The Family of Man, The Family of God

By Charlie Johnston

(Update – In this piece I drifted into error on when Jesus knew He was God. It was kind of idiotic, because I have covered this ground before while maintaining full fidelity to Magisterial teaching.

I erred in this one because I drifted into suggesting that Christ was ignorant of His divinity for much of His formative period. In prior discussions of the matter, I have noted that I believe Christ set aside His knowledge in order to grow in His human nature. St. Thomas Aquinas, as usual, said it far more elegantly and concisely than I can: “What He knew from His divine nature, He suffered Himself to learn in His human nature.”

The Catechism covers the subject more technically from Paragraphs 470-483.-CJ)


A little over 2,000 years ago, the world was groaning under the weight of tyranny, poverty and hopelessness. The poor Jewish people were, arguably, among the most hopeless. With their native land of Israel occupied by the Romans, their religious leaders had largely sold out and become enforcers for the Romans, as well. Many gave themselves over to disorder and despair. It was into this dysfunctional world that God chose to intervene directly, to come, Himself, to redeem and renew the world. He did not cast His lot with the mighty of His time, though, in time, He would have extensive interaction with them. He chose to cast His lot with the poor, the downtrodden, those who had the hope driven out of them by the depredations of both the Roman occupiers and the religious authorities who were supposed to defend the people of God, but instead joined in their fleecing.

I wonder, often, at the full magnitude of the Incarnation.  The Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, came Himself, fully taking on our humanity in the fullness of time. I get troubled by some pious writers who maintain that Jesus knew He was God from the moment of His conception. If that were the case, He would not have been man at all, just God in a Halloween mask. Frankly, I get annoyed at almost any hagiography of any saint that makes them into plaster icons of impossible virtue who never had to struggle with anything. On the one hand, it robs them of their triumph; on the other, what consolation is in it for anyone? If you have to be a plaster icon of improbable virtue throughout your life to qualify, who among us can be saved?

I know it sometimes startles people to have someone who has spoken of mystical experiences so love the ordinary, but I DO love the ordinary, for I think it is in the ordinary mud and the blood and the strife of this life that our salvation is worked out. And I think there is something deeply noble and majestically beautiful about it, the transformation and transcendence that becomes possible with God.

Thus, I think that Christ suspended His omnipotence when He took on our flesh, trusting to the other two Persons of the Trinity both to protect Him and guide Him to the full knowledge of His divinity over the course of His earthly life. That means that when He was an infant, he was wholly dependent on His earthly parents. He learned His trade from His earthly father, Joseph. After the temple, it is written that Jesus, “went down with them (Mary and Joseph) and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:51, 52) It does not say that Jesus pretended obedience to His earthly parents, but that He WAS obedient to them. It does not say that His wisdom was unveiled to all, but that He actually grew in wisdom and stature. If He was fully aware of His omnipotence, how would it be possible for Him to grow into the knowledge of it?

Jesus was always careful to see that all righteousness be fulfilled. Thus, He through whom all things were purified was taken, Himself, to be purified according to the law of Moses in the Presentation – and Simeon and Anna were profoundly blessed by His obedience. Jesus made this fully explicit when he went to be baptized by John the Baptist. (Matthew 3:13-17) John plaintively says to the Lord, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” Jesus responds, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.”

Certainly, as the Lord grew in goodness and grace, He understood He was different and certainly had a profound sense of mission. In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus went into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The Scriptures do not say the devil tried to tempt Him, but that He was tempted by the devil. This is what happens to one who knows they have a mission and authority to carry out that mission, but has to grow in goodness and grace to fully understand what that mission is – the way of ordinary human development. Personally, I think that the 40 days in the wilderness was when Jesus fully connected all the dots in his Human Nature. It was all seamless from there – and He went forth to begin His public mission. I may be wrong, but that is the explanation that makes sense to me on how He was fully human and fully divine. It is also written of Jesus in Hebrews 2:7 that, “Thou didst make him for a little while lower than the angels…” Man is created lower than the angels. But there is more to the story, thanks to Jesus.

In coming among us and taking on flesh, with all our sorrows, joys, weaknesses (except for a propensity to sin), and susceptibility to pain, the Eternal Son made Himself fully a member of the family of man. If He did not have to develop as we did, it would be a fraud. Jesus REALLY made Himself part of our family. After He began His public mission, He called His disciples from what were considered the lowlifes of His time. And since He was clearly something very big and chose to cast His lot with and share regular table fellowship with the lowlifes, it repudiated all human vanity. This heartened and ignited passionate new hope and joy among those oppressed “lowlifes” while infuriating the elite of His time – for Jesus’ ministry not only taught, but demonstrated, that the temporal power of the elite is a delusion and a fraud. It is not what is important.

It is commonly asserted by the elite of all times that all men are “children of God.” But that is NOT what the Bible says. Rather, it says that “…to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12,13) (emphasis mine). WE are given power to become children of God, but to so become, we must stretch out our hands to Him. Do not think you qualify just because you acknowledge Jesus as Lord: in the parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-32) Jesus makes clear that it is the one who does His will who is approved, not the one who merely says it. In this manner, then, Jesus did not just become one of the family of man; He gave us power to become one of the family of God. The angels, with all their fidelity, are and will always be, servants in the Kingdom of God. We, from our lowliness, are called by the Lord Himself to become heirs in the Kingdom of God.

Having died and risen, Our Lord and Brother erased the power of death over all of us who call on Him and exercise the power He gave us to become children of God. The great breach at the time of the fall was completely healed for all who will accept it. We were raised after the Resurrection to a status we had not held even before the first man sinned. Can anyone with eyes fail to see the generous bounty of His love? And if He wills all of us to take the salvation He freely offers and hungers for, shouldn’t we, as joyfully dutiful children of God, hunger for the same thing He hungers for?

So, if we call on Him, we should not worry about our own feebleness. We can do little of our own, but Christ can do all. And He so loves us that when we offer our brother, Christ, the little fish of virtue we can, He multiplies it to feed and fill a multitude. So I tell you, worry not over the flaws of your family and friends or the depredations that come from without. Just offer Him the little fish you have and watch Him multiply it to fill the earth in His own time. After all, He is one of the family to us – as we are to Him if we call upon Him.

Once again the world is groaning under the weight of oppression and rejection of God. It grows darker by the day throughout the world. I am offended and angered by these depredations, but the bigger part of me is filled with the sort of joyful anticipation I usually have before Christmas. I sense that the time is near for Christ to intervene – and we are called to be the heralds of the Immaculate Heart as the time nears. When you reach down deep, can’t you feel, even with some pity, that it is almost over for the satan and his multitude of angry anti-God activists? Oh, let us devote ourselves to building and helping to nurture the family of God! And may your children and grandchildren and on to the 10th generation call you blessed for standing in the breach when the furious assault came against the City of God. Maranatha!


Regular readers know that Mark Mallett and I have significant and incompatible views on eschatology. That said, his work on Covid, the gene therapy shots, and mandates, has been absolutely marvelous. If it is not the best work he has ever done, it is right up there. I highly recommend it.

Meantime, I am working on a prayer of reparation and submission that I will print sometime next week. All who have put their faith in the city of man must turn their eyes toward the City of God. I do this because the cascade of adverse events and deaths from the gene therapy shot is accelerating to the point where soon it will be so big that no amount of obfuscation and denials will be able to hide it, even from the most credulous.


I ask for a few prayers for some friends. Please pray for Fr. Regis Scanlon, who is convalescing from a serious illness and for Fr. Philip Scott, who is recovering from a sudden heart attack when he went to do a talk in Spain. Also, please pray for Mary Catherine Westen, the teenage daughter of LifeSite News co-founder John Henry Westen. Take them all to St. Joseph.


We got a nice shot in the arm in our CORAC fundraising drive over the weekend, as $3,000 came in bringing the total in the first week to a little over $5,000. That is 10 percent of our goal. Thank you.

Donate to CORAC!

