New Article on Covid-19

Recently, I have found so many people online who are talking about the theory and practice of preventing and treating Covid-19 that I realized I no longer needed to update or maintain the 70-page booklet I wrote on it in May, 2020.

For that reason I decided to rewrite the book into a much smaller and more focused article that will be easier for me to maintain and for readers to use.

I also decided that it is time for me to start developing a website of my own that could hold over time the various other healing protocols I have developed, as well as numerous other ideas and articles I might like to put up as the years go by. I wasn’t going to release it today, but Irish7 needed a little help today, and that has prompted me to go ahead now instead.

The name of my website is Steve’s Front Porch, which I hope will eventually indicate a place to come and have interesting discussions to explore various topics, as if we were to gather on my front porch, kick back with drinks and snacks, and solve the problems of the world together. I’m too busy right now to arrange for such discussions, but it is my hope for some time in the future. Meanwhile, I will keep developing this site whenever I have a little time. Readers will need to be *very* patient because progress will be slow.

If you would like to visit my new site, please click here. I hope y’all enjoy the current header image. πŸ™‚

The link to my short article on Covid-19 is still/now in the Menu area of ASignOfHope379 here. If you would prefer to find it on Steve’s Front Porch directly, you can go to that site, then hover over the Healing Matters menu and then hover over the Healing Protocols submenu, and you will see the title of the article. Select that to load that PDF file into your browser.


42 thoughts on “New Article on Covid-19

  1. This is great Steve.
    I read both papers on shingles and the shortened Covid paper.
    Thank you for them. I have had shingles and on the verge of them again. I’ve also had lots of cold sores-is there a protocol for them.
    Another question is the pathways you have laid out. Do you mean if you go one way not to go the other? Or, do you start one and then continue on to the other pathway. I am confused on that point.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. HTTP, I’m glad you are finding this helpful. Cold sores are caused by a virus, Herpes Simplex 1. Anything that suppresses viruses should help keep such eruptions down. I suggest you look not only at the Shingles protocol but also take a look at the Pathway 1 and Pathway 2 supplements in the Covid paper. The overall approach to Covid may prove very helpful for almost all viruses. You might consider adopting the Covid protocol, taking Quercetin and zinc and other items, and see if you stop getting the sores. Your system is allowing hidden viruses to be expressed. The Shingles and Covid protocols suppress viruses. You might also consider doing some HBOT sessions, since HBOT directly treats viruses of any kind. Experiment!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hey Steve,

    Can we β€œsubscribe” to your blog with our email address? If so, where can I find the subscribe section on your blog


    Liked by 2 people

  3. I just love the picture you used, it made me laugh and smile, and is perfect. Ty and God bless you on this exciting and hope-filled initiative!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Thanks, Steve!
    I’ve downloaded the short version of the Covid 19 protocol. I can’t tell you how much I have used your first edition, but it has been tons! And I’ve sent it off to my relatives and friends, too. We are all taking quercetin with zinc as well as the other supplements that you have recommended. In my next step, I’ll be looking into your recommended herbal antibiotics.

    I asked my doctor last month if he would prescribe me a preventative dose of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) because I’m in a vulnerable age group (over 66yrs with comorbitities), and I feel strongly that HCQ is supremely safe and will prevent me from getting covid? He said, “No.” Then I asked him in the event I should get covid, would he prescribe me HCQ? He said, “No.”

    To say the least, I’m looking for a new doctor. But, I did apply with and that doctor gave me a script for HCQ. (I’ve also read that the Frontline doctors will help people get HCQ scripts.) I was able to get it filled by an independent family pharmacy near me. This is another problem, many of the big name pharmacies, like CVS, won’t fill scripts of HCQ. So thankful now that I finally got a preventative script.

    Due to the suppression of the success of this HCQ protocol by the leftist propaganda media, so many people don’t know about HCQ or are afraid of it. A good friend’s mother died two weeks ago from Covid. When she came down with symptoms, her doctor told her to quarantine for 14 days and take Tylenol. That’s it. She kept getting sicker and sicker and eventually died. When I asked my friend if the doctor gave her mother a script of HCQ, my friend did not even know what that medication was!!!

    So, Steve, your information is highly needed. Thanks, again!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Oh, Tex, the whole story of the HCQ debacle is so sad. So many have died unnecessarily. Criminal work in some cases, I believe, but we will have to let the authorities handle that.

