From the Ground Up

San Damiano

By Charlie Johnston

To accomplish superior achievement, it is not enough to simply defer to legitimate authority: you must actively work to make the strategy work, even when it is contrary to your own judgment. If you are a wide receiver on a football team, though you don’t call the plays, you are obligated to run crisp routes – whether you think it is the right play or not. If you run sloppily because you did not like the play call, you may have the satisfaction of bitterly complaining that if they would have just done what you said, you would have won – but you will never accomplish superior achievement nor achieve a spot where you become the play-caller. You will just be a mouthy loser. It is critical, in these times, to understand and internalize this.

On matters of great import, you reserve the right to candidly offer your assessment and recommendations privately. On routine matters simply do your best to make it work as the leader has directed. Serious people gravitate towards sound judgment, loyalty and fidelity. If you give consistently sound judgment and robustly work for the success of the group, whether or not a particular task is according to your judgment, people will seek out your counsel. Even more, the example you set of deference to legitimate authority will make it much easier to maintain discipline whenever you find yourself in authority. I would much rather work to make a mediocre plan a success than push even my most brilliant plan if it will divide the team. The former offers a much better chance of success. This, of course, does not include either unlawful or immoral orders. It applies to legitimate orders that are merely contrary to your own judgment.

I emphasize this because so much of modern life – and particularly modern discourse – has degenerated into a destructive and banal contest of wills. Even worse, people who thunderingly expound on what must be done are loathe to accept any responsibility if their course is adopted and fails. Many supposed decision-makers start working assiduously to deflect responsibility onto someone else should their plan falter immediately after the decision is taken – instead of working vigorously to make even their own plan work. Cowards and knaves, every one of them. When setting off on a course that made some vocally nervous, I often angrily told them to blame me if it failed, to which most eagerly assented. I certainly had my share of failures and blame – but the timid flunkeys who sought to avoid blame above all else never shared in the credit for my many successes, either.

Many – perhaps even most – of our most important mediating institutions are crumbling from the top down. The vandals have taken over media, academia and much of government. Shoot; media, academia and government bureaucracies have become training grounds for the vandals. They are the gasoline in the middle of a cultural fire. It is a fearful thing to behold. Yet even as the top collapses around us, even if the middle does not hold, the foundations of both our culture and our Church are strong. Perhaps it pleases God to allow this so he can re-build from the ground up.

I have written how important I think these next few months are in determining whether we can arrest this crumbling from the top – both in western culture and in the faith (once synonymous). If we just limp along through the fall, then next year will be extraordinarily ugly and perilous. So my thoughts turn to the health of the foundation and how to maintain it as the ramparts fall around us. Understand that when I speak of the foundation in the Church, I speak not just of laymen, but of all faithful laymen, religious and clerics. Leadership will probably have to come from laymen for a time. Some Bishops are timid, but all except the actual predators and those who assault Scripture and the Magisterium are to some extent held captive by corrupt actors – the vandals – at the top. The enemy is inside the gates and he has taken hostages. Even if laymen have to take the lead, they must play their position with fidelity. We cannot run the Church and should not try. Christ’s command on the matter is clear and compelling. Our mission here is to resist the predators and set the captive clerics free.

As we are in striking distance of real and substantial disruptions to normal life, even perhaps with communication, the time has come to discuss some plans for weathering a revolutionary assault on faith, family, freedom, and society.

The first thing to understand is that effective leadership and action here will be local. Jesus Christ is our man on a white horse – and the rest of us are merely His troops. It will take a lot of us, equally committed to faith, family and freedom, but acting independently with initiative and resolve.

One of the things that has been popular with readers in this community has been “storm dinners” – a combination prayer meeting and working dinner to collaborate on ways to coordinate with each other in case of crisis. If you have them in your area, keep it up and work to augment them. If you don’t, now is a good time to start. I will make arrangements to set up a sidebar here listing contact info for any regularly scheduled storm dinners. I understand that some will prefer to keep arrangements purely local and quiet.

Leaders of such groups should rise organically, someone local people trust and are willing to follow. Many of the characteristics of the type of leader local groups should look to can be found in St. Paul’s advice about effective Deacons in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. While Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants and faithful Jews may well make common cause in these efforts (and I have said repeatedly that all such are to be treated as full and equal partners in the work before us), leaders should be called from among those who clearly live their faith every day. Avoid two common errors. Do not try to make a good and holy man who is timid and lacks leadership skills into your leader. Such a man may well offer great counsel to the leadership team, but is rarely fit to rally people in crisis. Similarly, avoid men of action who think crisis relieves them of the duty to live both faith and worship. Do not send St. Therese of Lisieux to lead the battle nor sit St. Joan down in the cloister. The bulk of the battle is properly deploying people in ways that play to their strengths. Another trap to avoid is one who, taking leadership, does not recognize the legitimate faith of all, but tries to impose a triumphal enforcement of one faith tradition. You will have many common endeavors; make accommodations for authentic worship for all Judeo-Christian faith traditions involved. If we live the faith well in times of strife, who can doubt that God, Himself, will see to unity?

A common military axiom is that all battle plans go out the window as soon as the first shot is fired. Paradoxically, it is also axiomatic that the side that began with the best, most comprehensive battle plan, usually prevails. It is the process of developing plans, considering as many variables and options, that gives the prevailing side the advantage of both strength and flexibility in action. If all I accomplish by writing about areas that people should be thinking of is to trigger a new wave of restless and obsessive preparation, I will have failed. The single most important navigational star in all these things is the person of Christ. Typically, when confronted with an oncoming problem, I consider about a dozen possible scenarios and options on how to respond to each. A good 30 percent of the time, what actually happens was not among the scenarios I considered at all. Maybe 20-25 percent of the time it is the most likely scenario I thought of that comes to pass. It is the habit of mind, building strong, but supple mental muscles that is pivotal. People shy away from contemplating the potential for significant social dysfunction. My goal is to get you to contemplate these things in ways that will be useful if things go south, either abruptly or like a slow swirl down a drain. Do not make it your raison d’etre, but be prepared in coordination with your friends and family.

Think about how things rise from the ground up. The family is both the first Church and the first government. If it is healthy, the parents of the family exercise their authority out of love and devotion – and in service – to the members of the family. The children are obedient largely because they know their parents want their good. Voluntary associations rise from communities of families. Churches, civic associations, even barn-raisings are simply groups of neighbors collaborating with each other for the common good. They see a need and endeavor to meet it. Love, need, service, cooperation…these are the hallmarks of social structures organically growing from the ground up.

There are several things you should think of now while all is relatively calm. First, establish a rally point and a common message board where people can go and get information in the case of sudden crisis. Have at least some people in your group spend time learning pioneer-era and wilderness skills, such as soap-making, recognizing useful plants, and finding water when it does not come from the tap. Outdoor Life Magazine published a very handy and concise book, “The Ultimate Bushcraft Survival Manual.” I keep it with me wherever I go. Even if everything smoothes out and you never have to use it, having the knowledge and the skills to deal with whatever confronts you will tremendously boost your confidence and enable you to confront the unexpected calmly without panic. During my pilgrimage, I was right near the Buffalo Bayou at the far eastern end of central Houston when I realized that if everything suddenly collapsed, I would be fine. I knew how to get food, how to find shelter, how to follow water. It was a deep comfort. I think, with real satisfaction, that if I suddenly woke up in the middle of nowhere, I wouldn’t like it, but I would manage okay. When you can truly see such things as problems to be managed rather than raw terrors, you will navigate every problem with more facility and confidence – AND inspire confidence in those around you.

You will want to have at least one organizing center to build your community around. It can be a Church, a community center, or even a large home with some acreage to it. Mainly it is something that, instinctively, the people in your group will gravitate to in an emergency. It probably will be the site of your meetings or storm dinners before there is any real need for it as a crisis center. The more resources – both physical and spiritual – available there, the better. It is best if it is within easy walking distance of a source of water. Think in terms of the resources you would need if the grid was down and both communication and transportation was not easy.

The federal government actually has a site that provides some pretty good advice for preparedness for emergencies. Please do not get obsessed with Hollywood disaster scenarios. They are exciting, but absurdly unrealistic. In most actual crises, whether of brief or extended duration, the overwhelming majority of people weather the crisis where they were when it began – and are at the same place when it ends. Many of the skills you develop and friends you make will be helpful whether the power is just out for a few days or if there is an extended period of strife.

Stay away from urban areas. If you live there, scout out a backup plan. It is in urban areas that people are least able and knowledgeable about how to endure crises and fend for themselves in an emergency. If the grid went down and supply chains were interrupted, every city in the country would be in deep crisis within a week. It is best that you avoid the raw panic there while having to establish basic means of living. Cities have become like great yachts that have no oars: if the engine is lost, they are stranded and at the mercy of others to rescue them. A humble rowboat is more useful. Much of the sophisticated elite have deluded themselves that they are driving the boat, when the reality is that they are mere passengers.

If any crisis is prolonged, your group will need a variety of skills available to function smoothly. Some of the skills you should put a premium on are:

  • Builders, carpenters and people who are good with their hands
  • Hunters and trappers, people who know how to acquire food from the land
  • People who can properly prepare food in primitive conditions
  • People who know how to cultivate food
  • People who can sew, mend, and cure animal hides
  • Teachers and catechists, along with people who can care for children
  • Priests and pastors

In deeply dire circumstances, such as prolonged rioting, insurrection, or even civil war, you would need security for your little community. Try not to just rely on “tough guys,” but put a premium on police and ex-military to direct your security efforts. Training trumps toughness every time. The dirty little secret is that if we were serious about cleaning up our inner cities, police trained in marksmanship and SWAT tactics could clear out the most gang-infested areas in a week or two. We have ceased to be serious people in many ways.

Do not get overwhelmed with worry about things that may never happen. Just deal with what is right in front of you – in short, take the next right step. When I was on my pilgrimage, I did not worry about my ultimate destination. To concentrate on how far I would ultimately have to walk would have been terribly daunting. Rather, I focused on the 10-15 miles I would walk that day, securing food, water and shelter for the day. It was enough. “Therefore, do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.” (Matthew 6:34) Put enough good days together and you have a solid routine.

Do not be overly exclusive in who you allow to be part of your community. Insist, though, that all but the truly infirm contribute to as well as partake of the benefits of the community. Different people will have different capacities. Heaven knows, I am very limited in my capacity for physical labor any more. But I can cook, I can care for children and have some useful intellectual skills. There is no one size fits all. If someone wants to offend the community’s sensibilities – such as demanding that it deny its faith or permit the sort of pernicious nonsense that is the hallmark of modern times (gay marriage, micro-aggressions, etc) send them away to form their own community. You must not allow malicious takers to leech off what you produce together.

Above all, pray that the Lord gives you wisdom to see what is right, fortitude to do what is right, and humility to be grateful for His many benefits. The ramparts are crumbling and beginning to fall around us. I do not think they will hold. The Lord will build His Church back up from the foundation of faithful Priests, Religious and Laity – and in so doing will re-build our culture and society from the ground up. It is commonly known that Chicago’s late Cardinal Francis George said that he would die in his bed, his successor would die in prison and that the next successor would die a martyr in the public square. What I most value is his summation, which is far less frequently quoted: “His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the Church has done so often in human history.” Under God, we are called to be builders, and not just vandals.

Whether or not things get seriously contentious, each of us must call upon the Lord to rebuild our hearts from the ground up, to be the people He has called us to be.

(I developed this basic framework in collaboration with about a dozen people, most directly with Tom K of the TNRS team. I am deeply grateful for their counsel and guidance-CJ)

378 thoughts on “From the Ground Up

    1. Thanks, Beckita. I was out of pocket for about a day and a half, so I have missed about 50 comments. I may catch up, but I have a lot on my plate in a lot of areas – and preparing to head out this week. So if anyone made a really great comment or something I needed to respond to….well, I’ll get back to you.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. As ever, we’ve got your back in prayer, Charlie, while trusting you’re getting to whatever needs attention in proper sequence. Sending angels to assist you with whatever you’re doing.

        Liked by 5 people

    2. One of the things that most deeply troubles me is that none of the malefactors to the left is being held to account – and now there is a growing symbiosis between left-wing press and officials with violent left-wing activists. It is not that a specific person like Comey or McCabe is not being held to account, but that none on the left are being held to account. An article by Pedro Gonzalez at American Greatness today very nicely sums up the concerns I have.

      Then there is the preening and intolerant self-righteousness of the leftist warriors, the certainty that they hold the moral high ground as they violently attack those who disagree with them. The atmosphere is very much the same sort of violent triumphalism that marked German university students burning, en masse, books that they deemed un-German and, thus, immoral in 1933. We are a lot further down the road than most people think – and it appalls and shakes me that we still yawn at the mounting actual violence and flouting of the law by the left. But why wouldn’t they flout the law and get more violent – when they are not held to account for it?

      Liked by 9 people

      1. I was telling Jess this exact thing last night. They’d just as soon throw us all in railroad cars headed for the gulag for daring to live by and uphold God’s Truth. And they probably will try it when they seize power again. Why wouldn’t they, as you say no one holds them accountable. And the breakneck speed at which they continue towards the cliff is startling. Ah well God wins, this we know.