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The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

197 thoughts on “The Family of Man, The Family of God

  1. It is so awesome to come across your latest Charlie just after watching Fr. Heilman interviewing Emmet O’Regan about the removal of the katēchon. I was so down earlier today and filled with fear over these awful times and how my two kids who are just beginning their lives as young adults are mired in this. Thank you for your mission of inspiring hope and it was truly amazing to read this just after the incredibly hopeful podcast of Fr. Heilman and Emmet O’Regan. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Coming of the lord…

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    1. “I get troubled by some pious writers who maintain that Jesus knew He was God from the moment of His conception. If that were the case, He would not have been man at all, just God in a Halloween mask.”

      Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe it is Catholic Dogma that Jesus – True God and True Man – was always beholding the Beatific Vision (ie. knew that He was God).

      His human nature grew in wisdom and understanding but His Divinity was ever present to Him though not manifested to those of His time on earth (Philippians 2:6)

      This has bearing on His Teaching Authority for if He (as a man) was not always cognizant of His Divinity then we would be left wondering which of His Teachings come to us with Divine Authority and which may be the product of his human imagination. I’m reordering a book I gave away to a friend, the Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, as I recall this issue being a point of contention between the Church and Modernists.

      Fr Chad Ripperger touches on this in his conference on Modernism (around time stamp 47 minute)

      Again, I may be misunderstanding you but with so much Modernism infecting the Church it’s something I want to clear up in my mind


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      1. No John, you are onto something. I have been reviewing the Catechism with Desmond Birch this morning and am going to finetune. I think I fundamentally have a point, but it was not well-parsed here, so I am going to correct and update it. I note in my article that I may be wrong – and I am in some particulars, but I am working on it.

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        1. Charlie,  look at Catechism 470 to 474.  Especially note 472.  This question came up between Philip Frank and I when commenting a while back.  You cleared this up with me and the Catechism 472 affirmed this what you said and continue to say.—- Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

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          1. You’re right, Doug. In this piece, I ventured too close though, suggesting that Jesus did NOT know rather that the son chose to set divine knowledge aside. I actually hint at it accurately in my story, “Joseph’s Way,” which I link to in this piece. Advancing in human wisdom, after His Father, Joseph, rebuked Him on a matter, I have Jesus momentarily remembering with misty affection how He had chosen Joseph from all creation to be foster father to Him – and quickly pushing the memory away. It’s a fine point, but I think it justifies a little clarification in my next piece.

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            1. I’m glad this is being re-examined by all the discussion. It was puzzling to read the initial explanation which didn’t seem to exactly correspond to what I learned in 16 years of Catholic education (back when it was truly Catholic and not modernism). Thank you, Charlie, for being willing to fine tune!

              Glad you gave a “shout out” to Mark Mallett on his C. research; it is thorough to say the least! I also recommend the video Timothy posted in a comment on the last blog entry. It’s about the blood work a doctor did before and after his patient got the, “you know what”. Horrifying, but necessary to know! On the

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            2. Yes.  I do not know this, but also think that he also had visitations at various times or points in his life and things were also revealed to him over time.  Scripture supports this in the sense that angels attended him after his 40 days in the desert, in the garden of Gethsemane and also seeing Moses & Elijah at the transfiguration.One thing I would like to understand better is when he uttered on the cross, “my God, my God!  Why have you forsaken me?”The fact that Jesus was human in every other aspect and set aside his omniscience gives me unbelievable comfort.—- Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

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              1. The struggle is to understand that He became man and took the “form of a slave”. A slave to what?
                Original sin.
                Jesus took on a body bound by the condition of original sins consequences, though sinless, He felt part of the consequences of the fallen sinful “nature” of man: cold, hungry, tired, lonely, sad, afraid, heartbroken, etc.
                Jesus body was not “glorified” yet.
                “Father, glorify Thy Son”. He entered this physical glorification after His resurrection but revealed beforehand His Hypostatic Spiritual Glory in the Tranfiguration where His Godhood shone brightly to the three apostles which has been called by some a brief suspension of the miracle which hid His Godhood from them.
                By divesting Himself of the “rights and privileges” of His divine nature He only disallowed them from affecting the normal human condition of His humanity but His divine nature was not removed and this was shown during the Tranfiguration. “One in being with the Father” was never stopped, this is why He always knew what to do, and could show His divinity by His miracles, prophecy, hidden knowledge, etc. By allowing His human nature to grow and mature like a normal man, Jesus “grew in stature, wisdom and favor before men” but He was never separate from His divine nature and this is why He was “true God and true man”. Any time He seemed to act ignorant it was but a teaching moment for us, like a teacher who askes his class a rhetorical question prodding them to think of the answers he already knows.
                The fear of Jesus not being just like us somehow is not uncommon. We desire a comradery with Him but I think it is misplaced to think somehow we can do what He did.
                Jesus was like us in all things but sin. I think it is a very distinct reality to have never sinned and to be perfect. Being tempted and having the temptation “to” sin are two very different things. As God, by His very nature Jesus cannot sin. Sin is an offense against God. God cannot offend Himself. Jesus could never sin because it is impossible for His Divine nature to sin and as the Chalcedonian Definition points out, Jesus never lost His divine faculties nore put them “aside”
                [“Two Natures unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; the difference of the Natures being in no way removed because of the Union, but rather the properties of each Nature being preserved”].
                He came into the world to become the link between God and man raising our dignity up to adopted sons and daughters and giving us a divine inheritance. He did not just condecend down to us, He raised us up to Him ‘drawing all things to Himself’ just as when “fulfilling all righteousness” he allowed Himself to be baptised by John and made the waters of baptism Holy not the other way round.
                He didn’t become human just to show us what to do but was “Emmanuel”- God with us, to accompany us on the journey.  “For man it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible”
                So now, all things have become possible for us!

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                1. Hmmm.  Phillip, I don’t see Jesus as a slave to sin.  I don’t think that is what that means.  He was a servant, but not in that context. Divine?  Of course.  If he was not divine, then salvation would not be had.  God, being infinite, requires infinite recompense for a single tiny sin.  No human could expiate the tiniest sin, not even the Blessed Mother.  She was sinless  but she was not divine.  Because Jesus was divine, his sacrifice expiated sins once, for all.  His divinity satisfied the recompense that God required.  His humanity opened up salvation to mankind.  Thanks be to God!Jesus was a servant to God and humanity in that he gave his life up for us.  He never rebelled against the father.  He had perfect humility.—- Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

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                  1. Yes Doug,
                    He took on the “form” of a slave.
                    This is different.
                    Like a king dressing as a peasant and going among the people. To all that see him, he is a peasant but in reality. Still king. Soverien, powerful.

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        2. I don’t usually comment, but I do have a thought on this matter that makes sense, to me at least, after raising 5 children. My newborns recognized their daddy’s voice almost immediately, having heard him talk to and serenade them while still in utero, though it has taken till adulthood (perhaps longer?) for most to fully understand what being so loved means. “Knowing” as a child or infant is not the same as “knowing” as a mature adult. The boy Jesus asked his earthly parents why they “did not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” showing He understood He was God’s son. Did He understand then, as fully human, the complexities and mission that would mean for Him? Or did he grow in stature, maturity, and understanding into his role that He, being God, had become flesh like us in all things except sin, that He might die and make reparation for our sin? That’s my take.

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          1. Interesting observation, Cynthia. When my former wife was pregnant with our first, I often had to speak at public venues. She worked out with me a signal I would give her before I would speak so she could make sure to be sitting down. The reason? Whenever my voice came over a loudspeaker, my unborn daughter would start kicking with intense excitement. Even our unborn have a certain “knowing.”

