Let Us Build Each Other Up

By Charlie Johnston

Nashville, Tennessee – Last week my ire over the public trashing of a Bishop I care about by a man he had been a friend to led me to sin in my casual comments about SSPX. Originally, I wrongly attributed sedevacantism to them. Though that is the case with a few of their members, the organization specifically eschews sedevacantism. I corrected that in the article, itself. In the process I disheartened some of the folks at SSPX who are good friends. SSPX is a very traditionalist Catholic society that has flirted with schism, at times, and is deeply opposed to Vatican II. They say that they only oppose parts of it but in this case, almost all the adherents I have ever met are eager in their trashing of it. I may call those adherents “members” at times, but formally the society only recognizes their Priests and Bishops as members.

This hits one of my hot buttons. In the summer of 1990 I was doing a lot of reading of Reformation-era literature. Somehow I picked up St. Augustine’s “Confessions,” which preceded the Reformation by over a thousand years. It triggered in me the desire to seriously examine the Catholic Church. In fact, it made me wonder why I had never seriously examined it previously. I was never anti-Catholic, though for a boy in the 50s and 60s from a southern fundamentalist background, there was a certain dread attached to looking at the formal Church seriously, even if that dread did not attach to her individual members. For over a decade and a half I DID look seriously at a large number of Protestant denominations hoping for a home, always to be disappointed. By the time it occurred to me to look seriously at Catholicism I had become like a poor orphan boy, believing there was no home for me on this earth.

It turned out RCIA was starting just a couple of weeks after I had finished St. Augustine’s mighty work. (For non-Catholics, RCIA is the process of inquiry and instruction for adults considering conversion into Catholicism. It usually starts in September and culminates at Easter). While I had this new, last hope of finding a spiritual home, I was not going to be fooled again. So I read voraciously the first two months, trying (quite frankly) to find the catch before getting too deep into it. I read many Church Fathers, many saints, and many catechetical commentaries. The first things I read, though, were all the documents from Vatican II. What those documents convinced me of was that I may, indeed, have found my home. Oh sure, I was later to hear all sorts of abuses and offenses justified as being part of the “spirit of” Vatican II by people – and prelates – who had contempt for what the Church actually teaches. But I had read the documents – and I well knew this “spirit of” garbage had no connection to what Vatican II actually taught. After some time, whenever anyone spoke to me of the “spirit of” Vatican II, internally I thought, “Okay, here is another one influenced by the evil spirit desperately trying to attach itself to Vatican II.”

It was two months in when I knew that, barring some major problem, I had found my home. Through this process, there are several rites which move things along. At one point, we had the Rite of Acceptance coming up. For two weeks before that I had nightmares that at the moment of the rite when the Priest came to me, he would tell me, “We do not accept you,” and cast me out of the Church. I told the woman I was dating at that time about these nightmares – and she actually started giggling. Deeply offended, I asked her what she thought was so funny about my nightmares. “You’re intimidated, aren’t you?” she asked. I conceded that, yes, I reckon I was. She replied that she had never seen me intimidated by anyone or anything before and she thought it was about time I felt a little of what the “rest of us” feel most of the time.  I was, indeed, a poor orphan who had gone so long without a home I had convinced myself I didn’t need or want a home – and now I had a home I wanted with every fiber of my being and feared it might be taken from me.

I was always Christian but now I was Christian in vivid technicolor, with all the riches of the saints and the ages around me. The depth of the intellectual inquiry and theological treasure dazzled me, filling me with joy. For me, this was my pearl of great price. If St. Augustine’s great tome was the light that first drew me, the Documents of Vatican II hold pride of place as my gateway to the majestic edifice of full Christianity. I have an emotional attachment to those documents – and a visceral loathing for those who try to pervert and defile them with that “spirit of” nonsense. Thus, a repudiation of the actual documents of Vatican II is a repudiation of one of the keystones of my conversion. It is a hot button for me.

