Ask Not for Whom the Lynch Mob Comes: It Comes for Thee

By Charlie Johnston

When I was a kid I used to gaze in wonder at cinematic depictions of lynch mobs. I just couldn’t get my mind around the idea that people could get so maliciously crazy that they wanted blood instead of justice…or that they hated someone so much that they didn’t care if he committed any offense, only that he be killed. And now, America is cowed by one giant, rolling lynch mob.

The evidence revealed at Officer Derek Chauvin’s trial – by the prosecution – showed that Chauvin did NOT have his knee on George Floyd’s neck; he had it on his shoulder – just as Minneapolis police training manuals teach. Floyd did NOT die of asphyxiation; he had three times the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system and had been complaining of not being able to breathe before he was subdued. This is just a small part of the whole narrative that was blown to bits at trial. But most Democrats said, damn the evidence – lynch him! It culminated with Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ call for extended violent rioting if the jury did not lynch Chauvin. A resolution of censure was introduced in the House of Representatives for this egregious call to racist violence. Every Democrat, every last one of them, voted to kill the resolution by tabling it. This followed statements supporting the lynching despite the evidence from a multitude of Democratic figures, up to and including the man who currently occupies the White House, Joe Biden. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune helpfully revealed the biographical information of everyone on the jury before they went to consider a verdict, so it would be easier to find and harass or hurt them if they were tempted to look at the evidence instead of cower from the mob.

Though the riots in Minneapolis, alone, caused over $1 billion in damages, these were supportive of the pagan left’s narrative, so they were “good” riots (or “mostly peaceful” protests). Unlike those who engaged in an unarmed melee at the Capitol on Jan. 6, the leftist rioters, even when they were caught committing serious mayhem and damage, were largely released without bail. Shoot, when they found that an instigator at the Capitol brawl, John Sullivan, was actually an Antifa/BLM activist, he was released. Can’t be caught inconveniencing one of their own brownshirts.

In the last week or so… Twitter permanently banned Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe, after he got video of a high-ranking CNN producer bragging about how they ignore the facts and focus on propaganda to shape the leftist narrative. O’Keefe has sued – and has a startling rate of success in his suits against pagan left bullies. Meanwhile, some on the left are arguing that Biden’s purge of Christians and conservatives from the ranks of the military needs to expand to go after veterans for the same. At a moment of great peril, these triumphal pagan leftists are going to discover that convincing someone to shut up is not the same thing as convincing them. Last week, Biden signed a little-noticed Executive Order which can easily be interpreted to allow the government to seize the property of anyone who disagrees with them (claiming that these people are Russian sympathizers). Even worse, it can go after family members or friends who try to give such targets food or shelter.  Yes, it is patently unconstitutional, but the pagan left long ago ceased to care about Constitutional barriers to their turgid fantasies of absolute power. It is diabolically clever for the pagan left to call themselves “anti-fascists” while entirely plagiarizing the German fascists’ playbook for how to seize control of a society.

And yet, these have to be the stupidest revolutionaries in history. All successful authoritarian revolutionaries have taken great pains to get large swaths of the police and military on their side before launching their major putsches. These people routinely insult the police and the military, threatening to define them as domestic terrorists. In all societies before now, ethnic groups that were a significant minority population worked hard on behalf of national unity, for they understood that unleashing bloody tribalism, even if it garnered early successes, would redound against them badly once the majority would no longer be cowed. Now it is among ideologically driven minority populations that calls for tribalism and a new mirror image of Jim Crow laws be mounted. Just as the riots of the last year mainly hurt the black neighborhoods and businesses that they were supposed to be helping, this new tribalism, deadly as it has been for Derek Chauvin, will eventually hurt minorities the most. At the top, as always, is a sinister cadre of people who pull the strings, hoping to use the rioters and the division to cement their own hold on power. While they speak endlessly of their own compassion, their primary reaction to the tens of thousands of people killed by forcing them into nursing homes with Covid by Democratic governors is not horror at the tragedy and the incompetence, but fear that is could damage the pagan left’s narrative. The people who died are just cogs in their ambitions. Extrapolate that out. The left never cares who they maim or kill in their quest for power, even when it is their own allies. Contrary to their rhetoric, their concern is entirely utilitarian – whether it will damage their quest. Leaders of Antifa and BLM would do well to take a look at what actually happened to Hitler’s brownshirts – their violent equivalents in the early days of Hitler’s reign. Look up “Night of the Long Knives” if you organized rioters want to see what your fate will be if the left ever consolidates its hold on power.

There is another thing the faux intellectuals of the left missed when they adopted the successful fascist playbook for taking over Germany in the ‘30s. Germany was still reeling from the punitive restrictions placed on it after WWI and had just suffered a catastrophic economic meltdown – which gave room for a malicious demagogue to take full control over society before the folksies figured out what was going on – and the downside of it. Until the manufactured Covid crisis, America was experiencing unparalleled economic prosperity and national stature. America has a large and robust middle class, a class that pagan left revolutionaries have been waging war on. It largely took that class the first quarter of this year to begin to grasp what was afoot with the ruling class. Now that ruling class is showing that they will sic their lynch mobs on whoever does not toe their noxious line. It is ironic that the same political party that empowered lynch mobs a century ago against blacks is at the forefront of now empowering lynch mobs against Christians and conservatives. It is as if they don’t care who, specifically, is lynched, just as long as someone is and it helps them retain power. It is similar to the satan’s ethic: he will torture and kill his enemies if he can, but is perfectly happy to torture and kill his allies, too. He is happy so long as someone is being tortured and killed.

Even in countries where the authoritarian revolutionaries take control for a time, the worm eventually turns. When it does, the self-righteous revolutionaries usually end up hanging from yardarms or the gallows. But like the Sam Cooke song, our modern revolutionaries “don’t know much about history.”

In this country, particularly, it is hard for ordinary people to wrap their minds around the idea that their government is siccing the lynch mobs on them. Almost all of us have a living memory when America actually was the home of the brave and the land of the free. Those who have lived in oppressive countries seem to have the best radar for ugly turns. In my travels these last few months, I have had one Russian woman and two Polish women tell me they were considering moving back to their natal country – because it looks like those countries’ commitment to actual human rights is now greater than the United States – or any of the rest of the western countries. Ironic. With the Russian Revolution, a great and cancerous error was inflicted on the world. Now, as Russia is struggling through recovery, the entire western world has been infected with that error. It is a satanic virus, I suppose.

In the late summer of 1793, Maximilien Robespierre, certain that a little more violence and force would purify the whole of Revolutionary France, introduced the guillotine and the terror to French society. Some 17,000 people were executed on the guillotine that horrible year with a crowd of regular daily spectators at the two major sites of execution. They got increasingly savage, with Charles Dickens reporting that there became a cry among the radicals for more children to be included among the condemned. It finally ended when the French people, terrified, weary and angry, sent Robespierre to the guillotine he mounted on July 27, 1794 (commonly called the Ninth of Thermidor).

This quarter, even the low-information, virtue-signaling citizens will figure out that the lynch mobs are coming for them and their families. What follows will be the bloodiest summer in American history. The American middle class will not calmly walk up the scaffold to their doom for not believing what Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters preach. The Ninth of Thermidor is coming for the pagan left, too.

