The Division That Brings Peace

By Charlie Johnston

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” -Matthew 10:34


When goals are similar, people and representatives can argue vociferously on implementation and make noble compromises. When foundational goals are contradictory and incompatible, compromise is not feasible: one side must win and the other must lose. If one large segment of a group insists on going east while the other side insists on going west, the only compromise is to stay where you are – and that won’t get you anywhere.

A large contingent of American society has unmoored itself from the principle of Constitutional government under law, founded on fidelity to faith, family and freedom. These anti-God leftists insist on having a command society (with themselves in charge) where a small elite class rules and everyone else simply obeys or is banished from society – when not actually jailed. There is no compromise possible with these authoritarians. They must lose and we must win.

The big question is how to accomplish that with the least strife and violence. It becomes clearer and clearer that the anti-God left will make war rather than tolerate dissent. People on the right, as it is currently understood, including the secular right and the faithful, will accept war rather than submit to tyranny. This is a formula for revolutionary and/or civil war. Thank God we are a country founded on federalism. It presents the last, best, hope for resolving this crisis without going directly into open war.

We may well soon have to divide into free states and captive states. Do not underestimate how many people are with those of you who cherish the American values of faith, family, and freedom. Courage is contagious. Under withering assault, Texas Right to Life (TRTL) set records in all categories at both its main Houston Event a week and a half ago and its burgeoning Dallas event this last weekend. In Dallas, Rev. Rafael Cruz (father of Sen. Ted Cruz) gave a barnburner of a keynote speech calling for the Churches to stand for Christ, for their flocks, and for liberty. My hands got sore from applauding. The only sour note, for me, was that, at the end, when Rev. Cruz called all the Pastors and Religious in attendance to come forward to pray over this great group of nearly 500 people, a nice contingent of Pastors came forth – but not a single Catholic Priest or Nun was to be found among their number. But the point is, courage is contagious. If you make your stand, many will come out of the woodwork to stand with you. You must also not underestimate how many people have bought into the new “norm” of governmental tyranny. The voters of both California and Canada in the last few weeks voted  to give a mandate to nakedly incompetent and malicious authoritarians (and yes, I know there was some fraud – but don’t deceive yourself on these that fraud ruled the day). These people chose to be ordered what to do, no matter how pathetically it fails.

The states offer a fruitful potential organizing principle, one that would be hard for soyboy activists to intimidate. But whether or not the states take up the mantle of liberty on behalf of their citizens against a rogue federal government, if we are to bequeath our children something other than chains, misery and poverty we must form a coalition of the willing so that freedom never dies – and forms a base from which to rebuild after the inevitable crash of the authoritarians (a crash, I might note, that is already well underway). Alas, failure is always a more fruitful option for the anti-God left: when it fails, it just wallows in misery and complaint; when it succeeds, it carries the seeds of destruction with it and destroys everything in its path.

Secularism, by its very nature, carries the seeds of destruction because it always degenerates into a contest over who will wield power. At best, you have roving bands of rival warlords all seeking to be king of the hill and destroying a multitude of innocents in their path. At its worst, one of the warlords captures the hill for a time and hurts a lot of people before his rule collapses from its own internal contradictions and abuses. This is why, as America has become more secular, it has become less free. Without God, there is only a raw contest for power – in which everyone who plays ultimately loses.

As the country so many of us loved and in which we thrived goes through its death throes, it is easy to be taken hold of by a furious anger. We must be vigorous in defending the liberty of all – and I include violent defense in that when either we or our fellows are violently attacked. If I lived in Australia, I would be engaged in setting up defense measures against their hideous and tyrannical police – and probably the overthrow of their now-fully totalitarian government. But that is not where we are. We have other options in America.

Having said that, we must remember that first and foremost we are called to invite the lost, the confused and those who are now destroying themselves back to communion with God. In these days, the minds of many of the very best are clouded over badly. Vengeance is God’s. Like St. Joan of Arc or Abraham Lincoln, our job is to limit the strife to no more than is needed to defend ourselves and our fellows from violent assault and the overthrow of liberty.

