A Christian Approach to Immigration: Precepts of a Reasonable Man #1

Ellis Island
Ellis Island

By Charlie Johnston

In law, the “Reasonable Man Standard” is used most often in liability cases but has been used through the centuries in common law where statutes are ambiguous or non-existent. It simply asks a jury or judge to determine what a reasonable man would have done, under particular circumstances. It has been a useful standard, – though not so much anymore. We live in an age lacking reasonable people – and murderously hostile to them when they are found. It supports my contention that, in the land of the blind, a one-eyed man would not be king, but executed as a heretic.

The poisonous and angry political cant of modern times has badly diminished our capacity for even the simplest rational consideration of serious issues. A radical faction makes absurd assertions, which are then absurdly taken seriously by elite ruling class members. The rational minority, angered then, distorts their own position with an angry opposite reaction. Thus, we end with partisan talking points chopping away at the branches of a problem without ever getting near the roots – in part because the partisans get more vested in taking swings at each other with their verbal axes than even looking for the roots.

Fatuous partisans only want to prevail, so they abandon all concepts of fair play, unable to distinguish between foundational rules and partisan tactics. A partisan’s tactics are designed to win the game of a partisan contest: the foundational rules are designed to see that all contestants have a fair and equal shot at persuading the electorate. The left’s efforts to abandon the Constitution – or pervert it beyond all recognition – are simply efforts to fix the rules to guarantee their preferred outcomes. When they talk of packing the Supreme Court, abolishing the electoral college, or giving 16-year-olds the right to vote, they are not trying to ensure that there is an equal and level playing field. They are functionally demanding that they be given five strikes before being called out while insisting their opponents be called out after one strike. They are trying to rig the rules to ensure their own victory. But rigged rules are a cheat and everyone knows it. They don’t give the aggressors victory; they destroy the game altogether as people lose confidence in it.

Unfortunately, opponents of such sustained nonsense often lose sight of first principles, as well. They become largely reactionary to the assaults on reason and fair play.

When analyzing the controversies of the day, it is fruitful to stay focused on what I call “first things,” fundamental principles that help guide you to a prudent position AND protect you from being distracted by the angry noise. If an opponent cannot convince you to adopt his position, he can still prevail if he can provoke you to dance to the tune he is calling. The following article is the first in an occasional series of “Precepts of a Reasonable Man.” It will take a look at some basic issues – and controversies of the day – from the perspective of those “first things.”


Hierarchy of Responsibility

Each of us has a hierarchy of duties to our fellows. Our first responsibility is to those souls God has put intimately in our care, such as spouse and children. Secondary is our responsibility to close friends and extended family. Living those duties well does not mean we have no duty to those who do not fall into those categories, only that these are subordinate duties. If we emphasize a subordinate duty at the expense of the primary and secondary duties God has placed before us, we offend God and make a mockery of His plan for us. Thus, however well you care for your family and friends, you have a duty to those you don’t even know, particularly the less fortunate, to the extent you are capable. You are not, however, obliged to displace your own children or leave them hungry in your zeal for the welfare of the less fortunate. That would, in fact, be an offense and a deep character failing. There are many subordinate hierarchies: employer to employees, teacher to students, governor to constituents, etc. None of these excuses one from his duty to all, but the duty must be properly ordered, so it does not come at the expense of one to whom a greater duty is owed in the hierarchy.

Mediating Agencies

A healthy society has a multitude of mediating agencies. Most prominent among these are government, churches, and voluntary associations. Government should be the most rigorously limited, specifically because it is the most dangerous. All mediating agencies except government must rely on persuasion to accomplish their aims. Government acts by coercion.

Ideally, government should be little more than an umpire, enforcing those few rules necessary for the integrity and smooth operation of the game without entering the lists on behalf of any of the contestants. Other mediating agencies, though, get caught up in wanting a shortcut – to get government to force the outcomes they desire. This has a multitude of ugly consequences. It makes the government, itself, a source of partisan rancor rather than a dispassionate arbiter – and empowers it in the process. It enfeebles other mediating agencies, first by robbing them of their persuasive power (they don’t need it so much when they have delegated their priorities over to the coercive power of the state) and then by progressively stripping them of their legitimacy and moral agency. After a time, such agencies are almost always surprised to find the coercive power of the state wielded against them. Rarely does it occur to them that they were complicit in engorging the beast that now besets them.

People begin to equate legality with morality, a terribly perilous confusion. Most of the great atrocities of history, though hideously immoral, were accomplished through legal means. The law is a hungry and mindless beast – a useful tool when properly constrained and a terrible, immoral and capricious master when it is not. Government can give no one anything it has not first taken from someone else. It cannot create wealth, only re-distribute wealth others have created (in the process crippling those entities which CAN create wealth). For every “good” delegated to government that should have been handled through the persuasive agency of churches or voluntary associations, both its coercive power and its hunger for the same grows. It is a formula for tyranny and ruin, not for prosperity and justice.

The Raw Force of Creative Agency

The greatest force in the universe is the combined creative capacity of human beings. To unleash that force a person must have liberty and opportunity, constrained only by his duty to his fellows. Human beings and their creative capacity are the ultimate natural resource. Governments can facilitate or repress that creative capacity, either taking full advantage of that great resource or squandering it. The human person is properly viewed as a subordinate creator, in God’s own image, not as a mere consumer.


These are the primary principles I bring to bear in considering how to approach immigration. I have always been permissive in my approach to legal immigration, precisely because I see it as amassing resources when done properly. This requires that a culture be an “opportunity society” rather than a government-run “social welfare society.” My restrictions are simple and straightforward. An applicant for immigration must 1) have a clean non-violent background, 2) have a sponsor who will financially guarantee him for three years, 3) must learn the language in that three years and, 4) must commit to the principles of the country through a loyalty oath and pass a civics test. Once these criteria are met, he is eligible to become a full citizen.

We have garbled rational policy in a multitude of ways over the last few decades.

First, we have so badly blurred the lines between legal and illegal immigration that we are usually talking across each other. Legal immigration, properly ordered as I have put it above, is a positive good. Illegal immigration is an assault on our sovereignty, a soft invasion. There is no such thing as an undocumented immigrant or even an illegal immigrant. They are illegal aliens. By their first act of surreptitiously entering the country, they are criminal invaders. The rhetorical sloppiness leads many on the left to impute the virtues of legal immigrants to criminal invaders and some on the right to impute the offenses of illegal aliens to legal immigrants. The confusion helps no one except those who seek to exploit such people for their own purposes.

Bizarrely, we have made the hurdles to legal immigration hugely daunting. It can take over a decade and tens of thousands of dollars for a legal applicant to be processed. In turn, we have made illegal immigration almost consequence-free. I often say that the iron law of economics and human behavior is that what you punish you get less of and what you reward you get more of. We punish legal immigration applicants and reward illegal aliens. Why? Well, it does make them easier to exploit from both sides of the aisle. Country Club Republicans obtain a source of cheap labor and Democrats obtain a new base of voters to replace the normal Americans their insanity is driving away. The deal, though, is that the aliens must ever live in the shadowlands. Get uppity on the job and they can easily be cut loose. It is not just because they work cheaply that makes them desirable to exploitive masters: it is also because they are powerless. For Democrats, it is their electoral docility that makes them valuable. This is why Democrats can argue that Mexicans should be allowed to vote in our elections and Russians should be charged with treason for even commenting on them. There is no principle involved except for the rapacious appetite of the ruling class for unearned advantage. In either case, the people involved are treated as things to advance the depraved interests of an elite ruling class rather than as children of the Living God.

The first thing is to banish the specious nonsense that all cultures are equal. A culture that encourages creative enterprise, valuing both individual initiative and demanding individual responsibility is superior to one that reduces most to a craven class of consumers dependent on the favor of an elite bureaucracy – and the results show it. A society’s efforts must be focused on inculcating the former and avoiding the latter. A commitment to faith, family, freedom, opportunity and responsibility have been the keys to success in such efforts. Shortcuts only lead to authoritarian dysfunction.

Vastly simplify and expedite the procedures for legal immigration. Anyone who passes the background check, obtains a sponsor for the three-year interregnum, and solemnly professes loyalty to his new country should be quickly and inexpensively integrated into the process. Once passing the language and civics tests after three years – and renewing his loyalty oath, he is fully a citizen, entitled to all the benefits arising from that status and responsible for all the duties it entails.

This balances both duties and responsibilities properly. It gives incentive to those who want the opportunity afforded by the United States, while giving little incentive for those hoping for a free ride. It gets all immigrants out from the shadowlands. Most importantly, it sets all things in their proper order, forcing all the mediating agencies to live their calling properly.


The Churches, in particular, have been unbelievably feckless and irresponsible in their advocacy, betraying the commands of their Master while pretending to moral enlightenment. In the first place, Christ did NOT tell His followers to go lobby the government to force everyone to do the good they want. He told them to do it, themselves. The early Church did NOT lobby Rome to care for the sick, to build hospitals, libraries and universities. It just did what it was called to do. Now the Churches want to give government the power to force everyone else to pay for caring for immigrants…and they are surprised when government turns that power with hostility on them?! Under the system I propose, the Churches would have a huge role in the process. They would be prime guarantors as sponsors for worthy applicants that have no other source. It would require that they actually do something, put some real skin in the game, instead of piously preening with specious nonsense about what government should force everyone else to do. It would hearken them back to their authentic calling.

