I tolerate very well even at very high doses.

      My mother and I have Vitamin D3 levels well above 40 ng/mL, so we no longer worry about being exposed to Covid viruses any more, other than to be reasonably cautious. What’s your serum D3? Is it over 40?

      Liked by 8 people

        1. Hi, Linda. Yes, printing the book is fine, just check out the copyright message on the front page. I take 1 cap a day of Quercetin Phytosome, which is 250 mg, but QP is absorbed at least twice as well as normal Quercetin. Regular Quercetin capsules are 500 mg per cap, and normal dose for a healthy person is 1 cap a day with 30 mg of zinc. If sick, the dose rises to 2 caps a day and maybe 3, with a lot more zinc.

          Liked by 6 people

            1. No, Diane, if you are sick with Covid symptoms (or colds or flu), your body is using up much larger than normal amounts of zinc to fight the virus. Going up to 150 mg zinc while symptomatic should be fine. Just be sure to reduce the amount back to the 30 mg a day rate a few days after symptoms go away and you feel back to your normal state of health. 🙂

              Liked by 3 people

          1. Quercetin Phytosome, I looked it up on the internet, it comes with Vitamin C
            Do you have a source for getting it without the C

            Liked by 2 people

            1. For the Sake, I use a formula for Quercetin Phytosome produced by Thorne Research, and it does not have any C in it. Search for it at Amazon or iHerb or any site you usually use, entering the UPC code 693749004356. That should get you there. 🙂

              Liked by 2 people

              1. What are your thoughts about the use of CBD oil.
                (i guess used usually as an anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety medication)

                Liked by 2 people

                1. For the Sake, I have heard CBD Oil may help, but I have no further information. If you use it, I suggest you consider it only an adjunct therapy, not one of the mainstays.

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      1. I have been taking quercetin since last winter and it’s beneficial effects against many cancers is well documented. My wife has recently added it to her own treatment plan. Her sister is a 9 year ovarian cancer survivor and uses it as well. She is a physician also and has helped me overcome some of my medical orthodoxy bias. The integrative medical approach to cancer treatment is fascinating.

        Liked by 9 people

      1. Hi SanSan,

        Maybe not exactly what you’re looking for, but when I bought Super Vitamin C by Nature’s Lab at the Vitamin Shoppe, I discovered it also contains 200 mg of quercetin for a serving size of 2 capsules.

        Elderberry syrup also contains quercetin.

        Liked by 8 people

      2. SanSan, I use the following vendors online. Amazon, iHerb, LuckyVitamin, Seeking Health, Bulk Supplements. When I need to buy some supplements, I take the UPC code and check all these sites to see which is cheaper. 🙂

        Liked by 7 people

      3. I get the capsule form of Quercetin from iHerb and Amazon for my son who is a type I diabetic and he takes it along with Liposomal Vitamin C and for good measure Elderberry with zinc. He works at a job that requires him to be in people’s homes all day long. So far, he is right as rain. We are grateful.
        A side note is the Quercetin runs my blood pressure high thru the roof. Not sure why.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Since 1988, I have always voted for independent candidates. In 1988 I was an intern at the Mo. State Capital and what I saw turned me away from the left and right. The hatred and degradation from each side is simply Satanic. If either side wants respect, then they have to give respect. Peace, unity, and reconciliation comes on a two-way street. Divided the U.S. will fall in on itself. United the U.S. stands. Besides all elected officials are probably more concerned with lobbyists kick-backs than constituents, anyway.

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    1. Ted, I generally share your sentiments– too many of pols too often work for themselves as their primary goal. For example, Harry Reid played the game well here in NV, buying dirt dirt cheap before the gov put in roads that made worthless properties valuable; seems that Pelosi and Biden have likewise gone from rags to riches in their gov roles.

      Given a generalized distrust for the pols, it’s easy to just sit back, and watch– but I do believe God expects us individually to actively do what is “right” with our lives, and that means participating in some way or other with elections.

      We now have a choice to vote, and going strictly independent means effectively forfeiting the Nov election results. Personally, I do not generally hold the Rs in high regard, but I am convinced that the Dems have become outright evil as a Party. Murdering babies to gain minority and
      “feminist” votes is a Dem priority–is this not evil? Defunding our police and military is just plain nuts.

      The Dem Party going back to Hilary’s nomination explicitly turned again God (Western biblical precepts) to free them to pursue whatever was the most popular Progressive themes of the day. The Biden/Harris ticket and their platform have gone even further against our Western traditions for fair play and justice, and against the Constitution– a document I studied as a law student, and concluded was divinely inspired.

      So, you have a choice not to vote, or to make up your mind about how to vote, and even tell others what you think to play a constructive part in shaping public opinion.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Oh please. I live in mid-Missouri. Voting for Democrats would be the equivalent of throwing it away. Sorry, MY VOTE WILL NOT COUNT ANYWAY. Besides there’s the electoral college can throw a curve ball.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. “An acquaintance of mine recently suggested to me, rather plaintively, that if we vote for Joe Biden, maybe the left will stop the violence”(CJ).
    I recently made a similar comment that this insanity was intended to drive some, who wish this all to just be over with, to vote for Biden thinking this will appease the libs and finally stop the chaos. I said the effect is not unlike someone being tortured. After being beaten up for so long they panic and give in and go along with the tortures narrative just so they can escape the pain and hope to get back a sence of “normalcy” no matter how desperate what they are asked to do may be.
    But, like you, I believe we are “wrestling not with flesh and blood” here and, not unlike a fire, which cannot be put out by those with torches in their hands for the enemy is an all consuming fire that will not be quenched until all is consumed, even themselves.
    But since God can “do all things” we have hope in His mercy.