I am bone-weary right now, exhausted from extensive travel, meetings and talks. I feel a profound sense of urgency. I pray that our little efforts at CORAC can help provide an alternative to open civil war and, if not, seed the country with working groups of people who are committed to faith, family and freedom to whom others can come and build safe communities of interest and values, whether those that come are believers who are wearied from the storm or have repented of their own contributions to it and want a better, more joyful way to live. We do talk of nullification – and I talk of secession – but not so as to break up the country. The pagan left is doing that quite efficiently. Rather, it is sort of a panic room, mounted by willing states to preserve reason, to preserve faith, family and freedom as the collapse of a dead culture surrounds them, so that what Lincoln called the last, best hope on earth can rise again from the ashes of self-imposed madness and destruction – and then help the rest of the western world to do the same.

These are the times that try men’s souls. While we walk this earth, we must live in the City of Man, but our hearts must be firmly ensconced in the City of God. The Lord is letting us see the results of entrusting our hearts to the City of Man. The battle will come. It must. If you deprive people of the right to object peacefully, they will eventually object violently. We know at CORAC that we have a very limited effect on the cultural trajectory. So, without submitting to outrages and offense, we work to prepare the ambulances for the cultural clash the pagan left is determined to have. Won’t you join us in laying the seeds of renewal now? Unless you capitulate entirely, the lynch mob is coming for you no matter how low you keep your head. I have always said that ultimately God would force us to choose who we will serve and publicly declare ourselves. Now is the time.


Please keep open the last week of June, the 25th-27th. We will hold our first annual meeting in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It will be a working meeting where you can meet others like you from around the country. We will have workshops on Medical issues, home and frontier skills, communications (mostly via ham radio), education committees (I am looking hard at homeschool consortiums), and prayer teams. We will also have four general speakers who will talk on eschatology, persisting effectively under persecution, building and caring for truly Christian families, and how to live robust – rather than wimpy – Christianity. Some of our speakers are nationally prominent, but I won’t announce them until late, because I want people who sign up to come primarily to work and learn rather than just to meet a celebrity.

We will begin taking registrations on Monday and have room for 400 people (with a little wiggle room for a few more, if demand spikes. The registration fee will be just $345 for a couple in a private room with bath and includes all meals. Even without a program, that is a great deal for a weekend in the Black Hills. Unfortunately, we will not simulcast this event. We are looking to make DVD’s available after the event. Hope to see many of you in South Dakota!

Donate to CORAC!


172 thoughts on “Ask Not for Whom the Lynch Mob Comes: It Comes for Thee

  1. Evil is parading its final hurrahs as some are useful tools. Good is evil and evil is good. It’s all so nauseating. But for the knowledge that God DOES have a Plan, it would be too, too much.

    That nefarious EO has potential for repulsive stuff. It reminds me of the stories in Mao’s high days where communists would shoot a family member, then demand that the family pay for the bullet.

    I still shake my head at those who buy the journalist/reporter narratives which are filled with distortion and outright lies. But I get the anger and dividing. I’ve experienced certain people who have led by the divide and conquer method. It’s just mind-boggling to see it happen on a massive scale as history repeats itself so vividly before us. Sooner rather than later: “At a moment of great peril, these triumphal pagan leftists are going to discover that convincing someone to shut up is not the same thing as convincing them.”

    Right there with you, and all here, Charlie, in prayer that CORAC will be a force of God’s Infinite Goodness raining down graces as this Storm grows fiercer by the day. Fr. Wang has CORAC tucked into his priestly heart as he walks to the altar. God k.n.o.w.s. our deepest desire to serve Him with all we are as we slog forward with you, and each other, to defend the faith, defend the faithful and hearten the faithful. His Kingdom come!

    Liked by 18 people

    1. “Good is evil and evil is good. It’s all so nauseating. But for the knowledge that God DOES have a Plan, it would be too, too much.” I’ve found myself very frustrated with the evil antics of the left but even more shocked that so many seem to not notice! Of course the media are to blame. Their distortion of the truth is shown on all our TV networks. I refuse to watch the news now, but sadly many do, and they believe every lying word! My question is…why are the media protecting the left?

      Liked by 11 people

        1. Well stated, Jared, couldn’t agree with you more There are 6 corporations that own 90% of major media outlets. The same Directors often sit on the board of more than one of those 6 corporations, thereby ensuring a consistent stream of propaganda. What do these Bilderberg/Davos globalists want to achieve through their media control? In the short term, the division of the American people, leading to the destruction of the USA.

          Those 6 corporations are;

          2. DISNEY
          3. CBS
          4. VIACOM
          5. NEWS CORP
          6. AT&T

          Some excerpts from the above linked article;

          “This elite class, which also includes the Big Tech companies, now controls what we read, watch, or listen to. Today, their impacts are more felt in our online news intake and media consumption habits. 37 years ago, 50 companies controlled the media in America. Fast forward to 2011, American news outlets are controlled only by 6 powerful corporations.

          Jim Morrison … once said: “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” He was right. Today, Americans think they have an unlimited variety of entertainment and media options right at their fingertips. But it is all a lie. This illusion of choice was fabricated by the media elites. In the early 90s before the mainstream adoption of the Internet, the media landscape used to be simple and straightforward. Today, 6 media giants control a whopping 90% of what we read, watch, or listen to

          Objectivity in journalism is an illusion created by the elite class to give the appearance of balanced news. However, there is no such thing as unbiased news. Journalists who work for these six corporations answer to their owners and ultimately serve their agenda.”


          Liked by 12 people

          1. I wonder if this includes The Epoch Times newspaper? Does anyone have some background on this latest group of news periodicals ?

            Liked by 2 people

            1. The Epoch Times is a multi-language newspaper headquartered in New York City. The company was founded in 2000 by John Tang and a group of Chinese-American Falun Gong practitioners. The newspaper covers general interest topics with a focus on news about China and human rights issues there. It draws from a network of sources inside China, as well as Chinese expatriates living in the West.

              Liked by 6 people

            2. Linda, The Epoch Times isn’t controlled or owned by any of the Big 6 media mafia. Along with news outlet “NTD”, it’s closely supported by the Falun Gong religious movement. Since 1999, they’ve been brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) despite the fact that the Falun Gong are a peaceful, non-violent religion.

              Given the current controlled, censored, castrated state of the major US media channels, The Epoch Times gives us a comparatively honest view of the news.

              Here’s an article that gives a brief history of the disgusting and immoral way the CCP has attempted to eliminate the Falun Gong and its practitioners;



              Liked by 4 people

          2. “Journalists who work for these six corporations answer to their owners and ultimately serve their agenda.” So really a handful of powerful men are changing society. I would never have believed it possible….. but here we are now witnessing it!.

            Liked by 4 people

        2. “Because the msm have been bought out by the globalists and seek out a monopoly on the narrative.” So, they need to be part of this ‘changing’ world in order to survive? Telling the truth then is not the thing to do! “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Example…’Climate Change.’ Well, thank goodness we know the truth, no matter how small a number we are at this time. We are truly headed for a ‘changed’ world….. when Jesus reigns in all hearts! 🙂

          Liked by 7 people

        3. I’ve been pondering using the term “msm”, I starting to use the term corporate media because one of the things that happens is hijacking words and their meanings. There isn’t anything mainstream about msm. Middle America is mainstream. The media is owned by 6 corporations and control 90% of the media. Like pro-choice, as if using the pro- makes it better for the baby being ripped apart.
          Don’t misunderstand me. I am not criticizing you in anyway. Only thinking about words.