It would also force religious authorities to deal honestly with cultural problems around the globe. Most churches spend very little time criticizing authoritarian and corrupt regimes for making their own countries such dysfunctional hellholes. They prefer, instead, to demand the U.S. take responsibility for all these problems – and reserve their attacks for the U.S. for not taking on all problems and for refusing to import the dysfunction people are trying to flee. It infuriates me when I see Vatican officials cozying up to people like Hugo Chavez, the late strongman of Venezuela who set that country on the path to ruin, Cuba’s Castros or China’s ruthless and brutal leaders – while vigorously attacking the U.S. I am both embarrassed and grateful for the Vatican’s rank hypocrisy on border walls: embarrassed that while they carefully maintain the wall that completely surrounds Vatican City, they denounce any other nation state as immoral for contemplating similar border walls; grateful because the Vatican is sacred ground to Catholics like me – and the current hypocrisy makes it more likely it will remain intact when Catholic officials there start taking faith seriously again.

While I get irritated at the approach of most politicians, the approach of Churches infuriates me because it smacks of betrayal. It does nothing to help elevate human dignity while striking an impotent false piety. To the Churches I say, get serious, do more than lobby governments to attack the US, care for those in need and pressure dysfunctional governments to offer real opportunity and liberty for their own people. Then put your own money at stake to help sponsor worthy immigration applicants.


It is heartening that the US and Canada have the longest unprotected border in the world. That’s what happens when you promote (classically) liberal democracies – which is what the churches should do instead of honoring tyrants and attacking the US. There is little need for barriers at the borders of such nations. But when there is an attempted invasion afoot, whether a hard, military invasion or the soft invasion of massive illegal entry, border barriers are an effective and necessary means to stem that invasion. We have a primary duty both to our own citizens and to legal immigrants to defend our borders and to insist that newcomers commit to assimilate and pledge loyalty to this country. Period.

Human Trafficking

The practical incoherence of the left is nowhere better illustrated than in their advocacy against human trafficking while simultaneously calling for open borders – an end to sovereignty. Open borders is the greatest tool for facilitating human trafficking that exists. When applicants come to seek emergency refugee status, of course adults should be separated from any children in the entourage. To do otherwise encourages scoundrels to bring children along either to facilitate their own entry or because there is no effective means of separating them from real parents. This is a temporary inconvenience, not a great atrocity. The great atrocity is to make traffickers’ job so much easier by not double-checking their claims.

The Unique Problem

I am not a fan of amnesty, but I do recognize that cock-eyed American policies have contributed mightily to the problem by making legal immigration so hard and illegal immigration so easy. Therefore, I would set a date certain, say six months out, by which all illegal immigrants must register with federal authorities. If, after a criminal background check they come up clean of any violent crimes, can obtain a sponsor, and pledge to the loyalty oath (Hey churches, again here’s your chance to do something other than wring your hands, posture and virtue signal while attacking US citizens), then they will be put on the normal three-year path to citizenship. This acknowledges both that they are already integrated into the country and that much of it is our fault that they came in illegally rather than legally. After this six-month grace period is passed, if you are found to be here illegally, you are put on the fast track for deportation no matter how heart-rending your story might be. There will be no “sanctuary cities” to defy the law of the land – and any local officials who try to defy it must be treated like those officials in the south who sought to defy integration: arrested, tried, and deposed from their posts, using the National Guard to enforce the law when necessary.


There could be several amendments to this policy that would still maintain the fundamental principles. But however we go forward, if we want a rational policy that has a chance at actually working, we must adhere to the first things of:

  • Our hierarchy of duties to our neighbors
  • Never enact in law what can better be handled by healthy voluntary mediating agencies
  • Insist on a critical intersection between rights and duties
  • Always keep foremost in mind the dignity of the human person, designing policy to enhance and enable that, rather than diminish it.
  • If someone wants to become a citizen, they must commit to our principles. Anything else merely facilitates the importation of the very dysfunction they are fleeing.

The current system treats people like livestock. It is an animal husbandry program masquerading as compassion, primarily for the benefit of exploiters. Legal immigration has made our country stronger. Returning to first principles will renew its benefits without drowning us all in dysfunction.




116 thoughts on “A Christian Approach to Immigration: Precepts of a Reasonable Man #1

  1. Excellent, Charlie. Depending on how things shake out in this current civil war, what you propose could readily be a facet of restructuring during a potential Regency Period.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. I did not read the article in full, only intro and conclusion.

      This said, in my professional police experience we determined the greatest asset we could hold was: Community Trust.


      Everyone belives in one another and believes in trusting one another. The community is no differrent. A Cop who has the communities trust holds it ‘deep’ and for a long time.

      Community Trust is an asset to a Community. Though, it ventures both ways. Individuals needs to stand up and declare loyalty to Police; likewisw the Police.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Hey, Sean. I greatly appreciate those who serve in local law enforcement. I make a point to wave or salute police officers when they drive by whether I’m on foot or driving, and I’ve got a “thin blue line” sticker on my truck. They often have a thankless job. Some Americans have grown hostile to them in recent years, so they need to know they have our support. I volunteer with the RCPD Auxiliary to help out if the need an extra body at an intersection for parades or car shows or what not.

        That’s my grandfather kneeling in the middle. He’s with the Buffalo Mounted Police in the 1950’s.

        Thank you for your community service, Sean.

        Liked by 6 people

    2. Charlie, this is not a “Gotcha” question. In fact it seems a reasonable question to me as we look for exterior guidelines. How do you understand the Catechism of the Catholic Church playing into your theses? Namely, the second paragraph of CCC 2241 that says: “Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.” (Emphasis mine)

      CCC 2242 then goes on to allow individuals to act in accord with an “upright conscience” in opposition to laws presumable made in light of the “common good”. It seems to me that this paragraph and the next, CCC 2243, could be seen to be supporting/justifying “Liberation Theology”. What are your thoughts?


      1. I do not think that gives any material or intellectual support to liberation theology at all – nor did St. John Paul. All citizens may advocate peacefully for whatever laws they prefer – and that includes naturalized citizens.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Very well. Thank you. I was asking about using as a guideline the words of those specific entries of the CCC not about the motivations of its authors.


    3. Great article, Charlie. I have been looking for a coherent plan, and I think this is a very good start. I would add something about a Resident Worker program, where the people are documented, and contribute toward their own benefits and our country’s. I am aware of situations where companies take advantage of “undocumented” workers, and they take advantage of the country, by having Social Security cards with the names whited out and passed around among new employees. “Oh, that number is taken, here’s another, let’s try that.” I wish the workers be treated with honesty and dignity, the companies be treated that way, and our country’s social services.

      Liked by 4 people

    4. This is the best article I have ever read on the solution to our immigration policy & everthing you wrote about was, I think, true & honest!! Thank you & God bless you & yours❣️❣️❣️

      Liked by 1 person

    5. I totally agree with you Beckita! Charlie- this is an excellent article and I forwarded it to practically everyone on my contacts. I wish I could forward it to my Congressman, but as I live in California, that would be a useless exercise. This article includes some very reasonable and fair (to everyone affected) suggestions to resolve our immigration impasse. Would that our government officials would listen! Please do pray for California!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I appreciate this piece, Charlie.
    I have been so confused about how to think about our immigration issue and now feel I am able to understand How to think about it.
    I love your emphasis on “first things”.
    It reminds me of a principle I learned in Jeff Cavins “Great Adventure” Bible Study which he describes on his blog:

    “The third of David’s mighty men was Shammah. Shammah represents tenacity in the face of a seemingly insignificant assignment. The Philistines had gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground full of lentils; and the men [friends] fled from the Philistines. But Shammah took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it, and slew the Philistines; and the Lord wrought a great victory. Think about it for a moment, Shammah defended a plot of lentils, better known as beans. Wouldn’t you think that if David is going to list mighty men he would have left out someone who merely defended a bean field? What makes the difference is that this bean field belongs to the Lord.

    Have you ever felt that your assignment from God was relatively insignificant? Most of us would gravitate toward the flashy, important and newsworthy assignments, but often times the battle is won when everyday people are faithful in what seems to be small things. What is my bean field that the Lord has given me to defend? I have a wonderful wife and three beautiful girls that make up my bean field. The rest of the world may not consider them an important assignment, but they are everything to me because they are a gift from the Lord. Yes, my family is my bean field and I will endure anything to ensure that this gift from God is protected.”



    Liked by 12 people

  3. What politicians have convinced us is an impossible situation, you have shown to have a simple solution. Now, to put it into action…

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Amen Charlie, I’ve no doubt you have heard macaroons latest statement that the rebuilding of Notre Dame should reflect France’s diverse culture by making the Cathedral’s more open and may include minarets, this is quite frightening one headline listed it as chrislam, imho its disgusting and the sooner this time is over and we reconquer our land the better. … Christus Vinci

    Liked by 9 people

  5. Thanks, Charlie. It’s so refreshing to see a serious example of good sense on a widely debated, topical matter. I look forward to more such articles. I think they will help anyone who reads them.

    I hope readers here will do the blogging equivalent of retweeting these Reasonable Man articles around the web whenever Charlie writes and posts them. Let’s generously spread around a little common sense, everyone! 🙂

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Great Suggestion STEVEBC!

