Journey Back to Bethlehem

By Charlie Johnston

Thomasville, Georgia – I have decided to hold off on writing the second and third installments of the three crises until after the first of the year. This penitential season is in joyful preparation for the coming of Our Redeemer. There will be time enough for recriminations later. In the meantime, a few rambling thoughts…

In early 2007 I had just become exhausted with politics. I can relate to Tucker Carlson’s recent comment that hanging out with politicians can be “repulsive.” I chose my candidates and allies well, but part of my work always involved negotiating with competing groups and politicians. Sometimes, you discovered a gem. More often, you discovered people whose unearned self-regard and petulant greed took your breath away. So, for most of 2007 and early 2008 I just ignored politics altogether. For the first election cycle in a quarter of a century, I did not sign on with any candidates at all.

But I was counted among the foremost conservative thinkers and activists in Illinois, so my absence was noticed. Some conservative leaders had set up a big forum in downtown Chicago that would feature prominent speakers from various national conservative groups and publications. I think it was in January of 2008, but I may be off by a few months. I started getting calls from various conservative leaders, telling me I needed to be there – that people were wondering what was going on with me and needed to hear from me. I told them I was just tired and needed to stay away from things for a while.

What turned the tide was when a prominent fellow who had more often been antagonist than ally called to tell me that I really needed to be there. He appealed to me, saying that despite our frequent disagreements, mine was an important voice which made the conservative scene richer and more hopeful in our state. I agreed to go, but couldn’t work up any enthusiasm for it.

When I arrived, it was a good forum. The only person I remember speaking was Ramesh Ponnuru, who had written a marvelous book the previous year, The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life. The truth, though, was that it was one of those fashionable events where everyone wants to see and be seen. The old bulls dispensed their wisdom, the active operatives visibly plotted and schemed with each other, and the young strivers were dressed to the nines trying to sparkle in both looks and conversation in hopes of securing a solid place in the firmament of the state’s conservative luminaries. It was Illinois, so we had plenty of room for more luminaries in our little conservative planetarium. As in all fields, the young strivers eagerly sought the counsel of those already active and firmly in place. Some hoped for a little wisdom, some hoped to be noticed by someone who could advance their ambitions, and most all hoped for some measure of both.

While talking with the younger folks, amidst all the glitter and sparkle, I suddenly became very ill. All I could think of was doom – that by the time these folks reached their prime, the system they so longed to run would be gone. Sounds goofy, but it so overwhelmed me, I got sick to my stomach and had to leave.

Rod Dreher’s recent piece for the European Conservative brought my mind back to that incident. You have a whole host of people paying an exorbitant amount for their entry ticket into the ruling class – a ruling class that is collapsing as you read this.

The event did shake me out of my extended torpor. I got involved in statewide conservative affairs again and served as a regular panelist on Tom Roeser’s Sunday night political show on WLS. It most assuredly was not the usual full-court press, but I figured I needed to do the little I could, however much I was convinced that our social trajectory was decidedly towards collapse. Doing what you can while you can connects you with people who do what they do from conviction – and those are the people you need to rebuild from the ashes. It does require a certain discipline, though, to carry on when you are convinced that doom is in our future in preparation for the great renewal. The decay and growing chaos is ever present to you. You show your faith and trust by carrying on anyway.

We have reached a point where many people think to show they are smart by denying the existence of God. They do not come to it by any serious philosophical examination of the concept or scientific examination of the evidence. Ours is far too impoverished an age for such as that. Rather they come to it the way they come to support a particular baseball team: because everyone else around them is doing the same and it makes them part of the in crowd. Like a clique in high school, their unearned sense of superiority is a complete fraud – and they can’t begin to defend it intellectually when called to do so. They have no arguments, only sneers. They are also incredibly miserable.

Why all of the misery? Materialism and relativism.

Materialism, like Mammon, does not just mean money and possessions. It refers to all of the things of this world. When you put your hope in the things of this world, whether they be money, possessions, your own intellect, influence, or power, you put your hope in things that are ever passing away. There is no hope to be had there. For all his conquests and power, Alexander the Great’s remains lie a-mouldering in the grave just as surely as do those of the corner wino. Death is the ultimate socialist equalizer. If there is no more than this, then there is no transcendent meaning to life.

Gripped by despair at that realization, all these folks who adopt “smart” as a fashionable posture rather than a serious examination for truth try to find meaning in some other fashion, most frequently bingeing on money, sex, drugs, power or some unseemly combination thereof. It does not avail.

Most of my life I have struggled over whether my mystical experiences are a true call or just a sort of high-functioning disorder. On the one hand, if it were just a high-functioning disorder, it could be a source of danger to people – and there was no guarantee that it would not degenerate, perhaps rapidly. On the other hand, if it was a legitimate call and I dismissed it, I would be dismissing God. And it was very clear to me, even by the late 60’s, that if it was a legitimate call and what I was being shown was fundamentally true, people would very much need someone who had submitted to the lifetime of training necessary for it.