        Liked by 10 people

        1. It is absolutely critical that the Justice Dept. begin cracking down hard on leftist malefactors this fall or we are probably largely on our own. The horse will have left the barn and closing the door will not make a difference. Though there are more detailed lists, the steps to tyranny can be summarized as:

          1) Separate into “us” and “them,” – then dehumanize “them.” – Check.

          2) Mindlessly follow the lead of culturally dominant authoritarians. Silicon Valley busily censors Christian and conservative viewpoints. Woke corporations glibly vie to win the approval of violent leftists by collaborating in curtailing basic rights. – Check.

          3) Attack “them” at the behest of cultural authorities. Democratic politicians and officials openly call for the de-platforming of Christians and conservatives. Maxine Waters, among others, calls for Trump supporters to be driven out of restaurants, gas stations, and any public place they dare show their face. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declares that pro-lifers are not welcome in the state of New York. This is just a smidgeon of what is out there right now. – Check.

          4) Have responsible public authorities stand by as “them” are being attacked. Look at Portland, where the police stand down to let Antifa beat and brutalize people. – Check.

          5) Exterminate all the “thems” who won’t capitulate. Not there yet – but we have already made our way through the first four steps. I am adamant that this must be stopped now. January will be too late. And then the media will blame those religious folks and those on the right who defend themselves and their rights – just as the media did in Nazi Germany before it entered the depths of its decade of depravity.

          Liked by 10 people

          1. Yes. But as I also talked about with Jess just last night, I think it’s already too late. If/when Trump’s Justice Dept finally drops the hammer on those who broke the laws, the left are not going to believe a word of it. Instead the diabolical disorientation they are under is going to make them believe Trump is doing it to save his hide and hide his “crimes”. The stage is all set for that and the media and leftist politicians are going to push that narrative. God your loins

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            1. I surmise as do you, Tom. In the language of the day, too, too many are under the spell of the leftist propaganda and, thus, refuse to swallow the red pill of truth and reality.

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            2. Oh, yes, I am mainly in agreement with you there, Tom. I have no doubt the left will pitch a giant hissy fit if the DOJ seriously cracks down. I also think the radical left’s strength is illusory – and so its hissy fit will end poorly – and relatively quickly – for it, as normal Americans rally to the side of sanity with Thanksgiving that they are not alone. If strong action is not taken this fall, then I think a lot of us will lose hope it ever will – and will begin to plan as if we had to act alone. So in some sense, I fear the left much less than I do the useful idiots in the middle and, even, on the right. Just as otherwise honorable Europeans desperate hopes that we could avoid the confrontation with Hitler led to a much larger, more devastating war and loos of life than was ever necessary, so I think the wishful thinking in the center and the right will lead to the same thing here.

              Liked by 10 people

              1. Excellent main post, Charlie; and I have found Tom’s, Beckita’s and your follow-up comments to be quite thought-provoking. Thanks to all three of you.

                Liked by 6 people

          2. Charlie, I have been already feeling that we are largely on our own, in our nation and in our Church, except for, of course, Our Lord. It seems to me that our hope is in a big intervention by our Lord. If not that, then we’re just gonna have to resist. It just won’t be pretty, that’s for sure.

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          3. I totally agree with you Charlie and pray the indictments start soon…but I also see a parallel with Pharoah before the Exodus- no matter what plagues God sent he just became more obstinate. I don’t think the Left is actually winning the minds and hearts of Americans. They are overplaying their hands and are undaunted by their losses. It’s that kind of pride that comes before the fall- please God may it be soon. Mary promised her Immaculate Heart would triumph- we’re on the way but may, as you aptly point out, have some tough times before we get there. Prayer, rosary and trust, trust, trust.

            Liked by 9 people

            1. Amen, Allison. And as I think of Pharoah, pre-Exodus, I recall the plagues, particularly the Plague of Darkness… “So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.” (Exodus 7:22-23) Not at all saying there will be three days of darkness. I simply expect light – however God wishes to bestow it upon us – as we traverse this leg of the transition into the full Triumph of our Mother’s Heart. No elitist attitude here. ALL are welcome, including the lost ones making their way Home to the safety of Abba’s Welcoming Arms.

              Liked by 6 people

      2. Funny that you mention the concept of these malefactors not being held to account. It is no surprise that so many who were “useful idiots” for the Soviets have never been held to account for their actions and positions during the Cold War. While it is right that the truth about National Socialism be kept in the public eye, this has never been done with politicians and media personalities who knowingly and purposely covered for the Soviets. Many of these folks still hold positions of power today. It is one reason why Socialism can be seriously proposed to America today.

        Liked by 4 people

      3. I share your angst, but I also hold out hope for the actions of POTUS, the DOJ, and the wonderful folks in uniform today to bear fruit. Those actions may soon pan out and turn the tide. There are many signs of progress in holding the perpetrators at the top to account for their actions against God and their country. If you haven’t done so, do a “deep dig” into Q Anon and Judicial Watch. (I recommend the PrayingMedic for the former, as there are a lot of other sources that are really “rough around the edges” and would, I believe, fit your description of “useful idiots on the right.”

        Liked by 3 people

        1. As I said recently, I do not under-estimate Donald Trump, but I also know that not one person has been held to account yet for an attempted coup or for illegal targeting of Christians and conservatives. I know the “Q” site is hopeful, but the stuff about 50,000 sealed indictments and about Jeff Sessions’ secret plan was hogwash. There are another few months where the course of this could be turned back – but I am in a place now where I am little interested in hearing what our guys are “going” to do. I am paying close attention to what they actually do. We have a small window. If they act, I will be very grateful. If not, I will not be shocked.

          Liked by 12 people

          1. I agree, “Q” seems to be a head fake. Sessions was clearly a sellout not a swamp drainer. Our first clue was failure to prosecute Clapper for perjury. Trump was our last hope but the globalists tied his hands and have attacked him from all angles. Sad to watch the angry, diabolical waves of attack on our elected President.

            Paradoxically Trump continues to surround himself with many known globalists. This is incompatible with his campaign promises and therefore our hopes for the future. I am of the opinion the time has quietly passed for Trump to effect any meaningful change. Yes, he fired a few DOJ guys/gals but no prosecutions yet and no withdrawal from Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria etc. etc.

            Our focus needs to be on preparing for the ensuing chaos looming over this once great Nation. The elite are betting they are better positioned and prepared for the coming collapse. They will bring the house down on us all. This will prove to be their fatal mistake. God Bless to All…

            Liked by 8 people

            1. Or worse, they dont bring the collapse because they believe they are winning, letting antifa-actions grow and multiply until the war slowly envelopes neighborhoods, towns, cities. A time when being associated with a conservative/religious group is more than enough evidence. Look at Africa, where even those who would not do otherwise, go along with the mob to protect their families and themselves from attention. I believe a collapse would be Gods merciful action, but only when He’s ready.

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    3. Part of what may lie ahead is fulfillment of Hillaire Belloc’s observations regarding the rise of Islam. Catholic American Thinker made note of this recent video. It’s under 3 minutes and graphically shows the changes in religion demographics from 1945-2019. Most informative. Spoiler–watch your daughters and hold on to your heads.

      Liked by 3 people

    4. Hi Beckita, I was having some problems with WordPress, but now I have figured it out and will contribute to comments. I read everything on this site however. If you know of anyone who lives in Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, Florissant, Divide all in Colorado that is interested in getting together for a Storm Dinner please let me know. Also if there are any dinners taking place in Denver or the surrounding area, I would like to attend to get a feel for them. I wouldn’t want to impose though.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh Gosh, Tina, I can’t imagine any person interested in a Storm dinner being turned away as an imposition. So glad you found your way back into the site. Let’s see if any readers respond to your comment.

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        1. Yes you’re right. I shouldn’t think that way. I will wait and see. I feel a deeper need to be with people, not just on the computer, in the flesh who are praying, and taking the next right step whatever that looks like for people, to prepare for what’s coming. I speak of it so infrequently to people, about the Storm that is. I find that people do not want to talk about what is happening with the Church, Bishops, Pan Amazon Synod. I have to admit that I find it a struggle to talk as business as usual when all is tumbling down and babies are dying in such huge numbers all over the world and so many Christians are being persecuted. I feel at times that we are in the twilight zone. People are still chit chatting about sweet nothings. I have to do it as well. I am stunned at the denial I see. Anyway, what a conundrum we are in. If Our Lady wanted us to live like business as usual, then why is she appearing all over to so many trying to get the message out. For us to ignore her? If you bring anything up on the Bishops, people glaze over. I dunno. It is a little lonely in the field, and yet I feel compelled to prepare to practice acts of abandonment, acts of detachment, acts of Faith, Hope, and Love daily and passionately. I feel a need to practice putting EVERYTHING in God’s hands and I would take Our Lady’s mantle over a well stocked bunker any day. There, I did it. I publicly poured out parts of my heart. Peace!

          Liked by 2 people

  1. Charlie, I like that book you found. The author also wrote one called The Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual and I just ordered both of them. The one you recommended arrives tomorrow and I think both be very useful for we city folk 🙂

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Tom, I ordered mine as well! I hunt, fish, live in the country surrounded by farmers, but if I had to go 6 months without power (don’t know if that is an option, but in my “day job” that is something that we are planning for at the State and Federal level through exercises put on by Homeland Security…). I realized that I could hunt and fish, but if I didn’t have refrigeration, could I keep meat long term (I don’t know how to cure it, etc). So, even if it turns out to be casual reading, I ordered the book too Charlie!

      I am the Emergency Management Coordinator for one of the Departments for the State Gov’t in Michigan, and I know that many good people are still trying to plan for bad times, but I believe what Charlie is talking about as a potential goes beyond the planning for natural disasters and temporary power outages…. because of this, I am already trying to get a dinner group organized and will use the resources on the site to do so. I know Mick and group have one south of there, but it is time for my own backyard…. even if for not a major event, I think having that network locally is so very important!

      God bless, and thanks Charlie, Tom, Beckita, and all….. planning for the worse and praying for the best! God save us all here!

      Liked by 6 people

      1. You rock, Bill. Praying for you, your family, your work and your plans to start a TNRS-ASOH group. As children of Abba we have an incredible inheritance so… sending the Holy Spirit to overshadow you and all you do.

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      2. Yep, Bill, I agree with Beckita: You rock! And just so’s you know, you (and anybody you’d like to bring along) are always welcome to come to our “Storm lunch” (dinnertime didn’t really work for our schedules). We usually meet one Friday a month, if you’re ever free at lunchtime.

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      3. Bill, you have a few options with meat.
        1. You can eat it all in one sitting. Invite as many people as it will take to finish it all in one meal.
        2. Canning can be done with a pressure cooker and some glass mason jars. The jars and other necessities are cheap but not so much the pressure cooker. It will be worth it’s weight in gold off grid though.
        I bought a huge pressure cooker and my son aptly absconded with it to try it out on some wild pork and venison. He said the end result looked horrible inside the jars but when he opened one up he said it was quite delicious. The pressure cooker can be used over an open fire, just scrape hot coals out of a log fire and place them under the cooker set up nearby so you can control the temperature better and replace them as needed until the food is cooked. Canning works even better with vegetables.
        3. You can smoke it which requires many hours, a smoker and a root cellar or other pest free area to store them.

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        1. Phillip, I snagged a large, ancient, but in-excellent-condition pressure cooker at our parish’s annual rummage sale–paid $5 for it. I haven’t attempted to can any meat yet, but should probably try to do that sooner rather than later. Is it tricky?

          Hey, Bill, if you want to try your hand at canning meat, we could get our families together (my husband grills some mean chicken and lamb chops… cookout!) and attempt the newbie-meat-canning thing, too. It would be a great excuse for our families to actually meet. Plus, if we achieve canning success, we could celebrate together (or if we suffer canning failure, we could at least have a good laugh and commiserate).

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          1. Mick, confirm the seal of the pot is working. Mine has no gasket but some have them.
            Not sure how yours sets the internal temperature but mine uses a “weighted” valve that vents the steam at a prescribed temperature and I have different weights for different temps.
            Meat requires more time and pressure compared to veggies.
            Look up recipes for canning what you want to can and read about how much meat, water, spices, salt, etc to put in as these are critical to insure flavor and how long and what pressure you will need to cook it properly so it does not go bad while stored (which requires no refrigeration!)
            Once you get the hang of it it is pretty easy. If you choose to can over an open fire, that requires a whole other skill set to learn depending on the type of wood you use as some burn hotter or longer or faster than others. If you use a grate or a plate of steel or a large rock as your stove top to place your pot on, controlling the temperature varies there too and you will want to practice that as well.
            You can just use a gas top to practice canning so you can get that part down first before experimenting with wood charcoal and the different cooking surfaces.

            Liked by 3 people

          2. PF and Mick, excellent ideas! I love canned venison! It does look horrid, but melts in your mouth! So good. Great ideas both of you! I didn’t think of smoking it, and I’ll look for a pressure cooker now! Thankfully I have a creek behind our house that leads to the Grand River about 1/2 mile away… so aquatic options available as well….

            I might take you up on practicing the canning Mick! I have done it with jam in an oven before, so there might be options there as well??