    Liked by 11 people

  8. A prayer from the newly consecrated and installed Bishop of the Diocese of Beaumont, Texas, Bishop David Toups (49 years old!). (Lord, strengthen and continue to fill with holy boldness this Bishop who proclaims You in Your Eucharistic Presence.)

    My Brothers and Sisters,
    As we know Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana are in for a rough go. As we face the next 24 hours, please join me in interceding for the lives and safety of all. Homes, parishes, and schools we can rebuilt, as we have done before, but the precious gift of life must come first. Please make sure you and your families are as secure as you can possibly be given our circumstances.
    We will get through this together, and we will need one another now more than ever! Come Friday (8/28) we begin recovery and support those in most need – love and charity is who we are!
    Prayer is our strongest weapon and our sure support!
    Sincerely yours in the peace of Christ,
    Bishop Toups

    Liked by 16 people

    1. If you right click the picture you can check the line that says “set as desktop background”

      Liked by 4 people

    2. He’s a good bishop! Was rector of our seminary St Vincent De Paul in Boynton Beach Before being named to TX Another great friend /pastor of ours will soon be ordained in Savannah as the spiritual leader of the Catholics of Savannah. He’s been close to the Pierced Heart sisters…. Pray for these strong bishops to steer the barque back between the pillars of The Eucharist and Our Blessed Mother🙏🏼✝️❤️

      Liked by 11 people

  9. Beckita and Charlie, you always find such great people who are God’s Representatives here on earth such as the young Bishop Toups above; what a Godsend in this time of need! Praying for all in the storm’s path; may God lessen it”s strength at the last minute!

    Liked by 10 people

  10. Charlie, you wrote this: “By the end of March, we knew what segments of the population were most vulnerable. There were still a lot of unknowns, but the data was obscured by the panic porn the media so loves to foster. Amazingly, we forced many of the most vulnerable into deadly environments, while locking down the healthy.”

    It’s noteworthy that today, the Department of Justice released this notice:


    We’ll see what happens. Watch and pray.

    Sister Bear

    Liked by 9 people

    1. That all nursing homes would be set free by using “right to try” and taking quercetin, vitamin D3, zinc and vitamin C.
      Lord, Hear our prayer.

      Liked by 9 people

    1. CrewDog: Thanks for including the Town Hall article about the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. The article rightly points out that most if not all of the early suffragists ~ including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony ~ were anti-abortion for the reasons we all know. That’s why, when some feminists who promoted the ERA in the early 1970s included the “pro-choice” agenda, some of their colleagues left that group and founded Feminists for Life of America. FFL is worth checking out if you haven’t already.

      Liked by 4 people

  11. Hi folks,

    Charlie’s fact based destruction of the #science! crowd is a valuable thing, but most of us do not have his intellectual acumen, nor his vigor for research.

    Thereby, an opportunity for some of the faithful who enjoy that sort of fact gathering to create and maintain “truth memos ” (a better name would be awesome) that we can access via our phones in the spur of the moment heated debates to counter the disinformation the demonic delight in.

    Just a suggestion as I cannot volunteer to do it, but reading Jack and SteveBC, I know that we have detail oriented folks among us who might think it is a useful service for the faithful and who enjoy the project

    Please forgive me if I am being forward. My motive is that I would love to have access to such a thing…heck a t shirt to wear to the Fresh Market with those bullet items I would gladly buy and proudly wear.

    Just a brainstorm

    Grace and peace

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Still praying, Becky. I checked out some video footage this morning; to say it was sobering is a massive understatement. God help them all.

      Liked by 6 people

    1. Wow… I am just blown away! Sister even manages to work the Holy Rosary into her speech! Linda, could you please post this to our Storm Group for those who may not have seen it?

      Liked by 11 people

      1. I know !!! right Mick?!?!?! I sure will Mick!!! Me and Char were telling Fr Francis about it after Mass this am!!! What a beautiful soldier for Christ she is!!! Whoa!!!

        Liked by 6 people

      2. Yes wasn’t it great! Hopefully the men & women who supposedly are in the fence will open their eyes 👀… the fact she wove all that into a short powerful testament to life …and the kicker line to hopefully awaken the “woke” ..,. how she cares about the ‘eternal Lives’ of all that we may share heaven together. Such great real, Holy and bold people have been featured at the RNC !

        Liked by 9 people

  12. all Liberal acquaintances who strive to belive this anarchy will go away should watch Maximo Alvarez’s RNC speech. His experience radiates thru his teary eyes and heartfelt emotion declaring multiple times “…there [USA] is no place to go”

    Make America Holy Again

    Liked by 14 people

  13. Mask orders tend actually to just be “face covering” orders. There are stretchy bandana-type face covering around that restrict almost no oxygen. They are probably minimally effective at stopping any virus, but they do put you in compliance with the order, so just an idea for those who don’t take well to masks.

    I’ve always seen these things as part of a larger effort to centralize control, despite some of the feints to the contrary. The states and cities that are demanding state’s rights and less federal interference (i.e. sanctuary states/cities, no federal law enforcement, etc) will do a 180 when the Democratic party is back in office. Suddenly, they will fall right back in line with the Federal government and welcome their “help.” Kamala Harris is a proven bully who uses law enforcement for her friends, and her and Joe Biden have together put more black people in prison than any other two politicians in America. Local progressive cities will still welcome their “help” even when it proves to be far more heavy-handed and violent than anything Trump has done because they are self-proclaimed forces of “light and love.” I didn’t say it has to make sense.

    It’s all part of a larger scheme to centralize control

    *suppress what few layers of peaceful resistance remain between the individual and the State (communities, churches, etc), for reasons of “health”, yet allow that which breaks down society to continue because it’s “free speech”

    *defund local police departments and then when local violence rages out of control, which it will, maintain order with State and Federal troops for “our own good”

    *slowly phase out cash for “safety reasons” (coin shortages, etc) and then take the easy step to all-electronic easy-to-track transactions

    *choke out small business and make everyone dependent on massive corporations that are directly exposed to the Fed’s manipulations of the stock market. They fall in line or the well of free money stops.