The restraints inherent to it all are quite peculiar. My visitors treated my venial sins as something beneath their notice – and rarely spoke of them, kind of like indulgent parents who expected their child to grow out of certain annoying phases. But there were some things that were absolute. Most of these affected things that are perfectly licit for everyone else, but were forbidden to me. Mainly (but not exclusively), I could not make the sorts of commitments necessary to build wealth. At one point, about the time I was 30, I decided this was all so much nonsense, that I had the skills to become quite rich and powerful and, by gum, I ought to do it for my family. What followed was the worst day of my life. I felt empty and dark, struggling – and failing – to hold existential despair at bay. And it just got darker and more despairing. I gave it up, didn’t even make it 24 hours. The desolation and despair were so thick I could not bear it – and thought if I tried for any length I would end by quickly doing myself serious harm. Whatever I was made for, it was not to pursue riches and power.

I am glad it happened, though. I think that desolation and despair were a foretaste of hell. It is what happens when any of us make ends out of what are merely means. It gives me a profound sense of sympathy for all the screeching harpies trying to tear apart a culture that worked under the Judeo-Christian ethic. It is a projection of their own misery. They are kind of like wounded animals writhing in agony. Man surely was not made for bread alone.

When your focus becomes solely materialistic, it is like abusing drugs: each hit erodes your being. You have to constantly find new thrills and greater doses to dull the despair for a bit as you progressively lose the ability to feel empathy or concern for anyone but your own desperate need. You come up with all manner of justifications for why you continue to destroy yourself. With every new level, you need more. The despair gets greater to where it does not just dominate your life: it is your life. In the end, you commit all manner of depravity in a pathetic effort to feel something, anything. And then you die.

I follow Twitter. The frantic, hysterical assertions of the left are almost an exact duplicate of the sort of frantic, hysterical assertions of drug addicts whose supply is threatened. The deeper they are in the addiction, the less their explanations hold any sort of logic or relation to reality. They are just urgent and obsessive. Yes, I battle them, but I pity them, too. I see people who are dying – and part of them knows it.

In the midst of all this, they speak of “my truth.” Truth is truth. If everyone has their own fundamental truth, contradicting others’ fundamental truth, there is no truth. Hence, more despair, more desperation, and the more they try to self-medicate with money, possessions, intellect, influence and power. The more they self-medicate with these things, the more those things fade away from them, bringing on even more desolation and despair. The things of this world will not avail. One of the satan’s greatest gambits was to trick people into taking poisons that give a quick rush while slowly killing them – and then convincing them that the “smart” thing to do is to deny the sort of spirituality that could cure them and bring real relief.

The truth, as St. Augustine said, is that our heart is restless until it rests in God. New age paganism with all its crystal trappings is just a new form of golden calf – a form that is embraced by the dying “smart” set of the left specifically because it gives an outlet for their spiritual longings without reference to the actual God. The satan does not dissuade them, for it is a useful placebo to keep them anesthetized as they slide to their destruction.

We are, body and soul, made for God. If we deny the soul, life has no meaning and death follows, whatever sound and fury we make to numb us to the despair inherent to a life without God. A whole generation has made themselves spiritual orphans.

Once I surrendered to what I am, I put a lot of safeguards in place just in case it turns out I am a high-functioning nutjob. Twenty years ago, that was the most likely temporal explanation for my experiences – and the skepticism that has ruled my approach to surrender and obedience has served me in good stead. Now, from a purely analytical standpoint, the most likely temporal explanation for my experiences is that they are real. Lord knows I have made plenty of mistakes along the way, but the dystopian world I have been shown since the early 60’s and started speaking publicly about just over a decade ago is already our reality.

It is both daunting and soothing. It is daunting to see, in real time, what I could once warily hope were just dystopian fantasies. It is soothing because, having been fundamentally right in what, less than a decade ago, was seen as ridiculously improbable, it is quite likely that I am right that God has a plan which will improbably bring victory and deliverance if we put our shoulders to the plow.

Our work, though, is not just to behave so that God saves us. That would be like the servant who buried his talent to return to the Master intact. The Master was NOT pleased, took the man’s talent, called him wicked and slothful, and cast him into outer darkness. God expects a return on the talents He bequeaths us. We are to constantly call to those who may hear to return to the embrace of the Master, that we may give Him gain for what He has given us. We are called to release the captives from their own self-imposed misery, from their pathetic delusions of grandeur that bring death, not life. Not all will hear. Not all who do will answer. But some will – and we are responsible to God for making the call. I guess that is another reason why I get so angry when people speak of angels bringing us to refuges or of the Rapture. It is a trick of the devil to convince us to bury our talent in the ground and do nothing. It is a seductive call to abandon our post and our duty. We are called to be God’s hands and feet on this earth. He is merciful when we fail, but filled with wrath when we do not even try. What a glorious honor it is to be called to be God’s hands and feet!