Since January, I have been quietly working with people from several states on what I call my “panic room” strategy. It involves, at the very least, nullification of the multitude of blatantly unconstitutional edicts flooding out of Washington, D.C. – and encompasses the possibility of actual secession if our federal officials insist on continuing their secession from Constitutional government. In January, many of my more sober friends tried to convince me this was not possible with the preponderance of force in federal hands. I maintained that the feds are now so maliciously incompetent that, by the summer, they would begin to reap such a multitude of crises that they would be badly enfeebled in trying to suppress such a move – and that they would forfeit the loyalty of many who they would need to have a chance to do so. Just this week, one of the political prisoners, John Steven Anderson, from the January incursion on the Capitol building died in jail – even as video previously suppressed by lying prosecuters proved that the charges against him were a lie and a fraud. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who publicly asked for accountability from the top military brass for the Afghanistan debacle, has been put in jail for criticizing his superiors. This from a military that excused treasonous acts by top brass against Pres. Trump. Now the chaos is so large and growing that the feds might well be happy to have all the “troublemakers” gravitate to free states and not have to deal with them so intensely anymore. That would set up a very stark contrast between which sort of system thrives and which dies amidst so much sound and fury. It would also relieve a LOT of pressure that otherwise could explode in violence and war – while giving ordinary people the option not to go down with the flaming federal ship on its self-destructive course.

Even earlier than that, in July of 2020, I formed CORAC to give people a means of acting collectively to help each other and to reach out to those who had been wounded by the storm of dysfunction growing in the land. We divided the nation into 15 regions and appointed a regional coordinator in each. The regional coordinator is the leader of each region, who works to connect people and subdivide the region into smaller, workable units reporting to him. They focus on education, activism, and primarily getting people together to talk about and plan for difficult times, while lifting each other up as friends and neighbors. Each coordinator has broad autonomy to follow their own enthusiasms, so long as they are consistent with our mission and they have people within their region assigned to help carry out the fundamental national CORAC priorities. At first, some were critical of such a simple mission statement and that coordinators were given such broad autonomy. But I hate the inefficient bureaucratic mindset that pervades all of modern society while calling itself “professional.” It is a system that suppresses individual creativity and initiative – when I want to ignite a profusion of it, channeled through basic, foundational principles. How do you promote freedom while using a tightly regimented, centrally overbearing control system? I also hate long mission statements. As far as I am concerned, a mission statement should include all that is vital and nothing that is not. One of the moments that sticks in my mind is, decades ago, when a reporter asked President Ronald Reagan what his strategy was in dealing with the Soviet Union. His answer was a masterpiece: “Well,” he said, “It’s very simple: we win, they lose.” Perfect in every way.

One of my great joys this last month is that almost all the larger team is seeing the wisdom in my politically unorthodox manner. Different regions, having different priorities that they are free to pursue, have developed different types of expertise – that they all can and are sharing with each other. When a problem arises in one region, they have a friend in another region who has real-world experience in how to deal with it. Meantime, they are doing what they love – and the only price they have to pay is to also do what we need nationally. What do you think: do people work harder and more joyfully at what they love or at what they don’t? Pretty easy answer, I think. And as they grow, they encourage their own people to do the same. Freedom and joyful collaboration: what a concept! All of our people have the freedom and joy of savoring the work of their own hands – and sharing it with others who have other priorities. Meantime, a lot of our coordinators initially were leery because they feared this was too big for them. Applying my next right step philosophy, I told them their primary job was to reach out to others in their region – that we would provide them updates on all who were signing up – and just get them to know each other and come up with ideas that could help and hearten people. God bless ‘em, they were game to give it a try. Now so many who were uncertain they could do this have hit their stride, walking confidently and joyfully in leading and growing their regions, while working closely with their friends in other regions. The big secret that they had to learn was that they were not alone – that when they operated with a servant mentality rather than a ruling mentality, they would create real communities of people working together in harmony. And so it is. Remember, we are never alone when we go forth, under God, doing the little we can in His service and not fretting too much over what we cannot do. Next right step under God…that’s all we are called to.

We then set up national committees to deal with problems that might arise in difficult times. Our health and wellness teams have developed classes in natural and homeopathic medical techniques that people can use if modern medicine became unavailable (and even if it doesn’t). To date, over 110 people have taken these classes – which we provide free of charge (though people may spend money to get supplies from other outlets – none of which we sell or benefit from). Almost a thousand have participated in demonstrations on how to make medicinal tinctures.