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            1. Bill,
              If you have access to water, crawfish traps are inexpensive but catch fish beautifully too.
              Just take a plastic deli container or a water bottle and perforate it and put bacon, or liver, or fish parts in it. DO NOT not use the attached bait pouch to contain the bait as the big turtles will see it and they will tear through the side of the trap to get at it. Slide the bait container inside the trap and drop the trap in a slow moving area in the water. Tie it to a tree branch with the attached string and let the fishing begin! I’ve caught some huge catfish and bass in these things plus tons if bream. When you clean your fish just use thier leftovers as new bait to keep the trap fishing. Actually, rotten liver catches the biggest catfish!
              I mend them with zip ties if they get torn.
              Here is a link to the ones I use, they are spring loaded and collapse down nice and small and are very light to carry and easy to set up.

              Promar sells a 36 inch one as well.

              Liked by 2 people

          3. Mick, land grant university Extension agent here and Master Food Preserver. Check with your local Extension office to see if they do pressure canner inspections and/or testing. You can order replacement parts on-line. Always follow approved Extension, USDA, or most recent Balling Canning Book directions when using a pressure canner for low acid foods like vegetables, dry beans and meat. Be safe, not sorry. And yes, canned deer or elk in the pantry has always been a hit with my family of men. Super handy after a busy day, very quick meal with BBQ sauce or gravy.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Hopenjoy, thanks for sharing your expertise with me; it will certainly help me get over my trepidation about pressure canning. Also, my newest Ball Canning Book has a 1999 copyright date on it. Should I get a newer one? 🙂


              1. It looks like the latest one is 2016. The biggest changes tend to be on safety issues, such as requiring acidification (adding lemon juice or citric acid) to products like Asian Pears or tomatoes (current varieties are less acidic than a generation ago). Also see if your local or regional Extension office offers “Master Food Preserver” classes. Taught by Extension staff, lecture based plus hands on activities, plus a chance to “pay back” the value of the classes by doing volunteer work for Extension such as staffing booths at farmers markets or helping with food preservation workshops.


                1. Thanks for the good advice, Hopenjoy. One more question: if one is canning heirloom tomatoes, which should be more acidic than the modern varieties, could one still safely can them without additional lemon juice or citric acid?


                  1. Still supposed to acidify ALL tomatoes for safety’s sake. I don’t find that it changes the flavor at all in tomatoes, but my husband really does not like the lemony Asian pears, alas.


        2. I recommend you get your pressure cooker tested at your local extension agent’s office. You can ask them for recipes and how to can. They will help. There are some really good cookbooks etc. used by Mormons, and the Amish on processing foods for the long haul. The past year or so i have been intrigued by how our ancestors took care of foods that would otherwise spoil. I have been practicing a bit. Many of the recipes are quite tasty. My goodness, I learned how to make jams with the old fashioned method. Very good. Making cheese, yogurt, and sourdough are important. Fermentation and salting were biggies. We have had refrigeration for just a short period in history. God is so good. Ask Him to direct your path.

          Liked by 2 people

            1. I hear you, HttP; one of the reasons I’ve been afraid to pressure can is a concern for botulism. Up to this point, all of the “canning” I’ve done has been by fermentation. Thanks for the link… it’s always nice to have another information source. 🙂


          1. Good idea about getting the pressure cooker tested, HttP; thanks.

            Regarding the old-fashioned recipes that you’ve been using, by any chance are they from a book called Keeping Food Fresh?

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          2. I don’t know about fermentation, but that brings up a good point! 😉 I think I need to look up natural ways to make some wine…. um, er, you know, so if it is a long hall, I can help supply our church for mass if we need it (wink wink)…. But seriously….. think of all we “rely” on to have the type of life we have today… to go “ground up”, the “ground” is going to mean 100% reliance on God again… like Allison said… trust trust trust…. I feel that being able to prepare is a grace we have from heeding the warnings God is giving us through so many channels… however, trusting God for the Next Right Step is paramount and always will be. God Bless!

            Liked by 4 people

            1. Bill, my husband is a winemaker; I’m sure he’d be glad to help you get started, and we have a few books with natural wine recipes. And if you’re serious about getting started, we could even supply you with some wine grapes. Ours are ripe right now, but my husband isn’t planning to make any wine this year. He could feed them to the chickens; but if you’d like them, you can have them if you’re willing to come and get them (there aren’t a ton… maybe enough for 1-2 gallons of wine).

              Liked by 2 people

        3. If using a dutch oven for cooking over a pit, there is a website that tells you how many coals to under the dutch oven and how many on top, on the lid to get a concise temp in cooking various items. It is http://www.camping for Another excellent you tube sight is Living Traditions Homestead. And there are tons of sites to teach canning, or dehydrating. Invest in your utensils and you will have great success. You can put your own mylar pckgs together for quick eating. *(your own MREs). We dehydrate rice, and so when we will use it on the go, the hot (very hot) small amount of water will bring it back to life quickly and in no time, or you can use a can of soup to get it going along with the rice, adds extra nourishment. You can dehydrate ground round,/chicken and jar it or put into dehydrating bags and add the rice, carrots, extra onions, etc all dehydrated and ready to go. Put in jars and suck the air out for long term storage. A meal in a jar. Just add some boiling water and there you go. Don’t wait too long, get to it now. These are time consuming tricks. And time is critical. For excellent info and down to precision on how to’s get the book Dare to Prepare. I believe it is in its 7th edition. By Holly Deyo. Also, be smart and invest in some heirloom seeds. And some good potting soil. Thank you Charlie, for your constant encouragement and faith! We sure need you.

          Liked by 5 people

          1. I learned the hard way putting to many coals on my Dutch oven when cooking brownies at our storm dinner. We had so much fun laughing at the charred smoking brownies.

            On a really positive note, our daughter just gave birth to a healthy boy named Dominic Xavier yesterday on Sept 14 at 6:35 PM. Praised be to God!

            Liked by 4 people

            1. Oh, Doug… I’m so happy for Jenn and her family, and for you and Lambzie! God bless all of you, and especially baby Dominic! 🙂


              1. Thank you Mick.  We just lost a friend the day before in a car accident.  So this is welcome news.Sent from Doug’s mobile


  2. Scary words Charlie. I have deliberately avoided “prepping” except for earthquake and fire prep which is recommended in my area. I have been having a lot of really wonderful dreams like clouds forming photo-realistic images of the holy family and Jesus that leave people astonished and on their knees – or crowds lined up for confession. I have never had prophetic dreams, nor do I think these are prophesy but I wake up really happy – something that vivid dreams rarely evoke in me. Ours is a mighty God and I’ll just hold that thought for now.

    Liked by 14 people

      1. I agree. That is why one of the things I have prepped for is a lot of reading material, holy cards, books to study about the Church etc. because what seems very normal to us to know the information will be foreign to others. People will be hungry. I invested in the rope/twine for rosary making and ordered bulk miraculous medals and benedictine medals to be put on them. Old hymnals are great to collect that are disposed of at the parishes when the new liturgical year begins at Advent. Singing fills the heart, and opens the spirit to God! It takes down walls and unifies people.

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  3. Well, Charlie, I said in a recent comment that it sounded as though we were heading for the edge of a cliff, and Tom mentions the cliff again! What concerns me is having just moved and left neighbors behind that we trusted and I know no one here now. I wish we had a list of us by zip code maybe. I can also envision driving out to the boonies an hour and a half away, where one daughter lives and they have a well and acreage.

    Sometimes the Lord gives us a honeymoon period after a spiritual conversion and pours out amazing things upon us. I had that period of time over 30 yrs. ago when there were words and dreams and they came true. One that has not materialized was a stark dream of fleeing our home in a large truck that could carry a lot of belongings and supplies. On the side it said “McDonald”, like the song, a farm, which I instinctively knew when I woke up. I was starting to learn about many prophetic things from reading and of course here I am years later reading what you say, Charlie, and learning more now! Just have to “wait upon the Lord” and trust that He will take away fear.

    Liked by 8 people

  4. Good stuff, gents (and ladies). I liked the football (receiver) analogy, ‘course based on our mean age demographic here, maybe a good golf analogy would have hit closer to the mark.

    Just one other thought. Folks should know the difference between tough guys, and Tough Guys. I consider St. Joan of Arc as one of the latter. Come to think of it, she had ZERO experience leading soldiers into battle, but did nonetheless. Keep an open mind on leadership.

    Liked by 12 people

  5. I wasn’t expecting to read about prepping, is the situation really degrading to the point that things could go to hell in a few months?

    The radical left isn’t going to wait for the next federal election?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Al, I noted a few weeks ago that I would lay out a basic framework to be prepared if things go south. Violence against Christians and conservatives is not only being tolerated by many institutions, but encouraged and called the right thing to do. I have no intention of waiting until the day after it is clear to everyone to make some suggestions on how to work together and not be caught by surprise.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. OK, I remember some months back about a global initiative to stop conservatism.

        Yes, the Church doesn’t seem ready to deal with a major crisis, there no preparations and no initiative that I’m aware of at the moment.

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        1. The thing is, Al, on major things, I always prepared my clients with worst-case scenarios. Many did not want to hear it, as they were vested in thinking everything would always be smooth. But on those occasions when the worst case came to pass, they were invariably glad I had forced them to be prepared.

          Over the course of my life I have made a special study of societies on the verge of catastrophic collapse. I wanted to see and internalize the difference between normal conflict and foundation-endangering strife. It was striking to me that catastrophic events, the lead-up of which were easily obvious in retrospect, caught almost everyone by surprise. Normalcy bias is incredibly strong. When people see existential threats they constantly dismiss it as “no different” than some garden variety conflict they had seen before. For some time I have watched the tattering of social norms coming at an ever-accelerating pace. Now, it is like I am reading the chapter just before events burst in full. Thankfully, however this crisis comes to a head, it is like no other I have studied – precisely because more people than in any of those episodes is deeply aware that some things are seriously wrong.

          I have always war-gamed worst case scenarios. I don’t dwell on them…they are just a problem to be dealt with and endured if you are prepared. This will never be a prep site, but awareness and a basic framework for dealing with worst-case scenarios is important…and I won’t let normalcy bias prevent me from doing that.

          Liked by 11 people

          1. Thank God, Charlie, that He gave you the lifelong gift of lights and, also, the great intelligence. And thank you for responding to both by doing the hard work of studying and contemplating in light of the lights. 😉 Speaking of lights, I’d love to see an image of your brain at work!

            Liked by 6 people

          2. I agree.

            Normalcy bias is very bad up here in Canada too, most peoples think having the blinders on will keep them safe, as many are still asleep towards the world’s problems.

            I suspect that if society collapsed, the Churches would close, and society’s predators wouldpick off the weak during the confusion.

            Lots of prayers & fasting is needed, God have mercy on us…

            Liked by 6 people

            1. The good thing is that, if the unthinkable bursts forth, many people are galvanized into action that just a week earlier they would have decried. No doubt some folks will shutter up in despair, but many more would rally. The day before Hitler’s invasion of Poland, the great majority of the English were pacifists and appeasers. In the 48 hours afterward, signs went up all across England demanding, “Churchill now!” Before the invasion, Churchill had been almost universally derided as a paranoid, old warmonger. Afterwards, Britain spontaneously recognized he had been the only one leveling with them.

              Many who shrink from even contemplating worst case scenarios find real courage and resolve when it comes to pass in real time. So never despair. You are not as alone as it seems right now while people can plausibly convince themselves this will all pass over.

              Liked by 9 people

                  1. It took me a few days to get up the courage to read this post about the tortured Christian man in Pakistan…in the meantime, I have been dealing with some spiritual attacks in my work life (I have a government job and am stepping out more boldly in my faith by having a “Need Prayer?” booth at local farmers markets and also helping launch Young Life Christian outreach to teens in our rural area) and in prayer have reached out to this brave young martyr in heaven, Amir Masih, as an intercessor. I already consider him a heavenly friend to lean on in challenging times…I have thanked him for his witness and courage and stand for Christ. I expect great miracles from his intercession now and in the future!

                    Liked by 3 people

        2. Charlie is basically affirming what Father Michael from Quebec wrote from his messages from God, JMJ, Sts Pio and Michael
          I only have pictures of a letter and can’t attach them here. He basically said to get our plans and supplies done before the end of the year and there is going to be a warning and this message is so people can prepare.

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      2. Every bone in my body concurs, as does my head and spirit. I’m lousy at a great many things, but was graced with an inherent sense of timing. I think all should start thinking/moving in this direction as they are called. With purpose and peace.

        Liked by 9 people

            1. Pretty good, or pretty well? I could never get off the fence on that one either. That teacher we know must be hip deep in something truly important, or she would have weighed in on vocabulary and grammar by now. A dogeared Strunk & White works nearly as well.

              Liked by 2 people

      3. I read about the most outrageous ideas that are aimed at conservatives and Christians at this point. Just give them some space, and they will act on them. We have reached that point!
        We might have some luck pushing back, but that can only happen if everyone is acting in union, and covering each others back. One can’t work alone on this massive issue. People need to find their groups quickly. Better to be prepared. And wait. Than looking for assistance after it begins. Dr. Doom and Nurse Bloom have an excellent website, for any one in your group that wants to take on the medical issues. Fish mox website to gather your antibiotics. Or try your local feed store. Get a good dental kit, and make sure you have bandages, bandaids, alcohol, peroxide, clorox, tea tree oil, oregano oil mixed with olive oil rub on tummy- for tummy issues. Be careful with some of this, it can be deadly.
        The trick is have enough to help others, or trade. Some items will be good traders, and perhaps have a carton of cigs available to trade, or vodka. Honey, etc. Stay alert and listen to the alternative media on youtube while they still are up. Spirit Daily did an amazing special report on A.I. absolutely terrifying, if you believe they will get to that point. That will be the adage of “cutting off your nose to spite your face” syndrome. But may have reached that point also. Ave Maria, good people!