Remember, too, that God does not ask much. He did not expect the man to whom He gave two talents to return 200, only two more. He only expects us to do what we can. If we set our shoulder to the plow, it is enough. I will not retreat from the world expecting a reward from God for cowering from the travails the satan has visited upon us, particularly when so many are groaning in agony and don’t even know why.

I worried for much of my life that I was a high-functioning nutjob. How glorious it is to see that He has called me to be a bit player in His plan to renew the faith and face of the earth. He has called you to the same. Let us, then, turn our faces resolutely to the New Jerusalem, knowing that our redemption is at hand.


My overlapping dual Novenas to the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Tepeyac have been the most important to me for over a quarter of a century. When first arrived in the Denver area on my pilgrimage, I was befriended by the late Sr. Lucille Dupuis, a hermitess near Estes Park. At my first visit with her at her poustinia in the mountains, I was struck by a beautiful Icon of Our Lady near the entrance. I asked Sr. Lucille what it was, for I had never seen it before. She told me it was Our Lady of the New Advent. I was delighted, for this is exactly what we are living. In the First Advent, a groaning world looked forward to the Child in the manger. In this New Advent, a groaning world must look back to the Child in the Manger to find renewal.

It is peculiar to Denver. I found this year, that the Archdiocese of Denver celebrates the Feast Day of Our Lady of the New Advent on December 16. So now I have my Triune, perfectly overlapping Novenas. Each starts exactly in the middle of the previous one.

Our Lady of the New Advent, pray for us!


The thing you have to know about artificial intelligence (AI) is that it is not intelligence. It is algorithm. Yes, the computing system can make connections between disparate elements in its database. But it is like the light of the moon, merely a reflection of the actual human intelligence and creativity that program it and keeps the disparate data bases up. As with all programming, if garbage goes in, garbage comes out.

I am not downplaying the power of AI. We already use it in common applications. Your GPS mapping system is a rudimentary form of AI. While it has no genuine creative capacity, it can perform calculations and searches far faster than a human mind can. That can be incredibly useful. But it also presents a significant danger.

People think that the more technological applications we get, the smarter we get. To the contrary, for the most part, the more applications we get, the dumber we get. GPS systems have left a whole generation of people unable to read a simple map – because the GPS does it for us. Cell phones have left a generation and a half of people unable to remember their closest friends’ numbers – because the cell phone remembers them for us. If a generation that has gone dim on the concepts of evidence and logic comes to believe they don’t have to think because AI will do it for them, the new dark ages we have already entered will get substantially darker.

When we forfeit basic skills, we become dependents on the technology we use. It is a sort of crutch. A crutch is useful when we are recovering from an injury. Used excessively after the injury is healed, it becomes debilitating. I have come to think that technology, without wisdom, has debilitated us.

There is a reason why God does not just give us the answers we want, but forces us to work for them. The effort to obtain skills gives us a discipline – and a seasoning that makes it less likely we will abuse them. If you have to do real research, searching out source documents and making connections, you develop a feel for the work that helps you quickly discriminate between real research and overheated poppycock. People love to attribute quotes, without sourcing, to famous figures. If you have not studied history seriously, you can be easily deceived. If you do know the subject intimately, you know almost immediately when confronted with a phony quote – because it lacks the cadence of or is contrary to the purported author’s language and mind and practice. If you are a brick mason who has built 50 houses, you know whether some instructions you find online are sound or nonsense.

We are become like a man walking on stilts using elongated crutches, We congratulate ourselves on the scope of our vision and the length of our stride – but will we be able to walk at all if the crutches and stilts are knocked away? I have come to see many benefits from my pilgrimage that I did not understand at the time. One of the premier ones was that, without much in the way of technology and anything in the way of utilities, I was able to manage just fine. It was labor intensive, no doubt, but required I use the native ingenuity and physical skills God gave me, diminished as those physical skills already were.

When I was a political operative, I never much cared for endorsements. One client was puzzled by my dismissive attitude about them. “What you take and create for yourself, you own,” I explained. “What is given to you can easily be taken away.” Too many of us are riders on the boat of technology and think ourselves masters of the sea. I keep my rowboat within sight. You are well-advised to do the same.

Technological cyber-attacks are increasing dramatically against all American sites, particularly conservative and Christian ones – and against basic technological infrastructure. Most of the attacks come from China. I think China knows how dependent we have become on our technology – and is working to blind us before attacking Taiwan. I have had some technical people I trust tell me to prepare for some big disruptions in American technology within the next 120 days. I take their warning seriously, particularly given that it matches up well with what I already expect to be challenges in the New Year.