We have set up a ham radio network that now spans the entire continental United States. A government can shut down internet and cell towers. It cannot shut down radio waves, only license them. If everything collapses, who cares about the license? We are moving into some other methods and technologies to keep communication alive under all circumstances. Some methods are as old as civilization, itself; some technologies would impress Luke Skywalker. We are not cursing the darkness, but lighting thousands of candles.

I will talk more later this week about the amazing things the Sustainability Team and the Prayer Teams are doing. Mainly lighting more candles. All of this and, as we have grown to over 1,500 members nationwide, our costs have been kept to a pittance. All of our administrative, website development and maintenance, and vendor costs remain under $12,000 per month.

You can join with us here and find your region at the bottom of the same page. Just click on the region to email your regional coordinator. There is no charge for membership, and it is open to all people of good will, without regard to ethnicity, sex, religious or political affiliation. Yet all members must support the traditional definitions of religious liberty, family life, and human rights as defined by natural law in the American Bill of Rights.

We have now begun our fall fundraising campaign. Our target is $50,000. Many of you have already been generous in the little over a year since we began this family that now stretches from sea to shining sea. I have shown you how some of the money is used. I hope to both expand our reach and cover more needs if we meet our goal. Next week, I will begin to publish a thermometer showing you how close to our goal we have gotten. So I ask you once more to generously open your wallet, join us, and help us to grow. We are busily working on crisis scenarios, teaching people how to develop the skills they need so they can deal with whatever may come, and help others do the same. In many ways, as the old government increasingly aligns itself against the people it is supposed to serve, we have become a sort of shadow government that is, as Lincoln once memorably said, “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Whether America collapses, separates, or miraculously rights itself we are prepared – with malice towards none, but with no timidity in the face of oppression; with charity for all, but charity that defends the friend or neighbor who is under assault by those who have no charity; we are become a great family. Won’t you join the family and become one of our people?

The great Dennis Prager’s latest column poignantly asks, “Who Would Hide a Jew if Nazis Took Over America?” We would. Join us.


One of our members, Darby Duffin, is a documentary filmmaker. His whole family have been wonderful supporters since CORAC was founded. Duffin’s film, “Fish and Men,” was just named the best documentary film at the Berkshire International Film Festival.  As you can see from the link, it is now available for order from Amazon or Apple. I had lunch with Darby last week – and he is already at work planning his next piece. I thought you would want to know.


Make sure to join me on Gab. You can find me there under Charliej373 or at the group, CORAC. I have dramatically cut back on Facebook and now use Gab as my primary social media site.

Donate to CORAC!

Join the Conversation!

The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252


94 thoughts on “The Division That Brings Peace

  1. Fantastic piece, Charlie! When I read Max Morton and your commentary about dividing free and captive states, I felt new gratitude to be a Montanan.

    Question, please… you mention that not a single Catholic Priest or Nun answered the come forth call from Rev Cruz to pray over the people; is that because there were no Catholic consecrated there or because they chose not to come forward?

    Dennis Prager is another dynamo: “Wherever God is delinked from freedom, freedom ultimately withers.” Brings to mind a point you made at one of our CORAC meetings. For all the groups and organizations forming to combat and/or stand against evil agendas, CORAC is the ONE which encompasses the five critical life areas that it does with the abiding principle that we are making our stand with God. Glory what a vision!

    Bravo, Darby Dillon! Love the trailer to your film. Looking forward to seeing the entire film.

    And, now, we bow our heads and pray for all our dreams of a better world to come true in God’s Will and Ways as we partner with Him.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Alas, there were none there that I was aware of. There were some in Houston. But both Bishop Michael Olson of Ft. Worth and Bishop Edward Burns of Dallas are horrifically hostile to TRTL – primarily because those Bishops support Texas’ forced euthanasia law big-time and TRTL will not abide it. (That is the law where a hospital can give 10 days notice that they are withdrawing all care from a patient – and neither the patient nor the family has any right of appeal or recourse – no matter what the physical state of the patient is. They invoked it a few years ago on a patient who was conscious and begged them not to kill him. Coincidentally, the Texas Conference of Catholic Bishops receive big-time funding from the hospital associations. The law sounds too hideous to be believed. I thought there was something I was missing when I first heard about it a few years back – but it is every bit as bad as it sounds…and all but two Bishops in Texas go along with it.) A woman named Kassi Marks is a Texas lawyer and she has done great work on this – you can read some detailed stuff on her blog. It has been inactive for a while, but she did the best and most comprehensive deep-dives into the issue. She has become a treasured friend. Alas, she left the Catholic Church largely because of the infidelity and sophistry of the Bishops in Texas. She didn’t leave Christianity, but was received into the Russian Orthodox Church. This is mainly why I frequently call the Texas Bishops the worst as a group in the country.