That said, from my earliest days, my focus has been on unity. Shoot, I chose my Christian name, “Abraham,” because of my admiration for the Biblical Abraham and for Abraham Lincoln. The Biblical Abraham is regarded as a patriarch in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. A powerful sign of unity. Abraham Lincoln held America together through a great convulsion through war – another sign of unity that also recognizes that a real commitment to unity in hard times is not for wimps…or a matter of just being “nice.” I chose the name because of its recognition of the complex dimensions of working for unity.

To live unity well, one must know who one’s opponents and who one’s allies are. My opponents are those who seek to destroy the Church and Christianity – including those preening secular opponents outside the Church and those Priests and Bishops inside the Church who seek to correct Jesus Christ and the early Apostles. Those who truly believe Christ to be God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity; and believe that His words are authoritative and binding (even when they disagree on how to interpret those words) are my allies and my brothers. In criticizing someone for senselessly attacking an ally, I ended up disheartening an ally of my own.

I disagree with SSPX on some important things, the nature of obedience and the validity of the documents of Vatican II being the most important. But similar sentiments can be said of many groups of Christians I also respect and am allied with. SSPX does believe firmly in Christ and His sovereign pre-eminence over all things. If there is what I believe to be a lack of docility to legitimate exercises of authority, there is also a profound courage there. It did not escape me that while most of the Bishops of the world were trimming their sails or outright shutting down Mass during the overhyped Covid scare, SSPX continued Mass as usual, demonstrating their deep understanding that we were made for eternity. That was gutsy and inspiring.

In both Psalm 4 and in Ephesians 4:26 we are commanded to be angry but sin not. Last week I allowed my anger to cause me to sin against an ally that was an innocent bystander. I am utterly ashamed of it and heartily glad that I will go to confession tonight.


As many had expected, this week Pope Francis tightened down the screws in his effort to suppress the traditional Latin Mass, announcing that no Bishop in the world can allow it without first getting his express permission.

I am not certain this is canonically valid. The Dioceses of the world are not mere branch offices of the Vatican. Each ordinary Bishop has authority to make exceptions to certain liturgical norms if, in their judgment, it is for the good of their Diocese. That is not to say the Vatican can never suppress certain liturgical forms. In many ways, the adoption of the Tridentine Mass 500 years ago was to standardize the form of the Mass at a time when a veritable hodgepodge of liturgical forms had grown, genuinely threatening Catholic unity. But even as many forms were suppressed, the Vatican was liberal in approving of alternates to the Tridentine form, provided they had a deep cultural history in the region affected. This earlier move was a clear effort to establish unity when it was threatened, but with a due regard for local sensibilities.

Pope Benedict had tamped down divisions over the Latin Mass vs the Novus Ordo by proclaiming each to be legitimate expressions of worship. It had led many people – and many young people – to take a fresh look at the beauty and majesty of the Latin Mass. Meanwhile, not being treated like country cousins had led devotees of the Latin Mass to see the deep faith of many who prefer the Novus Ordo. It will be hard to argue that this edict is to unite the faithful when it clearly seeks to divide the faithful – and has opened up old wounds that Pope Benedict had largely healed.

Normally, even if a Papal disciplinary edict is not canonically valid, the Bishops of the world comply anyway because the Pope DOES control who will be promoted. That may not be the case this time. Pope Francis and the Vatican have made it amply clear over the years that any Bishop who follows Scripture and the Magisterium, who is orthodox, has risen as high as they ever will while Francis is Pope. The best way to advance as a prelate under this Vatican is to support trashing the traditional Magisterium and Scriptural commands, supporting active homosexuality, transgenderism, and even abortion…to try to remake the Church into these predatory clerics’ image instead of conforming ourselves to the clear, overt commands of God. If some Bishops choose to make their stand and fight over the canonical validity of this edict, what have they got to lose? Pope Francis has already made his contempt for orthodox Bishops clear – and that he will not promote them. I think we are headed into a real fight here, and one that will reveal even more clearly the battle lines in the hierarchy.