Print out what you need, now while you easily can. Do not panic if some general outages strike in the New Year, whether of technological infrastructure or utilities. My method is – and long has been – the next right step. You are more ingenious and clever than you know. You are sons and daughters of the pioneers who carved a path into this new world and made it into a great nation. It is inevitable that our global enemies are going to try to take advantage of our enfeeblement. The good news is that it is almost certainly not in preparation for any invasion, as some overheated sorts think. That would be brutally difficult in a nation as heavily armed as America, carries little advantage for any current enemies, and risks creating a genuine unity among our discordant population. Almost certainly, when it comes, it will come as an effort to prevent us from projecting power to defend all the other areas that our enemies DO want to subjugate. Lift up your heads, work with your neighbors, and know that our reclamation is at hand, even as things look very dark for a time – and that we are called to be God’s hands and feet in the renewal of the faith and face of the world.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Twitter at @JohnstonPilgrim

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The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

55 thoughts on “Journey Back to Bethlehem

  1. I just laughed and laughed. No Charlie, you’re not a “high functioning nut job”, but I’m suspicious about my thoughts. Your expose was wonderful and I keep leaning in to hear more.

    Liked by 3 people


    OKAY GANG! Time to Lighten-Up & Make Merry …. I Know! It’s Advent but considering …. These-Days ;-?

    I haven’t put up my formal Nativity since I “found” the Fisher-Price Lil’ People years ago.
    Sadly only the basic Nativity Set is made now … no doubt all part of Take Jesus Outta Christmas Op. This year like last there was no sign of Jesus, Mary or Joseph @ WallyWorld ;-(

    Anyway, thanks to eBay, I have been able to find all the add-on sets from The Past …. The Lil’ Drummer Boy Stable that now houses St Nick & Gang. The Inn that had no room. The Well, purple King’s Tent and, of course, the Green Hilltop where the Gabriel gave Glad Tidings of Joy to the Shepherds.

    From other F-P Sets I’ve scrounged extra people who sorta fit in. Like Aladdin/Jasmine, Robin Hood/Maid Marian, Noah/Wife, a Knight Tent Guard + St Nick, Rudolph, Unicorn, Elfs/Elf-ette, Christmas Tree & Frosty’s cousin Boudreaux from Quebec 😉

    They have changed figures over the years so I have three Marys (cousins Maybelline & PeggySue), two Josephs (cousin Ernest de Shepherd), Noah’s twin bro, Fred, in yellow and a total of five kings .. two Kings, BillyBob/Jethro were too wise to ask for directions thus missed the Camel Caravan were stuck with Donkeys and were late ….. Scripture only mentions three gifts …. not the number of “Kings” .. Ka Know!?….. the extras now are just Village People/Shepherds 😉


    Liked by 10 people

  3. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! ….. PS: 😉

    Next to Planes, I love Trains & have modeling Planes & Trains for 60+ years….. soooooo
    Speaking of extras & Lil’ People. I found this Kidde Train on eBay missing all but Elf, whom I already had … soooo, I decided to add St Nick/Mrs plus my extra Baby Jesus.
    Yes!! St Nick was Baby Sitting Jesus one day along with the Mrs an Elf and, of course, a Guardian Angel (Hallmark Ornament) 😉

    Yes! I know!! I expect that there may be purists here who think my Lil’People Christmas displays are somehow sacrilegious?
    These-Days! Anytime you can put JMJ in The Mix …. DO SO!


    Liked by 5 people

  4. I remember, Charlie, when I first started hearing that silly phrase “my truth”! Of course it’s not silly to those who believe it. It always reminds me of the scene in Scripture where Jesus has been reviled and tortured, and Pilate asks, “What is truth?”
    Additionally, I’m glad we’ve never used GPS and being part of a military family all my life, map reading is second nature 🙂

    CD, your display is absolutely delightful! A few years ago I finally let go of the F.P. groups that both our children and grandchildren played with! It wasn’t easy 🙂 Can’t keep everything!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! ….. Happy Day … 😉
    ….. BVM’s Statue, without Divine Protection, will be destroyed quickly in The People’s Democrat Socialist Republic of California ;-(

    Not to Worry! I’m sure that none of these “Immigrants” are Iranian, Venezuelan, NK, Chinese or Cartel Agents/Saboteurs … or just average Murderers, Rapists and Thieves??…… Right!? …. ;-(


    Liked by 2 people

  6. “We are called to release the captives from their own self-imposed misery, from their pathetic delusions of grandeur that bring death, not life. Not all will hear. Not all who do will answer. But some will – and we are responsible to God for making the call.” (CJ).
    The “What is Truth” quiry from Pilot is every man’s question.
    God, by giving us free will, allows us this question so we can learn what truth truly is. But it has a down side in that like the fallen angels, creatures of PURE will and intellect, one can choose separation from Truth and not only live lies but become a father to them.
    For the angels it was instant and permanent. Fortunately for humans, this only occures at death and even then a spark of grace can stay the sentence according to Divine Mercy from St Faustina. But the new “relativism” that Pope Benedict wrote so frequently about has dulled the understanding and meaning of self actualization in truth.
    To judge righteous judgement requires a supernatural wisdom from Grace not books (at least secular books) obtained through the fruit of the Holy Spirit the “Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding” that comes from Truth itself. These gifts when used in tandem with secular teachings allows for a better understanding since creation came directly from the mind of God Himself and therefore reflects Him perfectly. So He is there in science, math, etc and the Spirit then directs us to see Him there by His powerful gift.
    As far as what vocation we are called to live, this directly effects how many and what kind of “talents” we are expected to produce throughout our lives. Scripture says we are are unprofitable servants and only did what we were supposed to do. (Luke 17:10). This means we cooperated with grace and the talents made are by God and through His power working through us. We His “hands and feet” only did what hands and feet do….serve the Head.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I deeply appreciate this comment, Frank. All too few really contemplate Pilate’s question that deeply. They only see the cynicism and not the plaintiveness. If one pays close attention to the whole narrative, one can see the glimmer of hope in Pilate’s question…and the dawning hope that, in Jesus, the answer might truly lie. Truly, Pilate stood in for all broken mankind with this question.