      In defense of clerics and religious here, these two Bishops are so hostile to TRTL that they have directed both Priests and parishioners to have nothing to do with TRTL – so some Priests who might otherwise come would probably face ostracism if they did. These Bishops have made their bed – and there will be an accounting. TRTL constantly irritates the Bishops because, when a family’s loved one is condemned, it is TRTL that always goes to court in the family’s defense and often gets the condemnation stayed or sufficient time for the patient to be moved. Almost all the Bishops of Texas think that when such a condemnation comes, the patient should just die and be done with it. Oh, but while they support the death penalty for the innocent and vulnerable, they oppose it for the guilty. I have utter contempt for the Texas Conference of Catholic Bishops.

      Liked by 10 people

      1. That is really really 😢 sad!!! The smoke 💨 of the satan has for sure entered into the church!!! 😫 God help us all when the shepherds abandon the sheep 🐑 🐿🙏

        Liked by 7 people

        1. Yesterday at Church Militant’s site, Michael Voris went you one better, Charlie. He told an audience at CM’s California Resistance conference that there is not ONE good bishop in the entire USCCB, not a single one! He cited private conversations he had with several supposed “good bishops,” all unnamed simply because those conversations were indeed private, that prove said bishops are anything but “good.” While they may occasionally talk the talk, they definitely don’t walk the walk. Our current crop of mitered churchly princes make the German bishops under Hitler look valiant by comparison.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I think it important to keep in mind that Michael has shared his opinion, John. Without knowing the full story of each Bishop, I believe we walk into dangerous territory by declaring a sweeping generalization with condemnation of all Bishops in the USCCB – although I do believe the USCCB, in its present state, should be dismantled. You mention Voris’ own report of private conversations with “several” supposedly good Bishops. Voris cannot possibly be privy to the interior, the heart and inner workings of the Diocese, of each and every Bishop in our country. I’m grateful for the bulk of Michael Voris’ work, but we all make errors and I think this is a step too far. I can tell you, there’s a new Bishop in my own Diocese, cutting his Bishop baby teeth, and he’s on the move, reviving and challenging people, parishes and all apostolic groups, calling them out of complacency to shed the “spirit of Vatican II” and start chopping the wood needed to build and live the fullness of the Gospel.

            Liked by 7 people

            1. Seems if we use the standard of some of the 12 Apostles actions before Pentecost to judge our Bishops by, most would be doing fairly well by comparison!
              And even after Pentecost, there are a few questionable examples like when Jesus appeared to Peter and asked him if He should return to Jerusalem to be crucified a second time!
              What is comforting is that despite these stumbles, the Church was built and is still with us.
              Beckita is right, few of us know nore could imagine the inner workings of our prelates. Not only that but who among us could survive the powerful kinds of demons sent to attack them? Since we wrestle not against flesh and blood it is obvious the greater the responsibility the greater the demonic attacks.
              Most mystics and visionaries tell us Mary pleads for us to pray for our Bishops and Priest because of this.
              THEY, more than anyone else, are the “restrainer” we hear about that blocks evil from completely taking over by their being the instruments used by God to give the sacraments to humanity.
              So don’t join the enemy in trying to destroy them but pray hard for them recognising the difficult state they are in and attacks they are under in the spiritual reality of things.

              Liked by 3 people

          2. Gosh, John, I’m not in a contest to see who can condemn the most Bishops. In fact, I am in communication with more Bishops than people know and have a serious and deep regard for many of them – and admire how valiantly some of them are working to restore orthodoxy to the formal Church. Michael does some great work – and he is a friend who I respect. But he tends to look for the flaw and as soon as he finds it condemns. I look for the thread of virtue – and seek to engage with it. We have a different approach. Sometimes his reveals some serious things we need to know. Often it alienates good people who need not be our enemies. As I said in an earlier piece, I am not interested in some emotionally cathartic release; I am interested in sparking real fidelity that accomplishes real gains without losing anyone unnecessarily.

