Prayer Requests

Praying Hands with Beads
Praying Hands with Rosary Beads and Dove

On this page, readers are invited to send in their prayer requests. I will leave requests up for nine days. All readers are invited to pray for those who ask for it and any who want to offer a word of comfort are invited to do so, as well. May we work together to mutually build each other up and support each other in times of trial.

4,616 thoughts on “Prayer Requests

  1. Dear CORAC, please pray for a successfull outcome and recovery of an ablation procedure to heal my atrial fibrillation that I will be going through this coming Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Please pray for the expert talents and skills of all the doctors, nurses, and support staff. Please pray in Thanksgiving that this surgery to heal my afib is even possible. I ask this in the name of the Divine Physician, our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother of Sorrows. Thy will be done. Amen. Thank you all for your prayers.


  2. Thank You so much- you of all people understand- I remember you struggling with the “breathing machine” or something or other when taking care of Charley. 🙂
    Providentially, our daughter lives across the street.
    May we all live in the Divine Will.


    1. Oh yes, Sorrowful. You have a great memory. It was the supplemental oxygen concentrator. Thank God that your daughter is close by you. 🙏🕊⚜️


  3. Please pray for my oldest son Matt (he and Amy have ten children). He has not been feeling well for about a month. When he got in to see the Dr., he was immediately sent to the ER for transfusion. Amy is asking for prayers of protection especially. She said she would let me know why later. All prayers are deeply appreciated. With all my heart I thank you.

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  4. Amy just texted me: “We need a miracle. The nephrologist was just here, super nice guy. Matt is end stage kidney failure. Depending on what happens tonight decides whether he has to go on dialysis tomorrow. And he may need a kidney transplant…There have been a lot of crazy things that happened this last week, we are definitely under spiritual attack. Clare has been praying for grandpa for his soul, making sacrifices, taking cold showers, praying rosaries and offering masses for him. Blaise had a seizure on Wednesday and then Mary had a seizure on Thursday. (Blaise is number 8 child, Mary is number 1 child and Clare is number 5 child. Grandpa is Amy’s maternal grandfather and a freemason)… (I) believe there is spiritual retaliation going on. Please get everyone you know to pray! I don’t think he’s dying but it’s critical.”

    Blaise and Mary do not have any neurological issues. We have all been praying for Blaine (the grandfather) for his conversion, that his soul be saved. He is in his late eighties or early nineties. He doesn’t have much time left.
    Please ask Our Lady of Sorrows to ask God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for Blaine’s soul. If She makes such a request, how can God not honor it? Asking for healing and conversion in the Most Holy, Most Glorious, Most Powerful Name of Jesus….

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    1. I will pray for your family’s healing and protection now and at Eucharistic Adoration tomorrow morning and Wednesday. May God’s protection be upon you and your family.

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  5. Thank you, Frank. Matt was anointed last night and another priest will visit today. I am so grateful for your prayers of intercession in the presence of Jesus.

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    1. Update from Amy:
      Matt is continuing to look and feel better…His pulmonary edema has improved a lot too. He is talking without having to take a breath every couple of words…so far he has had 5 transfusions and 2 rounds of dialysis.
      His kidney results are still terrible and we still don’t know when he gets to go home. He will still need a lot of care when he does leave.
      Please also pray for us as we navigate all that is required for his care and managing the needs of our large family.
      We are overwhelmed with gratitude for all the prayers, sacrifices, rosaries, masses, Divine Mercy chaplets, offers of help, food, messages and love.
      Thank you everyone for being the Body of Christ to our family as we suffer through this.

      comment from Joyfulhope: I was there when the priest gave him the sacrament of the sick and then heard his confession. The difference for the better was definite after we came back into the room after Father had finished hearing his confession. I personally think that was a big turning point. Our pastor came to visit him yesterday and said he will help with the protection request as well.
      Thank you so much, everyone, for praying and continuing to pray for this family.

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            1. So understandable, Joyful. I just posted a petition there for your son. If you’re not yet in the group, once you’re added in you won’t see the old requests. Just know prayer is now rising from that group as well.

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