Join Us In Prayer

By Charlie Johnston

By now you are at the Conference in South Dakota, on your way, or aren’t going to be able to join us physically. But you can join us in prayer. You can share our intentions. Afterwards, we will have video available of speakers and events from the conference.

I learned from my pilgrimage how powerful a virtual component to an event can be. Initially, I wasn’t going to even carry a phone. One of my dearest friends pushed me hard not to go completely primitive. As some of you may have noticed, I can be a tad stubborn from time to time. Finally, in frustration, he said, “Charlie, I can’t drop everything and just go traipsing across the country, but this is my pilgrimage, too.” He was right. He had been with me through thick and thin on a lot of things. It lit a firework in my head. I talked to one of my Priests, thinking if I carried a phone and wrote a little something out every day or two, I would do the walking, but a lot of people could join in and make it their pilgrimage, too. Thus was born the Facebook Page, Abraham’s Journey, which was originally designed to chronicle my journey and invite friends and folks I met along the way to join me virtually in it.

I thought maybe a couple of hundred people would enjoy the Facebook Page and be virtual companions to me on my way. To my astonishment, after a few weeks, about 50,000 people were checking in each week. After a month and a half, it was at about 100,000 – and stayed in that range for the rest of my pilgrimage. I don’t know how it happened, for I did nothing to promote it. It was by word of mouth, I guess. Though I did the walking, I almost certainly did not walk alone.

So join us in prayer. Together, let this little mustard seed of a conference spread out to begin the renewal of the whole world.


I was surprised at some of the cynicism and criticism that emerged from the ranks of the orthodox in response to the American Bishops voting overwhelmingly last week to go forward with drafting a document on Eucharistic Coherence. In talking with some cynics, I realized that there were two major misunderstandings on what was at issue here – and that it is largely the fault of people like me for assuming that people generally know the arcane details of how these things progress and what is possible at each step. Because of that erroneous assumption, I did not explain in depth what actually was at issue and what was not – and neither did much of the other Christian press. Let me elaborate on two points.

Many very sophisticated Catholics thought the question was whether or not the Bishops would issue a statement right now on the subject. When the Bishops voted to go forward with drafting one for the formal November conference, these Catholics thought the Bishops were avoiding action by kicking the can down the road. That was never the issue. Formal action at the USCCB comes at the annual November conference (with a few rare ad hoc exceptions). The summer meeting is to set priorities and decide what issues will be up for a vote. In a legislative equivalent, the summer meeting determines what will go on the calendar for action and a full vote at the annual conference. There was never going to be a document issued now. The furious battle was over whether Bishops could proceed to form a document at all – and the heterodox prelates were determined to stop the rest of the Bishops from even talking about such a thing. It took great courage and focus for the orthodox Bishops to boldly say we are going to go forward anyway and we are going to deal with this – with headwinds going against them from both the Vatican and a determined group of powerful American Bishops. The side of the faithful prevailed overwhelmingly on this one. It was only a next right step – but it was a big one and one that powerful forces were determined to kill from the start.

The second misunderstanding comes from saying that there will be no mandatory rule promulgated that would force all the Bishops in the country to comply. Of course there won’t, because that is not possible.

In the hierarchy, the Pope is equivalent to a king. The Bishops are not branch offices – and no national conference has any authority to mandate anything on individual Bishops. If a particular Bishop routinely flagrantly violates Canon Law, the only recourse is to appeal to the Vatican to remove him – for only the Pope can do such a thing, NOT a national conference.

Thus, now, when there is no statement of intent by the USCCB, even though Canon Law says what should be done in the case of public scandal, both the Vatican and some of the most powerful Bishops in America are deeply opposed to following Canon Law when it is politically or socially inconvenient to them. Even so, some faithful Bishops refuse the Eucharist to those officials who are in public disagreement with fundamental issues of the faith. Neither the Vatican nor the USCCB can stop these Bishops, only express their displeasure or make life difficult for them.

Each Bishop is an independent prince in his own Diocese, with broad authority that can only be revoked by a dismissal from office by the Pope. Thus, however bold any document the USCCB  issues on the matter, each Bishop is free to decide how his own Diocese is run. The only recourse is Papal dismissal of that Bishop.

It startled me to see so many people angry because the USCCB can’t do what was never possible in the first place. If you are going to attack the orthodox Bishops who have finally found their voice for not doing what they never had the authority to do in the first place, than there is no temporal reason for orthodox Bishops to take the heat from their earthly superiors and the frantically malicious left for ever doing what they actually CAN do – for it would do them no good with the orthodox faithful and a lot of harm with the heterodox, but mouthy, minority.

I recognize that it is up to me and others in the Catholic Press to do a much better job of describing what is at stake, what is possible, what is not, and how it all works in reality. Most of the anger I hear from good folks in the pews over this one is anger over what was never on the table in the first place. That they didn’t know that is, in part, my fault. Mea Culpa!