          Liked by 13 people

          1. Ha! HttP…when I was in radio a quarter of a century ago I quit using the term msm because I said the same thing…there is nothing mainstream about them. Since, I have always called it the establishment media. That irritates those in the media who hear it because they imagine themselves being these bold rebels who speak truth to power and are storming the barricades of a complacent establishment. I say that the barricades of the establishment ARE being stormed – they are those barricades and we are storming them. So keep speaking truth to power.

            Liked by 15 people

            1. k And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church,* and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. Mt 16:18
              “I say that the barricades of the establishment ARE being stormed – they are those barricades and we are storming them. So keep speaking truth to power.”
              –just connecting thoughts 🙂

              Liked by 5 people

      1. Good question. And it is dismaying how few people are not “seeing” what’s happening.


        1. Hi Joan,

          I was listening to someone yesterday who was echoing exactly what the media would have us believe. Anyway I gave her some true facts concerning what was actually happening. She questioned me on many things..for example “How bad was it that President Trump ordered the crowds to storm the Capital building.” Obviously I told her the truth of the situation. To say she was astonished would be an understatement! Thinking about all of this I do believe that many people, who have some kind of authority, politicians judges etc are scared of going against the agenda of the ‘Globalists,’ because they are either being blackmailed….some have very shady pasts….or they have been promised great rewards.

          Regarding “we the people” some don’t want to know the truth. They actually think they are showing ‘true love’ by their acceptance of certain new trends….redefining the family etc. God doesn’t exist in their world. My goodness they are in for a rude awakening in the not too distant future.


          1. Agree, Janet. And I know a LOT of people who are just plain blind; they’ve only consumed mainstream media narratives. Some are beginning to awaken, but so many more are yet in the darkness, believing the narratives that are peddled by “journalists” and “reporters.”


  2. JESUS = GOOD NEWS!! .. 😉 PM

    As BLM/ANTIFA is the Militia of the Democrat Party, killing babies and the rest of The Agenda will be “defended” by said Militia ;-(

    Pastor Dana on MN, USA Troubles and need for Christians to unite in Prayer and Action.

    If some group were out to foment Anger, Confusion and Civil War along Racial-n-Class Lines in our USA or elsewhere,.. what would they be doing differently than the Democrat Party, LeftMedia and BigTech of the past five years? … Eh!!??


    Liked by 9 people

  3. Great post Charlie…. Yesterday I talked to a Polish 80-year old man, who was an officer in the Communist times in Poland. He said people are different now than when he was a Communist officer, he said people were much better back then, inclined for the common good of their neighbors. I was surprised and asked him how it could be if you were a Communist official back then. He replied that even though the system was officially Communism, those were the people who survived WWII or raised by their patriotic parents. He said that even within the party they would say: “But remember, after all you are a father first”. So it looks like it comes down to family and if majority of families are God strong there is no oppressive system that will stand in a long run. It is not only the system that needs to be fixed, it is in the first place the core of the society – families, and the values they build upon. It goes down to this: our families need to be God strong and all will be good.

    Liked by 19 people

  4. Charlie, your post was spot on and yes things are ramping up fast. The EO you spoke of was not mentioned on the MSM as far as I know. This is just the tip of the iceberg that is to come. This short clip by Ben Domenich of the Federalist sums up also, where we are at as a nation and he says the same as Charlie, “we must choose”….Here’s the link:
    Our one hope as I see it, is our local Sheriffs, if they are not compromised. They can nullify an unconstitutional EO’s and other unlawful laws that the left passes if they so choose. They are elected by you. No other law enforcement is elected by the people. They take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Sheriff Mack of the CSPOA (see is coming to speak to our local Sheriffs and the public about being a constutinal Sheriff on May 11th & 12th (see the events calendar on the CORAC website) They can also form posses just like in the old days if necessary.

    It is our time to stand and stand we must! Thanks Charlie for your exhausting efforts you are putting in.
    We do appreciate it! God Bless.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. Gary S,
      Several years ago “A Friend of Medjugorje” wrote a book entitled, I think, “They Fired the First Shot”. ( I am away at the moment otherwise I would give you the correct title if this is not). He wrote that Sheriffs would be our first and last line of defense. He also gave the history of sheriffs and how they came to us from England and common law. It all makes sense now. Sheriffs tend to be conservative. God help us all.

      Liked by 7 people

  5. Charlie really great piece per usual and I do sense your urgency… God’s urgency! Pray up, get up and saddle up sure keeps coming into my head! Me thinks we should probably make up a CoRaC tshirt like that!!! I like this paragraph very much!🥰

    “These are the times that try men’s souls. While we walk this earth, we must live in the City of Man, but our hearts must be firmly ensconced in the City of God. The Lord is letting us see the results of entrusting our hearts to the City of Man. The battle will come. It must. If you deprive people of the right to object peacefully, they will eventually object violently. We know at CORAC that we have a very limited effect on the cultural trajectory. So, without submitting to outrages and offense, we work to prepare the ambulances for the cultural clash the pagan left is determined to have. Won’t you join us in laying the seeds of renewal now? Unless you capitulate entirely, the lynch mob is coming for you no matter how low you keep your head. I have always said that ultimately God would force us to choose who we will serve and publicly declare ourselves. Now is the time.”

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Pray Up, Git Up, Saddle Up, and RIDE UP, in the Wind of The Holy Spirit, blowing like a hurricane, all over this Land! Come Lord Jesus, send forth Your Spirit, and renew everyone, everywhere!

      Liked by 7 people

  6. Also…I thought this message from Anne a lay apostle this morning was very interesting and sort of in tune with Charlie’s piece here! I think it is only a few minutes long.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Linda, this is the one I emailed to the daughter who gets so upset about the treatment of the police, and prays hard for them. It is an encouraging message from Mama.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Annie w I listen to these messages every morning while I’m getting ready for the day! Often I listen to them like 3 times and even more often I save them! Ha!!! What wonderful help there is today from heaven to help us all down here get through these tricky icky times!😂🥰🙏🐿🐶🤗🎊 so grateful! We were born for these times Annie W!!! 🐎 pray up, git up, saddle up! 😂

        Liked by 3 people

  7. Wow…well this is what we have all been praying, dreaming, and preparing for. Since a young child I was told this was coming. Now it is here. I just pray, I will not fail, and can be of service to our Lord that I am called to do. I realize I have changed course in my outlook, become more relaxed, and thoughtful. I hold my family dearly, those that have not left. While trying to maintain a certain part of normalcy in our lives (graduation is finally here) and then asking our Lord to watch over my precious grandchild, who thinks is ready to take on the world. Sometimes, my heart is going to burst…sometimes I just tell our Lord, “I am yours, do with me what you will.” For those who believe they can beat the clock because there is one or 2 more things that need doing, I just hold my breath and pray pray pray. The most important lesson I have learned these last few years, is to just cherish those you love, and realize many will not make it. I did not voice my opinion on the c-19 shot…would not do any good… they took it anyway. Seems crying does not help, but it does release some pressure.
    So for all watch’n and wait’n take good care of the family, and friends, and be at peace. I read an interesting
    expression and have posted it as my signature for my email…
    “Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum

    accipite armaturam Dei

    “If you want Peace, prepare for war,

    Put on the Armor of God”


    Liked by 15 people

  8. Charlie; I’ve been looking forward to your take on the Chauvin conviction. I hope I never have to stand trial for anything. Trial by a jury of my peers worries me when I take a good look around at my so-called ‘peers’.
    Furthermore, I don’t give a rip about Resident Buyden’s latest EO, said the guy whose wife literally has a direct connection to Moscova.