            Liked by 7 people

            1. A slight segue, it might be a good idea to also sing to your unborn child; case in point, awhile back a friend sent this clip with Carrie Underwood’s newborn son showing his preference of one parent’s singing voice…(start at the 1min mark),

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              1. Oh I love this! Baby number 7 was born via emergency C-section, so I couldn’t hold her right away. Her daddy was trying to comfort her and she kept crying. Then I spoke up, “It’s okay, Baby! Mommy is right here!” She stopped crying almost instantly and turned her head to look for me. It was a beautiful bonding moment for me! (And then she promptly peed all over her dad!) 😂😂

                Liked by 3 people


    Abp. Viganò asks Catholics to take cancelled priests into their own homes

    What!? …. exactly is PF talking about? …. embrace the Great Global Re-Set!??

    Feral Gubermint INTIMIDATION!

    We need a ChinaBioWeapon “Nuremberg” Trial for ALL the Alphabet “Medical” Agencies and their Co-Conspirators in BigPharma, Media, DC Swamp & the “Health” System …. but it ain’t gonna happen till Civil War II is won!

    BoobLand USA/most Democrat Voters thinks electricity for cars is Free!


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    1. CD, Closed communities alluded to by Pope Francis seemly are the traditional religious orders [priests, men and women] especially cloistered who worship in the Sacred Latin Tradition. Bold attacks underway. (Video link edited out. Search words at You Tube: “EXCLUSIVE: ‘I am not suicidal’: Hermit Priest of Fairfield details Vatican attack on nuns” ~BH) Fr Maximilian Mary Dean relates the Vatican Apostolic Visitation occurring at various monasteries in US. Forced modernism! Makes my heart cry.

      Secondly, the doctor om the video on the conservative tree house has exposed important SCIENTIFIC data that tells a deadly tale’ What many have suspected. I pray the cleansing water from the side of Christ wash the poison from every vaxxed and infected person and all be healed and saved in the Blood of Christ

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      1. Judy, I edited out the link to the hour long video since we’ve got a 30 minute limit for vids here. I did include the search words which are the title of the video you shared.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sorry about that, Beckita. It was totally off my radar about a 30 minute limit. The content of the video shook me to the depth of my being. I am grateful you found a way to provide access to others.
          Prayers, please, for our priests, and consecrated religious men and women who uphold the prayers and worship in the Sacred Tradition of Holy Mother Church. Today, 6 October, is the start of a novena to St Teresa of Jesus of Avila, asking her intercession on behalf of the Carmelites, but all cloistered communities.
          Many blessings.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. No worries, Judy. It’s easy to forget when you’re moved by something. Thanks for the reminder about the novena. Always praying for our consecrated souls.


  3. “Following, then, the holy Fathers, we all unanimously teach that our Lord Jesus Christ is to us One and the same Son, the Self-same Perfect in Godhead, the Self-same Perfect in Manhood; truly God and truly Man; the Self-same of a rational soul and body; co-essential with the Father according to the Godhead, the Self-same co-essential with us according to the Manhood; like us in all things, sin apart; before the ages begotten of the Father as to the Godhead, but in the last days, the Self-same, for us and for our salvation (born) of Mary the Virgin Theotokos as to the Manhood; One and the Same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten; acknowledged in Two Natures unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; the difference of the Natures being in no way removed because of the Union, but rather the properties of each Nature being preserved, and (both) concurring into One Person and One Hypostasis; not as though He were parted or divided into Two Persons, but One and the Self-same Son and Only-begotten God, Word, Lord, Jesus Christ; even as from the beginning the prophets have taught concerning Him, and as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself hath taught us, and as the Symbol of the Fathers hath handed down to us.”
    (Chalcedonian Definition; Council of Chalcedon).
    I believe Jesus truly “grew in wisdom and stature” as far a his physical properties permitted but not from just having a fully human body but having a body that was under the condition or “slavery” (emptied himself, taking the form of a slave.” [Phililipians 2:7) of the fall (original sin) but not under the punishment of original sin which He and Mary were free of but He shared in human suffering as a result of original sin. Thus His body could be cold, hungry, sick, sad, happy, etc. He had to “learn” to crawl, walk, etc just like any human baby and grow in stature and his mind develop in human “wisdom” like any human body/mind does. This could mean he had to learn how to be a carpenter just like any normal child did but this did not diminish His divine nature according to the above Council. (the properties of each Nature being preserved, and (both) concurring into One Person and One Hypostasis).

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  4. We read the beginning of the Gospel of St. John at the end of every Latin Mass. One of the sad losses of the Novus Ordo. I never tire of being reminded that God desires for us to become His children.

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  5. Prayer request: Earlier this year I had a really bad lower back episode that lasted nearly 2 months. So bad that I missed Charlie’s presentation in Arlington, IA. 😪 My chiropractor got it sorted out and eventually back in action but it left me with a weird sensation in my left leg. I can roughly describe it as a weakness but that over-simplifies it. Very strange, like I don’t have full control and sometimes my heel catches on the ground as I walk. A neurologist suggested an MRI which I did and that revealed a herniated disk. It’s not painful but it applies pressure to a nerve bundle that supplies that leg. Anyhoo, I’m in the process of discerning how best to proceed. Surgery is scary because I know people who have have had such procedures and they were never the same after it. My chiropractor would flip if he thought I was even entertaining the thought. Shhh…don’t tell him I even posted this. 😉 So please pray for healing if it’s God’s will for me.
    Thanks and I love you all.

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    1. Well, I got surgery 18 years ago for what was, fundamentally, a collapsed disk. But I had to, for because of a congenital deformity in my upper spine, it was depriving my spinal cord of fluid and would, soon enough, without surgery, kill me. I was deteriorating by the day by the time the surgery come. I am glad I got it, but my life dramatically changed. I became an old man, physically, overnight. I have to carefully shepherd my strength – and fatigue is my great nemesis. Yet, in learning to do so, I have great joy and get a pretty good chunk done. But as invisible as I can make my disability when I want to, the reality is that I am mildly disabled and it took me a year and a half to begin to figure out how to work through that. Don’t take my case as definitive for you, though, Christopher, for there were several other complicating factors – and the reality is that my neurosurgeon, a year and a half after it was done, confessed to me he was not confident I would ever be without substantial pain because the objective tests showed I had suffered such extensive nerve damage that I should be at least partially paralyzed on my right side – and he did not understand why I could walk, at all. I would never want it done again, but I sure am glad I got it taken care of then.

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      1. Charlie; I wondered if you might chime in. Believe me, I’ve been thinking of you through this and recalling your accounts of how it came about and the lasting effects it has had. I got a DVD with the MRI images. I want my chiropractor to see what’s going on there. I know he will advise against any surgery. Too bad there’s always (it would seem) a subtle antagonism between medical and chiropractic. That’s been my observation. It’s been at least 2 months since my chiropractor told me this would gradually go away over time. It hasn’t noticeably improved yet. Decision time cometh.
        Thanks for the reply and another great post.

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        1. If it’s not going away, you should probably seriously consider surgery. I appreciate alternative medical practitioners – and have used a very good chiropractor before. But I get downright irate when a treatment isn’t working, and an alternative practitioner doubles down on what’s not working. I regard him as wanting me to suffer to prove his point, and it ticks me off. You make a good decision on what is best for you and gives you the best chance at living a good life. Shoot, after my surgery – and after my neurosurgeon telling me he didn’t understand why I was able to walk at all, I walked across the country.

          That really gets to the heart of things, Christopher. Make the best choice you can and are comfortable with, then trust God to anoint that choice and give you what you need to do the work the Lord calls you to, then be docile. On the table, waiting to be anesthetized, I wondered about what if I never woke up? The situation was dicey enough because of the complications that the doctor had given me only a 70 percent chance of surviving the procedure. I thought that if I died, it would be a peaceful, painless way – but it would mean I had been wrong about so many things and was, indeed, just a nut. But I thought, too, that I had inspired some people along the way and that, even if wrong, I had taken great pains to safeguard against abuse and had lived pretty good fidelity to what I believed God had called me to, so I trusted to His mercy even if that were the case.

          My friend, the safest place you can be is in the hands of God. He wants us to make the best, well-considered decision we can and then hand ourselves over into His care. May we share more than a few more cups of coffee and laughs with each other.