The late Andrew Breitbart said that “Politics is downstream from culture.” That means, in part, that the idea must gain popular traction and acceptance before any action can be dispositive. I very much understand and share the frustration of so many orthodox Catholic who have watched the USCCB ponderously opine on political matters they have little or no authority over (and usually an equal amount of knowledge about) for at least two, maybe three, generations while studiously avoiding speaking on the fundamentals of the faith on which they do have authority. It is hard not to be reflexively cynical when you have generations of evidence to back that cynicism up. But I also appreciate the frustration many orthodox Bishops must feel right now, having incurred the ire of the Vatican and some of the most institutionally powerful Bishops in America to do the most right thing they can at this moment. Right now, the default position of the American Bishops is to do as you will, despite Canon Law and the clear instruction of Christ and the first Apostles. Do you really think it makes no difference if the default position among them publicly becomes that each Bishop should abide by Canon Law and follow the clear teaching of Christ and the first Apostles on the matter, even if they can’t enforce it on individual Bishops? If instead of Bishops like Thomas Paprocki and Joseph Strickland being the outliers for refusing to grant communion to those in flagrant public dispute with the Church’s fundamental teaching, Bishops like Blase Cupich and Joseph McElroy became the outliers for ignoring the public scandal created by giving communion to those in open, fundamental dispute with Church doctrine?

From the start of my writing on these subjects almost nine years ago, I have emphasized the doctrine of “the next right step.” I keep telling people that they should quit worrying that they can’t do all they would in one big leap, but simply focus on the little right step in front of them that they can do – and if they do that long enough and with fortitude, God will reward their little faith with an abundance of fruit. I mean that for Bishops as well as for all us little folk. You know that I don’t hesitate to criticize Bishops when they fail the faithful. But I will NOT fail to applaud them when they boldly take the next right step despite furious opposition. I don’t expect every step they take will be as magnificent as the one they took last week…and there are probably some wrong steps ahead, as with all of us. But on a fundamental matter of faith, with terrible opposition both from without and within, the Bishops of America chose to be intentional disciples of the Lord last week by doing the little that they could in the moment. I am as proud to be a Catholic in America at this moment as I have ever been. May we all chart our pilgrim way forward in loving service to Our Lord and each other.


Just a quick reminder, our mailing address is now…

Corps of Renewal and Charity

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252


Donate to CORAC!

134 thoughts on “Join Us In Prayer

  1. Thank-you for this, Charlie.
    Thank-you for inviting us to prayer (and for providing the video). I am praying!
    Thank-you for the clarity on what the USCCB can and cannot do.
    God bless all you and ongoing prayers all.
    🙏🏽✝️ Katey in OR 🙏🏽✝️

    Liked by 9 people

  2. If the Bishops can produce a “Eucharistic Coherence” document by November it will be nothing short of Miraculous. This is not a criticism of the Bishops, it is an observation of human nature. I sit on a standards committee in the oil and gas industry and I can say by experience that this type of effort is extremely difficult.

    I assume that the Bishops will be attempting to produce what, in the oil and gas industry, we call a “minimum standard” to which all the faithful shall adhere. Not only should they be applauded for making the effort but, should they succeed, it should be proclaimed as Miraculous. The committee I sit on took 4 years to merely revise an existing standard, and it did not please everyone in the end.

    It is my prayer that the Bishops can produce a useful guide for the faithful regardless of the adherence of the rich and powerful.

    Liked by 11 people

  3. Charlie- I appreciate your thoughts about the USCCB putting the scandal of unworthy reception of the Holy Eucharist finally on the table for their upcoming meeting in November. It is encouraging to see them step up to the plate… finally. All of us who want to see things improve hope they do the right thing at that meeting and change the course of the ship at least here in American. I guess the problem is that, as you pointed out, we have been watching them dither on these and other scandals for 2-3 generations now. Whatever frustration the orthodox bishops now feel as a group about a lack of appreciation for their recent efforts pales in comparison to the frustration the orthodox laity feel about their overall failing leadership for several decades now. Trust and appreciation are earned, and it will take time to rebuild the bridges that lie in disrepair at the moment between our hierarchy and the faithful laity.

    Liked by 12 people

  4. We definitely applaud our brave American bishops for tackling this matter! They are shining stars of encouragement to the faithful.

    Liked by 6 people

  5. Our prayers are with you and all at the conference. I will be thinking of you and praying for all of you throughout the weekend. Enjoy!

    Liked by 8 people

  6. Sadly, I can only join you in prayer and not in person. Yes, I will be praying.

    Yesterday I said “bravo” to the good bishops; may they multiply in number! Don’t beat yourself up, Charlie!

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Thank you for writing this. I’m afraid that I’m in the latter group regarding our bishops and reading this made me feel a little better about things. May God bless the conference this weekend and keep us all in His care.