    Liked by 13 people

  9. “Last week, Biden signed a little-noticed Executive Order which can easily be interpreted to allow the government to seize the property of anyone who disagrees with them (claiming that these people are Russian sympathizers). Even worse, it can go after family members or friends who try to give such targets food or shelter”

    Heart wrenching, especially when everyone in my family is a liberal loon. They would probably lead the mob to me.

    Liked by 11 people

  10. OK, after this read Charlie I’m quite shook. I’m not surprised or anything, it’s not like I didn’t know, but these times are getting heavier and heavier. Especially, since I feel like my “cross” is already pretty heavy, ya know? I really would like to attend the CORAC Faith, Freedom and Family conference in SD–just wondering with “bloodshed” everywhere, should we maybe hunker down where we are?

    Liked by 7 people

    1. For what it’s worth, I think it’s important to take it to prayer, San San, especially since you’re feeling hesitant. Let the Lord guide you in your decision-making.

      Liked by 10 people

      1. I take everything to prayer. What I do do is share my feelings way too much with others rather than just to my Lord. Thank you for your insight.

        Liked by 8 people

        1. Sansan, We all share our feelings…and this format/platform helps direct us and qualify our thoughts. You are no different than any others. It’s a tuff world right now. As we all stay under our Lady’s Mantle, we will be safe. She has promised this. I tell my priest I am scared. Scared because I don’t want to slip. And I worry for those I love who do not want to listen. There seems to be a lot of them. Yet, my priest always says (and it gives me comfort) God’s Mercy is unending, and His Love is eternal, let Him take over…And be patient….
          Good idea and so I listen. I enjoy this site and people. Good people. The sincerity and care is real. Driven by some wonderful, insightful people. Be alert, y’all! Ave Maria, O’ Blessed Mother, Mary.

          Liked by 10 people

  11. Oh… That’s what that trial was about… I wasn’t sure it was wise to ask about it with the amount of anger over it…

    Wasn’t accusing others of the crimes that the accuser commited (and was guilty of) part of the Nazis/Fascist playbook? To accuse others of facism is to direct the attention away from the accuser’s fasist behaviors and project that hate on others. Social media seems to be ran by fascists these days accusing & hatefully labelling people to silence them.

    “We will hold our first annual meeting in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It will be a working meeting where you can meet others like you from around the country. We will have workshops on Medical issues, home and frontier skills, communications (mostly via ham radio), education committees (I am looking hard at homeschool consortiums), and prayer teams. We will also have four general speakers who will talk on eschatology, persisting effectively under persecution, building and caring for truly Christian families, and how to live robust – rather than wimpy – Christianity. ”
    I could use a good dose of all that! It’s too bad I’m not able to attend it.

    I’d be in catacombs right now if Ontario had any to begin with… Martial Law is depressing & freaking everyone out!

    Liked by 9 people

    1. “Oh… That’s what that trial was about… I wasn’t sure it was wise to ask about it with the amount of anger over it…” I slipped up! I didn’t take my own advice and so listened to the media. I ended up thinking he was guilty. 😦

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Oh, there could have been a legitimate trial over manslaughter, Janet. Chauvin had a history of excessive force complaints – and that would have come into play in a fair trial. But this was a public lynching pure and simple. We are all less safe because of it.

        Liked by 8 people

        1. It must be so hard for the police nowadays. I can imagine that many officers hold back for fear of the consequences, even if a strong arm is called for. You would know, Charlie with your son being in the force.

          Liked by 4 people

          1. Having family members in the police force and a son who trained for it but was never hired, cops want aggressive men! No different in the military. If you are hired to potentially fight, wrestle shoot and get shot at, they don’t want officers/soldiers who show any aversion to it and this leads to hiring those who even have a willingness for the extreme.

            Liked by 6 people

          2. Janet we’re watching the Greg Kelly show currently (Thursday April 22) You just wouldn’t believe the smear campaign of the left media they’re doing on that poor policeman from Columbus Ohio who shot the 16 year old girl that was about to stab to death another girl!😩

            Liked by 1 person

        2. Charlie, is there any eyewitness source to quote by name regarding the trial evidence that Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder rather than his neck? Or Is the information in a transcript of the trial that can be excerpted? Has anyone in CORAC received a copy of the transcript through a Freedom of Information request? I know I can’t save the world by my Facebook posts (if they are allowed) but many if not most of my cousins are of the liberal persuasion, and I do try to introduce the best, most reasonable comments on issues, including many of the sources you link to. Your comment “The evidence revealed at Officer Derek Chauvin’s trial – by the prosecution – showed that Chauvin did NOT have his knee on George Floyd’s neck; he had it on his shoulder – just as Minneapolis police training manuals teach.” was the first time I even heard this allegation—but then, I don’t even read conservative sources very much anymore. The direction the country is going is so disheartening. EVERYONE including clergy seems to believe Chauvin was guilty, and so did I.

          Liked by 1 person

  12. Operation “Dark Winter”!?! Are they serious?!? They’re getting ready for it in Canada.

    Why couldn’t I have born a farmer’s son in a lot more boring chapter of history?

    Liked by 9 people

    1. God doesn’t make mistakes, Al. He created each one of us in the particular ways He has and chose us for these times. May we all grow in trusting Him and give Him our best efforts as we slog along. God bless.

      Liked by 13 people

      1. Al: you’re not alone in wishing that – we all do, believe me. But what Beckita says is true and if it’s any comfort, Tolkien covered this very point in the Lord of the Rings (a truly Catholic epic!):

        “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.

        “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

        Liked by 12 people

        1. Soldiers will surrender & give up fighting in war that they perceive is unwinnable. Workers will abandon their chores and refuse to work if the promise of pay is comparable to a fairy tale. Religion had no substance without recent miracles.

          The world is set against us because of the above issues, even many of our shepherds stop being shepherds long ago preferring to turn their flocks over to the enemies slaughter houses.

          What options are left to the remnant? Go into hiding, surrrnder, death or gurilla warfare?

          Liked by 2 people

            1. Amen, Timothy! Two thoughts come to mind. First, a word from St. Joan of Arc:

              Fear is a natural human emotion as is feeling down at times, yet, in following Joan’s advice, we remember to refrain from clinging to the negatives. Feel them and let them pass. After all, each of us has a share in the Cross… and our ancestors throughout the ages did as well.

              Secondly, we’re NOT alone. Another St. Joan line: “Help yourself and God will help you.”