            Liked by 5 people

            1. When mission control was in near chaos during the Apollo 13 mission –– with onboard systems breaking down right and left and warning consoles lit up like Christmas trees –– it was a seasoned and cool-headed Gene Kranz, the NASA Flight Director, who asked the team, “what do we have on the ship that works?… let’s start there.” I’d say it was a pivotal moment that made the difference in getting the crew safely home.

              Who’s got the right stuff?

              Liked by 11 people

              1. Thank you, MP. I love this story, and especially the words of Gene Kranz. There’s a meme in there somewhere… or at least a cool MP-produced “poster” or something. Not like you need anything else to do, but personally I’d love to see this quote permanently affixed somewhere on the CORAC site. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                1. The meme is “Play Like A Champion Today,” posted prominently in the stairwell so we can see it on the way out of the locker room on the way to the field. Also, HNTG (just because we like sports analogies). Hahahahaha!


                2. Can’t you just hear Charlie saying that exact phrase followed by-Acknowledge God, take the next right step. Being the seasoned and cool-headed person is the sign of hope.


          3. Hi John, I can’t speak to what Michael Voris said but I know from scripture that Our Lord said… “Why callest thou me good? None is good but one, that is God.” It shouldn’t really surprise us that we don’t find good humans and that includes ourselves. He also said “by their fruits you will know them.” There are bishops out there standing up for the truth and speaking up about unpopular, even dangerous themes, resisting temptation to silence which is safe. Bishop Strickland (Tyler, TEXAS) is speaking out pro-life and against acceptance of homosexuality. Bishop Cordileone (San Francisco CA) is doing the same in the belly of a beast and one of the very few truly outspoken critics of hypocritical Nancy Pelosi. He is standing up for the innocents who are being slaughtered under legal protection and actually calling it out now as “child sacrifice.” The bolder bishops are getting bolder and they at least need to be buoyed by us not broadbrushed as irrelevant and “not good.” WHO is good???? God bless them and strengthen them in the fight, which in this age is mostly fought by words in the public square and the swords of prayer because it is that moves many to action and changes hearts. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in their shoes and there is a reason we’re not in them. But God help us not to kick them when they’re down…

            Liked by 6 people

          4. John, I live in the diocese of Lansing (MI), and we have an excellent bishop. God bless Bishop Earl Boyea, and may he be at the helm of our diocese for years to come.

            And thank God for Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Aquila, Archbishop Cordileone, Bishop Thomas Paprocki, and others who are truly doing their best to hold the Catholic line.

            Liked by 2 people

          5. John – I watched the same video. I did not understand his comments as being that there is not any “Good” Bishops. I felt that his message is that you need to fully evaluate how you define “Good”. I could go on but the fact that we our all sinners and we could all be criticized for something wrong we have all done comes to mind.
            I look at our Bishops on a spectrum. There are some generally good ones and some generally poor (some say may even be evil) ones. And the rest are in the middle to some degree.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. I remember this sad and sordid story concerning the majority of the Texas Bishops and their disordered priorities concerning the value of life.

        Remembering Kassi, too, her outstanding work and her guest post on site.

        There seems to be no shame among these wayward prelates, even when people like Kassi expose their anti-Gospel ways.

        Liked by 4 people

  2. Excellent piece Charlie and I love how you state this:

    “Having said that, we must remember that first and foremost we are called to invite the lost, the confused and those who are now destroying themselves back to communion with God. In these days, the minds of many of the very best are clouded over badly. Vengeance is God’s. Like St. Joan of Arc or Abraham Lincoln, our job is to limit the strife to no more than is needed to defend ourselves and our fellows from violent assault and the overthrow of liberty.”

    Invite the lost!!! Ha!!! Hard to do these days when our own church ⛪️ is in shambles itself and yet there are soooo many good priests, religious and hierarchy too!!! Still the ones who bit the apple make it very hard to evangelize in these times.😫

    I’m wondering which side Ohio may end up in succession. Anyone out there know? We have an election in November and I’m sure Dewine is shaking in his boots! Ohio is Trump country and we all weren’t too happy with his mask mandate last year!!! He’s been quiet as of late! I’m thinking he’s done and we’ll get a true patriot in this November 🙏🙏🙏

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Maybe it will not be at the state level, but county or urban vs rural level.

      People can secede from states and counties and towns too.

      Put it this way, Pennsylvania is Philly in the East, Pittsburgh in the West and Oklahoma in the middle.

      Likewise, Buffalo is closer to Chicago than it is to New York City.