    Liked by 6 people

  8. Regarding the Bishops
    They should take this as an opportunity to do a thorough reality presentation of an abortion,
    and show by comparison the holocaust and slavery. (or show the silent scream)
    This is also an excellent time to present Natural Family Planning.
    I wonder if most people still think of it as the rhythm method.

    Liked by 9 people

  9. My prayers and little sacrifices go out to all of you this weekend!!! With you in spirit!!! Was with Reese all this week and we did a ton of work to help them around the house. It was our next right step!!! Now onto Jaxon on Sunday!!!😂

    “From the start of my writing on these subjects almost nine years ago, I have emphasized the doctrine of “the next right step.” I keep telling people that they should quit worrying that they can’t do all they would in one big leap, but simply focus on the little right step in front of them that they can do – and if they do that long enough and with fortitude, God will reward their little faith with an abundance of fruit. I mean that for Bishops as well as for all us little folk. “

    Simply awesome 👏

    Liked by 7 people

  10. Could specific prayer conference needs be posted on the CORAC site or (here?) for the rest of us to pray for? Have a great Conference, and I pray your SD rain stops, Lord help!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Bgawk, please simply pray for a blessed conference. The South Dakotans we’ve spoken to are grateful for the rain as they’ve been contending with drought conditions.

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      1. Amen, I understand, we are in drought in MI also, and now face flooding! Lord, send the rain where it needs to go most, and bless the Conference with a new outpouring of your Holy Spirit! So that what you Will with CORAC, and all that you are doing, may be accomplished, through all that happens in the days ahead! And please convert the whole world, with the help of Our Most Blessed Mother!

        Liked by 8 people

  11. Very good explanation Charlie! Spot on! Deep prayers for all our NRS family able to make the conference, and all our holy intentions!


    Liked by 6 people

  12. With you in spirit all you little squirrels 🐿 over there in RC SD!!! Holy Envy!!!

    Here’s to you all:

    “St. Josemaría Escrivá, pray for us!
    Feast Day: June 26th
    “Let us work. Let us work a lot and work well, without forgetting that prayer is our best weapon. That is why I will never tire of repeating that we have to be contemplative souls in the midst of the world, who try to convert their work into prayer.”

    – St. Josemaría Escrivá

    Liked by 7 people

  13. praying for all at the conference! Especially my brother and his wife. I believe that God will achieve great things for His Glory.

    Liked by 4 people

  14. Lauren Witzke interviews Nick Ochs, a conservative journalist who is facing twenty years in a federal prison for reporting on the events of January 6, 2021.

    So sad and unjust. So happy that Charlie and others left instead of walking over to the Capital.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Praying for Nick Ochs. And for David Daleiden. May the full measure of righteous temporal justice rain down upon the heads of their persecutors; but may God’s mercy save their pathetic souls, and ours.

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    The Secret War …….. with Principalties &Powers?

    I’m sure the FBI & ABCNNBCBS-NPR/NYT/WashPo will be ALL over this story …. Right!!!? ….. Hello!???

    My Ol’ Dad would quote some Old Worthy who once quipped: “Only Gubermint has the ability to “slap ink on” a useful commodity like paper and make it totally worthless!”
    The entire World is awash in “underwater” debt …… and all part of The “Great” godless Global Re-Set Plan ;-(
    Another favorite of his was: Dictators do not come with guns and bayonets but with smiles and promises.
    Ya can bet that when the $$$$ Collapes due to BigBro Gubermint the smiling Pols will crawl out with more BigBro Plans to “Fix” de Problem.

    Yep!! De Nasty Facts be coming out and Ol’ Petey Boy & Dr. Death Fauci will get thrown under de bus as ScapeGoats.
    The rest of The Usual Suspects, Pols & Media, will proclaim ignorance of any malfeasance whilst, tearfully, blubbering that they meant well and it was all for the sake of The Children & Elderly ….. and BESIDES!! …. It was ALL Trump and his White Supremacists Fault in the first place! ;-(


    Liked by 6 people

  16. We have the name above all names on our side!

    ” Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

    Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Phil. 2:5-11


    Liked by 10 people

      1. A wonderful hymn, FTSO … SP.

        There’s a miracle that’s shown on your video. In the 1976 to 1984, at around 9am in the morning, and at 6.30pm in the evening, you would have seen many commuters trudging through the Square on their way to and from work. One of them was yours truly. In those days, if you had told me that one day there would be a major evangelical church dominating Times Square, I’d have questioned your sanity. Yet with our Lord Jesus, the Name above all Names, the faith can turn into substance!