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  7. If someone knows this cyber attack is going to happen, are there no steps being taken to prevent it? Is there no one in our government that still has a brain?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Too many in government have a brain dedicated to the god of power, Judy. With an “effective” cyber attack, they may well think, controlling the masses is that much easier.

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    2. And what actions could be taken? It’s simply too vulnerable in parts and scope, to say nothing of the equally vulnerable requirements to power it. Yeah, it’s aptly named “the web.” Where the tensile strength of a single filament of a spider’s web may seem formidable to a gnat, it’s nothing to a larger animal moving through the thicket. Sheesh, a human hand can simply brush it away. This is the sort of thing that is among the first to fail us.

      Of all the human constructs throughout history, some like the pyramids in Giza remain to this day from ancient times. Partly because they’re a whole lot less vulnerable. Though the exact construction methods and date of construction are up for debate, it’s pretty clear that solid construction methods and the enormous, megalithic blocks used were hardy and simple enough to withstand the ravages of time. I also think that some of these things have endured as a reminder. Not of our prowess, but of the wages of pride, which is death.

      Useful tools are a gift, and there always seems to be one at hand, or at least found with some searching and/or work. Even tech. But, if it came down to having either online banking or something as simple as a good pair of boots, I’d opt for the boots. I certainly never got irritated with my boots.

      Liked by 4 people

    3. Judy, we have been degenerating on many levels BUT every complicated system has wormholes in it – and China has teams looking to exploit those wormholes full time. On the one hand, I do not look forward to it but, on the other, I think it may dispel the illusion that we are the Titans. If so, some early disruptions may serve to innoculate us from being completely helpless later. (And I mean the sort of innoculations that eradicated smallpox, not the innoculations our malevolent gov’t is pushing now.)

      Classically, though, unless you have an impregnable location, the attackers almost always have an advantage in mobility and options over defenders. Add to that a certain gossamer, shifting character to cyber operations from the start and you have a far tougher job of defense than many understand.

      Liked by 5 people

    4. I believe the “powers that be” are actively allowing every kind of mayhem, not so much for the mayhem itself, but to bring “order” out of it.
      Charlie has mused many times that this will get out of (their) hand really fast and obviously already has in some areas because beyond their reality God exists and He only allows evil things to happen which will ultimately bring goodness.
      “”Why did God not create a world so perfect that no evil could exist in it? With infinite power God could always create something better. But with infinite wisdom and goodness God freely willed to create a world “in a state of journeying” towards its ultimate perfection. God is in no way, directly or indirectly, the cause of evil. He permits it, however, because he respects the freedom of his creatures and, mysteriously, knows how to derive good from it: For almighty God… because he is supremely good, would never allow any evil whatsoever to exist in his works if he were not so all-powerful and good as to cause good to emerge from evil itself.”—(Catechism of the Catholic Church)

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  8. Great piece per usual Charlie!!! The part that really struck me is when you said your visitors didn’t want you getting rich 🤑 ha!

    I’ve been a slow learner who’s made a million mistakes (and still am making mistakes) my whole life when it comes to God and what He wants of us! What a failure 😂. But I know God loves me and is working out a plan for my salvation nevertheless!

    Heck I remember once when I did something bad in my 20’s I thought to myself, “ I hope God never finds out about this!” 😂😂😂. Talk about a dimwit! 😂😂😂

    However; there was just ONE THING that I instinctively knew! I was NEVER TO BECOME A RICH PERSON! My dad went so far as to tell me, “Linda, you can fall in love with a rich man as easily as you can fall in love with a poor man!” Honestly, it put a sour feeling in my stomach just like it happened to you at the convention you were at! Darn it all if I didn’t marry for the first time a very very poor man and when that marriage fell, I did it again 😂😂😂. Mike and I still go paycheck to paycheck…. It appears we have a lot but believe me we don’t!😂😂😂

    I just always knew wealth would not be a good thing for me!