        Liked by 6 people

        1. Robill, I have the book that “Dr. Doom” and “Nurse Bloom” wrote. Although it’s light on information regarding alternative medicine like herbs and homeopathy (which, of course, are not their areas of expertise), it is an excellent book which I’m sure I’ll be using after stuff hits the fan.

          Liked by 3 people

  6. FWIW, here’s a suggestion that is based on my previous three decades in uniform. The loss of communications makes this planning essential. Consider designating a “short term” rendezvous (RV) point, where you and your loved ones can rally in short order if/when the SHTF. Then consider a second designated site, where you can meet up if, (e.g.) one or two days go by and the “short term” site is no longer feasible to use. If one or more of your group is away “at the critical time”, that second site is where they should go to await, or to catch up with you. Site one could be your local church building; site two could be an hour or more away, and not in an urban area. We’ve discretely informed our closest family and friends of these two sites, and we trust in the Lord to guide us along His path and to bring us back together again. “As for me and my family, we wait in joyful hope!”

    Liked by 7 people

    1. PTGMAN, I agree with you totally! The church is a good logical location for RV1. I work 30 minutes (drive) away and should something happen where I can’t immediately get to my family and close friends and neighbors, I am going to discuss timelines as well (2 days walk is what it would take me I figure if I had to go about it that way….). If communications go down (everyone feels they can always use their cell phone….), having a plan is a good idea (after all we have one for a fire in our house but never expect one, right?). I believe a good RV2 might be a second nearby church, or possibly school?? Thoughts anyone? Guess what my dinner discussion with my family will be tonight? RV points!

      Charlie and Beckita, I agree totally on the non-prepper thing… we need to weigh the potential reckoning/trials with God’s grace as well. I will not be a fool and do nothing, as that’s not me… however, Charlie’s comments in the original post ring loudly with me… I love to organize, I feel I have an aptitude for it and given recent reflection, prayer, and this site with helping us focus on loving ALL of our brothers and sisters, I think that is the last bit of the puzzle for me… we need to trust God, we need to ask our Mother for guidance, we need to know Jesus and His love for us all…. I think my “Go Bag” is going to consist of my Bible, my CCC, the The Ultimate Bushcraft Survival Manual, Holy Water, Rosary, 1st Aid Kit, and water…. I have a little feeling that my Guardian Angel has a plan to help guide me along with the ultimate Adventure Guide, the Holy Spirit! I pray I’ll be ready for what God calls me to do… maybe I will be running the crisp patterns? If so, I will do with conviction, knowing that whoever has the ball is advancing as we want to as a team and if I can help that, I want to!

      So though I pray with my children every night for God to rescue the world from ourselves, I am thankful Charlie that you have posted this to remind us that the world is not well and to build from the ground up, you gotta get to the ground first, right?

      Liked by 6 people

    2. Good idea. We are getting up to date practicing with HAM Radios at our storm dinner. Normally, a license is needed, but in a crisis, it is not required. However, it does not help if one does not know how to use it. This site has good basic info on how to use a HAM radio.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey, Doug-we don’t see the link for the basic info for Ham radio. Would they still work after an emp attack?-hubby thinks it would if kept in an EMI box,(hope I heard the initials correctly<I think it means elec/mag/interference,he just rattles off quickly while multi tasking)?? just pondering….

        Liked by 1 person

        1. p.s.. walkie talkies also function after emp? (for family that lives within the band range);
          solid heavy duty file cabinets qualify for emi? (thanks for any advice)


        2. I will check with Steve BC Maggie.  It will be EMP protected if in a fully enclosed metal container.  Cookie tins work well for the hand held radios.  You can also buy a metal trash can.  You can put big electronics in that and it will be ok if the lid is on.  Most important is cleansing the soul.  So confession, prayer, fasting, mass, holy scripture is the best protection.  God bless!


          1. Thanks for the info Doug. Granted spiritual prep is first and foremost but who knows, maybe the ham n the walkie-talkies can be used for spiritual evangelization( praying over the frequency bands)…📻
            Godspeed on your pilgrimage!


            1. Hi Maggie,  Steve tells me that we do not intentionally have it on this site as prepping is not the focus of ASOH.  I respect that.Sent from Doug’s mobile


        3. Doug and Maggie, the material you’re discussing was not transferred from the original website to this website. The new site needed to start anew and with a very simple structure, so that material was left out. Doug alerted me to your comment here, Maggie, and I got in touch with Jen about what we might now be able to do. Jen and I have decided to ask Charlie what kind of material like this might be proper to add to this website. Times have changed since January, 2017.

          It could take a few weeks to pull something back together, because both of us are going in a dozen different directions at the moment, and of course Charlie is on the road. However, we are now working on this question. If we can pull something together, we will announce it to all.

          Liked by 1 person

        4. Maggie, you can email me at and I will send you information.  I must add, the best safe guard is to live your faith to the best of your ability and do the good in front of you.  I am sort of a boy scout and electronics is my thing as an electrical engineer.  So I engage in this as a hobby too.  I like experimenting with it.  God bless you!Sent from Doug’s mobile

          Liked by 1 person

        5. Maggie, any full metal enclosure should protect from EMP.  You could even wrap it completely in aluminum foil and that should work.  The electric field at the interior will be zero when enclosed.  Have you ever seen demos of people dressed In metal mesh In lightening cages where the spark passes right around them?  It is the same principle.  In college, I used to do many tripple integrals on this problem for my electromagnetic theory course.  I never thought about EMP at the time, but it is something I have never forgotten from college.  However, at my current age, I do not think I can do a tripple integral now if my life depended on it.  I think I could talk with turtles now, but Phillip Frank does a much better job than me on that.Sent from Doug’s mobile


          1. Doug, I’ve read that it’s important to enclose the piece of equipment in an insulator like a Ziploc bag first and then wrap the bag with foil so that the equipment is not touching the metal foil or metal garbage can or whatever you are putting the equipment into for protection. Do you think that is a good idea or not actually needed?


            1. We’ll Steve, my physics theoretically tells me that will not make a difference if I recall.  However, I do not see the harm in doing so.  A charge could build up on the surface relative to other objects, but the center will be neutral in terms of the enclosure.Sent from Doug’s mobile

              Liked by 1 person

      2. Hey, Doug, is your local IRLP-capable repeater back up and running yet? If so, and if you have time, I’d like to touch base sometime; I need to brush up on my rusty ham skills.


        1. I don’t know.  I have not tried in a long time.  I’m basically traveling for the next 3 weeks.  So it will be a month or so before I will have time Mick.Sent from Doug’s mobile


  7. It is very scary. We are in the country, workers are in my house and on my place, more coming, and three of my grown kids live here. But no one but me seems to take any of this seriously and few are religious at all. I just pray hard and keep telling myself that hope is a virtue. (No way without transportation or communications can any of my support group get together – we are 10-40 miles apart.) Since they don’t believe everything won’t stay the same, they have no problem with eating my stored food or using the emergency water. (3500 gallons lost yesterday.) It may well be that God is trimming my stash so that HE ALONE can support us?

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Charlie. Are you talking about a mainly defensive preparation and response to breakdown, violence or both? Have you given thought to preemption? Is it moral to at some point take the war to “them”. I would not want to in any way jeopardize Heaven for a few evil-doer hides, but it seems to me that as is referenced above, waiting and hoping for the best can make things a lot worse.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Purely defensive, John, purely defensive. Lincoln did not commence hostilities against the Confederacy until they fired on Ft. Sumter – for it was important to make clear who was the aggressor. So it is here. If the left stands down from its growing violence, let no one be able to credibly say that the right triggered the battle.

      But people can make preparations for defending themselves now and collaborate with each other. When a hostile power mounts its forces on the border, the threatened nation acts properly in amassing its defensive forces.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Indeed, I think that self-defense may, at some point, be necessary. However, I suggest that the “first order” of self-defense for most of us will be defending ourselves and our loved ones from the trials and tribulations that will come with the loss of: “the grid”, communications, transportation, our current ease of access to food and drink, and likely our normal shelters. (As Red Green would recommend, you should have at least one roll of duct tape!)

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Amen to the duct tape, Ptgman. There’s a terrific line in the movie Skyscraper: “If you can’t fix it with duct tape, you’re not using enough duct tape.”

          Liked by 5 people

          1. In my multiple careers I have had the good fortune to become quite the expert with the use of such tape.
            As a tile mechanic, we use it to hold soap dishes on the wall while the adhesive dries or to hold door transition pieces down while the glue dries . I’ve got some right now holding my old floor fan together after dropping it a few hundred times over the last 10 years.
            As musicians, we use it to tape down mic cords so we do not trip over them on stage. We also use it to hold various things up or to fix a slipping mic stand. As a drummer, it is unbeatable as a ring dampener on drumheads.
            As a movie producer “gaffer tape” is just a fancy word for duct tape and is used on set for too many things to post here.
            And having two friends and two sons in the AC business, duct tape is used for taping air conditioning ducts together!
            FYI, if you want to by ‘real’ duct tape, buy the “200 mile an hour” type. That is the tape that will really stick and really last and is very weather resistant. My buddy used it on a canvas tarp and it lasts for years out in the sun and rain.
            Once my brother and I used duct tape to detain a purse snatcher in our local grocery store parking lot while awaiting the sherrif dept to show up. It was a big hit with the crowd!

            Liked by 7 people

            1. Ha! Love it, PF! You and your brother remind me of the cowboy who roped a thief in a Walmart parking lot. Didn’t somebody post that video here at some point? Anyhow, here it is again, for old time’s sake (wish we could see a video of you and your brother hogtying that perp with duct tape, though):

              Liked by 6 people

              1. I LOVE this story and the wonderful young cowboy hero! Just what we need as the storm worsens! It made me laugh but also filled me with admiration for someone who rescued a person in distress.

                Liked by 2 people

          2. I love duck tape because it’s uses are virtually limitless. What I don’t like is that a roll of duck tape adds pack weight and will run out eventually. Charlie is right about contemplating things deeply, so some might be called to go deeper into certain veins.

            In a serious crisis the shelves at big box mart will empty in the blink of an eye. Obviously there are many, many folks who simply don’t know how to function without the retail supply chain. Hording also becomes a major issue.

            Solution: Learn all about cordage and weaving. The God-given raw material is virtually everywhere, so no need to pack it in or visit a store. Whether put into play as a planned contigency or simply as a knee-jerk, your stores will likely be leveraged as another point of control. Forget stores.

            Seasonal prickly pear fruit on special in desert aisle 7. Absolutely free!

            Liked by 5 people

              1. I mention cordage and weaving because my buddy, Creek, is always harping about it. There may be the temptation to try to pick up all sorts of skills, but it’s not really necessary. As a sign of hope, rest assured there are people who know how to “do stuff.” Useful stuff. And there are many more still who know how to do useful stuff, they just don’t remember that they know how to do useful stuff. What a great blessing that we will also rediscover real community in this fashion. Just the repeated caution to avoid judging a book by its cover. As an example, what do you make of this wee, delicate flower?

                Wait… watch the video first, then tell me what you think about her.

                Liked by 8 people

                1. Great comment, MP. One of the things people will discover if they start meeting together in community is that they already know a whole bunch of people who know how to “do stuff.” We have a pocketful of cash behind our relational couches – and I look forward to people discovering how truly interesting and talented friends they already know actually are. Getting together is more than half the battle.

                  Liked by 5 people

                  1. That really is the difficult work, isn’t it.

                    When that gal showed Granny her handiwork, I wondered at how many of those skills her delighted Granny surely had taught her. And when she pulled out that rusty ballpeen hammer…

                    Brings me to a final takeaway from your column. Give every last drop, including passing along those skillsets. This ain’t Survivor Island where folks typically leverage their skillsets for favor in the group. Come to think of it, I hate that show.

                    Liked by 4 people

                  1. I’ll clean the cage.
                    I used to raise hundreds of rodents , including mice, so I’m good with it.
                    Same thing with dishes. My first job was as a dishwasher in a restaurant .No dishwashing machine either, all by hand. I rallied in that industry for 6 years before starting tile setting full time in 1982. I’m not daunted by dishes in the least, even baked on food on pots and pans….bring it!

                    Liked by 2 people

            1. MP, know any good resources (books, hopefully) that talk about cordage? Or maybe it’s in that book that Charlie recommended… I’m gonna order a copy today.

              Also, regarding duct tape, I read somewhere that if you take an old credit card and wrap the duct tape around that, you can have several feet of it that is in a flat enough form that it can fit into a backpack or possibly even a wallet. I haven’t done it yet, but I like the idea.