        Here’s a brief account of the miracle;

        A Testimony of Obedience

        In 1986, while walking down 42nd Street at midnight, Pastor David Wilkerson’s heart broke over what he saw. At that time, Times Square was populated mainly by prostitutes and pimps, runaways, drug addicts and hustlers, along with live peep shows and X-rated movie houses. Pastor David cried out for God to do something—anything—to help the physically destitute and spiritually dead people he saw. Recalling that life-changing night, Pastor David says, “I saw 9-, 10- and 11-year-old kids bombed on crack cocaine. I walked down 42nd Street and they were selling crack. Len Bias, the famous basketball player, had just died of a crack overdose, and the pusher was yelling, ‘Hey, I’ve got the stuff that killed Len.’ I wept and prayed, ‘God, you’ve got to raise up a testimony in this hellish place…The answer was not what I wanted to hear: ‘Well, you know the city. You’ve been here. You do it.’” Pastor David obeyed God. He opened Times Square Church in October of 1987 in Town Hall before moving it to its present location at the Mark Hellinger Theater. Pastor David’s first call to New York City in 1958 has been well documented in his book, The Cross and the Switchblade


        Liked by 8 people

        1. Wow, Dave, I remember reading the Cross and the Switchblade about 30 years ago! It was inspiring then and I’m sure would be now if I read it again. May that kind of miracle be repeated all over the world now in this time of great need to defeat evil. Come Holy Spirit!

          Liked by 6 people

          1. Annie and Dave, I remember reading a comic-book version of The Cross and the Switchblade in about 1980, when I was in I think the 6th grade. It scared the living daylights out of me; but it left me awestruck at Pastor Wilkerson’s faith, obedience to God, and courage. My parents had the “grown-up” edition of the book, but I never had the guts to read it. You two have inspired me to buy a copy and (eventually) give it a go.

            Liked by 4 people

  17. I hope all is going really well and informative at Corac! For some reason I want to insert here a divinely inspired song my 5th daughter wrote about her trials in life. It took her about 5 minutes to write, She was recorded by a professional from Oregon and the whole thing happened by happenstance, or I like to say, was divinely orchestrated. This song can apply to a multitude of life’s trials. She is singing this duet with herself, there are not 2 singers, both arrher own singing voice as she strums the guitar. Hope some can get benefit from this song too. Also on Spotify

    Liked by 9 people

  18. Headbanging here Haha! For some reason the song I want to bring up is not happening but will try ONE MORE TIME and hopefully I get it right. Cuz I need to go to bed yet want all to hear this song as it’s for a multitude of weaknesses. Go CORAC! Here tis iT WOULD BE A SAD funny or even too funny if it’s the same song as above!

    Liked by 8 people

  19. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! 😉

    Yep! ….. & how many Congress Critters do the Chinamen own?

    0-Hedge has all sorts of sad godless Great Re-Set News ;-(
    Which, of course, means that the Feral Gubermint will Step-In with that National Civilian Security Force that BO blabbed about 12 years ago!
    …. the Feral Gubermint will likewise Step-In to Help-Out with this problem along with all sorts of, compliance required, Feral Guidelines & PC Requirements!
    …… likewise the Feral Gubermint will “handle” this situation, that THEY created, with the usual failed nostrums of wage/price controls, “Targeted” Gubermint Hand-Outs, Wall Street Trading Pauses and Bank “Holidays” which may well lead to the confiscation of YOUR accounts and Lock Box contents.


    Liked by 4 people

  20. Would you please change my email address?  It will now be (email address removed) Thank you,Connie 


    1. Connie, I removed your email address so as not to make it public and because no one else can manage another person’s preferences but the one who is making them. Those things must be done on your end.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! 😉

    The only Path that I can see near term is Submit or Fight! There is NO Middle Ground. We have, for 60 years, compromised/theorized ourselves into Perdition! ;-(
    The Last Confrontation that JP!! spoke of 40+ years ago is upon US.

    I need two hands to count ALL the significant “Backlash Items” that Producer/Faith Class Citizens should be “Up in Arms” about These-Days ……..but perpetual Cold Anger is not going to be worth much when the Good Guys are all locked up in the Re-Education Camps ;-(



    Liked by 6 people

    1. CrewDog, just wondering if you have ever thought about running for a congressional seat, unless your district is already a ‘true blue’ red 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hi Maggie,

        1) I don’t have the temperament to be a Politician.

        2) Anyway …. I’m too old for that game now.

        ALL of US need to get involved, Grassroots, @ Local Level …. Schools, City & County!!!


        Liked by 7 people

    1. I just briefly looked at the video. ( I already saw some of the results on the Mark Mallett documentary and I cannot bear to know more at this point. I find it very, very tragic.) The people on the video say at the outset that they are all pro-vaccine and pro-science. They still seem to be pro-vaccine for Covid-19 and think that the ‘vaccine’ that hurt them has saved many lives. That is hard to believe in that there is no real proof that these ‘vaccines’ save lives…..Apparently there are a lot of neurological effects that people experience after having the shots. Some of them sound like symptoms of MS to me….. I am very glad to see websites like this popping up because I believe that there are many people out there who will be feeling negative effects now and maybe in the future as the proteins build up in the organs of people who accepted these shots. And this needs to get out into the open and, hopefully, they will be heard instead of dismissed and disrespected. The government, its agencies and the pharmaceutical industry will surely simply try to hide it all. These agencies / organizations will say that there is no link between the shot and the symptoms, but people know their bodies. ….Many prayers for all who are affected!

