The Hope of the World

valley of mordor

By Charlie Johnston

Some people were depressed by my starkly candid piece, “What is Truth,” on the challenge before us in the States. Victor Davis Hanson wrote a much gentler description than I about what we face. No matter how you deliver the news, though, the choices are stark. Will we have objective standards of law applied equally to all or are “some animals more equal than others,” as George Orwell described the privilege of the new ruling class in his classic novel, “Animal Farm”? If it is the latter, then no one is safe from the ire of the powerful, liberty is finished, and the American experiment is over. If leftist ideologues (who currently include all major Democrats, most of the establishment media, and the activist classes) do not back down from their screaming advocacy for such lawlessness, it will be the latter. If traditional Americans accept some sort of ‘compromise,’ it will still be the latter. If the ideologues won’t stand down and, this time, the ordinaries don’t back down, then we will have violent strife, mass arrests or both. ‘Tis a perilous set of shoals and reefs we must navigate to get from the deep water we are in safely back to land.

Back in 2008, a woman connected with the national Republican Party was intensely trying to recruit me to write short pithy pieces and memorable slogans for the party. After declining many times, I got to the nub of what I thought the problem was: “I think we have reached a tipping point. The stupids have become the majority – and if that is the case, we are just going to have to hit bottom before recovery can begin.” Stories about the substitution of violent action replacing reasoned discourse on college campuses, the media’s celebration of murderous tyrants, and public schools banning such literary classics as “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Huckleberry Finn” don’t give me hope that I misread the times. These are strange times. You can be excused for feeling more than a little angst. Even the normally gentle, gentlemanly Ben Stein erupted in uncharacteristic rage on the pages of the American Spectator this week. Perhaps the most fearful thing is that most of our ruling classes around the world are incredibly and willfully ignorant: historically illiterate, economically illiterate, scientifically illiterate, and philosophically illiterate. To call them theologically illiterate would be to vastly overstate their knowledge of the subject. Yet they think their peculiar brand of malicious ignorance with attitude is smart. People who are vain, stupid and weak are terribly dangerous – and those descriptors fit about 95% of our rulers and opinion molders.

An even starker fact is that the whole world is in deep trouble. China dreams of and plans for world dominance. In Europe, the elite response to the Islamic invasion they invited is to punish police officers who speak candidly of what is happening. The media fell hook, line and sinker for North Korea’s charm offensive at the Olympics – but the reality is that, for ambitious dictators, charm offenses are often prelude to sudden, violent attacks on their perceived enemies. Yet another school shooting in Florida. The voices screaming for more gun-control are the same ones insisting on eliminating any self-control.

Oddly enough, I write these things not to dishearten you, but to call you to arms. God has not abandoned us; He is recruiting stout men and women who will act as His troops in one of the greatest epic stories of renewal of faith and mankind in all salvation history. I know we want an easy answer – for someone else to take care of it for us. I have fallen prey to that myself – which is largely why I so badly misinterpreted what the Rescue was.

Way back in the fall of 1995, when I went to visit my then spiritual director, he greeted me with a battered old pale blue card with the text of Revelation 12 on it. (That is the “woman cloaked with the sun” and “war broke out in heaven” passage). He told me, enigmatically, that this was going to be important for me. I was puzzled. This Priest was not given to mystical ruminations and most emphatically did not suffer fools gladly. As we finished our meeting, I fixed an intense, but amused, look at him and asked, “Are you playing the prophet with me?”  His face went as red as I have ever seen it. Flustered, he replied, “I just felt strongly you are going to need this.”

Over the years, it has been a focus of contemplation for me. If I had contemplated it better, I would have realized that when the great sign of rescue appeared in the sky, that was not the end of troubles, but the opening of a great and decisive battle between the forces of the great dragon and the offspring of the woman cloaked with the sun. But I, like so many, wanted God to fix it for us without pain rather than using us as His hands and feet. Now, under President Trump, the American economy has begun genuinely vigorous growth, ISIS has been decimated, and both China and North Korea have been checked, at least for a time. I am grateful for this, but even amidst the constant screeching scrum American debate has become, I sense a little hubris rising – the sense that we have got this. The most significant purpose of the spiral of false dawns followed by greater crisis was to shake us from the sense that we are sufficient to ourselves. If we are to be renewed, it will be by becoming a Godly and religious people once more. Until we get – and live – that, we don’t have anything that will last.

The vitriolic hatred the left bears for Christians is ever on naked and haughty display now. What is less-well known is what contempt and disdain the conservative intelligentsia has for people who are serious about their faith. Set up a religious booth at a conservative conference and be shocked at the sneers you will hear. The conservative intelligentsia thinks they have to tolerate religious folks because we are part of their ‘base,’ but they certainly don’t have to regard us with respect or real consideration that we might be, ummm, right. They have fallen for the left’s delusion that this is just a contest over who is the smartest. So, people of faith are constantly under attack by the left and largely contemptuously indulged by the right. Yet the point of the great trials we are undergoing is to smash man’s delusion of supremacy, to decisively reveal the satan’s first lie that we would “be Gods” once we tasted of the fruit of knowledge. The sum total of all human knowledge throughout history constitutes a shot-glass of water in comparison to the ocean of God’s wisdom. We ARE irredeemable without the help of the Lord – and that help is freely given when we humbly recognize that and call on Him. If we reject Him, it is not given – and we are irredeemable.