    *won’t be long before the Left’s dream of a pluralistic, Eucharist-free version of fake Catholicism attempts to squeeze out the real Sacrifice of the Mass. The pieces are falling into place, sadly with the help of many clergy

    We must pray and resist. We can’t stop this hurricane but we can try to shelter those who are willing; speak and live the truth, and eventually God will calm it. We need to pray that we don’t reject the truth out of fear, and that we are there to help pick up the pieces when the storm is through

    Liked by 10 people

      1. I don’t actually have an issue with the mask part of this, within reason, because I do think that properly used masks impede the spread of virus. The “within reason” part means in crowds, in small spaces or air-conditioned spaces where air is recirculated, or from the door of a restaurant to the table. Usually that only requires mask-wearing for a few minutes at a time. I don’t understand people or requirements that suggest mask-wearing at home, in the middle of a park or while jogging. Even on trails where you quickly pass by people I see masks, but the odds of spreading virus in that quick contact are very small.

        I was in favor of reasonable mask use even back when the CDC and Fauci were calling it “pointless”, so at least I know my position was not due to conformity. Of course some of these control-freak leaders want to take reasonable precautions and turn them into tools of control when the opportunity presents itself. My argument with the whole mask idea is not that masks are bad, it’s that not enough people are asking the question “why believe experts who in March were saying masks are stupid, and now saying they are necessary to save lives?”

        Liked by 2 people

    1. And add to your list exerting far greater control over schools and trying to dissolve private education. Listening to my local school board at a recent meeting was a major awakening. Schools seem to be pivoting towards becoming institutional dispensers of a variety of public services to minors rather than places of education. Then throw in the political propaganda and the push for sexual education programs designed to wreck children. What a mess. Praise God, we have no children in the public schools this year!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Charlie,
    My comment is a response to you wearing a mask. Before children, my career began wit OSHA and ended with consulting as an Industrial Hygienist.
    I am no longer in Facebook because of the censorship. One of the videos censored because it wasn’t factual was one of which I was very familiar. It was a person testing the oxygen level inside a common mask using an oxygen meter with a probe. In less than a minute, the meter alarm was warning that the oxygen level was less than the required 19%. In a confined space, one would be required to leave. I also am one of those who have problems breathing when something is in front of my face. I get headaches even at night when I wake up and a sheet is in front of my face.
    This makes me wonder about kids wearing masks. Is there much difference between a kid with a mask on his face and a SIDS baby sleeping on his stomach?
    Lack of oxygen affects people differently. I have been in plants where I was getting deathly sick and nobody else had any complaints and other places where you would think there was no way there could be a problem, but people were complaining of headaches. BOTH were being overexposed to carbon monoxide!
    Thanks for reading my rambling. Hope I added some perspective.
    God Bless,
    Donna Hudson

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Smoke and such, including altitude, rarely bother me. But breathing in a heavy build-up of carbon dioxide does. While I am not sold on the idea of long-term damage because of cellular destruction in oxygen-deprived situations, it does worry me about what long-term damage we might be causing kids that could show up 20, 30 or 40 years later. We have reached the state of a “sciency” regime that regularly jumps precipitously on the latest fad before all of the implications have been considered – which means we regularly make colossal mistakes borne of our undisciplined hubris. Thanks for adding in your two cents.

      Liked by 9 people

  15. Charlie,
    If Limon is allowing community festivals, your next conference needs to be a ‘festival’. It’s time to hide in plain sight! I’m sure you can come up with a suitably ironic name for it that would both placate your local emperors whilst poking a big fat finger in their eye. Let the squirrels loose!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I admired the cleverness of the Hasidic Jews in New York who billed their worship service as a “George Floyd Memorial” so the police would not shut them down. The day may come when I use those tactics. But for now, I would rather force authorities to overtly reject my honest description of what we are than exercise subterfuge. Every time they reject an honest American for ideological reasons, their power gets diluted a little further and people get angrier. I don’t want to get around them so much as I want to take them down.

      Liked by 11 people

      1. Along those lines: Did you notice the lack of social distancing and the non-enforcement of mask-wearing (although people could wear them if they chose to) at President Trump’s acceptance speech tonight outside the White House? Viewers couldn’t miss the clear visual message.

        Liked by 4 people

  16. Speaking of “pockets of resistance,” here’s a little something from the media bunker. It may or may not be useful, but I whipped together your Mission Statement in the spirit of the Fighting 379. Make sure your sound/speakers are turned up. Maybe it’s just me, but the thrum of the B-17 in flight lulled me to sleep last night.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Gosh, MP. That music wrecked me. Sitting here in a puddle, full of hope. Charlie, no matter what else happens with this video, just putting it up for all who don’t comment would be a morale booster right now!

      Liked by 6 people

      1. And when the B-17s were thrumming away, I’ll bet the Andrew Sisters never dreamed they were singing about you, Charlie, so many years ago:
        “He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
        He had a boogie style that no one else could play…”

        Liked by 6 people

            1. I looove the Andrew Sisters and this song. I was singing it around the campfire last week but did not make this connection. Perfect. Ha.

              Liked by 3 people

      2. When I located that score –– something of a cross between The Natural, Band of Brothers and a River Runs Through It –– I knew it was the one. That you cried buckets confirms that I hit my target. Had I not had to search all over for authentic B-17 sounds and fuss with syncing them up, I’da been weeping shamelessly too.

        Liked by 5 people

        1. It’s just SO good… heartening… inspiring… setting hearts afire for God, His Church, for family and for country. (What’s the name of the musical piece, MP?)