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    2. Praying for your cousin, Littleone.

      My Godmother had a stroke within days of getting the Covid shot; and a dear friend who got the shot a couple of months ago was recently hospitalized and diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. Another dear friend, who got the shot 5 months ago, was hospitalized a few days ago. She exhibits some symptoms that are consistent with a stroke, and others that are consistent with Bell’s palsy. The hospital has been running tests all week but can’t figure out what’s wrong with her. Several weeks ago, she lost most of the hearing in one ear and some of the hearing in the other. She’s a mother with two young children, so it’s not like she’s over 75 and exhibiting symptoms that come along with old age.

      My husband has a good friend who is a doctor in a large city. This friend recently said that the local hospitals are seeing patients who are exhibiting symptoms of sepsis, but who are testing negative for any systemic infection. All of these patients had gotten at least one dose of the shot before the onset of their symptoms.

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      1. Gosh Mick, so sorry to hear about your Godmother and friends. This jab really is about waiting for the other shoe to drop. Not good.

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      2. So very sorry to hear this. I am sure that all of us a praying for those affected. May Christ have mercy on these unfortunate people.

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      3. Mick, they won’t test positive for an infection because there is no infection. The sepsis (and other issues) is caused by the spike protein. They need to take IVM orally and also nebulize it into their lungs to mop up the spikes which are causing the sepsis. Another option – I think a week’s course of HBOT sessions may burn up the spikes and calm the body right down, if they can find a chamber.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Steve; I’ve been somewhat out of touch here lately so maybe this has been covered. What’s your take on the spike protein ‘shedding’ from vaxxed people to unvaxxed? Is that a thing?

          Liked by 3 people

          1. I find the reports compelling, Chris, but I don’t really know. Strangely, since the body is set up to develop antibodies to any spiked virus that enters the body through the nose and mouth and not by injection, I think this may turn out to be a net positive for *some* people in developing antibodies to Covid spikes in a workable way that doesn’t wreck them. Mostly, though, it’s a mild net negative. I don’t know if the full “device” is being transmitted (including the lipid PEG coating) or if it’s just the spike. Shedding of the full device would be a negative to those breathing them in. I don’t *think* that full device is being shed, though, because I have no reports of an unvaccinated person reacting with anaphylaxis. After someone gets vaxxxed, huge numbers of spikes are produced while only a comparative few devices could possibly be shed.

            In general, I would like to avoid spending time with a lot of vaccinated people in a close room. Unfortunately, that has not been possible, and I have been exposed to a sizable number of vaxxxed and shedding people. Yet I have had little to no problems because I have been using my protocol and have my immune system primed to take out any spike I breathe in before it gets very far. My bet is that those reporting substantial impacts from shed spikes have low Vitamin D3 and not taking anything to build their immune systems, but that is speculation on my part.

            If shedding blows your mind, try investigating magnetic arms. That’s wild. Vaccinated people are becoming magnetic over the weeks after the injection? Weird. Now people are reporting that many meats they buy at the grocery store are *also* magnetic! I’ve investigated that, too, and find it also possibly true, with some explanations I’ve found actually making some sense. Get a refrigerator magnet and check out the people around you to see if you can find anyone who is magnetic. Or the grocery store’s packaged chicken. Let us know what you find.

            Liked by 5 people

            1. Hi SteveBC! My love to you and your dear mother for a safe and blessed holiday celebration. ❤

              I've seen video clips on my TL on SM and my last package of chicken I pulled from the freezer to prepare was not magnetic. I am checking though outta pure curiosity. Who woulda thought THAT would be a thing?!

              Liked by 2 people

          1. Lots of things to try, and maybe some of them will actually work. Please let me know if the folks you are in touch with have any success or laugh off my idea. Could go either way, unfortunately.


      4. God bless and help all of them, Mick, and all those who don’t even realize what has happened to them. A very old and dear friend was in town with us yesterday and told us his experience. His son found him starting ahead, unresponsive, took him to his bedroom to lie down, etc. and our friend remembers nothing about it all. Sounds to me, as a non-medical person, that it could have been a mini stroke? He hasn’t and won’t be reporting it to VAERS(?), so imagine how many adverse effects they have no idea exist! As someone else said, I hate to think of what will show up in the future for these people.

        BTW, I’m grateful to Beckita for alerting us to Anne’s “messages for a year”. The timing is perfect for me and others also, I’m sure. Last week some Saints spoke and it was so touching; I felt as though it was said directly to me, and just writing this makes me tear up.

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        1. Annie, I love that those words are heartening, through and through. I also love that the apostolate doesn’t hyper-dwell on difficulties to come, but works hard to build trust in God while supporting people to grow in holiness and support one another through what is here and what is coming.