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          1. 👆🏻 This is why I love it here. Just wow! You know, through the last 6+ years I never dreamed that taking the next right step would end up being so literal for me. Or should I say the next LEFT step? 🤔

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            1. I think of it like Jesus visited the land of the misfit toys and rescued them.  I have always counted myself as a misfit.  If you think otherwise, I have learned to hide it well as an adult.  Well, maybe I am just comfortable who I am as a misfit knowing Jesus has freed me.—- Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

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              1. Oh believe me…I’m the misfittiest of all misfits!!! Ha!!!! I like that place though. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I personally feel sorry for those who put all their trust in themselves, money, power or fame because eventually…we all will find out how miserable we all are compared to God!😳. I think knowing our wretchedness is actually a Grace🥰 wait!!! Is that pride?!?! Ha! Drats I need to go to confession again😂😂😂

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          2. Charlie, one thing I am surprised you didn’t provide as advice was that Christopher avoid walking off stages where stairs don’t exist 😉… no, in all seriousness now, you are added to our prayers Christopher!

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            1. Ha, Bill, but that adds a little spiced to things – and boosts the morale of the troops. Everyone was so amused by my little misadventure, I’m thinking of doing it on a more regular basis!

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      1. Thank you SO much Beckita! How good it is to know that with everything else crumbling before my eyes there are still things I can count on.

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        1. You know how we pray here, Christopher. I would add one thing. Someone here, quite a while back, posted the info about St. Raphael’s healing oil (he is known for healing Tobit). I ordered some and have been using it every night as I say a prayer for my husband to be healed by his radiation and not suffer negative side effects. I might add that using St. Philomena’s blessed oil for years, has given me and my family many miracles, including NO pain after my hip replacement surgery this year! You can see that I really love the use of blessed oil and expect the Lord to act through it! God bless!

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    2. @Christopher J.
      The numbness and weakness that your are feeling in your leg is due to the compression of the sciatic nerve from the herniated disc (aka sciatica).

      I’ve had sciatica and been able to resolve it without surgery. Just over 30 years ago I fell off of a roof and broke my back. I didn’t know it at the time because I didn’t go to the doctor because I had no money. The injury and subsequent “healing” left my back susceptible to reinjury and herniated disks. About 15 years ago, I injured my back so badly that it left me crippled like the hunchback of Notre Dame. To walk 100 feet took close to 15 minutes and was pure agony. My wife took me into a orthopedist. He had radiographs done of my back and that is when I found out that not only did I have several herniated disks but there was also evidence of the healed fractured vertebrae and stenosis. His recommendation was surgery. He gave me pain killers and anti-inflammatories so that I could function and surgery could then be scheduled. I wasn’t convinced cutting me was the right option.

      When I was able to walk like homo erectus not like homo contortus, a chiropractor was recommended to me by a friend who had had good results with this medical professional. I brought him the x-rays from the orthopedist. After reviewing them and revising my body he agreed with the surgery diagnosis. It still didn’t seem right to me.

      A neighbor who was hale and hearty in his 50’s suggested that I lift weights since I didn’t want surgery. I thought he was crazy! He suggested that I get coaching on how to do the lifts. He suggested a program called “Starting Strength”. After discussing it with my wife, I humbled myself to try his method for 3 months to see if it helped. As he said, I could always get the surgery if his suggestion did not work.

      I got proper coaching. I won’t lie. I was afraid of reinjuring myself, paralyzing myself, becoming a cripple. I was afraid of more debilitating pain especially since both the orthopedist and the chiropractor said I would paralyze myself if I lifted weights. We started light and built up. The old pains and numbness slowly diminished. The new pains were from sore muscles with tendons and ligaments stretching to accommodate the new movements. At the end of three months, I continued lifting. As a senior citizen I continue lifting.

      I don’t know if it would work for you. The only reason I’ve written this, is that Charlie has talked about homeopathy, using nature to heal oneself, as part of the community of CORAC.

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        1. From a back health standpoint, I would have to say the deadlift. It was the one that was the hardest for me to learn to do correctly because years of trying to compensate for the damaged spine had led to strange muscle imbalances. But all of the exercises together seem to work synergistically. The basic exercises of the program are squats, deadlifts, press and bench.

          One additional issue that I have had that I didn’t mention in the previous post is that when I was 17 I was involved in a car accident that left me paralyzed on my left side. Through intercessory prayer on the part of my family and friends the paralysis resolved itself for the most part. The biggest result of the accident is that it humbled me and brought me back into the Church.

          The residual weakness/nerve damage from the paralysis would bother me and may have been a contributing factor to my susceptibility to herniating disks.

          One other point that I think is important; the weight I lift today (150 kg+/ 350 lb+) is not the weight at which I started. My starting weight was just the bar (20 kg/44 lb).

          @SteveBC if you find any scientific reason as to why this might work please share it. My experience seems counter-intuitive to logic but it seems to have worked.

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          1. Deads, squats, cleans are my favorite. I too start with just the bar as the days of 405 deads and 315 squats are a wonderful memory.

            “The cleans are like doing squats on your face.” i.e. they make you breathe like a horse and it is full body pull.

            Good times. “Rejoice in thy youth young man” resounds to this day.

            God bless


          2. El Ingeniero, I don’t know how things would go best. I recall in 1981 I was working with a man who had almost destroyed his knee. He solved the problem by stressing the knee as much as he could – every day he went out into sand and walked harder and harder. Eventually he had strengthened enough that he could walk normally again. Now, he was a big husky guy. I’m 5’10” tall and weigh 125 pounds. I lack the enzyme needed to build muscle and my experience is that if I really stress myself, I injure myself. That means I have to start over. My intent is to start very carefully once my mother has gone Home and see if for once I can build strength without injuring myself. We will see!


            1. Hi Steve, If you do decide to start a program of lifting weights for strength development, get proper coaching to learn the movement patterns correctly. The second thing is start with a weight from which you can easily recover. The key in this process is progression over time. If all you can do is add 1/2 kg or 1 pound a week, in a year you will have increased your strength by 26 kg or 52 pounds.

              I know how it is to be 5′ 10″ and 125 lb. I used to be that size. I had to stand twice to be able to cast a shadow. 🙂


              1. Yes, that’s my intent, EI. Gotta do it very slowly and carefully. I’m glad to hear you now cast a shadow – how normal of you! 😀


      1. El Ingeniero; Thank you so much. I was away for a day and just now saw your remarks. Currently I don’t have any numbness or pain (Thanks be to God!!!) but just a sensation of slight weakness and even that doesn’t quite describe it but comes close. More like a feeling of not being 100% in control of that leg. As if each step with my left foot requires conscious effort to place it where it needs to be as I stride. If you saw me walk you probably wouldn’t notice anything. Very strange. And I should say this ‘sensation’ is not severe, just noticeable. In any case, your input is noted and appreciated. I will start asking around about therapies such as you describe. I’m intrigued by the weight lifting route. Someone recently contacted me with a protocol that I plan to pursue when I learn more. Again, thanks for your comment & God bless you.

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    3. Ah, Christopher, not a pleasant place to be. I poked around in my database and have a couple things you might want to try before surgery. One recommended therapy is simply to take either Bromelain or Proteolytic Enzymes which include Bromelain, which is known to help heal discs directly. Another is IV colchicine, which an alternative MD can provide. Look on for a doctor. Another, which is what I would do after the Bromelain or Enzymes, is prolozone therapy, which is a variant of prolotherapy that is more comfortable and more effective than the original prolotherapy, particularly for older people. The guy I would go to for this is Dr Frank Shallenberger, very well known and respected expert on this therapy. Here is a link to his website. He has videos on use of prolozone therapy for discs.