When my Archbishop issued his statement concerning my visions almost two years ago, he  noted that I “insist(ed) that the ‘prophetic’ aspects of his message are not essential and should not be the focus of those who follow him.” Then he added, “However, it appears that those same predictions are what attract new followers to his message and give them a sense of urgency and zeal.” He was kind in the former acknowledgement and right in the latter observation. My daily audience is less than a quarter of what it was at the old site. Shortly after the first of the year one of the serious theologians I have become friends with over the last few years sought to console me on the occasion of my second big interpretive error. He believes that we are headed for a catastrophic world-changing confrontation. “All you have lost is the prophecy-chasers, Charlie, and they are no help when there is real work to be done, anyway,” he said. There was wisdom in that. We restlessly seek an easy way out, where someone else will do the heavy lifting for us. A member of my internal team noted recently that some have started to substitute the insider information given by Q-anon for the prophecies I no longer give…and that perhaps that is not healthy, for our job is to be Sherpas, to help our brothers whatever happens, rather than restlessly trying to figure out every detail of what is going to happen. I was touched. Certainly, I believe Q is a real insider: he has had too many ‘hits’ for it not to be so (although I did note, with amusement, that his ‘miss’ rate has been a lot higher than mine was). But, while occasionally useful, all such things are ancillary to the main point: what we are called to be and what we are called to do, whatever happens. That main point remains what it always has been since well before I started writing publicly about these things: Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you.

Like Frodo and Samwise in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, we must walk through the valley and the swamps into the mountains of Mordor. The Lord will not remove from us the requirement that each of us walk through the Valley of Death, for it is in that valley that our vanity, our pettiness, our delusions of grandeur will be stripped from us. Rather, He will be with us every step of the way if we call and rely on Him. If we are fool enough to think we have got it covered on our own, we will die there.

I think it pleases the Lord, right now, to shake us from our complacency and the clichés we live by, to show us that things are much more complex than we think, to prove us. He is revealing how our flawed mindsets lead us into temptation – and how, even our presumptuousness of our own righteousness can lead us to destruction. The controversies that roil the Church right now reveal some of those fault lines. Some of us take pride in following the Scriptures and the Magisterium in all things. We do well, until our offense at some affront leads us to declare the Pope a ‘false pope’ or an ‘anti-pope.’ Though rarely as pitched as things are now, controversies have roiled the Church since the beginning. Can we defend the faith without burning down the house? If not, we risk becoming another Luther – who started as an honest reformer and ended by introducing hideous divisions into Christianity. Some of us choose the formula of believing whatever the Pope believes and doing whatever he says regardless of whether it is Magisterial or even within the scope of his authority. Yet the Papacy is a continuum of all Popes, not just a man. The Church Jesus founded wisely differentiated between Magisterial speech and other speech, between areas of legitimate authority and areas of limited – or no – authority, in recognition of the frailty of all men, including those who occupy the Throne of Peter for a time so that, though the man might stumble, the divinely appointed office would remain unchanging and true. On non-Magisterial speech and areas outside of the pope’s authority, we often encounter areas where we cannot mimic one pope without tacitly (or openly) rejecting another. That is irrelevant to the theology involved, as we are bound by the defined, Magisterial speech of any pope only in areas where he has legitimate authority. The Magisterium, though it can be developed in understanding, cannot contradict itself. So can we revere the person of the Pope without seconding any affronts he commits in non-Magisterial speech or in areas outside his legitimate authority? If we cannot, we abdicate the moral agency God endowed us with – and will be held to account. It is a tricky business: defend the faith AND respect the hierarchy the Lord established. When we fail to live that, we betray our own flaws – and reveal that we are uncertain in our faith that God will preserve the Church that He created. jesus light of the world 

When the light of Christ gets shut out of temporal affairs, the news becomes all nonsense all the time. Threats from hostile, nuclear powers, terrorists and mountains of debt? Let’s talk about how your gender can be anything you want and how morality requires that we force little girls to share washrooms with grown men. Officials get obsessed with irrelevant trivia while ignoring their actual duty. Infrastructure needs, crime prevention, national defense? Let’s filibuster for open borders and regulate the size of the soft drinks you can buy. We are called to consider all things in the light of Christ, while not neglecting temporal competence and duty.

Many worry about persecution of Christians. It is a well-founded worry. Christians have been viciously murdered and brutalized in the Middle East over the last decade. Christians in America have suffered the soft persecution of being forced to violate their conscience or be fined and lose their livelihoods. It is even worse in the rest of the western world. Canada has become a grotesque parody of a moral and tolerant nation. When Europe was Christian, it governed the world. Now that it is too smart for Christianity, it can’t govern itself or defend itself against hostile invasion. Yet I suspect we are going to have a time where we have something more dangerous to our souls than persecution: I suspect that Christians, in many cases, will take possession of the ring of power. If we fall prey to the temptation to use the power as today’s pathetic elites have, we risk not just forfeiting our lives, but our very souls. To hold power while acting with justice without exacting vengeance, to be merciful without enabling and becoming complicit with evil…that is the challenge. We are called to win the temporal battle of resurrecting a healthy and functional culture under God. But we are called to much more than that; to recall the lost to new life, to the joy that is in Christ…to help them find simple happiness again instead of constant, shrieking misery. We will be held to account for every soul we could have given effective witness to, but did not out of anger. So, too, we will be held to account for every soul we could have protected from assault by the violent and ungodly, but did not out of timidity and fear. It is an impossible task, save by acknowledging God, acting decisively, acknowledging our faults as soon as we see them without abandoning the field, and humbly bearing witness to the mercy and love that is in the Master. We must act with humility, fortitude and steadfastness. In short, acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world. He chose His mother to bear that light to the world. I believe He sends her again. In fact, I am saying the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception every day this Lenten season. I did not even know of it, but saw a little booklet on it at a Padre Pio prayer group last month. I particularly find the “let my cry come unto thee” passages evocative and powerful. Do not be shaken by the fiery trials that erupt around you. Rather, rejoice. God knew, from the beginning, every soul He would ever make – and when it would be the proper time for Him to send them into salvation history. Rejoice, for God has chosen your soul and the souls of your children for these heroic times: one of the greatest and angel triumphantmost perilous times of renewal of the whole world, under God. When all is done, God will not have spared one of us from having to walk through the valley of death, but He will accompany every one of us every step of the way who call on Him and do not let the fearsome sights around us seduce us away from His protection. Your children and your children’s children would find it an interesting story to see that dangers arose and God rescued you without demanding that you stand steadfast and true through a fiery trial. But the fiery trial we get. Your children and your children’s children will call you blessed if you do stand steadfast and true through that fiery trial.