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      5. Mick,

        So sorry to hear about your Godmother and dear friends!
        I can’t even imagine. Praying for your dear ones and all those who have been vaccinated. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Mick, today I read that using a sauna (170 degrees for 20 minutes) will cause the body to create what are called ‘heat-shock proteins’ and those in turn will usher spike proteins out of the body and repair proteins that the spikes have damaged. Saunas are far more common than HBOT chambers, and everyone who has been vaxxxed should consider doing sauna sessions regularly, and when symptomatic from the vaxxx should do it daily until no longer symptomatic.

        Liked by 6 people

  22. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! 😉

    …. Sadly for ALL concerned the “Leadership” of the Church brought this upon us ;-(

    OMG!! The DELTA VARIANT …….. We MUST go back to Masks & Lock-Downs …. especially in those “critical” five areas where Democrats Stole the Election and “Won” DC Control! …… so they can cheat again in 22 …. ;-(

    I don’t think the author of the below is too far off. Most here have hope for Divine Intervention


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  23. wisdom from Wendy (

    “I recently watched a 100 year old lady give an interview and she was spry and very “with it”.
    One thing she said that really struck me was…”I don’t know where the time has gone?!”
    It made me pause for a moment and reflect.
    Time is arguably our most valuable commodity. It can’t be hoarded, earned or bought. It slips away whether or not we choose to do anything with it.
    In my younger days I thought I had plenty of time to waste….how foolish.
    As I became older, I became so busy planning for the future that I neglected living in the present moment.
    And now…I try to cram 72 hours into 24 hours. I’m always expecting God to budge “time” for me so that I can accomplish more (PS: He doesn’t 😁)
    Here are some ways that I use my “TIME” more wisely now:
    -Forget Multi-tasking! Single-task!
    -Make every moment as joyous as you can. If there is a task I don’t like doing, I turn on music to make it more enjoyable.
    – Resist the urge to rush!
    -Live in the moment -Take advantage of those times of “waiting”. Use that time in the grocery store line to pray or meditate instead of becoming frustrated and irritated. Text your spouse or child(ren) and tell him (or her) that you love them!
    – Delegate to your children (they really can make their own bed! lol)
    -Block out time for yourself-even if only a few moments
    -Do only those things that truly matter
    -End toxic relationships-they’ll only drain YOU and your time!
    -Cancel a commitment that wasn’t totally necessary to begin with.
    -Focus on one thing at a time! Not easy for a mama, I know!
    -Learn to just say “no” or “nope” or however you choose to express it!
    -Let things be. Sometimes I get obsessed with the layer of dust that seems to land on the furniture right after I have dusted it, the dishes that got put in the wrong cupboard, an extra pound that crept on overnight, and a whole host of other things. Crazy? Yes. I’m learning to let it go.
    -Let go of guilt. Dump it like expired deli meat in the refrigerator. It won’t get you anywhere and it will eventually make you sick! Address it, release it..move on.
    We can all use our time more wisely. As Paul says in Ephesians 5: 15,16 “See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
    Time is truly a gift from God!”

    Liked by 10 people

    1. “-End toxic relationships-they’ll only drain YOU and your time!”

      St.Ignatious , from ~1500 years ago(!), devotes a spiritual exercise to this very thing!

      Liked by 6 people

  24. Pray all who attended had a great time at the CORAC Conference! Can’t wait to hear about it.

    I listened to the Fr. Ripinger talk on Grace Force Podcast last night. Can anyone here suggest a binding prayer I could give my husband to pray over our family.

    Thanks so much!

    God Bless,


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Becky, thank you so much for your prayers. The conference was great! A highlight was to meet, face to face, so many commenters AND silent readers.

      A great resource for all kinds of prayers appropriate for the laity to pray in spiritual protection and warfare is one which is filled with prayers which Fr Ripperger has culled from various sources: Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity Paperback

      I also need to say that while Fr. Ripperger has much good to offer, I’m concerned with how people have set his recommendations as Gospel. He is NOT an official or final resource on matters of spiritual protection and warfare within the Church. In fact, Stella Davis, a lay evangelist with a fruitful-in -deliverance ministry, for 40 years in the Church, has been invited, year after year, to address the International Conference on Exorcism and Deliverance which draws exorcists and those in deliverance ministry from around the world, has often stated that BOTH husband and wife can pray binding and deliverance prayers… over one another and for their families. Interestingly, Stella receives phone calls from exorcists from all over the world as they seek her counsel with tough cases.

      To this, I will add that each one, husband and wife, is called to live a life of sanctity via a sacramental life in an ordinary way. When we do, we have uber protection against evil. So while it is a good thing for a husband, as head of the domestic church, to pray over his wife and family, it is also good to remember that each one, husband and wife, was baptized priest, prophet and king. And how did Jesus live out His Kingship as Head of the Catholic Church? He laid down His Life for each of us.

      For anyone who’s married and would like to reflect on your role and responsibilities in this beautiful sacrament, here IS an official Church document, written in his usual elegant style, by Pope St. John Paul II. He dwells on the complimentarity of husband and wife united via the marital bond.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. I just love to read your calm, balanced replies. You are very heartening.