      God bless

      Liked by 8 people

      1. I agree, Timothy–we live in a suburb of Memphis. It is a conservative enclave in a liberal area- Memphis and its County of Shelby is liberal. I would say that the small town areas are mostly conservative. International Falls, MN is a small conservative town on the Canadian border– even though it’s in MN!

        Liked by 5 people

  3. For those interested, I am available on Gab as well. @SteveGabBC is what you should search for. I am not currently active there but may become so, especially now that Charlie and CORAC are there and active.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Good to know, SteveBC! I just read Andrew Torba’s latest article and he is working on a media production company to replace the smut that is aired on most tv and cable programming. He has a sneak peek there.

      Andrew also shares, “I’ve recently been writing extensively about what I call a Parallel Society. This led one of my close friends to point out a book to me by Rod Dreher called The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation. It’s a fantastic read and brilliantly captures the spirit of what I have been trying to do with Gab for over five years now.”

      Like-minded brethren missions are springing up everywhere. Thanks be to God!

      Liked by 11 people

    2. I got an account also after Charlie reminded us. Found Charlie and “followed”, will do for you also, Steve! But I do get emails about your blog posts; don’t know if that’s a duplicate? Yay! I like what you said Jen, about Torba and what he’s doing. Praise God!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Annie, my website and Gab are totally separate. You will need to go to Gab each day to keep up on your timeline there AND you will be getting emails from my website when I post things there. 🙂


  4. Great article and love that folks are heading over to Gab.
    As far as Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr.. I came across his video titled “Your Move” filmed in an abandoned bus about one month ago. It was an eye opener for me. He is brave beyond words, imho. He left his home, wife and children and sought no honor or glory. He lost his military job (on his terms) and is off the grid as he carefully discerns his next right steps.
    I did not share the clip here because of some foul language, yet I strongly recommend watching the approximately 10 minute long video and covering him and all faced with similar battles in prayer. ❤

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Jen, he needs Our Lady Undoer of Knots, as the last I heard yesterday is that they put him in the brig, even though he retired! Dear God, we are living under Communism, save us! Some may remember my comments about our military family; mistreatment of the military good guys makes my blood boil!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I read about that, Annie. It’s an awful shame. Yes, he and his beloved could surely benefit from prayers and our Blessed Mother’s intercession. Lord have mercy on us, and on the whole world! ❤


  5. “We can surely expect that in our own lives there will come a time when we must make a choice between being loyal to our faith or of giving allegiance to something else which is either opposed to or not in allegiance with our faith. O God, we ask of Thee to give us the courage to be ever faithful to Thee.” (from a 1950 radio sermon broadcast by Servant of God Chaplain Emil Kapaun–which is prophetic of his own ordeal as a communist prisoner of war.)
    He refused to abandon his wounded men and became a POW along with them. He was an example of heroic service by stealing food and medicine for the sick and starving. He defended his faith in the re-education classes that the prisoners were forced to attend. He did it so well that his captors were afraid of him. He saved lives and souls and they hated him for it.
    What an example for our times. His funeral will be televised on EWTN tomorrow morning 10:30 CDT. (the feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael)

    Liked by 9 people

          1. I learned of Fr. Kapaun, and also Fr. Capodanno, several years ago; and I have loved them ever since. May they pray for our beloved country and our beloved Church.

            Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t know the background about Stew Peters or – equally important – each particular guest he interviews, but (and this is not at all aimed at you, Nance, I present this thought for us all and I don’t speak as a moderator or the managing editor, but simply as a member who loves the comment section and all of us who engage here)… we’ve had beau coup videos and reports posted here concerning the dangers of the vaxx to the point that I wonder why we need more, unless there’s a dramatically new uncovering of the rot and tangled webs of deception associated with the covid mess. I believe we need some of it to be aware. And I love the ways people bring their questions, seeking problem solving, and SteveBC – or another – respond with supportive practical suggestions for healing and physical protection while our others in our community respond with prayer support.

      I just imagine what it would be like if the majority of our conversations were about potential and possibilities concerning the ways we can and are being a sign of hope. 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

      1. And speaking as just plain ol’ MP, you’ll notice that it’s not a topic of conversation/distraction over at We’re simply doing stuff as outlined in your closing paragraph, mostly focused on what we can do. Learning, teaching, collaborating… sometimes making some mistakes… but mostly trying to live the Gospel in the times as we are called. Feeling hopeful!