Rejoice then, for God has chosen to cover you with glory if you accept His call. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Act as His hands and feet and become the hope of the world.


170 thoughts on “The Hope of the World

  1. God bless you Charlie! I finished reading two books one on the Jewish roots of the Eucharist and the other… Joan of Arc by Mark Twain. It is amazing to see when God works, He gets the ‘job’ done right quick.

    The other book is an amazing read and I highly recommend everyone to get and pass on to others.

    Title: Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist
    Author: Pitre, Brant 2011
    ISBN # 978-0-385-36432-2

    Liked by 8 people

  2. This Medjugorje ‘quote of the day’ fits along with your post and scripture nicely. Originally posted September 20, 1985.

    Quote of the day from a Medjugorje message ( February 17, 2018 )

    Our Lady of Medjugorje quotes “If you shall bear and live the messages in your heart, everyone will feel it so that words, which serve those who do not obey, will not be necessary. For you, dear children, it is necessary to live and witness by your lives.”

    ( From message, September 20, 1985 [O] )

    Liked by 12 people

  3. “If we are fool enough to think we have got it covered on our own, we will die there.”

    I believe you have told us true right there, brother. Pray you are well!

    Liked by 11 people

  4. Yes, Charlie, awesome call to arms! Prayer, fasting, acts of charity.
    Now is our time. We were made for this.

    This most recent school shooting has shaken us. This child had lost both parents and was expelled for being creepy. Breaks my heart that he had no other way to express the rage of his abandonment. 💔 Lord have mercy on us all. We have two sons and a daughter-in-law in local schools. Praying and praying.

    Praying for the pope and magisterium of the Church. Praying for the president and our country. Praying for us all, the little no less than the great. Lord have mercy on us all. 🙏🏼✝💜🌹

    You are all in my prayers,
    katey in OR

    Liked by 20 people

  5. GOSH!! So clear. So tightly expressed!
    Still ruminating. And ruminating. Ruminating……….

    On a personal note. When I taught high school my favourite book was TKaMB.
    Last few years in my relief teaching in primary I often relieve for one of my ex high school students who often reminds me of how much focus and time we spent on that book! Thank goodness she is positive about it because she enjoyed the book. Like me she could not cope with A spy Who Came in from the Cold and Delights in telling me I telling me she would put her book in the fridge to get her point across to her mum. The spy should have stayed in the cold!!!
    Life does have funny moments.

    Liked by 9 people

  6. It is all as you described Charlie… I too was hoping the rescue was a “fix it all” for all the world’s problems… In the end prophecy or not, it’s walking the correct (humble) path that’s the most important o

    Liked by 14 people

  7. Truly deep food for thought, I pray we’ll be able endure & overcome the trials ahead…

    I find that some days regular status checks are needed throughout the day in order to overcome temptations to pride.

    Liked by 10 people

  8. Thank you, Charlie. So wonderful to get an inspirational speech worthy of Aragorn at the Black Gate. It means so much because it erased the self-doubt that sometimes plagues me when I have suffered some losses, have more failures on the horizon and generally suffer from analysis paralysis. May the archangel Michael be our great Prince and, from his shield, shine the light of Christ on our upturned faces. The King is nigh! Viva Cristo Rey!

    Liked by 13 people

  9. Wow, Charlie, what a great article. I find myself wanting to point out to all here that your remarks about hubris rising do not mean that Trump is not going to be a solid instrument through the battle. He may not be. After all, someone in his position can be mightily tempted to rise from humility into arrogance, and I watch Trump closely for this. However, I have to note that many people are praying for him, and his wife, family, and he pray regularly. We should be so diligent in our prayers for them and those who are helping Trump and us every day. I have some hope that Trump will not be tempted away from a good path, just as I hope and pray that all here will not be. I agree with you, Charlie, that Trump is not The Answer, but I have hope that he will remain a powerful assistance to *our* efforts. We will see.

    Liked by 18 people

    1. Hello to all, and to you Charlie – I love and am eternally grateful to your wordsof wisdom- each and every one of you, my TNRS family, and esp. you Charlie. I have sorely missed you all and very much keep you in my prayers. I dearly hope that most who began here like I did, years ago, have not left, but maybe like me have to go long spells away because of “fiery trials” already insmaller doses. :] And those who do leave, I pray they reurn to their senses and realize what a treasure lies heiren.

      Hi SteveBC! I am very much in line with your thinking about Trump; I too watch him closely (and Pray much for him to not be lead to arrogance and pride) looking for any signs of arrogance. I too am heartened that many pray for him, and honestly, I think it is a great grace of a God for us all that Mike Pence is our Vice- President. I thank God for him beside Trump often!

      Charlie, I have often thought that it is only your time-line of the “Rescue” that was off. I always believed you to be saying that we had much work to do in the time of the Rescue, which I believe we are in, and have been, for awhile. I don’t get much disturbed about the timing of everything, and I honestly dont think you lead us astray in anything of much importance. Your “essential” messages and prognostications have been pretty solid, in my opinion. You have told us many times that God has chosen us “for times such as these” and that our children and grandchildren will call us blessed for our faithfulness and endurance. Your words have come back to me so many times when I have been in the midst of trial and has caused me to pray ever more fervently and offer my sufferings so much more joyfully for my progeny to all fulfill what God has created each of them for. I deeply thank you for that. My circle of influence is very small, but I pray i am faithful to “keep my post” and “set my face like flint” each and every time that it matters. Who knows what may happen or when or how but i do pray that each and every one of us here, can always, each, be that little piece of “hope in the world”. I love you all and wish you all the Peace of Christ. oh, and btw, I love what you guys did with the website, it looks great – it seems homey!

      Connie from East Tx


  10. Charlie ,
    Thank you! A true call to arms! All the trials we have endured thus far is to strengthen us for this battle.

    I m ready and need to spend more time with the Lord to rejuvenate.