    I like the daily reliance on God! When I’m on my death bed, the only things I’ll miss are my loved ones…not things, thanks be to God! Surely not perfected yet but I’m working on things😂

    I think you could have been a very rich man, Charlie!!! You’re brilliant and you can articulate extremely well! I personally think you will indeed be very wealthy someday but it will be in a very different wealthy way eternally! I think you’ll have your own abode someday with lots of us all around you sharing stories, planning strategies to help our loved ones decades even centuries from now and lots and lots of squirrels 🐿️ Our Lady of Tepeyak, Christ Our King 👑 and all the celestial court! Oh I do look forward to it (hope not presume) ! Glory!

    Thank you for teaching us to acknowledge God, take the next right step and be a sign of hope to those whom God puts in our path!

    Comes down pretty handy down here these days!!!😂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, there is a little different spin to it, Linda. Nothing was said about not wanting me to be rich – only about me directing my efforts to that purpose. It had far more to do with complete and full reliance on God – and focusing on the good – than the way you took it.

      A few years ago my son told me I was incredibly hard to buy a gift for – because there is nothing in particular I want. That is largely true. At this stage of my life, it could be reversed in an instant and it would make no difference in how I live my life. As St. Paul says, I have learned to live not having as if having and having as if not having. There is a great freedom in that. I sometimes laugh that I have effectively lived poverty for a decade and a half – and got chubby in the process.

      But they say confession is good for the soul…so I will confess that, while indifferent to most luxury, I DO have an inordinate fondness for Brooks Brothers shirts. And, since I was a little fella I have absolutely LOVED the look of Rolls Royce cars. I was deeply disappointed when I got old enough to realize that even if I ever had enough money to get one, you can’t drive them every day for ordinary purposes. I didn’t love them for show off…I wanted it to be my ride like some people want a Porsche to be theirs.

      Okay, done confessing for now.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. When my first nephew was about 5 years old, we asked him what was his favorite car. He said it was a (multi-stage) black limousine! When he proposed to his wife many years later, he hired a black limo to take her to dinner and proposed with ring on the way.

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          1. Linda, thank you for asking. My mother is 99yo now and doing OK these days. I’m fine. I’m collecting the various Christmas cards that her friends and family are sending her, so that I can sit with her on Christmas morning and read them to her. It will be a nice Christmas, I think.

            I hope you and your family will have a great Christmas time. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

        1. When my youngest was pre grade school, he loved cars! He loved counting “cool cars.” A cool car to him was one whose headlights retreated when not on. As he grew, so did his tastes. One day in early middle school, a Hummer passed us. Oh, he wanted that car! ” That’s the car you want?” This was in like 1992. So I figured, by the time he could drive, a used 1992 might be reasonable…”OK. If you don’t choose something else before then, we’ll get you that car when you graduate from High School!” He told all his friends.

          It was almost two years later when, again we were carpooling from school, when he saw kids on fourwheelers…Yes, he wanted one of those. Whew…

          Poor boy, Mama was so mean!!!


          1. Nance, my first car was a Rambler American 500 sedan. My father’s mother bought it for me while I had my Learner’s Permit. That was in 1967, when I was 16, and it cost $1,600 and had 3-on-the-tree. I had it for 5 years. I was so small at age 16 that I had to sit on a special driving cushion so I could see over the steering wheel (I did not start growing until I was 16 and didn’t stop until I was 20 or 21, at 5’10” and a massive 112 pounds then). After that car, things got much cooler. A 1972 Mercury Capri that I bought with my own money ($3,200) and had for 14 years. A Mitsubishi Starion for 4 years (and sold to my mother). A 1972 Honda CVCC that had a flat board with astroturf on it instead of a front seat and a heating system I installed from irrigation piping and a cork to turn it on and off – unbelievably fun to drive. 2 Volkswagen Rabbits I purchased for $100 total and scavenged one to make the other go. Then a Subaru Legacy Outback wagon that I owned for 22 years and sold to friends who are still using it. And now recently purchased my mother’s Honda CRV.

            “What a long, strange trip it’s been.” But I keep on truckin’!

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Ha, Steve! My youngest brother, Ronnie, had the same growth pattern. Everybody at school called him, “Peanut.” He was on the high school football team – and in pictures looked like the waterboy. But the crowd loved him. When the team was well ahead, they would often start chanting, “We want Peanut!” A decent possession receiver, he usually caught those short passes. Years later, talking about it with him, he told me he HATED it when they put him in the game. I asked him why – thinking everyone wants to get in the game. He looked at me as if I was crazy and said, “All those other guys were twice as big as me – and if I got the ball they were all after me. It was like a rabbit being chased by a pack of hounds.”