        Liked by 3 people

    2. Nance, yes another CORAC member sent that video to me earlier today and I just watched it before coming to read this latest blog in detail. Dr. Carrie Medej is the doctor Stew Peters interviews in this video and Dr. Carrie examined the contents of the Moderna and J&J injections under a microscope in a lab here in Georgia. I’ve seen Dr. Carrie talk in person and her story is compelling. She’s also “one of us”, at the talk I saw her give her person she said she’s asked often why she is blowing the whistle on this diabolical plan and she said she has no fear, because she trusts God and knows she’s not leaving this earth one moment before God deems it so and then she knows where she’s going.

      I encourage all to watch this video. Beckita, it is a video of a legit Doctor here in Georgia providing new and completely shocking uncovering of the literal rot contained in these shots they are forcing upon us.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Tom, on your recommendation I looked at the video. My sister has frquently commented that she notices a tag on the shots when videos are shown of people getting jabbed. If the doc in the video is right about her wondering if the gene therapy shot contains something computer related, maybe that’s why the shots are tagged? The thought of it is so twilight zone-y!

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I just happened to see this particular video, Nance. I subscribed a while back to Stew Peters posts/videos and he seems to have legitimate guests, many of them doctors. Yes, we need hope, Beckita, I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes, however, people need info to give others who are not part of our family here; maybe they don’t know about all the warnings. It does need to be a balance! Sometimes I glance at things and then move on; other times I keep a record of the info. Yes, we need Steve and all the rest of you, and the prayer support!!! Come Lord with Mother Mary!

      Tomorrow is the feast day of the Little Flower; finishing a novena to her!

      Liked by 4 people

  6. Charlie, Thank you for this great article. You and your team (Beckita, MP, Jen, Mary C., Regional Coordinators, National Committee Chairs, etc) have done a wonderful job of uniting people across the U.S., giving them tools and support to help them through these rough times and the times ahead .. even beyond the The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
    Thank you for all of your hard work and fortitude. I am so grateful you are on our side! God Bless.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you so much, Farm Girl. And Hear Hear, Mick! I love how the energy and vitality of a community are stoked via the exchange among the head honcho, those who step up and answer the call to become part of the support team and those who live the vital role of interacting in the community… and I think this is especially so in this community comprised of folks who strive to keep Christ at the center of our lives. 🙂


  7. This uplifted me today as my personal challenges mushroom. It is Crosscards daily prayer, a prayer to seek shelter in God. +God bless us and keep us all on His plain path, everyone.+

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  8. I have to admit I am pleasantly surprised my religious exemption here in IL, within a certain archdiocese of a certain not so shepherd-like cardinal, has been mercifully granted. Though I am still required to provide only PCR lab tests on a weekly basis within 72-hour window before Mondays, (test being taken and results received within such a 72-hour time frame). I did applied as an “independent Christian”, as indeed I formally do not belong to any church or parish here in US, and had no support of the Pope or the said cardinal on the matter. I stressed that in my belief all these available vaccines violate the Fifth Commandment since they have a remote connection to abortion by either being developed or tested using cell lines from aborted babies. I stressed that even though some may find such a connection permissible, I do not.
    I did not state anything scientific about these vaccines, just stressed my support of the sanctity of the unborn lives and that these vaccines and any medical product or procedure using such cell lines is not ok with my conscience.

    Take that Mr. C.! ( not referring to Charlie lol)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Pawel, there is a spit PCR test if you can find a lab that does it. Much less invasive and as “accurate” as any of those tests. I’m glad you got your exemption.

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      1. Good to know Jewel, as my daughter is waiting to hear back on her r. exemption but was worried about the ethelyne oxide supposedly on those (weekly) swabs and classified as a carcinogen by various agencies. Now she can scout labs and ask HR if that will be an acceptable alternative.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Thank you Jewel, spitting would be a better option, not only less invasive, but also I would be doing it while having in mind those who mandated it.

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        1. Pawel, I am snorting coffee. You crack me up… a lot. Seriously now, not only would the spitting be more satisfying for you, it is a safer way to test… especially since you’ll be frequently testing. SteveBC has said that with the swab there is the danger of touching areas too close to the brain. Steve, can you please confirm?