          Liked by 4 people

          1. I got so caught up in the music, I closed my eyes, And MISSED the words across the screen! Now I have to listen AGAIN! Oh, squirrel!

            Liked by 3 people

        2. MP, the music sounded very close to one of my favorite movie soundtracks, “Mansions of the Lord” from We Were Soldiers. I particularly like the theme of the Mission Statement with the WWII footage reminiscent of the time that the US stood and sacrificed so much for such a great evil. I always get weepy watching WWII videos.
          Thank you.

          Liked by 6 people

      3. No, I don’t comment much, but my heart is with all who do, and who volunteer. I only wish I could. I pray daily constantly for your good health, and success. And am waiting for the ability to be able to donate through the mentioned access to donating directly. It was an awesome morale booster. Great work MP. God bless all of you.
        Ave Maria, Stella Maris Dee

        Liked by 4 people

        1. You ARE volunteering, Dee. Your prayers are a valued and powerful contribution. The best works always begin and are sustained on a bedrock of prayer. Thank you so much!

          Liked by 6 people

        2. Dolordee, you and the other Prayer Warriors are indispensable members of the CORAC ranks. The rest of us can’t do what we do without your prayers and sacrifices. MP even designed an aviator jacket patch just for you guys. I’d link to it, but I don’t know how. MP? Beckita? Help!

          Liked by 6 people

      4. Charlie, here’s my two cents, for whatever they may or may not be worth: This video needs to be very visible on the homepage of the CORAC site once it is up and running. Also, all regional coordinators and local coordinators should consider making this one of their key recruiting tools. Pamphlets will be great once we have them, but a pamphlet will never move someone as much as relevant visuals backed by a heartrending musical score. This video and the accompanying music are gold; or rather, they’re a Godsend.

        Liked by 5 people

              1. Ha, Beckita! I used to hate airchecks (when you go over tapes of yourself with the program director each week). My voice, to me, seems muddy and thick – and most definitely not a radio voice. My PD (program director), told me I had a perfect radio voice for what I do when I explained why I so disliked airchecks. He said I most assuredly did not have the basso profundo voice you want in a generic announcer – but that in a commentator or personality-driven slot, you want someone with a distinctive, immediately recognizable voice – and that as soon as I started talking, even in a dark room, everybody knew it was me.

                Liked by 6 people

                1. Charlie, yes! I understand what your program director said about a generic announcer voice. For the CoRaC video, I do believe that hearing *you* and recognizing *your* voice would have a heartening effect. 🙂

                  Liked by 6 people

      1. Well, I wish I could clean it up to my satisfaction, but a bit pressed for time. That said, here’s an alternate version you may want to use with a voiceover added. SBC will get a kick out of it, because the voice is completely AI. I may even use that digital voice for the mascot too. Works in a pinch.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. I like this one, too, MP; but somehow the version without the voiceover seems more powerful to me. The voice kept me from hearing the music and the B-17s as well, and the music/B-17 sounds are the emotional hook. But others may view this differently. Different strokes, right? 🙂

          Liked by 4 people

          1. That’s because you already know what CORAC is, along with the story of squirrel, fighting 379, squadron and other visual elements. The vast majority won’t know a thing about that evolution, thus a voice for focus, credibility and balance. It’s a real balancing act, though I shortcut things due to time constraints to add voice to a video that really wasn’t edited properly for it. I think I heard Charlie chuckle at the suggestion (a good one though) that he do the voiceover. Be sure to add that to your list, Charlie… I’ll schedule the studio time. Ha! I tease you guys because I’m fond of you.

            Liked by 6 people

            1. And we love YOU, MP, not only for your incredible skills which bring to life many dimensions of God’s Infinite Goodness, thus stirring the hearts and spirits of so many, but also – and with primacy – because you are who God created you to be: you.

              PS Fr. Wang l.o.v.e.d. this. All along the journey into CoRaC becoming, I’ve been talking about the developments but THIS, this video deeply captured his heart.

              PPS: I can see it is a balancing act. Thanks for sharing your process with us. I love process as much as a beautifully finished product.

              Liked by 4 people

              1. OK, so I opened up a youtube channel just for CORAC media. Need 100 subscribers and whatnot to finish customizing (custom url, etc.), but it’s up with the CORAC Mission video reflecting those final edits I wanted to make (let’s call that the Director’s Cut with fixes and compromises), as well as the original without the voiceover (called Mick’s Cut –– literally). Maybe you can swap out the others here with the appropriate links as follows, since we don’t want to get confused by a bunch of video links in this thread.

                Mick’s Cut (no voiceover):

                Director’s Cut (with voiceover):

                I should also note that the vids are unlisted for now, but can be made public with the tick of a button. That, and I’ve been chuckling all morning.

                Liked by 6 people

                  1. I just went to youtube & searched for CORAC. Did not get anything like this video. Should I search for something other than CORAC? Thanks!

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. You could search for “Charlie Johnston.” You would get multiple suggestions. Just scroll down to the blue and orange image of the fighting squirrel. I did search for “CORAC” and it came up for me but that may be because I cleared MP’s comment and then scooted right over to be the first to subscribe to the channel.

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. Just click on the squirrel icon in the upper left of the videos here to go right to the CORAC channel. Since these videos were just uploaded, they won’t instantly start showing up in search, or rank the same for everyone. If I search youtube for CORAC, they come up in the first five video results, but I’m the one who put them up.

                      Liked by 2 people

                  1. Oh, excellent. I was going to email you this info before doing anything, but figured your inbox is swamped. Probably works out that I’m an ask-for-forgiveness-later kind of a guy.

                    Liked by 5 people

                  1. Ha, SanSan! I had nothing to do with MP’s most excellent videos (except fangirling about the music, the B-17s, and Fierce Squirrel). 🙂

                    Liked by 2 people

                1. subscribed. good presentation. I recommend adding the Faith Family Freedom in highlights throughout presentation.