      In all my work HCQ at 2 tablets a week for preventive purposes appears to be extremely safe, but do remember to take zinc every day, since it is the zinc that does the work of suppressing viral multiplication. Quercetin every day looks to be equivalent to HCQ 2 times a week, so that is my current fallback for me and my mother. But it is the Vitamin D3 recommendation that is the true key to so much. Testing and supplementing to get D3 up should be something every one of us does regularly.

      I admire your resourcefulness and want everyone here to know you have alerted me to worthwhile material, for which I am very grateful. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you so much Steve! With some conditions that do not have much understanding and don’t seem to have a good response to pharmaceuticals, or if they do, access to these pharmaceuticals is restricted, it is good to hear that there is something a person can do. You give hope that God finds a way through it and a way to help a person cope with those things that they previously may have found hopeless. Not only do you do that, but you show that God has not abandoned us.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. Thanks, SteveBC!
    It appears to be very good and I look forward to reading it. LOVE the photo 😍
    I had shingles for the first time a couple months back and the doc gave me the newest antiviral and I was surprised that it worked immediately and caused no side effects (which I have had in the past). I do believe that prevention is the key and so look forward to your shortened article.
    As a side note, my little town has still not had any infections… although I don’t think we’ve had any testing either! So, no illnesses that are even suspicious. Our doc suggested that testing was a waste of time since it was not reliable and I guess the other docs thought so too. Whole neighborhoods have continued to socialize and so have become β€œquaranteams” rather than isolated. The city park continues full of children with parents sitting around visiting.
    Enough about me! I love your new site. Let us know when the β€œsubscribe” button works.
    God bless all your efforts and endeavors ~
    God bless us all as we strive for physical and spiritual health.
    Katey in Oregon πŸ’™

    Liked by 3 people

    1. MOBY, the Follow button is now up in the sidebar of my site.

      I totally agree that testing is only worthwhile if you have symptoms. The costs in money, emotion, and hassle from getting a false positive are serious, and if you’re doing the right things to prevent and treat, you are even less benefitted by testing. Besides, early on at least, many tests (from China) were actually contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The UK and Spain, as well as Zambia (I think) had to destroy whole shipments. So I have not been tested and have no desire to be.


  7. Thank you Heavenly Father for being so blessed to have been lead (somewhere and somehow- I don’t even remember) to this very very, dare i say, HOLY website.
    Steve, you and your Guardian Angel must be working overtime.
    How incredibly marvelous and wonderful that you are sharing this, actually not only with us, but putting it out there for the world to see.
    How generous of you.
    Thank you a million times and May God return your blessings a hundredfold.
    We pray in the name of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen Oh, Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do; give me your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that you desire of me and to accept all that you permit to happen to me. Let me only know your will.


    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank you, Steve! Going to carve out some time tonight to read your short version of your Covid treatment protocol! I take Hydroxychloroquine every day for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I wonder if that will help me if I get Covid? I’ll ask my Dr. what his thoughts are.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. HTTPOSAAT, there is abundant evidence that those who have been taking HCQ for RA, Malaria, and so on are *significantly* less likely to get Covid. As you read my Covid protocol, you don’t need Quercetin, but most of the rest of the recommendations there are worth your consideration. Remember that the use of HCQ for Covid (or any virus) works *indirectly* by forcing zinc into the cells. It is the zinc that does the work of suppressing the virus. So that might be a good addition to your existing protocol. I would add that the Vitamin D3 advice remains very important even as you continue to take HCQ and anything else on the list.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi, Steve! Thank you so much for your feedback !! It was so nice of you! (re: what else is needed for my situation with my daily use of Hydroxychloroquine normally for RA -should I happen to get Covid-19!) I will purchase the zinc and the D3 and add them to the other items you suggest.
        Your explanation helped me to understand their roles. Thank you so much again! 😊

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Steve, I look forward to sitting on the front porch with you and other friends and learning more from you about health, healing and other lively topics. I love the picture! My first thought was the movie, ‘The Land Before Time.’ It was one of my kids favorite movies and just made me smile. You and your next right step are in my prayers. God bless! ~juls

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Stevebc I’m thinking of ordering some cipro from calvet fish antibiotics. Did I see somewhere that you said they don’t have long shelf life? Thanks Steve! God bless linda