              Liked by 3 people

                1. You found The Ultimate Bushcraft Survival Manual for $10, Beckita? I looked on last night, and the cheapest copy they had was $14.99 (including shipping). I must be losing my cheapskate touch…. 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. The kids used to tease me when they lived at home. It went like this after I had gone shopping for something:
                      One Kid: “O look! Mom found a gerbil cage, dirt cheap.”
                      The Other Kid: “Whaaat? We don’t have a gerbil.”
                      That One Kid again: “Doesn’t matter. Just look at how much money she saved.”
                      Both Kids: (Yukking it up)

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. Ha! Not to worry… I can get you a friendly desert mouse for the empty cage. Free! And Mick’s got the seed. Ahh, community. Someone has to delegate the scheduled cage cleaning, though, since I’m guessing there will be few, if any, volunteers. Let’s try to swear off committees though.

                      Liked by 2 people

                    3. Love it, MP! Actually, though, I never purchased a cage. It was simply my darling teenagers mocking their mother… in a lighthearted, fun way. Imagine that?! I wonder what made them feel they had permission to do so. 😉

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                    4. Oh, I’ve been known to joke around every rare once in awhile, but I’m serious about no committees. The world is awash in committees, and just look at it.

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              1. Mick, maybe you can find it on his site (Creek Stewart). There’s a book section (check out “Survival Hacks”), online videos and whatnot. Under the “Digital Skills” tab, there’s also a “Wild Edible Plant of the Month Club” that has your name written all over it. Also, there’s still time to pick up some more Duck Tape (not to be confused with Duct Tape brand). I like the Duck brand because it has a version that comes in outdoor camo. It also comes in pink (just in case you wear down those Hello Kitty pistol grips and need to patch ’em up).

                Liked by 3 people

                1. Ah, pink Duck Tape! I have some of the gray tape of the Duck variety, but I’ve never seen the pink. It’s so cute! Think I’m gonna have to stock up. But the real question is, do they have pink camo Duck tape? I have a pink camo bandana, and matching Duck tape would be a cool thing.

                  Thanks for the reference to Creek Stewart. I’d forgotten all about his website. Funny enough, my husband and my now-17-year-old son did one of Stewart’s weekend survival courses 6 1/2 years ago. On the morning of the second day, my kid sprinted through a closed plate-glass door and ended up at the urgent care, getting stitches (thankfully he had led with his hand rather than his head, so only his hand needed to be stitched). We can laugh about it now, but….

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  9. I didn’t see any good news today ;-(
    I doubt that anyone here believes that demons have NOT been loosed on Earth.
    I wish I knew more about St John Paul’s “Final Confrontation” understandings.


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  10. Great comments from everyone and your article is spot on Charlie. Things seem to be spinning out of control at a feverish pace. I can hardly believe my eyes but we shouldn’t be surprised or lose faith.

    I consider myself to be fairly well prepared but clearly “my next right step” is increasing both prayer and prepping. You can just call me the “Praying Prepper.” 😉

    Liked by 8 people

  11. Our Priest has asked for safety and security volunteers who will be very active; our parish director used to be a police officer. I am getting together several to have a police appreciation luncheon this fall; maybe I would be welcomed there as I am not physically strong and don’t shoot. I do want to get a lab puppy but maybe I should think about getting a german shepherd instead. Charlie, thank you for that framework you are and will be giving us!

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph is all I told the dying they needed to say so when and if it gets bad I will remember. Beckita, I volunteered and took care of the priest’s parents a lot during their last several years so he could do what he needed to do as a priest and know you too have cared for a priest! I can do more volunteering out of the city.

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  12. This is a suggestion for families that may be spread out across a state or a region or even bicoastal. Our family was evacuated last fall in the Camp Fire. 30 people, 2 communities, at least 10 households. Forced to take multiple different evacuation routes. We ended up in different shelters, homes, and communities. Some of our members refused to get and use cell phones with contact information before the event. I recommend that you pick someone who is geographically remote from the others and who can track all of the contact information. Everyone can text, call, or email just the one contact person with their whereabouts. That is if there is communication available. We had tentatively planned to do this, but never put the plan in place. It would have saved a few anxious days, while we all figured out where everyone was, and that they were all safe.

    I am one of the only ones in my extended family who thinks things are going downhill quickly in society, culture, government, etc. However, you might be able to get others to put a plan like this into effect if you talk about natural disasters. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, wild fires, etc. You can even say you are trying to prepare for “Climate Change” (however, it’s the spiritual climate that’s probably going to show the most upheaval). That might be an excuse to put an emergency plan in place.

    God’s blessings and my prayers to all here and your families.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Thanks for this Deon. I feel like I’m in a sticky wicket where I live. I’m surrounded by progressive liberals (SF Bay Area). My immediate family members are among them. If push comes to shove, there really is no where to turn for “like minded” folks (we do have pro life friends, but most are “elderly” like us and live in pockets of progressives themselves. I’m prepped and have on the armour of God. I trust in Jesus and I’m not afraid to die. That being said, I earlier noted that a natural disaster would be easier to process than to see my family and neighbors turn into wolves. My prayers are never ending for peace and conversion, but like Charlie has instructed, it looks like a whole bunch of ugly is before us before the worst is over. God’s speed to everyone. Thank you for all the great comments and advice.

      I just returned from a pilgrimage to Wisconsin and all the Marian Shrines there (Our Lady of Good Help; Our Lady of Guadalupe; and St. Mary’s at Pine Bluff.). Travelling through WI and meeting the people made me want to get out of the hellhole state I’m in. But I believe that God puts us where He wants (needs) us. I will TNRS with all my strength.

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  13. At least some good news today. I try to pass along any of these “Biblical Finds” as I truly believe that each one is a Sign from God to let US know that Our Faith is Real and been around a Long Time …. endured through good, bad and horrific times.
    Yes we can Fight Back without “Fixing Bayonets” …. at the moment anyway! …….. we can use the same “weapons” The Usual Suspects use …. Legal Courts and of Public Opinion, Internet, Blogosphere, Social Media, Talk Radio, Christian Cable/Broadcast Services, Family, Friends & Neighbors …. and PRAYER.
    If this current condition plays out in an historical manner, there will come a time to deploy the Picket Lines and dig Foxholes ….. and Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition!
    We must Fight the Fight as Christians but we also must remember that every person has the Right … and Duty …. to defend Kith-n-Kin …. in the gravest extreme if required …. plus make sensible plans & prepping with the same.

    …. not to mention his JESUS t-shirt 😉

    Greek Church of St. George Desecrated with Satanic Symbols in Massachusetts


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  14. PS:
    Hal Lindsey is no friend of Catholicism but is a Jesus Man who, on the whole, tells it as it is. He has been preaching “The End is Near” for the past 50 years …. but looking back on those decades any person of Faith with a sense of History might, easily, think so too …. like my Old Navy Dad 😉 The below fits well with this TNRS thread:


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  15. Some thoughts I shared with somr of my High school buds today:
    Frog in hot water.
    I suppose we have all heard of the parable of the frog, which if thrown in boiling water jumps out but if put in cold water which is slowly warmed up will stay there and boil to death. This culture is certainly getting hot and not in the way which God wishes. Although God is God, still I fear for this culture and for our future.
    I was thinking recently of how in the late 50s and 60s protest movements including large groups of Christians protested real evils, civil rights violations and discrimination and the evils of the VN war, etc. And gradually our culture, along with our (my) drug use and other things, Woodstock, etc. began to degenerate into drug use as being glorified, non marital sex as being glorified. And over time, especially sexual sins came to be glorified and seen as tolerable and even as good and more recently as matters or “pride”. Easy divorce, single parenthood as exemplified by Murphy Brown, and more recently same sex relationships, transgenderism, etc. Of course, abortion is almost a sacrament for many in our culture today.
    And our culture is increasingly coming to believe that it can create the “good life” for its citizens by abandoning belief in God and obedience to God’s commandments. And we see the increasing divide in our country and in our world by those striving to live their faith, however imperfectly, and those who believe we don’t need God and that we can make a good life for ourselves. And our political parties and our politics are as Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia, once referred to as “deeply flawed”. Still it does seem to me that one of our political parties is far too likely to jettison belief in God and His standards when they conflict with political goals, not saying the other political party members are saints either, by far not.
    And looking back at our history in the late 50s and early 60s things weren’t perfect either. In those days there was certainly a lot of pride and those who didn’t, wouldn’t or couldn’t conform to the social and moral norms of the times were often horribly persecuted and usually abandoned, which was equally sinful. And I was there too before my all too obvious falls into folly. But still our culture has come to affirm as good what we in the past called wrong, immoral and sinful. So from evil pride and lack of caring even for the sinful and weak, we have come to glorify what the Bible and God calls sinful. Which is worse? In the name of compassion, tolerance and being non judgemental, we seem to have, as a culture lost almost all moral standards on these things, “As long as they are consensual”, that is.
    I know we usually keep things light when we meet but with the water getting hotter I do believe I need to think of these things myself and share with my friends, unless this is too much for them. But still we need to trust in God despite all.

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  16. I feel a deep sorrow after reading this.. felt this way after Our Lady of medjugorje Aug 25th message too…seems like time is up for this old era…may be time for the new. God save all here and the whole world too😢 TNRS ASOH

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    1. {{{{{{{{Linda}}}}}}}} We’re making the journey together. May your tears be cleansing and freeing while angels lift up your spirit. Our patriarchs in faith fiddled around in numerous ways, faltering on their path leading to the milk and honey in the Promised Land. May we receive the lessons they learned when they didn’t completely trust Abba. Rather than falter, let us rely on God in each other as we follow His Lead in His Marvelous Plan of renewing us and the face of the earth. Praying for you.

      Liked by 8 people

        1. God bless you, Linda. You know what else crossed my mind? You’ve just done a lot of prep and work for a beautiful wedding in your family. Don’t know about you, but I always have this mini-letdown zone I go through after putting great energy into an event or project. It just might be a dimension of the sadness you’ve felt today. 🙂

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          1. Beckita yes, I’ve been thinking that is part of my sadness much planning for last yr..not even valid n I told them so, but I know God is working behind scenes as He many conflicts…so many beautiful people of God that I love n then my boys came here too..whew…too many emotions for this litype girl..wish I could hold u Beckita and cry on ur shoulder…plus my mom died 2 yrs ago n my mom in law less than can be tuff n blissful. .xoxoxoxoxoxo my Beckita. .🤗😇😘

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            1. With you, Linda – even though not tangibly. So true, that life can be blissful and tuff. We all go through it, yet, that’s not meant to diminish the real struggle of it. You might like to listen to Fr. Spitzer as he shares his suggestions for effective prayer in times of suffering. (You Tube with search words:
              Father Spitzer’s Universe – 2016-03-23 – How To Pray Effectively During Times Of Suffering) May you feel the love and support of this community as Our Lady, Stella Maris, wraps you in Her Mantle, Dear One. xoxox

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                1. Yes, Fr. Spitzer is blind, Linda. Last fall I had dinner with one of the ophthalmologists who has been helping set up a surgery to, hopefully, correct the blindness. Prayer for Fr. Spitzer.

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                  1. Oh my gosh Beckita that would be soooooo wonderful. ..I’ll Pray for him too..I’ve seen him on ewtn he’s extraordingly holy holy man🤗 btw..I’m much better today..had my hour of adoration and just begged Jesus to help me…it lifted almost immediately. .the one thing that is really bothering me is my son, Tommy. He looks soooooo thin..I almost cried when I saw him. He says he’s doing it on purpose..eating lean n lots of cardiovascular but I don’t think it’s healthy at all..gonna try to fatten him up on Sunday with mash potatoes n mac n cheese n steak😆😉😋 I got my survival books today from amazon I’ll give one to tommy n liz are amazing books…have you all seen floods in spain?? Drew Mariani said somewhere in Wisconsin too??? Prayed for our Charlie safety..yikes..scary out there. .Beckita how are you doing in ur grief? I uphold u in prayer too🤗😇😘

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    2. I’m an article scanner sometimes, Linda. Mostly a headline scanner, because I’m very careful about what I let in the ole’ noggin (and super vigilant/protective about what gets anywhere near my heart). Such was the case this morning out back, with the dog chasing a lizard and a cool (cooler) breeze on my face. Saw some bit about big tech teaming up with the FBI, DHS, etc. to “secure elections.” Later saw something from Newt Gingrich warning about EMP’s. Hey, I thought, problem solved. Then I saw this bit about a squirrel pausing to smell this flower (and I’m still looking at it):

      I’ve also scanned some stuff about NDE’s over the years and have never once read anything about big tech, emp’s, or any other nonsense/horrors in those descriptions about Heaven. Yes, flowers and squirrels, but never those things that upset souls.

      That squirrel reminds us that it is possible to start living Heaven now.

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    1. I’ve been noticing the story develop concerning Msgr. Rossi, Bob. Ever praying that each cleric who messed up will fess up so as to return to the fold and make reparation… and in St. Thérèse’s Little Way, may we offer every opportunity in our days and nights to assist in making reparation to the Father… not because He wants to smack us around for the sins of commission and omission, but because He Who is Love, wherein His Justice and Mercy are One, d.e.s.e.r.v.e.s. such acts of reparative love in return.

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  17. And now something a whole lot lighter. As many of you know, Sarah and I had our miracle baby last June, she is now 1 year and 3 months old.