              The battle belongs to him! and, as you say, Timothy, for Him there shall be: “Victory. Total , complete victory.”

              Liked by 7 people

          1. “Workers will abandon their chores and refuse to work if the promise of pay is comparable to a fairy tale.”

            Reminds me of the old workers’ joke in the Soviet Union: “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work”.

            Liked by 9 people

      2. Amen! I love Mother Angelica’s quote: “Faith is one foot on the ground, one foot in the air, and a queasy feeling in the stomach.”

        Our dear Mother Angelica, pray for our ailing world! ❤

        Liked by 13 people

        1. Mother Angelica’s quote: “Faith is one foot on the ground, one foot in the air, and a queasy feeling in the stomach.”. Well I sure am feeling the queasy :O

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    2. Ha! Al2 I sort of always wanted to be born like during the civil war era when all those women in gone with the wind wore those big beautiful dresses! Lol 😂 probably wasn’t eat back then either without plumbing 🪠 especially but I guess what they didn’t know they didn’t miss😂😂😂

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  13. I got told yesterday that my place of employment was going to be mandating the vaccine. I of course could decline… and find another job….of which I am going to do.

    God bless us all as we walk through these days. I’m not on a lot, nursing school doesn’t leave me much time, but I think of you all often and pray for you as much.

    Liked by 17 people

    1. I got a whiff of that coming to my current job just moments ago at a factory meeting.

      Holy Spirit told me He had something new for me. Felt very profound.

      On a happy note less than 20% of my coworkers have gotten the shot; I am very proud of them.

      God bless.

      Liked by 13 people

      1. 1Irish, an experimental vaccine cannot be mandated and the Feds and states won’t mandate it. However, they can create the conditions where corporations can do it as if it were legal. Few people have the resources to go up against large or even modest-sized corporations, and so it will happen in a number of places. A few employees will quit (like Briana who knows what’s at stake here), but most will submit out of fear or because they don’t view it as a serious issue. I believe this is the plan with vaccine passports as well. No official requirement, but the governments will allow corporations to require them in order for us to use the corporation’s services. I would think that eventually governments will “reluctantly” endorse and then openly assist these corporations until eventually the Feds and states need to step in to “fight fraud” and then we’re mandated at all levels by stealth.

        I heard yesterday that an airline was discombobulated because everyone who flew had proof of vaccination but only some were actually vaccinated. So people are already trying to game that part of the system. 😀 However, that is the seed problem the Feds will be looking for to step in to fight fraud by establishing a Real ID type of vaccine passport even as they say they don’t want to.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Thank you Steve. Like Briana, I would leave if the DoD required this of me. Praying for all daily, for an end to this and the readily available treatments be allowed to be used.

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        2. You might think this strange but I am using the oil of the Good Samaritan with thanks and prayer every day :). I also pray for truth that it be revealed

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          1. 1Irish, I’ve heard of that oil but am not familiar with it at all. Although I have put out a lot of information about how to treat Covid-19, because I do believe we each must do all we can on every issue we face, I am under no illusion that my work is the be all and end all of staying healthy in a crisis. We will need miracles at some point in this Storm. Oil of the Good Samaritan and prayer and so on will be much more important then than anything I will have put together. 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t know a person who does not become battle weary, Al. Gratefully, we do have a Mother who will allow us to rest in her to be refreshed and renewed, ready to press on.

      Stella Maris, pray with and for Al… pray with and for each of us.

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    2. I get ya Al2!!! I’ve had an unusually high degree of attacks lately and I have to acknowledge God CONSTANTLY lately just like Charlie has taught us to do. Sometimes I feel so stressed I feel I might just have a heart attack but I don’t mind too much, for I figure God knows the exact right time for me to close my eyes and open them (hopefully no presumption here) in His loving gaze. I just try to confess myself like every two weeks and try my hardest to be best prepared for when that moment comes no matter how it comes for surely at some point it will come for all of us anyways. I guess it’s called “surrender,” and then there’s another way of looking at it too…we are all suffering so much and I just know we’re all offering it up for Charlie and all members of CoRaC and in the end ultimately for Christ Our King! I’m sure it consoles Him very much when most of the world is not consoling Our Lord. Nothing of what we are going through is being wasted🥰

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      1. Linda, that was one of the best comments ever made here!
        The Divine Mercy novena of St Faustina has a line in it about those praying this novena “carry the weight of the whole world on thier shoulders”.
        This reminds me of Moses lifting his arms in prayer while Joshua fights the enemy who starts to loose when Moses cannot keep his arms up! But with the aid of two men to help keep Moses’ arms raised, Joshua wins the battle. Interesting how that earthly battle was more dependant upon a prayer warrior than on the physical battle! Other battles fought in the bible have similar features:
        David and Goliath.
        Samson and Delilah.
        Gideon and his army.
        The walls of Jericho.
        The list goes on.
        Then, the Royal battle of all time was for Jesus to apparently LOOSE the fight, be captured and put to death by a kangaroo court similar to what went on during the French Revolution and now what is going on today. But the ultimate bait-and-switch took place and Jesus took it all!
        When the satan is loosing he tries to burn it all down. During his defeat in Mexico by our Lady of Guadalupe (Tepeyac) the Mayans had a prophesy that their world would end on the very day Our Lady appeared there. At that time things were so bad- from the Spanish stopping thier sacrifices, taking over as rulers and the Mayans dying in large numbers from smallpox, it seemed to them thier world WAS ending so they also started commiting suicide in droves. The truth that the satan didn’t tell them was they were actually leaving HIS dastardly way of life and entering a whole NEW world of truth and grace.
        But like the satan did to Adam and Eve, he deceived them by planting a false rhetoric of what was to come was the end of it all.
        I think what you said Linda, is exactly what is really happening and the satan is “spewing a river” of rhetoric from his mouth to try and confuse this truth.
        Well done girl, well done.😇

        Liked by 9 people

        1. Awwww Phillip Frank you made me feel soooo good by what you wrote here!!! Thank you and what a great sign of hope you are to me this day!! Thank you again! All glory goes to God and this beautiful community of Johnston’s here!!!

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        1. Awwww thank you Beckita 🥰 if I have learned anything at all here how to navigate 🧭 through these “icky” yet joyful times, I attribute it all to Charlie, you and everyone here in this blessed community 🥰🐿🐶 I’m personally soooo grateful 🥰

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  14. Brother Charlie,

    Well said to all you say, with one minor note. When you say “It’s a satanic virus, I suppose”, I would delete the suppose and qualify that with a “It’s a satanic virus most definitely!”.

    I live in the Black Hills and very much look forward to meeting you and so many other CORAC brothers and sisters in Jesus.

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  15. I’ve been reflecting on “An evil generation will demand a sign, and none shall granted it except the sign of Jonah.” lately.

    I realize that Jonah worked no signs in Nineveh, the “sign of Jonah” didn’t even take place in Nineveh. The “sign of Jonah” was Jonah getting swallowed by the whale because he refused to do his job that God gave to him.

    Many of our Bishops & Priests prefer to preach a “feel good message” instead of preaching “The Gospel” in it’s fullness, so we find ourselves in the belly of the whale. The sheep, the flock don’t have the same education, the authority, nor the sacrament of holy orders, we are no substitute for them.