Some very good people have accused me of risking schism for not just agreeing with whatever Pope Francis says whenever he says it. I think Francis has been determined, from the start of his papacy, to force a schism, making people choose whether they will choose a false version of obedience by following him into a repudiation of Scripture and the Magisterium. As my director Priests can attest, I was warning of this time a quarter of a century ago. The battle lines grow ever clearer. I will still obey any legitimate exercise of hierarchical authority, but I will NOT be ordered into rejecting Scripture and the Magisterium. The suppression of the Latin Mass does not rise to that level, but I think it is going to become a proxy for that battle.

My Nashville crew. Leaning on my chair is my host, Dianne Leaver. At far left is Susan Skinner, author of the Veil of Veronica blog. I let the crowd choose whether I would be with the top hat or without it. The hat is my 2023 diet program – it doesn’t make me skinnier, but it does make me look less fat.

I hope you caught the US Grace Force Podcast with our own Desmond Birch. Fr. Richard Heilman and Doug Barry continue to do great work – and it was a real pleasure to see them highlighting sound eschatology with Desmond’s interview. You will note that Birch looks hale and hearty on the program, so I expect it won’t be long before the catechism classes he teaches online for CORAC will resume.


This Sunday, Feb. 26, at 7 pm Eastern time, I will preside over a national meeting. The link to get on has already been sent out to all CORAC members. On Saturday I will post the link here for anyone else to attend. I hope to see you then.


Thank you to all of you who have answered the call to donate to CORAC. We now have expenses for March covered and are halfway to covering expenses for April. We have an ambitious year ahead where we are going to drill down deep at the local level and ally with many other groups that are doing good work locally. We can share our many resources with them (if you have not checked out the CORAC website lately, you really should. There is a ton of useful material available there) and they become a resource to all of us to help knit the social fabric back together again under God. You have been wonderful in donating your time and talent. If you have some moolah in this Biden economy, we appreciate you donating to us. If you have already donated, God bless you – and keep those cards and letters coming, folks.


Hat tip to Bob Scheich for this image

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Twitter at @Charliej737

Donate to CORAC!

Join the Conversation!

The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

37 thoughts on “Let Us Build Each Other Up

  1. Charlie, I had always thought the SSPX was a society in schism. However, reading Fr.Z’s various articles on the SSPX has led me to understand more about the complexities involved when considering this group and its status within the Church. I share this link because it informed me of developments of which I had not been aware: https://wdtprs.com/2020/04/ask-father-whats-the-truth-about-the-sspx/ Fr. Z has written much more on the status within the Church that the SSPX holds, but the piece to which I link is very well worth the read for those who continue to wonder about this.

    Thank you for your example of apologizing where apology is due. May this be a Lenten Season in which we all might grow in being better able to do so when our own error(s) call for acknowledging the mistakes/misjudgements/misdeeds with the commensurate expression of apology. What comes to mind is your repeated – and rightly so – reminder that we will ALL err on some things. “When ya’ mess up, fess up” can become second nature when regularly practiced. One of my now favorite prayers (I’ve written before that I nearly choked on some of these lines when I first started praying it.) is the Litany of Humility:

    Litany of Humility

    O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.
    From the desire of being esteemed,
    Deliver me, Jesus.
    From the desire of being loved…
    From the desire of being extolled …
    From the desire of being honored …
    From the desire of being praised …
    From the desire of being preferred to others…
    From the desire of being consulted …
    From the desire of being approved …
    From the fear of being humiliated …
    From the fear of being despised…
    From the fear of suffering rebukes …
    From the fear of being calumniated …
    From the fear of being forgotten …
    From the fear of being ridiculed …
    From the fear of being wronged …
    From the fear of being suspected …

    That others may be loved more than I,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
    That others may be esteemed more than I …
    That, in the opinion of the world,
    others may increase and I may decrease …
    That others may be chosen and I set aside …
    That others may be praised and I unnoticed …
    That others may be preferred to me in everything…
    That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should…

    In this house, we have discussed Canon Law in regards to what Pope Francis has done in issuing the rescript. The canon lawyer in residence here notes that it states that the Pope IS the Supreme Legislator. Of course, the rescript is an absolute abuse of his power, and I can see that PF is revealing his heart to the Lord as is each one of us. (Here, I again think of how our own sins may well have brought us the leader we deserve. I also know that obeying the rescript does not imply agreeing with it.) And, I don’t doubt, when all the disorder of these times is set right, the rescript will be reversed.