              Liked by 3 people

      2. Charlie everything you wrote in response to what I wrote to you is ABSOLUTELY CHARMING!!!😂😂😂. I see what you are saying and I’m in total agreement with you. One thing for sure that I’ve learned is NOT to get you anymore books 📚 😂😂😂. You’ve always already read them!!! 😂📚👼🐿️

        Ps I’ve never even heard of brooks and brothers shirts 👔 I’ll have to look them up😂

        Pss I dated this guy once long long long long ago. He didn’t have a Rolls Royce but he drove a really cool looking Austin-Healy! I just couldn’t admire it like he did and it just drove him nutz 😂😂😂. I think he broke up with me because of it😂😂😂

        God bless you Charlie and I don’t think you look chubby at all!!! But I’ve always heard everyone in heaven is young, perfected and never chubby 🥰👍👼🐿️🐶

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I’ll take skinny or plump as long as I can play baseball again! I want to have a game with my dad pitching, my maternal grandpa catching, my paternal grandpa at first base, I’m at second, my son at short, my Uncle Harold at third, my brother David in Center, my brother Jerry in right, my brother Steve in left, and my Uncle Billy singing the national anthem to start the game.

          Liked by 5 people

          1. Ohhh I LOVE THAT Charlie !!! ⚾️ what beautiful fond memories we have of our childhood days!!! Ha! Glory!!! I can see it in my minds eye and all of us “family of squirrels,” 🐿️ cheering you all on 🥰.

            Liked by 2 people

  9. Just want you to know, Charlie, that your writings have been a great comfort and inspiration to me. You give me hope! Sending blessings and appreciation for all you do. Sincerely, Joan from PA.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! ….. Happy Gaudete Sunday … 😉

    Anybody wanna bet that this Bum actually spends time in jail …. or gets defrocked? I want the Truth about him and Hit-Job on Cardinal Pell … Yesterday!!
    …… & This DC Sad Sack ;-(

    Terra-Power? Sounds like TERROR Power to me if that Evil ***, Bill “Clot Shot” Gates, has anything to do with it!
    …. & ALL you Evil Emitters ….. Stop Breathing!!!

    Not News to US here ….w/Chief PuppetMaster, Beelzebub ;-(
    …… SIGNS! ……………
    …… as a Citizen who worked his way thru College (& ROTC Scholarship w/4 year Service Commitment) and made sure offspring graduated w/o Debt … I’m PO about this entire Student Loan Scam and Democrat Vote Buying Op!

    Oh! … Really? …. Can’t imagine why?
    …… the dirty little secret not spoken of is Retention Goals. The Stats must be alarming! I have NO doubt that the USA Military is hemorrhaging Good Men! ;-(


    Liked by 2 people

  11. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! ….. Happy Day … 😉


    EWTN – Catholic League

    …. Still holding my breath for Justice to really come to Vatican Corruptocrat!?

    It’s Satanism!! Call it what you will … It’s Satanism!!
    THEY will bring War upon US/EU if it will further THEIR Agendas which includes protecting THEM Exposure, Reckoning & Justice ;-(
    …… Meanwhile …… ;-(


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the link Beckita.
      A few notes and comments about this Declaration and the former document this Declaration supplants.
      “The answer to the proposed dubium does not preclude the blessings given to individual persons with homosexual inclinations, who manifest the will to live in fidelity to the revealed plans of God as proposed by Church teaching. *Rather, it declares illicit any form of blessing that tends to acknowledge their unions as such*. In this case, in fact, the blessing would manifest not the intention to entrust such individual persons to the protection and help of God, in the sense mentioned above, but to approve and encourage a choice and a way of life that cannot be recognized as objectively ordered to the revealed plans of God. Consequently, in order to conform with the nature of sacramentals, when a blessing is invoked on particular human relationships, in addition to the right intention of those who participate, *it is necessary that what is blessed be objectively and positively ordered to receive and express grace*, according to the designs of God inscribed in creation, and fully revealed by Christ the Lord. *Therefore, only those realities which are in themselves ordered to serve those ends are congruent with the essence of the blessing imparted by the Church.*
      For this reason, it is not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage (i.e., outside the indissoluble union of a man and a woman open in itself to the transmission of life), as is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex. *The presence in such relationships of positive elements, which are in themselves to be valued and appreciated, cannot justify these relationships and render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial blessing, since the positive elements exist within the context of a union not ordered to the Creator’s plan*.”
      (Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to a dubium
      regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex).

      New Teaching “Declaration”
      “The value of this document, however, is that it offers a specific and innovative contribution to the pastoral meaning of blessings, permitting a broadening and enrichment of the classical understanding of blessings, which is closely linked to a liturgical perspective. Such theological reflection, *based on the pastoral vision of Pope Francis*, implies a real development from what has been said about blessings in the Magisterium and the official texts of the Church. This explains why this text has taken on the typology of a “Declaration.”
      It is precisely in this context that one can understand the *possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples* without officially validating their status or changing in any way the Church’s perennial teaching on marriage.”