          1. Beckita, from what I can tell, there are three different testing techniques we are talking about here.

            Nasopharyngeal testing involves sticking a very long swab up the nose and further on, to an area where the distance from the mucus membrane skin and the brain itself is very small. Even if properly constructed, these swabs have a real probability of leaving something behind in that area when they are withdrawn. Some swabs have been shown to contain stiff, hooklike material which can hook into the skin there and be left behind when the swab is withdrawn. Do that enough times and that area will be constantly inflamed – not a good idea. And if the swab is contaminated with a virus or bacterium or a parasite, you’re leaving that material in a very delicate area.

            Nasal swab testing involves inserting a short swab into the front of the nostrils, which are much less sensitive and can be cleaned up much more easily. Also, the swab I used once was a plastic foam, unlikely to have hooklike materials in it, although it was probably sterilized in the factory with ethylene oxide, a known carcinogen. I really didn’t want to use that, partly due to the EO issue but also because I had no way to know if the people at the factory had spat on the swab or deliberately contaminated it with Covid or something else. One-time use is OK, but I would never do this frequently.

            Spit tests don’t involve inserting anything into the body. No material risks getting left behind and no contamination (viral or otherwise) ever gets to touch you. If I had to do testing, this is the one I would use.

            Since all these tests are subject to false positives and false negatives (as well as high cycle counts in the case of PCR tests), if you don’t understand the limits of the tests, you can actually end up with bad information and not know it.

            If you are not symptomatic and have not been vaxxxed, you should never test.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Steve, thank you for this explanation! I agree that testing without symptoms is ridiculous, but for my husband, it was one of the “accommodations” with his religious exemption and he “had” to take a test every five days. Ridiculous. He chose early retirement when they wouldn’t answer his questions about false positives and why the vaxxed didn’t have to test since it was known they could still get Covid. Such craziness. If Panel is required to test, the spit test would definitely be the better option–especially with your thorough explanation of what the first two tests require!

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Huh, I thought they were. Maybe I’m missing something. My understanding is that the test tube is sent to you at your home, you salivate into the tube, you package the tube and send it to the company, the company processes your sample, and you hear back the next day or two. So it’s partly at home and partly at the company. But not having used one of these, I don’t know for sure how it works.


                1. Yes, that is correct. Woke st. u added the requirement of “watching” the kids spit via cell phone or laptop camera, ugh. But the test was mailed to them and then they mailed it somewhere, haha.

                  I don’t think they are doing these anymore. I think they are using the swabs. I’ll have to ask, hmm.


                2. Gotch, Steve! I know there are home tests that you have to swab your nose, but get results at home in 15 minutes. I was wondering if you could spit at home and get fast results there. Quick AND non invasive.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Kim, yes, the nasal swab tests (BinaxNOW and QuickVue I think) take 15 minutes. Unfortunately, the spit test I’ve seen info on requires you to send the sample into the lab for the actual test. Then the result is sent back to you.

                    Liked by 1 person

            2. TY SteveBC for this wonderful synopsis. My kiddos have had to do this for their exemption @ the state u.

              One problem with the spit test is you have to spit for 15mins and they watch you spit. At least that is how the state u did it. It is messy, awful and time consuming, sadly. The whole thing, as we understand, is of the utmost idiocy that defies sanity. Ah. A sacrifice for +Our Jesus+

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              1. Ha, LittleLight – I didn’t say any of these are *good*! I’ve done spit tests for certain hormone analyses and did not find it objectionable, but I would prefer to do something else. In fact, I just stuck the top of the tube in my mouth and let my saliva drain into the tube, while I worked on my computer. Easy! 😀


  9. I read this today and it gives me hope. This is a tired old ploy that I instantly recognize. It is the voice of the accuser telling us we never were/aren’t and never will be good enough, so give up already. It seems it is being publicly called out by one of our brave elected officials. + TYG+ Those who have eyes to see do indeed see it.

    “I take exception to governor’s snide remark calling individuals who claim a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine ‘Mother Teresas,’ ” Kelly said. “Mother Teresa dedicated her life to service. She is an international role model of faith, humility, and charity. She is recognized as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. Her life must be emulated, not denigrated as a joke or used as a veiled sarcastic insult.”

    Kelly added, “Religious freedom is a core value of our nation. Government has no business judging someone’s religious beliefs, let alone joking or laughing at them. As the leader of our state, I expect much more from the governor when it comes to respecting people’s religion and faith.”

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