        If I may add, when my LiamXOXO died, I, we, were praying deliverance prayers. I would add here, as it is very prudent to remember, that God allows or not what He does or not. For awhile I was quite stunned, (well there is ptsd shock, too, but also spiritual shock) that our lives took such a tragic and dramatic turn. I was left, as each of us ultimately is, with the choice to Trust God or Not Trust God. It is the very same choice, I believe, whether to become “Bitter” or “Better”

        All that to say it concerns me personally that many may seek to use these prayers superstitiously. Iirc, it was St. Francis DeSales who said something like God will either shield us from trouble OR give us the grace to endure it. Nobody, including me, like that second part, ah.

        Liked by 9 people

        1. Powerful insights, Littlelight. We know the centrality of the sacraments in our faith – particularly, the constants of confession and the Holy Eucharist, both at Mass and in adoration, for as Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI have written: adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is an extension of the Mass. In addition to these powerhouses of spiritual protection, Mother Church has blessed us with an abundance of spiritualities and prayers to draw us in deeper union with God, when studied, prayed and lived from the heart.

          Liked by 3 people

        2. Littlelight: As I read your comment above on suffering I thought of EWTN Raymond Arroyo’s interview of Hanoi Hilton POW Jeremiah Denton and his prayer while being tortured. Arroyo replayed the interview conducted years ago before Denton passed as a Fourth of July, 2021 memorial. Denton had a deep religious experience. His words are also remarkable in context of what is happening in our country today . It’s worth your time and not too long.

          Liked by 4 people

      2. +1 on Fr. Rippergers book..
        I urge Fr. Rippeger to try to get a hardcover (with one of the fancy bookmark ribbons) edition published.

        The book is a keeper, worthy of generational hand-me-down status.

        God blessp

        Liked by 6 people

    2. When the DVD’s come available I would highly recommend you get it. Friday night’s session with David D. Was incredibly moving-and he is only 32! IMO it is truly a David and Goliath time. It gave me goosebumps. God is using this young man. Pray protection over him and his team.

      Oh, and mass with Fr. Wang. Wow! Truly we were in the presence of a giant. He radiated peace, joy, and love. A beam of light in the darkness. (And, Fr. Is a tiny wisp of a man.)

      I knew we would be getting to put faces to names but i never expected to meet people who haven’t had any introduction to CoRaC or Charlie. Seven of the people I met had either just learned about all of this in the past week, spouse was involved but not themselves, or introduced the day of. People are hungry. Think about this…people not knowing, drove long distances, spent money and committed lots of time on something they knew nothing or very little about. Now that is something!

      Liked by 11 people

      1. Beautifully said, HTTP, and I will add that every speaker had valuable concepts and messages to ponder. (Wow, Mick! After you had spoken on Saturday morning, Father asked me if you were a doctor. Amazing… as was each one in his/her style and message.) I LOVED how we reasoned a bit with sincerity of heart and faith on the topic of undercover work and its implications… right in the midst of David’s presentation! (Thank you, David.) And I know from my brief personal interaction with him that he is a gracious and humble man.

        Liked by 6 people

        1. Beckita, the conference was incredible! It was so awesome to meet you, Father, HttP, Katicos, Patrick the Surfer, Kris, Lake, and a host of others. It really did feel like a family reunion. The speakers all hit it out of the park, and the national teams did wonderful presentations (especially the Communications team, who were flooded with questions which they addressed masterfully). God bless all who were able to attend, and may He bless all who were unable to attend but who were with us in spirit.

          Please tell Father that I consider it a huge honor to have met and talked with him, and that I appreciate his kind words. 🙂

          Liked by 3 people

        1. Love the squirrel!
          My husband and my experience of finding the camp using the maps GPS wasn’t quite like what you previewed😅It was more like, rifle range-do not enter, firing range, grenades area-caution…hmmm.

          Liked by 3 people

  25. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! 😉

    I’m guessing Producer Class “hoods” are looking to secede in any # of Democrat ****holes. Of course, they will be called Racist, Islamophobia, Xenophobes or Nasty Democrat Smear of the Day for supporting ……………….


    Liked by 5 people

  26. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! 😉 Noon

    Red Flag Rising ….. Big Time! … Whilst ChinaJoe & BO in Drag do their “best” to destroy Our USA Economy, Military and Civic/Social Discourse!

    Yep! If Ya be a Militant Democrat… BLM Street Thug or Slimy DOJ Lawyer, Ya get a “Get Outta Jail Free Card” …. Double Standards = Civil War ;-(

    OverLoad …… Lots of “Things” Going-Down!!!:


    Liked by 3 people

  27. It’s hard for me to understand why the World Economic Forum want us all to take the Covid-19 vaccine? Why are they so desperately keen to induce “the vaccine procrastinator, hesitant, and rejector populations” into taking the jab?