      Charlie, I get the impression that you compose your writings in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

      I look forward to all of your writings. Sometimes we forget the right and ordered way of things among all the loudness of world.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Ha! All are done in the presence of God, I pray…but you would be surprised, I think, at how I craft them. Mostly by fits and starts. I am satisfied with a passage, then will read a little (maybe from a popular novel), play a video game…and then the next passage comes to me. I am loathe to let people see how the sausage is made…but particular about crafting it well. A friend and client who was a candidate once needed a statement done within an hour. Once we discussed the problem, he actually started to stand over me, intending to watch as I crafted it. I told him bluntly that if he did that, there would be no statement. If he left me alone, he would have an elegantly crafted one in an hour.

        I pray, I distract myself, I argue with myself, I consider ancillary implications. It is by fits and starts.

        Liked by 11 people

        1. “I pray, I distract myself, I argue with myself, I consider ancillary implications. It is by fits and starts.”
          Charlie, you have no idea how much comfort and reassurance this gives me. 😁 Perhaps there is Hope for me!

          Liked by 7 people

          1. I’m glad of that, Kristen. I know my housemate was a bit surprised at first. People think it is all piety all the time. I play video baseball games, I read detective novels, I watch action movies…and my mind works out a lot of stuff on its own while I am doing that. When I was doing serious politics (and even in media) there were people on the edges who lived this stuff 24/7 – never doing anything else, desperate to get into the big time. They were helpful in many ways, but almost all were mediocrities. The reality is that if you are not a real person doing normal things…having a real life outside of your work…it is nearly impossible to communicate in a really deep way with others. Now there are astonishing geniuses who live separate lives almost devoid of anything but their focus – and many of these have contributed mightily to the sum of human wisdom and to which we all owe a profound debt of gratitude. But I’m just a pretty plain fellow who has a few intense gifts. When I think too long and too intensely about my subjects of interest, it is like weeds grow up in my head – and I lose focus rather than gaining it. Doing those silly things is both a relief AND a renewal of focus. For me, it is clearing away the weeds. I am profoundly grateful for a great and holy focused genius like St. John Paul, but if I tried to live his method, I would be useless to everyone.

            Liked by 10 people

        2. Love this, Charlie. Brings to mind my first grade students who, at the beginning of a school year, when involved in experiments and experiences, might suddenly look up at me with tears of frustration. Invariably, I would ask that they put the materials aside and engage in something of their own choosing. Sometimes, just a short diversion was enough to calm them and, sometimes, it took until the next day when a kid would come in as excited as heck to get to that unfinished business and surprise himself/herself with the learning and results of whatever s/he was working on. Didn’t take long into the year before the kids knew they had to simply check in and share with me what they were about when taking productive breaks.

          Liked by 7 people

          1. One of the techniques I discovered when I was little was to take something difficult and spend most of the day working – and failing – at it. Then I would not think of it at all for at least three days…usually a week. When I went back to it, almost like magic I could do it quite nicely. One day when my son was still quite young, I took him out and pitched to him all day. He was in tears wanting to give up because he rarely even touched the ball. But I was relentless. Then we didn’t go out for another week. He thought he was so bad I, too, had given up on him. When we did go back out, he was notably unenthused. But then he was amazed that he was hitting fairly solidly everything I threw. I explained the technique to him. Later, to of my Director Priests worked with me independently on accomplishing things through indirection. It works marvelously – and is one of my most useful techniques. The mind is a peculiar thing. When I was coaching boys’ baseball, if a kid went into a hitting slump, I would have them bat from the opposite hand to what they were used to in practice for most of the day. Boy, did I get some groans from that one…they figured they were doing so poorly I was forcing them to do it in a way that would even be worse. But when, near the end of the session, I let them bat from their normal hand, they would be astonished that suddenly they could hit again. The mind is a peculiar thing. Paradoxically, a straight line is very rarely the shortest distance between failure and success.

            Liked by 11 people

            1. Ha! “a straight line is very rarely the shortest distance between failure and success.”!!!!!!
              That is SO true! It is very often a zigzag that seems to be stuck in a rut until you’re about to give up and then He lets graces fall upon you and everything just falls into place and you’re like “Wow! How did all that happen?!”

              Liked by 5 people

            2. Charlie That reminds me of a philosophy lecture given by a priest at the Jesuit Seattle University in 1995 in which he injected a logic puzzle to which he did not give the answer but just moved on with his lecture. My reaction was, determining the answer is impossible, and went on listening to the lecture without giving it another thought to my awareness. About five or ten minutes later, the answer popped into my mind and I verbally shared that answer with the class, “The blind man knew the answer because the other two sighted persons did not.” The professor acknowledged that that was the correct answer but because I could not immediately explain why, he suggested a course in logic might be good for me. From this experience, I surmised that the mind works on different levels simultaneously and that a lower or deeper cognitive power feeds information up to the upper levels. For example, when we speak, we do not consciously consider first what we are going to say next, say that, then pause while thinking about the next sentence, except for those who pause and say “ah” every few words (ha ha). Perhaps sometimes we need to give our lower cognitive powers a more lengthy time to unravel and formulate much more complex ideas. When I go back and proofread my two fingered typing, I invariably make additions and other improvements Indeed as Beckita says, ” The mind IS a peculiar (very complex) AND amazing thing, May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire, guide, and protect all here in this most blessed community.

              Liked by 7 people

  6. Excellent post, as always Charlie and great comments from all! Thank you for enriching my mind.All of you are such a help to me during these trying times.God Bless you and protect all of you. I hold everyone in prayer.

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Hear! Hear! Charlie! Good job in laying this out in a reasonable format. I had similar thoughts on the immigration issue, your approach is much simpler and straight forward. It would quickly realign our Country and get the hostility and verbal outrage to cease. You should send this article to Trump’s Twitter.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Excellent idea, Sean; (possibly inc. DTJr. and VP Pence). Hopefully, some readers who have twitter accts. will follow through.

      Liked by 3 people

  8. So many questions, Charlie. I am on the front lines of this topic in many practical ways and have been for most of my career working in parishes with a majority Latin community, many of whom came to the US illegally. A few questions: Do we do a disservice to our communities by offering Masses in Spanish? Why does the Church offer only the platitude of Jesus as an immigrant (His flight into Egypt) when confronted with the question of illegal aliens? What’s a better response? When aliens cross our borders illegally, why does the Church not speak of them breaking the 7th Commandment and is it considered incorrect to do so?

    My parents were both born in the Rio Grande Valley. I have fond childhood memories of our summer trips to McAllen. That town is unrecognizable to me now. Almost all the orange and grapefruit groves are gone and parts are little more than “miniature Mexicos” where almost no one speaks English. My parents, who grew up speaking Spanish and were forced painfully to learn English, insisted that we children speak English only. It seems to me that parishes could be on the frontlines of this in some important ways, e.g. hosting ESL classes, but it becomes very difficult for a priest and his staff because, most times, we feel like little more than social workers instead of proclaimers of the Gospel.

    Thanks for daring to tackle this topic. We definitely need more and more workers in the field. And it is very painful to me to see a parish supplanted by a minority Latino community and the majority English-speaking community neglected. As a woman raised to be a proud American, I have a strong heart for people who share my ethnicity and feel blessed to be in a position to help both communities take the next right step.

    P.S. You may notice my screen name has changed slightly. I did this before you made this post because I thought it should reflect my Hispanic heritage a little. The word “sigue” means “follows.” The Holy Spirit speaks to hearts.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Heartfelt and piercing to the heart are your questions and observations, Marisa. Looking forward to Charlie’s thought and insights and those of our community in response to your questions and observations. Love your adapted screen name.

      Liked by 5 people

    2. I love your new screen name, Marisa!

      I actually don’t object to Spanish Masses at all. I lived most of my life in the Chicago area – and you could easily find Spanish, Polish, Italian, Greek and many other such Masses in that area. I loved the wonderful ethnic diversity of Chicago. I do not want or intend that people should shed their heritage; rather that they should adopt the fundamental principles of America while enriching our larger culture with their own heritage.

      The requirements are that people, to become a citizen, learn the language. What they use at home or amongst friends is their own business. Shoot, when I was a kid I had organized the neighborhood into a massive, ongoing sandlot baseball league. We had a whole lot of Mexicans who lived there – and the Mexican kids taught us all how to cuss in Spanish so that when grown-ups were around, they wouldn’t know what we were saying. Not great, I suppose, but we thought it was pretty cool.

      When the Church was in rapid, vigorous expansion, it specifically encouraged people to hold on to their cultural traditions that were not in conflict with Church teachings. It made assimilation easier and more homey for all – and added profoundly to the rich treasure of culture in the Church.

      My proposal gets people out of the shadows and into the sunlight. And in this American potluck, I am better off because of the foods, colorful customs and styles you add to our common culture. I LOVED going to ethnic festivals in Chicago. And because I had some minor prominence in media and political circles, I often came as an honored guest.

      I want partisans to stop exploiting people under the guise of “compassion.” And I want this country open to all people of good will, who are willing to commit to embracing our principles. When people live in the sunlight, contributing their cultural traditions that are not in conflict with American principles. we are all enriched. That is real tolerance.

      So no, Sharia Law is not compatible with American principles of freedom and autonomy – not acceptable at all. But the rich prayer life, the intriguing Middle Eastern foods, the styles of dress…those are interesting and invigorating. Immigrants enrich and vitalize our culture…I want more of that, not less. So my vision of it is similar to the Christian evangelization in the early centuries – keep what is good and compatible with our common principles, abandoning only that which is incompatible…celebrate our diverse heritage and make room for all to fully live the potential God gave them…for themselves and their families. But I most assuredly am not speaking of a homogenized, bland culture. More like a potluck, where everyone brings a unique dish while we all celebrate together in mutual respect and joy.