                  3F attributes: Fun, Frisky, Fellowship

                  Liked by 3 people

                    1. Both are JUST AMAZING!!! Great job MP!!! You are just brilliant at this stuff!!!

                      I would like to hear Charlie’s voice on it though…his voice is like really unique! Sort of like Trump…I’d recognize both anywhere🤗

                      Liked by 2 people

        2. I really like this, MP, and I think people will be HUNGRY to help. Is it OK to post this video on my Facebook Page and simply state, “COMING SOON” ?

          Liked by 3 people

        3. Wow, now I can see and hear; it’s back. Oh my goodness! I too am a sucker for those war movies, and oh my, the music! Way to go MP! Awesome talent!

          Liked by 2 people

        4. MP, that voice sounds a lot better than when it started back int he 1980s, I will say that. 🙂

          I hate to be a nitpicker, but the printing about halfway through uses the phrase “fundamental principals” but it should be “fundamental principles”. I hope you can fix that before it all goes viral, MP.


          1. Ah, it just wouldn’t be complete without a “bing” would it. It was easy enough to update. When I played through to double check, and came upon that part that lists the various types of volunteers, I was briefly tempted to add “Nitpicker” to the list to see if anyone would notice, and for an early morning chuckle.

            I’ll just post the youtube channel link, rather than keep posting video edits:


            Liked by 2 people

            1. Nit picker -Hmm I wonder what would the badge look like for that category?
              We had so many kids with lice at school. Yuck. Want to make a teacher shudder. Say, lice and scratch your head.

              Liked by 1 person

    2. MP, after reading comments about this, I decided that I needed to work up to watching it (I always cry like a baby at beautiful, touching stuff like this; and then I end up with a headache or something). Well, I decided a few moments ago that I was ready. Wrong! I’m 20 seconds in, and I’m already crying.

      OK… I’m gearing myself up to go watch the rest of it; I’ll report back when I’m done. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. OK, MP, I just finished watching it. I don’t know how you do it…. how you continually up the ante from one brilliant artistic rendering to the next. You are just the MASTER at this stuff! This is what we need to show to everybody that we try to recruit into the CORAC ranks.

        And yes, I am currently a blubbering wreck. Thanks a lot. 😉

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Well, it’s officially “Mick’s Cut” on the CORAC media channel now, though I might have to add a CORAC branded mop and bucket set to the merch store. Already started imagining a squirrel video that will give “Old Yeller” a run for its money.

          Liked by 4 people

  17. Did anyone happen to notice the songs sung at the end of the RNC? One was the “Ave Maria” which seems pretty significant to me. Another was an Alleluia song.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. Absolutely did, Steve… both the Ave Maria and Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah were beautiful. And always rousing is Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA. The contrast in everything between last week’s convention and this week’s was stark.

      Liked by 7 people

    2. I’m going to look for that on YouTube. Thanks for the heads-up, SteveBC.

      It does seem pretty significant. In fact, to me it’s stunning and remarkable. I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 (I wrote in a candidate); but you can bet the farm that I’m voting for him in November.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Here it is. Simply remarkable… it’s giving me chills. May God bless and Mary keep the President, all of us, and these United States of America:

        Liked by 9 people

        1. Thank you, Mick, for posting. The Ave Maria always reminds me of my wedding day all those decades ago 🙂 I knelt before Mary at the end of the Mass and put flowers at her feet, consecrating our marriage to her! Boy, has it made a difference. There may have been difficult times, but we came through it all with Mama and Jesus!!

          My love for Mama began in childhood as a result of the devotion to her by my Spanish grandmother and mother. The Ave Maria had to be sung at Mom’s funeral 2 yrs. ago. I cried like a baby.

          Liked by 6 people

          1. Wow, Annie, we seem to have lived parallel lives! Like you, we had the Ave Maria sung at our wedding; and I also knelt before her and put flowers at her feet. And the Ave Maria was also sung at my mother’s funeral.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. Mick, now I know we have to meet some day! If only there could be a big area carved out of the country where we could all gather! 😁

              Liked by 1 person

          2. “My love for Mama began in childhood as a result of the devotion to her by my Spanish grandmother and mother.”
            …and for me, it was my German grandmother and mother. I think , no, I know, they are all saints. We all sure were blessed beyond our wildest dreams.

            Liked by 1 person

      1. Mick I had the same thought! I was blown away by the RNC from beginning to end. Just incredible. I thought there was a lot of symbolism and telegraphing to us that this is 1776. The Ave and God Bless America felt to me like they were consecrating the upcoming battle.

        Liked by 6 people

        1. Irish7, when Trump walked across the street to St John’s and held up a bible, I knew he recognized how important the spiritual side of our struggle is. When I heard Macchio sing the Ave Maria, I felt that confirmed it. Something much deeper than what is seen at the surface is going on for this country, and I think the Storm is imminent.

          Liked by 7 people

          1. Steve I completely agree. I thought Melania’s army green dress, the Fort McHenry setting and so much more spoke to that. Did you notice the word “infiltration” flashing on the screen during the China/Biden video? It is all so ominous. I did allow myself to dare to hope for at least some mitigation after the Ave and Bible moments. So powerful. It also felt like they were “all in” with God. No mealy mouth poll driven platitudes. The overt Christianity tells me he knows it’s first a spiritual battle.

            Mick, just as curious to hear your polling thoughts?!? 😉

            Liked by 4 people

            1. Irish, did you notice how it looked like Melania had tears in her eyes? And did you see how “at attention” Baron stood?