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    1. During last Sunday’s parking lot car radio Mass at the Cathedral, the presider started the Mass with the usual prefaced pandemic propaganda tie in to the readings. Jesus suffered, we suffer, He endured, we should too…in the end the victory is won, God does save us. Yes, however, our sanctification relies on His servants/our shepherds I jot down on a handy sticky note I find inside my automobile writing tablet. They are to guard us from the liars, tyrants, abuse of power mongers, oppression and such. The Church answers to God, Our Divine Physician, not to the foe. They are in charge of our Spiritual health, not ordained to be our nanny or medical provider to tend to our “safety.”
      In an ever small way I will speak my mind outside of the routine online chatter. OK, I ponder at Communion when I enter the Mass, I will slip this note in a box, basket or slot for anyone to know my hearts content at that moment. They are nowhere to be found as I do a panoramic glance while on my knees while waiving off the sprite sterilized spray spritzer. Try saying that 10x fast! After I head back to the car, I decide to brave it out and confront the guards if necessary on my way in. Through the giant metal front doors, the once ornate vestibule is barren. No candles anywhere, wax or electric. No bins, boxes, slots, fonts, rugs, not even a chair. Just empty space and dust.
      On my way back to the lot is an unmasked woman and I ask her where I can find the rectory. She kindly told me and there is where I met the kindest salt and peppered haired fella leaving the office. We chatted a bit and I asked if he would be so kind and deliver my note to the pastor. Without hesitation, he obliged. I learned from this gentleman that down the street is an old baptist church, now Catholic. It is robust and they belt out songs, yet do not require Mass registration and other silly stuff. I made a new friend and found a new Sunday Mass home. I cannot wait to go to Sacred Heart Church, down the road.
      None of this was planned, it simply unfolded, by the grace of God. We are rising together despite ourselves. Let’s actively be the Corps of Renewal and Charity together in all we think say and do even if/when we do not understand what difference it can make. Anything done with God in mind that comes from the heart is a right step and a sign of hope and will yield restoring rippling effects. ❤


      Liked by 16 people

      1. How wonderful!
        Still small voice.
        It is happening more and more these days.
        “Chance” happenings?
        The screaming population is getting so loud it is almost mute.
        If you want to get someone’s attention-whisper.

        Liked by 10 people

  16. JESUS = GOOD NEWS .. 😉

    The Resistance is forming in many diverse places. We won’t know till the Next Life just how far & wide God’s Network is & was 😉

    Yep!! All them Violent Right-Wing Extremists Out-There doing all that Burning, Looting, Robbing, Murdering & Drug-n-Sex Slave Trafficing is a terrible thing.

    Ain’t this nice!? It figures that Amazon & Whole Foods would be a “great” place to try out The Mark of the Beast ;-(

    There was a time I would have laughed off a Forecat like the below:


    Liked by 6 people

  17. I live in the Twin Cities. Now the cry “crucify him, crucify him” which moved Pilate has a more immediate meaning for me. Justice here seems to be heavily influenced by mobs and senators (Pharisees). The Bible is coming alive, albeit with modern characters.
    Two nights ago In my social circle we had two pregnancy issues….a teacher at our school delivered her child two months early. Another friend carried her fourth child to term…..but he is only 5#, 18” and very ill. Her other babies were robust. I think both ladies were “vaccinated.” Pray for the unborn! And newly born!

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    1. Oh that’s very sad! I’ll be praying too! Very worried for Jaxon as well as his mom Liz my daughter in law got jabbed😩 none of our kiddos listened to us. Pray pray pray🙏🙏🙏

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        1. Yes! June 12 & 18!!! Very excited will be in Virginia on last week of June to help out🥰👶🏼 very excited and yes thank you for praying for the girls and babies 🥰🙏👶🏼🐿🐶

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            1. Well we’re pretty stoked!!! The only this is the timing😫 lol we really really wanted to go to RCSD!!! I’m very disappointed in that. But God’s will is most important 🥰🙏👶🏼🐶🐿🐎🥳🤰

              Liked by 1 person

    2. It’s so sad that this is happening, Timothy, but I think a happier note is what the Holy Spirit told you. Prayers for you as you take your next right step.

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  18. JESUS = GOOD NEWS .. 😉

    Equity! … another Left Democrat Mantra of late.
    The Dumbing Down of the USA continues with the added ingredient of Anti-White/Asian People of Education ;-( Some here may recall The Killing Fields of Cambodia in 1975/9 where the Communist Khmer Rouge murdered 25% of the country’s population (2.5 million). Their targets were the educated and professional classes. Could it happen here? ……. In Deep Blue Urban Areas!?
    I also recall Obama’s Pals, Bill Ayers/Bernardine Dohrn, in their WX Underground Days discussing the need to liquidate 25 million Americans to further their Agenda. These Terrorists are still around and so is their Agenda! ;-(

    HullyGee!! Why are Democrat LawFare Lawyers so opposed to Transparancy on Election20 …. ABCNNBCBS-NPR told US Biden “Won” in a near Landslide!?

    Not To Worry! These upstanding Protesters will not face any legal ramification … Ya Know!



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  19. CD, the Veil of Veronica blog post was linked on Spritdaily today, top headline. It is quite intriguing and alarming! Of course some of the prophecies/sorrows of the Church have materialized already. Wow, the information pours out every day and of course, calls for more and more prayer! May the Lord and Mama strengthen us!

    Liked by 3 people

  20. That Sam Cook’s song rings so true. Also another line in this song, “don’t know much biology”, rings true in the wake of the ongoing taught gender confusion.

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      1. Please, be at Peace, Linda. If we press to our hearts the insight and wisdom which Charlie has shared over the years and has been reiterating in his visits around the country, we can recall that this is not the end… this crumbling of the old order makes way for the New Beginning. Yes, what ABV addresses is horrible, yet, it’s not at all the final story. In fact, it’s the result of what has been horribly developing for too many decades which many say is rooted in the Enlightenment and, we know as Christians, was first rooted in original sin. As ABV speaks to the many problems, I notice he’s giving a pretty good summary of the locutions to Fr. Gobbi which launched the Marian Movement of Priests which is another arm of Our Lady’s Army that inspired and ignited praying and sacrificing troops into action.

        When I first read this latest from Vigano, I especially thought of Charlie’s impassioned assurance, during his interview with the Grace Force, of how this crumbling is necessary so we may fully focus on renewing, reforming, rebuilding, re-birthing the world around us.

        “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” Maranatha!

        Liked by 8 people

        1. Yes, what you say is true, Beckita. We’ve been hearing for a while that, just as an alcoholic, they say, must reach bottom and ask for help, we have to reach the crumbling of the old, and rebuild with the Lord’s help.

          I was trying to reassure one of our daughters yesterday; emailed one of the emails from Anne that we’re getting (words from Mama). I also told her that I heard these words in prayer, “These things must happen.” That daughter, the one of our children closest to the Lord, gets so wrapped up in praying for police, that it affects her emotionally. All we can do is pray for our grown kids and everyone else, we can’t change them. May Mama hide us under her mantle always!