      So the “new” idea put forward by Pope Francis affords a non-marital type of blessing as the reason the blessing is permissible. Interestingly, the declaration spends a lot of time explaining how this could lead to a misunderstanding, both as a type of marital blessing or as an official rite which the declaration explicitly denounces. In this, the document affirms the fear of abuses this new movement will cause just by the many protestations it cautions about!
      As far as a simple blessing the blessing of individuals is already officially covered by Responsum ad dubium (see above) but the blessing of “couples” which Responsum ad dubium officially claims to be illicit, is now in direct conflict with the new “pastoral vision” of Pope Francis.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. In today’s world where the concept of “truth” has been made “relative” by our dictators, absolutes have been rejected as “their” unforgivable evils & sins. Like cafeteria Christians that believe everyone goes to Heaven and where sin, the devil, & even God can be reduced to unnecessary concepts that can be rejected outright as obstructions to worldwide peace.

    There is a grave danger in the Synod of Synodality, that threatens to deny Christ altogether in favor of unifying the human race under a single feel good religion of relative truth.

    The two paths before us are:
    1 The easy path of political moral relativism that rejects Christ and his words. The Bible is reinterpreted to be relatively correct by the world’s current moral standard.


    2 The troublemaking fringe Christians that say sin, evil, the devil, the judgement, and God are real. Getting into Heaven actually requires hard effort, and something like 2% only make it to Heaven, maybe even less now-a-days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well!, ACAD,

      I Hope & Pray that your figure of 2% Heaven Bound is way low!?
      I’d like to believe/TRUST in St Faustina’s Message of Divine Mercy and Jesus reaching out to ALL souls at their/our time of death..

      Liked by 3 people

      1. The 2% was just a hypothetical low-ball number I came across, it could easily be in a different range, obviously non-Christians have a harder time making the hypothetical 2% cut. It was taught by many Saints that entry into Heaven isn’t easy, many go to Hell, and some go to purgatory for the past 2000 years. Anyways don’t get hung up on the 2%, my point above was just to underscore that relative thinking will get one counted as one of the “goats”.

        How many have taken advantage of the Divine Mercy? How many even desire Christ’s mercy at all? Most people prefer to redefine sin & evil as nothing bad or even a good thing so they can keep on doing what they’re doing. Our Lady wouldn’t of bothered appearing in many places in the past few hundred years to warn humanity if this wasn’t the case. Have you read what Sr. Faustina has written about Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory? There’s a YouTube video about what she wrote.


    1. I think both Robert Royal and Fr. Gerald Murray do great work and have long been speaking to the dangerous slippery slope on which Pope Francis has been taking us. As has been the case before, the whole developing scenario is gaslighting on the part of this Pope and his cohorts in the Vatican. In typical PF fashion, first came (6- 8 weeks ago-ish) the offhand comment from Pope Francis about blessing same sex unions with the follow up that he meant only blessing the persons, not the union. Now this official document from the CDF, written sans clarity. Next will be a word or an act which will continue with incrementally moving us toward changing the CCC to endorse the sin struggle of the day.

      Of course, social media was lit up all day with responses. I happened upon several comments which well articulate my concerns. Here are two:
      **Fr. Phillip De Vous conveyed: “Tucho and his boss are playing games. It’s the iconography of dissent at work. Say something deliberately provocative in unofficial forum, knowing full well what its implications will be… Then say something in the official forum that makes its seem as if you never meant anything untoward in your unofficial remarks. I call BS on this consistent pattern of behavior. It’s the psychopathology of the iconography of dissent. Don’t pay attention to what they write, pay attention to how they consistently present. Give it a week and James Martin and the Pope will be photographed toasting each other at dinner in the Vatican.”

      **Fr. Patrick Behm wrote: “So, serious question then. If it “doesn’t signify approval of the union,” what DOES it signify? If it signifies helping someone reform a particular way of life at odds with the Gospel, we already have a blessing for that. It’s called the prayer of absolution.”

      Yesterday, I posted the official document because it’s always good to have read the original source. This morning an archdiocese in the Philippines released an excellent letter for consideration. Hope it shows up in readable fashion:

      Liked by 3 people

  13. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! ….. Happy Day … 😉
    ……YEP! PF & his Lavender Marxist Vatican Handlers have been ALL about DIVISION & CONFUSION within the RC Church in particular and Christendom in general!
    …. & I still believe Something Stinks about PB Resignation!

    HullyGee!! I wonder how many “Products” resulting from below phony research ended up shot in people’s arms or ingested in their stomachs?

    “A Revolution Against The Elites!” – WEF’s Klaus Schwab Openly Worries


    Liked by 1 person

  14. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! ….. Happy Day … 😉

    Someday, We Can Have a Serious Political Discussion of What God’s Presence Means
    ………. The Damage has been done! … Worldwide Confusion & Division …… as Planned!
    The Evil Genie of PF’s Papacy can NOT be put back in the bottle ;-(

    THEY Pulled-Off the Covid Hoax/Lockdowns/Gutting Middle Class Business and THEY will continue to “Float” THEIR intentions to CONTROL You/Yours. It be gettin’ late for Ya Blue Staters to have a Bug-Out Plan.

    A Letter from India: Stop WHO’s ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ Tyranny



  15. Ummm. Do blue states have a space for write-ins on their ballots? Wouldn’t it be cool if Trump was the first write-in to win the Presidency?


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