    Grace is awaiting her first trip to the ice cream shop. She is not sure what this means, but everyone else is excited so she is too.

    Grace gets here first taste of Superman Ice cream, the picture speaks for itself.

    The after effects of ice cream are stunning.

    We all love our baby Grace!!! She brings such joy to our family of 10.

    Sarah and John

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    1. Oh, Sarah and John… what a little darling! Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter and these beautiful pictures. God bless your family. 🙂

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  18. Dear Charlie.

    God bless you.

    Fer-cryin-out-loud nearly every paragraph in you wonderful post is an expositions worth of discussion in itself.

    Angel show up again?

    grace and peace.


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  19. This song has been ringing in my mind, parts n peices.

    Today, Tuesday is a point of memory forever changed for me, the nypd and the rest of first responding agencies, yes including fdny ( a little cop humor here). At this moment, Tuesday 1900 hrs, I was posted to my Patrol Post, after having arrived and sat in a staging facility (at 1100am) for over eight hours awaiting the brass to figure out posts, tours and duties.

    I worked a 4×12 the night before, awoke 0500 or so to visit the S &W gun factory (and then report for duty abeit a couple hours leave begining the next tour).

    WTC 9/11 was announced to me by others waiting in line for a cup of joe in a dunkin donuts, enroute to mass. I had the car turn around (funny story) and told the driver to get me back as fast as he could…

    I reported for duty at 1100 or so via notification of Am/FM radio. A lot of thoughts went thrue my mind as I drove to the city from the suburbs (Rockland county). Particulary as I sped 90 mph south and a NYS Trooper waved ‘God speed’ to me. It hit me as I crossed eastbound on the TZ Bridg, looking south, down the Hudson River, to the Towers, no longer standing only great plumes of smoke and on fire. The rate of velocity I traveled theu the toll plaza still shakes me. Thank God I am still here.

    A moment of clarity arose as I turned south toward the city and viewed the miles of car traffic escaping north. Miles and miles of people fleeing the city, fifteen miles to the south. So, many feelings which will never go away. Comadare to say the least.


    Today, 2019, my ‘rookies’ the 9/11 class have 18 years on the job!

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    1. Sean, I have tears welling up in my eyes as I type this… 9/11 is a hard day for me to get through every year, and I didn’t even know anybody in NY. I can’t begin to imagine what that day (and every anniversary thereof) is like for you. God bless you, brother, and all the first responders living and deceased.

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  20. This from Msgr. Charles Pope. Painful and true. Holding up, in prayer, all our clergy… everyone of ‘em no matter the rank in the hierarchy that each one holds… whether living saints or struggling sinners. They ALL need our love.

    Msgr. Pope wrote:
    Papa Francisco says, “I would like to emphasize an attitude that I do not like, because it does not come from God: rigidity. Today it is fashionable, I do not know about here, but in other parts of the world it is fashionable, to find rigid people. Young, rigid priests, who want to save with rigidity, perhaps, I don’t know, but they take this attitude of rigidity and sometimes – excuse me – from the museum. They are afraid of everything, they are rigid. Be careful, and know that under any rigidity there are serious problems.”

    Santo Padre, I’m not feeling the love here, I don’t feel accompanied by you. Make room in your heart for me and others like me. I am not a young priest, but I know you don’t like my type of priesthood. Further I am an American and this mere fact seems to also make me troublesome in your eyes. I am not afraid of everything a you state, but I do have concerns for the ambiguity of some of your teachings and severity of some of your actions. Yet when we, your less favored sons, ask you questions you will not answer or clarify. In all this I am still your son and share the priesthood of Jesus with you. I await the solicitude and gentle care from you that you say I, and others like me, lack. Meanwhile I must honestly and painfully say that I am wearied from being scorned and demonized by you.



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          1. Also, Beckita—being from a large family, I was called all kinds of names by my Mom—she would often just do a litany of her children’s names–plus the pets: Kim, Robin, Gary, Chris, Lisa, Kamlin, Alison, Prince, Lester, Tiger!

            Liked by 7 people

            1. After getting comfortable with being Bud in a crowd of Bud’s, I naturally call all the boys Bud and my little sweety… “Sweety.” First names when necessary, middle names added as an attention-getter. Full names when I mean business.

              Liked by 9 people

  21. I suppose if things get really bad, people could eat dandelions, while not very tasty, dandelions are nutrition packed and can be used for soups & salads. (Just don’t eat the dandelions sprayed with weed killer…)

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Al, if you mix dandelion leaves with weeds like lambs quarter and pigweed and cook them all together, the dandelion is quite yummy (the other weeds temper the bitterness of the dandelion).

      However, there are some people who like the bitter taste. My 17-year-old loves dandelion leaves by themselves. He’ll go out to the garden (where we always have some dandelions growing), pick a saucepan full of leaves, and cook them up. He’s always been a little weird, though. 😉

      Here’s something that I read in one of my herbal books a while back: When you cook dandelion leaves or nettle leaves, save the cooking water. It makes a vitamin-and-mineral-rich tea and is also a healthful addition to soup stocks.

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      1. Hm. I see loads of food shots online that look more like beautiful floral arrangements and less like food. I really like wild flowers but prefer my food to look rough and unattractive… like a hunk of meat and a spud. If a spud needs sprucing up there’s butter, sour cream, chives, bacon. Thanks for the dandelion tips, I’ll put something together later about where to find wild tubers.

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        1. Ha, MP! I was talking about eating the leaves, not the flowers (although I hear that batter-fried dandelion flowers are rather tasty). Truth be told, I’m a meat-and-potatoes gal myself.

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      2. Mick, I bought the gardening books from abebooks. It has been a long time, but I have an account with them. 🙂 I have started making a file of Mick’s Advice, etc., for when you post things like this.

        By the way, is the chaplet of the Holy Face part of an extended devotion to the Holy Face for you?
        I only ask because, in the last 12 hours, I have been shown how God is working. I keep singing “Our God is an Awesome God” in my head. My puny words will not explain my journey to last night but I must say that everyone here is on a journey: The Lord has plans for you; you are each a tool in His massive toolbox. He has tempered you with sorrow, pain, joy…so many things in your lives. You are the best tool for His plan. Watch for Him to ask to use you (He is a gentleman). Watch as the watchman waits for the dawn, listen like Elijah for the tiny whisper. Pray and ask what He wants of you and tell Him when you can’t hear Him. He listens to every word you say. He loves you so much. He delights in you. He loves you so much (you are His image and likeness) that He wants you to work with Him like a Father loves to teach his child skills and tasks like Jesus learned from St. Joseph in the carpenter shop. He wants you, His beloved.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. You’re cracking me up, Joyful! All I can think of is a “Dear Abby”-type column. 🙂

          Yes, the Chaplet of the Holy Face is part my devotion to the Holy Face. A few years back, I enrolled in the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face in France (if you’re not a member and would like the address, I’d be glad to send it to you). 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Dear Abby aka Mick 🙂
            Yes, please send me the address. The Holy Face became a reality to me this past Lent and the epiphany I experienced yesterday was all about that. I would like to be a member. Thank you for this too.
            I see I am going to have to copy/paste to my Mick’s advice file–you have been busy. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Thank you Mick. (no problem with the time as I have been busy.) I had not known that devotion to the Holy Face has been increasing. A couple here in Omaha had been spreading the devotion and had been wishing to put up a billboard of the Holy Face for 4 years. On Aug. 15, they found one already up at the corner of a busy intersection that was a few blocks from a Catholic church ( where the wife had just gone to holyday mass) and also a few blocks from a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.
                The billboard had gone up on Aug. 5, feast of Our Lady of the Snows and the installation of it was completed on Aug. 6, the feast of The Transfiguration.
                Talk about the overwhelming goodness of God.


                1. We will have a display of the Holy Face at my talk in Kansas City this Saturday. My hosts are devoted to it (and the husband is the former basketball coach at Benedictine University. I like my friends….manly men and womanly women, all!)

                  Liked by 3 people

                  1. I am so happy to hear that. I wish I could see it. (I hope I can figure out how to post a pic of the Omaha billboard)
                    Charlie, blessings for you on your travels.


                    1. Oooo….it would make a good country song. My favorite real country song title came from a tape we received unsolicited when I was in radio (we would get tapes all the time from artists eager to get some air-time for their songs. The title was, “I’m So Miserable Without You, It’s Just Like Having You Around.”

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. Oh Charlie– that song title really did make me laugh out loud! There is truth to it. We all have irritating traits. Whenever my husband does something I don’t like, for instance, leaving lights on or cabinet doors open, I tell myself how much I would miss those things if he wasn’t here. I also remind myself of all my irritating habits that he puts up with!

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                    3. So the song could be a parody of the differences, but end up showing how much we need those differences.  Sent from Doug’s mobile


                  2. Sorry to interrupt the honky- tonk banter, but just realized that St Therese, (Beckita inferred she’s the patron of this site, if I recall correctly), was also devoted to the Holy Face…(as you were fellas, smoke-filled lounges don’t impress me much, although that song title was funny. 🎸🎶🤠 )

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      3. ❤ that! We have plenty of those in the lawn and nearby fields. In our gardens we have a few marigold varieties that grow like weeds. They self-seed and return like a blanket of flowers that we give away to neighbors and strangers – curb alerts or ads on neighborhood bulletins. After I cut down and threw out several bushy marigold plants last year, I wondered if they were edible and/or had any healing properties. I was thrilled to learn that every part of the plant, the seeds, flower, stem, leaves and roots do in fact have these qualities. I am prepared to put the plants to better use this fall. 😉

        Marigolds aka Calendula

        While quickly researching, I found this quick article and video clip from on their use in eye health:

        And then this page for many useful DIY recipes for nutritional and medicinal uses:

        *****Note – you do not have to have a Pinterest account (I closed mine recently) simply close down Pinterest pop-up pages and proceed to the *pinned* site.

        Marigolds are also called Mary’s gold. I have marigolds that grow each year in my single decade Rosary garden with roses, resurrection lilies, irises, wild geraniums and columbines.

        Just this year I transformed a shaded section of garden under a three-trunked pine tree that only gets spots of early sun, next to the air conditioning unit into a prayer corner by repurposing an old scarecrow pole into a cross with some twine which I then encircled with pots of impatiens, trellises of morning glories to each side and resurrection lilies in the forefront. (Sorry going on a bit of a garden tangent here as it is really one of my life’s joys)

        We also have an abundance of Creeping Charlie aka Glechoma hederacea on tiny corner of the world and surrounding lake and forest areas. Here is a link I found with some fun ideas for use:

        bon appétit

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Jen, I love marigolds! my favorite variety is Red Marietta. The flowers are beautiful, and they have the most gorgeous aroma.

          I also love calendula (which, unhelpfully, is often referred to as “pot marigold’). True marigolds and calendula are not the same things; they’re not even similar. Marigolds are all of the genus Tagetes, but calendula is of the genus Calendula. So the Latin name of the French marigold is Tagetes patula, of the Mexican marigold is Tagetes erecta, and so on. The Latin name of calendula/pot marigold is Calendula officinalis. It is an incredibly useful medicinal, and it is as easy as pie to grow it, make a tincture of it, etc. From what I have read, true marigolds also have medicinal uses, but they are not used for the same conditions for which calendula is used. Here are a couple of links with medicinal details of French marigold and calendula:

          Liked by 3 people

            1. Violet leaves… yum! We have white violets growing all over the yard, but I like the purple ones better. So I dug up a bunch of purple ones at my dad’s and planted them in the garden. So pretty!

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          1. In the 1960s, US Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) introduced legislation to make the marigold the national flower. It didn’t get very far, but his hometown of Pekin, IL, planted a huge number of them in his honor. He cited, among other th8ngs, the sturdiness of the plant as a characteristic that reflected our country. In my youth, I admired him. Of course, it seemed like most government servants in those days were more honorable. Just sayin’.

            God bless.

            Liked by 2 people

        1. Nope; I mean the green leaves that are visible from early spring until late fall even when there are no flowers present. However, the flowers when still yellow are edible (although when they’re in the seed stage and are white and fluffy and about to fly away, geese really love to chow down on them), and the roots are also edible whenever you can dig them out of the ground. (I’ve never eaten the roots, but they make an excellent medicinal tea for a whole host of ailments.)

          I’ve also read that the flowers can be made into wine, and also into a jelly which is supposedly tasty.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Well Linda, now I’m torn between trying dandelion tea or dandelion wine. I think I’ll go with the dandelion wine. Please don’t tell Charlie or Beckita. 😉

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  22. Charlie in our little hood, we have wonderfull people all around us and they all feed our…lots of bunnies…fields in our back yard full of corn, cabbage patches and many weeds since they took down the soybeans already…lots of these folksies are elderly and just salt of the earth kind of folk. I think most here in this hidden little area are catholic but not all. We are not having storm dinners, but I’m thinking it may not be necessary to inform them of all this just yet? I’m more of a recluse…a st Therese. ..not a joan of arc…lol…I can see how our little farming community would/could come together should communications go down. Thank you so much for this piece, Charlie, and forwarning us all…for to be forwarned is to be forarmed. 🤗😇😘

    Also if ya’ll will please pray for hubby Michael he has been treated very bad at work for many years now and is considering a big change. He is much used where he is. They get richer and richer on his blood, sweat and tears. Long Shameful story. I told him maybe God is ready for you to be a farmer for awhile 😆 Farming can’t be as hard as foundry work. A one man band of molding, pouring molten alluminum ,dumping the molds and grinding all the cast alluminum molds plus all the machinery tools he makes can’t be as bad as farming I would think.