      An immigrant who does not learn the language, for example, is permanently hobbled. He has profound limitations on what he can learn and what he can be. I want him to enjoy the fullness of opportunity that America, at her best, offers. Yet if my Mexican friends invite me to one of their unique family celebrations where mostly Spanish is spoken, cool…I have even watched soccer and cheered at such. I hate to use the word “diversity” because it has become so bowdlerized to excuse what is disordered, but I revel in authentic diversity. It is a gift from God. He likes many flowers in His garden – but he wants all ordered to mutual respect, liberty and honor.

      Liked by 12 people

      1. I am against Sharia Law. What I notice, though, is the respectful way the Muslim women dress. I’m not talking about the head gear and all or being forced, just that they dress modestly. At least in church would be nice.

        Liked by 4 people

  9. NEWS & MILINET: Articles for Christians – 29 April
    17 Things Jesus Revealed to St. Faustina About Divine Mercy

    Introducing: The Catholic Project

    To the American Jewish Community: The Synagogue Shooter Was Not a Christian

    ‘Nobody Will Go Back’: Christians Flee Middle East After Fall of Islamic State

    Sicilian priest wages decade-long crusade against ‘pedophilia pride’

    Pope Francis: Divine Mercy is found in Christ’s wounds

    Liberal Media Tries to Remake Christianity In Its Own Image

    The Church is Waking Up!

    In Vermont and Kansas, Babies Aren’t People until They Leave Their Mothers’ Wombs

    Adoption Agencies Can’t Be Christian Anymore in Michigan

    Majestic Cathedral in Ancient Russian City Celebrates First Pascha Liturgy in 90 Years

    Tim Scott: Too Many Public Colleges ‘Are Silencing the Voices of Faith-Based Student Groups’

    Students at DePaul Demand Pro-Israel Prof Be ‘Censured,’ Take ‘Racial Sensitivity’ Class

    Biden Told Communist China He Fully Understood Their One-Child Policy

    Huh? Beto Compares America’s Immigration Laws To Slavery

    Saving America Requires More than Just Electing Presidents

    Voting for Dollars

    Project Veritas’ 2018 Legal Victory Actually Defended The First Amendment, But Don’t Expect Any Awards For Them Anytime Soon


    Four Ways The Left Fosters Right Wing Extremism

    Taking on the Toxic Feminist Revolution

    WashPost Film Critic Loves Satanist Movie: So ‘Brave’ and ‘Idealistic’ and ‘Thoughtful’

    Recalling the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Turks

    Jihadists kill pastor, four others in Burkina church attack

    From the Vendee article:
    “The greatest lesson from this story: The desire for radical change under the masquerade of progress has a destructive nature that envelops man in hatred of himself, of his culture, and of his past—of his history”.

    HullyGee!! Methinks that we are seeing this same “Progressive Revolutionary Mindset” in the USA/EU Today!! … Ya Think?? ….. God help us save the USA & Old Christendom …. Up the Counter-Revolution!!


    Majestic Cathedral in Ancient Russian City Celebrates First Pascha Liturgy in 90 Years

    A Crisis of Both Justice and Civic Friendship

    Reported crime may be falling, but is lawlessness increasing?

    Border Patrol agent: Human smugglers running radio ads in Central American countries

    Report: Iran Guard Monitors US Aircraft Carrier with Drone

    The Rising China Threat

    Maine Is the Latest State to Replace Columbus Day With Indigenous Peoples’ Day
    Quebec ban on religious symbols would fall heavily on hijab-wearing teachers
    Europe’s Crisis of Integration–Ian Kershaw


    Liked by 5 people

    1. Then this one is especially for you, SanSan.

      I’ll admit that there are times when I’m standing here worn out, sweat stinging my eyes, barely able to focus on some already simmering patch of ground beneath my feet in the middle of nowhere… oh, that picture CJ and others are painting… just a vague, fuzzy thing. Maybe it’s just the heat. At the toughest moments it seems like it’s nothing less than El Dorado itself, maybe way off over those towering sawteeth in the distance. And there’s ‘Ole Boots Johnston, some sun-baked character, right out of a Zane Grey paperback, pack mule, rattling pans, dented cavalry horn… and his worn, crumpled map.

      So I run into this guy on Sunday. Usually he’s picking fights and whatnot, but I finally had this happen:

      Well, that’s one (literally a horse), though I’m chalking it up to practice for the bigger challenges at hand and on the horizon. If a dozen other NRS’ers were out there with me, I figure we’d have had the whole herd rolling over for belly rubs.

      Liked by 7 people

  10. I will bring this to our next St. Vincent de Paul Society meeting where the “do gooders” work to find ways to break the law, in their hapless belief that they are doing God’s work.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. I have often asked God what would a just immigration policy look like. I pray every day that our Lord would provide us a way to reform our immigration policies so that they would be just and fair for our citizens and those would come here. I love what you have written, but I do have some questions, maybe you have thought about or maybe I’m too dense to glean it from what you wrote.

    My primary questions come from the sponsorship requirement.

    What does it mean to sponsor someone financially, particularly if you call on churches to help out in that area? Does it mean provide them jobs? Many jobs, that immigrants take (as well as poorer citizens), do not pay very well & they would need additional assistance in some form to be able to live here successfully. I’m thinking about Medicad (which has a “lack” of assets requirement) and food stamps and things like that. Would they be eligible for those benefits during this 3 year period? Would they be assigned Social Security numbers so that they would be paying into the SS/Medicare system, during this 3 years, so that they could claim that when they retire?

    As you stated, some in our government (Republicans) like the cheap labor. Would the financial sponsorship require paying (or whatever mechanism financial sponsorship entails) the same as citizens, whether that is the minimum wage federally or state wide?

    Maybe all this is something that would have to be worked out provided we would ever adopt something like this. Like I said, I have been thinking & praying about this for a long time. I just don’t have a clue where to begin, so when I see suggestions that make sense, I tend to run off and start thinking about details.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Financial sponsorship means that during the period of legal alien residency, the immigrant has no access to common welfare. The sponsor does NOT have to provide them a job, but the government does not contribute to their support. If there is a medical or other emergency, either private charities or the sponsor must cover it. This is not a terribly hard thing…we actually did it for a very long time and it was a part of immigration law. Of course they would have to be paid minimum wage – they are legal resident aliens working in the sunlight rather than in the shadows.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Thanks Charlie, that makes sense. I wish I could actually think of things like this, but one little item has me going off into the weeds of details. Glad there are those like you who can actually make some sense of it. 😁

        Liked by 4 people

  12. Hey Charlie! Thank you for the thoughtful essay on the topic of immigration. I agree on all that you have stated. I would suggest that something be said about the illegal smuggling of drugs and the devastating effect that this has had on our society. You mentioned ‘trafficking.’ And I agree, something needs to be done here. But the smuggling of drugs and the degeneration of our culture is equally bad if not worse! And yes, I would include the growing advocacy and use of marijuana in our society as well. I also would say to those churches and in particular to the Catholic Church to stop catering so much to the illegal immigrant. I refer here to the Spanish speaking only Mass(es) which seem to be prevalent in so many parishes. It seems to me that by isolating the Spanish speaking worshipper that it only exacerbates the problem by further isolating the illegal. At best there should be masses offered in a combination of English/Spanish with parts in each language but predominantly in English. I am not talking about each part of the Mass being said in English and then Spanish. That would defeat the purpose of assimilation. I’m not sure I agree on three short years before one becomes a citizen. Seems to me that this needs more thought and discussion. I agree wholeheartedly that the Church should do more in its advocacy for the poor in those countries where the elite rule and seemingly could care less about the former! It’s almost as though the countries of Central America, and Mexico have used and continue to use the United States as a release point for their poor. This relieves the above elite classes of any responsibility for real change to assist their people. Sure wish the bishops in our country as well as our pontiff would speak this truth to those who govern in the above countries.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. Charlie,

    I love your current article.
    Now if only our legislature can stop picking sides and actually think logically like this for a mutual solution.

    From a biblical perspective, how would I address someone who’s argument is “They are human too and must be treated as such. They are only coming seeking a better future just like you and I would want” This is coming from the Deacon’s wife at my parish.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. We can have a system in place that allows all that opportunity, with a great chance of being a productive force in our vibrant country – while protecting the interests of the people who are already citizens AND our first responsibility. When has it ever succeeded to let all people have whatever they want without any concommittant responsibilities? Never. And it is NOT God’s way. From the very first He offered us great benefits through Covenants – great blessings bestowed on us conditioned on our living certain responsibilities. That IS the Biblical perspective…and a chaotic free-for-all is NOT Christian.

      Liked by 5 people

  14. Make English the official language of the USA.
    Secure our borders.
    Arrest and deport all illegal aliens with a criminal record.

    Liked by 6 people

  15. As a legal immigrant (with my legal-immigrant parents many years ago) I applaud everything you wrote, Charlie. I was talking with some relatives I hadn’t seen in years and re-telling the story of how we came to the US, being sponsored by my father’s uncle who was also a tailor. It took years for us to be approved, and when we arrived we stayed briefly with my great-uncle and his family. My father had come 2 months earlier and had a job waiting for him.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Ha, Ella! Another benefit I had not thought of – it strengthens family ties…for it is natural that family here would be the most likely sponsors. Family is, of course, the most important mediating agency, even sometimes being called the “First Church.”