    I fear I have told you this. before… but I feel compelled to repeat myself. As a young child the blessed Virgin Mary asked me if I was willing to die for Jesus. After much thought I said yes and asked how will I know what to do? Mother Mary said she is sending someone who will lead me. I asked how will I know? Mother replied I will put it in your heart. With the thought of someone leading me, I felt more comfortable saying yes. But I cried because I knew I would die. Im less concerned about that now as an adult, I fear failing the Lord and giving poor example.

    Charlie you are the leader Mother Mary promised me. Please post frequently as you can. Your words give consolation and strenghth. To the army of Christ.

    Thank you so much.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Little One,
      This quote summs up what we are up against in these times;
      “They must either be holy—which means sanctified—or they will disappear. The only Catholic families that will remain alive and thriving in the twenty-first century are the families of martyrs. —Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.”
      This martyrdom comes in many forms.
      “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13).
      The Martyres of the church gave up their lives for God but we can also be considered a martyr by loosing our life in the pursuit of saving another’s.
      This doesn’t just have to be through death but can be the giving up of ones will in their personal desires for the good of family, friends and even their enemies who we are supposed to “love and do good to” (Matt 5:44).

      ““If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matt 16:24). This is the “dying to self” (John 3:3) that scripture speaks of, the overcoming of the worldliness we are influenced by to become holy and not remain worldly, to become a “new” person thus the old self dies.

      “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:25).
      In my pre cana class the instructor told us that a sacramental marriage is not a relationship of 50%-50% but one of 100%-100%! The spouse must lay down their life for their beloved who in turn, lays down their life for them. Each spouse then is 100% responsible for the other and is concerned with the beloved’s whole being and welfare. They are unconcerned with their own well-beings as it is totally fullfilled by and focused on giving to the other.

      “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”(Matt 19:21).
      This martyrdom comes in the form of detachment, to be “in the world but not of the world.”(John 17:14). To be fully invested in life and creation but recognising that the “Kingdom of God is not of this world.” (John 18:36).
      “I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” (Stephen Grellet).

      Liked by 13 people

      1. PhillipFrank,

        Thank you so much for giving me greater understanding. Your words hold great wisdom and truth. It had occurred to me that maybe what Our Lady wanted from me was dying to myself as I grew older. She did tell me that I would commit grievous sins and I was alarmed at the time (about 7 years old) but to my sadness her words were proven true. Regardless, I do need to die to my selfishness still and whatever may come may I do the Will of the Lord now and always. I am so thankful for Charlie and for all of you. I am pretty ignorant about many things.

        A story of hope: in my parish, St. Peters, a young woman was diagnosed with a rare cancer of the appendix. She had just learned that she was pregnant with her 4th child when she received this grave news. Following the lead of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla she decided not to do any invasive treatment. They did remove the appendix which did not affect her pregnancy. She has since given birth to a healthy baby boy at the end of December and was recently evaluated for surgery. They found in her CT scan that she did not have any cancer cell whatsoever. A true miracle! Praise God!! Didn’t you say Charlie that this would be an age of miracles. And there are many. Praise God!

        Liked by 13 people

      1. Amen, Charlie. Little one, it may well be that Our Lady was affirming the timeless call, the call of every serious believer: dying to self… and this is encapsulated in acknowledging God, taking our NRSs and allowing Him to make of us a sign of His Hope.

        I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

        And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (Luke 9:23)

        Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24)

        He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (I Peter 2:24)

        Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? (Romans 6:3)

        Liked by 10 people

        1. Perhaps Mother Mary wanted a willingness to die for Jesus rather than actual death. A test to confirm committment perhaps. It is still unknown to me. That is why this site is so helpful for me to train to be the best at my post so I respond properly to each challenge that is presented. It helps to think of the prize of being with Jesus. Death is just a rebirth to everlasting life. I have never been too fond of this world. Someone once wrote that Life is a tapestry. We only see the knots and back of the masterpiece. When we see the front we will be astonished and amazed and praise the glory of God in his masterpiece.


          from the pinky toe of the Body of Christ

          Liked by 8 people

  11. Articles like these keep me centered. There are many, many people on the same page as you, Charlie, but few who can articulate so clearly, so tenderly, and so sternly what lies ahead, and what is required by those who believe and yet must tread these fearful waters.

    Liked by 20 people

  12. Charlie, I look forward to each of your articles and each one seems better than the last, which is hard to believe. Although, I don’t feel like I’m up to the task of what’s to come, I will put my trust in God. When our priest administered the ashes on Wednesday, what I heard him say was, “Repent and have hope in the Lord.” I asked a friend who went to a later Mass if that is what he said, yet I was sure of it. She told me that it wasn’t, but maybe that is what the Lord wanted me to hear. What you said here gave me great hope: “Do not be shaken by the fiery trials that erupt around you. Rather, rejoice. God knew, from the beginning, every soul He would ever make – and when it would be the proper time for Him to send them into salvation history. Rejoice, for God has chosen your soul and the souls of your children for these heroic times: one of the greatest and most perilous times of renewal of the whole world, under God.” God bless you, Charlie, and all here.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. “I don’t feel like I’m up to the task of what’s to come…I will put my trust in God” Amen! I know I’m not up to the challenges that are upon us. But I say a pray of trust before the simplest of things, such as teaching my Level 5 religion class, and I think it’s good training! God bless all of you here and your families. I don’t comment often but I read your posts and keep you in my prayers. 🙂

      Liked by 9 people

  13. “But I, like so many, wanted God to fix it for us without pain rather than using us as His hands and feet. “ His hands and feet…I’ll do my best, but I’m still mentally arguing that I am not cut out for the verbal confrontations that I know are coming. I find hope in Our Lady’s message “ if you shall bear and live the messages in your heart, everyone will feel it so that words, which serve those who do not obey, will not be necessary. For you, dear children, it is necessary to live and witness by your lives. “ Thank you for all your insight and links, Charlie. It took a while but I read all the linked articles and a few extra. You put it all together so well. I feel my brain is on overload. How do you stay so clear minded in all this mess? For Lent I have added daily Adoration. I actually started a few days before Ash Wednesday. Already it is proving to be a life line to keep me from giving up and being swept away.
    I’m tired, I’m weary, and we’ve only just begun. Rats! Guess the wise thing to do is to stick with the duty of the moment. That I can do. Sorta kinda. 😏