      Surgery has its place. We have a lot of spine surgery centers here in Florida, and I have been impressed with how well some people I know have done here in FL. My mother had a sister who could barely walk and get around. My mother took her to a spine center here, where they did an outpatient operation on her spine, and she walked out after the surgery without her cane and never had a problem like that again. I believe she had a laser treatment that trimmed away some arthritis that was impinging on her spinal nerves. Keyhole surgery. 30 minutes and she was done.

      So I suggest first the Bromelain or Enzymes, then the prolozone option possibly with IV colchicine if Shallenberger will do it. If that does not solve the issue, then I would get evaluations from several of the spine institutes here in FL or perhaps TX and find the most up to date docs and methods, looking for keyhole laser surgery or possibly rebuilding vertebrae with injected glue or cement or something to strengthen and reset surrounding vertebrae so they sit properly on the disc. There are a *lot* of options available now for this level of surgery, should the prolozone fail. Oh, another option is stem cell therapy. I know a guy who did a homologous stem cell injection therapy on his neck, and he went from unable to work to back to work as it healed over a year. He was very happy with it. Of course, there is the standard of spinal fusion, but I think there are loads of better options nowadays that you should look for before you consider anything that serious.

      Prayers for your good health!

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Thanks Steve! I’m all ears and taking in as much as possible. I will look into the protocols you suggest and Dr. Shallenberger’s site.


    4. Christopher, I have a similar problem with my left leg also. It happened after a back problem which involved 4 bulging discs putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. For 4 months I could not sit very long without pain shooting down the right leg. Eventually the discs receded but the left leg is weak, probably due to some nerve damage. My health practitioner says that it’s an electrical problem. He uses acupuncture along with something called an E-belt to help with circulation and energy flow. But I probably aggravate it by sitting too much, or by doing work that strains the back. Some days are better than others.

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      1. Thanks to all who have replied to my initial post. I sure didn’t mean to hijack this thread with my leg issue. On the other hand, all the support and input reinforces what I’ve loved about this site and the people who populate it going all the way back to TNRS. We’re a fortunate bunch, aren’t we?

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        1. No hijacking at all, Christopher. This is CORAC-style response at work in this forum. Actually, Mick, and all you homeopathy folks, are there any ideas you might have for tending to leg/spine ailments?

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  6. Since you mention that “we are called to be the heralds of the Immaculate Heart as the time nears” and we can almost picture the serpent looking up at the heel that is about to come down hard, we do our part in the spiritual battle as part of her little army:

    You can now join the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary through the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help! Learn more about the amazing spiritual benefits and sign up to be part of the inaugural enrollment on October 7 as the Church celebrates the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary on the 450th anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Lepanto which is credited to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful in Europe at the request of Pope Pius V.

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    1. Thanks, Joseph! My husband and I visited the shrine of Our Lady of Good Help 2 months ago. What a blessing to be in that sweet, holy place! Joined the Confraternity!

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  7. “Meantime, I am working on a prayer of reparation and submission that I will print sometime next week.”
    I am looking forward to this prayer, Charlie. My prayers any more are groans of apology and I hope the Holy Spirit can discern what I am groaning about. My deepest sorrow is for the egregious offenses against the Eternal Father for making idols of ourselves and of science whereby we “become” the creators.
    Collect prayer from Sunday: Almighty ever-living God, who in the abundance of your kindness surpass the merits and the desires of those who entreat you,
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen (capital letter emphasis mine).

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  8. I would like to say a couple things.

    First, I watched a movie about Jesus several years go, and one of the scenes shows Mary comforting Jesus when he is about 7 or 8 years old and falls and scrapes his knee as so many kids do. I’m not sure why, but it seems some people believe that Jesus never got hurt as a child. However, it is obvious to me in the way he puts up with the pain of the Passion that he was already familiar with pain and privation. Did he ever hammer his thumb when learning his trade from Joseph? I suspect he did, more than once. He was apparently growing up fairly poor, so he would have known at least some privation. He was inured to pain *before* he faced his Passion, or he would have reacted much differently. It’s just never been much of a difficulty for me to believe he was indeed one of us and that he discovered Himself later in life, not from the beginning.

    Second, the low-lifes and hopeless people of his day were attracted to him because he was demonstrably one of them and willing to be with them despite his stature. I know that Donald Trump would never say he is some form of God, but the way our era’s Deplorables react to him and are drawn to him is for the exact same general reason as the low-lifes of Jesus’s era were attracted to him. Trump comes down from his palaces and mixes with the Deplorables and carries the torch for them and protects and works to help them, and they know this. So we see in our own time how powerful this bond between a Leader of the People and his loyal Deplorables can be. It explains much about his rallies and about the loyalty they have for him, even when he makes mistakes. This is not a cult. It is a genuine and fruitful bond.

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    1. Great analogy, Steve. That vignette of Mary comforting her small child who was hurt brings to mind a line from Hebrews: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15)

      When my, then, teenage son was attending RE classes and playing PIctionary with his pals he drew a figure which nobody could accurately name. When he revealed it was teenage Jesus with acne, his classmates howled with laughter while a few teachers were horrified… until he reminded them of the line from Hebrews. Who woulda’ thunk… but a teenage boy going though his own wee trial of acne.

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    A foretaste of judgment

    Once when I was waiting outside for an audience with Pope Pius XII, I was troubled in spirit. I was saying to myself, the good Lord has given me many more opportunities than he’s given to other priests: education and opportunities for apostolate, and how little I have done with them. I was disconsolate. Then when I went in and saw Pope Pius XII, I said, ‘Your Holiness, I have just discovered how easy judgment is going to be.’ He said, ‘Tell me, I would like to know.’ I said, ‘Well, I was just saying to myself how much I’ve failed, how little I have loved the Church, really. Then I come in here, and I find the Church personalized. You are the Church, and I am deeply moved at seeing you and how much I love you. I think that’s just the way it’s going to be when we go before the face of our dear Lord. We will be discontented with ourselves, but when we go there, we will be surprised how much we really have loved him.’ ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘that’s exactly the way it will be.’

    Liked by 8 people

    1. For the sake: beautiful, thank you. I think the holiness of Ven. Pius XII is far too much underappreciated in these days of so-called “care” for minorities and persecuted people. When the push really came to the shove, during WW2, what he did for the Jews especially is a blazing beacon in the history of the Church. I’d especially recommend Rabbi David Dalin’s book on how his memory was deliberately traduced by Communists and their wretched fellow-travellers very soon after his death – because they so feared his example! It’s called “The myth of Hitler’s Pope”.

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      1. Amen, Jaykay! I feel so blessed to have 2 rosaries blessed by this holy Pope. My father was in Rome with the military and they had an audience with Pope Pius XII. I remember my mother listening to the radio when he died. May he pray for us now in a mighty way!

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  10. JESUS = GOOD NEWS …… Happy St Faustina Day! 😉

    Does anyone here believe that ChinaJoe and the other DC Stooges’ PuppetMasters will do much if China makes a Big Unpleasant Move in the Pacific or elsewhere! …. I mean besides a strongly worded letter to the UN. ;-(


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  11. Thanks for this wonderful piece Charlie!!! It’s so nice to read your brilliant pieces during this storm!

    “Once again the world is groaning under the weight of oppression and rejection of God. It grows darker by the day throughout the world. I am offended and angered by these depredations, but the bigger part of me is filled with the sort of joyful anticipation I usually have before Christmas. I sense that the time is near for Christ to intervene – and we are called to be the heralds of the Immaculate Heart as the time nears. When you reach down deep, can’t you feel, even with some pity, that it is almost over for the satan and his multitude of angry anti-God activists? Oh, let us devote ourselves to building and helping to nurture the family of God! And may your children and grandchildren and on to the 10th generation call you blessed for standing in the breach when the furious assault came against the City of God. Maranatha!”

    I like that we are simply to offer our two little 🐠 🐟 and God does the rest because honestly that’s all I have the energy to do!!! Ha!!!