    Loved Desmond’s interview with the Grace Force team!!

    Finally, one of the most magnificent stories of restoring the Sacred to Church liturgies is told about St. John Cantius Church in Chicago. What a glorious story of highlighting reverence and beauty in both the TLM and the Novus Ordo. This was fostered under the spiritual paternity of Fr. Frank Phillips who founded the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius in 1998 under the approval of Cardinal Francis George. My prayer, hope and dream is that what Fr. Phillips accomplished in this parish will flourish in parishes all over the world as we rebuild/rebirth a New Beginning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejwhzxQL5s4

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Reading more this evening about some points of contention that various canon lawyers have concerning the legal process that was not followed in order for the rescript to stand. At least this Pope is consistent in following his own counsel: Make a mess.

      This is the Lent where we can develop our long-suffering muscles as we continue to do the little we can wherever we may be. And still we can pray: Deliver us, O lord.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I loved the post you linked to in Fr. Z;s Blog – thank you so much for that. And also, especially, the Litany of Humility. I had never seen it before and I will be using it.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. I love the YouTube clip about Saint John Cantius Church in Chicago. It brings to mind so many faith-journey memories, including an encounter in 1994 with then-Bishop Francis George when he was Bishop of the Diocese of Yakima, Washington. I met him in a humble museum setting ~ outdoor Mass, very high temperatures, at a log-cabin historic church re-settled on local museum grounds. We had a pleasant little conversation.

      Saint John Cantius Church reminds me of Saint Joseph Parish in Salem, Oregon. They have a number of weekend Masses in various languages, including Latin. When I’m in Salem, I normally attend the 9:30 or 11:30 a.m. Mass. All are beautiful ~ and practice the sacred art of music. I know some CORAC members who attend Mass there.


      I didn’t know until a few years ago (when burrowing in on family history), that my Catholic great-grandparents were married in that parish in the 1890s!

      Blessings, friends ~
      Sister Bear

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Beautiful reflection, Sr. Bear. Amazing history of your great- grandparent’s connection to St. Joseph’s Church. What beautiful church and wow to the eight multi-lingual Masses on the weekend!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful piece here Charlie!!! I love your deep humility that you can see an error in yourself and fess up!!! So refreshing 🥰. I do the mea culpa all the time too but we just get right back up and begin again 🥰. I don’t understand all the Sspx stuff and the pope Francis stuff so nothing really bothers me😂😂😂. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and I figure God will straighten everything out eventually in His time😂😂😂. Mostly I just follow your advice of acknowledging God, taking the next right step and being a sign of hope!!! What a joy your heralding message has become for me and so many!!! God bless you Charlie and I personally hope you see you (if only by zoom 🏎️) on your birthday!!! 🥳 🎂 wasn’t long ago you were at our home 🏡 on your birthday 🎂 and we had a CoRaC squirrel 🐿️ cake 🎂 for you!!! God bless you in your travels good man!!!🥰🙏🎂😇🐿️ 🐶

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Beckita MP Or anybody I always look into a zoom 🏎️ invite before the actual date because I’m not real tech savvy and often I need to upload things or get familiar with an online event so I did that today for Sundays national meeting with Charlie and I’m not sure how the airmeet works on an iMac 🖥️ computer??? The link brought me right to Charlie’s meeting but I didn’t see anything that indicated where to enter the actual upcoming airmeet meeting. Is there something I need to do Sunday to get in??? Thank you! Linda

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Linda, I know nothing about an iMac. SteveBC and MP are tech experts and will chime in, I hope and imagine. But, I did check the link and there’s no way to get in yet. Makes sense since the meeting doesn’t start until Sunday evening.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just went back in there a few minutes ago and miraculously an invite to register appeared when it hadn’t before so I have now successfully registered!!! I think angels 👼 helped me already 🥰🙏👼🥳🐿️🐶👍

        Liked by 5 people

  4. Thank you, Charlie, for your “humanness”! I admit I didn’t understand all that the SSPX stood for, so I followed the links that were put here on your last post. Fascinating reading and very enlightening. Having grown up in the Norvus Ordo, I threw many questions at my 22 year old daughter when she started attending a TLM with the FSSP. However, it wasn’t until I started attending the Latin Mass that I really understood her love for it.