    Liked by 13 people

      1. Thanks Beckita. I’m actually shy about using social media. The first time I posted at TNRS I agonized for about 20 minutes over a one line comment and then got it wrong. 😄

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        1. So happy you moved through the shyness to remain here! Smiling in camaraderie with you, Kris. I was a shy, punky little one. Having taken 2 years of piano lessons in 4th and 5th grade (never more study than this), I was propelled to the electric organ bench by none other than Sr. Mary Beata, desperately needing someone, obviously anyone, to accompany the kids’ choir and I wept, in fear, through the entire Mass. A wee crazy enough, I became determined to do better. Sr. Beata was moved but I stayed behind on that bench until I broke in a new pipe organ in 8th grade. My dear mother pegged me as the accompanist in our family of ten children, encouraging the rest of the sibs to sing. When I left home and moved to Montana, I decided to just do it: I sang as I accompanied myself, shivering me bones through the entire premiere of that prayer. Who would have guessed this would launch a music ministry phase which included composing? Lo and behold, when I was in Medjugorje in 1992, I sang, at St. James Church, a setting of the Magnificat – which I had composed (the notation of which looks much like chicken scratch) – on the Feast of the Assumption. All from an innate gift, freely given. Who knows Kris, much like those lovely pieces of fabric which you save for “some reason” you may well, one day, write a compilation of stories from your days at TNRS-ASOH!

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            1. Aw, Jen. Perhaps you love it because you’ve got pluck aplenty as well. And we fit right into this community of spirit and determination, anchored as we are upon God’s Will and Ways as so many lights, harbingers of the New Springtime…

              Liked by 8 people

          1. Love, love, love your story, Beckita. Guess what? The stories are already written! More than a decade ago I would go to Adoration and say, “tell me a story, Lord”.
            I would then listen and write. Several dozen short stories came out of this. I call them children’s stories for adults. My spiritual director encouraged me to go to print. I also shared them with a Monsignor ( his parents and mine were good friends). He personally recommended them to his Catholic publisher. Nothing came of it. A few years later, my cousins organized a Marian Conference. They purposely had me drive one of the main speakers who had his own publishing company, to the airport so I could share the stories. Still nothing. They have been buried among boxes and fabric scraps ever since. Can you believe I came across them just a few days ago? Do you suppose their time has finally come?

            Liked by 8 people

          2. Beckita, I too sang at St. James’ Church in Medjugorje…twice…but with the choir…not like you, by yourself and singing your own composition! Wow. Nonetheless I consider those two occasions for me, singing with that choir, amongst the most wonderful of my life! What amazing gifts our Lord gives to us!

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              1. You know well, Beckita, how it feels to sing in that church. It’s a gift we carry with us forever. And now my heart sings with the wonderful memories I have from my 3 trips to Medjugorje. Thank you so much for the lovely reminder of a time that brought about a life-changing conversion for my soul.

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              1. Anytime we can recall the most beautiful and holy times in our lives and share them with others, is indeed a gift. And you gave us such a gift by carrying all of our petitions with you on your last trip to Medjugorje. Incidentally, the petition I sent with you is already bearing fruit. Thanks be to God and our holy Mother.

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        2. Kris, hahaha, love it! 💟 I hear you! Loud and Clear! I make a million comments and have a million and one break downs! Sooo.. basically, my life IS a breakdown! I have just accepted that I’m nuts 😋 and if the Lord decides to leave me that way, well, I won’t argue with Him- besides it’s kinda fun being crazy and shy or whatever!
          PS. I always loved your comments-still do!!! 🐿🦔

          Liked by 10 people

          1. Snowy, Jen, Becks, I’m happy to be a bit ( or bunch) crazy and shy among fellow NRSteppers. Perhaps I finally fit in somewhere. 😊 For years I drove friends and family crazy cuz I would have ten projects going at once. They all considered it my biggest fault. I called it multitasking. 😏Then I got a job as bookkeeper and administrative assistance for my church. Bingo! I could manage the phone, the computer, and the front desk all while eating lunch. I found a use for my flaw. God has a way of even using flaws. 👍

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              1. Funny. When people meet me for the first time, they usually assume I’m a teacher or a nurse. I taught CCD and tended to a good share of skinned knees but never with an official title. As a young one entering the job world, I told the Lord I never wanted to work in an office. Surprise! He had another idea. 😊

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                1. Kris and jlynnbyrd, I too am an introvert of sorts. I much prefer my time I spend in the mountains every year, much less complicated for sure.The beauty and serenity is good for the soul. You just have to watch out for the Tommyknockers. 😉

                  Liked by 7 people

                  1. BD, I love the serenity found in nature too. Since I am more urban based, I can find that awe just from beauty of a single flower, and keep on eye out for the mischievous garden gnomes! ❤

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            1. Ha! Hardly a flaw. It is a gift most woman have and men don’t. We guys tend to be very compartmentalized which has its use. It is part of the complementarity of gifts men and woman bring to the table in marriage. It is one of the things the progressive left wants to destroy in that men and woman are really different. We are different, but have equal worth before God. This is true diversity in that we bring different gifts, but have our unity in God. The left celebratesa Godless diversity which fosters a balkanization which leads to disunity.

              Liked by 6 people

              1. Balkanization: to divide countries, peoples, etc. into small, quarrelsome, ineffectual states (where people are all alike ethnically or like minded)… good word Doug! 😎
                But when I looked up celebratesa I couldn’t find anything 😄😋 which is too bad because I really like that word! 🤗

                Liked by 4 people

                  1. Oh trust me, I was planning to use it! I love that word… it just flows like good music!🎶
                    Had to razz Doug just a little – he hasn’t yelled BING! in a long time, you know! 🔔🔨Bing!