    I’m going to pray now Charlie for the people you asked us to pray for. I have a prayer request too. A friend of my sister’s and bro in law Gari Maji just walked in front of a train today and of course died!😫 Apparently his mind didn’t feel right after he got the jibby jabby and he kept going to doctors for relief to no avail😭. I don’t think it was his fault obviously. I suspect the ouchie fauci 💉 played a major role in his decision! My Lord!!! What the heck did they put in that thing?!?!?!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Oh Linda! May he rest in peace, Amen!
      I read this, Jewel. Oh wow! More than ever, I know we need the Precious Blood of Christ to destroy this “thing”.

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      1. So many tragedies these days😫 this is a sad one too!!! She just wanted to be able to be a room mom!!!😫

        Maranatha!!! Can’t wait for God to intervene but in the meantime I guess we just keep offering up our sufferings and our 2 little fishies! What would we have all done without TNRS!!! 😳

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            1. Truly… and it’s happening all over the world… BUT it’s not the end of the story. We cannot take the enemy’s bait and become lost in thoughts looping on the horrors of these times. Fearless – only because we trust God completely – we can fight for truth, however that is guided by Holy Spirit in any situation, AND remain confident that God does not leave us bereft. In the case of families torn asunder by the medical lies surrounding covid, He is there for them.

              For anyone who feels overwhelmed or stuck in deep sadness with all that’s around us, a mightily uplifting work is Fr. Spitzer’s The Light Shines on in the Darkness, because inherent in our trials is a great test of FAITH. A few quotes from Fr. S because we face a time of even greater sorrows to come:

              “Suffering can be a remarkably positive inspiration and power—when we view it within the context of love and eternal life. I did not appreciate this in my earlier years, but have come to realize that it is the highpoint of wisdom – if we have faith in a loving God.”


              “Suffering is darkness—leading to light—if we let it. The darkness of suffering requires no explanation. We have all felt it in times of grief, pain, deprivation, physical weakness, psychological anxiety, setbacks, loss, and failure. Most non-masochists do not rejoice in the darkness of suffering. In its initial moments, it hurts, distresses, enervates, isolates, threatens, and discourages—obscuring and even eclipsing the light of love, joy, and peace that calls us to our true home.”

              “There is no need to remain in the darkness, because we have been told by Jesus that there is light—love, joy, peace, and home—in every kind and instance of suffering—light that can transform us into a perfect reflection of God’s unconditionally loving nature. If we want to overcome the darkness—to transform it into even greater light than we experienced before the darkness, we will have to be able to see the light in the darkness—and then follow it…”

              Liked by 5 people

              1. Amen, Beckita, Amen!!!

                I highly recommend listening to “Be Thou My Vision” every morning. I downloaded it from Amazon for one buck. I read some people on youtube who where soldiers going into war and their testimony was this song saved them. This song makes me happy!

                Anyways, the only cure is to focus like a laser-locked missile on Thanksgiving to God, especially when MORE troubles come, especially when it’s most dark.Thanksgiving is the key to unlocking God’s Tender Love, His Tender Provision and His Incomparable Mercy. Ite ad Ioseph and Our Lady Untier of Knots. It is a Powerful, Wonderful Thought, that warms my heart for Holy Father Francis, that he has championed the devotion to Our Lady, Untier of Knots. Also the Year of St. Joseph. Our Lady, Virgin Most Powerful and St. Joseph, Savior of Our Savior and Terror of Demons, have been my personal strength and refuge, and by the grace of God, will continue to be.

                Other great resources that have been lifting me up are The Marians at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy have “Mercy Moments,” Crosscards have daily inspirations, and DFOT Volumes in A Year. These are all daily short emails and free to all.

                Here’s a youtube link with words:

                Here’s how you can buy it on Amazon:

                Liked by 5 people

              2. You are a very wise child of God🥰. Plz pray for the repose of my nieces husband Chuck who just passed away today from an unexpected blood clot! His youngest child was 16. Chuck was 51. I think we ask one what caused his premature death😫

                Liked by 3 people

                1. SO sad, Linda… and such as this will only increase as time goes on and the ensuing damage from having a proliferation of spike proteins, injected into one’s body via the jab, will produce its ill effects. Praying for Chuck’s soul and for your niece and all who love Chuck.

                  Liked by 3 people

                    1. Amen, Linda. The Psalms in the Divine Office this evening cry out a pattern in salvation history: we err and even when it’s big time mess ups, when we call upon the Lord in repentance, seeking His help, He rescues us.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Ahhh yes!!!! Thank you for that….I need to relay that to a special person in my life who is really struggling right now…funny I was just asking God to help me find the right words!!!🥰

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            2. May they and any here who suffer the loss of loved ones share an eternity of love in the Kingdom of Heaven, in God’s perfect timing. Behold, I make all things new…Revelation 21:1–8

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  12. I sent am email to the President and various Congress members in regards to the Reproductive Health bills that have either been voted on/will be voted on. Got my response from the President: I guess it’s okay for Americans to make their own health care decisions except when it comes to the vaxxx.

    (Dear Mrs. Dxxx,

    Thank you for writing. As a matter of public policy, I strongly support the right of all Americans to make their own health decisions—including the right of women to make personal choices about their reproductive health.

    I understand that there are some strongly-held differences of opinion among Americans when it comes to the issue of reproductive choice. But I also know that there is far more that unites us. I will continue to seek to build bridges of understanding wherever possible, and I am confident that all Americans can join together—despite our differences—to build a stronger Nation.)

    Liked by 2 people


    I’m totally ignorant of the facts …. but I’m Betting de Farm on a Horse named Cover-up!!

    Sooo .. Ya still don’t think we live in the Age of Double Standard?

    The Wheels are coming off the ChinaBioWeapon Scam 😉 .. but … that means THEY will require another Big False Flag Event to distract BoobLand ;-(

    LeftStream Media won’t touch this story bot perhaps TalkRadio & Alt-Media might give it legs … if, in fact, 50+ were ordered off to their deaths!

    THEY have TOTALLY disrupted the Economies of USA/EU with THEIR ChinaBioWeapon godless One- World Re-Set Plan …… & BoobLand USA be @ de Mall ;-(

    Sorry Cuba ;-( … ChinaJoe’s Ventriloquist loves Reds … Wherever THEY are!!


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    1. Hey Crew Dog!

      Watched Jeffrey Prather. Scary stuff. He isn’t as hopeful as Charlie. He says are children will have to fight this war for freedom. That makes me think this will be going on for years. I had hoped God’s intervention and our Lady’s Triumph would “reset” folks back to right order in worshiping God.

      He says something coming Oct. 18 th.

      Interesting, the daily readings yesterday and today speak of the coming of the Lord’s day.

      Thanks for referring.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I have to admit, I cannot say the feeling I have for “satan and his multitude of angry anti-God activists” is one of pity. I will keep it clean and refrain from saying exactly what I feel. Their reign of terror can’t end soon enough.

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    1. Fred, I understand your position–it is humanly difficult to “pity” those who do evil.

      But let me give you another perspective. After our 8-year-old daughter died of a fast growing, misdiagnosed leukemia tumor (we literally found out she had the tumor 24 hours before she died), one of our first reactions was anger against the doctors who didn’t do more in the month before she died. We realized two things, though: one was that to not forgive would cause US harm and two, we reconciled the fact that the doctors did truly not wish our daughter to die (and their guilt was evident later).

      By letting go of anger and turning completely to God for grace, peace and comfort–which He gave in abundance!–we were able to, not only move forward, but to heal.

      And God gifted us with many graces. My husband’s specific gift was a glimpse into the heart of God. He was allowed to experience (in a small way) the infinite joy of a soul returned to God, as well as the infinite sorrow of a soul lost forever. This view of God’s perspective has helped us both to “pity” those souls who follow evil–whether consciously or ignorantly. They need our prayers–if only for the sake of our loving Father’s sorrow.

      (And, yes, this is not always easy for me!)