              Disclaimer: my polling thoughts are my own opinions uninformed by those of any pollster(s) whom I may or may not know. But I agree wholeheartedly with various articles that I’ve read lately…The polls are essentially garbage for several reasons: (1) Democrats are routinely oversampled by a wide margin, (2) conservatives often either don’t talk to pollsters or don’t tell them the truth about how they’re going to vote, (3) Some and perhaps many white blue-staters who always vote Democrat are rethinking their voting habits in the wake of all the BLM/Antifa violence, and (4) Black people are watching mostly-non-black people destroy black neighborhoods, loot and torch black businesses, kill or attempt to kill black people, and racially insult black cops–all in the name of Black Lives Matter, and all with the tacit or explicit approval of the serial racist Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. In short: Regardless of what the polls say, I think that Trump will win handily unless there is vote fraud like we can’t even imagine.

              Liked by 7 people

    3. Yes, there were four songs [[at the end of the Republican National Convention at the White House Thursday night]], each with significance and all fit together.

      The first song is from Turandot and is in numerous movies at the culmination. In “Sum of All Fears” I understand it was when the good guys meted out absolute justice on the bad guys. I’d say this stood for “Justice”.

      The second song was the Hallelujah, meaning celebration after Justice.

      The third song was the Ave Maria, meaning a return of the country under her protection (where is Dan Lynch these days?).

      The fourth was “God Bless America” which results once we are back under Mary’s protection.

      Justice, Celebration, Rededicating our country to Mary, and God will bless us. All four are a set. The first is Justice, and it is coming now – Melania’s dress was bright green, and as far as I could tell the only color in the fireworks that was not red or white or blue was a line of bright green. Green means Go. Justice is here.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Hi SteveBC. I’m putting on my librarian hat here. Just checking to make sure there are no copyright issues using any songs with the videos posted. It would be awful to have the videos deleted after all of the hard work you have done.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. HTTP, I didn’t post any videos, only pointed out as significant the songs that were played at the White House at the end of the RNC and then explaining my thoughts as to specific meanings. I’m not sure what you are driving at here.

          I did edit my above post to make clear my comments above were about the songs that were at the ending of the Republican Convention. Perhaps that will help your concern.


          1. I was thinking of the YouTube CoRaC videos. With this format it is sometimes difficult to get the reply in the correct place.
            Not driving at anything. Only wondering. Not challenging.
            I was thinking about all of the great YT videos I used in teaching that the YT whoever’s deleted because they used a song. Just trying to be careful.
            I loved the CoRaC videos and I don’t want that to happen to us.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. HTTP, when I asked MP about the music he chose (and MP is the creator and producer of the videos using Charlie’s own text describing what we’re about in CoRaC) he shared the title and composer of the music. When I went to explore Aaron Kenny’s work, I noticed the piece MP chose has no copyright restrictions. Too, creating as MP does is in his area of expertise as he’s spent a lifetime creating as he did. He’s an absolute professional and on top of every detail.

              And, actually, as people have volunteered, offering their various skills to develop and support all aspects of the work involved in CoRaC, Charlie has been joined by people who bring forth their areas of expertise to the work they contribute.

              As a retired educator, I got your point about copyright concerns and wondered then if you meant to address MP. We can rest assured that all is well with the videos.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Thank you, Beckita for getting this straightened out. Yes to MP, not SteveBC.
                I will try to keep my wondering to myself. I tend to ask questions and better to be safe than sorry type.

                (I’ve called my kids the dogs name. I’m one of those who goes through the whole list before I get to the right name. My middle son thought his name was his older brothers and his name combined- John, and John-Thomas, not just Thomas. Egads! Poor kid. Except of course if he got in trouble then it was Thomas Matthew!!!! Trying to remember 300+ kids’ names at school was a nightmare.)

                Liked by 4 people

                1. No worries with wondering aloud, HttP. Ha! And you should hear me with my three granddaughters. They love to make faces at me when I call them by another’s sister’s name. 😉

                  Liked by 1 person

                2. HttP, I’m right there with you. I’ve called my husband the dog’s name. I call my daughters my sons’ names, and vice versa. And one day, when he was a preschooler, my youngest son asked me if his name was Son #2’s name followed by his own name. When Son #2 was a toddler, if you asked him what his name was, he would answer,”Baby.” Oh, well. 🙂

                  Liked by 3 people

                3. http – ha! I am so bad at remembering names, earlier on in catechizing l just called anyone dear and/or hon and every since then, it’s become a term of endearment for just about everyone! ❤

                  Liked by 3 people

          2. Oh my gosh, Covid SteveBC. Just had a call from the doc about my Vit D3 level. 56.7 up from 21 in January. Yeah.

            This must be a day of misunderstandings. I told the doctor that I had read that once they are over 40 the chance of picking up a virus is lower. She asked if I was trying to make her laugh. She continued saying that the immune system has a harder time fighting off diseases especially after 50-60. Then told me to make sure to get the shingles shot. I told her I had them at 25 and the shot about 10 years ago. She went on to say that even though I’ve had them I could get them again and should get the shot. She thought I said I had shingles 10 years ago.
            I didn’t realize until after I had hung up that she must have thought I was talking about being over 40 years old not Vit D levels. My goodness. No wonder she wanted to laugh and went down a rabbit hole talking about the immune system and aging. Weird or funny, whichever way you want to look at it.

            Liked by 3 people

  18. ‘An acquaintance of mine recently suggested to me, rather plaintively, that if we vote for Joe Biden, maybe the left will stop the violence. “Oh, like Democrat Mayors and Governors have protected their Democrat voters in the cities and states they control?” I tartly responded.’
    I like your response Charlie. Appeasement, hmmm, I wonder if we ever tried that before?

    Liked by 5 people

    1. The spiritual warfare in this is clear and the only hope to save our country from this Marxist evil is to begin with prayer and deep reliance on God, before we do anything else. Prayer warriors you are deeply needed all of you please!! And those who act too.