    May the grace of change make all things new. May people once again value each other and not merely love another for what they can do for you.

    Oh wouldn’t Mayberry be a nice place to live? Or Waltons mountain? Patrick Madrid likes the Waltons too…lol…shoot; I’d bet we all do.

    Ok..I’m going to try to sleep…xoxoxoxoxoxo TNRS asoh

    Liked by 7 people

      1. Thank you Beckita..he’s been saying for a few months now that things are coming to a head…he has a strange gift of prophesy. No visions, no locutions..just knows things sometimes

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  23. I’m not yet ready to look up recipes for squirrel stew, but some measures for emergency preparedness do make sense.

    I can’t quite make up my mind about the level of threat. For example, there are times when I think leftists sound sinister, serious, and capable of destroying freedom and prosperity. Other times, they sound like kids running for 5th grade student council president promising unlimited candy and soda with lots of fists bumps. Either way, I fear there is real emotional turmoil and distress in this country even if the supposed catastrophes are contrived. God help us.

    Liked by 6 people

  24. Anybody else think that Sydney Powell is just the bees knees?

    Pray for Judge Sullivan.

    As Veil Of Veronica said, “Acapolypse” means “Unveiling” and if Judge Sullivan does not cave (or is not murdered) then the beginning of the Unveiling may begin with Sydney Powell’s motion and Judge Sullivan’s actions.

    If this happens, events may (probably will) start rolling that favor the restoration of our Republic and…the restoration of Christendom.

    I much prefer the peaceful, civilized path and I think Christendom will work earnestly and tirelessly to see the job done during our time here on Earth.

    Regarding the “prepper” stuff. I too did this about 10 years ago. Guns, ammo, and a big-ole-pressure cooker (highly recommended, btw) . one of these bad boys:

    Its a big investment…but! It can support a community of people who do not have the tools to can.


    I do not hunt, but my neighbors do. I buy the ammo, he hunts the deers and gives them to me. If you use every part of the deer, you can store a significant amount of human and pet-food in canning jars.

    So, get to know a brother or sister who enjoys hunting, get to know what rifle they use and offer to buy them a box of ammo (more than enough for a Winter’s kill) in exchange for food.

    The Spiritual stuff is what matters, the small thing right in front of you, the love and kindness in everyday circumstances all the time every time.

    God does provide. This does not mean that I will live through the storm, but if/when death comes, He will have prepared me.

    So, ya, Guns and Butter in service to the Lord

    That said, if it comes down to conflict, those demonic s.o.b.s will be doing the dying and I will be doing the shooting.

    Its been amazing watching people wake up. It has been educational that it took this long. It is wonderful that you are awake and Christian!

    Grace and peace

    Liked by 4 people

  25. There were like a million dragon flies at our house tonight and the SWEETEST bunny right outide our side window tonight just laying in the grass just looking at us and we to him/her. Sometimes nature just heartens a soul. Def thought of all of you🤗😇😘 esp our Charlie 🤗

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  26. As if the world happenings aren’t bad enough, I just found out that someone whose writings I have been immersing myself into, may be a fake with a double identity. I had inquired about her on this sight and found that Charlie and Beckita also admire this writer. It is Anne the lay apostle, who says she gets messages from Jesus, Mother Mary and various saints, and has written The Volumes (10). I have been reading and rereading these Volumes. I loved them! However, one of my sons, whom I also told to read Anne’s writings, became doubtful of her which caused him to do some research on her. I will share the link here but I also know that Beckita and Charlie may want to look into it before posting this. I am very saddened with the thought that Anne the lay apostle may be a fraud. Here is the link:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Mary…one thing I know is that anyone who draws any attention will have both serious detractors and enthusiastic adherents. Anyone. Shoot, the majority of authentic religious authorities of His time considered Jesus a dangerous fraud. Time will tell…but the reality is that the frauds and the deluded will have their enthusiasts, and the genuine articles will have their constant and malicious detractors. On several occasions, including earlier this year, Anne’s Bishop, Leo O’Reilly of Kilmore, Ireland has endorsed her, giving her Apostolate of the Returning King juridical status earlier this year. I still pay very little attention to most of these things, but many I trust have confidence in her and what I have read from her work seems sound. She is under discipline to her Bishop, so that gives me confidence. The financial stuff troubles me somewhat from the article you linked to – but while it makes claims of her taking in millions, it only documents modest income. This is such a stumbling block for so many. I have lived poverty since 2010, taking enough of a stipend to keep going on the road when I give presentations. On a few occasions, I have done consulting in other areas and picked up a little. Someone recently suggested a way I could easily monetize things. I asked why I would even want to do that, as it would not change the way I live and go about. There are some who are just money-making operations, but in the documentation, I don’t see that happening with Anne. I don’t begrudge someone making a modest living, though. Personally, I have been surprised at the venom with which some people attack me – and embarrassed by the deference with which others treat me. Either way, it comes down to being steadfast with the work, in season and out of season, as St. Paul says.

      I really think simplicity is the key. Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope. I suspect when all is said is done, each of us will find we held high regard for some frauds, did not properly appreciate some solid people – and we will still be judged by what we actually did in difficult times. Stick to the work before you, taking comfort and inspiration where you find it – and using that to help you take the next right step before God. That is sufficient.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. I agree with you totally Charlie about Anne. I have all her volumes. There have been countless times when I just pick up and read one and it’s so appra po, it just blows me away. I know her bishop is for her and Mark Miravill too if my memory doesn’t deceive me.

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  27. I’ve been a prepper since 2009, felt called to it by the Lord. In the fall of 2011, I felt the Lord impress upon me “put up food, water, lights…be ready to receive those who are lost, scared or displaced” and that our home will be a place of refuge. So have worked from that premise. Not so much the past few years, the pressure of the feeling has ebbed as we’re fairly stocked up and the Lord is leading me in other areas especially youth work and intercessory prayer.

    I can teach about all aspects of prepping as part of my job as an Extension agent. When people say “Oh when things get bad, I’m coming to YOUR house”, I always reply “The only ones coming are the ones the Lord sends.” Which usually ends up with them having a funny look on their face. And I’ve always figured, whoever does show up IS who the Lord has sent. And yes, I have communion wine and hosts stored in the basement as well as old missals for the Mass readings, plus all the food, supplies, a water hand pump for our spring, assorted gear, cooking stuff, extra clothing, first aid including a surgery kit, PG and baby clothes, etc. We’ve got 100 buckets of food in the “long term” pantry plus 10 “giveaway buckets” (10% tithe) with food, some basic meds, a small Bible, fire starting equipment, space blankets etc to share with folks in need.

    Liked by 10 people

        1. Actually if I’m still alive I hope to stay here..I saved lots of white rice gf soy sauce and lots of homemade wine in basement for priests (or ocaisionally us😄😄🍷🍷) and lots of lots of wood. God’s call and we trust in Him. I figured if he got us to 56, He’ll take us where we need to be..all of us God is good whatever He wills🤗😇😘


    1. I just love you extension agents. You are a walking, talking, teaching gold mine. For 7 years I worked for EFNEP at our local Extension Service. Our county agent amazed me with her knowledge about everything. You are a blessing to us all.
      Out of curiosity, what kinds of food preparation classes do you teach for your prepping classes? And one more, how do you preserve fresh eggs for the long haul? I have frozen them before but if the grid goes down so do they.

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  28. All, just saw that Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider (Aux. of Astana, Kazakhstan) have asked us to pray daily from Sept. 17 – Oct. 26 at least one decade of the Holy Rosary (bing) and to fast once a week (bing) for the intention of “so Pope Francis may confirm his brethren in the faith by an unambiguous rejection of errors in the working document” of the Amazon Synod…

    I say 2xbings because I think a lot of us already participate in the USGraceForce daily rosary and fasting…. Fr. Heilman’s link explains it better…

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    1. I have supported UNbound too and I’m sadden by notion that heretical priests are involved at all. Seems these days anywhere there are innocent children, satan is striking.

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  29. A couple of Good News articles …. and then ….. ;-(

    I know I’m old and live out in Fly-Over Country Boondocks …. but …. would some of you folks, who live in “The Enlightened” USA please send me the News about all these Right-Wing Terrorist Events …. Thanks!

    Speaking of Terrorism in “Enlightened” America:

    Oh!! Silly Me!! … I got it! If you are not in stride with The Global left’s Agendas of godless Socialism, Abortion, Sexual Perversion and Big Bro One World Gubermint, you be a Right-Wing Terrorist ….. and if White you be a Racist to boot …. and non-Whites are labeled as Traitors.
    Gang! The Global Left is using the Very Same Demonization Tactics that the National Socialist Nazis and Marxist Socialist Communists …… Russia, China, East Bloc, Cambodia, Cuba & …………. used on Jews and Bourgeoisie vs Proletariat class warfare ……. Same-Same French Revolution and on-n-on thru History. It never ends well!!
    Keep Your Powder Dry!

    HullyGee! I’m sure no “Ranking Members” of the Catholic Church would be members of The Climate Change Church? …. Right!? …….. Hello!!!!! ……………………… ;-(


    Liked by 5 people

    1. Well in CA we begin the 40 Days for Life on Sept. 23rd. As a “right wing terrorist” I imagine its going to be really hard to stand outside of PP saying the rosary! But I will and hopefully I will be martyred. People are really ugly here.

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        1. Yes, the trial is going well. However, if CMP has a big win, the nazi feminist will go berserk. I pray that CMP does win and I am willing to stand before the lions to save lives.

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          1. I pray too that justice comes down on the side of what is truly right and just on behalf of David and CMP. I attended the Joliet Diocese National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children this afternoon. It was a beautiful ceremony. I was taken back by a couple of things Bishop Conlon said in his brief segment. One was, that *our* side knows that abortion is wrong, the *other* side declares a woman has the right to choose what to do to her body. “Now, that argument is hard to counter,” he said. Then he added later that our guest speakers, a lovely couple, Paul & Maureen Deitche did not know back then, in the 1970’s that in a pregnancy there is “human tissue.” Bishop Conlon referred to a preborn baby as human tissue!!
            To the Bishops credit he did tie in the Exaltation of the Cross and how our Lord Jesus Christ and these dear aborted babies have spilled innocent blood and were killed unjustly. He also had us to memorialize the babies found days ago in a mass quantity in a deceased doctor’s home in our county! I had just read about this gruesome discovery yesterday.
            Bodies of thousands of preborn babies discovered in deceased abortionist’s home
            I humbly ask that, if you have not already done so today, please offer a prayer on their and all aborted babies behalf on this National Day of Remembrance. Thank you! ❤
            A side note, I am neutral on the new Knights of Columbus attire.

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  30. Hi Charlie, thank you for your good and thorough reply. Looking back, I remember reading articles warning readers not to follow you because you were a fraud, but I liked what you had to say in your humbleness and I thoroughly enjoy your writings and the squirrels here! I see goodness, kindness, faithfulness here and in the Volumes. I have continued reading here and will continue with the Volumes also. Where there is goodness, surely God is leading the way. Prayers for all here to take that next right step!

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    1. Beautiful response, Charlie, filled with wisdom and truth.

      Mary, here’s a link to the history of the mission. It is evident to me that God has protected this work. Books are now stamped with both the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur from the Diocese of Kilmore. In his own wisdom, Bishop O’Reilly deeply studied the phenomenon with Anne by setting up a diocesan commission. He has said the findings will be shared in due time. Two weighty signs of approval came when 1. The Bishop assigned Fr. Darragh to be the full time chaplain of the DFT Apostolate. 2. At the time of appointing Fr. Darragh, Bishop O’Reilly gave Anne an office in the chancery. (Unheard of)

      What I love most about the messages is the way leadership and members have absorbed them as fuel for inspiration to do the good works of rebuilding culture and faith rather than dwelling on facts and details to know God’s Plan.

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  31. In reading an article in today’s about women’s proper role in serving the Church today and references to the different roles of the women and men with regard to their actions during the passion and death of Christ, I was inspired to attempt to reply with the following comment which I was unable to post due to my lack of membership, which I did not want to establish, I did not want it to go to waste, so I copied it to post here.
    I have never seen anyone acknowledge that women did not face the same danger as the apostles from attacks upon them from the Jewish authorities for their mere presence that they faced later on in the early growth of the Church starting with the execution of St. James and a more active attacking of those of “The Way.” I am not seeking to exonerate the men who were fearful of following Christ except at a distance during His passion and crucifixion, just asking that proper acknowledgement be made of this aspect. Nor am I meaning to claim that the women did not put themselves in some danger but it was different. All things must be kept in proper perspective based on the culture of the time. Although it is true that St. John did face danger, it was somewhat mitigated by his connection with the High Priest. I am only asking for a more complete understanding of the total picture in consideration of my limited observations and comment. I hope this will be of some usefullness.
    May God continue to guide and bless all here. jas

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      1. I weary of the world’s gender wars. Not a day goes by I’m not grateful to be a man, but even more grateful for the women I love. Can’t wait for Heaven, where far from these beautiful distinctions ceasing, they will find their perfection. Not so for hell. Having read descriptions of the beasts therein, I suspect all of that beauty is lost completely. It’s what awaits hateful, foolish people. In the meantime, my weapon of choice against ugliness is Beauty.