      Liked by 8 people

  15. Prayers needed:
    “A Saint Gerard Majella priest in St. Louis, Father Larry Huber, was forced out and placed on a three-month sabbatical from parish ministry for his conservative stance within the Catholic church and for not wearing a facemask.
    A group of liberal parishioners has reached out to the archbishop to complain that Father Huber wasn’t wearing a mask during his service.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. God bless and strengthen this priest. (St. Gerard Majella caught my eye. My mother prayed to him to have children. I was the miracle baby because 3 after me were carried full term, but did not live.)

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  16. Sorry for a speculation, just a few thoughts. If the prediction about fatal consequences of the vaxxxes ( meaning current already disastrous effects will accelerate) will come true, I am becoming less and less dismissive of a possibility of the 3rd secret of Fatima playing out before our eyes.

    What if we don’t take it literally, but to some degree figuratively?
    Pope walking through half ruined city of Rome with dead bodies around (after vaxxxes ?) and then dying as a martyr after arrows (?) shot at him. What if arrows have something to do with poisonous injections. This however would imply Pope Francis was really willing good not losing his faith, and he himself was deceived…

    Also if the effects of vaxxxes will be undefendable, we might be poised for a war with China so those in power could distract public from the vaxxx death tolls, and lo and behold for example in the name of defending Taiwan to cover it all up, a war could break.

    Sorry for speculating again.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Beckita, this speculation is however mainly in defense of Pope Francis…
        It’s better to pray anyway 🙂


      2. B, will have to revisit the glass darkly post after reading DFOT this week, …”horrible presence gradually spreading over the earth. I knew it was the enemy of light. Jesus said: “The enemy seeks out his final collaborators. When the moon turns red, my child, the calamities will begin and there will be no break in the events. They will come one after the other. People who are prepared will feel quiet in their souls. People who have rejected me will either choose me then, or take another step closer to Hell. This time is near.”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I remember well this passage from the first time I read it, Maggie. As we now live in the Storm, we’re already experiencing event upon event occurring simultaneously… and this will intensify and it will seem as if evil has won. The girding of loins is very much about resting in the Lord, not just physically, but in thoughts and emotions so as to remain steady even as everything intensifies. The bottom line of Through a Glass Darkly is to completely trust in God and rely fully on Him, for as much as we know, it is like looking at what is to come through a dense fog. Besides, the very graces we need to navigate the wild waters of the future will not be granted until the moments we’re living it. Christ’s Gospel dictum is straightforward: “Be not afraid.” Amen.

          Liked by 2 people

            1. Oh, that’s right! Do’h! Thanks Beckita. I really like reading the Volumes. They give me peace, like this most recent piece Charlie wrote. xoxo

              Liked by 1 person

    1. Here is rather disturbing video from Project Veritas. I don’t if it is a whack-a-doodle organization. Perhaps someone here can vouch for them. If what this video says is true then our religious leaders have failed those of us who don’t with to take the jab for religious reasons. The Pfizer vaccine is being made with cells derived from a fetal kidney according to the video.

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        1. EL INGENIERO DE TEPEYAC and Beckita,

          I have seen the video. I was aware and what, I believe, Catholics were told was that cell lines were used way back when in developing mNRA technology, but that it was so long ago that it would be okay to get the P or M Vaxxxx. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong or explaining it wrong.

          What this video makes it sound like, and again I can’t confirm this, is that there are actually fetal cells in the vaxxxines themselves. Which, if true, would totally change everything. The “fetal cell lines used way back when” is horrific enough, but……. God Help Us!!


        1. I love James and his ever growing investigative team. God bless and protect the courageous parties that have and continue to come forward ethically and expose evil while others simply continue to go on perpetuating the dastardly deeds! ❤

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        2. Thank you to you both for vouching for that organization. Then truly we are in the midst of the storm. I feel like the disciples of Christ felt in the boat in the Sea of Galilee with Jesus sleeping and the storm raging all about.

          Political leaders and religious leaders have all failed us. We are at the point where we can only rely on God.

          Charlie, what you predicted from your visions is becoming more real every day.

          Liked by 2 people


    Madness on Parade from complete Idiots who know NOTHING from Economics & History!
    Yup! ;-(

    Not beyond the realm of possibility ;-(

    Ya might want to watch Jeff Prather….. AMERICA INFILTRATED, INTERDICTED NOW INVADED. Jump ahead to the 7min point to avoid all his usual preliminaries ….:

    This is a Democrat Ploy for Feral Gubermint Control of Social Media!

    Some “Thing” has gotta give!:


    Liked by 1 person

  18. Charlie:
    Not looking to pile on regarding the dogmatic issues, but here are two resources that might help:

    1) “Whom Do You Say…?” by JP Arendzen This treatise on the Incarnation was published by Sheed & Ward in the 1920’s. It is short and, I think, accessible to most readers. He sticks pretty close to what is dogmatically defined. Arendzen is really good. He wrote a number of books presenting Catholic dogma / doctrine on a variety of subjects. His book on the Trinity was recently reprinted by Sophia Press.

    2) “Did Jesus Know He Was God?” by Francois Dreyfus O.P. This short book (120pgs) is excellent. From 1968 until his death he as a professor at the Ecole Bibleque in Jerusalem. Written in the early 1980’s, it was translated into English in 1989 by Franciscan Herald Press. Curiously, Dreyfus is the son of THE Dreyfus, of the “Dreyfus Affair” in late 19th Century France. It has been awhile since I read it but if I remember correctly his working hypothesis is that Jesus always knew He was God in somewhat the same way that we have always known we are human.
    I hope these help.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. A Blessed Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary!!

    Quick question: where might one find a list of where the Rosary Rallies are taking place? The website offers information on how to register a rally, but not where to find one in my state….unless I totally didn’t see it on their webpage.

    Thanks and God Bless!!

    Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!


  20. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! 😉

    I know nothing about Hartford, Bishop or Friars but I’m wondering What the Real Deal Is?

    Criminal/Murderous Incompetence!


    Liked by 3 people

  21. I can’t and won’t get anymore vaccine due to autoimmmune issues but this data on the other side is worth considering but is a bit long but FYI
    (Edited out link, replacing with search words: COVID-19 Vaccines and Ivermectin with MedCram and Dr. Roger Seheult)

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Much worth considering there about COVID in general. ICU nurse is reporting more severe reactions in some younger folks with fewer preexisting conditions. I have a gym buddy who had several months of fatigue, etc from COVID as one example. Some discussion of spike protein dangers of vac Vs. real COVID. As for me I likely won’t get all my vision back but am OK for limited driving and reading but not long stuff. AS for cancer some shrinking of spots seen with chemo recently so we will see. I also got a script filled for Ivermectin recently from an online Dr. God bless Bob

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Bob, so glad to hear from you! Also glad that you’re able to drive and read, and that the chemo seems t be helping. Prayers continue. 🙂


  22. Charlie, Beckita or anyone in this beautiful family… I’ve been a reader here since the beginning and remember way back there was a conference with Mark Mallett and discussions on the different views.
    “Mark Mallett and I have significant and incompatible views on eschatology”

    – Can anyone briefly explain the difference? I believe it was related to the “when” and “timing” of events.
    – If anyone can say a prayer (even one Hail Mary:) for all of my colleagues in healthcare that are suspended without pay and with threats of termination because we did not comply with the C-Vax mandate. All religious exemptions were denied. It’s mind blowing what is going on. I’ve been a Nurse Practitioner for over 30yrs in the same hospital and love my job! I love taking care of my patients! We are all headed for termination.

    I Surrender. Thy Will be Done!
    Jesus I trust in You!

    Liked by 8 people

    1. I am so sorry, MayPeaceBe. A close relative of mine experienced something similar in Washington State. I’m following this situation closely and am keeping all in my heart-prayers ~ now including you and your colleagues.