      Liked by 7 people

  16. A favorite quote “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself hath ordained”

    Tomorrow, April 30th is the anniversary of:

    OF 1789

    A Transcription

    [April 30, 1789]

    {a couple more quotes}

    “No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency. (…) You will join with me I trust in thinking, that there are none under the influence of which, the proceedings of a new and free Government can more auspiciously commence.”

    “Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained: And since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.”

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Pope to give $500,000 from Peters Pence to help those traveling up to our border. Maybe percecuted Christians in Syria, or in Sri Lanka could use the money instead?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Well, actually, I don’t much begrudge the Pope this. It is not what I would have done, but there is a humanitarian need among people in such caravans, unlawful as they are. I object to his priorities here, as you do, but I am very reticent about getting too upset that the charity another man chooses is not what I would have chosen.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. well if it was his own money to give, he can do what he wants. however, the faithful donate to help those in need, not politically in need.

        Liked by 5 people

  18. Hi, Charlie. I’m in major manual labor mode these days, but I always check in here after a long day’s work in the forest.

    I very much appreciate and agree with your thoughts on immigration.

    I’ve known and cared about people who have immigrated ~ both illegally and legally, trafficked and non-trafficked. It’s a hard road to adjust and make a living even for those who immigrate legally. The sponsorship idea makes great sense and has worked well in the past.

    Those who have entered our country illegally are, among other things, always looking over their shoulders for fear of getting caught or breaking other laws (e.g., obtaining fraudulent Social Security numbers to give to prospective employers). It’s better to do it the right way. And I agree, Charlie, that the “right way” needs to be fixed ~ the current method is a mess. Congress has been derelict for decades.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Quite some time back, Sr. Bear, a candidate I worked for had a meeting scheduled with a summit of a broad section of conservative leaders (we were seeking unity in a contested primary). He had pretty much the same take on immigration as I do – so we were both considered “soft” on immigration. In preparing for the meeting, that was a subject we focused on. I told him I was convinced fellow conservatives were not really hostile to immigration, just frustrated with the gaming of the system. So we agreed that when the question came up, he would say, “There is nothing wrong with immigration that welfare reform won’t solve.” This was expected to be the diciest issue of the day. When the question came and he gave the response, everyone stroked their chin in a bit of surprise, agreed, and then we moved on without a single follow-up question. Again…first things…get to the heart of the problem and you can get everyone to see what the real problem is rather than the apparent problem. I know the drill. I have had many friends who are immigrants – both legal and illegal. And people who ultimately came illegally because ten years into the application process and over $20,000 poorer, they were still no closer than when they started – and felt like chumps because they would know people who had just crossed over illegally. Our policies on this issue are insane – and it truly is bipartisan insanity…though each side has their own preferred form of exploitation. Consider it in a true Christian light and it becomes much simpler and sensible.

      Liked by 5 people

  19. You have written a fine article that clarifies so many things. I have been all over the place doing things for people in need. Recently a mystic, without prompting, told me where my priorities should be. It turns out that my son, who never complains, needs me much more than I realized. Even though I have been helping, she told me that he must be my first priority. And I always knew that, but I did not know exactly how much was going on in his life. You have said the very same thing, and you have done it so elegantly. Thank you for clarifying issues that are really simple but are things that have become so complicated in this crazy upside down world…..My son will be moving in with me. The upside is that we will be helping each other. He is a very loving son.

    Liked by 9 people

  20. NEWS & MILINET: Articles for Christians – 30 April
    Are You Anxious? Do You Worry? The Divine Mercy Message is For You

    This is the Best Work on Prayer I Have Ever Read

    U.S. Religious Liberty Commissioner: U.S. Corporations Cozying Up to China ‘Ended Up Changing America’

    Court Rules Disabled Patient Can be Starved to Death Against His Parents’ Wishes

    1,485 vs. 352: Abortions at or After 21 Weeks Outnumbered Homicides in NYC

    The Ratzinger Diagnosis

    The Sexual Brainwashing of Britain

    A Catholic School Stands Its Ground



    Why Most Jews Aren’t Bothered by the Times’ Anti-Semitic Cartoon

    The below is one reason why I have a problem with Voris and, after 20 minutes in his presence, would have an overwhelming compulsion to Kick his ***. Confronting/Lording Over a Protestant Tour Group and bragging about it is quite simply rude, anti-social and DID NOTHING to further positive relations with other People of Faith .. or convince these people that Catholicism is the Way! ……. at a Time when we might well be short of Time and need all the friends we can get. ….. Knock this **** Off, Mike!!!


    Anti-Jewish hate consuming Europe and America, says French Nazi hunter

    US Religious Freedom Report Highlights China’s War on Faith

    Time to Rein in Unaccountable Bureaucrats

    Government Overreach is Nothing New – The Founders Fought Against it in 1776


    Democrat State Representative Says Men Should Be Castrated to End Abortions, Taxed to Store Their Sperm

    2020 Campaign Ad: Democrats Want TERRORISTS And Murderers To Vote

    Biden Plays the Race Card


    Video: Who Are the Racists?

    CNN’s Cuomo Justifies Antifa Violence Again: ‘True’ to a ‘Good Cause’

    Left-wing activist who said Bible believers ‘deserve to be locked up’ invited to speak at Harvard ‘diversity conference’

    Black Monday: South African Farmers Demonstrate Outside U.S. Embassy to Bring Awareness on Epidemic of Farm Attacks and Murder

    ISIS Leader Baghdadi Calls For Terror Attacks to Avenge Loss of ‘Caliphate’

    Bill Maher: Should Cut Military Budget 50%, End ‘God Bless America’ at Games

    Faith Under Fire

    Blacklisting the NRA — And the Second Amendment


    Venezuela’s Guaido Leads Military Uprising

    Trump’s slander doesn’t enlighten the abortion debate. It obscures it–Michael Gerson [Abortion Supporter/WashPos]
    New York Times issues correction for article describing Jesus as a Palestinian


    Liked by 6 people

  21. Bang-on… Too much power has been given to governments to decide morality in place of the Church, and look at what they’ve done with that power!

    Charity is the responsibility & duty of the Church and it’s members to administer, not some organization like government who doesn’t believe nor care in the Church’s doctrine.

    Liked by 5 people

  22. On this feast day of St. Joseph the Worker, excerpts from Popes JPII and Benedict on rights/responsibilities of workers and labor unions, http://www.usccb.org/upload/Primer-labor-Catholic-social-teaching.pdf
    May he intercede for those seeking gainful employment.

    Liked by 5 people

  23. Hi Charlie,
    I have a small farm and have arranged it over the years to be pretty independent of modern technology. We do have solar power for the well pump, freezers, etc. I also have a patent law practice that is my main job.

    For the past almost 15 years, I have felt compelled to ramp up the production of the farm so we can feed a lot of people. We have some cattle, sheep, chickens, horses, a big garden, fruit trees, berries, etc. However, my wife and I together have 7 children ranging in ages from 25 to 1 and we have number 8 on the way (due July 4th !). I am feeling like maybe this year I should scale way back on things on the farm, because we will have two little ones (in addition to the new baby and one year old, we also have kids ages 12, 11, and 7 at home and three older ones who are out of the house) and frankly, it’s a lot of work.

    I have felt like maybe the changes in the world that are coming are not going to be the type where we might have to feed lots of people. Like maybe people won’t be looking for food. Or maybe there won’t be people kicked out of their homes. Or maybe whatever collapse happens won’t be so bad. Those would all be tremendously good things. Maybe the time has passed and I just don’t need to be ready for all that stuff.

    However, there is a small nagging feeling that maybe this year is the year. Maybe I have learned how to can everything under the sun and how to butcher animals and have learned everything so I would be ready for this year. Maybe I should still go ahead with the big garden. Still keep all the cattle and sheep around (my family has come to love lamb 😊. For a little while longer.

    Any thoughts?


    Liked by 6 people

    1. Wow, Joe! You do have a mighty full plate of duties. Congratulations on your baby in the womb and prayers for mom and child during development and delivery.

      Of course, I’m interested in Charlie’s response to you. That said, not sure if you’ve followed the stories about the impact of the harsh winter on farmers and ranchers in the Midwest, but I expect to see food prices rise in this country. In your wonderment expressed in the second to last paragraph, I’d say heavy on the word “maybe.” As I look at how many have rejected God and consider the cycle in salvation history with God’s people rejecting Him and His Covenant, I also think of how Blessed Mother has worked unceasingly to get our attention to make a return and pray for other souls. All of this feeds my intuition that we are yet to experience all those possibilities which you have posed in your comment. Those kinds of sufferings are the very things which bring people to their knees in repentance and in crying out for Mercy from the Lord. It’s good to acknowledge, again, I think, that we have brought the current miseries and the future intensity of the Storm upon ourselves. We have. How ever can God bless us when we reject Him and His Life-giving Covenant? Yet, even while we are as stiff-necked as our forefathers in faith, God’s Plan is to call ALL men to salvation. Is this the year for the fullness of the Storm… and what WILL that exactly look like? I don’t know but I do feel the increasing pressures all around us and I sense that sooner, rather than later, each one will experience a visitation from the Lord and this amidst the greater chaos and confusion than we now see.