                    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m weary too, Kris R. All that you wrote expressed what’s in my heart and head. I seek out this web site to adjust my bearings. I find peace in the Surrender Novena but I think I will add Adoration.

      Liked by 7 people

  14. A whole lot of coincidences and interesting (and adventurous, some good, some challenging with a distinctly providential feel) timing in my life this year, and some of the coincidences particularly go along well with your posts, Charlie.

    Like the day you posted likening President Trump to the ice cutter boat, was the same day I had posted a landscape photo of a pond with cracked ice on another website. And now you’re posting about the journey of Frodo and Samwise, on the same day that on another forum the question was asked, “If life is a journey, people will need to eat along the way. Is it a prix fixe menu or a la carte?” and I answered, “If you’re a Tolkien fan, it’s lembas.” The lembas bread, or waybread, is supposed to represent the Eucharist, from what I’ve read. And then I just came across Emily Dickinson’s poem about hope several hours ago.

    So it’s been quite a year, and it’s only February!

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  15. I was prompted to say at the beginning of the Rescue that I believed that the satan has lost and yet I still was struggling with my own personal bedevilment. I still don’t know what that fully means. Today I am reminded of the prediction that all the demons of hell would be released upon the earth. WE SEEM TO BE IN THAT TIME NOW. (I accidently hit “Caps Lock” and when I went to correct the developing sentence, I stopped and decided to finish it in Caps as a guidance of emphasis.) As always there are more questions then answers. Are we called to ponder rather than try to force answers? It would appear that the satan, sensing his defeat but refusing to acknowledge it, is pulling out all stops in a desperate attempt to save his crumbling power along with all his cohorts as well. My family and associates seem too quick to take offense at any misstatements and misunderstandings rather than patiently resolve them in this time of divide and conquer. I struggle not to react in anger but to maintain my love and peace of mind as we are called to do along with the patience to endure. These indeed are troubling times. May the Holy Spirit continue to protect and guide us, bring us to all holiness and truth that we may discern the next right step along with the strength and grace to persevere. Watch and pray, pray and watch. TRUST in the Lord.

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    1. Hi Sojourner. Don’t confuse the satan having lost with the satan having his power broken. The satan lost the moment he rebelled. Many treat him as if he is some counterweight to God, that he will preside over hell. To the contrary, he will be as alone, despondent and tortured as everyone else in hell. The only kingdom he gets is what he can cobble together while this earth exists. His sole purpose is to try to destroy souls – to effectively ‘negate’ what God has created. The power he had, for a time, was to seduce people into believing good was evil and evil, good. That power is gone – though many who became his most credulous acolytes remain and, through the vanity of not wanting to admit they followed a toxic doctrine, still do great damage. Yet the great mass of people are no longer fooled by those particular lies – and he is revealed more every day. That does not mean he will stop battling to ruin souls, just that he has lost his invisibility cloak.

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      1. Again, this is the clarity that so comforts me. It is no longer “all that is hidden will be revealed”, it is “all that was hidden HAS been revealed”. Thanks Charlie.

        Liked by 7 people

  16. “Humility, fortitude, and steadfastness.” Thank you, Charlie, for the reminder.

    The themes of this article remind me of a play that I had to read in a French class when I was in college. It is called “Rhinoceros,” by Eugene Ionesco. Its themes and the history behind its writing are relevant for our times. If anybody may be interested, here’s the Wikipedia “Cliff Notes” version:

    Liked by 6 people

        1. Charlie, I thought “Rhinoceros” was dopey when I read it; but I was only 19 or 20. The older I’ve gotten, the more sense it makes–especially because I have since read about Ionesco’s life experiences that led to his writing the play.

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        1. Thanks for asking, Mick. I’m getting better day by day and am receiving follow-up medical care in Salem, where my twin and family live. It’ll still be at least several weeks till I’m able to manage more on my own. I remain very grateful to God as I see His hand in all of this.

          Prayers for all,
          Sister Bear

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  17. Well, the rescue of Europe started on June 6th, 1944 on D-day. There was still much work to do with fighting and loss of life before Europe was fully liberated almost a year later.

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  18. Thank you Charlie, magnificent post and SteveBC I appreciate your comments…head on.Thank you to everyone who helps me to see things more clearly and to do my, albeit small,part in this journey we are all on.Prayers for everyone here and the whole world.

    Liked by 9 people

  19. Once again I am strengthened and being readied for battle by your assessment of the current situation in our country, church and world.
    The need for hope is so necissary and I thank you for “preaching” it always!

    God Bless

    Liked by 9 people

  20. First time I’ve ever posted…but have been reading for several years.

    Charlie, your words are not only comforting they are very encouraging. Sometimes if feels pretty lonely out here on the battlefield and getting a note from you really lifts the spirits. Please continue to write.
    I am a teacher-librarian. My 5th grade students have been studying “fake news” ;-). Ok, artistic license in the painting, Washington Crossing the Delaware. One of the main points Leutze wanted to get across was the strength of Washington. At a very low point in the war, Washington not only made a daring move but he so encouraged his troops that it turned the war around and they started to win battles. Keep on being Washington for us beleaguered soldiers-even if the soldier has the appearance of an older woman. :-0

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      1. Looks are deceiving, Charlie. This “dime-store version” as you say, is really our golden treasure. No guru, no idol… simply a faithful servant with an uncanny ability to lead while walking abreast with Lord’s troops. God Alone could have fashioned such as this. DG

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    1. HandToThePlow: How marvelous that you referred to the Battle of Trenton and the painting Washington Crossing the Delaware. That battle has quite a few spiritual overtones as related by the docents at Washington Crossing State Park. It was bitterly cold, Trenton is 7+ miles from the crossing, they crossed with a huge amount of gear including canon, took the fort on Chrismas Eve, marched all the Hessians back to the crossing point, crossed again into Pennsylvania, then marched the prisoners to Newtown Pa to a church, gave them a lecture then set them free. Many of the Hessians made for upstate PA and added to what is called Pennsylvania Dutch country. I have read that only one soldier lost his life. The Delaware was indeed full of huge chunks of ice, the Contential army was sorely underdressed for the freezing temperatures. They had no reason to believe in their eventual success and yet they forged on. This was the first won battle of the Amercan Revolution. Perhaps we all should have the courage of these first Americans and not shrink from what lies ahead.