    I’m so grateful for my faith and discovering Jesus through the Novus Ordo. I don’t believe I would have appreciated the Mass if I had grown up in the Latin Mass. My grandma always prayed her Rosary throughout the Mass and I never understood that. Now I see that she did not have a depth of understanding about the Mass (both from the Latin Mass and the NO). Oh how I thank God for helping me grow–in understanding and closeness to Him! Truly, that is what is most important!

    (P.S. Charlie, I like your idea of “dieting”! 😂)

    Liked by 4 people

  5. That was such a heartfelt and honest apology, I pray all fence posts are mended.

    It would be nice to see that modeled for us all! Perhaps we will.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. “I will still obey any legitimate exercise of hierarchical authority, but I will NOT be ordered into rejecting Scripture and the Magisterium. The suppression of the Latin Mass does not rise to that level, but I think it is going to become a proxy for that battle.” (CJ).

    I’ve always marvelled at the way many saints are unjustly persecuted by those closest to them. There are many cases such as; Sister Lucia from Fatima by her mother, St Pio, St Faustina, St Theresa and St Bernadette by their superiors. And even Job by God Himself!
    While watching the Grace Force podcast with Desmond I was struck by his thunderous comment about a particular checkmark for authenticity in a visionary was in order for that person to be believable was if they would “be obedient!”
    Noticing his statement along with the above stated persecuted Saints I wondered if it might be possible the Latin Rite churchgoers are now being submitted to a similar test?
    Will they be obedient?
    Is “Papa” Francis the Lucia’s mother and the strict Superior of the saints for our times?
    Will we be obedient?
    In movies the persecutor always seems like a jealous, mean spirited, bitter, holier-than-thou jerk.
    Not to attach this to Charlie but it seems, at times, he plays the devil’s advocate by introducing arguments that cause a similar knee-jerk reaction by the faithful here (Me) and it seems it’s on purpose. A long while back I posted that Charlie has a way of coming at faith by a very different road than I had expected to see God use.
    Father Benedict Groeschel did this to me too and it was a good lesson in not trying to “divine the mind of God”. Charlie’s says we need to check ourselves against doing this where we develope a closed mindedness to His salvific ways as only being “our way”.
    Jesus said “these very rocks will cry out” and at Calvary, they did…they split wide open! It is said you can’t get blood out of a turnip but God made a rock water thousands of Israelites in the desert for decades, Jesus made rocks speak of His authority, storms cease, bread multiply, fish give tax money and dead men walk again. If I could not imaging Him bringing someone back to spiritual life, I’m a fool! So I hope this storm awakens our faith to the First Things.
    Jesus, I Trust in You.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! … 😉











    ……. Biden Team that “Investigated” Ukkraine Corruption:

    … an astute Citizen would note that this is the same “Team” used by the DOJ tp invetigate The Biden & Clinton Crime Families!
    ………. Ol’ Mike is just saying what The Party of Death believes!:




    Liked by 2 people

  8. I do not typically attend Latin Mass due to my admittedly poor attention span; when I go to mass in languages other than English (often enough because of travel) my focus tends to wander. However, I do think it is a fine thing and seems to be inspiring for many people. I find it very odd that the Vatican is so worried about Latin mass when so many atrocious abuses are happening in the Church all over the world. Obviously, it is a political attack on those who favor this mass rather than an objection to the rite itself, and it’s hard to claim anything else given the multitude of rites around the world. It’s the usual Leftist version of “unity = you must agree with us or be exiled/removed.” Predictable, tired and dull at this point. If you can squeeze Pachamama into the Liturgy, can you really accuse Latin mass of being “divisive” with a straight face?