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          1. Yes. Every “weapon” in our arsenal only makes sense as a “tool for conversion.” And conversion is a life process, instead of the one-time event many consider it to be. Here’s one of my favorite quotes from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on that matter:

            “It [conversion] means seeking God, moving with God, dociley following the teachings of his Son Jesus Christ; to be converted is not a work for self-fulfillment because the human being is not the architect of his own eternal destiny. We did not make ourselves… Conversion consists in freely and lovingly accepting to depend in all things on God, our true creator, to depend on love. This is not dependence, but freedom.”

            Now that’s a beautiful thing.

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  32. It’s amazing to me how when you Acknowledge God, He steps right in to help. What a beautiful God we have…🤗😇😘 Dear God, please help all people of the whole world to have the grace of your presence. Ave Maria Gratia plena ora pro nobis peccatoribus 🤗😇😘

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  33. I don’t watch “Debates” of any political party ’cause it’s a waste of time ….. I do read commentary the next day. From what I’m reading about the Socialist Idiocy from Houston. In the immortal words of Apollo 13 Crew: “Houston, We have a problem!”
    I’m feeling an overwhelming urge to sharpen my bayonet ;-(
    One of the Reasons Trump has his opponents so flustered is the fact that Trump actually tries, against all odds, to fulfill his campaign promises.

    We are seeing Push-Back from the Good Guys and that is a Good Thing but we must be prepared for the eventual Bad Guy Shove Back!


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  34. Yesterday morning I was in an automobile accident(not my fault-a woman made a left hand turn right in front of me-I had the right of way) My back etc. really hurts, but anyway, I wanted to share with you how the next right step mind set helps in other areas besides the big storm.
    Everyone needs to be prepared and that means practicing worst case scenarios. When the adrenaline is flowing and hands are shaking it isn’t easy to think what needs to be done. I knew the proof of insurance and registration where somewhere in the glove box but do you think I could find both. Thankfully this happened around the block from my home and my husband was able to quickly come over and help.
    If this woman had actually looked down the road and waited 5-10 seconds I would not have had to spend the entire day going to the ER, other doctor appointments, and dealing with their insurance company. By the way, in Montana, you only need to carry $20,000 worth on insurance and that is all they will pay for property damage. So, out of luck with them actually replacing a vehicle that costs more. An ounce of prevention….
    Throughout the day, I kept reflecting on the next right step, what am I supposed to learn, and offering up the pain for the conversion of sinners/reparation for sin. Don’t wait for the crash-practice what you need to do now. If you are waiting until the power goes out it will be too late. If you haven’t canned any food or dried any-do it now to practice. I bought the survival guides mentioned in earlier posts.(There is an entry on how to catch and eat a squirrel.-sorry.) Know how to purify water. Practice the Boy Scouts motto of being prepared. Don’t be scared Be prepared.

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        1. Thank you, Dan.
          The radiologist taking the X-rays commented that she part-times as an EMT in a ambulance and can’t believe how often people pull out in front of people.
          Is that a sign of the times…people are only thinking of themselves and everything they do it “Right”?


    1. Ok Doug, I just told “Our Lady’ you would personally bring my prayer petition. She knows what it is but she is waiting for you to formalize it. God Bless you Doug.


    2. Tell Her that MP still has the rock, the jewel of my rock collection. I’m good to go! I think the white TNRS river rock needs to trek up that mountain with you if you haven’t already done so. What do you think?

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      1. Oh how we would love a rock from Medjugorje! MP and I not only share Midwest ties, but we are both rock collectors. Doug & Lambzie, we’d love a rock to add to our collection and if you would kindly give Our Blessed Mother our petition for our beloved to be reconciled with God and with each other as a Family of God, please. Thank you. Happy trails! 😉

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Just a fyi, there are rosaries available that are made from the stones on Apparition Hill. But like with Lourdes water, have to be sure it’s authentic, which I hope mine is; (was purchased over there for me about 20 yrs ago.)

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      2. Well, that rock may have to go with us as long as we can keep our suite cases under 50 LBS.  Oops.  I just gave away my last name.  Now I do not have much difficulty keeping my suitcase under 50 LBS, but Lambzie, that is a different story…..  I will bring it and bathe it in prayer with a trek up Cross Mountain reciting the stations of the cross.  That has special meaning for me.Sent from Doug’s mobile

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        1. Woohoooooo! I always knew that river stone would make a trek up Her mountain, just didn’t know how or when. You honor us all by carrying out the task. Don’t forget to pick out a nice one for JLB.

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          1. Yup.  Those Arazona stones get around.  I’ll be think’n, but most importantly pray’n for all our ASOH friends.  Has anyone seen the most recent Jumanji movie (not the Robin Williams one)?  I will be back pack guy carrying those petitions from place to place.

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              1. It warms our hearts that we can help make your day Jen.  😊  You are special and especially special in God’s eyes…..Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

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              2. JLB,
                We really feel honored each time we return to Medjugorje to be Our Lady’s guest. It renews my spirit so greatly!

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            1. Backpack was very humble and did not question his master but amazingly- he followed his master wherever he would go. Wasn’t there a little lamb who followed Mary wherever she would go. I am Lambzie, ergo I follow backpack (um I mean Doug) wherever he would go! Living me Medjugorje right here in lil olde NH:

              Liked by 2 people

                1. Ha!  Too late now.  You made it public.  You might even say, “the cat is out of the backpack.”  😎Sent from Doug’s Back Pack

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    3. Yes, Doug, please pray for the conversion of my son, John and fiancé, Lane, son, Thomas and wife, Skye, and son, Tim and his fiancé, Kelsie. And, for healing my back/neck.
      A side note. When I was pregnant with Tim(28 years ago), I almost lost him at 2 months gestation. At that time my mom was still alive. She told me that when people asked the Blessed Virgin at Medjugorie about difficult pregnancies, the Blessed Mother replied. Tell them to relax and trust God. Well, now that same “kid” is in need of our Blessed Mother again for his conversion.

      Thank you so much, Doug for taking our prayers there.
      Bless You.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. HTTP, I will bring your prayer requests with me.  Also, relax and trust God. (I have to be reminded myself often) 😊Sent from Doug’s mobile

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    4. Oh Doug, I wish I could go to Medjugorje! I’m sure you and Lambzie will have the most blessed experience. Please offer a prayer intention for the conversion of my husband, sons and all in my territory of souls. Thank you!! God bless you and Lambzie.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hmmmm.  Territory souls.  That is a new twist.  I like it Audiemarie.  Sounds like the folks you come in contact with every day.  Ok.  You will be in my petition back pack.Sent from Doug’s mobile

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        1. Thank you, Doug. I got the idea of praying for my “territory of souls” from Pelianito (Janet Klasson) when she explained it in her blog. Thank you for taking my petition with you. God bless you and Lambzie!

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    1. Al, I edited out the link because it takes us to a site with a *lot* of alleged messages, some of them not even yet investigated by the Church and one that has been censured by the local Bishop. There are many rabbit holes on that site which distract us from the work at hand. As to the claim about the predicted “when communism comes again” there are interpretations of that phrase which convey that it’s already fulfilled via the existence of the Godless agenda which the Left attempts to force on people. The -isms synonymous with communism (atheism, socialism, hedonism, humanism, pantheism, etc.) have been proliferated all over the world. That said, we’re not here to argue for or against interpretations, but to keep our eyes on the core message of acknowledging God to more surely TNRS and become a sign of hope.

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      1. The “when communism comes again” kind of stuck me as what we are living right. The rest of the information on that website wasn’t what I was focused on.

        Yes, many of those other -isms are here now and we’re resisting it, but it’s not the full tyrannical form of communism. The comment about Fr. Michael from Quebec made me wonder what we waiting for? The most tyrannical form of socialist-communism has yet to manifest itself, and that is what I was getting at…


        1. Yet, Al, this kind of prophecy is given to rouse people to respond so that what is forewarned is mitigated or totally rescinded. We do not… nor does a single person on earth… know exactly what is going to happen. Look at the Apostles. Jesus walked with them and taught them for three years and those Apostles had to go through their testing, the darkness of Christ’s Passion and Death without full knowledge of how God’s Plan was going to play out. This bring us back to MP’s takeaway expressed yesterday and affirmed by Charlie: “My takeaway from your column: be spiritually and mentally prepared. The rest will follow suit… or at least endure without a terrible amount of grumbling.” Our focus now must be on what Charlie expressed in this very piece:

          “…if things do not smooth out, none of us is going to be able to clearly see the way ahead of us. Don’t regard this as a terror to tremble over, but as a problem to be managed, an obstacle to be navigated, trusting that God will open up a way before you. But you have to commit to stay the course in both the lightest and the darkest moments. God’s grace is sufficient for you, too. But you won’t know it as intimately now as you will after, when He guides you through anyway when you could not see the way forward. Your persistent determination to walk through to the end in His service is the raw material you offer to Him in order to open yourself up to His grace.”

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  35. No rousing intended from me. I just started wondering about the questions that this topic thread & comments led me to.

    It’s a no-brainer, a darker hour awaits us all in the future where evil will think it’s won (the commuism victory), whenever & however that happens, then that victory will be taken from them by the the Immaculate Heart.

    If anything we need to not loose heart, as a total victory cannot happen against evil until the darkest hour has arrived. We all have to be strong trusting in God for the greater trials ahead whatever those will be.

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      1. Beckita, I’m just trying to put as many things into perspective as possible before an event happens where all communication is gone. Who needs to know the future if we can derive meaningful perspective in the present even in dark times of crisis.

        With the way Brexit & the Canadian election are going, I feel a need to figure these things out fast. The warning in this thread about being prepared for a few months from on only increases the need to sort things out…


        1. With respect, Al, you feel a desire to figure these things out fast. Yet the main thing I try to get through is that even if you get a lot of things right, you will get a lot of them wrong…so will prepare unnecessarily for things that will never happen and will likely not be prepared for things that will. What you NEED is to do your best, knowing you will not figure most things out, but trust God anyway. Remember, what you desire most is most effective against you. Desire God and all things will be added.

          I suspect this response won’t satisfy you, as you nervously keep trying to beguile me into laying out some blueprint. My plan is simple and straightforward: acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you. I can almost certainly assure you that if you keep looking for a detailed plan of your own devising to confront the challenges ahead of us, you will do a faceplant pretty early on. Don’t you know that, even in the midst of troubles, God has more than a few surprises for us if we are listening for that still small voice? You won’t be able to hear it if you are entirely focused on the thunder around us. You will be okay. Pray for trust – and then live it.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. I will try to do that Charlie.

            I’ll try to remember “what you desire most is most effective against you.”

            I’ll try to keep calm despite my nervous jitters.

            Thanks Charlie, I needed reassurance.

            Liked by 4 people

          2. Lots of sound advice I keep going back to in this post.

            1) Even if you get some things right, you’ll still get some things wrong, do the best you can and God will take care of the rest.
            2) Don’t focus on things outside of what is God’s will, or it can be used against you.
            3) Seek God in all situations, remember God is in control.
            4) Pray & listen for that small voice.

            In the current election crisis we’re going through up here in Canada, your advice has done lots to calm me down.

            Thanks Charlie

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  36. I have been preparing so long for this nasty possibility of mayhem that I have food stored in cans that is one to two years past expiration date. Since it is canned, I am not too worried about it unless the can has gone soft or dented. I have several books on survival. …..I used to drive myself crazy about this until the Blessed Mother clearly showed me that I just needed to take one day at a time. After that I just looked at what I had done and thought “it is enough”. Jesus and Our Blessed Mother would lead me to the rest if the time should come….Now I am even less well than I was when I started my prep work. I always prepped with my son and his family in mind, much more than myself. They are living with me now. ….. I do not know what is happening to me. They are running a lot of tests….I believed that I would be seriously helping my son if he were to move in with me, but I fear it may be the other way around. However, I am hoping the doctors find out why I am declining and missing time at work. I really need to keep working. Oh, well, Jesus is generous. He has a plan for sure. Thanks be to God.

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  37. The pope. bishops, priests, deacons of the Catholic Church, especially those in the United States, Boston,, New York and Washington, DC, NEED VERY MUCH to hear the prophetic words St. Augustin addresses to them.

    Strong Words from St. Augustine to those Who Would Be Shepherds

    St. Augustine, reflecting on a text from Ezekiel, has some strong words for those who would be shepherds, be they bishops, priests, or deacons. Let’s examine two important observations he made during a longer sermon delivered to the priests and people of Hippo.

    He begins with a lament over the failure of many shepherds to teach the truth:

    “After the Lord had shown what wicked shepherds esteem, he also spoke about what they neglect. The defects of the sheep are widespread. There are very few healthy and sound sheep, few that are solidly sustained by the food of truth, and few that enjoy the good pasture God gives them. But the wicked shepherds do not spare such sheep’ (Read More on link)

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