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    2. Handtotheplow: BTW, Washington Crossing the Delaware is reenacted every year on Christmas Day in full historic regalia and encampment. About 10,000 people show up to witness it.

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  21. “The most significant purpose of the spiral of false dawns followed by greater crisis was to shake us from the sense that we are sufficient to ourselves.”
    Yep. Sigh. Such an easy slide for me these days.
    Great post Charlie, as usual.

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  22. We are having our storm dinner tonight. About 20 of us will meet, pray 5 decades of the Rosary, share a pot luck dinner, fellowship together and then discuss a topic on the cultural storm. Oh, and because we are Catholic, we will have a little wine. Yup, folks need to know they are not alone in this spiritual battle. We need each other. Nope, just because things did not pan out like Charlie thought means we are not through this yet. We still have much ahead of us. Blessings to you all!

    Liked by 13 people

  23. I find myself getting discouraged at the state of things in the Church. In the last year, I’ve heard two senior priests say “Jesus, didn’t say to worship Him but to follow Him.” I corrected one of these priests; the other one made his comment during a Mass so I couldn’t challenge him. I constantly run into people who admire Richard Rohr. Putting aside all of his zaniness, he denies the substitutionary nature of the Atonement. He proudly calls himself heterodox (worse, he claims that Francis of Assisi embraced heterodoxy). Bishops endorse what at one time would haven been considered clear-cut dissent. Good men like Archbishop Chaput are denied the Red Hat. I have refrained from criticizing Pope Francis and have prayed that he has a long and fruitful pontificate. But I keep certain things in my heart. And my heart is heavy.

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    1. This is a Passion Time for the Church, Frank, and, sometimes, it’s just plain tough duty hanging in there. Praying for you, enfolding you in the truth of Psalm 34: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

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    2. Take heart Frank, …many of the young priests and religous that we have in the church right now are solid in their Church teaching and as Charlie says stout men and women, inspired by John-Paul II the Great, baptized and toughened through a church scandalized by abuse and ready to make the ride of the Rohirram to save Minas Tirith (sorry, but everybody’s going Lord of the Rings with this so I can’t help myself).

      Come on Cristeros! ¡Viva Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe!

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    3. Frank, my parish was Franciscan until last summer when the pastor retired and it finally became a diocesan parish. A diocesan priest was assigned to our parish who is exactly like Richard Rohr. It didn’t take me long to figure out that he is totally NEW AGE (as is Rohr).This is a very serious problem today! New Age has become so mainstream that we don’t even recognize it. There’s a yoga studio on every block.

      Many, many (hundreds) parishioners complained to the bishop (who had himself just been assigned to our diocese in September, which complicated things.). A group of us documented his many offenses (he was very outspoken and took every opportunity to preach his apostasy) and presented the information along with the Vatican document on New Age, “Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life” to the bishop. It was recently announced that he is “retiring” (at age 60 and no health problems) at the end of February. It has been a long and painful journey. No one wants to lose a priest. He needs our prayers to be sure. The parish is suffering, it is quite divided, as his very friendly personality attracted many supporters. They just wanted to “feel good” at mass, ignoring that everything he was saying was opposite of Church teaching. (Doesn’t believe in sin or hell, did away with confession, “Christ” is more than Jesus, we’re all worthy, we’re all Divine, choir can’t sing songs about “worthiness, Kingship, or Mary, we should remove the huge crucifix that hangs above the altar and replace it with a picture of a waterfall, the Catholic Church is a patriarchal institution that demeans women, and much more).

      Please pray for my parish, and especially the new priest who comes on March 1st.

      For more information on New Age, read the Vatican document, and also the Women of Grace blog on New Age (Johnnette Benkovic) at

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    1. Snowy, I have heard of this animal-human experimentation called chimera. I found the Drudge article by copying the title of the story in my search engine published by an alternate source and a couple of older related articles from known publications. It is a disgrace.

      “Scientists create first human-sheep hybrid paving way for diabetes cure and mass organ transplants”

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      1. Jen, the last link- using aborted babies for cells and body parts to create these abominations… this is all so evil. What about the soul?? I feel sick and I’m not going read anymore.
        I cannot imagine a faster way incur the wrath of God. Lord forgive them, they know not what they do.

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        1. Amen Snowy. We have removed God from the public square, we are destroying His creation in space/nature, in the genetics of humans/animals, and now are removing His absolutes – right/wrong male/female.
          Hope, pray and don’t worry. Acknowledge God, take the next right step and be a sign of hope. God has a plan, with our cooperation. Trust, do and love. ❤

          Liked by 7 people

      2. These stories of human/animal hybrid research just crush my heart. God have mercy. has the penitent prayer for these times, the leper’s plea to Jesus. “…kneeling he said to him, if you choose, you can make me clean.” And Jesus did choose and did cleanse him. Jesus calls us to ask, too, for ourselves and all souls. Now. [thanks Janet]
        God bless and strengthen all here.

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    2. Snowy, due to my husband’s job, we lived in the UK back in 1997 & 98. It was then I found out how censored USA news was (is?) I never saw any of this reported in America but UK news boldly reported that multiple women were pregnant with animal/humans hybrids. They admitted they had no idea “what they would get”. I’m not surprised that 20 years later, scientists got the job done.

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      1. PS, I know the articles linked to in Jen’s comment talk about growing human organs in animals but the news back in 97 & 98 was they were experimenting using women to carry the human/ animal hybrids. Heaven help us!

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        1. Two things come to mind, Kris: 1. The patience of God is extraordinary. 2. The spirituality of Living in the Divine Will is all about making reparation, for the sins of all times, to God the Father so that we may live the fulfillment of the Our Father: Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Sounds like much reparation yet to be accomplished.