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        2. Yes! I remember Fr Gobbi well! We got to see him twice and my boys ran straight to his arms! Fr Gobbi’s body guards pushed me back but I did get a sign of the cross on my forehead from Fr Gobbi which I thought I’d go down in the spirit!!! Hahahahaha

          I think it all ties into the Prophesies Desmond has put together as well in his TTT book, Trial tribulation and triumph before during and after antichrist which I have been going through at great length as of late.

          Thanks for your wonderful sign of hope Beckita!🥰🐿 You’re always there to make sure none of us lose hope 🥰 thank you 😘

          “And oh how we need this storm!”🤗

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          1. When the tales of these times are told as we look in retrospect, Linda, we’ll notice that every authentic prophecy – in and out of TTT – will be a part of the whole, revealing how Our Lord and Our Lady did all that could be done to alert Their children to encourage them to repentance and to keeping the sacred covenant God has made with His people. No doubt, we’ll be surprised at how many of those prophecies are fulfilled and we’ll likely discover the impact of mitigation. 🙂

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            1. I was really into TTT this past weekend…I suppose it’s not for me to know but I can’t help wondering how the triumph may affect the three days of darkness 🤔

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                1. Well I know Desmond says in his book the 3 days could be averted if mankind accepts the grace ave mercy God wants to give so..,,,,,hmmmm…. wouldn’t that be wonderful 🥰

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                    1. Yes “sigh….” it will be nice when everyone acknowledges God once again 🥰 I can’t help thinking of Chuck Schumer as a little baby who just came from God! 😂. Lord have mercy on our poor bleeding world😫

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    1. If abp Vigano is right then Pope Francis is in the phase of betrayal, hopefully Peter-like one, not Judas-like one … Anyway, Pope Francis not my favorite pope of the Catholic Church, similarly Joe Biden not my favorite president of the USA.

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  21. Can you tell me if this sounds abusive? 😔
    My friend’s husband won’t let her visit any friends or family. He has made her stop all contact with them unless it’s on the phone or computer. He reads and censors her comments on social media.
    He makes her feel like she’s going crazy for thinking he’s controlling, and that she is being ungrateful. (After all, he’s only doing this because of how much he cares about her.)
    He doesn’t want her going to the gym anymore, so she doesn’t go. He also doesn’t let her go to work anymore (he told her to only rely on him for income and that he will take care of her).
    She’s not really allowed to go out anymore, unless it’s for necessities, and when she does, he makes sure to have people guilt trip her about it and shame her for it.
    He wants her to have this medical procedure done and tells her that if she does it, he will allow her more freedoms.
    He constantly says he’s only doing all of this because he cares… he is just doing it for her own good.
    Oh wait….did I say husband? I meant the government.
    My bad.
    You have been conditioned to be outraged if another person did this to their spouse, but be passive & compliant when it comes to our government.
    Please wake up!😔
    (Copy and pasted from a friend, but so worth the share.)

    Liked by 9 people

    1. This is most definitely abusive. Anytime one spouse controls another like this, the situation is absolutely abusive. Anytime anyone is being isolated from friends and family, there is a situation of abuse that is brewing or already in play. Your friend needs counseling ASAP. If he will not change, then she must do something so save her sanity and her health which will be affected negatively. This is not what marriage is meant to be. And what does the man do if she does leave the home? What is the punishment he gives her? Verbal? Physical? It is usually verbal at first and, if that does not work, then he may being doing something physical (though that may already be happening and she may be too ashamed to say so). I am very alarmed to read about this. It takes every ounce of courage and strength a Catholic women has to say “this is not right and this marriage is not what Jesus wants for me and my children” because marriage is a sacrament. This is true of many Christian women. I am asking Our Blessed Mother and St. Michael to aid her. May the Holy Spirit give her the discernment and fortitude she needs as the situation continues to develop.

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      1. The first signs of abuse are widely posted on the internet. One of the very first signs is isolation, self-doubt, diminished self worth, and an ever more controlling spouse (who has created all the conditions that I have cited). As I said, it starts with verbal abuse and it progresses. There are hot lines one can call for counseling. She may even need a burner phone to do this since her spouse seems to control everything and check everything that she does. I wonder if her family may do an intervention and come to see her? (Unfortunately, lots of families do not understand and do not want to get involved……Katie Hudson was very fortunate that her father was a savvy attorney because she was definitely facing a control issue. ) ……. Your friend should come up with an emergency plan for the day she may have to leave. The spousal abuse sites also advise how to do that…. I also think that she may be facing denial. ie, “He really is only looking out for my best interests and he love me so much.” I know that there are books out there that clearly explain the situation and how/ why it develops. Once she sees herself between the pages, things will become clearer to her.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I saw online this was a parody of how some governors are controlling the people in their state, read it again with that perspective?

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      2. Stjudithwanttobe That is what I thought too! I’m going to pray along with you to our Blessed Mother and St Michael and also to the Holy Spirit to wake us all up🥰✝️😇 God bless you so much🙏

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    2. Linda,

      I’m sad for your Friend and all my Fellow Citizens trapped in the People’s Democrat Socialist States.
      Virtually all these former great States are being held hostage by corrupt Deep Blue Urban Areas & enemies within ;-( The Folks in Red Counties/Suburbs will have to take a Stand …Soon!

      My State is Red but has it’s Blue Urban Areas with all the usual “Unmentionable Troubles”.
      We also, unfortunately, have a Linguine Spined Term Limited Guv owned by WallyWorld/Global Interests & looking for a Golden Parachute Job elsewhere.

      God Save All Here!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Crew dog 🐶 not only in OUR country!!! Omgosh the world… did you see this?!?? I was personally sooooo heartened!!!🥰🐶🙏🐿🐎✝️👍🎉

        Liked by 7 people

  22. JESUS = GOOD NEWS .. ;-)s

    The Night Stalker is still with us ;-(

    The Criminal Perps in the below Headlines are NOT Trump MAGA Types.
    “North Carolina protest over Andrew Brown shooting death declared ‘unlawful assembly”
    “Portland police declare riot Friday night after mayor’s state-of-emergency extension”
    “Breaking: Windham, New Hampshire Official Receives Death Threats Over Upcoming Ballot and Voting Machine Audit”
    “New Orleans shooting on Bourbon Street leaves at least 5 wounded: report”
    “Lawsuit Notice Filed in Fatal Shooting of New Mexico Officer”
    “New Mexico trooper was setup to die by DHS…”
    “Driver drags NYPD officer with car, was out with no bail at time despite attempted murder charge, police say”
    …. but … Not to Worry!! 😉 MadMax with the help of the Depts. of Just-Us, FBI, DHS and ICE are still “Hot on the Trail” of all those Elusive-n-Evil MAGA Hat wearing White Supremacists Out-There …. Somewhere!??!
    ….. & US Post Office too .!?. ;-(


    Liked by 4 people

  23. The book, Codependent No More, was publish in 1986. One of my friends, an attorney, recommend to me. I am ashamed to say that I saw my self all over the opening pages and chapters. Several priests (old Italians, young priests, etc) all told me that I needed to get a divorce. If I could not do it for myself, then I need to do it for my child. After reading this book, I saw things very, very clearly. My life was sad, shameful ,and oh so pathetic! Oh, I did all the counseling. One needs a willing partner to do counseling so that did not work. My only choice was to leave. It was very, very hard to pack things up and leave but I had reached my mental and physical limit. This book and what I saw of myself in it saved my life. This book is about being married to person addicted to a substance. However, there are many books that cover all types of spousal abuse out there now. This was the first of its kind.