    My concern with this is related, but not specifically about the Latin mass. The Pope is giving vague instructions as usual and leaving it to the Dicastery for the Liturgy under Cardinal Roche to police. I’ve read articles explaining why that Dicastery is overreaching and in many instances regarding the Latin mass can actually be ignored, but probably won’t be because power is wielded often by those who “have the appearance of authority” to make a decree but don’t actually have the authority. To me the overall problem is excessive centralization of the Liturgy under a Vatican bureaucracy. The goal of Satan is not really to end Latin Mass, it’s to end valid Mass entirely, perhaps by some innovation that invalidates Transubstantiation in reality but keeps it up in appearance. Is it crazy to believe that one tactic may be to introduce such an innovation via the Dicastery for Liturgy (possibly as a “reform in the spirit if Vatican II” introduced during this Synod) and then force it upon the world to destroy the Mass itself? Attacking Latin Mass may be a practice run, just like the vaccine and radical green policies of governments is a practice run for more control, and perhaps even the mark of the beast? Many Catholics don’t believe in the Real Presence anyway, so how hard would it be to invalidate the mass and then demand unity/compliance by removing the “troublemaking right-wing radicals” who first insisted on the Latin Mass and are now claiming this new thing invalidates the Sacrament? Some Jesuits have already tested the waters on turning over Homily duties to an “AI”, so we can’t expect any resistance there.

    These Vatican bureaucracies don’t seem to realize that they aren’t actually necessary for the Church to exist, nor is the Vatican at all. A Pope is necessary yes, but the Vatican and its bureaucracy are entirely optional. When Jesus said He would preserve the Church until the end, some of there clerics seem to believe (if they actually believe anything Christ said) He meant their dicastery/congregation/etc. Once these bureaucracies become an enemy to Christ and cut themselves off from the vine, they will whither and die unpleasantly. Personally, I do expect the true Church to become unrecognizable and more similar to how it was in the very beginning, with no temporal wealth or power. Only then I believe will Christ use this see to again triumph.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. “When Jesus said He would preserve the Church until the end, some of there clerics seem to believe (if they actually believe anything Christ said) He meant their dicastery/congregation/etc. Once these bureaucracies become an enemy to Christ and cut themselves off from the vine, they will whither and die unpleasantly.” Excellent insight, Lake, and this brings to mind the words of Gamaliel: “So in the present case, I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone; because if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them—in that case you may even be found fighting against God!” (Acts 5: 38-39)

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Lake,
      EWTN news covers this topic with some clarity.
      The segment is almost an hour long but the part about the restrictions is in the first 20 minutes so you can skip the other topics ( if this fits the maximum requirement for video post here?)

      Liked by 3 people

        1. Raymond has 3 experts on and one is a Canon Law expert. They put forward a very good take on this and will fill in any gaps to those of us that are confused about what to do, including Bishops!
          Of course, they do not attempt to guess “why” this is being done as that remains quite the mystery but at least we know the requirements for the faithful….remain faithful!

          Liked by 3 people

  9. “Will the Latin Mass goers obey?” Are there legitimate limits to the obedience due even a Pope? If the wolves in sheep clothing succeed in changing the words of Consecration such that the Mass is invalidated, will Novus Ordo Mass goers acquiesce? Might they look for a “rebellious” priest to offer a valid, though “illicit” Mass? Lots of testing admist uncertainty.

    Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us

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      1. Thank you, Phillip…I normally attend a Novus Ordo Mass and occasionally make the drive to a Latin Mass offered in 2 surrounding Parishes…I’m interested to see how my Bishop, Rev Richard Stika, will respond to this latest rescript. The nearest SSPX chapel will be a 2 and 1/2 hour drive. While looking into “all things SSPX” this latest article from 1 Peter 5 spoke to me:


        Keep the Faith

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Hang in there folks!
          “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
          (Ephesians 13:17).


  10. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! … 😉







    Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom (90 Sec. Video)


    No surprise to most here … BUT … Who is the Master Puppeteer?

    Up the Resistance!


    I have NO Doubt the Election was corrupt but THEY will “Circle The Wagons” and THEY control Swamp DC&AZ Capitol ;-(



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