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            1. Speaking of news…Doug and Lambzie, I was blessed to have received the gift of a wooden Rosary for spreading the news about the movie Apparition Hill on social media from I just received it the other day and it was blessed at the apparition to Mirjana Soldo on October 2nd, 2017 in Medjugorje. I just now realized that happen when you where there which makes this Rosary all the more special for me! Praying for you and your family and for all here! ❤

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              1. Well, almost Jen. We were there for the Nov 2nd apparition. However, I did bring a back pack full of petitions from here and my sacrafice was to carry the back pack everywhere I went even though I did not need it. I offered prayers at the various sites for everyone here and also printed the special intentions that people asked.

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                1. Yes, Doug I thought twice about that after sending it. My typing fingers are working faster than my brain these days and that is really sad because I cannot type to save my life! I remember now it was Mona who mentioned a pilgrimage to Medjugorje at that time!
                  Thank you for carrying my/our petition(s) and presenting to Our Blessed Mother there. So many of us cross spiritual paths. ❤

                  Liked by 4 people

                  1. I was there on October the 2. It was an awesom experience. I was very close and saw a lot of what happend. Have you seen the appartion on YouTube? It is there. I brought you and all your intentions there at that time. I hope to go there again in september/october this year If it will be possible.
                    God bless us all❤️

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                    1. Thank you Mona for carrying our petitions to Our Blessed Mother! I will have to watch the video of the apparition again. Every time I pray on this new Medjugorje Rosary I will think of and pray for you and all here!! ❤

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    3. Didn’t the scientist destroy it in fear of what they created? I may have it confused with another article. It’s scary, just the same.

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    4. I read it with heavy heart. The stated purpose is to grow body parts. But you know they will not stop there. I have read that this century will be the century of biology.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Amen, Joanne, a very heavy heart with all of this. I’m not sure we could survive another decade let alone a century of the evil abuses the scientists are delving into. Yikes.

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  24. I just finished reading your latest message, Charlie. Thank you for that. As I finished it, I realized that I was experiencing the chills that I believe the Holy Spirit visits upon me to enlighten me many times at Mass. May I be up to the challenge of what God asks of me in these times. And may God bless all here.

    Liked by 9 people

  25. I would greatly appreciate prayers. I haven’t been feeling well lately and developed a rash on my face. So, I went to the Doctor today and they said I have Shingles 😕. I have to see an eye doctor this week, as it it close to my right eye. Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sheralyn, I hope and pray the Drs. are wrong. Shingles is a terrible and chronic condition that can keep rearing its ugly head. I’m praying for complete remission for you.

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  26. Someone commenting above, Charlie, used the perfect word for these articles you write to encourage us. You ARTICULATE as no other person does these days! Actually what you write is both a bit nerve-racking, as well as encouraging. We need to hear these words, but I sometimes wonder if I’m up to the task of facing what is ahead! Intellectually I know I belong to Jesus, and Mother Mary, who brings Her spouse the Holy Spirit to us, and He will annoint us with His gifts. But….. I can’t help but be concerned about husband, children, grandchildren as well as how I’ll live up to what the Lord expects.

    Oh, I just today read a great little prayer Padre Pio said to use often. “O Jesus, save the elect in the hour of darkness.” Sounds like a great prayer to repeat!

    Liked by 8 people

  27. I’m glad you’re back Charlie. When you initially went silent I knew that what i would miss most was your analysis of current events, Church events and geopolitics in light of theology and God’s plan. The specific prophecy stuff was interesting but not crucial. The fact that you’re back and writing on the stuff i most found interesting and useful is great news!

    Liked by 6 people

  28. Thanks for this dire yet encouraging piece, Charlie. As I’ve watched more and more confusion swirl through the Church these days, I’ve realized you were absolutely right about the storm of confusion that would come to the Church. That prophecy was a direct hit! I’m praying more now for the Church and the pope, especially through the intercession of St Joseph.

    Liked by 5 people

  29. I’m betting that these very same PC-BS Kumbaya Policies (below) have been implemented in any number of USA school districts and it’s just a culmination of the removal of God, and common values/courtesies that has transpired these past 50 years! …….. and, of course, the “legal” drug culture that is “medicating” with all sorts of anti-depressive & psychotic drugs. Much of it pushed by lefty Feminists trying to take “The Boy” out of boys ….. Satanic:

    “School Shooting Was Outcome of Broward County School Board Policy – Now Local and National Politicians Weaponize Kids for Ideological Intents…”

    … but … Ya see? … it’s The Guns …. Right!!!?? ….. YUP!! The same Political Party that wants to disarm YOU in the USA is the very same Democrat Party which has decided to abandon the Working Class, especially the White Working Class, and Christianity. In turn they have chosen to become, and brazenly so, the Party of unlimited Abortion, Sexual Perversion, Illegal Immigration, Islam and Drug “Legalization”. They have built/presided over and foster every USA urban Welfare Plantation where crime, drugs, illiteracy and all forms of Human misery and degradation is the Norm….. and they call it just another “Culture”. Meanwhile they disparage and libel the Culture that made this Country great … and that would be Christianity, Capitalism and Western Civilization! After over 100 years of godless Socialist failures, the Left is still pushing that Agenda using different terms such as Liberal, Progressive, Social Justice, White Privilege and Kumbaya. ….. Remember, always REMEMBER!!!
    Godless Socialism, in the past 100 years, has killed , AT LEAST, 100 MILLION PEOPLE … it’s own Citizens!! …… and those people/citizens were all disarmed early in the Horror Show.
    Very Sadly 😡 all too many of our Church “Shepard’s” seem to embrace this Political Party and their Satanic Agenda ….. and why I believe that The Lord must come soon to lead His Christian Soldiers!!
    The Left, I believe, has totally lost touch with Real America and any attempt to pull off an Australian or Brit Gun Confiscation Program will trigger Civil War II. It won’t be pretty and I hope/pray that …????


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