    I’m still trying to figure out why their icon so sneakily contains the number 666. Any suggestions from the bleacher seats?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yikes, Dave… I’d never seen the WEF’s icon before; and now that I’ve seen it, it does look remarkably like 666. Beyond creepy, but undeniably intentional.

      As Jim Graham said on Friday night at the conference, “We are going to war.” It is not a war of our making or of our choosing; but it is a war that is inevitable unless we simply roll over and surrender, which is out of the question. So, we will have war… because the godless Left must either convince us, coerce us, or crush us.

      May Our Lady be our general, may her mantle be our shield, may our faith be our armor, and may the rosary be our weapon. Let’s roll.

      Liked by 9 people

    2. Here’s the answer:
      …”It’s simple: “If there was a successful treatment protocol for COVID, by law the emergency use authorization for the vaccines would be disallowed.”

      Think about that: to obtain emergency use authorization for the vaccine, there couldn’t be an effective treatment for COVID. This basically means the vaccine would have been delayed by more trials. Or the rules could have been changed so that you could treat people effectively and allow the vaccine authorization.

      I’ve questioned this lack of early treatment, and the denial of life-saving drugs, every time I’ve written on this subject. (If you look at my archives on American Thinker, there are a good half-dozen articles going back to January about this.) Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are old drugs, no longer on patent. You can successfully treat people using them, in combination with other vitamins, etc., without breaking the bank.

      What’s been taken from all of us is the opportunity to make an informed choice. These few facts would have changed the course of the pandemic. Far fewer people would be dead. Dread wouldn’t hang over us.

      If we’d had open discourse, perhaps fewer people, especially younger ones of childbearing age and below, would opt to become guinea pigs for a vaccine that’s untried. Although children don’t get very sick from COVID, if parents knew there was a treatment should things go wrong, parents would think more before they vaccinated their kids, or kept schools closed, or masked them. If we knew there were successful and economical treatments that made the virus less of a threat, many decisions could have been made differently.

      Our unwieldy bureaucracy, and the financial interests of the few, left this giant roadblock in place. Bluntly speaking, allowing so many to die unnecessarily is mass murder by bureaucratic incompetence and the desire for personal enrichment.”

      ps got this article from one of CREWDOG’s “overloads”

      Liked by 3 people

  28. JESUS = GOOD NEWS! 😉

    Of Course NOT! Baby Killing is a “Prime Directive of the Radical Democrat Party.
    THEY worship at the godless Altar of Blood & Perversion!
    Speaking of Baby Killers! Is the below true?

    Will we in the USA ever get a True Accounting?!?

    Soooo …. Does this mean the CDF now has time to Root-Out the Marxist Perverts &/or Supporters of Baby Killers? … Eh!!???

    Pardon me & So Sorry! If you are Christian/Jew, not a person of color &/or not confused about which bathroom to use, you can’t be a victim of “Hate Crime”! Great White North or USA ;-(

    THEY are getting very nervous …. and dangerous!

    SIGNS? I hope nobbody here needs more Stinkin’ SIGNS!

    Thomas More Law Center Wins Landmark 1st Amendment Case.


    Liked by 4 people

  29. New study shows new variants of covid-19 are less sever than the original variant.

    “Results from the research also showed that during the first six weeks of the pandemic’s first wave, early strains contributed to the most hospitalizations and deaths, but mutations of the original strains quickly surpassed the original strain because they were more transmissible, but less severe. While newer strains and mutations of SARS-CoV-2 are often more contagious than the original COVID-19 strain, they may also be responsible for fewer hospitalizations and deaths.”

    Liked by 4 people


    THEY hate St Serra! …. soooo …. he must be a Great Guy! 😉

    Ten churches vandalised in Alberta on Canada Day

    I do fear that CWII will be Ideological & Race War in Urban Areas ;-(




    Liked by 2 people

  31. 5 and1/2 minute video about St JPII’s visit (before he was Pope) with St Padre Pio, when he asked Padre what was his most painful wound:

    Liked by 1 person

    It is sometimes asked why Our Lady asked for Communions of reparation on five first Saturdays, instead of some other number. Our Blessed Lord answered that question when He appeared to Sr. Lucia May 29, 1930. He explained that it was because of five kinds of offenses and blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, namely: blasphemies against her Immaculate Conception, against her perpetual virginity, against the divine and spiritual maternity of Mary, blasphemies involving the rejection and dishonoring of her images, and the neglect of implanting in the hearts of children a knowledge and love of this Immaculate Mother.

    7/2 First Saturday of July – If you have not already, now would be a good time to start the Devotion of the First Five Saturdays
    The following is an explanation of the conditions contained in Our Lady’s request regarding the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays of the Month.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. WOW!!! “I was Over-There then and was able to watch live on Sat with some of the Guys willing to get up at 2AM ….. 30+ years ago!?!” Thanks for your service Crew Dog.

      Liked by 1 person

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