      Liked by 5 people

    1. These “Protests” are being choreographed by humanoids that despise most here and all we stand for.
      Humanoids who are being led by, financed by and protected by The Usual Suspects!
      Make No Mistake … “We ain’t seen nothing yet!” I thought to say:” disregard the double negative …. but maybe the truth is ……. we see most everything, Goin’ Down, but don’t wish to acknowledge it?” It’s a common Human Weakness that often leads to unpleasantness …. like Tyranny and Death Camps ;-(



      Liked by 7 people

  19. STEVEBC awhile back I read about the site “speaktoanmd”.com on one of your posts ..I was so thankful as my Dr absolutely said no way would she treat my husband or me with hydroxy if we contacted covid.Justthis week we received our hydroxychloroquine along with 50 mg of zinc ..we are to take 2 daily for 5 days and 1 a week after that along with the zinc.This is for prophylactic protection..my question is should we also continue taking the quercetin daily ? We are also taking the Liposomal C and elderberry too.. I am a hairstylist and am very close to people on a daily basis. Also wanted to add the RNC gave me so much hope and the stories of the American people were so powerful. I was very thankful for the testimony of the woman from pp,I believe her name is Abbey Johnson..? I have long said if abortion is so wonderful then show it..Thankyou for your input Steve

    Liked by 3 people

    1. RobinR, that sounds good for a prophylactic program of HCQ. The first week is a loading dose, and then the 1-per-week is the maintenance phase. I would not take Quercetin for the first two weeks. After that, I don’t have any reason to believe that adding Quercetin back in would cause harm. It is helpful in other ways and could help the prophylaxis, but I would be careful to reintroduce it slowly and see that you tolerate the Q. I would think the zinc would not just be with the HCQ once a week but would be needed once a day. Is the zinc once a week or once a day? It needs to be once a day, I think.

      What I don’t see you mentioning in your program is Vitamin D3, and that is the key to it all. You need to get your doctor to let you test your serum D3 every 3-4 months for the rest of your life and take enough D3 in supplement form to get your serum D3 up over the critical 40 ng/mL level and preferably up to the optimal zone of 60-80. This is *critical* and will be synergistic with everything else in keeping your immune system both strong and well-regulated.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion — inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.

    O Greatly Merciful God, Infinite Goodness, today all mankind calls out from the abyss of its misery to Your mercy — to Your compassion, O God; and it is with its mighty voice of misery that it cries out. Gracious God, do not reject the prayer of this earth’s exiles! O Lord, Goodness beyond our understanding, Who are acquainted with our misery through and through, and know that by our own power we cannot ascend to You, we implore You: anticipate us with Your grace and keep on increasing Your mercy in us, that we may faithfully do Your holy will all through our life and at death’s hour. Let the omnipotence of Your mercy shield us from the darts of our salvation’s enemies, that we may with confidence, as Your children, await Your [Son’s] final coming — that day known to You alone. And we expect to obtain everything promised us by Jesus in spite of all our wretchedness. For Jesus is our Hope: through His merciful Heart, as through an open gate, we pass through to heaven (Diary, 1570).

    Liked by 5 people

  21. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! — 😉





    This Politicalized /Weaponized China Plague Lock-Down is diabolical!

    …. and if nigh on 90 days of NOT Peaceful “Protests” in Portland and “unpleasantness” in other Democrat Controlled Urban Paradises does not fit the definition of Insurrection …. what does!? ….. not to mention the, Five Year, Democrat/Media/DeepState Coup!!
    Arson, Assault & Looting = Peaceful Protest.
    CreepyJoe claimed in Convention Speech: ” I will be an ally of the light [Abortion, Perversion & godless Socialism?], not the darkness [Trump/Deplorables].
    Isaiah 5:20 …. Anyone!??? ….. Woe to Joe ;-(


    Speaking of “Pockets of Resistance”.
    My neighbor is launching his party barge for this today…. with half de ‘hood 😉 We decorated it with two big Trump Flags, a Gadsden Flag & “Come and Take It” (AR-15) Flag ….. and of course, a Big Old Glory Flag on the fantail.
    Folks In the Know are claiming 1200 boats will show?



    Liked by 7 people

      1. Despite Weather Threats, we had a Big Trumptilla on The Lake. Big Houseboat to JetSkis.
        We must enjoy life every day we can! Some Pics:

        Hundreds of boats & mega people.


        Liked by 5 people

    1. Inspiring!

      Probably contributed to me saying no! twice to an usher at mass this morning who told me to pull my mask over my nose.

      I don’t think he’s used to hearing no.😳

      Theme of the sermon: take up your cross.

      These days if you protest mask wearing it appears your selfish and don’t want to protect others. I don’t have COVID. Then they say you could be asymptomatic. So are we going to wear masks forever then?

      What of the damages to children and elderly by wearing masks?!

      I’m so frustrated and fed up!

      Liked by 5 people

  22. I know, right? But even if it doesn’t happen on this side of the Triumph of the Immaculate heart, we’ll make it happen afterward. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  23. What does Karl Marx Have To Do With The Sexual Revolution?
    Paul Kengor, Ph.D., is professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and a New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen books. He is senior director and chief academic fellow at the Institute for Faith & Freedom and formerly served as visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. His articles have appeared in publications from the Washington Post and USA Today to the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. He is a longtime columnist and senior editor for The American Spectator. Kengor is an internationally recognized authority on (among other topics) Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, communism, socialism, and conservatism.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. News from Washington State, via FB, coming soon to a town near you:

    “Late night tonight defending my little town of Snohomish from rioting and looting by antifa thugs. Once we got word they were on their way a thousand concerned citizens showed up, heavily armed. Not a single store was damaged and no one was hurt. Antifa showed up in little groups, saw everyone was armed and waiting, and they decided to move on. I love Snohomish County. And a big shout out to the Snohomish City police who were there with us, shoulder to shoulder, helping to defend our little town.”