      Joe, when I read how hard you have worked to put together what you have co-created with the Lord, I would check in with Him in prayer about these concerns you have and trust that He’ll give you direction about what to do. I love His many ways of communicating when we need His Guidance. I wonder, too, is there, perhaps, a way to lighten your work load via hiring some help? Or perhaps, cutting back some of the many duties for a year or a few years?

      Praying for guidance for you, Joe, and Looking forward to Charlie’s thoughts here.

      Liked by 5 people

    2. Thanks, Joe, for posting this comment and asking these questions. Like you and Beckita, I look forward to reading Charlie’s response.

      Liked by 4 people

    3. Also, just to clarify, I’m not looking to pin you down on anything. Asking is just part of my discernment…

      Liked by 3 people

    4. Hi Joe. If you are the Joe I am thinking of, we have several mutual friends and have actually met casually a few times in the Lake and Cook County areas. All of your friends speak glowingly of you – your faith, your character, your family.

      I am very reticent, as you know, about giving specific advice to people on what they should do in their particular situation. Each person will be accountable to God for the decisions that they make. What I do counsel on is an approach for making particular decisions. On the matter you ask about, I think the most important thing for you to consider would be the hierarchy of responsibilities you have. If time and resources are short for you, it would probably be an offense to do much more than take care that your family is well-covered. On the other hand, if these things are abundant, it would be a joy to have your children help you manage an abundance of resources for more than your immediate circle. But that is an assessment only you and your family can make.

      On the other hand, a great feature is that you don’t have to get it just right. You only have to get it as honestly right as you can while acknowledging God. If you do that honestly, He will cover even your errors. It is the clean heart that God considers the worthy offering. A full barn, without God, will not prove nearly enough. A little grain and oil, in God’s presence, will prove more than enough. So my friend, acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you – even if it can only be your immediate family this year…and the God of abundance will multiply the offering of your clean heart beyond measure.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Thank you very much. I sometimes struggle with thinking that too much relies on me. This a great reminder and truly takes the pressure off. We will go forward making the best decision we can, with the hierarchy of responsibilities and weighing the other factors you mention (abundance of resources), immersed in prayer as best we are able. This framework really helps me a lot.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. God bless you, Joe. I’ve told this story before, but I think it very apropos here. When I first became a single parent, I spent a year being overwhelmed. If I spent enough time working to support the kids properly, I was not spending enough time with them. If I spent enough time with them, I was not working enough. It was driving me nuts, to the edge of despair. Finally, after a year, I gave up in a way. I decided there was no answer, so I would just do the best I could within the limitations I had and trust the “God of the gaps” to cover the rest – and quit worrying about it. And grace took up residence in our little home. We took all sorts of inexpensive little trips whenever we could. Our house became the center of the neighborhood kids – and sometimes some would come on the little trips with us. Astonishingly, kids started asking to go to Church with us. There were so many, I set up a schedule and would take two a week. (Ha! After a few weeks of this my Priest asked if there was something going on he should know about. I told him it was all good.) When specific kids week came up, they were as excited as if they had won the lottery. What a joyful home ours became. Both of my kids have told me they want to give their kids the sort of joy I gave them growing up. I am glad that framework helps, for the God of the gaps comes through in spades when you entrust your failings to him. God bless you.

          Liked by 5 people

  24. “The Storm” is well named…

    Snowing on May 1st is strange even for my part of Canada…

    With all the unstable weather weather in the world, Liberals are trying to guilt the population into voting for them and their carbon based climate change agenda. If only there was a smoking gun to wake up the public into seeing through their lies…

    Liked by 5 people

  25. Charlie your unpacking of first principles immediately brought to mind the Davy Crockett “Not Yours to Give” speech to the House of Representatives. This is a fascinating and equally concise summary of the dangers of a Government that does not understand the principles of its foundation.

    Illegal immigration is a form of taxation. An indirect form of taxation. Imposed without a vote.
    It is passed off and rationalized as a form of charity. An example of compassion. Paid for by printing money in the form of unrepayable government debt …. at all levels Federal, State and Local. A cruel and quiet form of tax

    Who would oppose providing benefits for those who suffer to such an extent that as Davy observed that “something ought to be done for them” ?

    $20,000 per asylum seeker? Why not $20,000,000? It’s not the amount I complain of it is the principle.

    Charlie you speak of rhetoric and and argumentation that is upside down. Hard to become a legal immigrant. Almost ludicrously easy to become an illegal immigrant. Justice and morality upside down when citizens’ rights and interests are subordinated to the “rights’ and interests of non-citizens and that enforced by the coercive power of the State. And we let it pass unchallenged.

    “…..the Constitution, to be worth anything, must be held sacred, and rigidly observed in all its provisions. The man who wields power and misinterprets it is the more dangerous the more honest he is.”

    “Well, Colonel, where do you find in the Constitution any authority to give away the public money in charity?”

    “The power of collecting and disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can be entrusted to man…”

    “…..for there is not a man in the United States who can ever guess how much he pays to the government. So you see, that while you are contributing to relieve one, you are drawing it from thousands who are even worse off than he. If you had the right to give anything, the amount was simply a matter of discretion with you, and you had as much right to give $20,000,000 as $20,000. If you have the right to give to one, you have the right to give to all; and, as the Constitution neither defines charity nor stipulates the amount, you are at liberty to give to any and everything which you may believe, or profess to believe, is a charity, and to any amount you may think proper. You will very easily perceive what a wide door this would open for fraud and corruption and favoritism, on the one hand, and for robbing the people on the other.”

    “…..The people have delegated to Congress, by the Constitution, the power to do certain things. To do these, it is authorized to collect and pay moneys, and for nothing else. Everything beyond this is usurpation, and a violation of the Constitution.”

    “It is a precedent fraught with danger to the country, for when Congress once begins to stretch its power beyond the limits of the Constitution, there is no limit to it, and no security for the people.”

    “There is no limit to it. And no security for the people.”
    —-Horatio Bunce to Davy Crockett

    “There are in that House many very wealthy men — men who think nothing of spending a week’s pay, or a dozen of them, for a dinner or a wine party when they have something to accomplish by it…..

    Money with them is nothing but trash when it is to come out of the people. But it is the one great thing for which most of them are striving, and many of them sacrifice honor, integrity, and justice to obtain it.”
    —-Davy Crockett


    Liked by 5 people

  26. On reparation from Fulton Sheen
    “A failure of reparation”

    I was talking to a young woman who was in an iron lung for twenty-one years. The only part of her body that she could move was her head. She told me that she was visited the week before by six seminarians. They told her they were about to be ordained priests. She told them, ‘I hope you’re also going to be ordained victims. Because our Lord was not only a priest, he was a victim; he offered himself for others. So you have to do that.’ They replied that the Lord didn’t want them to suffer. She said, ‘You young men are imposing a tremendous additional penance on me to make you worthy of your priesthood.’ She was filling up in her own body the sufferings that were wanting to them. So those of us who have the faith have to begin restoring the idea of reparation.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I really have no idea as to just why some god would thrust suffering on some given subject…

      Do please enlighten me if you will as to how all those old saints endured such passion…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Read Job. Then read some of the saints on suffering. There is a wealth of information and wisdom out there. It is fruitless to complain that something does not make sense, ask to be enlightened, and then fail to look to the WEALTH of material that is available to help enlighten you. Sometimes I am amused by your iconoclasm, Murt (whether you are calling yourself Murt or Mac in a given comment), but sometimes I weary of your constant raving while refusing to actually study – and then pretending to wisdom without effort. I think you might have something real to offer if you applied yourself, but things have gotten too serious for specious nonsense.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Mac,

        Just happened upon this comment. I once struggled with the question of suffering, too (and still do, to some extent).

        I left a Calvinist church because I could not accept the fact that God would create people just to predestine them to hell. This was after my daughter was born, and to think that no matter what I did, or what kind of life she lived, she would either be damned or saved totally independent of her choices and actions (and my actions)…unacceptable. Untenable.

        Fun fact: God does not “thrust” suffering on anyone. His permissive will (not positive will) allows humans to suffer the consequences of their actions and the actions of others. God’s permissive will allowed Adam and Eve to have free will. He positively willed that people be totally free to choose good or evil. Adam and Eve knew what to do and not to do and still choose to sin. All of humanity now lives with the consequences of that decision- which was made by Adam and Eve. Not God.

        The same is true for all humanity. Whenever I think of suffering, I always remind myself that all of the evils of this world are caused by 1) the devil, 2) demons, or 3) people (and the consequences of their sin). Notice that God is not in that list. God does not force evil upon any person. Rather, God allows evil to exist in order to bring about a greater good. He even gives humanity a “road map” to avoid as much suffering as possible, via the Old and New Covenant.

        Fulton Sheen has a video somewhere on YouTube where he discusses this. Basically, we live in a universe (thanks to the consequences of sin) where a perfect temporal world IS NOT possible. It WAS possible, but thanks to Adam and Eve (not God) a perfect universe was taken off the table. However, also thanks to Adam and Eve;s sin, people can now partake in the eternal salvation won for us by Christ. We get to share in his suffering but also his triumphs. God still positively wills our free will. That was not taken off the table. Calvin couldn’t wrap his mind around this, around evil and suffering, and so “fixed” the problem by turning God into a monster.