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    1. It was a seminal book, Judith, which influenced both counselors and clients. I read it when it was released which was about the time I was attending ACA groups. Codependency afflicted children who were raised in homes where addiction was a struggle for a parent or both parents. Too, when the addicted one enters treatment and/or engages in counseling to address the issues which need healing, it is discovered that, often, the addicted one has co-dependency issues from his/her own childhood. Jesus heals. Oh how He heals! At the same time, we have to partner with Him in this kind of inner healing so that we do our work, our part in bringing about a healthier existence.

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      1. That booked (and therapy) changed my life! It was the first book my counselor suggested I read when I started therapy. I also was greatly helped by Adult Children of Alcoholics and Boundaries.

        Jesus does indeed heal! Praise Him!

        Liked by 5 people

    2. I loved this book and the author. I read it in 2007 during a difficult time in my life while on a greyhound bus trip. I traveled a week or so from Chicago to Minneapolis on an August pilgrimage of sorts. It was a book of exercises and lessons. Powerful! ❤

      Liked by 4 people

  24. JESUS = GOOD NEWS!! .. 😉 PM

    We know who the Extremists are and they ain’t in the Military, Faithful Churches or MAGA Types!
    Sen. Barry Goldwater had it Right in 64:

    I know it’s very Un-PC to ask ….. but is ChinaJoe Biden really the Guy behind the mask …. or a Body Double …. Inquiring Minds would like to know!??

    Yep!! Democrats, to “prosper”, always require two major things: An ignorant voter base and a compiliant Media to keep that ignorant base “Woke” and in a frenzy of fear, anger and/or class envy! …….. and, of course. Ignorance ;-(


    Liked by 4 people

  25. JESUS = GOOD NEWS .. 😉
    A couple of comments on MILINET would sum up my views!
    “With less than 5% of the American public claiming to be “LGBTQ. I am wondering how the hell do we have this display of degeneration and sordid sex flying at our embassies around the world?”
    “I do not expect this to go over well with the Islamic Faith, Christian Faith, Jewish Faith, Buddhists, Hindus and etc.. This will be a huge disrespect and insult to many countries and their peoples around the world, all with just one Executive Order!
    Somebody should take the ink cartridges out of Biden’s pens.”


    Liked by 7 people

  26. For those of you who are interested in testimonies of the effects of COVID vaccines:warning some photos graphic re. Skin reactions:

    Please pray for these people!!!!

    Also, Reporting that I’m a week post COVID. I still don’t have my taste and smell back yet. I had a bad migraine and aches at the height of sickness with a low temp of 100.2. I liken it to a bad hangover without the regrets of drinking too much. Now it’s like a bad cold. I’m still a bit tired but better off than the above report.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Prayers for your recovery, Littleone. My husband and I believe we had the covid back in November. We didn’t get tested or go to the doctor, but tried to use SteveBC’s protocol. I had lost my sense of taste, had a red eyeball (conjunctivitis), and we both had the aches/pains, fever, breathing was a bit affected, and fatigue. Took a few weeks to get our strength back, but it felt like the flu to us. Oh, and we stayed home as we usually do when sick. Am glad to hear you are improving and hope your fatigue fades soon. God bless you,

      Liked by 7 people

    2. God bless and heal you, Littleone. The link you provide is for an amazing expose. So much is hidden from us, but it gets leaked out day after day. God help us!

      Liked by 2 people

  27. Charlie,

    As usual, your posts always contain a wealth of insight and understanding. As for the Officer Derek Chauvin trial, the regime must now to try to crush anyone that even was a witness for the defense. Maryland attorney general and governor’s offices have announced that they were opening an investigation of all deaths that happened in police custody while Dr. David Fowler was Maryland’s chief medical examiner. I am sure they are trying to teach him a lesson for giving a solid independent analysis of the facts and all other related factors that resulted in George Floyd’s death.

    It does not matter if the Left wins, they must still destroy those that played a part in defending the defendant (even if they used objective medical analysis). Their hatred and craving to crush truth is so out in the open, it is hard to believe so many people do not see it, or, that they see it but choose not acknowledge it.

    Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Pray for us
    Jesus, have mercy on us

    Liked by 9 people

  28. Sorry if a repeat, but on Defendingthe Republic.(com?) Sydney Powell posted this along with much more:

    3- A word about The Epoch Times.
    Note that the article above is from The Epoch Times.
    Sometimes we will provide the whole text of articles so you do not have to add clicks to enemy sources. That is NOT the case with The Epoch Times. We strongly encourage you to go to their website and support them in all the ways you can. They are an excellent source of unbiased news. Their newspaper, delivered to your door, will remind you of all the reasons you miss reading a newspaper! Their website and email updates are excellent.

    This paper was founded by people who have fled communism. They KNOW what communism is and they are a strong opponent. Just this past week, their printing press in Hong Kong was attacked by four masked men with sledgehammers.

    Communism always seeks to force the truth from being seen. The Epoch Times is a beacon for truth in the United States and in the world.“

    Liked by 6 people

  29. JESUS = GOOD NEWS .. 😉

    Ya Think!?

    Yep! Rich Computer Geek, Doctor of Gibberish & Greaser of LeftWing Palms.

    We have never been allowed to see John Kerry’s post Vietnam Military Discharge paperwork and only allowed to hear about a re-done post Jimah Carter “amnesty upgrade’ document that only the LeftWing Boston Globe was allowed to see. That tells me that Kerry’s original Discharge was Less than Honorable or even Dishonorable. …. and Dishonorable just about sums up Kerry’s MO ;-(


    Liked by 4 people

  30. Might CORAC consider setting up alternative transportation to offset mandatory type passports etc?

    For those of us not disposed to drive long distances; or even organize a chauffeur service of paid volunteers! Maybe a take on ridesharing…Thoughts or comments?

    Liked by 4 people

  31. JESUS = GOOD NEWS .. 😉

    “Dangerous Employees”!? ….. Oh! … Ya mean any employee that is NOT supportive of the Democrat Party godless Socialist, Abortion, Pervert, Open Borders and/or Constitution/Bill of Rights Trashing Agendas?

    It’s ALL part of The Agenda Gang! Eliminate Local LEOs and in comes Obama’s National Civilian “Security” Force (AKA: Lynch Mob) … it’s for The Children! … See!!?
    We are dealing with the Very Same People that we dealt with from 09-16 only Trump threw a monkey wrench into the works and gave US (& Them) a four year prep period.
    It appears they worked overtime tweaking Their Agenda plus building a volcano of vengeful rage about it all.
    We on the other hand did ..!? …..What? …Exactly!!??

    Remember!? ;-(


    Liked by 2 people

  32. The whole point & purpose of WW1 was for the global elite to setup the League of Nations, when it failed, WW2 came along and after the war the United Nations along with the European Union was forced down people’s throats. Covid is the next step in the globalist elite’s plans to setup the ultimate tyranny upon humanity, global government is the new Nazis party, and those who follow & worship it the new Nazis of this generation.

    Liked by 3 people

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