    Liked by 7 people

    1. July 4th we were in Burlington, WA, Skagit County, and yessireee they did have fireworks despite the ban! Loved it. Many patriots out there.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Perhaps the first faint sounds of the french horns in the distance. After Communion today I was moaning to God about likely hard times ahead and driving home I had an image of the progressive left collapsing like brittle clay or like a house of cards, despite the noise of the left, when God decides to act with power. May God act soon and let us know what part we each need to play in this, besides maintaining hope, despite appearances.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. That piece is a good find, Rena. Thank you. I found a few more like it in addition to this piece which speaks to the fact that, due to the way he handled this event in early June, the police chief was reassigned and replaced by a police captain on the force until a permanent replacement would be hired.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I sure want to make sure our information here is accurate. But I have to tell you, it frosts me that these towns will act quickly and decisively to get rid of any official who even talks about standing up and fighting back and will not lift a finger to protect their own people. Both politics and journalism disgust me these days.

        Liked by 5 people

  26. This is an Australian minister’s prophecy in 3 parts, about OUR country. Well worth the listen, encouraging us to pray and God will act! If the link doesn’t work, you can find it on facebook by searching. I don’t use FB and was still able to watch.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. And the demons of hatred and of fear. Most of us know of those issues going on today. Wel we have some ideas of what to pray for deliverance from! Time to pray now.

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Annie. The part that I find most interesting is that in late June, the Lord allegedly told him, “Keep your eyes on the state of Wisconsin.” He (the pastor) then said that something would happen there that would have a “profound effect” on America. Immediately made me think of the events in Kenosha. This discussion was in the last 3 minutes of the video.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly, Mick! What puzzles me is that Kenosha is not the first of the upheavals. Remember the Bishop’s Eucharistic procession? That was in WI also. The whole video has plenty of food for thought!

        As Bob said, these prophecies were before certain things had even happened. It would be so awesome if all prayer warriors could be reached around the world with one message!

        Liked by 3 people

    2. Thank you Annie. I needed this hope!!

      I feel I’m drowning off the shore line!

      I wonder if the Eucharistic Procession is The event that sparks the renewal in our country.

      I feel like the Harrisburg diocese is dead. No Eucharistic processions. No motivated priests.

      I am going to ask to do a rosary coast to coast type thing. God willing.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Little One, I think renewal moves forward one step at a time. Whenever someone converts and returns to Her Son, Our Lady’s Heart Triumphs in that soul. We carry the Renewal in our hearts as we work to take our next right steps which make us a sign of hope to those around us. There are many ways to foster that in our interior and in the world around us. There continue to be online opportunities to participate in various prayer initiatives. Fr. Rick Heilman continues to spearhead many of those as do other spiritual leaders. Praying for you, asking the Lord to lead you to something that fills your desire and brings you hope in the doing.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Hi Littleone. This might help not feel out there on your own. https://usgraceforce.com/ We are on day 15 of the 54 day novena for our nation.
        Also, I would encourage anyone who hasn’t done so to do the read and do the Consecration to st. Joseph. The book by Donald Calloway is excellent. St. Joseph terror of demons pray for us.

        Liked by 2 people

  27. Strange mystery? On my brother’s suggestion, I typed in Antifa.com and was taken to Biden/Harris donation site. I tried it several times because I found it so hard to believe.

    Liked by 2 people

  28. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! — 😉

    Let’s start the week with an old joke: ……… The Priest and the Pilot.
    A priest dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who’s dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket and jeans.
    St Peter addresses this cool guy: “Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?”
    The guy replies: “I’m Jack, retired airline pilot from Houston.”
    St Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the pilot; “Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.” The pilot goes into Heaven with his robe and staff.
    Next, it’s the priest’s turn. He stands erect and booms out: “I am Father Bob, pastor of Saint Mary’s for the last 43 years.”
    St Peter consults his list. He says to the priest: “Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom.”
    “Just a minute” says the good father. “That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be?”
    “Up here – we go by results” says St Peter. “When you preached – people slept. When he flew, people prayed.”



    Ask Catholic Doctor About Virus, Vaccine





    I expect that 1619 & Mobs are being funded bythe very same The Usual Suspects?


    Liked by 4 people


    Democrats In The Know have figured out that the Biden/Harris Ticket + Mob Violence + Plague Lock-Down/Political Weaponization has left them holding a Blivet (Military slang for 10# of Poop in a 5# bag).
    Soooo …. now they become MORE dangerous and MORE Radical than ever!
    With their confederates in the Global Left, Media and DC DeepState Swamp, they will resort, next six months, to every conceivable Dirty Trick, Slander, Voter Fraud, Intimidation and Armies of LeftWing Lawfare Lawyers…….. & continue The Chaos well into 2121!
    On The Dark Side, Thuggery perpetrated by BLM, ANTIFA, Unions and any other Radical Fringe Cog in the Socialist Left Amalgam known as the Democrat Party 2020 will be encouraged covertly …..
    … & overtly by Safe-Seat Urban House Slaves who seem able to do/say anything without fear of retribution ;-(.

    & speaking of Global Left … We be taking PLA $$$$$!? …Eh?!?



    …. plus keep posting & demanding answers about the CDC, Phony Fauci, Scarf Lady and ALL their professional, Media and Democrat Friends!!!

    If Democrats really thought Trump visiting WI would help their godless Socialist Agenda they would welcome him there and every other Radical Mob Controlled Democrat Urban Area.

    I Know!! It’s depressing … but we must, for our/family/friends safety, keep tabs on The Usual Suspects ;-(


    Liked by 5 people

  30. Sorry, but can someone repost the information on tactical flashlights? Please!!! Thank you!

    God Bless!


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