        I finish with this: think of all the suffering in the world. Starving children, abused women, families torn apart by this, that, the other, death, disease, etc. Now, realize that all of that was cause by 1) the devil, 2) demons, and 3) people (and the consequences of their sin). NOT GOD. God didn’t will or “thrust” any of that on anyone. To a chosen few, He allows them to partake of the suffering that He, Himself, in the Incarnation, Jesus Christ, ALSO suffered through. God lowered Himself to the lowest point to bring us back up to Him- not because He had to. Because He wanted to. His love trumps the incredible suffering thrust upon us by the consequences of our own actions (and the actions of fallen angels).

        In all the suffering of this world, remember: God writes straight with crooked line. We are those crooked lines. We “crooked” our selves. But He, ultimately, even makes those straight as can be.

        I hope this helps.

        Liked by 4 people

      3. I think Charlie is way too patient with you MacMurt. In order to build muscle, you have to tear your existing muscle. Are you able to walk? That took effort and falling down to get to a point where you could walk. Struggling and suffering are key to growing. Are you going to hold God in contempt for all the bruises you got learning to walk?
        Now if you want to talk about suffering at the hand of someone else’s free will then you have to start talking about free will.
        It’s enough to suffer bombasting shallow intellects all day long in the mainstream media, at work and among relatives, must you bring it to this site too? Add some meat to your discourse or read and learn.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Some might think that my last response was too terse, but I should note I reject a lot of stuff Murt sends that just makes up “facts” to support absurd points. His facts in these come from an alternate universe – so I get more tired than some here because I shield you from his occasional anti-American and wild conspiracy theories stated as facts…that have no connection to reality. Fortunately, Murt does not get too worked up when such a thing is rejected – and even seem to be relieved the next morning when he has worked himself up into a completely incoherent rant that I reject. But I wanted to make clear that I am not going to wade through the made up nonsense that populates so many of his rants forever. (He recently chided me for being too stupid to understand the “true” facts he was reciting – which included American soldiers routinely slaughtering a half a million people at a go in various minor encounters). He makes it up as he goes along – and things really have gotten too serious for me to have much more patience with that, even when wading through a long harangue that is going to go into the waste bin.

          Liked by 3 people

      4. “…rejoicing that they {St Peter & St John} were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.”

        Third Sunday in Easter- 2nd reading
        Catholic Study Bible

        Acts 5:27-32

        27 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them,

        28 saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.”

        29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.

        30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.

        31 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.

        32 And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.”

        Acts 5:40-41

        40 So they took his advice, and when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

        41 Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.

        Liked by 1 person

  27. Mark Brumley, President and CEO of Ignatius Press, teamed up with Fr. Fessio S.J. to make some reasonable comments concerning the open letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church which was released on Monday. Lots of prayer and penance needed for this situation. I pray this leads to fruitful dialogue.

    On Mark’s FB page, he says, in a measured fashion, I think :
    “Father Fessio and I make some initial observations about the “Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church”, which document authored by various scholars accuses Pope Francis “of the canonical delict of heresy”.

    Father Fessio explains things well, in my view. His appeal to St Ignatius of Loyola is helpful but it doesn’t relieve Church leadership of its obligation to help people understand the situation.

    My main point is that Rome should respond and should indicate how, in its view, the Holy Father’s comments and actions aren’t heretical. Ignoring yet another critique, especially one from some notable scholars, including some prominent, faithful theologians, doesn’t help.

    Reasonable, spiritually discerning people begin to wonder whether (1) the reason Rome doesn’t respond is because there is something to the criticisms. Or whether (2) there is a kind of clericalism and authoritarianism at work in the Holy See that refuses to address questions by thoughtful, prominent Catholics, including Cardinals of the Catholic Church, and that automatically categorizes such people as Pharisees out to trip up the Pope, etc.

    I’m not sure which of those two possibilities is, in the long run, more dangerous but the Church should avoid them both. Responding forthrightly, in a measured tone, addressing the criticisms in theologically coherent, competent ways, would go a long way toward fostering deeper unity. If the critics have a point, then that, too, should be acknowledged.

    Silence or denunciations won’t make problems disappear.”

    The observations from Mark Brumley and Fr. Fessio:

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Charlie, thank you for addressing the immigrant question. I really am repulsed by the emotional hysterics around this question. We act as a country and church as if we have lost all ability to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit…to discern the best path using Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Patience, etc. Instead, the leadership of both the State and Church act out of vainglory to look good. I live in Massachusetts, where the illegal alien is above the law and the citizens are called to pay the costs. Note the Ferderal arrest last week of the MA judge who let a criminal alien out the back door of the courtroom in Newton MA, so the waiting ICE agents would not retain him.
      I see the pictures of those streaming into the US illegally, and I am sad for their future as shadow people at the mercy of those who want to exploit them. It is not the American Dream they are promised by the traffickers. Nearby Lawrence MA has a very high Hispanic population. Several years ago, the liberals wanted to expand Spanish-only education. The citizens of Lawrence voted it down. They saw that choosing to stay in a Spanish enclave was not a good future for their children. Today, in all the stores in the area, English is rarely heard among the low end workers. We are growing an underclass and it is not good for the community and the common good of the citizens. The numbers coming in are too many, too quickly.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Beckita, I was knee-deep in manual labor on Monday and Tuesday, off the grid, so I’m not aware of the open letter. Do you have a link? (Sorry, I know I could search for it, but . . . .)


  28. See there now Charlie as I wonder of your eloquent thought. A glitch perhaps in my feeble thinking.
    That hill of shame as people shared drinks on couches as a people shaked scythe at cannon…

    Shame indeed as prodigy of That Most Holy Mother would cringe,cry as She told us by prophecy.

    As per Maria said. It will begin in Venezuela…

    Alas as it has begun…

    Liked by 6 people

  29. See there now people as we are on a very tenacious ground. Most Holy Mother told you as She was allowed. There will be some “event” to make us try to take notice…

    Alas, alas, alas yet again…

    Liked by 6 people

  30. The Church I took my boys to when they were tots burnt down last night. St. Joe’s. Fire broke out at midnight and leveled it. Fires don’t burn Churches down at midnight around here. Arson guys are investigating. I’m furious.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Sorry to hear about that, MP. I felt sad and angry when Notre Dame Cathedral burned (mysteriously, we might add), and I get your response here. I had no idea so many churches were attacked in France over only the past year. I guess it’s coming here. Sigh.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I’m sad for the Parishioners and Faithful. I’m deeply concerned for the ones who do such things, instigated as they are by the seriously guilty ones who find myriad ways to advance their cause through lies and division. What is that cause but to silence the voices and ultimately The Voice who says, “what you do is not licit.” At present, I’ve got nothing but fury for the latter, though a measured fury.

        Up until recently they’ve tolerated our edifices for their cultural significance; played along with our overwhelming numbers out of cunning, self-interest and cowardice; and worked in the shadows. The cat’s out of the bag now everywhere that we look.

        Late last night my wife was quietly perusing Drudge, after reading about St. Joe’s. That was her Parish growing up. She sighed too, then added that Drudge reads like the worst horror titles. “I can’t even make sense of any of this crazy,” said she.

        All I could think of at the time was some Catherine of Sienna. “Oh eternal beauty! O eternal goodness, O eternal mercy! O crazy lover!”

        Liked by 4 people

    2. I just came across a CNA article about that, MP. That is heartbreaking and concerning that such acts can and are happening in our nation. Evil still has a stronghold, but will have it’s day.

      The personal affects of the restoration are becoming more personal and far reaching. I pray that our prayers and next right steps are exceedingly flowing so as to overshadow and overcome the darkness. ❤

      Liked by 5 people

    3. MP, I was so sorry to hear this. I am angry too. A friend of mine who has a special devotion to St. Joseph told me about the fire this morning. Wondering if this is going to happen more to our churches here in the USA. God bless you and your family.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I saw that it happened in Wisconsin too on the same day. As long as hate and copy cattery are all the rage, I expect it will only get worse for a time.

        Reminds me of a dream I had about 15 years ago. I was walking through the desert in the middle of a terrible dust storm, when I came upon a very old tent. So I entered. Within were stored many holy ritual and ceremonial objects, not only from Catholic worship, but also from Jewish tradition. I felt strongly that I really needed to haul it off right then to a safer place, but the bulk and weight of the collection made it obvious that I didn’t have the strength or means. Got the idea that I could ‘carry’ it off to safety in my heart though, so spent a brief time taking in all the details and then headed back out into the storm.

        Liked by 7 people

        1. MP, I didn’t know about the church in Wisconsin. Of course, I didn’t see either in the “news”. So sad. That is quite an interesting dream of yours.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. I’m so sorry to hear that your family church was burnt down, MP. I was raised by a Mum and Dad who professed atheism, yet the houses that we grew up in along with our homes away from home, in your case St. Joe’s, are attached to us by so many important memories. For another person,to deliberately destroy that home away from home, with deliberation and malice, must feel like a hateful strike against those memories. I’ll definitely pray to our Father in Heaven for you and your family’s emotional healing from this act of violence.

          It seems that we are starting to know personally what so many other Christians, both within our country and abroad, have been experiencing for years, even decades. For instance, my friend Wa-el (pronounced Way-ell with emphasis on the 2nd syllable), who lives nearby, moved to the States from Egypt within the last decade. Wa-el, along with his wife and kids are Coptic Christians, as are the remainder of his and his wife’s family who still live in Egypt. In one of the 2017 Palm Sunday church bombing attacks in Cairo, conducted by Islamic terrorists, his wife’s cousin was amongst the dead. He was a deacon. The attacks were deliberately carried out at a point in the service when all the leaders of the church were at the front together. The terrorist exploded his suicide bomb near them in order to kill as many of the leadership as was possible. The National Review says of that massacre;

          “In 2017, attacks against Christians included two Coptic church bombings during Palm Sunday processions, killing over 45 people and injuring over 130.”