      Sister Bear

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Maypeacebe, you mentioned you are a NP. Maybe contact the medical professionals here (Assoc. of Amer. Phys. & Surg.) Watch the whole video. They are true heros. I heard:”500 doctors ministered to the whole country, while millions watched on the sidelines” He charged them to own their (God-given) authority. It was extremely compelling and felt anointed. You can find like minded peeps and unite. I’d be willing to bet you’d be welcome:

      Liked by 4 people

    3. For those thinking you’ll always be unemployed after getting fired for not taking the vaxxx, I have always contended that a new economy is already growing. I saw this employment site today. I have no idea if it’s any good, but it has all the right ideas to get things going for those leaving the System. Anybody interested, please check it out and let us know if it is actually good:

      Liked by 8 people

  23. Regarding the Rosary Coast to Coast and Father H, there was an email from him about the Holy League. The email with a message from Cardinal Burke had a short video with the awesome Jim Caviezel, called Be Saints. Please find it and watch, it will REALLY move you; I’m still bawling (which I have a habit of doing when the Lord touches me.) 🙂 It’s on youtube. Be sure it’s the one with music and scenes from his movie about Paul. Maybe my link will work.

    Happy Feast Day, Mama! We need your victory again!! We love you!!

    Liked by 7 people

  24. As we expected, Judge Pitman ruled in favor of PP, and issued a stay of Texas’s Heartbeat Bill. Atty Gen Ken Paxton has already filed the appeal. So far this O appointed judge in Austin has had a 100% slap-down rebuke from the 5th Circuit court. It is like a not very nice game. Please pray for a quick rebuttal.
    So far 40 Days for Life has saved 201 babies since Sept 22 – not counting Texas baby saves of over 3000 since Sept 1. Our BVM is already winning!
    Coast to Coast Rosary is THIS Sunday! Find your closest rally: 4pm EDT; 3pm CDT. 2pm MDT, 1pm on West coast.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. And Rosary Coast to Coast meeting place will be at our local PP. May our voices cry to Heaven in one loud cry this Sunday.

      Liked by 3 people


    A brief reading of the news in Afghanistan and any number of other places where adherents of “The Religion of Peace” abide in a significant % of the population will tell you that THEY are just as barbaric NOW as THEY where in 1571! …. and PF/Special Friends seem to think that we can reach accommodation with THEM.

    I DO NOT think that Yellen, Garland or ANY of the DC Swamp Creatures could endure the years long “Anal Exam” that Trump/Supporters have endured! …. Double Standard Here, There & Everywhere …… Submit or Fight!!

    DC Swamp Creatures, BigPharma, BigTech, GlobalBiz …. It’s a Big Club and we ain’t in it! ;-(


    Liked by 3 people

      1. Clapton had a serious adverse reaction, and said he is not going to perform at the venues that require a proof of vaccination. And obviously he is feeling he had been fooled by the COVID vaxxx propaganda.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I am going to keep that phrase for when people laugh at my singing!

        Honestly, though, some of the sweetest singing is by those who cannot sing. Edith Bunker comes to mind. I also love the singing of parishioners who, like me, sing like a donkey choking on a groundhog (:

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Ha, Timothy, a few years ago, at dinner with a well-known Catholic singer and some of her family, I asked one of the sisters if she sang much. “No,” she replied. “My sister got our Dad’s voice. I got our Mom’s.” Ah, the table of plenty, where those who sing like and angel and those who sing like a donkey choking on a groundhog can come together in fellowship!

          Liked by 5 people

          1. You know Charlie, at Mass I love listening to the sounds.

            One of my favorite sounds are the people who do not sing well, still singing in all sweetness, faith and love. It is wonderful.

            I think it was Becks who mentioned things going on for 2 thousand years that are still at Mass.

            That slightly off-key singing is still with us to this day and I love every minute of it.

            Some other sounds that I love, that I am sure where there 2000 years ago and are still here today..

            The babies chirping , sometimes fussing, sometimes crying. (part of the Magisterium, dontcha know!)
            The deacon(?) walking up the aisle and the sound of his shoes softly treading the floor.
            Of course, I love the bells, but that is a bit later than 2000 years ago.


            1. Timothy, when I went to my first Catholic Mass when I was considering coming into the Church, one of the key things that enthralled me was all the babies fussing. It is written, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” The sound of babies squawling IS that joyful noise. It is the overture to this great musical pageant of life God has given us. It was one of the three key things that made me decide to go further and seriously examine what was to become my home – the Catholic Church. And what a pageant it has been!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Some other things I love….

                The large families filing into Mass. The dads and moms , so serious.

                The young sisters who “torment” their slightly older brothers and enjoy it so much (I wonder if Mother Angelica did that!).

                I also love the teenage faithful males, in shorts, soccer jersey and flip-flops and dire need of a haircut who , before sitting, take a knee and make the sign of the cross. It gives me such hope.

                I do not know if this occurred back in the Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivandi days, but the “My peace I leave to you part” where the wives do the “smoochie-smoochie” look at their husband and everybody smiles and wishes peace on those nearby. I always have a big smile then, and curse the damn masks that hide our smiles.

                And then there are the 10-ish boys who’s minds are elsewhere and their confession lasts about 45 seconds; they emerge exactly as they enteredand t and and they are there with their mother and father who spend about 15 minutes in the confessional.

                And, of course, the sound of the bells calling all to Mass and chasing the demons away.

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Behind us, at Mass today, sat a precious family visiting from out of town. It was wonderful listening to one of their little ones talk to her mother about the various statues in the church. The mother and father had both BEAUTIFUL voices as they sang. During one of the songs, their oldest (a boy about 10 or 11 years) bellowed out the verses….I mean he sang with all his heart and loud!!! I just smiled to myself and thanked God for them.

                Liked by 1 person

  26. EXCLUSIVE: ‘I am not suicidal’: Hermit Priest of Fairfield details Vatican attack on nuns – God bless and keep Father Maximilian Mary Dean.

    Heartbreaking. Pray for our beautiful cloistered Carmelites, especially in Fairfield, PA and others.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is worse than heartbreaking, because it keeps happening to all the holy, traditional groups. What is going on?! Please, Lord, hurry with Mama’s victory!

      Liked by 3 people

  27. I read the four volumes years ago. According to Our Mother, she and Our Dear Lord, Jesus had the beatific vision from the very beginning of their lives. This is “private revelation” with Imprimatur of several Popes and Bishops. A must read.

    Mystical City of God, Volume 1
    Venerable María de Jesús de Ágreda (1602 – 1665)
    Translated by Fiscar Marison

    The Mystical City of God is a book written in the 17th-century by the Franciscan nun, Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda.

    According to María de Ágreda, the book was to a considerable extent dictated to her by the Blessed Virgin Mary and regarded the life of the Virgin Mary and the divine plan for creation and the salvation of souls. The work alternates between descriptions of the Trinity, the Virgin Mary’s life, and the spiritual guidance she provides to the author, by whom her words were reproduced for the spiritual benefit and growth of the reader. The book describes at length the various virtues, and how the reader should live in order to see them reflected in their own life, with the Virgin Mary as their model for sanctity. The work has the Imprimatur of several Popes and Bishops and appeals primarily to those who believe in “private revelation” and the sanctity of Mary.


    1. Of course, the caveat to any and all private revelation ( and I have read and appreciated a lot of the Church’s mystical literature) is that it DOES take time for the Church to sort out (editing as I posted too soon inadvertently) the various details in those revelations, for many seemingly contradict each other. Much to contemplate.


      1. Interesting aside to this, our priest just gave a homily this morning regarding private revelation. Bottom line? If it helps you to become holy and draws you closer to God, that’s what is important. 😉


    2. Thanks SanSan. Of course, an imprimatur is not a confirmation; it just means that there is nothing contrary to faith and morals in it. One could come up with much that is completely contradictory to these and still qualify for an imprimatur. Obviously, I do not object to private revelation. But I DO object to the many otherwise good-hearted folks who treat their favored private revelation as if it is Holy Writ, placing the Magisterium and even Scripture second to it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Have seen the video of the “critters”, but had not seen it identified. No one needs these in their bodies! Instead we need St. Michael the Archangel and Mother Mary to crush all the evil!


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