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, Linda, Cipro is pretty powerful. I generally go with the FishMox which is Amoxicillin, but if you have used Cipro before and tolerated it, then go for it. The issue of shelf-life is mainly a problem for the cyclines, which apparently can harm the kidneys with their breakdown problems. Other antibiotics can go for several years before they lose effectiveness, and I don’t know of any of these others that break down into toxic remnants as do the cyclines. I gather you can extend shelf lives for the other antibiotics by keeping them refrigerated or in the freezer, but some online searching can give you more precise information. It’s always good to do your own research or ask a knowledgeable healthcare person (although most docs may not be up on the issue). Survival sites can be good places to go for expiration and long-term handling info.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Stevebc. I’m allergic to penicillin so I’d have to use cipro in an emergency. I’ve been given another one too but it’s not on the fishy list! Lol 🐟 πŸ˜‚am really loving your book!!! Wow!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, a ‘cillin’ allergy can be a real problem. Looks like you need the Cipro, then. I gather you probably also can’t use Keflex or any other cephalosporins, since they may be close to the ‘cillins in structure or reaction. I would strongly urge you to look into herbal antibiotics with colloidal silver as a potentiator. Someone else here has pointed to “Herbal Antibiotics” by Buhner, particularly 4 herbs that can be used instead of commercial antibiotics. If you can find one or more of these to be effective for you, I suspect they would be safer, and if in a specific instance, they don’t help, you could switch to the Cipro as a fallback. I mention this herbal antibiotic possibility in my long and short version documents on Covid-19. I have to do some research in that area for myself but trust the source of the information about Buhner’s recommended herbs. I also keep Olive Leaf Extract and Grapefruit Seed Extract on hand as general infection fighters and have found them quite helpful a number of times – a starting infection just seems to fade away if I take either or both early when just starting to feel ill, but they also help if I start them later when I know I’m ill. So I always go herbal first and only very rarely have needed a prescription antibiotic. My mother used Cipro for E. coli UTIs a number of times but now simply takes D-Mannose powder regularly to control them. D-Mannose works for E. coli UTIs but not others, so finding an herbal antibiotic for those non-E. coli UTIs would be a good idea. Fortunately, my mother doesn’t get those. I’m always surprised how often I have to address a new health problem and find that there are ways to “fix it” without resorting to drugs or vaccines. It’s not 100%. Sometimes a drug really is the best approach. But I’ve had such great success in finding alternatives to drugs that I always assume, if I look, I will find at least one alternative.

          Thank you for the compliment about my book. πŸ™‚

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Thank you so much Stevebc!!! I’m going to print this out and study what you’ve written and formulate a plan of herbal antibiotics!!! You are such a blessing to us here and so generous to us all!!!πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ˜‡
            The Rose is from the little flower!🌹

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Linda, if you need any help sourcing the herbs that SteveBC discusses in his book, let me know. Cheapskate that I am, I can help you find the best prices. πŸ™‚

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Oh thanks so much Mick!!! And yes please if we can discuss Friday? I need to ask you about storing potatoes and such from stores in basement too! Lol. Ps ur not a cheapskate, ur just penny conscious and so am I! πŸ˜‚

                Liked by 2 people

  11. Hi Steve, I’ve been following your protocol for COVID, but am now wondering what the proper dose is for kids (8-10 years)?


    1. Interesting question, 33mercy. Generally, I reduce dosages by weight, with average dose calculated for perhaps a 150-pound person. If the child were 50 pounds I would cut the dose to 1/3rd of the adult dose. Of course, that is often very hard to do. You could cut the number of pills a day (once a day instead of twice, for example), or get cuttable tablets. Opening capsules can sometimes be done, but they tend to be hard on the taste buds and may be acidic, so wash your mouth with water or milk after taking powders. Use your creativity! πŸ™‚

      Most of the items I use are capsules, because they have the cleaner formulas compared to tablets. For kids, you may be able to find different strengths of capsules. Where an adult might take a 500 mg cap of Quercetin and a 30 mg cap of zinc, you should look for caps of zinc equal to 10 mg per cap and for Quercetion, a 100 mg cap strength. Many manufacturers make caps in different strengths for exactly this reason. This is probably the best way to go if using capsules.

      Liked by 1 person

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