          To our shame as a country, it isn’t only a foreign phenomenon. America isn’t without its own terrorism against Christians and their churches. Our fellow citizens have been conducting a campaign to burn down and/or blow up churches since the mid-1960’s. The “1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, which killed four girls” was only one in an extremely long series of terroristic attacks. For more on these attacks, please click on the following link, includes 3 within the last month;



          Liked by 2 people

  31. Very much agree with your excellent post, Charlie, and particularly the following;

    ” … we have made illegal immigration almost consequence-free. I often say that the iron law of economics and human behavior is that what you punish you get less of and what you reward you get more of. We punish legal immigration applicants and reward illegal aliens. Why? Well, it does make them easier to exploit from both sides of the aisle. Country Club Republicans obtain a source of cheap labor and Democrats obtain a new base of voters to replace the normal Americans their insanity is driving away.”

    So true! It’s long been my contention that every elected federal Representative or Senator, unfortunately on both sides of the aisle, has been aware of the reasons behind why neither party has, or will, act to close our southern border to illegal immigration. As you clearly point out, both parties have gained in ways not understood by the general public. Democrats benefit by keeping the flow of illegal aliens uninterrupted since they are far more likely to vote their way in elections. The fact that they are illegally present in the country is little hindrance to their obtaining a vote, as we see the Democrats predictably kicking about false storm about the recreation of Jim Crow laws whenever there’s a proposal to verify voter citizenship at the polling station.

    The Democrats are the first party of choice amongst illegal alien voters, they know where their bread is buttered. Furthermore, research by the Center For Immigration Studies estimated an extremely troubling impact caused by the 620,000 registered non-citizen voters in 2008. Their votes almost certainly resulted in the Democrats winning both North Carolina’s and Minnesota’s Senate seat in the 2008 Obama vs McCain election. The significance of their illegal votes were that they gave the Democrats their 60 seat filibuster proof Senate majority, hardly an insignificant payback.(1)

    However, the GOP also gains much from continuing to secretly support illegal immigration from the South. How so, you may well ask? Well, agriculture on the West Coast, along with many other US States, requires cheap labour that’s prepared to work for less than the minimum wage, that they also don’t have to pay the employer’s share of the workers Soc.Sec., 7.9% of wages, plus there’s n, o rule about extra pay for OT, etc. etc. The farmers know that it’s the GOP that takes care of them, consequently, agricultural businesses steer 75% of their political donations to the Republicans.(2) Furthermore, US citizen voters in farming areas vote for the GOP at around a 70% rate.(3)

    Hopefully, the above demonstrates where the interests of both parties lie …. with continuing to allow illegal immigrants to cross the border without a wall or other interruptions. It now becomes apparent why there was no significant funding for the Wall given by the GOP whilst they were, until recently, , totally in control of both houses, Of course, they could have fully funded the Wall, simply by using what’s known as the “nuclear option” in the Senate to overcome a potential Democratic filibuster, and the bill would have been on President Trump’s desk to sign.

    (1) https://cis.org/Huennekens/Aliens-and-Voter-Fraud
    (2) https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=A07
    (3) https://www.agri-pulse.com/articles/6513-new-poll-sheds-light-on-how-farmers-ranchers-will-vote-for-president

    Just as footer to the above, I’d like to illustrate the truth behind one more statement written by Charlie;
    “We punish legal immigration applicants …”.
    My brother sought to immigrate to the USA in around 2000. He had his own small business, yet he still had to hire a lawyer to properly tip-toe through the innumerable forms. Cost = $4,000, Add next the fees that spring up throughout your journey with the INS, and you’ll be out another $2,000. Even after those legalized shakedowns, it still took 10 years to complete the INS process and get the Visa.

    Liked by 6 people

  32. A heart-warming story: This past (Divine Mercy) weekend, CA priest had surgery to remove kidney stones; during recovery, he wrote:
    “A person knocked on my hospital door,
    ‘Hi. We heard you are a priest. I was hoping I could go to confession.’
    ‘Of course. Come in… wait what do you mean WE?’
    ‘Oh yeah. There are more people outside waiting.’
    Another person peaking in,
    ‘Hey father.’

    As some other employees mentioned, most priests hang the ‘do not disturb’ sign; and others
    use aliases; but this one lives by example-sacrificing his uncomfortable recovery by offering Divine Mercy to those who sought absolution. https://churchpop.com/2019/05/01/the-surprising-story-of-one-priests-hospital-stay-on-divine-mercy-sunday-how-hes-saving-souls/

    Liked by 7 people

  33. Latest Medjugorje message

    Latest Medjugorje Message, May 2, 2019 – Apparitions to Mirjana

    “Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to respond to the great love of my Son, with pure and open hearts, with complete trust. I know the greatness of His love. I carried Him within me, the Host in the heart, the light and the love of the world. My children,also my addressing you is a sign of the love and tenderness of the Heavenly Father-a big smile filled with the love of my Son, a call to eternal life.

    Out of love, the Blood of my Son was shed for you. That Precious Blood is for your salvation, for eternal life. The Heavenly Father created man for eternal happiness. It is not possible-for you who know the love of my Son and who follow Him-to die. Life triumphed; my Son is alive. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, may prayer show you the way and the means of spreading the love of my Son-prayer in the most exalted form.

    My children, also when you strive to live the words of my Son, you are praying. When you love the people whom you meet, you are spreading the love of my Son. It is love that opens the doors of Paradise. My children, from the beginning, I prayed for the Church. Therefore, I am also calling you, apostles of my love, to pray for the Church and her servants-for those whom my Son called. Thank you. ”


    Also, Luz de Maria speaks apparitions in Europe, of the Warning and the Angel of Peace.

    Liked by 5 people

  34. Just an observance today after handing out food–since marijuana became legal, there has been a huge increase of people coming in for food at St. Vincent de Paul. And you should see the “haul” of food that people take out. Usually drug addicts have suppressed appetites and only eat because they “have to”. The reason I know its due to marijuana is because the people now reek of it. So sad. We are fast becoming a lost civilization.

    Liked by 3 people

  35. NEWS & MILINET: Articles for Christians – 2 May
    National Day of Prayer, May 2, Calls Believers to ‘Love One Another’

    On Our National Day of Prayer: George Washington’s Prayer for the Nation


    The Charter and Mandate of the Church

    I Asked Planned Parenthood a Question About Post-Abortive Healing. The Response Was Telling.

    Alyssa Milano Misuses the Bible and Science to Support Abortion

    SICK! Democrat Lawmaker on Abortion: “Some Kids Are Unwanted So You Kill Them Now or Kill Them Later”

    Did President Trump Make False Claims About Infanticide?

    “One of the Worst Crises in the History of the Catholic Church”

    The Jesus Movement: From Bust to Boom

    Photos: First-Ever U.S. Government Delegation at Auschwitz for March of the Living


    Dust or Humus? The Advent of Human Composting

    What “Deep Christian Convictions” of “Democratic Socialism”?

    Ignorance, Fear, and LGBTQ–Lloyd Marcus

    Prominent clergy, scholars accuse Pope Francis of heresy in open letter

    Catholic services in Sri Lanka capital canceled for 2nd week

    Archbishop Says Christians Slaughtered ‘Like Chickens’ in Nigeria

    What Is to Be Done for a Nation that Secedes from the Principles of Its Founding?


    Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

    Poynter Institute Publishes List of 515 “Unreliable News Sites” – Includes EVERY MAJOR Conservative Outlet including TGP — Wants Them Blacklisted by Advertisers

    Henan, Catholic church crosses demolished in Weihui

    Seminarians: “What happened was disgusting. Absolutely repulsive.”

    The Left’s Hate Campaigns Against Trump Nominees

    Jeb Bush Uses Democrat Talking Point: ‘Not Sure’ Sanctuary Cities for Illegals Are a ‘Problem’ in Florida

    Ilhan Omar Blames America for Venezuela Chaos and ‘Devastation’

    Opening the Borders ‘Not a Mistake’: Merkel Defends Migrant Crisis Decisions

    Barr: ‘Stop Using the Criminal Justice Process as a Political Weapon’

    We’re Reluctant To Do This’…But We Can’t Let The Democrats Look Bad: This Is What Triggered MSNBC During Graham’s Opening Remarks

    DiGenova looks ahead

    FBI Investigating Antifa Plot to Buy Guns from Mexican Cartel for ‘Armed Rebellion’ at the Border


    Be A Rooftop Korean

    High school may erase mural of George Washington: ‘traumatizes students’


    When Loretta Met Bill on the Tarmac

    Hillary Clinton: ‘You’ve Got to Educate the American Public’ About the Need for Impeachment

    Hillary Clinton says calling for Attorney General Barr to resign ‘makes perfect sense’

    Clinton Projection Syndrome

    Signs of the Times

    As Atlanta’s archbishop prepares to take the helm in Washington, prosecutors begin investigating Georgia church
    Trump: Violence against people of faith ‘must end now’
    No end in sight for military missions along the southern US border
    Tom Fitton: DNC Worked With Russian Intel to Overthrow the President
    Tom Fitton: Barack Obama Should be Questioned Under Oath about SpyGate & Trump Targeting


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